Hampshire Scout Jamboree Newspaper - The Daily Monster Issue 7 (Saturday)

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Daily Monster Issue 7

Your final souvenir edition

Saturday 4th Aug 2018


Good bye Hwyl fawr Au Revoir Arrivederci Poka Tot ziens Auf Wiedersehen Adiós Namaste Ma’ assalama

Please be off site by noon Have a safe journey home.

Fun, friendship, new skills and memories to cherish for life. That’s exactly what six nights under canvas has provided at Hampshire’s jamboree, H0018. Over 1800 Scouts have participated but all good things must come to an end… at least until next time! Scout Adventures Buddens campsite has been bursting with activity for both young people and adult volunteers to enjoy. Rebecca, 10, from the 11th Andover Scouts, was invested at Brownsea Island this week and says she has loved everything about jamboree. She said: “This week has been really good and it meant so much to be invested where scouting started. I have had so much fun, it has been brilliant meeting so many new friends. We could stay here for another week!” Continue the jamboree experience online. Share your pictures and stories on social media using #H0018.

Thank you! Thank you to and from everyone. Dom and the Core-team. Words are not enough – we hope you saw us all having so much fun and adventure thanks to you. Congratulations from everyone in Hampshire Scouting. You will be pleased to learn that you are all hired for the next County Camp!! Adult volunteers and young leaders. Thank you so very much for giving up your time to give us such an amazing experience. Young people – Thank you for being so polite, smiley and LOUD! and reminding us ‘more experienced ones’ what fun can be had at camp. Scout Adventures Buddens Staff – what a team! Network International would like to thank all those who contributed to their evening meal on Thursday. 3rd Hayling would like to thank 1st Stubbington for inviting us to dinner last night. It’s really appreciated!

Thanks to everyone for engaging so enthusiastically with the media team. The Daily Monster and Radio Campfire wouldn’t be the same without you!

Let’s all meet again at the next big camp.

H0018 in numbers During the week... 5000+ nights were camped 1,600 Monster Challenges awarded 520 Dragon boat badges earned by Scouts and Explorers 4,800 activities completed 580 ‘Time on the water’ badges earned 144 mini fans sold by One Stop Scouting 21,280 pages of Monster News printed 240+ more likes on Hampshire Scouts’ Facebook page Nearly 100 GB downloaded via the WiFi 2 tankers of poo pumpage Staff have eaten: the weight of a Cub in cheddar, 1440 rashers of bacon, 180 feet of sausages, 1.5 baths tubs of milk and 24 tubs of margarine.

Dragon Boating Thursday afternoon the Explorers all gathered on the side of the lake for some watery fun. All groups were great with great rowers and drummers. Meghan from Gosport said “It was soggy!”

“Overall, everybody had fun” reported Daniel T, Phantoms Explorers.

Wise Words

“We never fail when we try to do our duty; we always fail when we neglect to do it.” Robert Baden-Powell

Yesterday’s Solution: In the middle of nowhere

Just for Fun Dingbats Answer on p7


Jokes Q: Have you heard about the top secret bakery? A: It’s on a knead to dough basis.

Q: What did one toilet say to the other? A: You look a bit flushed! Robbin, 8th Eastleigh Cubs

Q: What do you call two robbers? A: A pair of knickers!

Q: What do you call a dear with no eyes and legs A: Stillst no idea!

Q: How do eggs go uphill? A: They scrabble!

Q: How do you age a goldfish? A: Take away the g.

Q: Why did the toilet roll go down the hill? A: He wanted to reach the bottom!

Q: Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the toilet? A: Cos the pee is silent.

Holly, Cub, 1st Eastleigh

Shea, 1st Locksheath Beavers

Doctor, Doctor I think I’m going blind. You must be, this is a restaurant! st

Noah, 1 Locksheath Beavers

Aidan, 1 Locksheath Beavers

Eva, 8th Eastleigh Cubs

Jakob, Austrian contingent.

Q: What do you call a boomerang that won’t come back? A: A stick!

Q: Why did the baker have brown hands? A: Cos he kneaded a poo!

Abbie, Cub, 8th Aldershot

Q: What is a monster’s favourite food? A: Ice-cream

Harriet, 1 Locksheath Beavers


Ellie, Explorer, 11 Andover

Akela, Lydhurst Cubs

Q: Why do you trust an atom?

A: Cos they make up literally everything! Amelia, Scout, 1st Stubbington

Q: What do you call a guy with a seagull on his head? A: Cliff.

Q: What do you call a blind dinosaur’s dog? A: Doyathinkhesauras rex st Q: Where is a carrots favourite holiday destination? A: The Caribbean Josh, Cub, !st Deanmead

Q: What’s wobbly and flies A: A Jellycoptor st Henry, 1 Locksheath Beavers

Alex, Scout, 11th Andover

Tune into Radio Campfire and view a full colour version of this paper at hampshirescouting.org.uk/h0018

H0018 Awards We have been totally delighted by the amount of nominations for the H0018 awards. We are pleased to help publicly celebrate these H0018 heroes. Best Cook

Tyler, Patrol leader 1st Clanfield Scouts - ‘the sausages were amazing’ Tony, Tadley - ‘restaurant quality nosh in a field, & for working so hard in the kitchen all day with an eternal cheery manner.’ Dr Mark Henstock, 2nd Cove ’Scare Scouts - ‘for giving us blanched ants and eyeballs in scary sauce’ Sandra, Gosport Explorers - ‘for her amazing chicken teriyaki’ John (assisted by Sara), 15th Fareham - ‘for a good sense of humour despite the fussy eaters’ Juels, 1st Stubbington - ‘thanks for the great food’ Ann (Cookie), 8th Aldershot - ‘for there always being seconds’ George, APL Tiger Patrol 1st Clanfield - ‘everything he cooks tastes good and is the right temperature’ Chil, Margaret and Nanny Rita, Hamblelooville -‘for a fab menu including Eton mess, banoffee pie and delicious flapjacks’

Most Adventurous Young Person

Poppy, 1st Clanfield Scout - ‘tree climbing, Ollie, Hart plain Scouts - ‘tackling the water slide with an arm in a cast’ Amy, 2nd Cove ’Scare Scouts’ - ‘for going up the Spider Mountain twice. She hated it but did it for the photo!’ Alec, Cowplain - ‘for his determination to do the stunt bag’ Finn, 1st Clanfield - ‘for completing Spider Mountain’ Rowan, 1st Stubbington - ‘for trying everything’ Max, 1st Clanfield - ‘for finding a special place Hayden, Hamblelooville - for attempting everything at his first camp. We are so impressed and proud of him!

Most Adventurous Adult

Lynda, 2nd Cove ’Scare Scouts’ - ‘overcoming disability to be the dragonboat drummer!’ Ensign, 8th Aldershot - ‘he’s always dancing!’ Pete, 1st Subbington - ‘you’re awesome!’ Ethan & Sam, Media team - ‘for sharing a tent with Ray ‘snores like an angle grinder’ Noice!’ Wesley, Hamblelooville - thanks Wes for being Hayden’s right hand man. Zoe, 1st Clanfield - ‘for tree climbing’.

Funniest Moment

James, Hart Plain - ‘for shaking a portaloo when his brother was in it!’ Lewis, Gosport Explorers - ‘for asking why the Danish Scouts were wearing Where’s Wally socks!’ Adam, 1st Clanfield - ‘for not liking the whittled fork’ Penny, 1st Stubbington - ‘for going down the waterslide’ William, 1st Clanfield - ‘for farting when he fell out of a tree’ Nanny Rita, Hamblelooville - 73 year old Nanny ‘for battering our ACL Nathan after a random peg assault’ 1st Warsash Leaders - ‘for fooling their Beaver Leader by pretending Bear has been on site’

Friendliest Person

Penny, 1st Stubbington - ‘for being kind to everyone’ Claire, 1st Subbington - ‘for always smiling’ Sam, 1st Clanfield - ‘he is always really kind’ Baloo, Hamblelooville - ‘for helping Freddie get to the top of the zip wire... He is always happy and says hello’ Malia, 1st Clanfield - ‘she’s always helpful and makes sure everyone is OK’

Scruffiest/Smartest Necker Zoe, 1st Clanfield Leader - ‘smartest, Caleb, Hart plain Scout - ‘scruffiest’ Charlie, Hart Plain Scouts - ‘scruffiest’ Ollie, 1st Stubbington - ‘scruffiest’ Daniel, Network - ‘for getting hot chocolate over his white necker!’- ‘scruffiest’

Scruffiest/Smartest Tent Fletcher, Luke and Reece, 2nd Cove ’Scare Scouts’- ‘for a disgusting tent full of ants’ Liam, Jay, Thomas & Trendy, 1st Stubbington - ‘their tent was scruffy’ Tent Eight, Hamblelooville - ‘stuff everywhere including a unicorn dressing gown’

Most Entertaining

David, Young Leader 1st Clanfield - ‘for being a wandering minstrel with his guitar’ Kim, 1st Stubbington - ‘thanks for keeping us entertained’ Nathan, Hamblelooville - ‘for leaving funny presents outside leader’s tents each evening’ Alex C, 1st Warsash - ‘for being such a smilie person and acting out campfire songs’

Today’s Solution: High Society

Bringing the past to life!

Shout Out To... ... The 1st Lyndhurst car park crew who did an amazing job. ... Rebecca 11th Andover was invested on Thursday on Brownsea and Louis who becomes a teenager today! ... Dom, 10th Farnborough Scouts “Thanks for sharing your cookies!� from Tash, Nichole and Sophie. ...Hamblelooville Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and leaders had a fantastic day at Brownsea Island on Thursday ... Charlie, Cub at 8th Eastleigh who was 10 yesterday (sorry we missed it!). Happy birthday from Dad and Eva! ...John (Jonno) Hudson of Kingsclere Scout Group who is retiring as Scout leader after 9 years with the group. He has been a true stalwart within the group, and a great friend to all that know him. ...Hamblelooville who are the largest group to come to H0018. It was formed in the last few years and is a combination of Waterlooville and Hambledon scout groups. They range from 6years to 70+. We all help each other and the children get on so well. We all look forward to getting together each summer for camp. We have really enjoyed H0018 and would like to thank the organisers for giving our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts such a fantastic time. ...Tom Lincoln. The Media team would like to award him the Digital Citizen badge to for his Wi-Fi magic this week. Thank you SO much!

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