Hampshire Scout News Youth Edition Feb 2012

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Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 16,000 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

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To join the adventure of Scouting whether as a Adult or Young person fill in the form at:

www.Scouts.org.uk/join or email: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk or phone us on: 02380 847847


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Online Scout Manager is a free tool to help you to manage your entire section or group online - badge records, termly programmes, evening attendance, camps and events, and more!!

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Youth Involvement

Why is it so important


Youth Representative

Time to vote


The Scout on Everest

Train twice as hard



Our Development Officer

11. New Beaver Log Just reached 25th Birthday

12. Quiz Time You could win a prize

13. 52 go wild in London Science Museum

16. Guides Us and them

It has been developed by a Scout leader for Scout Leaders. Since its launch at Easter, it has over 250 groups and 500 users using it. It is incredibly easy to use and is even suitable for the technophobes amongst us!

19. The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

If you have any questions or suggestions, please email: ed@onlinescoutmanager.co.uk

24. Andover Explorers

Community Challenge

Taking shelter to help the homeless

Youth t n e m e v I nvol Why is Youth Involvement so important? Part of The Scout Associations’ Vision for 2018 is for scouting to be “shaped by young people in partnership with adults”. This means that more young people have an input into how their Scouting is run both locally and nationally. Youth Involvement is about engaging young people in decision making, and working alongside adult volunteers as a team; decisions are made in partnership. When you reflect back to scouting in the early years, the young scouts were much more involved in the running of their troops and took on more responsibility from an earlier age. Throughout the years this element of leadership seems to have been lost along the way, and we want to bring it back. Youth Involvement has many opportunities for both young people and our adult volunteers; a recent article I read online described how young people who are given opportunities to become managers within charities and the voluntary sector learn a lot more and gain excellent skills, preparing them better for adult life and high flying management careers. As a leader or adult volunteer within Scouting, we have the opportunity to really change the lives of the young people we are working with, by acting as positive role models and encouraging them to always go a little bit further - we often push our young people to climb a little bit higher, or to paddle a little bit further - so why not encourage them to speak a little bit louder about some of their ideas. One of the challenges I have had as a young person was that I had to always follow in my big brother’s footsteps - and believe me they are not easy to follow - aged 24 he has a degree in watersport management, his own business, sponsorship from companies, and coaches the Irish Canoe Team, as well as having competed at European and Global competitions. I’m only a year younger than my brother, but we couldn’t be more different - don’t get me wrong, I love a bit of adventure, but my brain lends itself to a very different style of scouting - and so I have taken part in world conferences, arranged youth forums, and worked with a whole range of adults and young people. It is important to remember that both me and my brother learnt our skills through scouting - and both of us were inspired at different points in our lives by different people whom we came into contact with as young Scouts. Whilst my brother was inspired by his kayak instructor, I was inspired reading an article about young people written by a County Commissioner, but both of us were encouraged and motivated by our leaders and the adults around us. This is where we all come in, because Scouting is diverse and as adults we should support our young people to achieve their potential; look for the talent in the young people you work with and encourage them to shine. By working alongside our young people in partnership with them, we are able to support them to make decisions about their lives, and as an adult volunteer sometimes we can pre-empt how the story might end, but it is important to remember that we learn by making mistakes. If we make mistakes together then we can learn together. It is easy to see that a leader who has been Scouting for 40 years has a lot of experience, however some of the young people we work with also have a lot of experience and expertise of being a young person - and when these two forces are combined to work together, we can achieve more.

Understanding Youth Involvement To assist adult volunteers in understanding what Youth Involvement looks like, the Youth Involvement Working Group at Headquarters have developed the “climbing wall of youth

involvement”, based on a theory by Roger Hart and transposed into scouting language. At the County Conference, we asked participants to use the climbing wall to show examples of youth involvement, from network committee meetings to having young people organise a camp. One of the key things to remember about the climbing wall is that you can very rarely start at the top, and indeed climbing up the wall is the most logical way to achieve good youth involvement and working relationships with young people. Youth Involvement and me Some of you may now wonder how you can be a part of developing good youth involvement practices, and whilst here in Hampshire we are fortunate to have a well established youth council, this doesn’t mean that you all need to go away and start running youth conferences and forums. Instead, here are some ideas that you could start with to develop better youth involvement in your groups: •

Building relationships - those of you who are Leaders and work face to face with young people will already know the people you work with, but those who are not lucky enough to be a Leader you might like to take the opportunity to go along to a Cub meeting or an Explorer night and spend some time just chatting to the young people at the group. Find out what it’s like to be a young person in 2012, and share some stories over a cup of tea. Be genuinely interested in the people you are talking to, and find some common ground that you can laugh about together.

Asking questions - once you have build up good relationships with the young people, start to ask for their opinions and see what they think of things, talk to them about what they want to do at their meetings and where they want to go on camp.

Being unprepared - try not to enter a conversation with a view of how it will end, listen to the ideas of the young people and take them on board, then make sure that they know you have listened to them and show them the outcomes of the conversations.

What is the future of youth involvement? Youth involvement has been high on the agenda for a number of years, and has been given a real focus by World Scouting to encourage National Scout Organisations to be more proactive in listening to their young people. As a result of recommendations made at the World Scout Youth Forum and World Scout Conference in 2011, a working group called “Youth For Change” has been set up on a global level to prepare a proposal for NSO’s to adopt around installing and measuring youth involvement.

Elected Youth Representative

Outline: Young people’s views should be heard and taken into consideration at all forums and the Elected Youth Representative will act as the spokesperson for young people in the county, as well as support decision making at both County level and nationally as a member of the Council of The Scout Association. The Elected Youth Representative will be voted in by members of the County Scout Youth Council at the Youth Conference preceding the County AGM, and will then be formally nominated by the County Commissioner to the County AGM. Elections for the role will take place annually, therefore the EYR will hold the post for a period of one year, and may be re-elected through the same process. Responsible to: County Scout Youth Council and County Scout Council. Main Contacts: Delegates of the County Scout Youth Council, County Commissioner, ACC Youth Participation, County Scout Network Commissioner, County Scout Network Chair, ACC Explorers, ACC Scouts, County Chairman, County Executive Committee, District Commissioners, Nominated /Elected Youth Representatives in other Counties. Appointment Requirements: Must be a member of the Association aged under 25 in the County they are representing. Due to current Scout Association regulations, must also have passed their 18th birthday by the date of the National AGM (September). Main Tasks: • Represent and be a spokesperson for young people in the County. • Attend and represent young people at the Council of The Scout Association. • Promote young people in decision making across the County. Duties include: • Invited to attend County Executive Committee and County Core Team meetings; have access to agendas and minutes from these meetings and have support from the chairperson of the meetings to understand the item and communicate with young people on issues affecting them. •

Participation in County Scout Youth Council Conferences to meet with young people and gather feedback on issues relevant to them to communicate with County Executive Committee and County Core Team.

Communicating with Nominated Elected Youth Representatives from across the UK in preparation for Council meeting and National Conference as relevant.

Undertake relevant training modules as agreed.

The scout on Everest. In May 2007 a team of 5 Scouts climbed the tallest mountain in the world. Dave King was one of them. Having been recruited on a PL camp 8 years previously. He raised over £10,000 with his unit as well as training. Their motto was to

“train twice as hard to make the fight easy.” The majority of their training took place in the Alps and the UK but nothing really compares to Everest. During the trip they battled against frost bite in the minus 30°C atmosphere to get to the summit, the breath froze on your coat, an all-in-one down coat- like a giant baby grow. The biggest thing to overcome, however, was their desire to turn back- it was “soul destroying”. When the sun came up it was all OK even with ‘dodgy chicken risotto and black sugary tea (syrup like). “Doing the trip gives me a cool story to tell the grandchildren.” There aren’t many people who can say they have climbed Everest. From the trip Dave has acquired lifelong friends and memories. For example singing in a tent at camp 4 (last camp before summit). The problem was they were wearing oxygen masks and couldn’t hear each other! The Nepalese people were so “loyal and happy at 2am”. Since Everest Dave has run his first trip to Peru and hopes to go to Antarctica (the only continent HSX haven’t conquered) or Row the Atlantic ocean.

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Vanessa was appointed as the new County Development Officer in May and since then has opened 4 new sections with another 4 in the pipeline. She has been a leader in Hampshire for 25 years and believes strongly in a no waiting list policy because “nobody should have to wait to be a Scout”. The County Development Officer’s role is to recruit new adults and open new sections. Her work is vital to ensure Scouting continues to grow by its targets. 10% of new leaders have not been previously involved in Scouting and it is Vanessa’s job to let people know that anybody can be a leader. She prefers tea to coffee, doesn’t like ketchup or brown sauce and believes in Santa!

How do you help?

My main role in the county is to take inquiries from leaders or people who want to be leaders.

Why should people volunteer?

Nobody is too busy to volunteer. Not many people are aware that leaders can be involved in a temporary or part time role. I personally love the sense of doing something worthwhile and seeing the cubs faces when they are at a pack evening. Young people come in with no confidence and leave having achieved something they thought they couldn’t do.

What is the best game?

Anything that the cubs enjoy. I love doing wide games.

What is your best scouting memory?

The closing ceremony of Hampshire 007 with over 1200 cubs. It was absolute mayhem but that is what scouting is about.

What is special about scouting?

It is open to people of all age groups. There aren’t many organisations where you can start at 6 and go on to 106. Also scouting is also open to any faiths.

What is the weirdest thing about you?

I really enjoy getting up early. On camp it is always me who gets up early to make my leaders tea.

How do you go about doing something?

I believe in planning things well before starting. It is always important to have a ‘plan B’.

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rs e v a Be The Beavers have just reached their 25th birthday, and to celebrate a Beaver log was unveiled at Lyons Copse recently. Local Beavers turned up to the unveiling as well as adult volunteers from around the county, and of course the infamous mascot Chip!

We went along to the celebrations to find out from the Beavers themselves what they enjoy so much about the section.

My favourite thing is defiantly the games Paultons was really fun! “Campfires are cool! Hiking is awesome! And the worst bit? Going home!

We also bumped into Theresa the ACC of Beavers (who had a really cool Beaver hat!) about her role in the county and how Beavers are doing. What events have we got to look forward to this year? “We are planning a Beaver Olympics in June to celebrate the Olympics in England, with track and field events!” How many Beavers attended the main events last year? “13,000 Beavers went to Legoland and 3000 went to Paultons, both events were a huge success and Chip celebrated his 1st birthday at Paultons!” What is the best bit about being ACC Beavers? “Meeting new people all the time”

Competition time for the under 18’s 1, How many boys attended the first Scout camp in 1907? A: 20 B: 35 C: 40 2,Where are the headquaters of the World Scout Association? A: London, England B:Cardiff, Wales C: Geneva, Switzerland 3, Of the 12 astronauts who have walked on the moon, how many were Scouts? A: 10 B: 11 C: 12 4, In how many countries around the world are there Scouts? A: 107 B: 216 C: 183 5, What’s the highest award a British Scout can receive? A: The Queen’s Scout Award B: The Solid Gold Woggle C: The Lord Baden-Powell Badge










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Riddle Me This...

The day before yesterday, Chris was 7 years old. Next year, she will turn 10.

How is this possible?

? d e h s i Fin Then email you’re answers to:

youth.council@scouts-hants.org.uk by 31st March

One lucky individual of each age group, who gets all the correct answers, will be selected to win a prize.

Did you hear the report on Simon Mayo’s drive time? Yes, it was the year for the BIG sleep-over at the Science Museum in London. We have been taking groups of Cubs along to London every two years or so and their adventures go down forever in the memories of generations of FSM Cubs! This year was even more adventurous. Not only were there three mini-bus loads, but, for the first time, we took a brave contingent of Brownies; the Hammersmith fly-over was closed, Exhibition Road has been redesigned so it is not traffic friendly and parking is no longer permitted at Imperial College but we were undaunted. Friday afternoon we met a very excited group, restricted to uniform, a sleeping bag and a toothbrush and at 16.30 headed to London in the Friday traffic over Putney Bridge to the world renowned Science Museum arriving last. Having stopped for a pre-ordered snack at Fleet services, we were a little late and it wasn’t easy. Not just the traffic, but finding the drop-off point! We were just in time, and parked our overnight gear on the balcony of the Great Industrial Hall, overlooking the amazing digital wheel

and various assorted giant machines, before racing to join the other 400 children in the Hall of Flight. We sat under the re-construction of Amelia Earhart’s great two engined biplane for the safety welcome and then we were off. The theme was ‘May the Force be With You’ and our first hi tech lecture was about rockets, which we had to construct to use with air pumps. Firing sixteen at a time, the cavernous room was quickly filled with flying cardboard rockets and scurrying children as makers ran and fetched and refired their rockets! We did stop to snack (it must have been about 21.45)… on home-made cheese straws, apples, brownies and juice,

to strengthen us before we continued…. Clutching our new rockets and the even more fiendish launch devices, we passed by our campsite (all near loos)and made our way to another hall and a demonstration of Sir Isaac Newton and his three laws that bind us. With help from Lol in a tam and orange wig, the laws were illustrated by the crack Hollywood stunt frog Freddy. Many mysteries were revealed! We then trekked across and through to the hall which scuds effortlessly in time from Stevenson’s actual Rocket through to the soaring Lockheed Electra and space exploration. This final activity

It went very well, but we were worried those Cubs who didn’t sleep on the bus, might be sleeping through their matches Saturday afternoon!

included a spirited talk about travel ranging from a London mired in horse poo, a demonstration of a sedan chair to transport through the ages. Not too soon, (as it was midnight) we were off to find the toothbrush, arrange our camp with the sleeping mats provided and drift off… in a museum filled with hundreds of children, this was a challenge! There was some concern in our little group about the ones sleeping under a yellow car suspended upside down from the roof but most quickly shuffled off to the land of Nod. Dawn came too early… much too early and there were stirrings by 0500! By 0715, the Cubs, re-united with their woggles and the Brownies, were enjoying breakfast: a bag containing a blueberry muffin, a croissant, a juice box and raisins to sustain before we headed off for an hour in the Launch Pad, a hands on gallery where the children could build, experiment and create to their heart’s delight. This was followed by a trip to the HUGE IMAX 3D where we all enjoyed,

‘Born to be Wild’.where amazingly two marvellous women were highlighted. It was a heartwarming story of Kenya and Malaysia where orphans were rescued from the wild and brought up in what resembled the 1st FSM Cubs, exept that the orphans were respectively elephants and orangutans, and they didn’t wear scarves! We had the final rendez-vous where Will won a prize for the best submission on Transport and then we were wending our way to the departure pod, to collect our kit and meet Mrs. C., Mr. Albury, Miss North and the minibuses.

The Science Night dates are released on their email newletter which (google search) and we call the same day. They charge £30 per person and includes the necessary one adult for every six children (as well as breakfast and the take home rocket pack). Once you are there, the very professional programme ends about 0900 and they encourage you to stay on with 50% discounts for the simulators. The parking was expensive, we negotiated £35 a bus (they asked £50!) not far away. It was still cheaper than booking a coach but… we only brought one tube of toothpaste! Apparently the Natural History Museum has had their first sleep-over as well.




Many years ago, The Scout Association realised that they had to be accessible to everyone, everywhere. Like most people, the excuses ‘I don’t have the time’ and ‘it’s too much work’ normally spew from the mouths of parents and relatives of the members. Not for HRH The Duchess of Cambridge, as a new flexible volunteer she will be volunteering with Beaver colonies and Cub packs close to where she lives. This exciting news will hopefully inspire many more leaders to join, so that numbers on the waiting list will drop and allow others to join in the everyday adventure that members now have on their doorstep. Explorer Scout Tilly says ‘It’s great to see The Royals taking a part in the Scouting Movement; hopefully it will bring some new experiences and new members so that we as a movement camp keep growing in size.’

We Need your help! Last year we asked for any information, certificates or photographs you may have tucked away to bring the records of the Emlyn Trophy up to date. We have still a number of gaps – BIG gaps. If you were a member of any patrol entering for the competition or, better still, a member of the winning patrol, please send us whatever information you can, even if it’s only a postcard, name, date and where it was held. Scouters - Even through the last decade there must be certificates and photographs at the back of that cupboard in the Scout Hall. Please, any information would be gratefully received.

. s e d i u G Th e an d us... Th em

The Guides. Whether or not you have any connection to them, we all know about them. They are our counter parts, our childhood rivals (in a good way that is!). We love to hate each other but we have the same roots and we believe in the same principles. So for a moment let’s try and look past that (hopefully) good rivalry and think about them and us. You may not know much about the Guides but there is now an opportunity to learn about them. With the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee this year, Girlguiding UK and The Scout Association are going to be seen working together for the Hampshire Diamond Jubilee Badge so you may meet some Guides, Brownies or Rainbows in the next few months! All over the county Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Senior Section, Guiders and Trefoil Guild will be looking out to work with the Scout troops in their local areas. The Diamond Jubilee badge is based around the promise that we have all made (even through there is a slight variation, it is still very similar). Also like us they take part in the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme and have a Queen’s Guide award like our Queen’s Scout. So in many ways they are not so different from us. They even visit and value the same places as us! If you are an international Scouter or (hint) you have had the luck to go to K.I.S.C then you should be able to recognise the lake opposite! International Guides who also been on this traditional visit will also know it! So before you make your judgments on Guides and say that they are nothing like the Scouts just think about it (you may also want to consider liking them as you are probably going to do a important badge with them!). It is so easy to make contact with them, many of the Scouts probably have sisters who are in Guides, so take advantage of that and form links. Take a moment to think about them before making judgements (we are all guiltily of it!), take a moment to think about them and us.

Model Science & Engineering Fun Day

Compete on land sea and air by designing and building your own model vehicles Southsea Canoe Lake 11am-3pm Sunday 18th March

For more details and to register for an information pack, email: hantsiowscience@gmail.com

l l e w l i G s t u o c S

p m a C r e t n i W

From the 6th to the 8th of January 3,000 Scouts and 850 adult volunteers descended on Gilwell Park’s annual Winter camp, making the most of the unusually mild weekend to Quad Bike, Climb, 4X4 off roading and so many morey I think the Laser Quest was by far the most popular activity with most Scouts queing for hours to have ago, then we never heard the end of it when our Scouts “annihilated” the other team. Facilities at Gilwell are some of the best and our Scouts were amazed to find a Dyson hand dryer in the very posh toilets. The activities on offer were “awesome” from simulators to Segways (check them out). While the Disco, films and Leaders bar were very popular in the evening. A prominent memory is being woken up at 7.30 by the Sea Explorers camped next to us playing “ I’ve got a good felling” very loudly on there massive speakers. It goes without saying there Leaders were camped somewhere else. Definitely a camp not too miss considering the brilliant rage of activities and good catering to make our lives even easier. And by the way if you didn’t know Gilwell is the National Headquarters for the Scout Association’s in the UK

The Home of

Scouting in the UK Gilwell Park is an International Scout Activity Centre and Training Centre situated in North-East London, on the edge of Epping Forest. It is a safe environment where young people and adults alike can try out new activities, learn teambuilding skills, develop new friendships and have fun. Set within 108 acres of mature parkland, Gilwell Park is truly a place of inspiration.

Archery Leaders

Your County Needs you

More & more Groups are asking for archery sessions but still don’t know who to ask and who their local archery leader is. So we are putting together a contact list of archery leaders who can go to Groups or Groups can come to them for an archery session. This will entail your contact details being posted on the County web site and being circulated to Districts so Groups can contact you directly and ask for your help. If you feel you can offer your services please email…. Tim Beeching: Hampshire Scout Archery Club timfbb.hsac@ntlworld.com

More & more Groups are asking for archery sessions but still don’t know who to ask and who their local archery leader is. So we are putting together a contact list of archery leaders who can go to Groups or Groups can come to them for an archery session. This will entail your contact details being posted on the County web site and being circulated to Districts so Groups can contact you directly and ask for your help. If you feel you can offer your services please email…. Tim Beeching: Hampshire Scout Archery Club timfbb.hsac@ntlworld.com

e e l i b u J d n mo a i D s ’ n e e The Qu ge n e l l a h C y t Communi Two organisations, 53 Districts and 37,100 members across 1,500 square miles of Hampshire – together we can make a difference! Whether you’re a Beaver Scout to Scout Active Support or a Rainbow to Trefoil Guild member, join hands and become active citizens in your communities. What better way to celebrate The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee? Organise a litter pick, revamp a local skate park, or plant sixty trees. We’ve produced a resource that has everything you need; from how to plan and prepare, to whom to contact. All we ask is that your projects include both Scouting and Guiding members. That’s it! So what are you waiting for? Get involved and join the largest community action scheme Hampshire has ever seen.

www.hampshirescouting.org.uk/qdjchallenge hantsQDJ@btinternet.com

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As I am sure you have worked out by now, this edition of HSN has been designed and edited by young people. Scouting is all about young people however it is also about adult volunteers. Without adult volunteers the scout association would be nothing. What makes the scout association brilliant is that the adult volunteers are brilliant. I would like to keep it that way. In this article I am going to try and explain what young people would like in a Leader; this is why we are brilliant! Young people don’t come to Scouts to learn things; that is why they go to school. Although they do learn a lot at scouts, most young people don’t realise it. One of the main problems in scouts is that it isn’t ‘cool’. This doesn’t bother me at all however some young people take being ‘cool’ very seriously! Just look at Jack Wills! Teachers are uncool. Teachers symbolise learning. Therefore when people talk about scouts we don’t want the first thing they think of to be learning. That is why scout leaders aren’t teachers; they are far to ‘cool’! Their job is a very difficult juggling act between being a friend, councillor and a good example while at the same time looking responsible in front of the parents. Another important point to add here is that you need to be contactable. If you don’t check your emails for 2 weeks then the scouts will feel ignored and won’t want to turn up. You wouldn’t like it is they didn’t read their emails so lead by example.

dealing with somebody who is misbehaving a Scout Leader should be able to deal with the situation better than anybody because they know everybody in their troop by name and by attitude. This brings me on very nicely to my next point about leadership. If the young people are enjoying themselves then everybody is happy. Young people love the element of danger more than anything. For Beaver Scouts this just means getting really dirty and running around all the time. For Scouts and Explorers it is far more difficult to include an element of danger because they expect real danger. The problem now comes from the parents. They send their ‘little darlings’ to be in your care once a week and expect them to be wrapped in cotton wool just like they are at home. This means that everything you do needs to look really, really safe whilst at the same time looking really, really dangerous. This might sound impossible however there are plenty of things you can do you just need to find them.

As the old saying goes- ‘never work with children or animals.’ This is because we just don’t do what you want. Young people are sometimes challenging but this should be a challenge that you enjoy and not a chore. However the bit that nobody enjoys is telling somebody that they have done something wrong. The most important thing in these situations is to be fair. Treat everybody the I am sure if you ask anybody who has ever same and, like I said earlier, use common been involved in any kind of rule book what sense. If you know there is somebody in a major problem is they would say- “lack your group prone to difficult behaviour of common sense.” This is a very important then you have to be a bit lenient however quality in a people because it allows them this can’t be transparent to everybody else to deal with any situation. You really can’t otherwise you will end up with a mutiny on teach it and it is very difficult to learn. your hands. The most important thing about Rather than religiously following rules all being a Leader is to enjoy it. Everybody has the time it is far better to use common their own style but that is what makes us sense; if you have any! For example when brilliant.

The Awkward moment when...

The King of Sweden offers you a banana, and you don’t like bananas. You find out the showers at the World Scout Jamboree are communal. I asked a parent if they could put on a reflective jacket and walk in front of a remembrance parade, which they did very well, only later I found out they were just someone coming to watch the proceedings! You help out your Explorers by carrying a massive tray of bacon, they spent 50 minutes cooking and when taking it to the table, I accidently drop it all on the floor. I had a total blank after the 1st line of the Cub Scout promise at a renewal St George’s service in front of the whole district. Your bus driver at the 2007 Australian Jamboree gets lost, realises, does a U-turn, but in doing so starts a small paddock fire because the underside of the bus was a bit hot. I was being invested in front of about 100 people, standing up in a canoe, and capsized. I went to sleep with 2 other people in my tent, when I woke up in the morning there were 3.

s i k n i h t u o y o Who d we are looking for the best leader in hampshire. Being a Leader is incredibly hard work, that is why Leaders need recognition. If you are a participant in Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Network or even a parent you can nominate your Leader/ Young Leader/ Group Scout Leader/ ect. Go to: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/VRRDLBK

give your Leader the recognition they deserve!! Closing date: 1st march

in enyan pla ? K r e e v th e r y e r v memo ising o sun was r Scouting e t . s th e s b a r n u o Elgo n children a t d M n f a o g U p What is y to es with n snow on eople ring a ros a g Walking o in ting new p r e g e in m y d la n p a ya p fire and in Ken und a cam o r a g n ti it ivity? S ol. uting act o c s dary scho e n it o r c u e o s v a a t F cher a maths tea a ’m I ? b ur day jo Whats yo rhino animal? A e ri it r u o v Fa ristina Per K y a r F The Embrace ? ic s u m Favourite movie? Favourite les n all work a c e ? w Untouchab g t a in t Scou alise th ies and re rnational tr e t n u in o c y o n j e ou en s betwe Why do y similaritie e th e e s ou Because y at the together p in camp m a c r fo isited l! y patrol v den Powe a m B p l? g u o o in r v id g li r t ou s like a e Scou Who is y ar. He wa ader of th e e y L t n s ia la g n e e Swed The Norw amboree in J t u o c S ant? World is import t n e m e lv invo ink youth h t u o y o D it. Yes! epted for c c ? a u e o b y o to s and rtant t themselve ting impo e u b o c to S y it is ortun Why C? le the opp plorer AC p x o the e E p s s a e iv le It g it links to g ro s in a t s u r o e r c S lo new h Exp es to the orking wit y w y y a jo s n u e o d y nge an Why did rent challe fe if d a d I wante s . ? pportunitie Jamboree Scouting o t e s ir e h b s e p Ham ets th veryone g to give to e t e r n u a s w e k u yo ma What do be there to to s d e e n r Any leade ibly can. they poss

r e t l e h s g n i s s k e l Ta e m o h e h t p l e h to

Andover District Explorer Scouts have held an evening to highlight the plights of the homeless. The evening started with the Explorers arriving with large pieces of cardboard to set about making themselves a shelter. Some of the explorers braved a full night outside under there shelters of cardboard as temperatures dropped to 2 degrees on the grounds of the 12th Andover scot hut. The Explorers also used the evening to support Andover food bank by bringing in food items which could be donated to the charity to assist their work. Trevor Sleath From Andover Food Bank visited during the evening to collect the donations and explain how the charity works. Sandra Hemsley Explorer Leader said: ‘The Explorers had a lot of fun during the evening, but the evening did highlight to them the more serious plights of the homeless and needy within Andover. Natalie Clark Andover District explorer Scouts.

Over the Easter holiday Henry Harrison will be walking the Cornish Coastal Path to raise money for 8th Alton Scout Group. It will take over 14 days to cover the distance. During which I will climb about 6000 vertical meter and cross 4 rivers.

Exploring the opportunities By being an Explorer Scout, you are given far more opportunities than the younger sections of the Scouting movement, from running your own unit nights to, visiting World Jamborees and tobogganing down Swiss mountains. The opportunities are endless... ‘I can’t put into words the amount of happiness being a part of Scouting brings to me, I have done so many things I never thought I could do, met so many influential people, and made friends I know will be with me for life. Scouting has been so inspirational for me, and I hope to make it an inspiration for others.’ ‘I have just left Scouts, and am linking with explorers. In ‘08 I went to Kanderstag and eating cheese and chocolate for over a week (my two favourite things) shows that anything is possible. BRING ON ExPLORERS!!!

Tilly Phantoms ESU, Blackwater valley

Holly 7th Farnborough, soon to be Explorer

‘It’s good to be able to be with my friends, doing the things we enjoy. With them it’s really fun and we build up our life skills TOGETHER.’

Matt T2, Waterlooville

‘My favourite Explorers has with 24 hours ADVENTURE, people, there is

thing to do with to be Gilwell 24, packed full of fun, and other crazy no time to sleep!’

Ellie Phantoms ESU, Blackwater Valley

iration eking insp e s n e th d tion an r an hour, e exaggera fo iv r s e s e p c a x p e f ithout k piece o ded that w n’. g at a blan lu n c ri n o ta c s r I e , ft ms sound ‘fu t of maoa meetings e k cover a in a packe m to g I did dis uld o way n n ti e is e y m ll a ide wo there re Network a county many outs g n e in d th n e n o tt ntly a ged secti after rece e oldest a th to However, re o is allot m hire that there in Hamps g in . v k ri in th th twork is news! generally g that Ne h is great in ic d h lu w c , in y rl d cusse ng regula s were dis be appeari to ll was m e Many item e s ups ristmas ba h ro g C l w a e u n n n t a king and tha ty are loo onths, the n m u o t C n e r. c a re e allot in cessful y been up to nd had another suc s a h rk o already. Netw ttendees a nd better next year a ll a y b d a ming enjoye r the upco g it bigger fo in k d a e n m n f la o h, ts p at ways in Eastleig ry ds of even a a lo ru b s e a F h on 13th t Network mpetition o ews is tha c in! n g r in e k tt o e o b raged to jo ed c u Even m o e c n th e a re g a cludin ture, rk groups months in ire Netwo isse adven h u s S p n m o a rs H r those explore which all Alps. So fo joining the s n is o w g S in n e n th rtunity are also pla dible two weeks in zing oppo a rk o m a tw n e a N e 3 In 201 could b e an incre t 2013 this mises to b s u ro g p u h A ic in h w -25 e aged 18 who will b to cease.


g of e somethin y m o c e b s a h grubb e usually th e e s to ally t y, so annu at you ge r e th n fi n e ir ft e o not very all gowns d up in th b e is ll r o it u d o ; ll n a in io s ers ember gether a tradit 40 memb etwork m nd get to N a r e y k v r p o o e le h tw s it e and nt, w dic ice ings N no differe ate all th for a “Nor s r a b n w le to e p ll c a Q m b e a w ’s al scout H l in South c This year te lo o . s a H e t x n a tu to and e Hil urs. eption e early ho ether at th ing included a rec g th l to ti n g u in g m co r Ray with nd dancin The even e a n . r, io ty r e s a n is p in m d ” on urse theme rk Com e inscripti a three co ng Netwo th , ti h n h e ig it s e e w tl r s p a le in E Team e bott ts was l Football e highligh champagn to th is r te f B la o o e e c n o th h O a c g into ay gift as bumpin ll e w s his birthd a , hotel. 1st Ray!” ing at the y ”Happy 2 ta s e b ened to who happ

Join us

work t e N e r i h s The Hamp


twork Scout Ne e ir h s p m Ha 61 7 7228 90 pshire t/text: 07 .org.uk twork Ham e N t u o outs-hants c c S S : @ k e o c o ffi b Face county.o 47847 e: 8 0 8 3 2 0 t: network ts.org.uk/ n a h ts u o w: Sc

Competition time for those over 18 January February March April

January sees the start of a new year, but which countries are the first to celebrate? February ends on the same day of the week as October that year. True or false? The first of the month is celebrated in Wales. Why? What date sees the end of the UK tax year?


7th May 1945 saw the end of WWII with VE day. The final document of unconditional surrender signed at General Dwight Eisenhower’s headquarters but in which French town were these headquarters?


June sees celebration of Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee, but who is the UK’s longest serving monarch and how long were they on the throne?

July August September October

On which day of this month does Harry Potter celebrate his birthday? The 2012 Para-Olympics start in August, but when and where were the first Olympic style games for athletes with a disability organized? September 2011 saw the launch of Strictly Come Dancing series 9, but over these 9 series how many celebrities have retired part way through the competition? Admiral Nelson is mortally wounded at the Battle of Trafalgar but on what date?


Guy Fawkes and his fellow conspirators tried to blow up the houses of parliament on the 5th of November but in what year?


What was the Christmas number 1 single in 2011?

Riddle Me This...

I can be new, but always old, I can be full, but never empty.

What am I?

? d e h s i Fin Then email you’re answers to:

youth.council@scouts-hants.org.uk by 31st March

One lucky individual of each age group, who gets all the correct answers, will be selected to win a prize.

Odhiam District Everyone knows how important a centenary is, Scouting celebrated its centenary in 2007 and in 2011 another centenary was celebrated, the Odiham District Scout’s centenary. The centenary kicked off with a parade on St George’s day for the whole district. To map out the centenary all in the district were given a badge, a triangle with each point representing a part of the centenary year. The first part (of course) was the parade where the whole district marched down the high street of Fleet and stood together as a district, there were even a few Chief Scouts Gold Awards given out. The second part of the badge was the District camp in Autumn term, the whole district joined together with a fun filled weekend

with activities such as “Dutch arrows”, “Circus skill”, “long boating”, “kayaking” and many more. All of the beavers, cubs, scouts, Explorers! (they kept forgetting the Explorers when addressing the crowd) and the leaders had a great time with a fantastic opening ceremony and a hilarious campfire on the Saturday. The final part of the badge (or the third triangle) was about doing a good turn. This is an important part of the scouting promise “to help other people” which the Odiham district wanted to recognise that the young people were full filling their promise. Also the final part of the centenary badge is a reminder to us all about the promise that we have all made, I guess Odhiam District wanted to show that 100 years on their values are as strong as ever.

e g a t ri e H ut o c S e ir h Ham psagain! d H ello e contacte u who hav

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r volunteers fo is is h T ’. king ld Team ctors or thin join the ’Go u d tr n s a in e g m in o m C co rested in be stry. who are inte o utdo r indu o e th in r e of a care day for s a year; 1 d n e k e e w 5 eam meet ice. The Gold T s for ite serv y a d 1 d n a training ffer rofts will o C y rn e F ering oor rses in outd ous volunte u u o n c ti n g o in c in r a o F ed tr lly subsidis rs. places on fu am membe e T ld o G to activities

contact e s a le p n e old Team th G e th in jo fts.org.uk teer or n o r lu c o y v n r to e f e lik rnycrofts@ e f : If you would e r o 2 9 0 845 0 us on: 0238

Transport Rally 13th May 2012 10am to 4pm • In support of Portsmouth Scouts and Rowans Hospice. • Enter a vehicle or just come along and join the fun. • Close to M27, A27 and Cosham Railway Station. Portsmouth North Harbour Western Road PO6 3EN For further details and entry forms call Richard on (02392) 382682 or email richardspearing452@btinternet.com www.portsmouthscouts.co.uk

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