Hampshire Scout News - HSN - April 2013

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e r i h s p Ham ws Apr 2013

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shiresco www.hamp

Captain Ketch & A Team Of 33

Hampshire Cycle Ride

Welcome... to the April edition of HSN.

For distribution and any other County Office matters please use: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk

email me, Tall Paul (Jon), now with all your photos, articles, adverts and roll of honour for the next edition of HSN hsn@scouts-hants.org.uk

Please can you send TEXT in a Word doc and PHOTOS as a Seperate jpeg file.

Cheers TP

The deadline for articles for the March issue of HSN is Sunday 21st Apr. Please ensure that you have permission from all people included in photo’s, before sending them to us.

The following photos were sourced from/ taken by: Front cover: Richard Noice & www.jamesketchell.net pg10, Hi Five Appeal: www.southamptoncityscouts.co.uk pg12, London Irish day: www.7thbramshill.org.uk pg 13, Captain Ketch at Aquativity: F.Wright & V.Slawson, www.elingseascouts.org.uk pg14, At The Sizzle!: Scout Network Hampshire, www.facebook.com/groups/2381008750/ pg17, UK Chief Commissioner, Hampshire Tour: Allan Hutchings - Portsmouth News pg 18/19, The One Show: Richard Noice

About Us

Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 16,000 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

Join Us

To join the adventure of Scouting whether as a Adult or Young person fill in the form at: www.Scouts.org.uk/join or email: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk or phone us on: 02380 847847


ONLINE SCOUT MANAGER www.onlinescoutmanager.co.uk

Online Scout Manager is a free tool to help you to manage your entire section or group online - badge records, termly programmes, evening attendance, camps and events, and more!! It has been developed by a Scout Leader for Scout Leaders. Since its launch at Easter, it has over 5,300 groups and 24,000 users using it. It is incredibly easy to use and is even suitable for the technophobes amongst us! If you have any questions or suggestions, please email: ed@onlinescoutmanager.co.uk

contents 04, Adam’s bit

A busy, typical weekend.

05, New Appointments

In Hampshire.

06, Roll of Honour

St. George’s Day Awards.

07, Beavers Leaders Log Chew

News of upcoming Beaver events.

11, Cub Half Term Hike

10th Romsey Scout Group.

12, Captain Ketch at Aquativity 4th Eling Sea Scouts.

13, Captain Ketch at Aquativity 4th Eling Sea Scouts.

10, Hamble Sea Scouts

Retain National Swimming Trophy.

11, County Network

Welcome & What’s Going On.

14, 2 New Ambassadors

James Ketchell & Alastair Bruce OBE.

16, WSJ Japan 2015

Adult Selection Weekend.

20, County Diary

February - April 2013.

14, 2 New Ambassadors

James Ketchell & Alastair Bruce OBE.

16, WSJ Japan 2015

Adult Selection Weekend.

20, County Diary

February - April 2013.

20, County Diary

February - April 2013.

28, Hampshire Scouting 2018

Our Vision.

” d n e k e e w l a c i p y

A busy,


g n i t u o c S e r i h s p m a H r o f

Wayne Bulpitt @WayneBulpitt Home after a great “typical weekend” of Scouting activities with @hampshirescouts, many thanks all. We’ve just hosted Wayne Bulpitt, UK Chief Commissioner, for 24 hours in Hampshire – showing him the variety of activities which were happening during a typical weekend. Wayne is no stranger to Hampshire and achieved his Queen’s Scout Award with Warsash Sea Scouts. We started with the opening of the new 1st Wickham Scout HQ – rebuilt next to the Primary School and Community Centre following the fire six years ago which destroyed their old HQ. It was great to see the whole Group and Community there for the opening, and to recognise the amazing efforts of the Leaders and all those who never gave up hope. The new HQ gives the thriving Scout Group their own home again. Wayne then travelled to our Scout Activity Centre at Ferny Crofts. He’d last visited over three years ago and was delighted to see all the developments, including the new Conservatory, Staff Accommodation and renovated toilet block, and to hear how well the business is growing. Ferny Crofts was busy with a Training course of Leaders completing a number of modules in one weekend and Wayne joined the participants for dinner on the Saturday evening to hear why they’d become involved in Scouting and what was on their minds. Wayne also visited the Jamboree Leader Selection weekend, where 15 leaders from across Hampshire were being put through their paces at Ferny Crofts by an evaluation team of former Jamboree participants and leaders to find the right 10 adults to help 90 young people have an amazing time in 2015 at the World Scout Jamboree in Japan. We were delighted that Wayne stayed overnight at Ferny Crofts in our Inca Suite, which enabled him to spend more time chatting with many of our adult volunteers and to sample two breakfasts in the morning. Finally Wayne visited the Field Target Shooting competition run by Hampshire Scout Rifle Club at Mellow Farm near Bordon, to see 50 young people competing and developing their skills. In a tense competition, Wayne and I took part in the “snooker” shooting event, which the UK Chief Commissioner narrowly won by 17 points to 15. But to be honest, the fact that we gained any points at all was really down to the expert coaching from two members of the GB youth squad who were helping at the weekend. For all the events we visited, there were more that we unfortunately were unable to reach, including the Fairtrade Cooking Competition at Basingstoke and the Bushcraft Skills weekend at Lyons Copse. And if Wayne had visited another weekend in March, his schedule would have been just as busy.

What an amazing Scouting County Hampshire is!!


County Commissioner Hampshire Scouting

s t n e m t n i o p p New A pshire in Ham Becky Ferris - DC Andover - dc.andover@scouts-hants.org.uk Maria-Brigid Ryan - DC Fareham West - dc.farehamwest@scouts-hants.org.uk

Michael Baxter - Training Adviser Kirsty Bazen - Training Adviser Julie Tyler - Training Adviser John Baker - Training Adviser Tony Peters - Training Adviser Last editions Appointments

Ian Patrick - Acting DC Eastleigh - dc.eastleigh@scouts-hants.org.uk Julie Lawley - ACC Active Support Emma Hale - County Network Chair Rob Link - County Network Chair Keith Edwards - County Network Chair

Volunteer Opportunities

Check out hampshirescouting.org.uk/volunteeropportunities These will also be added to scouts.org.uk and do-it.org. If you have something to add, contact your Local Development Officer, Vanessa Slawson, vanessa.slawson@scouts-hants.org.uk

Hampshire St. George’s r u o n o H Roll of f l o W r e v l i S

Gordon Brakewell Dame Mary Fagan Beryl Mullender

Hampshire Hampshire Basingstoke East

n r o c A r e v l i ar to the S


Les Farrington Charles Hockley Paul Mant Rodney Walker

Hampshire Itchen South Bramshill Hampshire

n r o c A r e v l Si

June Burton Anthony Compton Keith Davis Teresa Ginn Caryl Gregory Michael Henwood Anne Hodgins Dominic Howell Anthony Jeffery Errol O’Farrell Janet Read Melanie Robinson John Tyler Kerie Wallace

Itchen South Gosport Waterlooville Hampshire Fareham East Havant Andover Hampshire Silchester Rotherfield City of Portsmouth Petersfield Blackwater Valley New Forest North

County County Beaver Beaver leaders leaders log log chew chew


eaver Leaders from all over the County descended on Chandler’s Ford last Saturday to meet up with the County Team and hear all the news about upcoming Beaver events. The all day session was started by two Leaders explaining how they keep themselves and their Beavers motivated followed by a quick chat from Adam Jollans, County Commissioner. After tea and biscuits, Carla from Drusillas Park, gave an exciting presentation about the upcoming County fun day on 18th May, Carla being a Scout leader herself, knows what we need and offered free tickets for leaders to attend a preview day before the

event, so we can see what Drusillas Park has to offer before taking the Beavers. A beautiful presentation pack was given to all to take away and read, and to use as promotional material in Districts. Wendy from the County team gave us a short talk about sleep overs and what fun they can be for Beavers. We were then treated to a fantastic presentation from Donna Kerrington, entitled Positive Behaviour Management, or “Little Pickles”. H0014 was promoted and since Beavers can now sleep out under canvas, arrangements are being made to accommodate us, even Colonies whose groups

are not going can still attend and sleep over. A scrumptious Ploughman’s lunch with cake was followed by an afternoon of break out sessions that included Young leader facts, Ceremonies and sleep overs. A brief talk about the new Beaver branding and badges rounded up the packed day. To ensure you are the first to know about current and future County events why not come along to the next meeting on 7th September.

By Anna Dalrympol ADC Beavers Fareham East



Beaver Fun Day - Drusillas Park

Saturday 18th May 2013 Cost £9.00 per person (1 leader free with every 3 Beavers) Booking form available from:

www.hampshirescouts.org.uk/beavers The closing date for bookings for the event is 1st May. ~~~~~~~~ www.drusillas.co.uk ~~~~~~~~



Scout Leaders of all sections are invited to come for a free day out at Earleywood Campsite on Sunday 12th May between 11:00 and 15:30. Earleywood is jointly managed by South and South East Berkshire Scout Districts and is less than 10 minutes from Junction 3 of the M3. We are particularly keen to welcome Leaders who have never been to Earleywood or Leaders who haven’t visited for several years. Please come along and have a look round, have a go on the Climbing Tower or the Rifle Range and have a free burger. We will also have our Fab-New-Loos and Showers open in the camping area. You can just drop in for a quick look round if that’s all you have time for. You are welcome to bring your own children and partner along for the day too - just fill in their details on the booking form available from our website. If you’re not sure where Earleywood is then please see map: www.earleywood.org.uk

Beavers doing their bit for

Hi Five Appeal Southampton City District

On a very cold and bitter day Beavers and Leaders from the 1st. ran a cake sale at the General Hospital along with a few things to do for the children. Total amount made ÂŁ140.00 after expenses. We have booked four more days to run a cake sale, up until July which is open to all the other Beaver Colonies.


Saturday 8th June, 6pm, at Ferny Crofts.

Half Term Hike

th Romsey 10th

On Founders Day, 10th Romsey Scout Group Mohican and Sioux Cub Packs had their usual half term hike of 6 miles. What a surprise when fifty one members turned up at the Scout hall, aptly dressed for the usual muddy and wet hike. There were Mums and Dads, Cubs, Beavers and even two Scouts came along as well as younger siblings and Leaders. We set off at 10am armed with rucksaks with warm clothes, drinks and picnics. It was pretty cold but at least it was not raining as experienced in the past. Our half way point was Michelmersh Church, perched on the top of the hill overlooking the countryside in the Test Valley. We were all a bit hungry due to the cold so sat down where we could find a comfy spot. It was decided that being Founders Day this was just the place to remember our Founder Baden Powell and so we all renewed our Promise, with a few words from one of the Leaders on our Scouting history. We then set off again for the downhill walk to Manor Farm and across yet more muddy fields, arriving back at the Scout hall having enjoyed our walk. Report by Jacky Betteridge, DCSL Romsey




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at the ndon Irish o L t a y a rs, d Guide 2000 Beave g in d Scout and a e plus tadium in R and Leaders ts u o Madejski S c S r e re ts, Explo arrived at th n o ti ia c o Cubs, Scou s s A and f the Guide ire, Surrey h s p m members o a H groups tadium from r uniformed fo Madejski S y a d l ia c ns. r a spe the Sarace t s in a g a Berkshire fo h is h e London Ir London Iris e th h to watch th ic h w , to the ing match able to go in re A very excit e w p u ro Our g won 29-16.

rs, meet playe to h tc a m e face e prior to th el balloons, activity dom d o m e k a uring m by, ctivities. D a r e play tag rug th o n fu ations d lots of oth organis painting an b f o rs e b m ok e me h again Ho ic h w the half tim , h c it p y to be und the e were luck m paraded aro o s o ls a , players ed with were involv ur when the o n o h f o rd was a ua part of the g e second half. It really r th came out fo rnoon. brilliant afte

County Scouts Camp 17-24th August 2013 (Lyons Copse)

A weeks traditional Summer Camp for Scouts, Patrols and Troops who would not otherwise benefit from a weeks Summer Camp. This opportunity is ideal if you cannot arrange a camp, because you haven’t enough leaders, and you would like to learn more about running a camp or you don’t have a Camping Permit. Scouts are welcome with or without Leaders. Leaders and Young Leaders are also very welcome to be fully involved running the week of activities. Scouts will be camping in Patrols and will be cooking their own meals under supervision with the food provided. If you would like to know more or like provisional book places contact hantsscouts@gmail.com For an Information Pack visit: www.hampshirescouting.org.uk/scouts.php

Water y Permit Activit ent Assessm13 Days 20 G PU LLI N 3 0 April 201

n HQ Date: 2 outhampto S th 5 2 : e Venu n 5 per perso 1 £ t: s o C



Ma HQ Date: 11 thampton u o S th 5 2 Venue: n 5 per perso Cost: £1

Captain Ketch at Aquativity 4th Eling Sea Scouts Well, what a day! The sun shone, Paul our Group Scout Leader demonstrated his prowess on the water, James Ketchell, our new County Scout Ambassador visited the new HQ, the plaster boarding working party was in full swing, Scouts were at County Winter Camp and we had about 30 visitors. James was cycling around Hampshire and spent over an hour with us at Testwood Lakes before setting of on his trusty bicycle for the remainder of his trip. A relatively short trip for that bike, as he had used it to cycle across America! Not sure whether that was after he had arrived there following his row across the Atlantic.... James was introduced to the Beavers, Cubs & Scouts who turned out to greet him and he kept them enthralled with his stories and adventures before joining Paul on the water for a demonstration of how to row! I thought Paul did very well to keep up with him. A big thank you goes to Dorothea for providing cups of tea and Fish Finger sandwiches! Nom, nom, nom. Following a tour of the new building, James commented on how impressive the whole project was and was looking forwarded to visiting again when it was fully operational. The camaraderie of everyone was amazing and this is a fine example of the Scout movement at its best.

SA I L I N G DI NG H5 Y June 2013

Date: 1 ton HQ Southamp th 5 2 : e u Ven n 5 per perso Cost: £2 ts would if applican ; ly n o t a o b ase (Lead one ts then ple a o b le ip lt mu ctly). like to lead sessor dire s a n a t c ta con

nly) RAFTI9NJG fternoon o une 2013 (a Lakes Date: 2 , Eastleigh e id s e k a L Venue: n 5 per perso Cost: £1

BOATI NG POWER 3 July 2013

Date: 1 ton HQ Southamp th 5 2 : e u n Ve n 5 per perso Cost: £2

Further details, medical and booking form are available at:


Endeavour Explorers Help The Wessex Heartheat High 5 Appeal


Explorers from our Endeavour Unit have done their bit to help the Wessex Hearbeat High 5 Appeal. On Sunday 10th March 2013 Wessex HB staged a “Variety Review” involving local schools, at The Mayflower Theatre. Our Explorers were there selling programs, collecting money in the foyer and doing what ever else was asked of them. They did Southampton City District proud and I heard many favourable comments that Scouts were present. Thank you to Geoff and Lin Johnson for accompanying the Explorers and well done to all of the Explorers who took part. You did The District and The Scout Movement proud and as a Trustee of Wessex Hearbeat I was very proud to say that you were from “my” district. Well Done! George Longhurst

At The


A big thank you goes to Eastleigh Steamers Network for hosting our County Network monthly meeting, we had a large turn out, with many sausages eaten. Next monthly meeting is hosted by New Forest Norths Pegasus Network, they will be running the cooking comp see next page for details.

l a u n n A e h T

Tuesday 16th April 2013 Time: 7.40 til 10pm Cost: ÂŁ3 per team Theme of Adventure Rules: Cook a three course meal for two, for no more than ÂŁ12 on a camping stove (not provided). For every 1p over you will lose 2 points. (Receipts will be checked!) Where: New Forest North, Garland Lodge, Blackwater Drive, Calmore, SO40 2AW. For more info please contact jonrowsell@btinternet.com


www.hampshirescouting.org.uk/network Hampshire Scout Network text: 077 7228 9061 Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/2381008750/?ref=ts&fref=ts (Scout Network Hampshire) t: 02380 847847 e: county.office@Scouts-hants.org.uk w: Scouts-hants.org.uk/network

ls, l i k s w e rn n a e l o ut t o b n a e e e k t a u sion s a Are yo p d n ng a i k r o w d har s? r o o d t u the o The Ferny Crofts Bursary is now open for applications to start in September 2013. The Bursary is designed to provide an opportunity to learn more about running an activity centre, gain nationally recognised outdoor qualifications and to get out on the crags, mountains and rivers of the UK. Current Bursary Student Naomi reckons that the bursary is “awesome”. She admitted “The scheme has made me grow up a lot and made me realise what I want to do with my life.” During the Bursary, you’ll spend time working at Ferny Crofts, as well as being given Personal Development time. During your Personal Development you will have the opportunity to go on expeditions to Dartmoor, The Lake District and ice climbing in the Cairngorms in Scotland. You will also have the opportunity to plan your own trips which could include cycling, kayaking, horse riding, surfing, climbing…..it is your Personal Development, so your choice! Accommodation and food are all included in the Bursary package, as well as most training and trip fees. A monthly grant is also paid to each student. The scheme begins in September and runs until May (9 Months), and puts you in a good position to be considered for a summer instructors’ contract at Ferny Crofts. Applicants must be 18 or over at the start of September 2013. If you would like to find out more about the Bursary or how to apply, please contact us on bursary@fernycrofts.org.uk or 02380 845092

r e n o i s s i m m o C f e i h e UK C r i h s p m a Tour Of H


ayne Bulpitt, UK Chief Commissioner, once again visited and toured mighty mighty Hampshire.

Starting with the 1st Wickham Scout Group in Meon Valley District, to officially open their new Scout HQ. After a 6 year struggle for land and permissions the Group went it alone to find land, donated by Wickham Church of England Primary School and fund-raise along with a generous ÂŁ10,000 support from the Co-operative shop in Wickham. It was fantastic to see the new HQ rebuilt six years after a fire destroyed their previous HQ, and the Scout Group and village all turned out to celebrate. Then a stop at Ferny Crofts to meet with

Candidates and staff on the Jamboree Leader Selection Weekend, to find the right team of adults to help 90 young people from Hampshire have an amazing time at the 2015 World Scout Jamboree in 2015. Dinner was spent with Leaders and trainers from around Hampshire on a great Residential Training module weekend, sharing how to provide great programmes for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Network. Sunday morning and off to watch the County Cub football competition. Ending his tour in Bordon at Hampshire Scout Rifle Club on a successful Field Target Shooting event near Bordon, despite the weather, with over 50 young people competing and being coached to improve their skills.



on! i t c A , a r e Lights, Cam couts st Wickham S 1

Wickham Scouts welcome Ainsley Harriott and BBC The One Show. TV Chef and presenter, Ainsley Harriott helped Scouts, aged 6 to 18 and Leaders of the 1st Wickham Scout Group to honour Community Champions and Scout volunteers, Barry (Group Scout Leader) and Chris (Beaver Scout Leader) Samways with a surprise meal around the campfire. As part of BBC’s The One Show Community Champions series, Barry and Chris were nominated as champions of Wickham community. They continue to make themselves available to help and support within the community. In fact they were asked by Head Teacher, Maria Ackland, to erect a marquee in the grounds of Wickham Church of England Primary School for a school project, not knowing it was to be used as shelter during the day of filming! Teams of Scouts, from Beaver Scouts aged 6-8 to Explorer Scouts aged 14-18 spent the morning with Ainsley working for food, graft for grub, in and around Wickham. A bit like the old bob-a-job now refreshed as Scout Community Week. Stainers Bakery provided bread rolls for a cleaned oven, Stewart’s Butchers gave 100 burgers and sausages for clean windows, McCarthy’s Super Stall gifted vegetables and charcoal for shelf stacking and pricing, Westlands Farm Shop offered further burgers and

sausages for a clean tractor and plough and the Wickham Co-operative Shop donated all that was required to host such an event for helping customers with bag packing. The Co-operative had already generously granted £10,000 to the Wickham Scout Group to help build their new head quarters. The young people spent the afternoon preparing and cooking the food in the school kitchens and on BBQ fires under Ainsley’s direction and with the support of Dinner ladies, kindly provided by Hampshire County Council Catering Services. While Barry and Chris were escorted to the new Scout headquarters site thinking they were to do a local TV interview about the new building, over 100 Scouts and volunteer adults waited quietly around the School’s conservation area campfire circle while first Ainsley surprised them and then the Group cheered the much loved and by now, tearful couple. The day ended with everyone enjoying the food prepared and a camp fire sing song. The date of broadcast will be communicated when it is confirmed.


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and due to bad weather, he ran out of food with over 250 miles to go, as wind had pushed him back. Nevertheless he finished the route, and arrived in St Antigua to a joyous crowd awaiting him.

Over 20 Scouts set off cycling with adventurer James Ketchell across Hampshire. James, who has crossed the Atlantic in a rowing boat and reached Everest’s summit, has become Hampshire Scouts’ new ambassador. At 8am they left Ferny Crofts Activity Centre in the new forest together and headed towards the Hythe Ferry, before biking to Lyons Copse near Portsmouth, where a huge camp is in place to greet him. 6 years ago, James was a semi-professional motorbike racer, but suffered a serious accident breaking his leg, arm, and shattering his ankle. Doctors told him that from then on he wouldn’t be able to continue the adventurous lifestyle. Despite all of this, while still in his hospital bed, James decided to row across the Atlantic Ocean. His voyage took him four months to complete,

On his final stroke of the oars, the socket for the oar snapped clean off, truly symbolizing the end of his journey. After returning home, he was asked if he wanted to Climb Everest, and naturally, he accepted. After months of training, he made it to the foot of the mountain. Even through a debilitating lung infection, he still climbed the whole way to the summit, and all the way down. He led a group of Scouts, Explorer Scouts and their volunteer Leaders across Hampshire, with the youngest being 12 years old. As they cycle across the county, they stopped at Scout Groups in Southampton, Romsey, Chandler’ s Ford and Fareham. This is helping to prepare James for the 30th of June, when he will begin his cycling around the world tour, and on this journey he will stop in each country and meet Scouts. Please note that the boat load of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts picture is onshore being held onshore.

By Ben Hibbert, aged 15, from Southampton.

T U O C S E R I H S P M A H L I C N U O C YOUTtiH ce al Conferen Residen

OUR FONTS As well as our logo, we a corporate font called:


Headlines on documents are most commonly produced in The Serif Black. You can also use Arial and Frutiger for headers and body text.


The Shieldhall Experience - Saturday 13th July 2013 Onboard Training Day for Hampshire Scouts.

Following on from the very successful events of 2011 and 2012 we are pleased to advise that this year’s Scout Training Day will take place onboard the historic steamship S.S. “Shieldhall” (1,792 g.r.t) lying alongside 48 Berth, Southampton Docks, on Saturday 13th July 2013. As previously, the day will start at 10.00 with “colours” on the boat deck followed by the Captain’s welcome and safety / organizational briefs. Thereafter and during the day, scouts will participate in six different instructional sessions set about the ship which will provide theoretical and / or practical training on some of the skills needed for the safe operation of a large seagoing vessel, namely :

Deck •

Handling heavy mooring ropes, throwing a line, a few useful knots, use of the forward derricks.

Launch and recovery of the rescue RIB, running and care of o/b engines, steer a Fig.8 course.

Bridge •

Duties of the O.O.W., steering the ship, compass, radar, communications, weather, etc.

Working with charts, latitude and longitude, the compass rose, laying off a course, etc.

Engine Room •

Tour and explanation of boilers, main and auxiliary engines, steering gear, etc.

Fire fighting, different extinguishers, running out hoses, breathing apparatus, etc.

The subject matter or content of these sessions could possibly be changed dependent upon operational factors, the weather or the availability of instructors but this is thought unlikely. Finish will be at 16.00 or shortly thereafter. The cost of this totally unique training opportunity is just £16.50 per participating scout. There is no charge for accompanying leaders or adult helpers who may like to sit in on the training sessions. For more information please visit www.ss-shieldhall.co.uk and click on the link to “Courses” and “Scout Training Day”. It is recommended that bookings should be made as early as possible via :- Barry Quest, Ticket Manager. Tel.0844.357.2329 or go to tickets@ss-shieldhall.co.uk

For those unable to take part on the 13th July we do also have a Spring Training Day on Saturday 18th May open to all uniformed youth organizations with just a few places remaining. To satisfy demand, we may be able to run one further training day in the autumn but there is no date for this as of yet. Should any Scout Group or Section wish to make a ship visit / tour of S.S. “Shieldhall” arrangements should be made via Richard Jarvis, Youth Training Co-ordinator at r.jarvis296@btinternet.com Such visits are usually of relatively short duration and involve no specific training other than a general tour / over-view of the ship and her “modus operandi” but all are welcome.

Census Completion

All groups and districts completed the census by last weekend on time; thank you. Invoices were sent to districts last Thursday (14th) for payment by 8th April. Payments are to be sent to County Office.


lastair Bruce with members of Hampshire scouts at the unveiling of the Bronze for the Queens Jubilee at the Great Hall in Winchester. The unveiling was made by the Earl of Wessex, Prince Edward.

P J ) d t ’ R ( N R ry Bruce V,

n e H r e d n a Lt Comm d r a w A l a i r Memo

This award provides 2 annual prizes; one to an adult, and one to a young person (under 25 years) with a Scouting appointment, who have inspired and encouraged others in Scouting. This could be over a period of time or a “one off” event. The award is a trophy, and an award of £50. The winners will be selected by a committee from the Hampshire County Youth Council and the awards will be presented by Cmdr. Bruce’s son, and one of Hampshire Scouting’s new ambassadors, Alastair Bruce OBE, on June 20th during our Annual Review and AGM. Please submit your nominations, using the form below, which can also be found on the County Website: www.scouts-hants.org.uk/build_area/news/getdownload. php?goto=download&fileuid=443 and return to the Hampshire Scout County Office by the end of May.



round 40 members past and present attended the 14th Aldershot (Pegasus) reunion on Saturday 16th March. It was a great evening and a chance for a lot of the older members to meet up again,

some hadn’t seen each other since 1965. Some of the older ones included Mr Tatlow, who was a Cub when the 14th first started. Tom Curtis who was awarded the first Queens Scout Award within the group. Other

names people may recognise are Bill Butler, Andy Free, Brian Calver, Martin Harris, Neil Vine, Bill Wardle and Sheila Brinkworth.A big well done to those involved with helping me organise the evening.


Our Old Badge Hampshire Scout Heritage

The Heritage team has had made a badge depicting the Hampshire Scout Standard, which was carried at all County events up until 1967. For those of you who were at Winchester last year for the service to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, you would have seen Peter Darbyshire carrying it in the parade! The badge is very similar to the Guide Standard badges being produced by the various Divisions around the County. The badges are being sold to raise funds for the Hampshire Scout Heritage and may be purchased by anyone for camp blankets, to go in collections, be given as prizes, but unfortunately they may not be worn on uniform. The badges cost £2 each and may be purchased from various members of the Heritage team. • Ken Sherman

County Office

02380 847 847 (Tuesdays only 9am-3pm)

• John Le Riche


01962 852 650

• Ron Dear


02380 559 724

• Les Grafton


02380 774 198

• Ian Mason Smith


01425 473 949

• Bill Edwards


01425 653 265

• Richard Spearing


02392 382 682

• Brian Calver


01256 782 701

Please give any of them a ring. Badges can be sent by post but please remember to add postal charges.

THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION LOGO To help we have highlighted some things that should never be done to our logo.

Transport Rally 9th June 2013 10am to 4pm • In support of Portsmouth Scouts and The Lord Mayor’s Appeal • Enter a vehicle or just come along and join the fun • Close to M27, A27 and Cosham Railway Station Portsmouth North Harbour Western Road PO6 3EN For further details and entry forms call Richard on (02392) 382682 or email richardspearing452@btinternet.com www.portsmouthscouts.org.uk

w e n e h t e uld you b

? h g i e l t s a E r o f DC


Are you looking for the next challenge in your Scouting career? Fancy a change of scenery? Or perhaps you know someone who might fit the District Commissioner mould! If so Eastleigh District would like to hear from you. Eastleigh District has grown by nearly 27% in the past four years. It is an active District with new sections launched in 2011 and two of its Groups planning to re-locate into new headquarters – one in 2014 and one by 2018. The District has a pro-active relationship with Eastleigh Borough Council and is working with them to identify two centrally based outdoor pursuit sites. The volunteer post holder must have experience of managing and motivating adults within the voluntary sector, and be able to provide strategic leadership. Whilst recent experience of the Scout or Guide Movements are desirable, this is not essential. Please see role description on the UK Scout website. The new DC can count on support from across Eastleigh Scouting, as well as from the established District Executive Committee and team, and can count on a rewarding time leading a great District. So don’t delay – get in touch now for an informal chat.


Ian Patrick (Acting DC) dc@eastleigh-scouts.org.uk Jim Vaughan (Chairman) chairman@eastleigh-scouts.org.uk Margaret Patrick (ACC) district.support.central@scouts-hants.org.uk

y r a i D y t n u Co Thursday, 11th - 14th April - Cty Act HSMT Hillwalking & Climbing Courses/ Experience Weekend

Saturday, 13th - 14th April - Cty Act GNAS Archery Leaders Course (part 1 of 2) - Exp UK Monopoly run GL Countys

Monday, 22st April - 19:30 Test Valley Presentation TBC

Tuesday, 23rd April - Cty Act Sailing Regatta Planning Meeting -19:30 DofE Test Valley Presentation TBC Wednesday, 24th April -19:30 DofE Test Valley Presentation TBC

Tuesday, 16th April - Cty Network Cooking Comp

Thursday, 25th April - Cty Core-team meet


Friday, 19th - Cty Act Pulling Activity Permit Assessment Day - AT Module 25

Friday, 26th April - AT Module 16

- AT = Adult Training

Friday, 19th - 21st April - Sct Pro-badge - Cty Act GNAS Archery Leaders Course (part 2 of 2) - Cty Act Remote Emergency Care Level 2 First Aid Course

- Cty = County

- UK = National - YP = Youth Programme

Saturday, 27th April - AT Module 36

- Sct = Scouts - Exp = Explorers

Sunday, 27th - 28th April - AT Module 38

- YL = Young Leader - Net = Network

Sunday, 5th May - AT H2 Safeguarding Workshop

- Act = Activity


Activity Leadership Courses 2013 ACTIVITY LEADERSHIP COURSES 16-17 March 2013 23-24 March 2013 11-14 April 2013 11-14 April 2013 11-14 April 2013 11-14 April 2013

GNAS Archery Leaders Course (Part 1 of 2) GNAS Archery Leaders Course (Part 2 of 2) Mountain Leader Award Training or Assessment Summer (part 1 of 2) Walking Group Leader Award Training or Assessment Single Pitch Award (Climbing) Training or Assessment

£185 per person for both parts £185 per person for both parts £275 per person for both weekends £135 per person £115 per person

North Wales

Hillwalking Terrain 1 or 2 Activity Permit

£110 per person

North Wales

Ferny Crofts Ferny Crofts North Wales

North Wales

Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team

or Assessment

E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk

11-14 April 2013

Hillwalking Terrain 1 or 2 Activity Permit Assessment

£110 per person

North Wales

12-14 April 2013

Hillwalking/Climbing Refresher & Experience weekend

£60 per person

North Wales

11-14 April 2013

National Navigation Award Scheme (Bronze/Silver/Gold) – Training or Assessment GNAS Archery Leaders Course (Part 1 of 2)

£115 per person

North Wales

£185 per person for both parts

Ferny Crofts

Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk

20 April 2013

Pulling Activity Permit Assessment Day

£15 per person

Joan Veal T: 01489 782804 E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk W: http://www.hampshirescouting. org/activities.php?id=325

20-21 April 2013

GNAS Archery Leaders Course (Part 2 of 2)

£185 per person for both parts

25th Southampton HQ, Crosshouse Hard, Crosshouse Road. Ferny Crofts

20-21 April 2013

Remote Emergency Care Level 2 – First Aid Hillwalking Terrain 1 or Terrain 2 Activity Permit Assessment

£65 per person

Ferny Crofts

£58 per person (not including transport)

North Wales

11 May 2013

Kayaking/Canoeing Permit Assessment Day

£15 per person

11-12 May 2013

Climbing (Walls & Towers) Activity Permit Training Mountain Leader Award Training or Assessment Summer (part 2 of 2) Walking Group Leader Award

£75 per person

25th Southampton HQ, Crosshouse Hard, Crosshouse Road. Ferny Crofts

13-14 April 2013

10-12 May 2013

16-19 May 2013 16-19 May 2013

£275 per person for both weekends £135 per person

North Wales

North Wales

Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E:manager@fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk Ian Tombleson GLSW Scouts E: ian.tombleson@moorfields.nhs. uk Joan Veal T: 01489 782804 E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk W: http://www.hampshirescouting. org/activities.php?id=325 Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team


s p h i m r a e H

Scout Archery

Competi n 2013 tio Week end of

13 - 14 September th


A week end of Archery: Target, Field and Short Clout Supplied and Own equipment For details please contact your area adviser: North area: Phil smith - philsmithxtreme@tlworld.com South East area: Nigel Vosper - nigelvosper@btinternet.com South West area: Cyril Allen - cyril.allen@btinternet.com Central area: Tim Beeching - timfbb.hsac@ntlworld.com

Open to all members of the Scout Association aged 18 and • Open to all members of the Scout Association aged 18 and above with above with no experience in mountaineering; upthat to those no experience in mountaineering; up to those want to start taking thatactive want to start an active role as a mountain leader. an role as taking a mountain leader.

group equipment.

to discuss further, please contact the team at enquiries@hsmt.org.uk

Interested? Please visit the Hampshire Scouts Mountaineering Team website toScouts gain further information andwebsite Interested? Pleasewww.hsmt.org.uk visit the Hampshire Mountaineering Team booking details. If you wish to discuss further, please contact www.hsmt.org.uk to gain further information and booking details. If you wish the team at enquiries@hsmt.org.uk

indoor accommodation, catering, tuition and instruction and use of

The cost per weekend per person is £60 per person which includes indoor accommodation, catering, tuition and instruction and use of • The cost per weekend per person is £60 per person which includes group equipment.

Group Leader, Mountain Leader Award or Scout Adventurous Activity Permit.

• Weekend programmes will be tailored to your needs and aspirations.  Weekends will be a general and practical introduction to the many aspects of mountain walking, with the weekend providing • Weekends will be a general and practical introduction to the many the basic personal all round skills. aspects of mountain walking, with the weekend providing the basic and guidance for those wishing to make a start  Training personal all round skills. on the Walking Group Leader, Mountain Leader Award or Adventurous Activity Permit.wishing to make a start on the Walking •Scout Training and guidance for those

 Opportunity for those with more experience to explore • Opportunity for those withand more experience to explore unfamiliar unfamiliar routes gain log book experience. routes and gain log book experience.  Weekend programmes will be tailored to your needs and aspirations.

17-19 May 2013, 13-15 September 2013 or 11-13 October 2013 Snowdonia National Park, North Wales

Hillwalking & Climbing Experience Weekends 2012

t u o c S e r i h s Hamp Club g n i v Ca s y a D g n i v a C Try Caving on Saturday or Sunday on any of the following dates: - 18th or 19th May 2013 - 19th or 20th October 2013 At Hampshire Scout Caving Club’s Caving Days. The activities are targeted at the novice caver, who has little or no experience. If you have been before let us know and we can arrange slightly harder trips in the same area. A Caving Day consists of about 3 hours caving in the morning and 3 hours of caving in the afternoon (normally at Burrington Coombe and Priddy or in the local area). Based around Priddy in the Mendip Hills of Somerset the cost is £90 per group of 6 or part thereof (this does not include food or transport to Mendip). If you are interested get your section leader to obtain more information and booking forms.

Need to know more, contact: Gavin Bancroft - HSCC Booking Secretary e: gavinbancroft@fsmail.net m: 077 1717 7744


Mountaineering Team www.hsmt.info

Ferny Crofts

Open Day

ÂŁ1 a ticket

29th June 2013

g n o l a Come ! o g a e v a h d an d more... Wire, BBQ an p Zi , g n ti oo Sh es, Rafting, ng, High Rop bi m li C , ry rche Abseiling, A

Gates open at 10am and close at 4pm Contact us for more info:



W: P:

023 8084 5092 openday@fernycrofts.org.uk www.fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts, Beaulieu Road, Beaulieu, SO42 7YQ.

Charity Registration Number 1015788

all o t Open

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