Hampshire Scout News - August 2018

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Hampshire Scout News www.hampshirescouts.org.uk



Welcome to the August 2018 edition of Hampshire Scouts News


4. Hampshire Young People’s Service of Peace 6. Toby’s Epic Sports Relief Kayak Roll Challenge 7. CarFest Volunteers 8. Wow, what a week 10. Bramshill Archery Competition 11. Monkey About at 3rd Romsey Scout Group 12. 14th Aldershot Go Back To 1918 13. Docklands Scout Project Water Activity Weekend 16. Second World War Railway | St George’s Day Award correction 17. Hampshire Scouts Annual Review 2017 18. Air Researcher Badge 19. Solent Sky Museum 20. Beavers Go to 4 Kingdoms Adventure Park & Farm - Advert 21. Group Camp, 1st Aldershot 22. Hampshire Scouts Calendar 23. Hampshire Scouts Social Media 24. 1st Denmead, Dinosaur Derby About Us

Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 18,500 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. Scouts take part in a wide range of activities as diverse as kayaking, abseiling, expeditions overseas, photography, climbing and zorbing. As a Scout you can learn survival skills, first aid, computer programming or even how to fly a plane. There’s something for everyone. It’s a great way to have fun, make friends, get outdoors, express your creativity and experience the wider world.

Get Involved

To join the adventure of Scouting whether as an Adult or Young person then contact us at: www.scouts.org.uk/join e: county.office@hampshirescouts.org.uk or t: 023 8084 7847

Have you got any news for us?

Do you have a story or success that you’d like to share? Help us to highlight and celebrate your achievements in growth, exclusivity, youth shaped and community – email us your team’s successes along with any photos to: county.office@hampshirescouts.org.uk, please keep emails less than 30mb, if they are bigger we can share our Dropbox link with you, please get in touch. Photography Acknowledgements Where we can, we strive to acknowledge the owner or source of pictures used in this publication. We use them under the terms ‘for Scouting use only’. If you would like pictures acknowledged, please let us know the owners name when submitting. Thank you.



Hampshire Young People’s Service of Peace WW1 100 years on... Winchester Cathedral 15th June 2018 4

Preparing young people with skills for life

During the early part of 2017, we were honoured to be asked by the Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire (and our County President) and the Dean and Chapter of Winchester Cathedral, to organise a service for all young people in Hampshire to commemorate the centenary of the end of WW1. All parties were keen to ensure that as many young people as possible in Hampshire had the opportunity to attend such a service. This following the huge success of our own County Scout Service in 2014 commemorating the centenary of the start of WW1. The service attendance was led by HM Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire, the High Sheriff of Hampshire, the Lord Bishop of Winchester and the Dean of Winchester. Over 900 young people and leaders attended from over 25 uniformed organisations and schools including the Scouts, Guides, Boys’ Brigade, Girls’ Brigade and Cadets from Hampshire Police, Hampshire Fire & Rescue, St. John Ambulance, the Royal British Legion, the Royal Navy, Royal Airforce and Army and Combined Cadet Forces. There were also many Civic Heads, Deputy Lieutenants of Hampshire and organisational leads in the congregation. Music inside the Cathedral was provided by the Hampshire Youth Choir and the Spitfires Scout & Guide Band from Eastleigh and post service music by the Fareham Scout Band. We and the County commissioner were particularly pleased to see so many of Hampshire Scouts and their leaders attending, we think the count was about 150.

also carried our County Standard – see pictures. The service was a great success both in terms of inter organisational co-operation and working together, but also in the fact that so many young people came together in a display of unity and to say in effect, that this type of conflict must never happen again, after all it is their world and their future.

Martin Rudd

Chair, Organising Group & Deputy County Commissioner, Hampshire Scouts.

Ian Greig

Assistant County Commissioner, Hampshire Scouts.

Hampshire Scouting was honoured to be asked to carry the Union Flag and we www.hampshirescouting.org.uk


Toby’s Epic Sports Relief Kayak Roll Challenge Below is a report written by one of my young Scouts at 3rd Romsey Scout Troop, he took part in Sports Relief and decided to push himself that little bit further. He had hoped to do 20 kayak rolls to raise money - but managed to do an amazing 94! He is 11 years old, but he was only 10 when he achieved this - and he was invested into the Troop that same week! If you are inspired to support him please go to www. justgiving.com/fundraising/n-parton To see his video please go to: https://goo.gl/tffSYf I am a Scout at 3rd Romsey Scouts, I set myself a challenge to complete as many consecutive kayak rolls as I could manage before I failed one. I am just 11 years old and I chose to raise money to help people in need. My school were doing many other activities but I wanted to do something extra so I came up with this idea. I am very thankful to the people who chose to support me and donate to Sports Relief. Over-all I did 94 rolls on my own. My aim was about 20 6

but I reached more than triple this and as a result I raised an amazing £628.30! Thank you so much to all those who sponsored me. I did this at the swimming pool at Hounsdown Secondary School in Totton with my Dad and his friend Steve cheering me on and counting. I also managed to have a clip of my video shown on South Today on sports relief Friday and also got my picture in the local paper. I found the challenge very hard and I was tired for a few days afterwards! It took me around 16 minutes to complete the 94 rolls. To donate please go to www.justgiving.com/fundraising/nparton or visit Just Giving and search for ‘Toby’s epic sports relief kayak roll challenge’. Sarah Beaman 3rd Romsey Scout Leader Ashanti Troop Preparing young people with skills for life

We Need Your Help

CarFest Volunteers (18yrs+) Wanted for August Bank Holiday Weekend 2018 We have been asked again this year to support Children In Needs CarFest and are looking for volunteers to join our team supporting the staff, enjoying CarFest and having FUN! All volunteers will be expected to volunteer over the 4/5 days either on wristband exchange or on the stand that we are running to promote Scouting. The main attraction on the stand this year will be a Cave Bus. You will have plenty of your own time to enjoy everything that CarFest has to offer - the festival, the cars, the food and the bands. Do you want to join us? More information is available here: shorturl.at/stCKM Closing Date for volunteering is 18th August 2018



Wow, what a week

My RONA Trust Sailing Experience How often do Explorer Scouts get the opportunity to sail on a 20m (68’) yacht along the south coast for what equates to £24 per day? Well, this is exactly the opportunity, which the RONA trust offers to the Scouting movement. The RONA Trust has been running since the 1960’s as a way of providing Scouts and young people from across the country the opportunity to learn and develop leadership and team-working skills whilst under sail.

My journey started in February, when I heard, through my Scout leaders, that they were looking for Explorers to embark on a week’s sailing trip over the Easter school holidays; I jumped at the opportunity, even before asking my parents (which came as a bit of a shock for them). However, after a certain amount of car washing and 8

odd jobs at home and in and around the street, I had earned enough money to convince my parents that I was serious about taking part. A fortnight before we sailed, those that had volunteered got together for a briefing. This is where I met up with the other Explorer’s from across Hampshire which were taking part. This was great, as it allowed you to make friends and swap numbers even before the event took place. Two week’s later on a sunny morning we met at the Hamble to board the RONA II. After stowing our gear and a quick safety brief we were off. I won’t lie, a week on a RONA Yacht is no pleasure cruise; you are constantly working, learning new skills and working hard as a team. Not only do you have to take part in running and managing the yacht, but you are also responsible for preparing meals, cleaning tidying and learning about winds and tides. However, there is time off and it’s immensely fun, powering across the sea under sail. Due to the wind and tide conditions, we were fortunate enough to be able to sail to many different locations, Poole, Weymouth, Yarmouth and Cowes were just some of the marinas we got to stay in. There were also Preparing young people with skills for life

some spots where we spent the night at anchor. Such as the site near the Needles on the Isle of Wight and a highlight of mine, anchoring off Durdle Door in Dorset.

I would say that even if you have no interest in yachts or sailing, there are many transferable skills which you can learn from being on board a RONA Yacht. Not only is there the self challenge and operating under stressful conditions, but I had also never cooked a meal for 17 people before, let alone on a moving boat at night in a very confined space. I even managed to make a Baked Alaska! There are also the other skills to learn, like continuing to work when tired, tolerance of others, understanding that everyone needs to pull their weight on a ship or the team does not work. This whole experience has taught me lots of things. If you are capable, RONA also award RYA Qualifications, I managed to get Watch Leader, something rarely given out to under 16 year olds. Would I recommend sailing with RONA? Definitely, not only can trips away be incorporated into other projects, like Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, it is just a great way to push yourself and to experience a www.hampshirescouting.org.uk

different view of the South Coast. I would highly recommend taking part in next year’s trip and for anyone interest should contact their scout leader or the RONA trust directly. You don’t need to be an experienced sailor, just give it a go!

I am already looking to book my next sailing trip away with RONA!

Aaron Middleton Gosport Explorer Scouts 9


Bramshill Archery Competition 8th Bramshill Scout Hut was, once again, host to another archery competition. This time, it was the turn of the Bramshill District Cubs. The competition took place over the 12th and 13th of May with competitors from the 1st, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th Bramshill Packs. The five highest scoring individuals were awarded a wooden trophy to keep, made from rounds of wood cut from an old felled tree from 8th Bramshill’s grounds. Isaac (8th) scored highest, followed by Alfie (1st ) with only a point difference. Third, fourth and fifth were taken by Caleb (7th), Calum (8th) and Matthew (7th). Team scores were 7th (Hook B team) with 173 points, 8th (Mohican Team A) with 179 points and winners 1st (Rotherwick) with a super 182 points. Here we can see the team proudly showing off their plate. With the fantastic sportsmanship and skill shown by ALL the competitors we are looking forward to running this again next year. Jane-Louise & Colin Dippie SL & GSL 8th Bramshill 10

Preparing young people with skills for life

Monkey About at 3rd Romsey Scout Group 3rd Romsey Scout Group had a visit from Monkey World, this is an ape rescue and rehabilitation centre. They rescue abused and unwanted primates and give them a home at the park. Monkey World has been open since 1987 and have been working for primates since. The evening was started off with a short presentation about Monkey World, their conservation efforts and some of the primates at the park. Then all the Beavers, Cubs & Scouts were involved in making vital enrichment for the primates. They coated the inside of the plastic bottles with oil and a mix of bran flakes and seeds. Then the bottles were filled with wood wool. These were then put in the primate’s enclosures back at the park as a snack in the next couple of days.

the wild. The Scouts finished off the evening when all patrols were given a species of primate and asked to design an enclosure for that species. Additionally, all the Beavers, Cubs & Scouts helped in supporting Monkey World by bringing many donations for the primates. Thank you to the team the team at Monkey World for coming in and sharing their amazing work with us. We hope they continue this important work for years to come.

The Cubs & Beavers played games to highlight the plight of the primates in www.hampshirescouting.org.uk


14th Aldershot Go Back To 1918 12

Preparing young people with skills for life

Some of 14th Aldershot cubs and Scouts spent the night in re-enactment World War One trenches and were even lucky enough to watch a film being made which is due to be released later this year. The cubs and Scouts were told by the director of the film because they were so well behaved and helpful that they will put our group name in the credits and will send a copy of the film when it is released. The cubs and Scouts got the opportunity to spend the night at the trenches because some of the leaders had previously helped to build and repair the trench system. All the Cubs, Scouts and leaders had a great time. Paul Stillwell Assistant Scout Leader 14th Aldershot Scout Group



Docklands Scout Project Water Activity Weekend

The weekend after the SAT’s exams was our long-awaited water activities camp at the Docklands Scout Project in East London. We set off from Whitchurch in three minibuses and in the dusk boarded the Scout ship the ‘Lord Amory’ which is permanently moored in East India dock directly opposite the 02 Arena. The Lord Amory is an ex Dutch pilot cutter dating from the 1930’s, and with 40 Scouts and Leaders from Whitchurch plus the DSP crew we more than filled the ship. It is an amazing place to have a camp and is complete with most of its original fittings, lots of ladders, hatches, and gangways to clamber through …with a few banged shins and bumped heads. After breakfast we fell in on the deck and had an inspection and an introduction to ‘colours’ …the sea scout flag break which was a new experience for all of us including the leaders. 14

The DSP have a great crew and after our safety briefing, and kitting up we were very rapidly on the water for the rest of the day in four groups rotating between, Kayaking, Sailing, Rowing and Double Katakanu’s, we had a great time in and out of the water and the pictures really tell the story. After dinner cooked inside a very hot and cramped galley the troop went out to explore that area of east London and found Mudchute park on the edge of the Thames se we could let off some steam and have a good run around before boarding the ship again for the evening. At 7am on Sunday morning some very sleepy scouts were awoken by a ‘local tradition’ with a piped music being played full blast across the ship…and we were soon back on the water sailing and boating in the docks in the most amazing setting under the sky scrapers Preparing young people with skills for life

of the major banks and city institutions. Alan Sugars private yacht was moored just up the quay and I’m sure his crew knew exactly who we are after the crew of the katakanu gave a loud rendition of the traditional scout song “ every where we go people always ask us” The day ended with a regatta with where pretty well all of the scouts and leaders ended up in the Thames swimming races across East India dock to get various boats back as a team challenge…….brrrrrrr. In summary a great location, a friendly crew from the DSP and some amazing food cooked by Pat & Nikki we have already booked to go back in two years’ time. John Bentley ASL, 1st Whitchurch Scouts.



Second World War Railway

Each June the Mid Hants Railway Ltd (Watercress Line) invite customers to transport themselves back in time to the 1940’s, against the backdrop of a Second World War railway, to experience the ‘Blitz Spirit’. With unlimited train travel they mingle with civilian and military re-enactors, hop off at each station to explore period displays, music, dancing, vintage vehicles and stalls selling retro wares. I spotted this young man dressed as a Scout with his sibling dressed as sailor. On questing they informed me that they were Scouts in a Troop in the New Forest along with their mother a leader. The uniform is his Grand father’s of which they are really proud to have been passed down to them.

Brian O’Neill, 4th Eastleigh

St George’s Day Awards 2018

Unfortunately there was a error in the printed copy of the last HSN with Margaret Patrick’s roles. Margaret received the Silver Wolf and has the following roles; Deputy District Commissioner Eastleigh, District Appointment Secretary, County Local Training Manager, County Training Adviser, County Training Adviser - Managers & Supporters, & District Exec. Member.


Preparing young people with skills for life

Hampshire Scouts Annual Review 2017 Reports from the County Chairman, County Commissioner, all the Youth Sections and more. PDF Download: https://bit.ly/2ueQmQ8 or view online at ISSUU: https://bit.ly/2L9yXlk For a hard copy available please contact the County Office county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk Tel: 02380 847847

Hampshire & Isle of Wight Archery Competition 2018 This event is a weekend camp to be held on the 31st August- 2nd September 2018 at Solent Scout Training Centre Lyons Copse, Shedfield, Southampton. SO32 2HQ. The closing date for entries is Friday 17th August 2018. The competition is open to Cub Scouts, Scouts, Explorer Scouts, Scout Network, and Leaders. Categories include Target, Field & Clout. Equipment is provided but you can also bring your own. The event is certainly not reserved as an “elite� competition. Relative beginners are welcome but entrants must have some prior experience of the sport (see Rule 2 in the Competition Rules). If you have any questions regarding the event, please email archery@scouts-hants.org.uk



Air Researcher Badge 1st Aldershot Scouts have been working hard to earn their Air Researcher badge during the start of Spring. Over March and April, the young people got involved in looking at different aspects of flight and took part in various flight-related tasks and activities in order to earn the badge. Part of the badge included a visit to the Farnborough Air Sciences Trust (Fast) on Tuesday 17 April, where 3 volunteers from the museum gave them a guided tour around the museum showing them the various planes and aviation artefacts. The 1st Aldershot cubs also joined for the visit allowing around 41 young people to learn about aviation and see some of the items and aircraft on display. Talks from the volunteers included information about aviation history in Farnborough, Samuel Cody and looking at how aircraft fly. It was a sunny evening and the young people and leaders had a good look at the planes displayed before darkness hit. The following week the Scouts were visited by an Air Accident Investigator at their hut who helped them to identify different types of aircraft and their mechanics. He also helped them understand how jet engines work and arranged various tasks and activities to


help them cover the badge criteria. They also got to talk to him about his flying experience and asked many questions including ‘What’s the favourite plane you have flown?’ and ‘How far away is the furthest you have gone to investigate a crash?’. Scouts from the troop were also involved in making and painting model Airfix aeroplanes, each Scout had a different model to put together and loved being constructive with their hands. They also built paper aeroplanes and competed with each other for the best design and how far the models could fly. The Scouts were also given a different plane each to research at home and find out interesting facts and relayed back to their leaders the following week. 1st Aldershot Scouts enjoyed completing the Air Researcher badge and gained some good understanding of aviation practices. They appreciated the help from both the Fast museum and the Air Accident Investigator and enjoyed completing all the tasks set.

Nathan Barham 1st Aldershot Scouts Assistant Leader

Preparing young people with skills for life

Solent Sky Museum, Southampton, offer part or all of the following Scout Badges in the museum on your regular evening meeting or weekends. For further information, please contact the museum manager, Steve Alcock, at: steve.solentsky@hotmail.co.uk or 02380 635830.

Scouts - Air Researcher Activity Badge

The RAF are proudly partnering with the Air Researcher Activity Badge and will be creating resources to support the badge. To find out more, visit: scouts.org.uk/raf A minor update to requirement 1 was made on 26 January 2018, changing the word ‘assessor’ to ‘leader’.

How to earn your badge 1. Research one historical aspect of flight, and share what you find out with the Troop. You might like to find out about. - the development of aviation or flight over a period of time agreed with your Leader. -

balloons or airships, from their first appearance to the present day.


a type of aero engine, such as a jet or piston engines in general, or a specific engine like the Rolls Royce Merlin.


the development of an aircraft type, like a Spitfire, Boeing 747, Harrier, Stealth Bomber, space shuttle or the Wessex helicopter. You could find out details about its history, role and achievements.

2. While you’re doing your research, visit at least one place of interest that relates to your chosen subject. It could be a museum, an air display or an aeronautics factory. 3. Present what you have found out. Your presentation should include a model that you have made based on your subject. You should also include diagrams and pictures wherever you can. Beavers and Cub badge requirements will be in the next edition of HSN.

www.solentskymuseum.org/education www.hampshirescouting.org.uk


Go to 4 Kingdoms Adventure Park & Farm On Saturday 15th September 2018 we are having our first ever County Beavers event at 4 Kingdoms Adventure Park and Farm. This park is in the north of the county giving an even better spread of event locations this year! The day will cost just £7.50 per Beaver Scout with a 1:6 ratio of free leaders (extra leaders and parent helpers at £7.50 each too) to include the day’s entry and an exclusive event badge. The park has lots of activities including indoor and outdoor play areas, a play village, train and tractor rides, go karts, animals to visit and more! (The only attraction we are not using is the family pedalos). Due to expected numbers we will have exclusive use of an animal encounters area and timed visits on some attractions. It has been tricky to gauge interest for our first visit here and we may sell out so please get your bookings in quickly. Booking closes when sold out or on 31/07. The information required to book is numbers, how you will be arriving (cars or coach etc…), how you intend to pay (BACS or Cheque, this can be changed later if needed), details of the Leader in Charge on the day and any notes for event organisers. Exact timings for the day will be confirmed nearer the time but the park will be open 10:00 – 18:30 If you have any questions let me know: michael.collins@hampshirescouts.org.uk How to book Hampshire Beavers is getting a new in-house booking system on the bvr.org.uk domain. This is launching in stages Visit: 4kingdoms2018.bvr.org.uk to book your colony or district.

Hampshire Scout Rifle Club www.scouts-shoot.org.uk/hsrc


Preparing young people with skills for life

Group Camp 1st Aldershot Scouts enjoyed a very warm bank holiday weekend (26-28 May 18) on their annual Group Camp in Church Crookham (based on Camp 49). Cubs, Scouts and leaders spent the weekend green-field camping with a host of games and activities across the weekend all intertwined with a Wild West theme. The Scouters enjoyed tin-can alleys, lassoing using hula-hoops, water fights, snakein-my-boots, branding, fire-lighting, smoke signals and other Scouting activities throughout the weekend. The sun shone bright the whole weekend and the Scouts and cubs also enjoyed a traditional camp-fire on Sunday evening, cooking on open fires and a hike around Casers Camp on Monday morning. The group had a visit by their Beavers on Sunday who also enjoyed taking part in the activities and singing at the campfire. Lots of fun was had by all and the young people all enjoyed sleeping in hike tents over the weekend and building bases for their patrols in the woods. A competition between 3 patrols was held across the weekend where the Scouters picked up points by winning games, being judged on activities and extra points for general tidiness and helping out. The Scouts were all kept supplied with lots of water and sun-cream and enjoyed the opportunity to spend the weekend out in the fresh air. Nathan Barham 1st Aldershot Scouts Assistant www.hampshirescouting.org.uk


Hampshire Scouts Calendar Sunday, 29 July - Saturday, 4 August H0018 County Jamboree Thursday, 23 August - Monday, 27 August QSA Open Gold/QSA qualifying expedition (Explorer 16+ & Scout Network) Friday, 31 August - Sunday, 2 September Hampshire & Isle of Wight Archery Competition Monday, 3 September 2018 Queen’s Scout Reception Friday, 7 September - Sunday, 9 September Net Theme Park Camp (Explorer & Network) Saturday, 8 September - Sunday, 9 September Cty Act: HSMT Hillwalking & Climbing Experience and Training courses Thursday, 13 September AT: TMT meeting Saturday, 15 September Sct Survival Skills AT: Module 12b (Winchester)

Bvr 4 Kingdoms Day Sunday, 16 September Sct Survival Skills Tuesday, 18 September AT: Module 10 (First Aid) Friday, 21 September - Sunday, 23 September Sct Emlyn Camping Competition Saturday, 22 September -Sunday, 23 September AT: M&S (Skills of Management) Scouting The Zoo Weekend at Marwell Zoo Sunday, 23 September AT: Modules 9 & 13 (Cricket Camp) Saturday, 29 September AT: LTM Conference (Winchester) Sunday, 30 September Cty Act: 27th Basingstoke Canal challeng

Hampshire’s Largest Kit Store Camping Equipment Climbing Kit Winter Mountaineering Expeditioning Kit

Conatact: matt.prince@hsx.org.uk for rental prices 22

Preparing young people with skills for life

Hampshire Scouts Social Media Just some of our favorite recent tweets. Join us Online: HampshireScouts.org.uk Facebook: Hampshire Scouts Members Twitter: @HampshireScouts Instagram: @HampshireScouts and share your fun, adventure, friendship and #SkillsForLife programme and events with us.



1st Denmead

Dinosaur Derby

Sunday 9th September, 1.30pm Kidmore Lane, Denmead

Sorry no dogs allowed

Entry only ÂŁ1.50 per family | 1st Race 2.00pm


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