Hampshire Scout News, HSN, DEC 2012

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e r i h s p Ham ws Dec 2012

e N t u o c S


shiresco www.hamp

s r e r o l p x E e l l i v n o o i o t l i r d e e t p x a W Bronze DofE E

Seasons Greetings Welcome to the December edition of HSN. For distribution and any other County Office matters please use: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk

email me, Tall Paul (Jon), now with all your photos, articles, adverts and roll of honour for the next edition of HSN hsn@scouts-hants.org.uk

Please can you send text in a Word doc and photos as a seperate jpeg file.

Cheers TP Please ensure that you have permission from all people included in photo’s, before sending them to us.

s u t abou

Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 16,000 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

s t n e t con 04, Adam’s bit

Food for Thought.

s u n joi

05, Congratulations to...

To join the adventure of Scouting whether as a Adult or Young person fill in the form at:

07, Beavers trip to see Santa

www.Scouts.org.uk/join or email: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk or phone us on: 02380 847847

08, Friendship Challenge Award

free online

George Johns and Lee Craven.

06, Save the date Website training.

Paultons visit.

5th Gosport Beavers.

10, County Cub Camp

at Pinsent Campsite, Winchester.

ager n a m t u o sc

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inescou www.onl

Online Scout Manager is a free tool to help you to manage your entire section or group online - badge records, termly programmes, evening attendance, camps and events, and more!! It has been developed by a Scout Leader for Scout Leaders. Since its launch at Easter, it has over 4,500 groups and 18,000 users using it. It is incredibly easy to use and is even suitable for the technophobes amongst us! If you have any questions or suggestions, please email: ed@onlinescoutmanager.co.uk

13, Waterlooville Explorers Bronze DofE Expedition.

17, County Diary Jan - March 2013.

19, Activity Leadership Courses 2013.

23, County Badge Secretaries Badge enqueries.

27, Communication Survey

Developing effctive communications.

27, Spitfires

Hit the right note in Birmingham.

28, 101st Odiham

A whole new Group.

Food for Thought November saw the Scout Association’s National Conference, which was attended by our two Elected Youth Representatives, James and Emma, along with our ACC Strategy, Mike Kerrigan, plus myself, and Fi in her National role. There were 300 people from across the UK at the National Conference, with some inspiring external speakers plus lots of ideas for bringing our Vision to life. I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you some of the highlights and takeaways from the Conference. The event was opened by Justin King, CEO of Sainsbury’s and a Scouting Ambassador. He talked about how he had turned this FTSE 100 company around, and gave his top ten tips for success – all of which we can learn from in Scouting. These included “Listen to customers and colleagues”, “Learn from the past, don’t live in it”, and “Recruit the right people”. Justin told the story of how he visited a number of stores before starting as CEO, and at one particularly bad store asked to speak with the manager – only to be told at first by customer service that “the manager doesn’t speak with customers”. The conference discussed various aspects of the Vision and developed a list of prioritised actions to make the Vision a reality. You can read the report on the conference and view the presentations at http://www. scouts.org.uk/2018. Top actions included Growth • Ensure effective DCs and GSLs in all Districts and Groups; each DC with a focus on Growth. • Embed the culture of growth throughout the Movement – using good communication, changing the culture so responsibility is clear, providing leadership from the top. Diversity • Change attitudes/mindsets by developing a better awareness of diversity (Accept people not reject them). Empowered, Proud and Valued • Develop a programme to nurture the next generation of leaders (e.g. to identify top talent and mentor potential leaders). Positive Impact on Communities • Develop local relationships with other community groups and community leaders to deliver. Partnership projects resulting in positive community impact through Scouting. Shaped by Young People • Implement structured approaches that encourage and enable young people to influence Scouting relevant to their age/stage of development (e.g. Youth Forums and Section discussions). • Ensure the Young Leaders’ scheme is implemented, focused on developing young people and helping them influence Scouting. To achieve this we will need to improve adults’ knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding the Young Leaders’ scheme. Then on Saturday evening, Phil Packer MBE, a former British Provost Officer and another Scouting ambassador, gave an inspirational talk on his journey of slow physical and emotional recovery from severe spinal injuries whilst on active service in Iraq. Phil is now walking 2012 miles around the UK to help support young people who face their darkest times. Lots of food for thought from the National Conference, which we’re now looking to build on in Hampshire as we develop our strategy towards 2018.


County Commissioner Hampshire Scouting

Congratulations to George Johns, an Explorer Scouts from Petersfield, who was awarded both his D of E Gold Award and a Commendation for Meritorious Conduct at the Petersfield Carol Service last Tuesday evening. George was awarded the Meritorious Conduct medal from rendering first aid to a 16 year old young person at a party who had collapsed and was unconscious due to a sugar/insulin inbalance.

Lee Craven, 17, of Hook, pulled Max Davies to safety and gave him first aid after he fell through ice on a frozen canal in Woking, Surrey. Lee was chosen in a public vote from five shortlisted nominees to win the St John Ambulance Guy Evans Award. He received his accolade at a black-tie awards dinner at London’s Lancaster Hotel. The Guy Evans Award, which is given in recognition of inspirational first aid achievement, forms part of the annual St John Ambulance First Aid Awards.

Save the date

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Hampshire Scout

Caving Club


Over Over 2000 2000

Over two thousand Beavers from across Hampshire joined one another for a fun filled day at Paultons Family Theme Park. The Beaver Scouts, aged 6-8, enjoyed all of rides and attractions the park has to offer. As well as meeting Santa and receiving a gift, Chip the Beaver, the Hampshire Beavers Scouts mascot, was also there to meet and greet them. Event organiser, Teresa Ginn, said: “There is a massive 3300 people here and it’s been such a wonderful day, with a whole load of fun. Our very fluffy Beaver Scout mascot, Chip, has even had a go on all the rides. He especially enjoyed the automatic drying machines.” Joe, aged 7, from the 8th Portsmouth Scouts said: “I really enjoyed going on all the rides. I’m also looking forward to getting a new badge!” Roscoe, aged 6, added: “I’d love to work here. If I was the manager I could test out all the rides.” New Forest Leader, Lisa, said “it’s such a good idea, the boys and girls are excited because they get to see Santa before everyone else.” Chandlers Ford Leader, Julie, added, “and a great opportunity to meet other Scouts. It’s a great chance for the Beaver Scouts to realise they are part of a bigger organization. Beavers at Paultons has done something for me personally, as I would never have gone on rides, but I’ve needed to with the Beavers. Facing my fears!!” Hampshire’s County Commissioner, Adam Jollans, summed it all up saying “It’s great to see the Beaver Scouts and their Leaders having such a wonderful time togther.” Beaver Scouting in Hampshire has grown by 3.8% in the past year to 4,226 young people but we still have a massive waiting to join list. Adult volunteers are always welcome to join our 20,000 plus members and enjoy the fun, challenge and adventure of Scouting in the county. Find out more at www.hampshirescouting.org.uk/joinus.php

visit n o i t a t S e Polic ort Beavers 5th Gosp

ad a great h rs e v a e b ur 16 ir visit to the e th n o e m ti f on as part o ti ta S e c li o local P hallenge C ip h s d n their Frie re in here they a d n a , e g d Ba cell. They e c li o p ld o s Gosport’s e riot shield th g in ld o h d also loved e jackets an th n o g in tt u and p helmets. ! lice Station o P rt o p s o Thanks G


lested Jennifer P ut Leader Beaver Sco 5th Gosport

! o o t t i o d r d a n w a c A e u g Yo n e l l a h C p i h s d n Frie The Beaver Scout must complete four requirements, at least one from each area. Caring for others •

Know what to do in an emergency, including calling 999.

Understand how to change simple activities to cater for all needs.

Take part in an activity to help the elderly.

Take part in an activity to help the community.

Raise funds for a good cause.

People far away •

Find out about four different aspects of life in another country. For example: national costume, food, currency or climate etc...

As a Colony, create a link with another Colony or similar in a different country.

Meeting other people •

Find out about the job or interest of someone in their community, such as a religious leader, dentist, a musician etc...

Arrange a visit to or from someone who serves the community. For example - a police officer, lifeboat crew, coastguard, fire fighter etc...

Join in activities with another Colony.



Camp 2012

Over 80 Cubs and 30 leaders camped at Pinsent Campsite in Winchester – for the annual County Cub Survival Camp. The leaders arrived first on the Friday and set up camp. The Cubs came in the evening and spent some time getting to know the leaders and the surrounding area through a wide game. Then they all went to bed early and slept late (NOT)! The Cubs were put into teams and had the opportunity to try out activities – ranging from shooting, to testing their memory at the maze, lighting a fire and cooking on it, learning first aid, tracking, pioneering and some compass and map reading skills. Saturday finished with the traditional campfire – where the Cubs sang songs and all were given the opportunity to perform a stunt or sketch. Adam Jollans, Hampshire County Commissioner, Wayne Bulpitt, UK chief Commissioner and James Ketchell, local adventurer visited. Wayne and Adam joined us for breakfast and had the opportunity to chat with the Cubs and leaders before heading to the county conference. James chatted to the Cubs about his trips. He told them about rowing across the Atlantic, climbing Everest and his plan to cycle around the world next year. The Cubs and leaders all listened intently and asked some really insightful questions afterwards. I particularly enjoyed the story about the flying fish. After lunch the Cubs were asked their opinions in the customary Cub Forum. This was very interesting. The most startling revelation was that some of the Cubs missed doing the washing up! Many thanks to Frank O’Callaghan for once again running an unbelievable camp that everyone enjoyed and can’t wait to do again and thanks to all the leaders/adults that gave up their weekend to help run the bases, cook the meals, wash up, etc. It wouldn’t be possible without you.

Hampshire Scout Rifle Club


p a e h p a Scr e g n e l l a h C

Romsey District hosted The County Scrapheap Final at The Mountbatten School, Romsey. Fourteen districts were represented, arriving full of enthusiasm to get stuck in to this fun afternoon of doing what Cub Scouts love to do - build something, make a mess and get themselves covered in paint and glue! ADC Cubs, Janice Waterman welcomed everyone wishing them a good fun afternoon and introducing the judges was Test Valley Mayor Dorothy Baverstock and Lillian Brimelow. DCSL Steve Woodrow read the Story of ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ which was the theme for the models. The teams then had ten minutes to plan and draw their designs before collecting scrap they needed to get building! The judges were kept busy visiting each Pack to mark on team work, design, how they worked and clearing up. At 4pm time was up. Frank O’Callaghan the County Cub Scout Leader chatted to all the teams throughout the afternoon and was there to present the Trophy to the winners. The final result was so close to call, all the teams producing great models. First place went to 1st Headley from Silchester District, 2nd place to the 2nd Gosport (Bulldogs) and 3rd place went to the 29th Odiham. Janice thanked everyone who had made this all possible, the Cubs gave a ‘BRAVO’ as they had enjoyed the afternoon so much. Photograph of the winning team with the Trophy: Jessica, Billy, Jacob, Olivia, Sam and Rowan. By Jacky Betteridge DCSL Romsey District

i lle Waterloov Ex plorersition fE Bronze Do


How many of this year’s Scouting events have been affected by wet weather? So it was with some delight that the Waterlooville District Explorers, who had signed up to do their Bronze Expedition by kayak set off on a dry and almost warm Saturday to launch on the river Medway trail early in September. The earlier expedition date planned had been abandoned, as the wet summer resulted in very high water levels on the river, leading to closure of the special kayak chutes and dangerous conditions around the weirs. With the kit sorted and checked at HQ before departure and the kayaks loaded on the trailer the group set off for Kent and a weekend of paddling and plant spotting. Meeting the DofE assessors at the start, the group explained their route plans and the purpose work, then loaded the kayaks with all the camping gear, food and emergency equipment like tow lines and spare paddles before setting off downstream.

Finding the campsite proved to be the toughest challenge of the trip, with a complicated system of tributaries, bridges and high banks to be navigated with heavily loaded boats. The ‘purpose work’ for the trip was the complicated part, with the task of spotting, identifying and noting the position of four species of non-native, thought to be threatening the wildlife potential of the river. Much more of the bank and water is visible from on the river and the Medway Authority use the information provided by the Explorers in planning their spraying and eradication programme. The discovery of previously unrecorded outbreaks of Floating Pennywort much higher upstream than was thought to exist was a particular success of this trip, for which the river authorities were very appreciative. The weather reared its ugly head the next day - but fortunately the rain didn’t start until just after all the tentage had been taken down and the kayaks loaded for the second day of the trip. Kayaking is a water sport and good preparation meant that the participants were properly equipped. The team stuck to their planned schedule and programme despite the downpour and finished the expedition on time and in excellent humour. The assessors particularly commented on their teamwork and morale in more difficult circumstances - so congratulations to them all.

y e l l a V n o Me s


I attended, along with Meon valley Explorers and Scout troops from Meon Valley District (just over 100 in total), a Chessington World of Adventure Really Wild Camp. It was great having 2 days in Chessington World of Adventure, there was something for everyone... we even got to sleep in the zoo!! For me the bigger the rides the better, such as Vampire, Dragons Fury, Rameses Revenge and the Black Buccaneer, however the smaller rides like the bumper cars and monkey swinger were fun too. The added bonus of a zoo meant I got to see a ‘Bear Cat’ up close for the first time, along with numerous other animals such as lorikeets, meerkats and mongoose. The Chessington staff were really friendly and entertained us with a quiz and a meet & greet with the animals while we waited for our turn at the all you can eat pizza buffet. There was not much left!!. All in all it was a great camp that I wish I could do it all over again. Emily Strachan Meon Valley Explorers

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y r a i D y t n u Co Friday, January 18th - Sct Pro-badge

Saturday, January 19th - Sct Pro-badge - Cty Act HSMT Winter Mountaineering Skills Week - Scotland - AT H2 Safeguarding Workshop - AT Module 25 - AT Modules 9 & 8 Sunday, January 20th - Sct Pro-badge - AT Modules 12 & 11 21th to 26th January - Cty Act HSMT Winter Mountaineering Skills Week - Scotland Saturday, January 26th - UK YP Scouts Speak Up course - AT Modules 17 & 18 Sunday, January 27th - UK YP Scouts Speak Up course - Sct Pro-badge Friday, February 1st, 2013 Cty Act Air Rifle Instructors Course Saturday, February 2nd, 2013 - Cty Act Air Rifle Instructors Course - AT H2 Safeguarding Workshop -AT Modules 14, 15 & 19 Sunday, February 3rd, 2013 - Cty Act Air Rifle Instructors Course - AT Module 13 Tuesday, February 5th, 2013 - Cty Act Water Activity Permit Theory Training Session Saturday, February 8th to 10th, 2013 - Cty Act GLSW County Hillwalking (T1 & T2) Permit Assessment Weekend - Net SA2013 weekend

Saturday, February 8th to 10th, 2013 - Sct PL Training Weekend - D of E Training Weekend (Getting Started, Supervisor & Assessor) - Regional Conference Tuesday, February 12th, 2013 - Cty Act Water Activity Permit Theory Training Session - Shrove Tuesday Friday, February 22nd, 2013 - Sct Pro-badge Saturday, February 23rd, 2013 - Sct Pro-badge - Directorate YP Conference Sunday, February 24th, 2013 - Sct Pro-badge - AT Modules 5 & 7 Tuesday, February 26th, 2013 - Cty Act Water Activity Permit Theory Training Session March 1st to 2nd, 2013 - Exp YL training Saturday, March 2nd, 2013 - AT Modules 11 & 12 Sunday, March 3rd, 2013 - Exp YL training Saturday, March 8th to 10th, 2013 - Cty YP Youth Council meeting - Sct Winter Camp KEY - Cty = County

- Exp = Explorers

- AT = Adult Training

- YL = Young Leader

- UK = National

- Net = Network

- YP = Youth Programme

- Act = Activity

- Sct = Scouts

t u o c S e r i h s p m Ha b u l C g n i v Ca s y a D g n i v a C Try Caving on Saturday or Sunday on any of the following dates: - 23rd or 24th March 2013 - 18th or 19th May 2013 - 19th or 20th October 2013 At Hampshire Scout Caving Club’s Caving Days. The activities are targeted at the novice caver who has little or no experience. If you have been before let us know and we can arrange slightly harder trips in the same area. A Caving Day consists of about 3 hours caving in the morning and 3 hours of caving in the afternoon (normally at Burrington Coombe and Priddy or in the local area). Based around Priddy in the Mendip Hills of Somerset the cost is £90 per group of 6 or part thereof (this does not include food or transport to Mendip). If you are interested get your section leader to obtain more information and booking forms.

Need to know more, contact: Gavin Bancroft - HSCC Booking Secretary e: gavinbancroft@fsmail.net m: 077 1717 7744

Activity Leadership Courses 2013

19-26 January 2013


Activity Leadership Courses

Winter Mountaineering Skills Week Scotland NSRA Air Rifle Instructor Course

£300 per person

5 February 2013

Water Activities Permit Theory Training Session


8-10 February 2013

Hillwalking Terrain 1 or Terrain 2 Activity Permit Assessment

£58 per person (not including transport)

12 February 2013

Water Activities Permit Theory Training Session


26 February 2013

Water Activities Permit Theory Training Session


16-17 March 2013

GNAS Archery Leaders Course (Part 1 of 2)

18 March 2013

Water Activities Permit Theory Training Session

Approx £160 per person for both parts Nil

23-24 March 2013

GNAS Archery Leaders Course (Part 2 of 2)

26 March 2013

Water Activities Permit Theory Training Session

11-14 April 2013

Mountain Leader Award Training or

1-3 February 2013

Approx £120 per person

Approx £160 per person for both parts Nil

£275 per person for

Crubenmore Lodge, Cairngorms National Park Ferny Crofts

2nd Fareham East HQ, Lower Quay, Fareham, PO16 0RA North Wales

54th Portsmouth HQ, Paignton Ave, Portsmouth, PO3 6LL Pauline’s Lodge, Cricket Campsite, Southampton Ferny Crofts

Crondall Scout HQ, Pankridge Street, Crondall, GU10 5SA Ferny Crofts

Ferny Crofts Scout Centre

North Wales

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk Joan Veal T: 01489 782804 E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk http://www.hampshirescouting. org/activities.php?id=325 Ian Tombleson GLSW Scouts E: ian.tombleson@moorfields.nhs. uk Joan Veal T: 01489 782804 E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk http://www.hampshirescouting. org/activities.php?id=325 Joan Veal T: 01489 782804 E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk http://www.hampshirescouting. org/activities.php?id=325 Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk Joan Veal T: 01489 782804 E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk http://www.hampshirescouting. org/activities.php?id=325 Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk Joan Veal T: 01489 782804 E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk http://www.hampshirescouting. org/activities.php?id=325 Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team

11-14 April 2013

Mountain Leader Award Training or Assessment Summer (part 1 of 2) Walking Group Leader Award Training or Assessment Single Pitch Award (Climbing) Training or Assessment

£275 per person for both weekends £135 per person

North Wales

£115 per person

North Wales

11-14 April 2013

Hillwalking Terrain 1 or 2 Activity Permit Assessment

£110 per person

North Wales

12-14 April 2013

Hillwalking/Climbing Refresher & Experience weekend

£60 per person

North Wales

11-14 April 2013

National Navigation Award Scheme (Bronze/Silver/Gold) – Training or Assessment Pulling Activity Permit Assessment Day

£115 per person

North Wales

£15 per person

20-21 April 2013

Remote Emergency Care Level 2 – First Aid

Approx £120 per person

25th Southampton HQ, Crosshouse Hard, Crosshouse Road. Ferny Crofts

10-12 May 2013

Hillwalking Terrain 1 or Terrain 2 Activity Permit Assessment

£58 per person (not including transport)

North Wales

11 May 2013

Kayaking/Canoeing Permit Assessment Day

£15 per person

11-12 May 2013

Climbing (Walls & Towers) Permit Training & Assessment Mountain Leader Award Training or

£65 per person

25th Southampton HQ, Crosshouse Hard, Crosshouse Road. Ferny Crofts

11-14 April 2013

11-14 April 2013

20 April 2013

16-19 May 2013

£275 per person for

North Wales

North Wales

http://www.hampshirescouting. org/activities.php?id=325 Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Joan Veal T: 01489 782804 E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk http://www.hampshirescouting. org/activities.php?id=325

Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk Ian Tombleson GLSW Scouts E: ian.tombleson@moorfields.nhs. uk � Joan Veal T: 01489 782804 E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk http://www.hampshirescouting. org/activities.php?id=325

Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team

16-19 May 2013

16-19 May 2013

16-19 May 2013

Training & Assessment Mountain Leader Award Training or Assessment Summer (part 2 of 2) Walking Group Leader Award Training or Assessment Single Pitch Award (Climbing) Training or Assessment

£275 per person for both weekends £135 per person

North Wales

North Wales

£115 per person

North Wales

16-19 May 2013

Hillwalking Terrain 1 or 2 Activity Permit Assessment

£110 per person

North Wales

17-19 May 2013

Hillwalking/Climbing Refresher & Experience weekend

£60 per person

North Wales

16-19 May 2013

National Navigation Award Scheme (Bronze/Silver/Gold) – Training or Assessment Dinghy Sailing Permit Assessment Day (to lead one boat only)

£115 per person

North Wales

£25 per person

29 June 2013 (afternoon only)

Rafting Permit Assessment Day

£15 per person

25th Southampton HQ, Crosshouse Hard, Crosshouse Road. Lakeside, Eastleigh Lakes, Eastleigh

13 July 2013

Powerboating Permit Assessment Day

£25 per person

15 June 2013

25th Southampton HQ, Crosshouse Hard, Crosshouse Road.

E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk� Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Joan Veal T: 01489 782804 E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk http://www.hampshirescouting. org/activities.php?id=325

Joan Veal T: 01489 782804 E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk http://www.hampshirescouting. org/activities.php?id=325 Joan Veal T: 01489 782804 E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk http://www.hampshirescouting. org/activities.php?id=325

Hampshire Scout

Mountaineering Team www.hsmt.info



The Annual County Airgun Competition will take place The Annual County

The Annual County Airgun Competition will take place on The Annual County Airgun Competition will take place on Sunday 3 March 2013 Sunday 3 March 2013 at at Hiltingbury Scout Headquarters Hiltingbury Road, Chandlers Ford Hiltingbury Scout Headquarters Hiltingbury Road, Chandlers Ford

Airgun Competition

Sunday 3 March 2013 at Hiltingbury Scout Headquarters Hiltingbury Road, Chandl Entry Forms can be downloaded from

Come along and experience using the same highly accurate pre-charged Come along and experience using the same highly accurate pre-charged rifles and pneumatic pistols as are used at the National Scout Championships rifles and pneumatic pistols as are used at the National Scout Championships at the National Shooting Centre, Bisley. at the National Shooting Centre, Bisley. Entry Forms can be downloaded from


will take place on www.scouts-shoot.org.uk/hsrc

Closing date for entries: Saturday 2 February Entry is restricted to Groups within Hampshire Scout County.

Closing date for entries: Saturday 2 February Entry is restricted to Groups within Hampshire Scout County.

Come along and experience using the same highly accurate p rifles and pneumatic pistols as are used at the National Scout C at the National Shooting Centre, Bisley.

Sunday 3rd March 2013


Entry Forms can be downloaded from at Hiltingbury Scout Headquarters, www.scouts-shoot.org.uk/hsrc Hiltingbury Road, Chandlers Ford. *******************************************

Closing date for entries: Saturday 2 February Entry is Field target Competition restricted to Groups within Hampshire Scout Co

Come along and experience using the same highly accurate pre-charged rifles and pneumatic pistols as are used at the National Scout Championships at the National Shooting Centre, Bisley. Field target Competition

to be held at Mellow Farm GU10 4hh near Liphook on sunday 17 March 2013 to be held at Mellow Farm GU10 4hh near Liphook on sunday 17 March 2013

Entry Forms can be downloaded from


entry forms available soon, see hsRC website www.scouts-shoot.org.uk/hsrc entry forms available soon, see hsRC website www.scouts-shoot.org.uk/hsrc

Closing date for entries: Saturday 2nd******************************************* February Entry is restricted to Groups within Hampshire Scout County. Field target Competition

to be held at Mellow Farm GU10 4hh near Liphook on sunday 17 M

Field Target Competition

entry forms available soon, see hsRC website www.scouts-shoot.or

will take place on th

Sunday 17 March 2013 To be held at Mellow Farm, GU10 4HH near Liphook. Entry forms available soon, see HSRC website: www.scouts-shoot.org.uk/hsrc

adge B nty Co u es i Secretar all and Ann H s e L e r a e W 515767 Tel: 01252 et ut@tesco.n o c .s ll a h : Email

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RUNWAYS END OUTDOOR CENTRE Runways End is up, running, and eager to go after all the little hiccups of the last year. We are now waiting for your bookings! There is a 60-bed accommodation block, modular pack holiday building, admin block with meeting rooms, and a multi-use hall with indoor climbing, archery and shooting. Functions for up to 100 people can be held in there. There is a 30-foot tall climbing tower for climbing and abseiling, a new caving experience, high ropes, low ropes, team building and paddle sports on the Basingstoke canal. New amenities block with hot showers and facilities for the disabled. There is camping for 200 people on the campsite, served by various size site The Scout side is associated with the ASGC (association of Scout and Guide Campsites.) There is a site shop, which sells, souvenirs, books, blanket badges camping items, toys and many other things. It also sells Scout and Guide uniform. Contact Ann and Les Hall 01252 515767 for shop details and times. The Scouts are in partnership with Rushmoor Council and Hampshire County Council, who own the site. Booking and Enquiries on: 01252 344421 9am-5pm Monday-Friday. email: rwe@hants.gov.uk www3.hants.gov.uk/runwaysend.htm




(2 courses) Youth Proficiency Scheme


2 1/2 days 1st - 3rd Feb 2013 or 13th - 15th Sep


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4 days 16th - 17th & 23rd - 24th March 2013, or 13th - 14th & 20th - 21st April 2013


First Aid Course - Rec Level 2 Remote Emergency Care

2 days (12 places) 20th - 21st April 2013

Scout Activity Permit Single Pitch Walls & Towers

Training Weekend - 2 days 11th - 12th May 2013

£65 £75

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Assessment day - 1 day 9th June 2013


Traditional Rafting Permit 1 day (12 places) 1th June 2013

Bushcraft Course 2 days (12 places) 5th - 6th Oct 2013

t: 023 8084 5092

e: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk


£65 www.fernycrofts.org.uk

Ash Disease in Hampshire The South Downs National Park Authority have put Forestry Commission advice for walkers and cyclists on its web site see http://www.southdowns.gov.uk/about-us/ news/ash-dieback-disease-chalara-fraxinea. The initial point they make is “There are currently no confirmed cases of the ash disease (Chalara fraxinea) in the South Downs National Park but ash is a native species found within our broadleaf woodlands.” The advice can be seen at: http://www.forestry.gov.uk/website/forestry.nsf/byunique/infd8zklv5 Also currently there are no confirmed cases in Hampshire but there are in several counties with confirmed cases including Sussex.

Advice to forest visitors is:

The risk of visitors spreading the disease is very small and forests are not being closed or advising owners of infected sites to do so. It is important that if you are visiting an infected or suspected wood, please take some simple precautions: •

Do not remove any plant material (firewood, sticks, leaves or cuttings) from the woodland.

Where possible, before leaving the woodland, clean soil, mud, leaves and other plant material from footwear, clothing, dogs, horses, the wheels and tyres of bicycles, baby buggies, carriages and other vehicles and remove any leaves which are sticking to your car.

Before visiting other countryside sites, parks, garden centre’s and nurseries, thoroughly wash footwear, wheels and tyres in soapy water.

Follow the instructions on any signs.

If you are unsure whether a wood is infected, or suspected of being infected, it is always good practice to follow the advice above.

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Many thank

Spitfires hit the right note in Birmingham

The end of November has been another milestone in the history of the 14th Eastleigh Scout & Guide Band, The Spitfires, who performed at the prestigious Birmingham International Tattoo.

Finale, featuring every cast member and more than 500 musicians from the Irish Guards, Netherlands Police, Jordanian Army and the 5 youth bands that form part of the National Youth Marching Band.

The band were invited to perform a 20 minute slot before the show and during the Interval to keep the 9000+ people in the audience entertained. The band were also invited to take part in the Grand

With the band’s usual enthusiasm the weeks of rehearsal paid off, as the Tattoo Director was impressed with our performance, and like us to come back to perform again in 2013!



Adam Jollans, County Commissioner, Hampshire Scouting

Congratulations to 101st Odiham - a whole new Group - on the biggest investiture I’ve ever seen - 18 Beavers, 19 Cubs, 8 Scouts, 2 Young Leaders and 10 Adults. This new Group in Church Crookham is giving so many young people who were stuck on the waiting list the chance to enjoy the adventure of Scouting. Congratulations especially to Ed and Izzy, the two YLs who led the ceremony, and to Vanessa (County Development Officer) and JakkI (DC) for an immense of work in the background to establish the Group.

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