Hampshire Scout News (HSN) Dec 2013

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Dec 2013

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“I WON!”

The Junior Biathlon at the National Scout Air Rifle Championships

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Father Christmas Came all the way from the North Pole!


e b m o c s o B Down Flyi ng Tri ps scout 1st Andover

Page.12. 2

December 2013

Page.11. 5,

Adam’s Bit


Amateur Radio Night


London Irish Form


omp’ Fairtrade Cooking C


Ferny Crofts Bursary

9-10, 20, 26,

Awareness of Scouting in 2 ‘Exciting’ areas!

of Have you heard Pro-Badge?

SX Napel 2013 - H

About Us

Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 16,000 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

Join Us

To join the adventure of Scouting whether as a Adult or Young person fill in the form at: www.Scouts.org.uk/join or email: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk or phone us on: 023 8084 7847

Seasons Greetings to the December edition of HSN.

Have you got any photos, articles and adverts you would like to be included in HSN? Then please send them to: county.office@Scouts-hants.org.uk If you can, please make sure you email doesn’t exceed 20mb Photography Acknowledgements

Where we can, we strive to acknowledge the owner or source of pictures used in this publication. We accept that pictures on public and social media sites are for sharing. We use them under the terms ‘for Scouting use only’. If you would like pictures acknowledged, please let us know the owners name when submitting. Thank you.

Hampshire Scout

Mountaineering Team www.hsmt.org.uk




9 - 11 May 2014 th


(Beavers 9th - 10th May)

Cost ÂŁ20 Beavers ÂŁ25 everybody else, including food Deadline 23rd April 2014, places are limited on a first come first serve basis, online booking will open February. Featuring: A well known special guest


Competition prizes

This will be a fun packed weekend of Scouting activities including fire lighting and cooking outdoors.

Linking In

The event will be open to:

Beavers 71/2+, Cubs 10+, Scouts 13+, Explorers and Network.


Scouting’s Promise of Value

Some years ago, when we were considering nationally how to improve Scouting’s image during the Centenary, we looked what Scouting’s “brand” should be. A “brand” of course isn’t just a logo or a design, as any marketing professional will tell you – it’s the essence of what an organisation or product stands for. A brand is the “promise of value” to the customer – why people join, buy or show support. And in Scouting’s case the idea of “promise of value” is especially important.

As we get ready for 2014 and an even more exciting year of Scouting, it’s worth reflecting on Scouting’s brand and thinking about what we all need to do in order to make this “promise of value” a reality. 1. Everyday Adventure – the brand statement we’ve been using in Scouting since 2007. It’s the biggest reason young people join and stay, it’s what most people remember about their time in Scouting, and it helps to achieve our aim of developing young people. Unpick the brand statement a bit more, and you’ll discover it’s not only about adventure. It’s “everyday adventure” that’s accessible to all young people, from Beavers cooking twists on an open fire, to Scout Network members completing Queen’s Scout expeditions in the mountains. And it’s “adventure everyday” – not just in the summer, or on camp, but in the Scout HQ week after week – adding adventure to young people’s lives every week. 2. Values - of trust, loyalty, friendship, family, courage, responsibility and respect. These are in our Promise and Law, and hopefully embedded in the culture of our meetings and behaviour every week. And not just for the young people – for us adult volunteers as well. They’re not empty words – they’re actions we need to live out in practice. If you watched the Doctor Who special, you may have spotted a great quote from the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius – “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” 3. Community – Scouting works best when it is a community – the welcoming friendship of the Cub Pack or Explorer Unit, the “social life with a purpose” of adult volunteers, the parents who come together to help with fundraising and support their children in experiencing all that Scouting has to offer. But Scouting also has to be an integral part of the wider community – out there, offering adventure, fun and friendship to more than just its traditional members through community service, activity opportunities, and embracing diversity. Pope Francis has recently said he preferred a Church that was “bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a Church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security”. What would a similar vision for Scouting be like? So there you have it – the “brand” of Scouting – everyday adventure, values, and community. Brands of course only work if they deliver on their promises. Do we?


County Commissioner Hampshire Scouting

www. hampshirescouts.org.uk


as m t s i r h C Father ll the way Came ahe from t Pole! North

e travelled a long way to see Father Christmas. He wasn’t at the North Pole, he was at Paultons Park. We all had a great day running around in the rain having a go on all the rides. All of Hayling Beavers went into the Winter Wonderland together. I liked the sleeping polar bears best. I could see them breathing. Father Christmas gave me a dinosaur jigsaw puzzle, my little brother got a car. At the end of the day it was starting to get dark and all the lights looked bright in the park. My socks were very wet but that didn’t stop me having a lovely day.


Tovi Aspen Beavers, 3rd Hayling

Beavers visit to Paultons Park In November just under 4000 Beavers, leaders and helpers all met up at Paultons park for our annual trip to see santa. The day started wet but spirits were still high and by mid morning everyone was in, rides were whizzing along, puddles were being splashed in and presents were being unwrapped by children. At lunchtime, the sun came out and chip the Beaver, looking a bit soggy, cut his birthday cake. He was the big 3 this year and we all gathered to sing happy birthday to him.


December 2013

All in all another great day for Hampshire Beavers, thank you to all leaders for your hard work in getting your colonies there and all adults involved in arranging the event. There are still some badges left over from the event, so if you would like some more please contact valerie.kench@btinternet.com Teresa Ginn, ACC Beavers.

Cost ÂŁ2 (inc lunch)

Discussion topics: , Safeguarding, challenging children, , Sleepovers and , campfires.

No Uniform required

Find out about future events

Meet other leaders, swap ideas.

Registration from 9:30am (Finish around 4:00pm) Venue: Baden Powell Lodge, Pavilion Road, Hedge End, SO30 2EZ Please book online and keep up to date at: www.scouts-hants.org.uk For more info contact Teresa Ginn – ACC Beavers: teresa.ginn@talk21.com

www. hampshirescouts.org.uk


o t t r a st s l a a m e r st i A r h C & nt e Adv t stingle at s ri h C r e v a dlers Be h in Chana rc u h C e c Bonifa Ford. own ade their m ll a eir They e help of th th h it (w s le essed Christing then proc d n a ) rs nd Leade em all lit a th h it w h our into churc Peace in t u o b a thought rvice led by e s l u rf e d n o ned World. A w and all plan d ir B n Ia d istrict Reveren Assistant D r, la il p S e li by Ju . ner Beavers Commissio


December 2013

Awareness of Scouting in two ‘exciting’ areas!

I am very pleased to say that Hampshire Scouts have been nominated by the Freemason’s Grand Charity to receive a grant for 2014, as part of the on-going support to the Association which the Freemason’s have been providing since 2010. Over the last 4 years the Grand Charity has been providing much welcomed support now to 30 Areas/Counties across England and Wales with a number of innovative projects being undertaken resulting in new sections and Groups, raised levels of public awareness and publicity and an increasing building of local relationships between the two organisations. We have decided to use this money to increase the awareness of scouting and the opportunities it offers young people in two ‘new’ areas across the county. The first project is to put scouting into 3 of our major hospitals and potentially a hospice. We have already established good links through our existing contacts and will be moving the project forward in the new year.

How does it work?

The 17th Holburn Scout Group in Great Ormond Street Hospital has been running since 1957. They have a team of leaders who visit once a week and provide a scouting activity to those young people well enough to attend. By the very nature of the unique situation they do not know how many young people they will have and what ages they will be. Some weeks they have 5, others they may have 15. The young people are escorted to the play area and receive a group scarf for that night. At the end of the session they return the scarf and receive a certificate of attendance. http://thunderation.net/17thholborn/whatwedo We intend to set up an Active Support Unit to run our sessions and this will allow the adults involved to be there on a flexible rota. There are 7 similar groups across the UK and plenty of support and experience to help us get this going!

This engagement achieves a number of goals: • The young people who are not already in scouts to try a scouting activity and can be directed to their nearest group if they wish to join. • Those who are already members do not miss out on scouting because of their illness. • The young people also get to do something different than watch TV or play electronic games of an evening. Siblings are welcome - it can be pretty boring visiting a brother or sister in hospital. • Parents of the children get to hear about our flexible volunteering opportunities. • Members of the Active Support Unit get to do something completely different on a flexible basis in addition to their existing role. If you are interested please contact Vanessa to get an invite to the initial meeting in the new year. Thank you to those who already have expressed an interest in this project. cdo@scouts-hants.org.uk www. hampshirescouts.org.uk


h t i w g n i k r o W s r e r a C Young psh i re m a H n i

The 2nd project will be to work with Young Carers in Hampshire. Across the county there are over 3500 young people who have a caring role within their family. A young carer copes with fitting in this role around their education and other commitments this unique life style throws at them. Many do not have time to take part in extra curricular activities because they are needed at home. The final details have yet to be confirmed but as a starting point we would like to hear from Explorer Scout Units who would be interested in working with us in providing a link with the existing young carer support structure- there are a number of youth clubs for young carers running across the county. We aim to buddy these units up to collaborate on activities and enrich their programme and ours. The project will also provide an activity day at a Scout Centre in the autumn for young carers and their families. This will raise awareness of the scouting across the county but also give us the opportunity to explain our flexible approach to involvement. It will enable us to show that we understand their circumstances and to ensure we support any young carer who also wants to be a Scout. If you are interested please contact Vanessa to get an invite to the initial meeting in the new year. Thank you to those who already have expressed an interest in this project. cdo@scouts-hants.org.uk Vanessa Slawson County Development Officer 07900 536504

Carnival TIME!

22nd Portsmouth Scouts entered a float in the Titchfield Carnival on Sunday 27th October. This year’s theme was ‘the toys are back on town’. The float contained a large toy box full of toys and a mini-lorry, which was made from scrap material. We designed the theme of the float to look like the toys had escaped from the opened back of the lorry. We came 2nd in the competition. 10

December 2013

” ! N O W I “ he Junior Biathlon

T at th e al Scout Ai r Ri fle Nation onsh i ps Cham pi


cott aged 13 from 6th Fleet (Ancell’s Farm) Scout Group, has successfully represented his troop and won the Junior Biathlon at the National Scout Air Rifle Championships,which were held at the NRSA Bisley, Surrey. He was awarded the Normanton cup as well as a Gold Medal and received a Silver Medal for Pistol shooting.

He was part of a group of Scouts and Explorers from Odiham District including William, Ross, Callum, Thomas and Jack, who joined over 800 shooters from across the UK and Jersey to take part in the 37th National Scout Rifle Championships. All the young people who had taken part in previous years, improved their scores from last year by a significant margin. The weekend comprised of shooting competitions: Rifle, Pistol, Field Target, Small-bore, Knockout, Own Rifle, Own Pistol and Biathlon. The Scout Championships Biathlon is

based on the winter biathlon of Nordic skiing and shooting but replaces skiing with running. Rifles are not carried whilst running but remain on the range. Participants run 400 metres then shoot (standing) - run 400 m - shoot (kneeling) - run 400 m – shoot (prone) – run 400 m to finish. As a timed event the clock keeps ticking whether you are running or shooting and for every target missed there is a penalty of one minute added to the total time. Scott said of his achievements, “It was a tough competition and I had to work really hard in the weather conditions to succeed in the Biathlon. I have won medals for shooting over the last 2 years, but I am particularly proud of winning the Junior Biathlon trophy.” His brother, Ross, took part for the first time and enjoyed the experience. “I was a bit apprehensive before the competition because I had never entered anything like this before. However, I had a great time and it was

exciting taking part. I am really looking forward to competing again next year!” A lot of hard work and training goes into preparing the team for events like this and for Scott and the others who took part, their achievements are not just through their own commitment and dedication but due to the support of the 6th Fleets Scout Leader team, David Tyler, Nigel Cridland and Mike Jones. Scott, Jack, Thomas and William are part of the National Scout Rifle Squad. ( w w w. s c o u t s - s h o o t . o r g . u k ) , which is led by Assistant Hampshire County Commissioner and UK technical adviser John Dohoo. Scott can be seen in the picture above holding his trophy and medals. He’s also wearing the Blue Peter Sports Badge 2013 which he was recently awarded for inspiring others to take part in this sport. www. hampshirescouts.org.uk


Boscombe Down Flying Trip

1st Andover scouts

The eldest Scouts in our group were recently given the exciting opportunity to visit RAF Boscombe Down, for a thrilling and enjoyable experience of flying in a two seater plane - which for some, would be their first time. After finding the correct hangar, the instructors guided us carefully through what was going to happen throughout the course of the day, and how to quickly eject from the cockpit and activate the parachute in the event of an emergency, with a realistic model of the seat and window controls, and a wearable parachute. The scouts (Along with two Air Scouts from Salisbury) were sorted in equal groups that took it in turns to go down to the waiting room to get kitted up with flying outfits and helmet. Once ready, the scouts went up one by one in the two seater aircraft, the Tutor. Each flight lasted from 40-50 minutes, and whilst taxiing the pilot guided the scouts through the controls and what to expect once in the air. Everyone got the chance to fly in different parts of their journey, in turns and, after being shown how to do it, a loop the loop over Andover! The bravest scouts were able to go upside down in the plane, which proved very daunting and an experience in itself. Everyone agreed that this was their best Scouting experience of the year, and one to remember not only through Explorer Scouts, but for the rest of their lives. Thanks to everyone who gave up their time to make it a reality - the leaders, helpers, instructors and pilots. Louis Hatchett http://1standoverscouts.webs.com/apps/blog/

Don’t forget you can reach us Ann and Les Hall County Badge secretaries at, email: les_ann@live.co.uk or phone 01252 515767 It just leaves us to wish all our customers a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. Thank you Ann and Les

Hampshire Scout Rifle Club www.Scouts-shoot.org.uk/hsrc 12

December 2013


oung people from 1st Aldershot Scout group spent an evening learning about disaster relief charity ‘Shelterbox’ in the week that the strongest storm ever recorded began hit the Philippines. Trained volunteer Tim Vile visited the troop in North Town to explain a bit more about the charity and what they do in what had been a very busy week for their volunteers. Shelterbox provide emergency shelter and lifesaving supplies for families around the world who are affected by disasters, at the time when they need it the most. Since founding 12 years ago they have responded to over 200 natural or man made disasters in almost 90 different countries and provided lifesaving aid for well over one million people. The evening began by showing the group of young people a very moving video focusing on some of the areas where Shelterbox are involved in helping out. The Scouts seemed quite stunned by some of the conditions that people were living in overseas. Tim then went on to talk about the work the charity carries out and how the recipients of their ‘Shelterboxes’ benefit.

Shelterbox visit st 1 Aldershot Scouts The Scouts even had the chance to view the contents of a real-life Shelterbox. One of the big green boxes was brought to the Scout hut and they were asked to guess the kind of things that Shelterbox would provide in one of these. They were quite surprised to find out just how much the Shelterbox contained and how useful everything inside was (especially when they found out some of the uses of the box itself in some areas e.g. a water container or a cot). ShelterBox have an effective solution to disaster response, they deliver the essentials a family needs to survive in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. Each large, green ShelterBox is tailored to a disaster but typically contains a disaster relief tent for an extended family, blankets, groundsheets, water storage and filtration equipment, cooking utensils, a basic tool kit, a children’s activity pack and other vital items. The Scouts were quite intrigued to find the Shelterbox would usually include a stove inside. The Scouts were guided through each of the items in the Shelterbox and even got to have a go at putting up one of the Shelterbox tents (which recipients may have to live in for several years).

They worked as a team to put up the dome-shaped canvas and got to view what the tent looked like from inside and outside, they even had the go at seeing if they could all fit lying down inside. The young people had lots of questions to ask throughout the evening. Shelterbox have arranged to come back to the group next week with a visit to the cub section where they will educate the younger members of the unit. Our Scouts were very engrossed by the subject and were very interested in finding out more about the charity (and the disaster issues they face). Shelterbox are currently running an emergency appeal for hundreds of thousands of men, women and children in the Philippines are now homeless and without clean water or food in the wake of Super Typhoon Haiyan. If you would like to donate to the cause please visit www.shelterbox.org/ donate. If you would like to know more about 1st Aldershot Scouts please visit www.1staldershot.co.uk (Twitter #1stAldershot). Nathan Barham 1st Aldershot Scouts Assistant Leader www. hampshirescouts.org.uk


SCOUTS & GUIDES DAY LONDON IRISH vs LEICESTER TIGERS SUN 23rd FEBRUARY, 3PM MADEJSKI STADIUM, READING ORDER FORM In November the 1st Aldershot Scout troop were visited by volunteers from Farnborough and District Parent Name Radio Society, to assist with their Communicator badge. The Farnborough & District Radio Society is where the tickets and will beShort sent) Wave Listeners in and around Farnborough, Hampshire. (FDRS) is aAddress club for(this Radio Amateurs The Society have helped out several Scout groups with earning their Communications badge over the Postcode years and made a visit to North Town to set up a radio station at 1st Aldershot Headquarters. Email

Contact No.

The visitors covered several aspects of the proficiency badge throughout the night, they demonstrated how to tune simple communications receivers, explained frequency bands and explained regulations Required Total Requirements governingTickets the use of amateur radio equipment. High FrequencyQuantity and Very High Frequency bands were explained Adults in detail and the Scouts learnt how radio waves travel around the world. The Scouts had @ £19 per ticket £ been practising their16-18 phonetic alphabet wait to have a go Concession: @ £15 per ticket in the build-up to the visit and they couldn’t £ on the transmitter. Concession: Over 60 @ £15 per ticket £ Concession: Student @ £15 per ticket




The Scout Concession: unit also enjoyed having their very own broadcast station set up in their back garden and Emergency Services & Armed Forces @ £15 per ticket £ most of the young people even had a go at communicating and chatting with various other network Concession: Under 16s & uniformed Scouts & Guides @ £7 per ticket £ users under FDRS’ guidance. It was an interesting evening for them to learn and try out a different Concession: Uniformed Scouts & Guide Leaders @ £7 per ticket £ experienceChild andU16’s another aspect of communication. @ £7 per ticket £ Farnborough & District Radio Society holds meetings at the Farnborough community centre and can are 16-18, 60 or over, students, emergency services & armed forces. Proof of ID required when entering the stadium advise you* Concessions on how to get started in the exciting world of amateur radio (www.farnboroughradio.org.uk). If you would like to know more about 1st Aldershot Scouts visit www.1staldershot.co.uk or on Twitter Payment Details #1stAldershot. By cheque: There is no charge for cheques. Please make payable to Reading FC. By Debit/Credit card: We do not accept American Express or Diners Club.

Many thanks Credit/Debit card number:

Nathan Barham, 1st Aldershot Scouts Assistant Leader Start Date:

Security Number:

Expiry Date:

Issue No. (Switch Only):

Name on card:

A GREAT DAY OUT! Card holder’s signature:

Total payable: £

st The successful Scout & Guide Day held Irish Rugby Club in February, is being repeated Return1to the London Irish Sales Teamat byLondon Friday 13th December 2013 to London Irish Madejski Stadium, Reading, Berkshire, 0FL Club, Madejski Stadium, in 2014. There will beSales the Office, 2nd Scout & Guide Day at London IrishRG2 Rugby Data Protection Act: The details above will be held for the information purposes of LISR Ltd. From time to time you may receive Reading, on 23rd 2014, KO at 15.00. When London will be hosting the 2013 Premiership mailings from ourFebruary sponsors offering London Irish related products. If you do not wish to receive these offers, please Irish tick the box. [ ] Champions, Leicester Tigers. GgLP_TL_C

In 2013, over 1000 Scouts and Guides attended from Hampshire for a totally thrilling game of Premiership Rugby. Winchester Explorer Scouts, representing Royal Be Hampshire beat therkBerkshire scout team in the half time penalty drop goal shire Co unty competition.


December 2013






ORDER FORM ORDER FORM SUN 23rd FEBRUARY, 3PM MADEJSKI STADIUM, READING Parent Name SUN 23rd FEBRUARY, 3PM FORM ParentORDER Name Address (this is where the tickets will be sent) ORDER FORM Address (this is where the tickets will be sent)



Parent Name

Postcode SUN 23rd FEBRUARY, 3PM MADEJSKI STADIUM, Postcode READING Address (this is where Parent Namethe tickets will be sent)

Email ORDER FORM Email Address (this is where the tickets will be sent)

Contact No. Contact No. Postcode

Parent Name Email

ContactPostcode No.

Address (this is where the tickets will be sent) Email Tickets Requirements Tickets Requirements

QuantityContact Required No. Quantity Required

Total Total


Adults @ £19 per ticket £ Quantity Required £Total Adults @ £19 per Requirements ticket Tickets Email Contact No. Concession: 16-18 @ £15 per ticket £ Quantity Required Total Concession: 16-18 @ £15 per ticket £ Tickets Requirements Adults @ £19 per ticket £ Concession: Over 60 @ £15 per ticket £ Concession: Over 60 @@£15 perper ticket £ Concession: 16-18 @ £15 ticket Adults ticket £ Concession: Student @£19 £15per per ticket £ Quantity Required Total Tickets Requirements Concession: @ £15 per ticket £ Concession: Over £15ticket per ticket Concession: Student @ 60 £15@16-18 per £ Concession: Emergency Services & Armed Forces @ £15 per ticket £ Adults @ £19 per ticket Services £ Concession: £15 perForces ticket @ £15 per ticket £ Concession: Student @Over £15 60 per Concession: Emergency &@ticket Armed £ Concession: Under 16s &per uniformed Scouts & Guides @ £7 per ticket £ Concession: 16-18 @ £15 ticket £ Concession: Student @ Scouts £15 per ticket £ Concession: Emergency Services & Armed Forces @ per ticket ticket £ Concession: Under 16s & uniformed & Guides @ £15 £7 per £ Concession: Scouts & Guide Leaders @ £7Forces per ticket £ Concession:Uniformed Over 60 @ £15 per ticket £ Concession: Emergency Services & Armed @ £15 per ticket £ Concession: UnderScouts 16s & uniformed Scouts &@ Guides £7 per ticket £ Concession: Uniformed & Guide Leaders £7 per@ticket £ Concession: Student @ £15 per ticket £ Child U16’s @ £7 per ticket £ Concession: Under 16s&&Guide uniformed Scouts & per Guides @ £7 per ticket £ Concession: Uniformed Scouts Leaders @ £7 ticket £ ChildConcession: U16’s @ £7 per ticket £ Emergency Services & Armed Forces @ £15 per ticket £ TOTAL £ Concession: Uniformed Scouts & Guide Leaders @ £7 per ticket £ Child U16’s @ £7 per ticket £ Concession: Under 16s & uniformed Scouts & Guides @ £7 per ticket £ TOTAL £ Child U16’s @ £7 per ticket

* Concessions are 16-18, 60 or over, students, emergency services & armed forces. Proof of ID required when entering the stadium TOTAL

Concession: Uniformed Scouts & Guide Leaders @ £7 per ticket


Child U16’sare @16-18, £7 per * Concessions 60 orticket over, students, emergency services & armed forces. Proof of ID required when entering the stadium


* Concessions are 16-18, 60 or over, students, emergency services & armed forces. Proof of ID required when entering the stadium TOTAL


£ £

TOTAL Payment Details Payment Details By cheque: There is no charge for cheques. Please make payable to Reading FC. Payment Details

* Concessions are 16-18, 60 or over, students, emergency services & armed forces. Proof of ID required when entering the stadium £

* Concessions are 16-18, 60 or over, students, emergency services & armed forces. Proof of ID required when entering the stadium

Payment Details

Debit/Credit We do not accept American Express or Diners Club. FC. ByBy cheque: There card: is no charge for cheques. Please make payable to Reading By cheque: There is no charge for cheques. Please make payable to Reading FC. By Debit/Credit card: We do not accept American Express or Diners Club.

By Debit/Credit We There do notisaccept American Express or Diners Bycard: cheque: no charge for cheques. Please makeClub. payable to Reading FC. Credit/Debit card By number: Debit/Credit card: We do not accept American Express or Diners Club.

Payment Details

By cheque: card There is no charge for cheques. Please make payable to Reading FC. Credit/Debit number: Credit/Debit card number: By Debit/Credit card: We do not accept American Express or Diners Club.

Credit/Debit card number:

Credit/Debit Start Date: card number: Start Date: Start Date:

Start Date:

Expiry Date: Expiry Date: Expiry Date:

Expiry Date:

Issue No. (Switch Only): Issue (SwitchOnly): Only): IssueNo. No.(Switch

Issue No. (Switch Only):

Start Date: Expiry Date:Name on card: Issue No. (Switch Only): Security Number: Security Number: Name on card: Security Number: Name on card: Security Number: Name on card: Security Number:

Name on card:

Card holder’s signature: Card holder’s Card holder’s signature: Cardsignature: holder’s signature: Card holder’s signature:

Total payable: £ Totalpayable: payable: £ Total £ Total payable: £

Total payable: £

Return to the London Irish Sales Team byby Friday 13th December 2013 to Return toReturn the London Irish Sales Team Friday December 2013 to toIrish the Sales London Irish Sales Team by 13th Friday 13th to December 2013 to Return to the London Irish Team by Friday 13th December 2013 Return to the London Sales Team by Friday 13th December 2013 to London Irish Sales Office, Madejski Stadium, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 0FL London Irish Sales Office, Madejski Stadium, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 0FL London Irish Sales Office, Madejski Stadium, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 0FL London Irish Sales Office, Madejski Stadium, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 0FL London Irish Sales Office, Madejski Stadium, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 0FL Data Protection Act: The details above will be held for the information purposes of LISR Ltd. From time to time you may receive Data Protection Act: The details above willdetails be held for the purposes of LISR Ltd. From timeLtd. to time may receive Data Protection Act: The above willinformation be held for the information purposes of LISR Fromyou time to time you may receive

Data Protection Act: The details above will be held the information purposes ofdo LISR Ltd. From time to time you may receive mailings from our from sponsors offering London Irishforrelated products. If you not wish to receive these offers, please tick the box. ]] the box. [ ] mailings our sponsors offering London related products. Ifwish youto do not wish tooffers, receive these offers, please tick the box. [[tick mailings from ourbe sponsors offering London related products. IfLtd. you do not wish totime receive these offers, please Data Protection Act:our The details above will held forIrish the information of LISR From time to you receive mailings from sponsors offering London Irish related products. If youIrish dopurposes not receive these please tick the box. [ may ] mailings from our sponsors offering London Irish related products. If you do not wish to receive these offers, please tick the box. [ ]






Royal Be rk


oyal Bsh l nBty Ca e ou erirkesohy RoyalRB ir e rkshire County e Royal Be rkshire CounCtoyunty rkshire C ounty www. hampshirescouts.org.uk


6th Fairtrade Cooking Competition Saturday 1st March 2014 - 11.30 to 15.30 Cranborne College, Basingstoke.

Entries are invited from teams of 4 Scouts, Guides or mixed, aged 11 to 17, for our 2014 Fairtrade cooking competition which will be held during Fairtrade fortnight. During this time many shops including food shops promote extra Fairtrade products during this time. So if you do your survey some weeks in advance, you could ask the store manager to request some extra Fairtrade products for your team. The food preparation rooms at Cranborne College are very well equipped, so it is possible to produce a good meal of the same quality as you might do at home. Whilst the variety of fair trade products grows each year, neither fish nor meat is suitable for this type of labelling so it does mean that dishes have to be vegetarian in nature. Whilst this might seem to be a handicap, for many people in developing countries they devise recipes around what’s available locally. The challenge is for teams to source their own fair trade ingredients wherever possible and bring along all the necessary ingredients. If you undertake the survey, design and display a poster advertising Fair Trade fortnight, take part in the competition and write down your recipes then you your team will qualify for the Scout Global Challenge award.

The competition consists of the following actions:

Survey • • • •

Survey the availability of fairtrade products in at least 3 local shops. Enquire from each store manager why they stock certain fairtrade products. Why they think people buy fairtrade products. Complete survey form and email to Rayner Mayer.

Poster •

Make a poster advertising Fairtrade fortnight 2014 and display in your meeting place and one place in your village.

Competition • • • • • •

Devise a 3 course meal. Purchase your fairtrade ingredients to serve 4 people (either your team or invited guests). Arrive between 11.30 and 12.00. Prepare your meal. Serve your meal to 4 persons between 14.30 and 15.00. Tidy up as the rooms will be used on Monday morning by school.

Judging • • • • •

Range of fairtrade ingredients. Innovative and balanced menu. Methods of preparation. Team work. Serving and quality of meal.

To enter or get further information contact Rayner Mayer, Global Adviser, t: 01252 873564 e: rayner@sciotech.demon.co.uk. Space only available for 14 teams so don’t delay , enter today! 16

December 2013

fo r y e n o m i n es raisi ng r a M l a y th e Roiation Assoc

Scouts, Cubs and Leaders from 1st Petersfield Scout Group, have been raising money for the Royal Marines Association Fisher House Appeal over 2013. The Group carried out a bag pack at Waitrose, undertook a sponsored 30km trek along the South Downs Way and the Cubs ran a fair one Pack night. In total in excess of £3,000 was raised. The money went towards funding a multi-use games area, adjacent to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, where all seriously wounded service personnel are treated. Fisher House, a home from home for the families of the injured, was opened in the summer by Prince Charles and on 22nd November, Group Scout Leader Oenone McKellar and Assistant Cub Scout Leader Sarah Underwood attended the official opening of the MUGA. The ribbon was cut by Mark Ormrod, the first triple amputee from the Afghanistan conflict, and Baz Barrett who lost a leg, both ex-Royal Marines. They both agreed that this facility would provide a valuable resource to enable rehabilitation to start at the earliest possible opportunity, as well as enabling the families, particularly the children, to play games with their parent helping them to come to terms with their parent’s injuries.



www. hampshirescouts.org.uk


y r a s r u B s t f o r C Ferny 14 2013 - 20

As part of our bursary we spend time doing site work, today we completed the first of the new elements in the Adventure coarse! Originally it had 12 sections, by the end of the year, once were finished with it, it will have 19, one of which will be a mini zip-wire! www.facebook.com/FernyCroftsBursary

Ferny Crofts Scout Activity Centre e: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk fb: www.facebook.com/fernycrofts.sac t: 023 8084 5092 w: www.fernycrofts.org.uk 18

December 2013

Alastair & James Sawdy - Winchester Jagers Scout Network

Hi Everyone, As some of you might already have heard, Bramshill Ninjas are hosting the December county event, on 15th Dec near Basingstoke. Our plan is an outdoorsy challenge in teams (details of this being finalised as we speak). More details closer to the event, but we are aiming to start just after lunch and finish late afternoon, leaving plenty of time to warm up and go somewhere afterwards! You do not need to worry about organising teams before you get here, that will all be done on the day, and hopefully we can sort out some sort of prizes for the winners! Hope to see you all there! Bramshill Ninjas www.facebook.com/events/468519953261040/?context=create&ref_dashboard_filter=calendar

Join US


Hampshire Scout Network m: 077 7228 9061 fb: www.facebook.com/groups/2381008750/?ref=ts&fref=ts (Scout Network Hampshire) t: 02380 847847 e: county.office@Scouts-hants.org.uk w: Scouts-hants.org.uk/network

www. hampshirescouts.org.uk


d r a e h u o y e v Ha ? e g d a B o r P of

Pro-Badge is an Activity Badge Training Scheme, which uses the resources of the Solent Scout Training Centre, to the best advantage of the Cubs, Scouts, Explorer Scouts and Scout Leaders. The scheme provides training for badges that require predominantly outdoor Scouting activity or natural resources. We run our courses from October to April. For cubs we run the following badges: - Outdoor Challenge; Outdoor Challenge Plus; Navigator; Global Conservation; Map Reader; Naturalist. For scouts this season we are running the following badges: - Camp Cook; Pioneer; hiker; Campsite Services; Global Conservation; Camper; Naturalist; Survival Skills The 2nd weekend of The Pro-Badge Training Scheme 2013/2014 season took place on the weekend of 22nd - 24th November 2013. We ran two courses for Scouts and one for Cub Scouts. We ran the Navigator badge for the Cub Scouts the activities included star gazing, tracking, making their own maps and learning all about map symbols. On the Sunday morning the Cub Scouts enjoyed a treasure hunt. The Scouts took part in the Pioneer badge, which saw the patrols creating both large and small pioneering projects over the weekend. The second Scout course was the Campsite Services badge - this was the first weekend of two weekends, the other taking place in February. The Saturday was spent learning how to use tools and practical work including some plumbing and maintenance work. They also learnt about all the administrative things involved in running the site. The Sunday was time for doing further practical work in the area around the pond at Lyons Copse. On our next weekend in January we are running the global conservation badge for the Cub Scouts and the global conservation badge for Scouts. Pro-Badge is a county run team of leaders most of whom have at least one other role within Scouting. We are always looking for new volunteers – could you help with any of the badges we run or would you like to help with one our support teams – admin; first aid; kitchen? We also need a new Treasurer – Clive Clark who took over as Camp Leader last season is currently also covering his old job as Treasurer. If you think you can help we would love to hear from you – we can offer fun weekends; nice working conditions. Please contact Scissors aka Clive Clark on 07761 912914 or email scissors@pro-badge.org.uk The Pro-Badge Team 20

December 2013

Hampshire Scout Caving Club

s y a D g n i v a C

Try Caving on Saturday or Sunday the 22nd or 23rd of March 2014 at Hampshire Scout Caving Club’s Caving Days. The activities are targeted at the novice caver who has little or no experience. If you have been before let us know and we can arrange slightly harder trips in the same area. A Caving Day consists of about 3 hours caving in the morning and 3 hours of caving in the afternoon(normally at Burrington Coombe and Priddy or in the local area). Based around Priddy in the Mendip Hills of Somerset the cost is £90 per group of 6 or part thereof (this does not include food or transport to Mendip). If you are interested get your section leader to obtain more information and booking forms. HSCC Booking Secretary Gavin Bancroft can be contacted on: e: gavinbancroft@fsmail.net t: 077 1717 7744

Hampshire Scout

Caving Club


www. hampshirescouts.org.uk


County Diary Thursday, December 12 Cty Core-team meet

Sunday, February 2, 2014 AT Module 13

Wednesday, December 25 Christmas Day

Friday, February 7, 2014 Cty Act NRSA Youth Proficiency Scheme Course (Shooting Instructor) DofE Training weekend Sct PL Training

Saturday, January 18, 2014 Cty Act HSMT Winter Mountaineering Skills Week - Scotland Sunday, January 19, 2014 Cty Act HSMT Winter Mountaineering Skills Week - Scotland Cty Act Outdoor First Aid Course Monday, January 20, 2014 Cty Act HSMT Winter Mountaineering Skills Week - Scotland Tuesday, January 21, 2014 Cty Act HSMT Winter Mountaineering Skills Week Scotland

Saturday, February 8, 2014 Cty Act NRSA Youth Proficiency Scheme Course (Shooting Instructor) DofE Training weekend Sct PL Training AT Modules 5 & 7 Sunday, February 9, 2014 Cty Act NRSA Youth Proficiency Scheme Course (Shooting Instructor) DofE Training weekend Sct PL Training AT Module 25

Wednesday, January 22, 2014 Cty Act HSMT Winter Mountaineering Skills Week Scotland

Saturday, February 15, 2014 Cty Act Archery GB Community Sports Leader Award Course

Thursday, January 23, 2014 Cty Act HSMT Winter Mountaineering Skills Week Scotland

Sunday, February 16, 2014 Cty Act Archery GB Community Sports Leader Award Course

Friday, January 24, 2014 Cty Act HSMT Winter Mountaineering Skills Week Scotland Saturday, January 25, 2014 Cty Act HSMT Winter Mountaineering Skills Week Scotland Cty Act Archery GB Community Sports Leader Award Course (part 1 of 2) Cty Next Generation Leadership Sunday, January 26, 2014 Cty Act Archery GB Community Sports Leader Award Course (part 1 of 2) Cty Next Generation Leadership Saturday, February 1, 2014 AT Modules 14, 15 & 19


December 2013

Friday, February 21, 2014 Cty Act Pro-Badge Cub & Scout Badge Scheme Courses Saturday, February 22, 2014 Cty Act Pro-Badge Cub & Scout Badge Scheme Courses Sunday, February 23, 2014 Cty Act Pro-Badge Cub & Scout Badge Scheme Courses

KEY - Cty = County - AT = Adult Training - UK = National - YP = Youth Programme

- Sct = Scouts - Exp = Explorers - YL = Young Leader - Net = Network - Act = Activity

Activity Courses 2014 Activity LeadershipLeadership Courses 2014 18-25 January 2014 19 January 2014

25-26 January 2014 7-9 February 2014

Winter Mountaineering Skills Course (Winter Terrain 1 & 2 Activity Permit Assessments as well) Practical First Aid Course (suitable for Terrain 2 Hillwalking Permits/ML – a current First Response or equivalent qualification must be held)

Archery GB Community Sports Leader Award course (part 1 of 2) D of E Leaders Training Weekend

Fri eve – Getting Started with D of E Sat – D of E Accredited Expedition Supervisor Course Sun – D of E Accredited Expedition Assessor Course

£350 per person

Cairngorms National Park

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk

£45 per person

Runways End Outdoor Centre

Mike Baxter E: michaelkeithbaxter@gmail.com Booking Link: http://tiny.cc/practicalfirstaid

£170 per person for both weekends £55 per person for whole weekend or £25 per daytime course £135 per person

Runways End Outdoor Centre

Runways End Outdoor Centre W: www.hants.gov.uk/runwaysend (complete booking form)

Ferny Crofts

Mike Baxter E: michaelkeithbaxter@gmail.com W: http://tinyurl.com/mrxeaz9

Ferny Crofts

Runways End Outdoor Centre

Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk Runways End Outdoor Centre W: www.hants.gov.uk/runwaysend (complete booking form)

Runways End Outdoor Centre Runways End Outdoor Centre

Runways End Outdoor Centre W: www.hants.gov.uk/runwaysend (complete booking form) Runways End Outdoor Centre W: www.hants.gov.uk/runwaysend (complete booking form)

Lyons Copse, Shedfield, nr Wickham

Tim Beeching T: 01329 318519 E: timfbb.hsac@ntlworld.com

Lyons Copse, Shedfield, nr Wickham

Tim Beeching T: 01329 318519 E: timfbb.hsac@ntlworld.com

Runways End Outdoor Centre

Runways End Outdoor Centre W: www.hants.gov.uk/runwaysend (complete booking form)

7-9 February 2014

NSRA Youth Proficiency Scheme course – Shooting

15-16 February 2014

Archery GB Community Sports Leader Award course (part 2 of 2) Caving Training (artificial system)

£170 per person for both weekends £20 per person

Adventurous Activity Permit Training – Climbing (Walls & Towers) – part 2 of 2 Archery GB Community Sports Leader Award course (part 1 of 2) Archery GB Community Sports Leader Award course (part 2 of 2) Low Ropes & Team Tasks Training Evening

£45 per person

25 February 2014 8 March 2014 15-16 March 2014 22-23 March 2013 1 April 2014

£160 per person for both weekends £160 per person for both weekends £20 per person

www. hampshirescouts.org.uk



For the last 30 years Scouts from Hampshire have been travelling to the Lake District at Easter to climb some mountains – now it’s your turn!

Enjoy Hill Walking? Then spend a week doing it! What: A week of hill walking including a night of wild camping. Where: Based from the Hope Memorial Centre in the village of Braithwaite in the northern Lake District. How much? The trip costs £195 payable in two instalments, £75 on registration and the balance of £120 by 4th January 2014.

When: Saturday 12th to Saturday 19th April 2014 with training on the 4th January and 1st - 2nd March 2014. Who: This is predominantly a trip for older Scouts (12+), but some Explorer places are available. How do I join in? Complete the registration form overleaf and return it to the address below along with your deposit. Hurry, places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

PRO-ACT LAKES TRIP Lynne French, County Skills Instructor 25 Pinewood park, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 9LB. e: Lynne.french@live.com t: 01252 661334


December 2013


REGISTRATION FORM Name:………………………………………….................... DOB: ………/……………/……………. Troop/Unit: ……………………………………................... District: ………………………………………................... Address: ………………………………………................. …………………………………………………….............. ……………………………………………………............... Postcode: ………………………………………................ Telephone: …………………………………….................. Email: ……………………………………………................ (Parent / Guardian)

Email: …………………………………………….............. (Participant) (Optional)

Please detail your hillwalking experience below:

I wish to register for a place on the 2014 Hillwalking trip to the Lake District. Please delete where appropriate: I am interested in / already hold the Scout Hillwalker badge.

I am interested in / already hold the Expedition Challenge.

Signed:……………………………………......................... (Scout / Explorer Scout)

Agreed:……………………………………....................... (Parent)

I am interested in / already hold the Explorer Scout Mountain Activity Badge (Option A). I enclose a cheque for £75 payable to Hampshire County Scout Council.

Agreed:……………………………………...................... (Scout Leader / Explorer Scout Leader)


www. hampshirescouts.org.uk


Nepal 2013

Hampshire Scout Expeditions

At the end of August,a team of 11 Explorer Scouts and three leaders from Hampshire Scout Expeditions (HSX), jetted half way across the world to the Himalayas for the six week expedition of their lives. The expedition was the culmination of nearly 18 months’ preparation, a process which had included a series of training weekends around the UK and fundraising events, and the excitement amongst the group was at fever pitch was they arrived at Heathrow. Arriving in Kathmandu, having spent the best part of 24 hours travelling, the team settled into their hotel, headed out for some dinner, before grabbing an early night. Feeling refreshed the following morning, the team spent the next three days exploring the city and getting use to the local culture. Early on the morning of the fourth day in Kathmandu the team gathered at reception, eagerly anticipating the flight to Lukla, a small airstrip in the heart of the Khumbu Valley. After a six hour wait at the airport the elements got the better of the group and, rather reluctantly, they headed back to the hotel. This became the norm for the next couple of days as they patiently waited for the weather to improve enough to make the 30 minute flight to the Valley and begin their Himalayan Trek. However, rather than mopping around the hotel, the team was kept busy participating in a number of cultural tours and exploring more of the local area. After spending a week in Kathmandu, the team finally arrived in Lukla to begin the three day trek to Khumjung, a small Sherpa village just above the main Everest trail. The next fortnight was spent working with the local people renovating the local Secondary School, established by the legendary climber Sir Edmund Hilary in 1961. The works included painting and renovating the school buildings, as well as getting to know the children. 26

December 2013

Job done, the group embarked on the next phase of the expedition, a five day trek to Everest Base Camp, where they soaked up the atmosphere and talked to climbers preparing for their accents of Everest and Lhotse. Early on the 25th September the group set out on an accent Kala Patthar, a 5,550m mountain, arriving at the summit just in time to watch the sun rise behind Mount Everest. From there the journey continued to Island Peak Base Camp, a 6,189m mountain which was to prove the toughest physical challenge anyone had undertaken before. Setting out from camp at 2am, progress was slow going, hampered by the thin air and steepslopes, which reduced the pace to a laborious crawl. Reaching the snow line at sun rise the group stopped to gear up, enjoying a few minutes rest, before picking their way through the crevasses. The final section of the climb was an arduous 180m climb up an 85o snow slope, which seemed to take forever, leg muscles screaming after every step. Determined to reach the summit the group pressed onwards and upwards and at approximately 9.00am, six members summited the mountain, absolutely shattered, but so proud of their enormous achievement. The descent back to IPBC passed without incident, with the group arriving back at 2.00pm, a full 12 hours after setting out. With the mission completed, the party headed back to Kathmandu to enjoy some well-earned steaks and indulge in the much-needed rest and relaxation. Highlights of this included sight-seeing tours, a white-water rafting trip and cultural dancing where they learned more about the Nepalese culture. 42 days after setting out, the group arrived safely back in the UK, having logged experiences that most of us can only dream about. After an experience like this, returning back to normality was going to seem a little mundane ‌

www. hampshirescouts.org.uk


Nepal 2013 Hampshire Scout Expeditions (HSX)

Join us: www.hsx.org.uk

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