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N S H ws e N t u o c S e r i h s p m Ha




.uk g r o . s t n a uts-h o c s . w w w 2011 t s u g u A July/ HSN1





The County Commissioner speaks to the County.

Beavers News


Beavers News and 25 year celebrations around Hampshire



Cub Leaders Workshops and 6-a-side football results



Solent Scout Sailing Regatta and Expedition Challenge details.



Gosport QSA awards and Nottinghamshire’s Big Game



Swiss trip recruitment and Youth Council report



The definitive guide to all that’s happening in the County.

Winsor 2011


Queens Scouts, Award holders at the St George’s Day parade.



How to apply for an adventurous activity permit.

A School pack


Akela of a large School Pack tells us how it works.

WELCOME Welcome to the July/ August edition of HSN. This month I have assembled news from all around the County and caught up with a batch of Beaver and Cub news that has arrived in my inbox. Next issue is all about Summer Camps, so please send in articles and photos to us as soon as you finish your camps. Even better get your Scouts to write them or take the photos. Some of the best photos we have had recently have been taken by Scouts who had been loaned a camera by their leaders. As most of you will be aware I have now left the County Office for more commercial climes. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in Hampshire Scouting for the fantastic camera you all bought me as a leaving present. Please use the following e-mail now for all photos and articles, adverts and roll of honor entries: HSN@scouts-hants.org.uk For Distribution and any other County Office matters please use: County.office@scouts-hants.org.uk

ABOUT US Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 16,000 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

JOIN US To join the adventure of Scouting whether as a Adult or Young person fill in the form at: www.scouts.org.uk/join or email: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk or phone us on: 02380 847847 HSN3


It was then time to go back to Waterloo train station and reflect on the fantastic day we had just enjoyed. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the three young members of the group whose behaviour was exceptional and a credit to the Group and the District. A special thanks to Denise for helping me throughout the day.

By Phil Williams

On the 7 June 2011 myself (GSL), Denise (cub leader), Karl (Beaver), Daniel (Cub) and James (Scout) were invited to represent the Group and Itchen South District at the Speaker’s Reception in the Houses of Parliament.


The day started when we left Southampton by train for Waterloo. On arrival at the Houses of Parliament we were guided to the main foyer where we were met by one of Chris Huhne’s secretaries who gave us a brief tour of Westminster Hall and the surrounding areas. Afterwards we were taken to the Speaker of the House’s private apartments where we were met by the Deputy Speaker of the House and the Chief Commissioner of England, Wayne Bulpitt. We then went to the Dining Room where an enormous cream tea was laid out, we couldn’t believe our luck. There were sandwiches, scones, cream cakes, tea, juice and we certainly enjoyed the spread. We had the opportunity to meet with other scouts and leaders from around the country. There were speeches by cross party members of the Houses of Parliament speaking about Volunteer Week and how we go about recruiting new members. The Chief Commissioner asked the MP’s for help with recruitment, some of his ideas were, paid holiday from employers for scout leaders going away on camp, making the CRB’s easier for volunteers to fill in. After the speeches we met our local MP, Chirs Huhne and had our pictures taken with him and also with the Chief Commissioner and cross party members. We then had a look around the rest of the Houses of Parliament where we visited the House of Commons and then the House of Lords.

Please remember that St Georges award applications for next year need to be in the County office by the End of July to allow time for Adam to check and sign them.

CELEBRATION OF YOUTH Please note Friday evening 15th June 2012 in your diary of events for next year. There will be a Celebration of Youth at Winchester Cathedral that evening with our President, The Lord Lieutenant in attendance. Further details will emerge over the coming months once we have put together a working group. Martin Rudd Director of Adult Training/County Training Manager

CENTENARY GROUPS Are you coming up to 100 years old? No not you, your Group. Then contac Ken in the County Office. You may be eligible for a Plaque and certificate presented at the event of your choice by the County Commissioner. Call Ken on 02380 847847 on a tuesday or leave a message with Frank. HSN4

Leadership in Scouting Hampshire Scouts

I’m convinced that the best adult roles in Scouting the adventure goes on . . . are the direct youth work roles. Starting a Beaver Colony, leading a Cub Pack, camping with a Scout Troop, going abroad with an Explorer Unit, and enabling a Scout Network to name but a few. It’s in these roles that you get to know the young people and see Scouting making a real difference to their lives.

But supporting these Leaders are people in roles which are just as important and sometimes very difficult – our volunteer managers, especially Group Scout Leaders and District Commissioners. We need these people to combine management skills with knowledge of Scouting, we need them to inspire and motivate our adult leaders and build teams, and we need them to help fix things when they go wrong. We’re investing in providing the best training and support for these people – as we believe it will pay dividends in more members, less issues, and better quality Scouting. Some people coming into these roles have a great knowledge of Scouting, but don’t have the management skills and are willing to learn them. Other people already have the management skills from their work or elsewhere, but need to learn how to apply these to Scouting. And some already have both the management skills and the Scouting knowledge and are raring to go – and can help their peers build their capabilities. Over the coming months, one of our major areas of focus is going to be on Leadership and Management. We’re going to do this through a number of methods, including tailored GSL and DC inductions, regular one-to-one support, and a residential weekend for recently appointed GSLs and DCs. During this event, which we’re piloting in November, our volunteer managers can come together to learn and share management skills, discuss through group case studies how to apply these to Scouting, and have the chance to network with other people in similar roles. We’ll also be building on the work that Gilwell is doing on Leadership and Management. They have identified six key competency areas for our volunteer managers, ranging from providing direction and working with people, to achieving results and enabling change, to using resources and managing time and personal skills. Scouting is a volunteer organisation, but we should also be a professional organisation. In many places we already are. We owe it to our youth members and adult leaders to make sure we consistently are - in every Group, every District, and across the County. Adam County Commissioner Hampshire Scouting


d celebrate t s e W t s New Fore rs of Beaver ea y their 25y an activit g in v a h y site Scouts b our camp t a d e s a y did day b land. The is ’s y r r a il and -H sland tra I ’s y r r ge a the H ikers Bad H ir e h t d ue achieve a barbeq d a h n e h t ial doing it, by a spec d e w o ll o day th lunch f cake. The rs n io t a r b cele Beave with the e finished Birch tre r e v il S a nting Month Day & Date/s pla mp site. th Marchat the ca Sat 5 th

Hampshire County Beaver Scout Programme 2011-2012 Hampshire County ourBeaver 25 Birthday Scout year Programme 2011-2012 Event

ADC Beaver Scouts and Beaver Leaders meeting Leaders sleepover workshop Event Leaders skillsScouts ADC Beaver weekend and Beaver Leaders meeting ADC Beaver Scouts Leaders sleepover and Beaver Leaders workshop meeting Leaders Regionalskills Legoland weekend trip ADC Beaver Paultons parkScouts with and Beaver Leaders Santa visit meeting Regional Legoland ADC Beavers Scouts trip and Beaver Leaders Paultons park with meeting Santa Beavervisit Olympics

our 25 Birthday year


Sat 18th Day & Date/s Fri 95thth- Sun11th Sat



Sat 10th Sat 18th

September October

th th Fri - Sun11 Sat98th or Sun 9th

September November

th Sat 10 12th

2012 October March

Sat 8thth or Sun 9th Sat 10

Month September March


Sat 12th Sat 16th

March September

th Sat 10 th Sat 8

November 2012

ADC Beavers Scouts HSN6 ADC Beavers scouts and Beaver Leaders and Beaver leaders

Location/Details Chandlers Ford Eastleigh Waterlooville Location/Details Lyons Copse, Chandlers Ford Shedfield Eastleigh Chandlers ford Waterlooville Eastleigh Lyons Copse, Windsor Shedfield Chandlers Romsey ford Eastleigh Windsor Chandlers Ford, Eastleigh Romsey Lyons Copse, Shedfield Chandlers Ford, Chandlers Eastleigh Ford, Eastleigh

GLOBAL DAY AT NFS What a brillant day – the sun shone and Beavers from all around the New Forest South District were able to have fun, make new friends and celebrate the wonderful world that we live in whilst learning more about it. In the morning we worked in four groups – Home, Earth, Planet and World – and discovered more about our local enviroment with staff from the New Forest National ParK.


We celebrated the event with a Party at Runways End, with 138 Beavers plus Leaders & Helpers attending. The dreaded rain that was forecast did not appear and a fantastic “Fun & Friends” day was had by all. All the Beavers decorated a crown for their heads & after the opening ceremony they took part in various games: Parachute, Pin the tail on the Beaver, Balloon popping, Stepping stones, Pass the parcel to name just a few. The event ended with the lighting of a candle on one of the Birthday cakes (we had 3) & singing Happy Birthday.

After lunch we looked at how much of our waste could be recycled and composted and at which group was kinder to the planet… everyone did really well but “Earth” won! We then finished the day with Richard from Active Arts – who came along to teach us how to make a rhythm with our bodies, taught us an African song which groupd of people sing as they welcome each other to their villages and then explore music making with an assortment of instruments, into a fantastic drum circle which we performed in front of parents. At the end of the day all the Beavers went home with their Global Challenge Badge, and two Beavers (from 1st Lymington) were now able to be awarded their Chief Scout Bronze Award at their group’s AGM on Friday!


GOSPORT BEAVERS VISIT CAMP On the weekend of the Royal wedding Gosport held a District camp at Lyons Copse. On the Saturday it was Beavers open day, 74 Beavers in all turned up, they were met by their Leaders and Explorer scouts, who then became their escorts for the day. They started by showing them around the camp and all the different activities on offer. There were many activities for everyone to enjoy, there was archery, sword fighting, rope ladders, rock climbing and gladiators. There was also an underground caving experience which was thoroughly enjoyed and no one was lost in the tunnels! A giant inflatable obstacle course was great fun for Leaders to!! Not as easy as it looked. They baked pink bread dough on a stick over a fire; they were filled with jam and tasted yummy. There was also rafting, great fun and no capsizing! Between these events they had a nice picnic lunch which was provided by the District team outside in the glorious sunshine. As so often happens on these events the time races round and it was soon time to go home. They all left after having a thoroughly exciting and adventurous day. Next year they have been invited to camp overnight. So that is something the Beavers and their Leaders are looking forward to.

FAREHAM EAST BEAVERS As this is the year that Beavers are celebrating their 25th birthday, here in Fareham East we decided to start our celebrations with a” Beaver Leader, helpers and Young Leaders training fun day”, with each colony bringing along a game or craft for the “show and tell”. Everyone gained new ideas to try out with their own colonies. Module 1 was shown to all the parent helpers and Young Leaders, and with four training advisors on hand, Leaders were able to get over fifteen modules signed off between them, getting them all one step closer to gaining their wood beads. One new Leader was invested. We had visits from Teresa Gin, Peter Moody and Adam Jollens, who joined in with all the games, and a special surprise visit from Big Beaver. Thirty of us sat down to a super three course roast dinner cooked for us by Dan Russell and Franny Cook who were themselves Beavers only 15 or so years ago! The day ended with a campfire with some new and old songs, it was a great time for Leaders to chat and get to know each other without the Beavers being there. We decided to have Shelterbox as our chosen charity to support this year, with money raised by the colonies we have been able to buy one whole box at £590,and send £70 to Scout New Zealand’s Sponsor a blanket appeal. What are our plans for the rest of the year? Well many Colonies are taking advantage of the change in the rules and will be sleeping under canvas at our District camp in May. We are planning our own District Beaver Birthday Camp for later on in the year, and there are the County events to attend, Lego land and Paulton’s Park. So all in all a busy year for all involved with Beavers here in Fareham East.

Bouncing Gosport Beavers




Beaver Colonies from across Itchen North enjoyed the fantastic Spring sunshine at “Paulines Lodge” Cricket camp in April with a weekend sleep over in celebration of 25 years of beavers. With this in mind it was themed on cartoon characters from the past 25 yrs.

58 Beavers, 23 Leaders/helpers and 13 SAS took part in the Annual Challenge Day at Oakley School on June 11th. The Challenge day incorporates Colony bases and Trophy winning activities. Armed with their passports the Beaver went around to all the bases to sample what was on offer, quizzes, football skills, badge making, craft, tuck shop, large game playing to name a few. All the Beavers and Big Beaver enjoyed the afternoon, as the weather was kind and the sun shone.

By Ria Neale - BSL 29th Itchen North

The beavers were teamed in groups: ”Dennis the Menace, Yogi Bear, Bugs Bunny, Top Cat and Scooby Doo”.Each group took part in non- stop activities including archery, scrapheap challenge, backwoods cooking and a woodland hike including 25 different things to collect along the way. The evening was rounded off with an old movie and popcorn. The next day, the beavers held a big birthday party with special guest of honour “CHIP” (Big Beaver) to join in the fun. We had traditional party foods and games outside with birthday cake and balloons.It was truly a great way to end the weekend.

By Julie Jacobs

The District Tug of War trophy was won by Hatch Warren Beavers, a show of team strength and The Graham Willis Challenge Trophy went to Winklebury. The SAS arrange the Challenge for the Beavers. It comprised of different activities lasting 15 mins and resulting in points, and points mean prizes. Thanks to Jack Denham (YL) who wore Chip the Big Beaver costume most of the day. The beavers really enjoyed seeing him around.


CUBS TAKE ADVANTAGE 19 1st Lymington and Pennington Cubs took full advantage of the Ferny Crofts Open Day last weekend by camping at the actvity centre for 2 nights. They were joined by 3 from Hordle Walhampton and 3 Young Leaders from the District as well as Leaders and Parents. Th Cubs made the most of the activities on offer with their favourites bing the Rafting and Zip Wire closely followed by High Ropes and Shooting. The staff and volunteers at Ferny were brilliant guiding even the most nervous new Cub through the challenging activities. We joined up with Barton Cubs who were camping next door for a campfire run by Michael and Stuart, young leaders from Barton. Well done guys you were ace. You can guess the rest; Wide games, frisbee piggy in the middle, dirty bathing followed by clean showers, food, more food, a hike and more wide games. Well done to all the Parents and Leaders who came and helped particularly on the Open Day itself. HSN10

FAREHAM WEST DISTRICT CAMP Fareham west Cubs have recently been seen at District Camp practicing their shooting skills on the archery targets and with rifles. Some of the younger cubs found this a little daunting but the have a go spirit that is rife in Fareham West won through and they all had a great weekend; despite a very damp couple of nights. Still we all knew the sunny weather wouldn’t last, well it was District camp after all, but this didn’t dampen our spirits. The cubs have also recently been parading at St Georges Day Parade showing what great young people they are. Following a smart parade through the Locks Heath Shopping centre watched by parents, friends and families they all joined in and proudly renewed their promise.

Hampshire County Cub Scout Programme 2011/12 Rev up for non-stop fun with four of your Tickets are £18.00 (Booking fee of £5.00

favourite Disney stories... We are skating per group (10+) Or £2 per ticket if less into London with our specially selected than 10 persons are booked Updated 12 April 2011 - Latest Programme (updates to) always on the County Website Scout nights on these dates… Month Day & Date/s Event This is a saving of upLocation/Details to £11.00 per ticket Hampshire County th May Sun 8 County Cub Section 7th Eastleigh Scout HQ, The O2: Thursday 20th October 7pm or for Scout members and their families. Meeting - Everyone Shorts Road, Fair Oak SO50 Saturday 22nd 2:30pm October 6.30pmCub Scout Welcome 7EJ UK on 0121 308 4511 Wembley Arena: Friday 28th October 7pm Call DB Promotions June Sat 11th Programme Diversity Workshop 10th Romsey Scout HQ, 2011/12 or Saturday 29th October 6.30pm 10am - 12noon

Braishfield Road, Romsey, SO51 7NZ th June Sat 11 Special Needs Workshop 10th Romsey Scout HQ, Updated 12 April 2011 - Latest Programme (updates to) always on the County Website 2.30pm - 4pm Braishfield Road, Romsey Month Day & Date/s Event SO51 Location/Details 7NZ May Sun9th 8th- Sun 11th County Cub Section 7th Eastleigh Scout HQ, September Fri Practical Skills for TBC 2:30pm Meeting - Everyone Shorts Road, Fair Oak SO50 Leaders st rd Welcome 7EJ October Fri 21 - Sun 23 Survival Camp for Cubs Pinsent Campsite, June Sat 11th Diversity Workshop 10th Romsey Scout HQ, over 9 ½ Winchester 10am - 12noon Braishfield Road, Romsey, October TBC County Cub Section TBC SO51 7NZ Meeting th June Sat 11 Special Needs Workshop 10th Romsey Scout HQ, 2012 2.30pm Braishfield Romsey Mar/April Sun TBC- 4pm 6-a-side Football Wide Lane, Road, Eastleigh SO51 7NZ May TBC Mastermind Competition TBC September Fri 9th - Sun 11th Practical Skills for TBC LeadersCub Section May Sun TBC County October Fri 21st - Sun 23rd Meeting Survival Camp for Cubs Pinsent Campsite, over 9 ½ Winchester June TBC County Cub Day Possible Gilwell Day TBC October TBC County Cub Section TBC MeetingCub Section October Sun TBC County 2012 Meeting Mar/April Sun TBC 6-a-side Football Wide Lane, Eastleigh November TBC Scrapheap Challenge TBC May TBC Mastermind Competition TBC

HSN11 May TBC County Cub Section programme ideas Don’t forgetSun this year’s Join-in-Jamboree Meeting


20th-27th August 2011 at Lyons Copse County Camp is a traditional Scout Summer Camp for Scouts camping in Patrols. This Camp is for you if you are unable to run a Summer Camp, haven’t got enough leaders, don’t have a camping permit, would like the experience of a traditional Summer Camp or if any of your Scouts can’t make your Summer Camp because of dates. Scouts are welcome to attend without leaders and we will look after them, however any leader or parent are welcome to come at no cost and will be actively involved in running the Camp. Scouts will be able to: * Work as Patrols * Cook on open fires and Stoves * Build camp gadgets & Learn camp skills Scouts will take part in: * Team building activities * Wide games * Rafting * Pioneering * A Day hike or an overnight Bike expedition * Swimming at Romsey Rapids * and many more activities... Cost £120 per Scout. This includes food, but excludes transport to and from the site and camping/cooking equipment. The camp is a traditional scout summer camp designed for Troops, Patrols or individual Scouts to attend. paperwork from the downolads area of :www.scouts-hants.org.uk


Once again Southampton City Scouts and Explorers travelled to the Biblins Campsite in the Forest of Dean, on the banks of the river Wye over the May bank holiday weekend. A coach, two mini buses, two land rovers four trailers and a 7.5 ton lorry! With fifty young people and nearly fifty, Leaders, Instructors & Supporters who undertook the challenges of “white water canoeing” on the rapids of Symonds Yat, real rocking climbing on Yat Rocks, off road mountain biking in the forest, a new field archery challenge from Shaun, Ant & Dave and walking in the Valley to the Top of Seven Sisters rocks & King Arthur’s Cave. The down river canoe trip to Monmouth on the Monday morning proved interesting, an ADC’s Swimming Party? The party was well fed and watered by the catering team on this “all inclusive” weekend and unlike the forecast, the weather was great for the weekend. My thanks to all old regular hands and HSN12

the next generation of younger leaders whose enthusiasm and commitment made this weekend possible. All the equipment, except the hired bikes, came from within the District. All the activity authorisations came from within the District. Investment by the District Executive over the years in Leader’s Adventurous Activity training makes this weekend with its challenging young people’s activities possible at a realistic cost. My personal thanks to you all for making this weekend work once again. For those initiated who have struggled on this far let me tell you that outside all the excitement of the activities the real source of it’s success is the place itself. It is a most beautiful place. We would encourage all Scouts to go and stay in this beautiful area.

RUN THE SKATER BADGE AT A PRIVATE ROLLER DISCO AT MO’ROLLER IN SOUTHAMPTON Over the last couple years we've had many successful private roller disco parties for schools, guides, brownies, sports clubs and other youth groups. The most popular has been our two hour package which includes DJ, skates, skate marshal, free squash and exclusive use of the venue. More info from www.themoclub.com

Hampshire County Scout Programme 2011 Updated 12 April 2011 - Latest Programme (updates to) always on the County Website


May May

Event Hampshire County Tue 17 CSA Gold presentation Scout evening Programme 2011 Fri 20 - Sun 22 Expedition Challenge Day & Date/s th






Thornden Hall, Chandlers Ford Ferny Crofts

weekend by foot or bike


July 12 April Fri - Sun 3 Trekto) Cart Updated 20111- Latest Programme (updates always on the County Website QE Country Park, Nr


Day & Date/s





May August

Tue 17thth Sat 20 - Sat 27th

CSA Gold presentation County Camp - Ideal for small evening groups and new Leaders

Thornden Hall, Lyons Copse Chandlers Ford

May September

Fri 20thth- Sun 22ndth Sat 17 - Sun 18

Expedition Challenge Survival Skills Weekend badge weekend by foot or bike

Ferny Crofts Pinsent, Winchester

July September

st Fri 1th - Sun 3rd Fri 9 - Sun 10th

Trek Cart Emlyn Camping Sct/Exp/Net/Ldr Competition

QE Country Park, Nr Ferny Crofts Petersfield

August November

th Sat 20thth - Sat 27th Fri 25 - Sun 27

County Camp - Ideal for small PL Training Weekend groups and new Leaders

Lyons Copse Lyons Copse


Sat 17th - Sun 18th

Survival Skills Weekend

Pinsent, Winchester


Don’t forget this year’s Join-in-Jamboree programme ideas


THEME PARK CAMP 2-4th September 2011 Open to all Explorers and Network In the evenings we'll keep you entertained with discos, karaoke, giant games, fancy dress, camp fires, and anything else we can think of. Then all day Saturday we whisk you off in our shiny red double deckers to Thorpe Park, home of Colossus, a ten loop rollercoaster, Nemesis:Inferno, Stealth, SAW the ride, and all sorts of other spinny whooshy things!



Hampshire County We have over 300 come from all Explorer Scout over the country each year, and this is our tenth one, so we know what Programme 2011 For County more info GO TO: Hampshire we're doing now, all units need to do turn www.summitnetwork.org.uk/tpc up, camp, feed themselves, andExplorer join in Scout www.facebook.com/themeparkcamp the fun! Programme Updatedway 12 April - Latest (updates County Website A great to2011 start the Programme Autumn term! to) always on the 2011 Month May

Day & Date/s Fri 20th - Sun 22nd

6. - 13. JULY 2013

Event Bush Craft Camp

Updated 12 April 2011 -stLatest Programme (updates to) always on the County Website rd

Location/Details Lyons Copse

July Month May September

Fri 1 - Sun 3 Day & Date/s th thnd Fri 20 Sun11 22 9th - -Sun

July September / October September October

st rd Fri 1 30th- -Sun Sun3 2nd

Bush Craft Camp Explorer Leaders Camp Trek Cart Young Leader Training

Fri 9th - Sun 11th Overnight Sat 29th - Sun 30th th Fri 30 Sun42thnd 2nd --Sun

Explorer Leaders County Kudu Camp Young Leader Training

Overnight Sat 29th - Sun 30th nd th Fri 2 18th- -Sun Sun420th

County Kudu

Andover and area

Young Leader Training CampTraining

North Lyons Hampshire Copse

September December / October October Denmark 2011 December March

Trek Cart


Sct/Exp/Net/Ldr Event

Q.E. Country Park, Nr Location/Details Petersfield Lyons Copse


Q.E. Country Cricket Camp Park, Nr Petersfield Lyons Copse Andover and area Cricket Camp North Hampshire

Denmark June 2011 March July / August June

Fri 3rd - Sun 5th

Training Camp

Cricket Camp

th th Fri 18 29th - Sun Mon 20 8th

Training DenmarkCamp trip

Fri 3rd - Sun 5th

Training Camp

Lyons Copse Denmark + visit to WSJ Sweden Cricket Camp

July /

Fri 29

Denmark trip

Denmark + visit to

HSN14 Don’t forget this year’sth Join-in-Jamboree programme ideas th - Mon 8

BLAST - 2nd to 4th September Blast Fest is a brand new event in the form of an open air music festival with huge headline acts, up and coming stars and local established bands. Hours of live bands and a full day of diverse activities are sure to bring enjoyment ahead of a great night of dancing, raving and jumping in the main arena. Weekend tickets are open to Explorers from across the UK and cost just £40 including a weekend’s camping, a range of diverse activities, and hours of live music from well known artists and bands. Day tickets for Saturday are available to Scouts across the UK. They cost £20 You will be required to fill out a booking form per group as well as a health form for each individual person.For booking please either use our online booking form at http://www.blastfestival.co.uk


all levels.’

‘Blue Water Diving Club has been a British Sub Aqua Club (BSAC) branch since around 1996. The club prides itself on the fact it is a friendly club and always looking to reach out and involve all and any who want to become a part of diving. We meet at Queen Mary’s College Sports Centre in Basingstoke every Monday night at 8.30 to 9.30pm and I was wondering if any of the members of the Network Scouts, and/or some of the older Explorer Scouts as well as the Scout Leaders, would like to come and have a go at SCUBA diving. I did used to be a Venture Scout (back in the good old days) after attending many Scout group camps as a leader’s child, and I know how adventerous members of the group can be. Throughout the year there are trips and training events each ready to help you move on to the next step in diving. We are a versatile club with some very experienced members and instructors of

Our website is www.bluewaterdiving. co.uk and contains details on the training that we provide as well as some of the trips we have been on recently. Try-Dives cost only £15 per person, which includes all the equipment hire and the chance to use the gear in the swimming pool. The only things that people need to bring is a swimming costume, and a T-shirt to wear in the pool under the SCUBA equipment. There is also plenty of information on the BSAC website at www.bsac.com If you would like more information, and/ or would like to arrange for some of your members to have a go at SCUBA diving, please don’t hesitate to contact myself, Helen Leighs on 07761053025 or our Andy our Chairman on 07704 699378, or Mark our Diving Officer on 01256 882109.



I then had a limited look around the palace, limited by the fact that the houses were in session but I did observe the Lord Speaker’s procession which was exciting.


I was lucky enough to be invited to a day at Parliament on June 7th by the Scout Citizen team at Gilwell. To celebrate the end of National volunteering week the scout association had a range of events on the parliamentary estate. My first event was in the afternoon, I attended the All-parties Parliamentary Scout Group (a group of politicians that promote and campaign for scouting in Parliament) AGM and debated with them about the issue of volunteering.

The remained of my afternoon was then spent in the speaker’s apartments for the annual speaker’s reception. This consisted of scouts of all ages from all around the By country gathering with their MPs to discuss and show what scouting is all about; and to eat and drink some delightful refreshments. Unfortunately the Lord Speaker himself could not attend but his three deputies did attend, I’m told it’s very uncommon for them to be in one place together. I had many discussions with varying Members of Parliament including the minister for Business and one of the deputy speakers. My day concluded with some words from the Co-Chairmen of the APPSG, David Amess MP and Stephen Pound MP, who are standing down after this (their fifteenth) year. Wayne Bulpitt was also present to inform us all of how to spread the message of scouting and how it is still growing.

Hampshire County Scout Network Programme 2011 The debate focussed upon how the

association can recruit more people, particularly adults, into volunteering with the scouts. Ten young people were I certainly am looking forward to the Month Day & Date/s including Event Location/Details there to join in the discussion future Scout Citizenthevents including a th five from the South the February Mon 14Coast. DuringCooking Competition 14 Eastleigh Scout scout’s question time in Leeds at the end debate ideas such as a scout discount HQ, Albrook Hill of June (and possibly in Hampshire in th th card and Diamond Jubilee neckers were March Sat 19 - Sun 20 Sleepover + Activity Day Pinsent November) and the partycampsite, conferences all discussed. Other suggestions included Winchester in the autumn. The important message th for volunteers th tuition fee reductions and March Fri 25 - Sun 27 County Youth Council Acers, I learnt from the Sandy MPs was thatShedfield scouting waiting time reductions for volunteers’ builds friendships, they shared a children. All the of this April/May Friresults 29th – Mon 2nd debate Social Camp TBC wonderful example of scouting’s values: were then forwarded to the minister for “divided by political loathing but friends volunteering. June Date TBC County Scout Network TBC through the family of scouting”. Committee meeting June Sun Date TBC Network BBQ + Festival QE Country Park, Nr Petersfield July Fri 1st – Sun 3rd Trek Cart QE Country Park, Nr Sct/Exp/Net/Ldr Month Day & Date/s Event Location/Details Petersfield th th February Mon 14 Cooking Competition 14 Eastleigh August Date TBC Monopoly Run An Exotic City Scout TBC HQ, Albrook Hill th th March Satth 19 Sleepover + Activity Day Pinsent August 26 – 29-thSun 20 Beer Festival Drift Inncampsite, Winchester thth th th March 25 - -Sun Sun927 Sandy Acers, Shedfield October Fri 7 County Youth Council TBC

Hampshire County Scout Network Programme 2011

June November

Fri 29th – Mon 2nd Overnight Sat 29th - Sun 30th Date TBC

June December

Sun Date Date TBC TBC

April/May October

Social Camp County Kudu

TBC Andover and area

County Scout Network Committee meeting BBQ Network Ball 17 + Festival

TBC QE Country Park, Nr TBC Petersfield














































Scout Active Support Hampshire (SASH) Meeting



Survival Skills Weekend

Beaver ADC and Leaders meeting

Emlyn Camping competition

Explorer Leaders Camp

Gilwell Reunion. Wood Badge holders get together

Queen’s Scout Award Presentation Evening

County Camp. A traditional 7 day summer camp


Inter-net 2011

County Sailing Regatta

Development Workshop for Development Champions

Gilwell 24. 24 hours of activites for Explorers

Gold Dof E presentations

Trek Cart - more info and rules on Explorer website

NSRA rifle Leader training

Caving day. For novice cavers. £90 for a group of 6

Ferny Crofts open day

Caving day. For novice cavers. £90 for a group of 6

Leaders sleepover workshop

Gilwell Park Fundays. £13 Cubs/ Beavers, £4 Adults

Cub Leaders Workshops; diversity and special needs

County Review and AGM





























Chandlers Ford

Ferny Crofts

Lyons copse

Gilwell park

HMS Warrior

Lyons Copse



Blashford Lakes


Gilwell Park

Great hall , Winchester

Queen Elizabeth Country Park

Ferny Crofts


Ferny Crofts




10th Romsey HQ

The Castle Winchester



Dominic Howell

Teresa Ginn

Les Farrington

Paul Shutt


Mike Baxter

Dominic Howell

Ian Porter

Neil O'Sullivan

David Chadwick

Vanessa Slawson


Mike Baxter

Paul Shutt

John Dohoo

Andrew Watson

Ferny Crofts

Andrew Watson

Teresa Ginn


Teresa Ginn

County Office

Richard Spearing



























County Pulling Regatta













































County Kudu incident Hike



HSX trip to Belize

YL Training Weekend (must have completed Module A)

Introduction to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

Beavers Paultons park santa visit TBC

Caving day. For novice cavers. £90 for a group of 6

HSX trip to Belize


YL Training Weekend (must have completed Module A)

Introduction to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

International Workshop

Beavers Paultons park santa visit TBC

Caving day. For novice cavers. £90 for a group of 6

County Kudu incident Hike

Survival camp for Cubs over 9 and a half

Caving day. For novice cavers. £90 for a group of 6

SASH Meeting

JOTA/ JOTI Jamborees on radio and internet

National scout Rifle Championships

Beaver Legoland trip

Youth Council weekend

HSMT Training Weekend

YL Training Weekend (must have completed Module A)

Basingstoke canal Challenge

HSMT Training Weekend
































Cricket camp






Cricket camp


URC Basingstoke






Chandlers Ford

Bishops Waltham



Runways End


Cricket camp



Testwood Lakes

Charlotte Walsh

Paul Shutt

Mike Baxter

Teresa Gin

Andrew Watson

Anne Hodgins

Charlotte Walsh

Paul Shutt

Mike Baxter

Rayner Mayer

Teresa Gin

Andrew Watson

Anne Hodgins

Vanessa Slawson

Andrew Watson

Richard Spearing

Andy Digby (GØJLX)

John Dohoo

Teresa Gin

Fi Durrant

Gene Burgoyne

Paul Shutt

John Penfold

Gene Burgoyne

David Chadwick





























tarted da have s n a g U m o ut Scouts fr world Sco e th m to y e luck to the d o their journ o G . e ik by b Jamboree u to all of you from ney yo and thank d raise mo e lp e h o h ew Hampshir urney. for their jo

In summer 2013 Canada will host the 14th World Scout Moot. A Moot is a World Scouting event for 18-25 year olds. In 2013 Scouts and Guides from all corners of the world will gather together for an adventure that will stay with them forever. If you are currently aged 15-22 you are almost certainly the right age to be a participant on the Moot. Oportunities are also available to those over 22 who wish to attend the event as a member of the International Service Team. Register your interest at: www.scouts. org.uk/canada2013

18th 25th August 2012 Join thousands of Guides and Scouts from all over the world in Essex at the UK’s largest County Jamboree for a week of fun and freedom and an active and energetic programme of activities and opportunities. Essex International Jamboree is an opportunity for Guides and Scouts from all over the world to come together and enjoy themselves. The true spirit of a Jamboree involves friendship and sharing new adventures. This action packed week will give thousands of young people the experience of a lifetime. It is traditional for the Essex International Jamboree to have a theme and the 2012 theme is our world, our future. more from: www.eij.org.uk

International Friendship camp or IFC’s as we refer to them, have been held at Kibblestone near Stoke on Trent since 1974 with 2013 being our tenth event. We offer a full onsite programme of adventurous activities & team building, as well as pairing UK and Overseas groups to ensure that Scouts and Guides maximise their potential for forging International links whilst onsite. Worldwide Scouting starts with meeting like minded groups & individuals at this type of event. We also have opportunities for small groups, individuals either wishing to take part or as volunteer staff (IST) for more info or to register go to: www. ifc2012.org/index.html 20



THE AFFORDABLE WAY TO EXPERIENCE OFFSHORE SAILING  Have you ever taken the helm of an offshore sailing yacht?  Have you ever worked in a team to keep a 37 ton yacht sailing?  Have you ever made tea at an angle?!

….For an adventure of a lifetime come and join Discovery Sailing Project FANTASTIC OPPORTUNIT TO JOIN US IN THE SUMMER 2011 The Discovery Sailing Project is offering week long voyages for all age groups

during the Summer of 2011 at just £210.00 per week inclusive of food, waterproof hire, mooring, diesel and gas.

Who can come? Anyone from the age group 15 + are able to sail with us on these weeks

What does a typical voyage usually involve? Fun! En route to visiting foreign lands you’ll make new friends or find out much more about the friends you came with. You’ll learn many new skills and probably find out something new about yourself. Right from the start of your voyage your role on board as a Crew member is vital. Working as part of a team, you’ll be involved in every element of your voyage both above and below decks

Week voyages with places available July 2nd – 9th Tallinn (Estonia) to Nykoping (near Stockholm) th th July 9 – 16 Nykoping to Copenhagen (Denmark) th th July 30 – August 6 Copenhagen to Kiel (Germany) August 6th – 13th Kiel to Ijmuiden (near Amsterdam) th th August 13 – 20 Ijmuiden to Hamble River Based from our moorings in the River Hamble we have 3 English Channel voyages visiting France or the Channel Islands………… Aug. 20th – 26th Aug. 27th – Sept. 3rd Sept. 10th – 16th

In addition

Thermopylae: For a group booking 16th – 18th September Discovery: Weekends throughout the summer for a group booking. Please see our website for availability Discovery Sailing Project Unit 6 Universal marina, Crableck Lane Sarisbury Green, Southampton SO31 7ZN

Tel: 01489 580099 / 07973 481460 Email: office@dsp.uk.com Web site www.dsp.uk.com



Hampshire Activities

I’m organising an Activity Assessor workshop on Sunday 6 November 2011 at Ferny Crofts. The event is open to all County Activity Assessors in Hampshire and other counties. The booking form is available on the County Website. Please note that the £10 charge is only for those attending who aren’t County Assessors for Hampshire.

n k Langdow r a M s ie it .uk ACC Activ -hants.org ts u o c s @ s activitie



The Operations Sub-committee has agreed improved rules for Hillwalking and new rules and guidance for High Ropes activities (which includes crate stacking) within Scouting. This follows lengthy reviews and consultations with the Movement.

Hampshire has a team of 4 County Nights Away Advisers which support District Nights Away Advisers and DCs. The team can also conduct Nights Away Assessments if applicants are unable to arrange one locally.

You are invited to perform a final check that these rules and guidance are both sensible and workable. Following this final check the intention is to publish the rules and guidance to go live, with an implementation period included for the changes to High Ropes activities. Until this the current rules continue to apply. This pre launch check will be also communicated via Scouting Plus, on the website and to those who responded during the consultations. Details of the Hillwalking and High Ropes updates are available to download including details of how to feedback your thoughts. The deadline for feedback is 3 July 2011. Regards Activities Office | The Scout Association 020 8433 7157 Gilwell Park | Chingford | London | E4 7QW activities@scouts.org.uk | www.scouts. org.uk/activities

North Hampshire John Dohoo – 01252 843758 North.naa@scouts-hants.org.uk Bramshill, Odiham, Blackwater Valley Silchester, Basingstoke East, Basingstoke West, Andover, Rotherfield Central Hampshire Mark Dolton – 01962 808452 Central.naa@scouts-hants.org.uk Eastleigh, Chandlers Ford, Winchester, Southampton City, Itchen South, Itchen North South West Hampshire Bryan Young – 02380 848098 southw.naa@scouts-hants.org.uk New Forest North, New Forest East, New Forest South, New Forest West, Romsey South East Hampshire David Stemp – 02392 814566 southe.naa@scouts-hants.org.uk Fareham East, Fareham West, Portsmouth City, Havant, Waterlooville, Gosport, Meon Valley, Petersfield


Activity Leadership Courses 2011 Date 6-8 May (part 2) 6-8 May 6-8 May

14-15 May (part 1) 15 May 21-22 May (part 2) 22 May

4-5 June 19 June

1-3 July 3 July

Kayak/Canoe Permit Assessment GNAS Archery Leader Foundation Safety & Rescue Training

NRSA Club Instructor (Airgun) Course Foundation Safety & Rescue Training

NSRA Rifle Shooting Leader Foundation Safety & Rescue Training

Cost £240 per person

Venue North Wales

£100 per person

North Wales

£90 per person

North Wales

£160.00 per person £10.00 per person

Ferny Crofts

£160.00 per person £10.00 per person + £10.00 for certificate or £5 if BCU member TBA £10.00 per person + £10.00 for certificate or £5 if BCU member £115 per person £10.00 per person

Activity Leadership Courses 2011 + £10.00 for

Date 6-8 May 11 (part 2) September 6-8 May 24-25 6-8 May September 23-25 14-15 Sept May (part 1) 23-25 15 MaySept 21-22 May 23-25 (part 2)Sept 22 May 23-25 Sept 7-9 October 4-5 June (part 2) 7-9 October 19 June 7-9 October 1-3 July 3 July

Course Mountain Leader Award Training/Assessment Single Pitch Award Training/Assessment Hillwalking Permit Assessment (Terrain 1 or 2) or refresher training GNAS Archery Leader

Course Mountain Leader Foundation SafetyAward & Training/Assessment Rescue Training Single Pitch Award Training/Assessment Caving Experience Hillwalking Permit Weekend Assessment (Terrain 1 or 2) or refresher training Mountain Leader Award GNAS Archery Leader Training/Assessment Walking GroupPermit Leader Kayak/Canoe Award Assessment Training/Assessment GNAS Archery Leader Hillwalking Permit Assessment (Terrain Foundation Safety & 1) or refresher training Rescue Training Single Pitch Award Training/Assessment Mountain Award NRSA ClubLeader Instructor Training/Assessment (Airgun) Course Single Pitch Award Foundation Safety & Training/Assessment Rescue Training Hillwalking Permit Assessment (Terrain 1 or 2) or refresher training NSRA Rifle Shooting Leader Foundation Safety & Rescue Training

certificate or £5 if Cost member BCU £240 per person £10.00 per person + £10.00 for certificate or £5 if £100 per person BCU member TBA £90 per person

£240 perper person £160.00 person £120 per person £10.00 per person £160.00 per £90 per person person £10.00 per person + £10.00 for £100 per person certificate or £5 if BCU member £240 TBA per person £100 per person £10.00 per person + £10.00 for certificate or £5 if £90 per person BCU member £115 per person £10.00 per person + £10.00 for 23 certificate or £5 if

Contact Hampshire Scouts Mountaineering Team. www.hsmt.info Hampshire Scouts Mountaineering Team. www.hsmt.info Hampshire Scouts Mountaineering Team. www.hsmt.info

Lakeside Country Park, Eastleigh

Dave King 023 8084 5092 Joan Veal Joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk Dave King 023 8084 5092 Joan Veal Joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk

Hook Scout HQ, Hampshire Lakeside Country Park, Eastleigh

John Dohoo john@scouts-shoot.org.uk Joan Veal Joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk

Ferny Crofts

Dave King 023 8084 5092 Joan Veal Joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk


25 Northam HQ, Southampton Ferny Crofts

Lakeside Country Park, Eastleigh Venue North Wales Lakeside Country Park, Eastleigh North Wales Priddy, Somerset North Wales

South Wales Ferny Crofts th South Wales HQ, 25 Northam Southampton Ferny Crofts South Wales Lakeside Country Park, Eastleigh South Wales

North WalesHQ, Hook Scout Hampshire North Wales Lakeside Country Park, Eastleigh North Wales Ferny Crofts Lakeside Country Park, Eastleigh

Contact Hampshire Joan Veal Scouts Mountaineering Team. www.hsmt.info Joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk Hampshire Scouts Mountaineering Team. www.hsmt.info Dave Chadwick Hampshire Scouts Mountaineering 07768 040088 Team. www.hsmt.info hscc@scouts-hants.org.uk Hampshire Dave King Scouts Mountaineering Team. www.hsmt.info 023 8084 5092 Hampshire Joan Veal Scouts Mountaineering Team. www.hsmt.info Joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk Dave King Hampshire Scouts Mountaineering 023 8084 5092 Team. www.hsmt.info Joan Veal Joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk Hampshire Scouts Mountaineering Team. www.hsmt.info Hampshire John DohooScouts Mountaineering Team. www.hsmt.info john@scouts-shoot.org.uk Hampshire Joan Veal Scouts Mountaineering Team. www.hsmt.info Joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk Hampshire Scouts Mountaineering Team. www.hsmt.info Dave King 023 8084 5092 Joan Veal Joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk

Leaders Adventurous Activities Taster Leaders Adventurous Activities Taster Weekend Weekend th th Thurs (Evening) 15 – Sun 18 March 2012 Thurs (Evening) 15th – Sun 18th March 2012 Buddens Farm Scout Centre

Buddens Farm Scout Centre Wareham, Dorset Wareham, Dorset

COST £99 per person COST £99 per fees person (Including activities, camping & food) camping fees food) An opportunity for(Including leadersactivities, in Hampshire to&try their hand at some adventurous activities, and how to go about getting an Adventurous An opportunity for leaders in Hampshire to try their hand at some Activity Permit. The weekend will offer activities such as rock adventurous activities, and how to go about getting an Adventurous climbing, canoeing/kayaking, sailing, mountain biking and Activity Permit. The weekend will offer activities such as rock coasteering. climbing, canoeing/kayaking, sailing, mountain biking and If you would like to register your interest in attending this weekend, then please coasteering.

complete the attached registration form and send to below by 1 October 2011:

If you would like to register your interest in attending this weekend, then please Leaders Adventurous Activities Taster Weekend complete the attached registration form and send to below by 1 October 2011: County Office Ferny Crofts Leaders Adventurous Activities Taster Weekend Beaulieu Road County Office Brockenhurst Ferny Crofts SO42 7YQ Beaulieu Road Brockenhurst If you have any questions regarding this event, SO42 7YQ please contact Mark Langdown ACC Activities on 01252 513521 or email activities@scouts-hants.org.uk If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact Mark Langdown ACC Activities on 01252 513521 or email activities@scouts-hants.org.uk


HAMPSHIRE SCOUT LAKE DISTRICT CAMP By Laura Betteridge from 29th Odiham

In April 2011 a group of 15 Scouts and 5 leaders from Hampshire went to the Lake District for a week-long camp. However, before this camp we, the Scouts (and leaders too!), had to do 3 months of training to learn the skills we would need for a week in the Lake District. These included navigation, first aid, equipment organisation and possibly most important- cooking! After the three months of training, (we hoped) we were ready for our camp. The journey up the Lake District was a long, and of course, slightly boring one but we finally arrived at the two huts that would be our home for the next week. The two huts were immediately labelled top and bottom hut because they were on a slope, and, of course, instant rivalry was in place as we began to unpack our kit and set up shop. One of the main differences between them was the bottom hut, the one I was not in, had a toilet that you could flush. While at the top hut you had a chemical porta-loo, but as scouts we are always prepared for anything! During this camp we had 6 full days of hiking and managed to climb some of the well known Lake District hills including High Rigg, Low Rigg, Cats Bells, Maiden Moor, High Spy, Crag Hill, Causey Pike, Sail Pike, Helvellyn, Striding Edge, Great Gable and Scarfell Pike(we climbed the last two during our overnight camp). My personal favourite- and I believe the group’s favourite- was Striding Edge because of the good scrambling and the excellent views. Also during this camp we were blessed with a rarity on Scout Camp; good weather. It was sunny and warm everyday except the last day when it was a total white-out from the fog and

was raining. The good weather certainly made the camp even more enjoyable and for me, as a girl in scouting, what was particularly funny was all of the boys inspecting their tans and worrying about their tan lines from T-shirts, shorts and fringes! In the evening after our hikes, before we crashed into bed, we played card games such as pontoon and played catch outside, and on the last night a game of limbo! It was a really good camp for making good friends. Another thing I would like to mention is the cooking. Because of the amount of exercise that we did over the week we had to makes sure we ate a good amount to keep us on our feet. This of course came to no objection from the (teenage) scouts. We certainly had 3 square, and very large, meals each day and were very grateful to the leaders who lead the cooking. Overall I really enjoyed the camp and learnt a lot from it, it was a great experience where I was able to really develop my navigational skills and other skills such as team leadership. I am sure all of the others who went on the camp would join me in saying a big thank you to all of the leaders and the people who made the camp possible and that we all had a great time. When my parents were younger they did a lot of hiking in the Lake District and they have always raved about it and said how wonderful it is; now I know why. 25

PAMBER HEATH’S BIG COOKING ADVENTURE Cooking for 54 hungry mouths? No problem for the Pamber Heath Scouts. Led by a parent helper a delicious Spaghetti Bolognaise, cooked from scratch of course – none of this ready-made stuff – went down a treat with hungry Beavers, Cubs and parents alike at our summer camp. Cooking for so many on an open fire and gas burners was quite an experience for the Scouts but they all felt a huge sense of achievement, particularly when there was a rush to queue for seconds! Big appetites had been building up all day from a morning hike with the Cubs who laid a woodland trail, using traditional trail signs, for the Beavers to later follow. Meanwhile the Scouts had been building bivouacs with the aim of sleeping overnight under them. Unfortunately the fine weather broke and heavy rain set in before lights out so the Scouts were allowed to go to their warm dry patrol tents for the night instead. As part of the camp cooking theme the Scouts were treated (I use the word lightly) to a demonstration of how to skin a rabbit and the Beavers and Cubs on how to prepare a fish. We were lucky to have along a good number of parents this year (the number has been growing each year as parents get to like, and value, the experience) so digging the fire pit and waste pit was a shared endeavour and helps everyone realise that camping needs to be a team effort to get the most out of it. And it’s great to see so many Big Adventure t-shirts round the camp site! This thank you message from a Cub mum sums it up wonderfully. ‘Oscar had a fantastic time, and we have enjoyed listening to his tales of walking 10 miles (10 - ?!?), drinking soup round the fire and gutting fish! This is what memories are made of!

Congratulations to... * Vanessa, Fi, 4th New Forest North (Eling) Sea Scouts, and Robin for great coverage this week on BBC Radio Solent and BBC TV South Today about volunteering and the need for more leaders * The Denmark Expedition for planning a great international opportunity for 53 Scouts and Explorers from Hampshire, and on their final successful training camp at Cricket Camp. * Stephen Parker on becoming the new DC of Winchester, and for a great kickoff meeting explaining his vision for the next five years of the District. * Waterlooville, on a great District AGM, a super barbeque on an idyllic evening, and to their eleven Jamboree participants on their presentations, energy and enthusiasm. Netley Sea Scouts on their successful restarting of the Netley Regatta, and surviving the winds and showers to put on some great races involving their Scouts, Hamble Sea Scouts, and various friends and families. * Charlotte, Chris and Jack from the Youth Council on representing the youth of Scouting today at the Hampshire County Service in Winchester Cathedral. 26

* Mike Hughes on being presented with his Silver Wolf by Roy Farmers (a former County Commissioner) at the 1st Cove very well deserved! * Aileen Wood on being presented and knighted with her Silver Acorn by Andy Viney (Itchen South’s DC) at Pauline’s Lodge - again very well deserved! * Geoff Judges on completing 47 years of service as a leader in Scouting, the last 40 with Pamber Heath Scouts - and good luck for his retirement (Andy Baird – Silchester DC wrote - Geoff Judges, Cub Scout Leader in Pamber Heath Scout Group, retired officially at the Group’s recent Annual General Meeting after an amazing 47 years of continuous frontline uniformed service to Scouting and the Cub Scout section. For 40 of these years, Geoff has been an invaluable part of the Pamber Heath Group and it’s almost impossible to estimate how many thousands of young people have benefitted from Geoff’s dedication to providing adventure to young people over the years. Geoff is also the longest-serving adult in Silchester Scout District, widely respected by his peers for his dedication and known for his cheery banter. )


Scout Leaders all around the county regularly give up their time to Scouting and one of these dedicated leaders is The Basingstoke East District Commissioner Andy Cullen who has got the recognition he deserves by winning the Basingstoke A Place To Be Proud Of Awards Unsung Hero 2011. This award goes a little way to mark his 21 years service to Basingstoke Scouting. Andy started his ‘Scouting Adventure’ as a girl guide! When his mother (Who was a leader) use to take him along. He has since had many roles in scouting and now since he became DC youth members in the District have more than doubled! He is often there to offer advise to other leaders based on his skills and experiences in scouting, He is also known for his legendary Camp Fires! Andy is an inspiration and positive role model for both adult and youth members within scouting so… WELL DONE ANDY!

* Lorraine Riley, Clerk to the LordLieutenant and a good friend to Hampshire Scouting, on becoming a Member of the Royal Victorian Order (MVO)


the next few weeks, but bookings can be made through the normal booking form quoting course H5

TRUSTEE TRAINING COUNTY RUN TRAINING If your trustees feel they are performing a balancing act then they should consider the Trustee Training Workshops being provided by the County starting in the Autumn, as announced at the recent County AGM. These are aimed at Trustees and, in particular, Group and District Chairs, Secretaries and Treasurers. A list of venues, dates, and times is below; 05.10.11 - 19.00 - 21.30 - Runways End 22.10.11 - 09.00 - 12.30 - 1st Denmead HQ 25.10.11 - 19.00 - 21.30 - 22nd Southampton HQ 12.11.11 - 09.00 - 21.30 - 8th Alton HQ 19.11.11 - 09.00 - 12.30 - 1st Chandlers Ford HQ 10.12.11 - 09.00 - 12.30 - 10th Fareham HQ Jan 2012 - Andover - Date & Time to be confirmed 19.01.12 - 19.00 - 21.30 - Hilsea Scout Centre, Portsmouth 29.01.12 - 09.00 - 12.30 - 1st Lyndhurst HQ 09.02.12 - 19.00 - 21.30 - 9th Romsey HQ 20.02.12 - 19.00 - 21.30 - Base 2000 Basingstoke 17.03.12 - 09.00 - 12.30 - Crondall Scout HQ, Fleet More information will be available over


You can access the calendar of planned County run training courses from the County website: http://www.scouts-hants.org.uk/training/ AdultTraining/downloads/Cal11v1.pdf and you can download your application form from here: http://www.scoutshants. org.uk/Portal/legacy.php?basePath=AdultTraining&file=Adult-Training/download. html

MATERIALS FOR NEW MODULE 1 The new Module 1 : Essential Information trainers notes and other materials that will be available online in Trainers’ Resources (on scouts.org.uk) area. Module 1 : Essential Information elearning is available online in the Learners Resources area. Module 1 : Essential Information DVD is available to order from the Information Centre for £3.50. Information will be going out in this weeks Scouting+. Don’t forget to communicate to your teams, and to ensure that all old resources are removed from circulation.

TRAINING HELP Want to know who your Local Training Manager is or what a TA does then, look no further than the County Websites Training area. Downloads for next years training courses, booking instructions, PLPs and much more can be downloaded from: www.scouts-hants.org.uk/training 28

scheme has made me grow up a lot and made me realise what I want to do with my life.” 40% of your time will be spent working with the Ferny Crofts team and the remaining 60% will be spent on personal development.

OPPORTUNITIES We are currently looking to recruit: Lead Instructor £13,200 Maintenance Supervisor £13,200 Both posts are 37 hours per week and due to the nature of the business candidates will be required to work unsociable hours. Closing date 13th July 2011 For further information or an application pack please contact: 02380845092 manager@fernycrofts.org.uk

Personal development means different things to different people and to Jack it meant a lot of outdoor activities training. “I have done a lot of Climbing training for walls and towers and recently we all went to North Wales to do our Mountain Leader (ML) training. Then we went to the Lakes together for 2 weeks to get some experience towards the ML qualification.” Board and lodgings will be provided at Ferny Crofts and a grant of £60 a week is paid to cover out of pocket expenses. The scheme starts in September and lasts for 10 months with the possibility of full time employment over the summer months providing activities for the thousands of Scouts who will be camping at Ferny Crofts. If you want to know more then contact Ferny Crofts on 02380 845092 or bursary@fernycrofts.org.uk

JOIN THE FERNY CROFTS BURSARY SCHEME! Are you young, keen to learn new skills, hardworking and passionate about the outdoors? At Ferny Crofts we are currently looking to take on 2 Bursary Students. The scheme provides for young people to learn more about running an activity centre with the opportunity to take part in nationally recognised training schemes.

Date, Venue and Time of Next Meeting - 20th October 2011, 2.15pm at Winchester Tennis Club.

Current Busary Student Jack reckons it was “awesome”. He admitted “The 29

INTRODCING 2 NEW DC’s (District Commisioners) STEPHEN PARKER WINCHESTER Scouting background Scout 1st Farnham 1967-71; Venture Scout 3rd Farnham 1971-73; Acting Scout Leader 1st Farnham 1973; Assistant Scout Leader 5th Winchester 2010-11. What are your non Scouting Roles? Keeping my head above water! That includes making sure that the whole family is in synch with all the Scouting and Sailing. When we are not playing with dinghies and RIBs we run a support group for the “Ocean Youth Trust South’s” 72 foot steel ketch, the “John Laing”. We feed them adults to become mates and watchkeepers. This makes it possible for young people of all backgrounds to go to sea, and we find the youngsters for a one week long voyage once a year.

1. 2 new Groups so that we have 10 in the District. 2. At least 5 new Beaver Colonies to eliminate at a stroke our Beaver waiting list of 100 and so seed future growth in Cubs and Scouts. 3. To give every Group the encouragement and support to have an Explorer Unit based in its own hut so that we have natural “moving on” between all 4 main Sections. Given our strength in Scouts, the Explorer section has the potential to be one of the largest in Hampshire. 4. To boost our Activities Team to help the Groups with many more exciting Adventurous activities. We need to fund many more leaders and Explorers to acquire adventurous training qualifications and instructor qualifications.

What is your favourite campsite? It has to be Pinsent. When I was a Scout we didn’t have anything like this. Pinsent is just a fantastic small and unspoiled wood for traditional camping, for wide games and for backwoods cooking and chopping wood for open fires. Although it is only a few minutes from Winchester it seems totally wild and removed from City life. And when the easterly wind blows and you have to wrap up, it really makes you feel somewhere else. What would you like to achieve in your new role? Not much! It all revolves around “Meeting the Demand for Scouting in Winchester”. We will only achieve that if every adult leader, all members of the various executives and all our parent helpers can come together to make it happen. With one of the worst waiting lists in Hampshire we can do this if we can achieve just six things: 30

5. Raise the few hundred thousand pounds needed to invest in Pinsent so that it will properly support a District of 1,200+ young people. 6. A Student Scout and Guide Club at Winchester University. With 6,400 students sitting on our doorstep during term time, there must be at least 200 former Scouts up there on the hill. We could do something to help keep them in Scouting and also help ourselves by providing a natural path for some of them to become Occasional Helpers, Section Assistants or Leaders. What is the worst thing about Scouting? All that very necessary paperwork! What is the best thing about Scouting? Watching the animated and happy faces of Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers at Camp – especially when eating their own food cooked around an open fire. What is your fondest memory of Scouting? Going on my very first Scout camp in 1967. We were just two patrols in big green patrol tents in a little wood in Tilford, Surrey. We took 2 canoes to walk down to the River Wey, and we just cooked over open fires, and hiked and built an aerial runway and learned all sorts of knots and square lashings. At the end of the weekend I really didn’t want to go home or to go back to school. It was fantastic!

year? No idea! At present I can only think about a waiting list of 170.

COLIN FLOYD SOUTHAMPTON CITY What is your Scouting background? I have been involved in scouting most of my life. I did my scouting at the 13th Itchen North in Southampton and was a senior patrol leader and Chief Scout Award Winner and Bob a Job champion!! My father was the DC of Itchen North and also formed the 29th Broadoak Scout Group in Botley. Scouting has been a large part of my life and has given me many fantastic memories and experiences and the opportunity to make a wide circle of friends. What are your non Scouting Roles? I am married to Sue and have two sons. One is an estate agent and the other is just off to Australia to work on a ranch. This shows that every child is their own person and we should not try and stop that individuality. I work for Southampton City Council Children Services & Learning as a Project Manager. My work is to support all primary schools in Southampton and manage the basic need projects which involve the expansion of a substantial amount of school buildings to meet our school places obligations.

What is the best meal a Scout has cooked for you? Bacon and eggs combined with the previous night’s curry at 5th Winchester’s “Fire and Ice” Scout camp.

What is your favourite campsite and why? That is very easy; it is Wilverley which is our District Camp site in the heart of the New Forest. I would recommend it to everyone in Hampshire and beyond. It is a very special place with great accommodation indoors and has wonderful facilities for camping. Further details our on the following link: http://www.stonehengetouringpark.com/ Wilverley/about.htm

What % should we set as our target for growth of the movement each

What would you like to achieve in your new role?

Where did you go for your last holiday? Terrain 2 assessment weekend at Bethesda, Snowdonia with Greater London South West’s Hillwalking Club.


I am focused on giving our young people the very best of scouting and even though we are already a very active and well organised district, I want us to be even better. I would like to open up scouting to the wider community, especially those with special needs and those that come from areas of deprivation. Who would you like to be the next Chief Scout? I would like to see the Duchess of Cambridge. She would be just great for us. Especially now that we are an organisation which encourages girls to be in scouting. What is the worst thing about Scouting? There are a number of things that we could do better but nothing is so bad that it cannot be fixed. What is the best thing about Scouting?

The young people of course; they are why we do it. They are the best of scouting and always will be. What is your fondest memory of Scouting? When I was a scout the Chief Scout visited us at Broadlands in Romsey in a helicopter. That was something I will never forget, even though it was some time ago. More lately, I would say it is our District Camp and our Wye Valley Activity weekends, which I would highly recommend. How do you relax when you have spare time? I am a season ticket holder of Southampton Football Club but I would hardly call that relaxing! But it has got to be better than watching any other team in Hampshire!! Where did you go for your last holiday? I went to Italy to Rome, Florence and Venice. That was relaxing, and again a great opportunity to meet new people from all over the world. What is the best meal a Scout has cooked for you? Salads I find are the safest but the desserts are always well worth trying again and again!! Why did you apply to be the District Commissioner for Southampton City? I applied because the group I was working with is in a really good place, very strong, and I had two young people who were itching to take over. I was also looking for a new challenge. Now that I have been given this opportunity I am eager to get started and really make a difference in all areas of our district set up. I would also like to offer much more to the scouts with the main topic being fun not only for them, but for the “big people� that make it all happen. 32



The County AGM took place in the Ashburton Hall in Winchester on June 9th. This modern facility set the tone for the presentations showcasing Scouting in 2010, which preceded the AGM. Fi Durrant hosted the event and introduced reports of trips to The Gambai, Peru and Uganda, as well as representatives of the Hampshire Contingent to the World Scout Jamboree in Sweden. Two members of the Youth Council explained about this cutting edge initiative to give our Youth Members a voice in the decision making in the County. Chip the Beaver popped in for a chat and managed to get the audience of about 120, including eight Mayors and Council Leaders to perform a Mexican Wave to music – most impressive. The Councillors and other invited guests were hosted by Youth Members and were able to view a number of displays of Scouting activities before the event, including Namaste Nepal, Archery and Ferny Crofts. The evening was concluded with the AGM itself – a lively affair, held at a cracking pace. We have had some great comments from the Mayors about the evening and the exciting things they had seen and heard.

Basingstoke West reported that they had won the County Quiz and had an excellent talk from the Lowland Search Dogs organisation (contact saunders. kevin@sky.com). The dogs help in searches for lost, missing and vulnerable people. Highly recommended. The unit had supported District AGM, had undertaken marshalling etc at St George’s Day parade, will be supporting Beaver Challenge Day by running bases etc and will be going on the Basingstoke Canal. They will be running some events at District Cub Camp, helping out at Beaver/ Cub day, having their annual BBQ and going on their annual walk. Ron Barker had also received the Bar to the Silver Acorn. Blackwater Valley. Reported that the District had had an alternative St George’s Day with ‘It’s a Knockout’ style fun event followed by reflection, renewal of Promises and presentation of Awards. The local Network had been reformed and hosted the Network to an indoor pub games evening and are also developing an event based on Super Scout but aimed at Explorer Scouts. They had also held their Annual lunch with about 30 attending. Runways End is progressing and is a couple of weeks behind schedule. Photos and information on the project is available from http://runwaysend. wordpress.com/ Runways End Scout shop is willing to get old style Fellowship scarves if wanted. (Les Hall 01252515767) Les is also County Badge Secretary and holds stocks of all badges which he is willing to send out in small quantities rather than packs of 25. Chandlers Ford. Had catered for various District events including the Chess Competition in February, ran the District barn Dance visited District camp at Butcher’s Coppice. Future activities included the Beaver/Cub Fun Day, helping with District Raft Race, the Cub/ Scout Cooking competition and providing


Cheese and wine at the District AGM. Fareham. Have 38 members at present and have provided the judges for Cooking Competition, run bases at District Camps, have attended Fareham East and West’s St George’s Day Parades and had a St David’s Day Dinner and Skittles evening. Silver Acorns were presented to Peter Moody and Mo Cummings. Alan Seeley received his 50 year long service award. Itchen North. Now have a total of 12 members many of whom hold more than one position in the District. Activities have included running the Cafe at Open Day, spent a weekend on Brownsea and have promoted Active Support at the three District Leader’s meetings, Three members will be visiting a Cub pack to give Map Reading and Compass instruction. It was reported that despite the Units District involvement the members were not recognised as part of the District Team by the DC nor had he been to any of the Unit’s meetings. Two members had received the Silver Acorn. Petersfield. We’re sorry to report that one of their members, Barbara Cook, had passed away in February this year. The Unit had held a District Quiz, had a talk on antiques, a Skittles evening and organised the District Tracking event with the ADC Cubs. As reported earlier they had also run a successful Pinewood Derby. Rotherfield. Had helped at St George’s Day Parade and Service, District Chess competition, Beaver Camp sing-a-Long, run two bases at Cub Activity Day and had a talk by the Air Ambulance. In July they are organising a trip to historic Winchester. Southampton City. Since last meeting Unit had held a District skittles match to raise money for Jamboree fund. Activities included Stewards at Founder’s Day Service, helped at Beavers 25th celebration, Stewards at St George’s Day Parade, visit to Roverang, unveiled plaque in memory of Peter Fillmore and met for lunch each month. Doreen Old had been awarded the Silver Acorn.

Winchester. Reported that their members had participated in a number of District and Group activities particularly Archery and Rifle Shooting. Members have also provided support to Groups who had temporary gaps in leadership. Future events included raising funds for Pinsent Camp site through a sponsored walk arranged in conjunction with local Rotary and their Annual Review and BBQ in July.


Now the rush of Volunteer Week is over and we are dealing with a small number of new enquiries from TV coverage I wanted to highlight some good practice when dealing with new volunteers. Firstly – say thank you and make them feel welcome. Take some time to find out what they would like to do and what skills they have. Explain what options are available including the non-uniform section roles which seems less daunting when you are new to scouting. Think about the variety of roles that can be filled from administration, to SAS or skills instructors not just uniformed leaders. By discussing what skills they already have and what new ones they would like to gain, you will have a better idea of where they will be happiest. Do not use Scouting jargon – GSL’s, DC’s and even


‘Explorers’ will be unfamiliar to people. You will need to explain the age ranges and make sure you use words like ‘manager’ to explain who the GSL is. Explain the structure of Scouting (ie a Group is made up of sections, a District is a number of Groups etc), who their line manager is and make sure they have the contact details of someone suitable to their role. Encourage them to ask questions however stupid it might seem! Explain the training available and the support they will get. Be realistic and agree a role in scouting that suits the time they have available and their skills. Have an Induction Plan It is important when someone agrees to take on a role in Scouting that they are not then just left to get on with it. A simple induction plan should be put together for all adults taking up new roles. Things to consider when putting together the plan are: o Who do they need to be introduced to? o Who needs to know them and who do they need to know? o What information do they need to get started? o Who will actively help and support them in that early stage? o What resources do they need to access to get started? o Are there meetings they need to attend, who will take them the first time, do they know where the meetings are held? o Who do they contact with questions or problems? o Flexible Scouting – what it entails o Communication – between ‘mentor’ and group / section The induction plan should address these issues in a sensible timescale and be agreed with all involved in it. The plan then needs to be put into practice. Think about Integration The integration of a new adult into a section or a committee can be done in a few different ways – it often will depend upon their previous knowledge and personalities – but whoever they are they

will need:• • •

Information introductions to people Encouragement - to having a go

We do find that a lot of new adults leave Scouting – why is this? Anecdotally the reasons are: • not having a chance to do anything, • not being sure exactly what is expected of them, • not feeling valued - to being left without any support. A good way of overcoming some of these difficulties, and encouraging people to stay involved with Scouting longer, is to plan a period of integration into Scouting for a new leader or helper. Useful paperwork Some useful fact sheets and cards are available from HQ:BS320032 Induction - Starting an adult in a new role https://members.scouts.org.uk/ supportresources/search/?cat=268,376 FS 331001 Introduction to induction and retention FS 331002 Producing a welcome pack FS 331003 Producing an induction plan FS 331004 Agreeing goals Group Induction Plan Template and District Induction Plan Template (editable) www.scouts.org.uk/appointment Induction prompt card Support prompt card Next month we will look at recruiting parents and effective ways of handling a parent rota. Please contact me if you want help or support with recruitment of new adults into Scouting or have any questions about the above resources. Vanessa vanessa.slawson@scouts-hants.org.uk I 07900 536504


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