Hampshire Scout News - March 2017

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s t u o c S e r i Hampsh ws


.uk | March 2017

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Our Winter Camp 1st Whitchurch Scouts


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March 2017


Welcome to the March 2017 edition of Hampshire Scouts News

4. So...What are Your Views on the Future of Scouting? 6. Cheque Presentation 8. 50 Years of Scouting 9. The Bethlehem Peace Light 12. Win, win, win! 13. Leaders Rally 2017 14. Cub Scouts 100th Birthday Party 16. County Kudu 18. 24th World Scout Jamboree - early stages of planning advert 19. Gambia 2017 20. Hampshire Link Camp booking info 21. Christmas Carols 22. The long and the short of it 24. Our Age UK Christmas party 25. Target Sprint Competition 26. Easter Egg Appeal 27. Kayaking Courses 28. HSX - This Easter & H0018 save the date About Us

Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 17,500 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

Get Involved

To join the adventure of Scouting whether as an Adult or Young person then contact us at: www.scouts.org.uk/join e: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk or t: 023 8084 7847

Have you got any news for us?

Do you have a story or success that you’d like to share? Help us to highlight and celebrate your achievements in growth, exclusivity, youth shaped and community – email us your team’s successes along with any photos to: county.office@Scouts-hants.org.uk, please keep emails less than 30mb, if they are bigger we can share our Dropbox link with you, please get in touch.

Photography Acknowledgements

Where we can, we strive to acknowledge the owner or source of pictures used in this publication. We use them under the terms ‘for Scouting use only’. If you would like pictures acknowledged, please let us know the owners name when submitting. Thank you.




What are Your Views on the Future of Scouting?

In early April, hundreds of CCs, DCs, Youth Commissioners and County Chairs will meet at Warwick University for Summit17 – the Scout Association’s National Conference. Hampshire will be well represented, with delegates from all of these roles. One of the topics we’ll be debating is the future strategy of Scouting, and I wanted to invite you to contribute to this discussion with your views on some key questions. We’ll be putting a survey up on the Hampshire Scouting website to gather your views, so please keep an eye on www. hampshirescouting.org.uk. In the meantime, please have a think about these questions, discuss them with your colleagues, and tell me at events over the next couple of months what you really think. Where are we today? A.1 Which of the four strategic objectives should continue into the next strategic plan? • Growth • Community Impact • Inclusivity • Youth-Shaped A.2 For the objectives that you think should continue, please identify up to two things for each objective that would contribute to its success? a. b. 4

March 2017

Where do we want to get to? B.1 What other objective(s) or priorities should be included in the next strategic plan? a. b. c. B.2 Can you suggest one game-changing idea that we should consider doing over the next five years? a. How are we going to get there? C.1 What local or national actions would help volunteers feel motivated to deliver the strategic plan? a. b. c. C.2 What one thing would contribute to volunteers feeling more valued, empowered and proud? a. Anyone can contribute to this survey – we’ll ask for your role but not your name so you can feel free to speak your mind! Looking forward to hearing your views about the future of Scouting, and helping us to shape what comes next. Adam County Commissioner Hampshire Scouting

Hampshire Scout

Mountaineering Team www.hsmt.org.uk



Cheque Presentation

Last Sunday the Explorers at Abbey United Reformed Church, Romsey, were pleased to present the cheque to their chosen charity for 2016. Each year the Explorers choose a charity from the UK or abroad in rotation, this year it was an international charity’s turn for support. After discussion they decided to support one of the Pioneers from church, Kathleen Beaman (a Young Leader at 3rd Romsey Scout Group), who is undertaking a trip with Hampshire Scouts in August this year to help build a school in Madabadaba, a very


March 2017

remote area of Tanzania. At the start of the year Kathleen, who is 15, went along and showed the children where she will be visiting and the current school. Kathleen belongs to Team Tembo (meaning elephant in Swahili) and the plan is for their group of 24 young people and adults to fund and rebuild a school to provide 3 new classrooms, a library, an office and a toilet block for a remote village and the surrounding area. The Explorers enthusiastically started fundraising to help fund this project. The congregation supported them by collecting coins

in jars throughout the year and coming along to the events. They baked cakes for a cake sale after the service on the launch Sunday and strode out, with friends and supporters, on a beautiful sunny day down at Mudeford to undertake their sponsored walk. It was well attended and the shared lunch afterwards went down well with the young people and other members of the congregation who joined them. Other events included a bingo evening, name the (toy) dog, an Easter Egg raffle and at Beggars’ Fair coins were collected to make a coin picture and the year’s

fundraising culminated with the Christmas hamper raffle. The Explorers and Reverend Mike Perrott, Abbey URC Minister, presented a cheque for the sum of £1,030 towards Madabadaba school. Kathleen said, “I was astounded by the amount of money the Explorers managed to raise and I am hugely grateful for all of their hard work and the support of the congregation. All the money raised will go towards an amazing cause and help the children in Madabadaba, Tanzania get an education. I was so excited to be accepted on to this trip and I can’t wait to make a change to the lives and learning of the children out there. My fundraising has been going well and I have had wonderful support from friends and the people of Romsey. However this is lucky as when the expedition leaders went for the pre-visit last summer 250 children turned up to welcome them! This means the scheme needs to be enlarged and every penny we can raise will help towards the extra 2 classrooms needed to

give these children the education they deserve. I’m really pleased that I was chosen to volunteer at Madabadaba as the new school means the girls will also be given the chance to learn, the previous classroom was only large enough for a few of the children so the boys were given the priority for education.” Although Kathleen has now reached her target she has decided to still continue with her final fundraiser. As the team needs to raise the money for two extra classrooms any money she receives over the amount set by the expedition will go directly towards work and extra items at Madabadaba primary school. Kathleen’s final fundraiser will be shocking for people who know her, she has always had long hair - down to her waist, however in February 2017 she is shaving her hair off to a GRADE 3! Her hair will be donated to the Little Princess Trust and any sponsorship money will go to the school. Every penny helps so if you are interested in sponsoring her for this brave event please go to https://mydonate.bt.com/

fundraisers/kbeamanexp Kathleen, a Pioneer at Abbey URC and Senior Patrol Leader from 3rd Romsey Scouts, will be part of a total unit made up of 100 young people aged 14 - 18, who will be guided by 50 adult volunteers. There are 5 projects ranging from building a new National camp site, improving accommodation at the medical centre built by the team in 2015, a skills workshop and, of course, Madabadaba primary school. Tanzania 2017 will be the adventure of a lifetime for both the young people and adults, they have the opportunity to change the lives of local villagers and the experience offers them the chance to learn new skills that they can use in other aspects of their life. Scouting in Hampshire has a surprising expedition history, travelling 39,450 miles to 15 countries and territories alone in 2015 - even summiting Everest in the past. This equates to an impressive 1,893,157 people miles; 76 times around the world, or four trips to the moon and back!



50 Years of Scouting!

On Monday the 19th of December 2016, the 29th Immaculata Scout Group based in Portswood Southampton celebrated being open and still going strong for 50 years to the day from when it was formed. Originally opening up in the local Church Hall of the Immaculate Conception Church on the 19th of December 1966, before moving to its current Scout Hut near Portswood School. During the evening of celebrations, we were joined by some Scouting VIPs. We had Tim Kidd join us who is the UK Chief Commissioner and Tim kindly presented a 29th Scout with a prize for winning our Neckerchief Badge Design, which now all members involved with the 29th Group will wear. Well Done to Chloe for


March 2017

designing the winning badge. We also had Adam Jollans kindly attend too and Adam is the Hampshire Scout County Commissioner. Adam also did a couple of presentations for us. They were presentations for 25 years Service to our in coming District Commissioner David Bowers and 50 years Service to our Group President Graham Meering (although not all of Graham’s 50 years have been involved with the 29th Scout Group). Over the evening we were also joined by past and present leaders and Exec members that can be traced right back to when we started in 1966. 39 adults kindly attended to reminisce about their time spent at the 29th and how the hut had changed

from when they were involved, or being shown around as they assisted when the group was in the Church Hall. We almost had all the Scout Leaders present, with 4 of the main 5 in attendance and were able to cover 45 of our 50 years! 40 of our current section members also spent the evening playing party games and meeting the adults who, without them starting up the group (before they were born) meant that they would not be involved with in their local Scout Group today. Here’s to another 50 years of fun and adventure at the 29th Immaculata Scout Group. Yours in Scouting, Russ Andrews 29th Immaculata Group Scout Leader

The Bethlehem Peace Light 2016

brought to you by New Forest West Scouts At the Nativity Grotto in Bethlehem, where Jesus was born, burns an ‘Eternal Flame’. Each year, a child from Upper Austria kindles a lamp from the Flame and carries it to Vienna for a Service of Dedication and as a Message of Peace. For 30 years, Scouts and Guides of the World have taken the Flame by land, sea and air to many Countries in Europe and America.

British Scouts have yet again carried the Flame to Calais, and then by ferry to Dover, to start a chain of distribution across the whole of the British Isles. This year, New Forest West Scouts again collected the Flame at a short Service of Dedication at the Wiltshire Scouts County Centre and brought it to Ringwood for distribution at Christmas Services in local Churches, after an amazing journey of nearly 4000 miles.

We are indebted to Emma George and the MasonSmith family of the 3rd Ringwood Group for delivering the Flame safely to one Ecumenical Outdoor Service in Ringwood, four Ringwood Churches and to Burley Parish Church. At Services, the ‘Carrier of the Light’ offers The Light as a Symbol of World-Wide Peace and invites all to become ‘Bearers of the Light’ and ‘Builders of Peace’ with the words:

This Is the Light of Trust, where people seek unity and safety, where trust and faith live together. This is the Light that Heals divisions among men. This is the Light of Joy. Life is Light: it is bright and full of happiness: You can see its colours in a sunlit field and laughing children. This is the Light of Hope. No one can extinguish it, because Hope overcomes fear: And in fear’s place, Joy is created. The Light burns so that man’s heart of stone becomes filled with Love. It burns because we must never lose Hope. This is the Light of Peace: It burns because people love and help one another. As long as the Peace Light remains lit in our hearts, We will all be ‘Bearers of the Peace’. Amen Ian Mason-Smith, New Forest West SAS Unit Manager



Our Winter Camp 1st Whitchurch Scouts


March 2017

For our winter camp 1st Whitchurch Scouts stayed on the 1930’s pilot cutter the Lord Amory. The ship is owned by the Docklands Scout project and permanently moored in West India dock, Alice Gibb (age 13) one of the scouts takes up with the rest of the story: Overall it was one of the best and worst scout camps of my life, first off it was the worst because it was one of my last camps because I am moving up to explorers soon. However, it was so amazing full of so many extraordinary opportunities. So, to start with we left the scout hut in the evening to get to the Lord Amory Scout Project boat in London, we left in three mini buses. By the time we arrived it was dark, we were greeted by a really nice man who ran the ship and we got taken to our rooms. After hot chocolate and hot dogs,

we went to bed and I got to sleep really quickly! Bu bub u bundududu is what I woke up to on Saturday morning I thought we were going into war! It turned out that is how you get woken up on a boat (by blasting music loudly through the speakers until you wake up). Eventually we dragged ourselves out to breakfast. Next, we got ready to go out for the day on a hike round East London, it was one of the best hikes ever because it included going under the Thames in a really long tunnel and going on the EMIRATES SKYLINE! We also went to two museums and to the Cutty Sark Museum which was equally interesting and we watched a short piece of drama about the sculpture called ‘Nannie’ who was on the front of the ship. Finally, we went on the skyline (cable cars) back over the Thames which was scary at first but after a while it was okay, the view was

absolutely beautiful. The final day we woke up yet again to the music at 7 o’clock on the dot, however everyone was buzzing because today we were going to the OLYMPIC SWIMMING POOL! Some really confident swimmers went earlier to do lanes in the 50m pool that was used in 2012, the rest of us met up with them later in the day to use the 25m practice pool. It was really nice at the aquatics centre and was my favourite thing that we did after the skyline. The last thing we did before we left was find a nice place in the sun to sit in the Olympic park while we ate our lunch. Then we had to go home. I had a lovely weekend and I want to take this opportunity to thank all the leaders and Martin the ship’s duty officer and everybody else that made that weekend such a great experience.

mydonate.bt.com\fundraisers\tonymoles1 mydonate.bt.com\fundraisers\jamessnape1 www.hampshirescouts.org.uk


Win, win, win!

In the photo: Dan, Harry, Will, Aaron, Michael, Robert, Lexi, Thomas, Ben, Jessica, Bethany & James.

Competition success for Hamble Sea Scouts and Explorers at the annual RN Recognised Sea Scouts Swimming Championships 6th Itchen South Hamble once again competed at the annual gala held at HMS Raleigh in Plymouth. After training hard in the run up to the annual event, all teams (U12, U14, U16 & U18) swam well to reach the finals of both the squadron and medley relays. The Explorers U16 team finished in 3rd place and the U18 team won the Medley Salver trophy. The teams then competed in the Squadron 12

March 2017

relay, with the Explorers winning their event by a large margin contributing to their overall success retaining the Explorers Trophy for the second year. In a separate line throwing competition, the Explorers did one better than last year by winning the fastest time for rescuing 5 people, securing the trophy. The scout teams while not winning a trophy, did not come home empty handed; the U14’s placed 3rd in the medley relay and the combined scout team were just beaten to finish 4th in the Squadron event

Sunday 12th March 2017

This is a ‘drop in’ event from 10am and there is no charge, but booking is advisable if you want to get on a specific workshop. You can book your place on the link below:

www.tiny.cc/leadersrally2017 Pavilion On The Park 1 Kingfisher Rd, Eastleigh SO50 9LH This event is open to all adult volunteers from all sections and they are welcome to come along and find out updates about your section Programme ideas | Get hints and tips on running a section Meet fellow leaders | Various specialist sessions Attend your section meeting Refreshments are available to buy there. We look forward to meeting you there. Youth Programme team.

youth.programme@scouts-hants.org.uk www.hampshirescouts.org.uk


Cub Scouts 100 Birthday Party th

Cub Scouts celebrated their 100th birthday on December 16th this year. Lord Robert Baden-Powell founded Scouts in 1907, then started Wolf Cubs (as they were then called) for their little brothers in 1916; so Cubs everywhere in the world were asked to renew their Cub Promise at exactly 19:16 that day; reflecting their birthdate of 1916! Here in Rushmoor, we held a party at Samuel Cody Community School,


March 2017

stopping everything at 19:16 for the Promise Renewal. 200 Cubs attended the party, which also included games, a disco run by “DNA Kids�, a Macdonalds Happy meal for every Cub, and birthday cake. Ordering 200 Happy Meals from Macdonalds was an interesting exercise - ordered well in advance of course, and Macdonalds did a great job of providing everything we needed, right on time! The cakes were made

by a local Cub Leader. Guests were also invited - past and present Leaders both locally and from Hampshire County Scouts HQ. Guest of Honour was the Mayor of Rushmoor, Cllr Jacqui Vosper, who gave a short speech to the Cubs (she didn’t want to hold up the fun for too long!). She then stayed to the end, when she took home her grandson, a Cub at 6th Farnborough.

The party brought to an end the Cubs Centenary year, which amongst other activities had included a week-end camp at the Runways End activity centre in June - also attended by over 150 Cubs. The attached photo shows the Mayor talking to the Cubs immediately after their Promise Renewal. Rich Lambert,

Assistant District Commissioner Cub Scouts, Blackwater Valley District



Kudu The County Kudu competition is a night hike with incidents for teams of between 4 & 7 Explorer and Network Scouts. The Kudu Trophy (Gold) route was fifteen miles (24km) with six bases en route. There was also a Silver route which was ten miles (16km) with five bases. This year the event took place in Lockerley, nr Romsey.

which marks were deducted). The Gold teams also had to remove tyres from a Land Rover, swap them using a pulley system and replace them!

The bases included a range of challenges including an ‘interesting’ string to trail, building a tripod to boil water over a trangia, a team building exercise on tyres, retrieving an item with a twist and finding British coins in a mixture of slops blindfolded (differentiating from the foreign ones, for

Well done to Portsmouth Armanda Network for getting the highest overall score and winning the Network Trophy. Well done to a combined team from New Forest North (Magellan) and Blackwater Valley (Phantoms) who won the Explorer trophy having only met each other on the night! Also congratulations


March 2017

The evening was very cold and the last team finished around 05:00 before going to bed for a few hours before hearing who the winners were.

to New Forest South (Blue Wolves ESU) on winning the Silver Kudu challenge. The full results are below. Thanks must go to all the leaders who ran the bases in the cold, Barry and Chris Samways who stayed up all night providing Soup, Hot Drinks & Bacon Rolls, Jools Sore from Andover who provided the communications and Robin Taylor-Milton from Romsey for organising the routes. Also to Lockerley Scout HQ for use of their HQ and field. We look forward to the 2018 competition. Michael Baxter Assistant County Commissioner DofE and QSA

Network Kudu winners Portsmouth Armada

Explorer Kudu winners - Blackwater Valley & New Forest North

Silver Kudu winners - New Forest South

Kudu Results

Position 1st Network

Points District 617 Portsmouth

Unit Armada Scout Network

1st Explorer 2nd Explorer 3rd Explorer 4th Explorer 5th Explorer

500 443 443 438 255

New Forest North (Magellan) & Blackwater Valley (Phantoms) Romsey Apache Explorers Odiham FleeT-Rex Explorers A Gosport Gosport Viking explorers Odiham FleeT-Rex Explorers B

1st Silver 2nd Silver 3rd Silver 4th Silver 5th Silver 6th Silver 7th Silver 8th Silver

517 507 506 503 470 429 396 343

New Forest South Winchester Odiham Odiham Andover Portsmouth Romsey Fareham East

Blue Wolves ESU Beacon Explorer Unit Pegasus Explorer Unit B Pegasus Explorer Unit A District Explorers Endeavour Apache Explorers Watkins ESU



 Hampshire County Scouts th Contingents to the 24  World Scout Jamboree in  the USA  We are in the early stages of planning the selection of Hampshire  Jamboree units. This event will be a fantastic adventure for all involved  and we will shortly be launching the application forms for Leaders and  Participants (aged between 14 and 18) (birthdays on 22nd July 2019). 

We have a Leaders selection weekend booked for 5-7th May 17, and a -participants selection weekend booked for 15 -17th September 17. - 

Whilst we are still working out the final parts of the application process,  we have setup three lists for people to register their interest.  1. Expressions of Interest for Leaders  Expressions  2. of Interest for Participants 3. a Leader—for anybody (especially Scouts and Explorers),  Suggest  to nominate a leader.  — For more information, please visit the Jamboree section on the Hampshire Scouts Website  

www.hampshirescouting.org.uk/WSJ 

As per previous years, we will also be running other Expeditions  alongside the Jamboree, as we probably will not be able to take  all youth applicants to the Jamboree. If you are interested in being  a leader on this expedition, please register on the Expressions of Interest for Leaders list as above.  

Mark Duffy - WSJ@scouts-hants.org.uk —- 18

March 2017

2017 Expedition to The Gambia Hampshire Explorer Scouts

Help improve the Kaira Konko Scout centre, repair school classrooms, repair local homes in Soma… take paper, books and pencils to the primary school… improve the vegetable garden in the village... Friday night is Scout night and we will be there sharing ideas… help at the schools. Plus shopping at the market. Visit the village chief.. go on expeditions out of Soma in small groups with the Gambian Scouts.. and loads more! WHEN? For 2 weeks departing around Friday 29th December 2017 to return about Saturday 13th January 2018 (dates tbc depending on flights) Note you may need to arrange time away from school or college. FUNDRAISING is an important part of the expedition Fundraise a minimum of £600, then either pay the remainder or fundraise as much as you can PAYMENT £1,300-£1,500 tbc once flights are booked Deposit £150, then eleven monthly payments from January 2017 to November 2017 Includes flights, accommodation, food, travel, visits, loads of laughs, masses of hard work, lots of sunshine and a few surprises, training, a polo shirt and international necker. Excludes vaccinations and anti-malarial tablets (full details will be provided about what you need nearer the time) TRAINING Please note this is a Scout Expedition. It is not a holiday. It will be challenging but very rewarding. The training is an important part of the expedition package and Explorers should prioritise it and make every effort to attend the training events. For more information contact Jackie Heath, Expedition Leader: Jackie.heath@live.co.uk

- www.kairakonko.com www.hampshirescouts.org.uk



Link Camp

12th-14th May 2017

At Ferny Crofts Activity Centre Come and join us for a fun packed weekend of Scouting activities including bushcraft skills, cooking outdoors, 2 adventure zones and taking part in JOTT. (Jamboree on the trail) gaining a badge as well. Cost £26.00 each plus own food costs. Places are limited on a first come first served basis, please book online at https://tinyurl.com/jx53ow4 The closing date is 31st March 2017 We send you an invoice once booked. We will also be celebrating Ferny Crofts 40th birthday with many fun evening activities and a special guest opening the new Mountbatten Lodge. The event is open to Beavers 7 ½+, Cubs 10+, Scouts 13+, Explorers and Network.

Ferny Crofts Scout Activity Centre 40th Birthday Celebrations Throughout 2016 and 2017, Ferny Crofts Scout Activity Centre is celebrating 40 years since the first Hampshire Scout Camp took place here in May 1976. We are holding our 40th Birthday Party in May 2017 alongside the Hampshire Link Camp, to conclude a year of celebrations which will include the creation of a new 9 hole Crazy Golf course designed by Hampshire Scout Groups, and the 40th anniversary ’40 Challenges’ Badge. 20

March 2017

Ferny Crofts 40 Challenges Badge The Ferny Crofts 40 Challenges Badge is launching to Hampshire Scout groups now! We have created a set of Challenges – to earn your badge, you must complete 40 of these challenges. These can be done at your Scout Hut, and on camp at Ferny Crofts. (Don’t forget that Hampshire Groups can use Ferny Crofts on weekday evenings free of charge!) The 40 Challenges Badge is free to join, so to find out more about how to get involved and more about the 40th Birthday, see our website at www.fernycrofts.org.uk/40th-birthday

Christmas Carols round the campfire at the 1st Sandleheath H.Q. near Fordingbridge, where Chas Cochland, the DC of New Forest West was pleased to present 4 platinum award certificates and badges to the Explorers.



THE LONG & THE SHORT OF IT mydonate.bt.com/fundraisers/kbeamanexp


March 2017

Kathleen, a pupil at Romsey School and a Young Leader at 3rd Romsey Scouts, has had a close shave for charity. When chosen by Hampshire Scouts to go to Tanzania in August 2017 she put her thinking cap on how to raise the funds for this trip of a lifetime. Bags have been packed at Asda, cars have been washed, allotments dug and quiz evenings run - but Kathleen’s final fundraiser was a cut above all these and will be shocking for people who know her. She has always had long hair - down to her waist. However on 1st February 2017 she visited Mister B’s Barber Shop in Tee Court, Romsey and had Steve B shave her hair off to a GRADE 3! Once it was all cut off and her hair had been trimmed into a very tidy buzz cut the 70cm / 28 inches of hair weighing 309g was sent off to the Little Princess Trust, who provide real hair wigs free of charge to boys and girls across the UK and Ireland that have sadly lost their own hair due to cancer treatment and other illnesses.

The expedition is made up of 100 young people aged 14-18, guided by adult volunteers, and run by Hampshire Scouts. There are 5 community projects being undertaken in Tanzania and helping young people and adults to help themselves by providing health centres, medical worker accommodation, skills workshops, a school in a remote area and a brand new National Camp Site to help the Tanzanian Scouts celebrate their centenary. Kathleen’s group is Team Tembo and their project is to provide a school for 250 children in a very remote area. The plan is for 3 classrooms to be built with toilets, a library and office space. However the school needs 5 classrooms, so every penny that can be raised over and above the planned amount will go towards completing this dream. Thanks to her hard work and the support of many local people and organisations, including Romsey Carnival, Romsey Scouts, Abbey

URC and both Romsey Rotary Clubs, Kathleen has reached her target but decided to continue with this final fundraiser. Any money she receives over the amount set by the expedition will go directly towards the extra work required at the school. Every penny helps, so please visit https:// mydonate.bt.com/ fundraisers/ kbeamanexp Tanzania 2017 will be the adventure of a lifetime for both the young people and adults. They have the opportunity to change the lives of local villagers and the experience offers them the chance to learn valuable new skills and to change their view of the world forever. Scouting in Hampshire has a surprising expedition history, travelling 39,450 miles to 15 countries and territories alone in 2015 - even summiting Everest in the past. This equates to an impressive 1,893,157 people miles; 76 times around the world, or four trips to the moon and back!



Our Age UK Christmas Party

We really enjoyed our Christmas party today with Andover Age UK. We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Thank you everyone for all your support. We look forward to a wonderfully productive and adventurous 2017.


March 2017



In support of


Registered Charity No.1096603

Donate Easter eggs at your local Access Self Storage centre 3rd Avenue, Milbrook SO15 0LD www.AccessStorage.com 0808 252 4219


March 2017

K������� Fun kayak courses on Alverstoke Lake, Gosport, run by qualified coaches. Courses mainly run on Saturday mornings & Wednesday evenings for a couple of hours. Get in touch for more details!

www.fb.com/canoegosport www.canoegosport.co.uk kenanneg@talktalk.net



This Easter

(13-17th April) Hampshire Scout Expeditions will be continuing their annual pilgrimage to The Lake District descending on Great Tower Scout Activity Center for their annual Ad+Venture trip. The trip is open to all Hampshire Explorer and Network Scouts and will include hillwalking and outdoor climbing. More details will be coming soon, and as it is a popular trip keep your eyes peeled for more details on the website and our other social media. Keep updates with us on www.hsx.org.uk Follow us on twitter! @HSXOfficial Follow us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/hampshirescoutexpeditions Follow us on Instagram! @Official_hsx We will be updating these with more and more information closer to the trip so stay tuned!

HOO18 Come and join us at

Hampshire’s Big Jamboree

from 29th July to 4th August 2018 at Buddens Farm, Dorset

Open to: Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Network, Young Leaders, Active Support & Leaders

Register interest at www.h0018.co.uk

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