Hampshire Scout News HSN May 2012

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Welcome to the April 2012 edition of HSN. For distribution and any other County Office matters please use:


email me, Tall Paul (Jon), now with all your photos, articles, adverts and roll of honour for the next edition of HSN hsn@scouts-hants.org.uk

P lease, please, please

Can you send text in a Word doc and photos as jpeg files.

C heers TP

Please ensure that you have permission from all people included in photo’s, before sending them to us.




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Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 16,000 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

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To join the adventure of Scouting whether as a Adult or Young person fill in the form at:

www.Scouts.org.uk/join or email: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk or phone us on: 02380 847847


er g a n a m t ou .uk online sc nager.co outma

inesc www.onl

Online Scout Manager is a free tool to help you to manage your entire section or group online - badge records, termly programmes, evening attendance, camps and events, and more!! It has been developed by a Scout leader for Scout Leaders. Since its launch at Easter, it has over 250 groups and 500 users using it. It is incredibly easy to use and is even suitable for the technophobes amongst us! If you have any questions or suggestions, please email: ed@onlinescoutmanager.co.uk

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Adam’s bit

Every Beaver Scout a Queen’s Scout



Brush up in the Abbey

6-7. Beaver - lympics Advert - Booking Form



22nd Odiham Fleet DIY Badge

11. Titantic Fascination 100th Anniversary

12. Cerberus Explorers The wilds of Dartmoor

14. Photo Competion 3 great prizes

20. Network Duck Network

23. Hampshire Heritage Join our team

24. Adult Training Management weekend is back

29. George Pickup Service to the Scout Movement

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G A !! H B oal

ious G c a d u A y r i Big Ha

No, it’s not some new appointment dreamt up by Headquarters. It’s a Big Hairy Audacious Goal – something we’d like to achieve in 10-20 years time. Something that’s really challenging, incredibly worthwhile, and potentially achievable. If we were to choose some BHAGs for Hampshire Scouting – what would they be ? Here’s my first suggestion for a Big Hairy Audacious Goal. Every Beaver Scout a Queen’s Scout. Think of what it would mean. It would mean that we offered such great adventures, fun and friendship that every young person stayed in Scouting till they were 18, or 21, or 25. It would mean linking so well between Sections that every Beaver moved up to Cubs, every Cub moved up to Scouts, and so on. And it would mean every young person in Scouting was inspired to take on and achieve the challenges of wild-country expeditions, community service, and residential experiences for their Queen’s Scout Award. It would also mean a steady supply of future leaders, instructors and managers. It would also mean seeing young people fulfil their potential through Scouting that they had when they joined. And it would also mean young people being seen by our communities as valuable citizens, equal participants, and future leaders. Perhaps it’s not such a crazy vision after all. Every Beaver Scout a Queen’s Scout.


County Commissioner Hampshire Scouting

BEAVERS BRUSH UP IN THE ABBEY Spring came early to Romsey on Saturday 24th March when Romsey Scouts lead by the 1st Romsey Town Beavers descended on the Abbey for the annual cleaning session. The Abbey’s curate, Chris Harpham greeted the working party and tried to establish why all the young people had come to clean the Abbey when several had admitted to not having cleaned their bedrooms recently. Marshalled by Liz Holloway, editor of Woodsmoke Romsey Scouts newsletter, Scouts, Cubs and Beavers spread to the various corners of the Abbey and began cleaning and polishing for all they were worth. The majority of the helping hands came from Romsey Town Beavers, who are based at the newly opened Dr Peter Centre, but Cubs and Scouts from Woodley and West Wellow were also there to give a hand. The older Scouts and Explorers were allowed to climb the hidden spiral staircases to the upper parts of the Abbey. Lead by Tris Harris, they cleaned windows and cleared cob webs from narrow passage ways. Despite being warned not to stand still lest they get polished, Abbey visitors were delighted to see all the young people working hard and that Scouting is alive and well in Romsey. After a break for fresh fruit, donated by Waitrose, the entire team climbed the 100 steps to the belfry where bell ringer Katherine McGregor told the Scouts about the abbey’s eight bells and showed them the spectacular views of Romsey and the surrounding country side. The Scout and Leaders left tired but happy and who knows perhaps some of them managed to clean their bedrooms.

Snail racing

The new Scout Headquarters was packed for the first ‘snail racing’ evening ever in Romsey District. The evening did not include a fish and chip supper, as originally hoped, and the cost per ticket was therefore suitably reduced, but everyone who came had a thoroughly enjoyable evening. The racing snails were in cartoon form and encountered the most unlikely hurdles in their rush to get to the finish first. It was all very exciting and also extremely funny. One person commented a few days later that she couldn’t remember the last time she had laughed so much. Light refreshments were available and a total of nearly £700 was raised towards the climbing wall, which is hoped to install in the HQ, to the benefit of everyone involved in scouting in Romsey District. This may have been the first snail racing, but it’s sure not to be the last!

Feeling Sporty? Don’t let London have all the fun! Come and join us for Hampshire’s...



Beaver-lympics 2012 Saturday 16th June at Lyons Copse, Shedfield



Olympic Village - Opening Ceremony - Track and Field events - Team Sports Site opens at 08:30

County Office 023 80847 847 CLOSING DATE: Friday 25th May 2012 For further info please contact: Teresa Ginn t:023 92 259798 e:teresa.ginn@talk21.com

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16th June 2012, Lyons Copse 16th June 2012, Lyons Copse Booking Form Booking Form

Leader Name: Contact Number: Email address: Colony: District:

Name for Leader on the day: Contact for Leader on the day:

Number of Beavers attending: Number of Leaders attending: Total amount payable: Beavers with disability needs: Please make cheques payable to 'HCSC' and post to: (NOTE: No personal cheques) County Office Beaulieu Road Brockenhurst SO42 7YQ 02380 847847 All bookings will be confirmed. Closing For further questions please contact Teresa Ginn - ACC Beavers teresa.ginn@talk21.com 02392 259798

date: 25th May 2012


... e v o m e h t on

Chip is

... if you wish to borrow him please contact Wendy Turner the County Beaver Leader.

2012 e m m a r g o cout Pr S r e v a e B eavers ry County couting.org/b

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/s Day & Date th Sat 10 th

Sat 16 June



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Hampshire County Cub Scout Programme 2012

Dates for the diary Updated 23 January 2012 - Latest Programme (updates to) www.hampshirescouting.org.uk/cubs

Day & Date/s Location/Details Hampshire County CubEvent Scout Programme 2012



Sun 25th

6-a-side Football competition

Wide Lane, Stoneham, Eastleigh

Entry £25 + raffle prize Event


Updated 23 January 2012 - Latest Programme (updates to) www.hampshirescouting.org.uk/cubs


May March

Day & Date/s th

Sun TBC 25

County Section 6-a-sideCub Football Meeting competition

Wide Lane, Stoneham, Eastleigh

For Cub ADCs and prize Leaders Entry £25 + raffle th

June May

Sat Sun 16 TBC


Sat 30th



Sat 16

Cub Scout Day County CubGilwell Section Not planned as a County event Meeting Hampshire Cub Big Day For Cub ADCs and Leaders Out Cub Scout Gilwell Day

for your information only

Paultons Park, Romsey for your information only

Not planned as a County event

September June

TBC Sat 30th

October September

Fri TBC26th - Sun 28th

October October

Fri 26th - Sun 28th Sun TBC

November October

th Sat Sun 24 TBCTBC


Sat 24th TBC

Super Cub Challenge Hampshire Cub Big Day with Out Mastermind Competition County CubChallenge Survival Super Cub Camp with Mastermind Cubs aged 9½+ (was Competition Sixer/Seconder camp) County Cub Survival County Cub Section Camp Meeting Cubs aged 9½+ (was For Cub ADCs and Leaders Sixer/Seconder camp)

Scrapheap County CubChallenge Section Meeting

TBC Paultons Park, Romsey

Pinsent Campsite, TBC Winchester Pinsent Campsite, Winchester Romsey

For Cub ADCs and Leaders

Scrapheap Challenge


Itchen South Cubs have already had a busy start to the year.

In the absence of an active ACC Cub Scouts please pass all enquiries to Donna Kerrigan Director of the Youth Programme. donna.kerrigan@scouts-hants.org.uk In the absence of an active ACC Cub Scouts please pass all enquiries to Donna Kerrigan Director of the Youth Programme. donna.kerrigan@scouts-hants.org.uk We held a District Archery competition in February. The groups were represented by a team of four and was held at Cricket Campsite. A high level of shooting took place and the competition was won by 4th Netley. E: cubs@scouts-hants.org.uk W: www.hampshirescouting.org.uk/cubs

6th Hamble had their Royal inspection, attended Post:Navy Cub section c/o County Office by Lieutenant Commander Cahill, which the A.D.C’S were Assistant invited to attend to see the Cubs on Parade. Their turnout and County Commissioner Cub Scouts - vacant E: cubs@scouts-hants.org.uk W:their www.hampshirescouting.org.uk/cubs behaviour was outstanding and they were a credit to Leaders. County Cub Scout Leader - Vanessa Slawson T: 023 8086 7582 E: An old contest called thevanessa.slawson@scout-hants.org.uk Colour Contest was run by I.S.S.T (Itchen South Support Team) Post: Cub team sectionof c/ofour County Office for the second year running. part in T: several challenges County A Cub Survival Camptake - Clare Webb 075 9055 2969 E: based on Assistant County Commissioner Cub Scouts - vacant muggers1987@hotmail.co.uk Scouting skills and general knowledge. A point system is in place and at the end of the County Cub Scout Leader - Vanessa Slawson T: 023 8086 7582 E: competition the Colour (flag) was represented to the winning team. The Colour will be _________________________________________________________________ vanessa.slawson@scout-hants.org.uk carried at St George’s Parade by this year’s winning team – T: 6th075 Hamble. County Cub Survival Camp - Clare Webb 9055 2969 E: Hampshire County Scouting, County Office, Ferny Crofts, Beaulieu Road, Beaulieu, SO42 We are looking forward to our District Camp in June, County day out toBrockenhurst Paulton’s Park in 7YQ muggers1987@hotmail.co.uk T: 02380 847847 E: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk W: www.scouts-hants.org.uk July, Group Camps and competitions throughout the year.

_________________________________________________________________ Hampshire County Office, Ferny Crofts, Beaulieu Road, Beaulieu, Brockenhurst SO42 7YQ Mark & County DerrenScouting, Avis T: 02380 847847 E: A.D.C Cubs Itchen Southcounty.office@scouts-hants.org.uk W: www.scouts-hants.org.uk


Switch on the TV, open a newspaper; it’s difficult to get away from the furore over the 100th anniversary of the TITANTIC disaster – so we may as well add our little bit ! Something like 10 or 11 years ago, a telephone call was received at County Office from a Mr. Robin Gardiner, an author specialising in maritime affairs, who had written a book called “The History of the White Star Line”. Mr Gardiner had subsequently tracked down a report that two of the lifeboats carrying survivors from the sinking ‘TITANTIC’, had been also been taken aboard one of the rescue ships and had been landed in New York, to form part of the subsequent official board of inquiry. According to Mr Gardiner’s information, when the New York official inquiry had been completed, the two lifeboats were then shipped back to England, as part of the UK Board of Inquiry. Eventually the two lifeboats, found their way into Royal Navy hands in the Fareham area, and thereafter passed into the hands of a Fareham Sea Scout Troop, Mr. Gardiner was seeking any help in trying to track down the two ex ‘TITANTIC’ lifeboats. Enquiries were made in the Fareham Scout District, through Alf Breeze and Alan Seeley. It would seem that certainly part of the above story was correct, in as much that ‘someone’ could vaguely remember one of the Sea Scout Troops using an old heavy lifeboat, bearing a ‘White Star’ coat of arms badge on the bow, but this was during the early part of World War II. No further traces could be found. So a dream was over, had it been possible to locate the lifeboat or even the company coat of arms around, the Sea Scout Troop would have been the recipient of many thousand of pounds, from souvenir hunters.

‘TITANTIC’ had two near sister ships, the ‘OLYMPIC’ and ‘BRITANNIC’ with the ‘OLYMPIC’ being the only one of the three ships, to have anything like a ‘normal’ sea-going career. The third of the trio , the ‘BRITANNIC’ had a very short life and a connection with the Scouting Movement. ‘BRITANNIC’ was still in the building stage at the outbreak of World War I and not expected to be ready for service until the Spring of 1915. The ship was finally completed as a hospital ship and was passed to the Admiralty in December. She was used mainly to bring home wounded troops from the Dardanelles operation. Her sixth voyage from Southampton began on 12th November, 1916, with 673 ship’s crew and 392 hospital staff , bound for Naples and Muidros. The ship was mined mid-morning on Tuesday 21st November and sank in about three hours. Casualties 28 injured and 21 dead, (extremely light as the ship had not yet loaded any wounded troops). The report read :“HMHS “BRITANNIC” was torpedoed and sunk by U-Boat off the coasts of Greece…… The ship carried sixteen Scouts from Liverpool, Southampton and Gravesend, who were carrying out duties as orderlies, messengers, etc., All the Scouts were saved. Those from Southampton included: King’s Scout: R. Boulter 11th Southampton (St. Mary’s) Troop Patrol Leader: V. Bowles 2nd Southampton (Freemantle) Troop Asst.Instr.: H. Cooke 2nd Southampton (Freemantle) Troop Scout: V, Mackenzie 20th Southampton (St. Laurence) Troop Scout: G, Perman 2nd Southampton (Freemantle) Troop Patrol Leader: J. Vickers 2nd Southampton (Freemantle) Troop By Ken S.

r o o m t r a D

f o s d l i w e Th Cerberus



On Friday the 13th April, hoping not to tempt the rain gods with our day of travel, the Cerberus Explorer Unit, from New Forest North District, travelled down to the wilds of Dartmoor for a two day walking and hostelling (YHA) experience. We stayed in the Okehampton Youth Hostel, a converted railway maintenance shed, a very sociable and civilised base from which to explore Dartmoor. Our two days walking consisted of an Eleven mile trek on the Saturday, taking in Cosdon Beacon, Little Hound Tor, Hound Tor, Steeperton Tor, Oke Tor, Higher Tor and Belstone Tor, and an Eight mile trek on the Sunday taking in Black Tor, Yes Tor and the High Willhays. As well as all these high points we explored the steep sided valleys and the ancient woodlands as well as some unusual waterworks structures from bygone days, given our current water shortage they may soon be back in use! As well as testing everyone’s navigational skills our main objective was to continue investing new Unit members on ‘the high point of somewhere’, so the High Willhays, the highest point of Dartmoor we invested Alex Alenby, Jack Green, Christian Harding and Josh Lewis. It was also an opportunity to invest Shaun Francis as a District Skills Instructor.


NEPAL 2013




Hampshire Scouts Photographic Competition A picture is worth a thousand words, but in Scouting there should be only one word – ‘adventure’. We want you to send us photos that celebrate Hampshire Scouting. This year you will have plenty of opportunities with Scout Community Week, the Jubilee celebrations, your camps, your parades, your weekly activities will be good material. We will also display a selection of the images at the County Conference at the end of Oct when the winners will receive their prizes. Each prize will be worth at least £100. There will be a prize for each age group of entrants: a. Beavers or Cubs b. Scouts or Explorers c. Network or Adults 3 prizes (photo vouchers) have been donated to the value of £100 each by London Camera Exchange, Southampton - so what are you waiting for? When • • • •

submitting your photo’s please ensure that they: Are adventurous and fun - we’re not after the posed certificate & uniform shot Conform with POR, ie. All required safety equipment is worn in the photo You have permission of any people in your photos to use them. Are of a good quality

Submit your pictures on a CD/DVD/memory stick before 30th September 2012 for your chance to be in it to win it. Send your photos (marked Photo Comp 2012) to us at the County Office, Ferny Croft Scout Centre, Beaulieu Road, Brockenhurst, SO42 7YQ. Competition Rules 1. You must own the photo and ensure that you have access to photo permission forms for everyone in the photo. (You do not need to send them). 2. Entrants may submit more than one photo but no more than twenty. Where more than twenty photos are submitted only the first twenty will be entered into the competition. Disc’s and memory stick will not be returned. 3. By submitting your photograph you give permission for it to be used by Hampshire County Scouts for scouting purposes. This includes but is not limited to: promotional material, the annual report, the county website, press releases to the media and displayed. 4.

Images may be digitally enhanced to remove spots or scratches, but not manipulated. Entrants can enhance the picture to make it brighter, clearer etc, but not manipulate the content. The judges reserve the right to exclude any image they believe may have been excessively treated so as to alter its authenticity.

5. All entries will be judged by a panel of judges. Their decision is final. The prizes for best photos are as stated and cannot be transferred or exchanged. 6. All entries should be labelled with the authors name, age group and Scout Group/District/ County role. If you are entering in group 3 (adults) then please include your membership number as well. 7. Have fun! Check List: Have you included your name, scout group and age group? Please specify which category you belong to A, B or C. Please include an e-mail address so that we can acknowledge receipt of your entry. The images are of a manageable size – large enough to be of good quality but not so large they take hours to open! Recommended size no larger than 6-8MB



Be ready to take the perfect photograph

The opportunity for the perfect photograph happens when you least expect it. Keep the camera within easy reach. You may not have time to fiddle about with the settings so keep the camera set on its standard automatic mode. If using a special feature like macro, switch back to automatic before putting away.

Keep the camera steady

If the camera moves while the picture is being taken the photograph will appear blurry due to camera shake. This is not usually a problem on a bright day, but when the light dims the camera takes longer to capture enough light and this is when holding the camera steady becomes very important. The best way to hold a camera is with both hands with your elbows tucked in to your body for further support. If you have something to rest against, such as a tree, then use that for extra support.

Remember to focus

The camera analyses the image automatically to bring the subject of the photograph into sharp focus on the camera sensor. If the subject is not focused sharply then the image will be blurry. In bright conditions automatic focus works quickly and accurately. In poor light it will take longer to find focus and can make mistakes, resulting in an out-of-focus picture. To help avoid this, ensure the camera has a good focus before taking the picture. On a phone, take extra time and look at the screen to make sure before shooting. On a camera, press the shutter button part way to focus. The camera will beep when it thinks it’s ready. Keep the camera steady and framed on your subject, look at the rear screen and it will usually indicate what area of the image it has in focus. Check the correct part of the image looks sharp and take the picture, otherwise restart the process.

Use a flash

If you are taking a picture of somebody against a bright background your subject may appear dark. Switch the flash on manually to provide extra light on your subject.


19 May 2012

“Our Scouts really enjoyed it (and so did the leaders!). The whole thing was a great experience - they were buzzing all the way back to Manchester. Thanks for such a fun day out.” Mike Dunn, Group Scout Leader - 9th Worsley (Boothstown) Scouts

For more information or to register a team, email youngshelterbox@shelterbox.org or visit www.youngshelterbox.org/events.php


Cubs, Scouts and Explorers will, once again, be navigating their way round some of London’s most famous landmarks and taking on more fun and exciting challenges. Places are limited so make sure you register early

For more information or to register a team email youngshelterbox@shelterbox.org or visit www.youngshelterbox.org/events.php More ways to get involved!

The ShelterBox Experience 2012: an exciting weekend course for adult members of Scouting (7-9 September and 26-28 October) Go Global: this is a new pack with everything your section needs to cover the Global Programme ShelterBox activities: lots of fun games for your group www.youngshelterbox.org/partnership.php

On a slightly overcast and chilly Saturday morning in April, the first local Canoe Slalom race of the season took place at Winchester and District Canoe Club. This race a beginners Division 4/Open to all paddlers race took place on the River Itchen adjacent to the club. Canoe slalom is a test of both skills and stamina, to power a kayak or canoe round a series of poles suspended over a river in a set sequence against a clock, with penalties for hitting or missing out gates. This Canoe sport, one of only two types of canoe races to feature in the modern Olympics, is easily accessible to all paddlers as no expensive special equipment is needed, just a boat, paddle, buoyancy aid and a helmet. Two paddlers from HSCCC, Luke Gavin from Alton Banderlog Explorers and Chris Fawcett a skills instructor from the 13th Eastleigh Sea Scouts took part in two of the race classes in Hampshire’s only Slalom Race. Luke, a 3 Star Kayak paddler and novice entered his first beginners Division 4 race against a well represented group of paddlers, whilst Chris a Division 3 ranked paddler took part in the Open class containing paddlers of Division 2 and 3. After a few practices and pointers from Justin Churcher of WDCC, Luke took his recently acquired Slalom kayak to the start line. After a countdown of 3, 2, 1 Luke worked his way around the course of hanging poles over the river. Luke navigated with some shoreline support turning up and downstream, slicing through some intricate gate sequences with ease to set a very reasonable first run. Chris in the open was chasing down paddlers from Division 2, and made a respectable run clipping the last gate for a two second penalty but keeping close in the standings. On the second run of the course, Luke shot off from the start line with great gusto, and improved on his first run missing out on a promotion spot by a mere 4 seconds to finish fourth in Division 4, which is a great achievement for his first race in an unfamiliar canoe. On Chris’ second run he managed a good clean run of the course and improved his overall time by 7 seconds and closed in on the higher division paddlers. Luke commented “Saturday 7th April 2012 I went to Winchester & District Canoe Club for my first Slalom Event as a paddler for HSCCC. I was nervous at fi rst but as the day progressed I became more con fident. Everyone there was very friendly and gave me advice and how to get a quicker time in the races. Chris Fawcett from HSCCC and Justin Churcher from WDCC were very encouraging and knowledgeable. They taught me new paddle strokes and techniques. I enjoyed the atmosphere of everyone taking part and on the side of the river.” Both Gavin and Chris are setting their sights on more races over the coming season in their respective Divisions with Luke looking to close the gap and get promotion to Division 3 and become a fully ranked paddler as part of his D of E award.

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your 0p coins in 5 e th g in k hec ts It’s worth c ok 2012’ –lis o rb a e Y – ‘Coin ment’ – 50p e v o M t u o c ll in fS oins are sti c entenary o s ‘C e s 7 e 0 h 0 T 2 . e i) th £5 each nge etc. eing worth b w o n in store cha s a p u g in rn on and tu circulati oins. ’ 2011’ 50p c issuing the ic in p g e m b ly t’ ‘O in ) ii al M ting the ‘Nation s, each depic in o c p 2011 saw 0 5 series of 29 ics’. first in a the ‘Olymp alue in s rt o p s e coins at a v e s e th ts s one of th li y st checking book alread ju r r a fo e y r’ e e h rn T little ea ch. A ‘nice of £3. ea kets’ your poc


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W E N A D E ioner s T s i m N m o A C W cout

tory ork S w t e success s e N g u y h t a n is ty Cou Scouting n of Coun uly, he positio Network

e st J g. T t on the 1 Hampshir e growin n r a a c a s v r e s e b s, um er becom for 7 year n n io s io and the n is it s m o p m e eld the cout Co needs to b who has h Network S t , n e a c ic li o p N p y a n Ra year essful 2012 whe the 18-25 . The succ to le o r te la w e me e r n a l also beco g, able to il n moves to ti w u y o e c h S T t . abou be needs with, and passionate tand their k s r r o e d w n d u n d a an er team age range ommission ogramme C r p ty e n u th o f C o t ontact , please c r Assistan a member e le o th r o is e th th by, iscuss e, supported ld like to d u o w Programm u th o u y o f Y I . e s n th o com secti ctor of btinternet. igan, Dire @ r r n e a K ig r a r n e n Do onna.k 6895 or d 01425 65 012 1st May 2 3 s n io t plca d on ate for ap d g in s n be foun a lo c C n o ti ip escr ts.org. full role d couts-han a .s d w n a w w s / / m : http n for Applicatio web site: t u o c s e ir sh the Hamp k.php r uk/netwo




rofts e Ferny C th in jo skills, could learn new then you , to 4 2 n e e to k e 18 to be If you ar will need u o Y outdoors? . e e m th e t h c u o S b y a nate Bursar and passio g how to in k r o w d ursary or har B e th t u o k or b ut more a ofts.org.u o r c d y n n fi r e to f ld like rsary@ If you wou us on bu t c ta n o c ase apply, ple 5092 02380 84


Join us

erviewer? t in n a g in Fancy be easy?” “Think it is ave a try?” “Want to h lved on: o v in t e g o t n Dear Contact Ro 4 6451 tel: 0845 60

twork Scout Ne e ir h s p m Ha 61 7 7228 90 pshire t/text: 07 .org.uk twork Ham e N t u o outs-hants c c S S : @ k e o c o ffi b Face county.o 47847 e: 8 0 8 3 2 0 t: network ts.org.uk/ n a h ts u o w: Sc

Ferny Crofts

Bursary Scheme Are you interest ed i outdoor activitie n s? Do you w ant to b e an ins tructor ? Are you conside ring a c the outd areer in oor indu stry? If you a nswered YE question S to any of thes e s, then t Bursary he Scheme could be for y ou! Whats it all about? - Gain outdoor instructor qualifications - Personal Development - Learn how to run an activity centre - Time & support to explore the UK - Achieve NGB Awards - Over 18’s only - 10 months live in on centre - Food and accommodation included - Grants available for training

Do you fi t the bil l? We’re loo king

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ate and stic you ng peop le to join the Ferny Cr ofts Bur sary sc heme. To find o ut more about ap plying, p lease contact us on enthusia

02380 84 5092, or @fernyc rofts.or g.uk


M A E T R U itage

r e O H t OI N e Scou

J ampshir H


We need your help to obtain, the views, opinions and ambitions of past and present members of the movement, via oral history. This will include those participating in the 6-25 training programme so that current and future generations will benefit from their experiences. We are inviting volunteers to join 4 teams in the County and to undertake professional training so that they may conduct interviews with those willing to share their experiences and memories. Training is free and mileage expenses maybe claimed. If you are interested, please contact Ron Dear, by 30th June. Hampshire Scout Heritage Oral History c/o 27 Tamarisk Gardens Bitterne Southampton SO18 4RA tel: 0845 604 6451

Following Hampshire’s first highly successful Leadership & Management Weekend for newly appointed District Commissioners and Group Scout Leaders held in November 2011, we have scheduled another one over the weekend of 3/4th November 2012. This weekend is open to all DC’s and GSL’s who have been in post for up to 18 months. The venue will be announced later in the year, but in the meantime, please notify your wish to attend to Martin Rudd, Director of Adult Learning on ctm@scouts-hants.org.uk quickly to save disappointment (the 2011 weekend was oversubscribed!).

Martin Rudd

Director of Adult Training/ County Training Manager i.Train Hampshire Hampshire Scouting Mobile: 07747 476 755 Email: ctm@scouts-hants.org.uk

INCLUSION /SPECIAL NEEDS Do you have a particular interest in special needs, including challenging behaviour? We have begun to put together a directory of Hampshire Advisers/ Experts together to support sections to improve the inclusion of children with special needs. If you are willing to be considered for such a directory or just want to know more, please contact Donna Kerrigan Director of Youth Programme. donna.kerrigan@scouts-hants.org.uk

I was exhibiting my Model Railway Layout at the annual exhibition over the weekend 4-5th February 2012 held by the “Alton Model Railway Group�. Okay, what has that to do with Scouts? I will explain. Personnel from the Four Marks Scout Group took on ALL the catering for this Model Railway Exhibition at Eggars School Alton. Thank you for the REALLY BRILLIANT EFFORT put on by all those members who were in Uniform, every body being so polite, pleasant, helpful, understanding! As a past member of the Scout Association it gave me a lump in my throat on both days to see such wonderful people of all ages working together!!! Take care,

Derek Gillkerson www.altonmrg.co.uk


DIAMOND JUBILEE CELEBRATION – BEACON, FIREWORKS, PARTIES AND MORE RINGWOOD “LastIN year the Town Council tried to get local organisations interested in a huge

celebration in the town for the Diamond Jubilee. After public meetings it looked as

“Last year the Town Council tried to get local organisations interested in a huge though our hopes going to beJubilee. dashed” said Cllr meetings Barbara Woodifield, celebration in the townwere for the Diamond After public it looked as Chairman of theour Town Diamond Jubileesaid Working Party.Woodifield, “Instead Chairman we opted to support though hopesCouncil’s were going to be dashed” Cllr Barbara parties by the provision of Working party packs and requests those are already of street the Town Council’s Diamond Jubilee Party. “Instead we for opted to support street parties by the provision party packs anddelighted requests for are the already being received. But now of I am absolutely to those say that Ringwood Scouts being But now am absolutely delighted to sayteamed that theup, Ringwood Scouts andreceived. the Ellingham & IRingwood Rugby Club have supported by the Town and the Ellingham & Ringwood Rugby Club have teamed up, supported by the Town Council and local Councillors, to provide a memorable celebration in Ringwood on Council and local Councillors, to provide a memorable celebration in Ringwood on Monday 4th June”. th Monday 4 June”.

On behalf of Ringwood Scouts, Ian Mason-Smith added, “The event to be held on

On behalf of Ringwood Scouts, Ian Mason-Smith added, “The event to be held on Bickerley will focus onlighting the lighting of the Beacon asthe part of theChain, National Chain, thethe Bickerley will focus on the of the Beacon as part of National preceded a firework display. As voluntary more voluntary organisations andare sponsors are preceded by aby firework display. As more organisations and sponsors joining in the fun it looks like, subject to obtaining the appropriate licenses, joining in the fun it looks like, subject to obtaining the appropriate licenses, that we that we willwill be be having a grand beer beer tent, atent, hog a roast, & desserts and possibly having a grand hog cake roast, cake & desserts andmusic possibly music too! – a memorable celebration of an historic event for our community brought too! – a memorable celebration of an historic event for our communitytobrought to you by by a partnership of Ringwood Town Council and the and town’s you a partnership of Ringwood Town Council thevoluntary town’s voluntary organisations and businesses”.

organisations and businesses”.

All are welcome to the very special celebration.

All are welcome to the very special celebration.



For further information, please contact:

For further information, please contact:

Terry Simpson Town Clerk Terry Simpson Ringwood Town Council Clerk Road 71 Town Christchurch Ringwood Town Ringwood BH24 1DH Council 71 Christchurch Road Email: Town.Council@ringwood.gov.uk Tel:Ringwood 01425 473883 BH24 1DH

Email: Town.Council@ringwood.gov.uk

Dr Tel: Ian Mason-Smith 01425 473883 Chairman NFW District Scouts Hollybush Cottage Dr Ian Mason-Smith Barrack Lane Chairman NFW District Scouts Crow Hill Hollybush Cottage Ringwood BH24 3DQ Barrack Lane Email: hollybushcottage1@btinternet.com Hill Tel:Crow 01425 473949

Ringwood BH24 3DQ th Email: 5hollybushcottage1@btinternet.com 06/12 April 2012 Tel: 01425 473949


5th April 2012

Mr Rohan Goodall Ellingham & Ringwood Rugby Club Parsonage Barn Lane Mr Rohan Goodall Ringwood BH24 1PZ Ellingham & Ringwood Rugby Club Email: rohan@goodall44.freeserve.co.uk Parsonage Barn 07950 Lane 408620 Tel: 01425 673676 / Mob:

Ringwood BH24 1PZ Email: rohan@goodall44.freeserve.co.uk Tel: 01425 673676 / Mob: 07950 408620

E R I H S HAM P y t i v i t c A Scouts Clubs

e Scouts Hampshir s ivity club t c a e v i f r has unities fo t r o p p o g try offerin people to g n u o y d ipate in a adults an c i t r a p , y ip ctivit leadersh out the a , e m m a r g ro vity regular p , and acti s e s r u o c s! g sessment & coachin permit as d ramme an g o r p ’ s b the clu heir ase visit t details on le r p e , h t s r ie fu it r Fo r the opportun websites o ct: individual club conta Scout Hampshire oe Club County Can .org.uk www.hsccc tly John Goligh 59 07967 4814 k hsccc.org.u @ e te it m m co y Club out Archer c S e ir h s p Ham .org.uk www.hsac g Tim Beechin 01329 318519 .org.uk info@hsac lub cout Rifle C S e ir h s p m Ha hsrc o.clara.net/ www.doho vell Andrew Tra 5 01256 76228 .uk ts-shoot.org andy@scou Team taineering n u o M t u o Sc Hampshire info www.hsmt. r Owen Taylo 73 01980 6259 .org.uk outs-hants c s @ in ta n mou b t Caving Clu u o c S e ir h s Hamp rg.uk ndomstuff.o a .r c c s .h w ww ick Dave Chadw 88 07768 0400 k -hants.org.u ts u o c s @ c c hs


ey 20 n r u o J s a m ors Christ

Part r2t Kayak Instruct Gospo

We passed through the remnants of the bridge supports used by Puffing Billy. No this wasn’t an undesirable but the old steam train that used to service Hayling Island. We then went under the causeway to Hayling and entered the approach channels to Emsworth. As we got closer the sea began to resemble Desperate Dan’s chin. It looked decidedly like hairy stubble. Peter managed to paddle across the shallows without mishap whilst the rest of us detoured round. As we entered the main channel up to Emsworth we encountered several fleets of dinghies which seemed to be milling about aimlessly. They were probably waiting for races to start but were suffering from over indulgence and were getting mixed up between the courses set by the two different Sailing Clubs – Emsworth and the Slipper. Our intrepid gang managed to affect a landing and then invaded the Slipper boat yard to have our lunch. Well “big Chris” or someone said we could…… Truth be known he probably had nothing to do with the Club. We settled down leftover turkey sandwiches, Christmas Dinner soup, mince pies, mulled wine and Christmas cake - depending on what we had packed or had provided by those who wanted us out from under their feet. Trebor had problems opening his deck access covers and looked really worried

when the machetes were brought out. Well he wanted them open… After a pleasant stop for lunch and a good attempt of frightening the locals as were waddled up the high street to the toilets in our wet weather gear and spray desks we relaunched for the return journey. Progress to Langstone Bridge wasn’t too bad and the group was reasonably well spaced out. Once we shot the rapids at the bridge John asked Andy and Steve to lead the way. Personally I considered this to be unkind. Andy and Steve are in well into training for the Devizes to London run in a K2. As such they flexed their muscles and were off. Some of us lead a very sedentary life and not having paddled since October I began to fall behind along with a significant number of the gang. Trebor in his leadership role duly ignored us. I felt it my duty to keep near the back in case anyone wanted to offer to tow me to practice their towing skills.. Unfortunately this didn’t happen but I survived to reach the end of the journey with the rest of our intrepid paddlers. Once again we had had a good day’s paddle despite the authorities and thanks go again to John for making it possible. The Scribe

GEORGE PICKUP Services to the Scout Movement

George Pickup has held a number of appointments in Surrey and Hampshire for over forty years. Since the award of the Bar to the Silver Acorn in 2007, George has continued to give devoted service to the District and County. However he has now had to stand down as District President on health grounds and has been hospitalised for the last 6 weeks and unfotunately his condition is terminal and his life expectancy is being measured in days. Since his last award George has lead, as Chairman, a very active Scout Fellowship (Active Support Unit) organising District activities, service projects and social events. These include the very successful Pinewood Derby which has just completed it’s 8th year, the District Carol Concert which packs Petersfeild Parish Church every year and many other activities for the Beaver and Cub Scout sections. To say George is ‘pro-active ‘would be an under statement but he does have the ability to get others to willingly join in and he certainly makes new helpers welcome and pleased to be involved. This is likely to be the reason that the Scout Fellowship /Active Support Unit is one of the largest in Hampshire.One of George’s skills is catering and with the Fellowship he has provided meals at many Scout functions. Another area where George has been very active is in relation to the District camp site which he helped set upover 40 years ago with ageement with the relevant Parish Council and he has monitored it’s use, maintenance and continued use by all sections of the District. If the the above were not enough to keep any keen Scout active, then work on publiic relations and archives formed part of George’s

self inflicted brief. Every week he will scan the local newspapers to identify any reference or photos of Scout activities in the District. These would be ‘cut out’ and forwarded to the County Scout Office as they did ask that this be done (over 20 years ago) and no one has told him to stop! George is also one of the support staff of the County archivists and regularly attends meetings at the County office at Ferny Crofts. Before retirement some fifteen years ago, George worked for British Rail in the personnel and finance department and acquired some useful knowledge which was very helpful in relation to District Scout finance. He has been a valuable member of the District Finance Committee since it’s inception some 20 years ago. George has lived and breathed Scouting and not just because his three sons were involved,. One of the Petersfield DC’s who worked with him between 2003/08 remarked “I would put to his wise counsel and of course his sense of humour and his ability to relate to every one from the youngest Cub to the most extinguished dignitary”. George believes that Baden Powell’s vision for young people has no equal and he wants to see as many as possible benefit from it. He is a modest man with a truly wonderful sense of humour even today when he knows his days are numbered. There is no doubt that George would one day receive the highest Scouting award for excelllant service to the Movement and we would all be so very pleased if this could happen whilst he is still able to to realise how he is revered.

SCOUT ACTIVE SUPPORT Eight teams fought an interesting battle recently in Gosport for the County Quiz. What was disappointing was that from the whole of the County only five districts entered but those who did had an entertaining evening at the Broderick Hall with a very tasty refreshment break in the middle. Congratulations to the team from Blackwater Valley who won this year and the event next year will be moving to Portsmouth. They entered three teams and managed to gain sixth, seventh and eigth place which takes some doing. For information, the next County Active Support meeting will be on June 24th at the 10th Fareham HQ, Highlands Road beginning at 2.30pm. Richard Spearing ACC (SASH)

rses u o C p i h s r ade e L y t i v i t c A



BCU 3* Kayak White Water training (part 3 of 4) Pulling Activity Permit Assessment

£18 total per person for all 4 sessions £15 per person

28-29 April 2012

BCU 3* Kayak White Water training (part 4 of 4) Whitewater Safety & Rescue Course

£18 total per person for all 4 sessions £125 per person

29 April 2012

BCU 2* Assessment

Small charge

28-29 April 2012

GNAS – Archery Leader Course (part 2 of 2)

£175 per person

4-6 May 2012

MLTE Mountain Leader Award Training - part 2 MLTE Mountain Leader Award Assessment - part 2 MLTE Single Pitch Award (Climbing) – Training/Assessment Activity Permit Assessment – Hillwalking Terrain 1 &2 Hillwalking/Climbing Refresher Weekend

£275 per head (for both weekends) £275 per head (for both weekends) £115 per head

North Wales

£110 per head

North Wales

£110 per head

North Wales

BCU UKCC Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Paddlesport Training (Boat based) – weekend 2 of 2 Climbing & Abseiling (Walls & Towers) Activity Permit Training & Assessment

£150 per head


£65 per person

Ferny Crofts

21 April 2012

22 April 2012

22 April 2012

4-6 May 2012

4-6 May 2012

4-6 May 2012

4-6 May 2012

5-6 May 2012

12-13 May 2012

25th Southampton (Northam) Scout HQ Newbury

North Wales

Sandleheath Scout HQ, Fordingbridge, New Forest Ferny Crofts

North Wales

North Wales

Hampshire Scouts County Canoe Club E: committee@hsccc.org.uk Joan Veal E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk T: 01489 782804 Hampshire Scouts County Canoe Club E: committee@hsccc.org.uk Hampshire Scouts County Canoe Club E: committee@hsccc.org.uk Hampshire Scouts County Canoe Club E: committee@hsccc.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: Fernycrofts.sac@scouts.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountain Team W: www.hsmt.info Hampshire Scout Mountain Team W: www.hsmt.info Hampshire Scout Mountain Team W: www.hsmt.info Hampshire Scout Mountain Team W: www.hsmt.info Hampshire Scout Mountain Team W: www.hsmt.info Hampshire Scouts County Canoe Club E: committee@hsccc.org.uk

Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: Fernycrofts.sac@scouts.org.uk

Girl Guiding UK Level 1 Climbing & Abseiling (Walls & Towers) Training BCU Foundation Safety & Rescue Training

£65 per person

Ferny Crofts

£20.00 per person if not a BCU member

Lakeside Country Park, Eastleigh

20 May 2012

BCU 3* Canoe/Kayak Touring Assessment

£15 approx per person

26-27 May 2012

Kayaking & Canoeing Activity Permit Assessment Days (B1 Waters) – only 1 day required Dinghy Sailing Activity Permit Assessment Day

£15 per person

25th Southampton (Northam) Sea Scout HQ 25th Southampton (Northam) Scout HQ

Girl Guiding UK Level 1 Climbing & Abseiling (Walls & Towers) Assessment BCU Foundation Safety & Rescue Training

£65 per person (includes the training) £20.00 per person if not a BCU member

23 June 2012 (afternoon)

Rafting Activity Permit Assessment

£15 per person

6-8 July 2012

NSRA Air Rifle Instructor Course


8 July 2012

Powerboating Activity Permit Assessment Day

£30 per person

9 September 2012

BCU Foundation Safety & Rescue Training

£20.00 per person if not a BCU member

12-13 May 2012

13 May 2012

10 June 2012

10 June 2012

17 June 2012

£25 per person

25th Southampton (Northam) Scout HQ Ferny Crofts

Lakeside Country Park, Eastleigh Lakeside Country Park, Eastleigh Ferny Crofts

25th Southampton (Northam) Scout HQ Lakeside Country Park, Eastleigh

Ferny Crofts T:023 8084 5092 E: Fernycrofts.sac@scouts.org.uk Joan Veal Itchen South District Canoe Centre E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk Hampshire Scouts County Canoe Club E: committee@hsccc.org.uk Joan Veal E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk T: 01489 782804

Lakeside Country Park, Eastleigh

Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: Fernycrofts.sac@scouts.org.uk Joan Veal Itchen South District Canoe Centre E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk Joan Veal E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk T: 01489 782804 Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: Fernycrofts.sac@scouts.org.uk Joan Veal E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk T: 01489 782804 Joan Veal Itchen South District Canoe Centre E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk





ncy b ing proficie d r a g e r n atio ith inform w from h t n o m is y badges c n ie c fi o I begin th r of p s we . It mean od display g o g in ll a fi n d io e t e s that n , how the the collec s le e o in n h o e w v g a n fe h u We nly a so yo em see all d the not rds with o h n a t a w t , n le s o r o e 7 b ls 6 a 19 e mem and y be awar the years our young a h w m g o u u h o o s r Y h n t . a c ped earn ne ve develo currently re than o o ld m u o , c s e y g e badges ha d th ues. ed ba le badges current iss f sponsor e o h t n s io e t the possib c d u this inclu ser logos e introd n h d o t n p a s h , it t h w it is x w t tha ges e sued e. some bad w being is f o o n le ly p g magazin t n m in e t a r u r o ex u c c S e r il e Apr badges a ured in th t a Four new fe d e r a dges issue nd they a b y c n ie c on them a profi d for ki coloure is with the a h m K le . b s o t r a p the form do have a . We have ued in two s t s u is o c e r S Where we e ir w you earn 7. These ea and A id 6 S d 9 r t 1 u fo o b t e , r lu id prio p B st A two of the s and Dee list and Fir t t c s u y o ju C c S e s r a a d h n e c La hes s su r badge? T mon issue e d. m p o e c e K e r e o e m were issue or B s r e e g d m a r b a F h it whic your Rabb bjects for u s uting g in t s e r ted to Sco la e r s e more inte g d m to the e any ba e v a h t h y e t il a m n o o d your fa ould like t w embers of d m n r a o u e o ir y If ppreciated nger requ a lo h c o u n m y e would that th nd, tion, they c e ll o that the 2 c e w g o n k e Herita w ere but SPORT wh e 1st does O h t G k is in s h u t c fo d we were hs District s as they badges an e p p u a o t r e g This mont m r a a , 3rd, 4th, e a few n 3rd all we d it 2 n u 2 q d , n t a ld s o 1 h h t 12 have d e do Shop. We owship an t sure. W ll t o e u n F o c e e r S h a t t r e w spo and We have a Mohawks om the Go ? fr e h e t d L 6 e t 1 in s a e 1 t h , b t o 12th w of uch 7th, 9th, ould be m ybody kno w n a lp s e e h o y 5th, 6th, D . 7. An port strips irs for 199 e h t f o Active Sup e g s. ersary bad arf colour c S h it w 25th Anniv y d especiall appreciate nth. r this mo o f ll a ’s t Tha pearing Richard S ritage Scout He e ir h s p Ham

Transport Rally 13th May 2012 10am to 4pm • In support of Portsmouth Scouts and Rowans Hospice. • Enter a vehicle or just come along and join the fun. • Close to M27, A27 and Cosham Railway Station. Portsmouth North Harbour Western Road PO6 3EN For further details and entry forms call Richard on (02392) 382682 or email richardspearing452@btinternet.com www.portsmouthscouts.co.uk

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