Hampshire Scout News - HSN Sept 2012

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e r i h s p Ham ws Sept 2012

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shiresco www.hamp

t s e F Car ampshire Scouts

H y b d e t r Suppo




I hope you enjoyed your summer. Welcome to the September edition of HSN. For distribution and any other County Office matters please use:


email me, Tall Paul (Jon), now with all your photos, articles, adverts and roll of honour for the next edition of HSN hsn@scouts-hants.org.uk

P lease, please, please

Can you send TEXT in a Word doc and PHOTOS as a Seperate as jpeg file.

Cheers TP

Please ensure that you have permission from all people included in photo’s, before sending them to us.




s u t abou

Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 16,000 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

s t n e t con 04, Adam’s bit

s u n joi

Bigger & Better County Conference.

a Adult or Young person fill in the form at:

07, County Treasurer

www.Scouts.org.uk/join or email: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk or phone us on: 02380 847847

08, Trazania 2012

To join the adventure of Scouting whether as


er g a n a m t ou .uk online sc nager.co escoutma

in www.onl

05, Sign up now www.scout.org.uk

06, Update your details www.scout.org.uk

is standing down.

Expedition returns!!

09, Car Fest

Supported by Hampshire Scouts.

11, Giving it the push 6th Gosport Air Scouts.


Online Scout Manager is a free tool to help you to manage your entire section or group online - badge records, termly programmes, evening attendance, camps and events, and more!!

Westland Explorers.

It has been developed by a Scout Leader for Scout Leaders. Since its launch at Easter, it has over 3,200 groups and 10,200 users using it. It is incredibly easy to use and is even suitable for the technophobes amongst us!

for 2013.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please email: ed@onlinescoutmanager.co.uk

Closing date 30th September.

16, Scout Send Off

after nearly 60 years.

17, St. George Awards 22, Congratulation

International Target Shooting.

25, Photography Competition 28, HSX

Get involved.

A Bigger and Better County Conference After a summer full of camps and activities, the nights are drawing in and our thoughts move to the question – What next for Scouting? To help answer this question, we’ve decided to expand our County Conference this autumn to include many more people than our usual audience of DCs, District Chairs and County Team. We’ve extended the invite to the whole of the Hampshire Scouting management team – GSLs, Group Chairs, DESCs, DSNLs and County Executive members. We’ve also invited our Youth Representatives – Scout Network Chairs and Youth Council members – to join us and take part in the discussions. Invites are already going out for what we hope will be a bigger and better County Conference, on

Sunday 28th October.

All in all, we expect to have about 200 people at the day-long event, which we’re holding at the central location of Thornden Hall in Chandler’s Ford. We’re hoping that our County Conference will inspire, challenge and prepare our Hampshire Scouting Managers and Youth Representatives for the future.

Wayne Bulpitt, our UK Chief Commissioner, will be keynoting the Conference.

There’ll be breakouts on a wide variety of topics, from growing Scouting to building new Group HQs.

We’ll be launching H0014 – the successor to H007 – during the Conference.

We’ll have a variety of stalls from our Activity Clubs and other teams to provide you with new ideas.

And there’ll be opportunities to meet new people from across the County as well as renew old friendships.

We’re investing in County Conference this year to help Groups, Units and Districts decide “What next for Scouting?” in their local situation, and then put their ideas into action. I hope you’ll be able to join us and look forward to meeting with you all in October.


County Commissioner Hampshire Scouting




Click Register now!

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Now fill out the form, but you’ll need to know your Membership Number. Adult volunteers can find it on their Appointment Card, while Youth members should speak to their Section Leader. Please call 0845 300 1818 if you cannot find it.


www.scout.org.uk Once you are signed in

2 You need to be on the

Personal tab

click on My details

Click edit


Update the relevant details

Click Save

After 4 years service to Hampshire Scouting in the role of Treasurer, Bruce Martin will be standing down at the end of 2012, after taking up a new role as Group Scout Leader within Winchester District. We are very grateful for the exceptional work Bruce has done over the last few years, sorting out the accounts after a period without a County Treasurer, and wish him well in his new role. We do not want to get into the position again where we are operating without a County Treasurer, and are therefore now looking for someone take on the role and start working with Bruce, and the accounting team at County Office as soon as possible. Do you know someone who may be interested in taking on this role? Please help! Full details are available from Bruce or the County Office.

We are currently looking to recruit:

Lead Instructor ÂŁ13,464 The post is 37.5 hours per week and due to the nature of the business candidates will be required to work unsociable hours. Closing date 26th September 2012 Interviews will be held on Wednesday 3rd October 2012 For further information or an application pack please contact: 023 8084 5092 manager@fernycrofts.org.uk

Tanzania 2012 Expedition Returns!! The Tanzania 2012 Expedition has returned safely to the UK, after a very successful trip. During their time in Tanzania, the expedition helped complete a new Medical Centre in Itete. The opening of the new Medical Centre took place in mid-August, in front of a crowd of 1,500 people and was conducted by the Catholic Bishop and representatives of Hampshire and Tanzanian Scouting. After lunch, there were speeches, along with local singing, dancing and the crowd had grown to over 4,000! The next day the Scouts and Guides bid an emotional farewell to the village and then travelled to eastern Tanzania, to explore the country and coastline. After a visit to Tanzanian Scout HQ, the expedition travelled back, arriving late Friday evening at Heathrow airport, tired, happy and proud at what they had achieved.

estHampshire Scouts CarorF ted by Supp

Car Fest was a crazy dream of Scouting ambassador, Chris Evans (BBC Television and Radio broadcaster), to bring together his passion for fast cars, fundraising for Children in Need, fabulous food and popular music. Held at Laverstoke Park Farm in Hampshire owned by F1 champion driver, Jody Scheckter who now spends his time farming and producing dairy products organically. Hampshire Scouting offered our services to support the event as ‘Service Crew’ and were also invited to attend as exhibitors. We booked the national Mobile Display Unit (MDU) and asked for enthusiastic volunteers who might have an interest in cars, food and fun to join us. Hampshire Network Scouts supplied a large majority of the 20 or so adults who signed up for this adventure. We now had the ideal opportunity to promote Scouting to the festival goers who were mainly made up of Chris’s Radio 2 listeners and their families. Many had travelled hundreds of miles to be at this inaugural event. It was also apparent that some had never attended a festival or even camped before. This was a great taster for them to experience what Scouting can offer. The MDU provided a great interactive opportunity for people to find out more about Scouting and volunteering. The on board games also provided entertainment for those big and small that stopped to talk to us. The great atmosphere at the event generated interest from new youth members and also a large number of adults who wanted the opportunity to volunteer. We spoke to a large number of existing members who were pleased to see the MDU and the resources on offer. From the Hampshire service crew point of view it was a good team building exercise, as well as being able to give support for an important cause. The highlight of the weekend was a visit from both Chris Evans and the star of the show – Pudsey Bear! Car Fest South (and North) expects to raise near on a £1 million and Hampshire Scouting are proud to have been part of it.

Back to Scouts……………….

You may have stopped over the summer and are now getting back in the swing of things in the new term? You probably have had a new intake of new members either from outside the movement or those transferring from the section below? Have you seen the new publication Abseiling to Zorbing – A Parents Guide to Scouting? It has replaced the ‘Where does all this Mud Come from’ and has been designed to give parents the best possible information about who we are and what we do. Remember if you also have new adults joining then this book is also great to give them an overview of the movement. http://www.scouts.org.uk/documents/Parent%20Guide%20to%20Scouting.pdf Copies can be ordered from the Scout Shop and there is a space at the back to put your own documents. Remember it’s not just young people that benefit from Scouting when they join; parents and carers can also reap the rewards. In an independent survey of over 2,000 parents of Scouts, nine out of ten parents said Scouting is worthwhile and nine in ten said their children find Scouting enjoyable. 45% of our adult volunteers come from parents – remember you have to ask them to help. Very few will come forward and ‘volunteer’!

County Development Board

The next meeting of the County Development Board is on 31st October, so you have plenty of time to get your project proposal forms completed. A project could be to assist your group to open up a new section or support the leadership team with a development plan. Does you group need a Group Scout Leader? These are all things I can help you with. If you need a project form then send me an e-mail.

Development Resources

Do you struggle to find resources to help you recruit new adults – each District Commissioner has been given a copy of the new County Development Handbook. If you would like your own copy then please send me an e-mail and I will forward you an electronic version. For any questions about recruitment and growing the movement please get in touch. Vanessa Slawson County Development Officer vanessa.slawson@scouts-hants.org.uk


By Sam Bannister - Portsmouth News No matter how hard they push, these young Scouts can’t get rid of their crumbling old hut without some help. The 6th Gosport Air Scouts were thrilled when they found a new hut to replace their ageing headquarters in Acorn Close, Rowner. But the only snag is that the building is 50 miles away in West Parley, Dorset. Now they need some willing volunteers to help them transport the hut to their Rowner home. Lisa Reade, from the Air Scouts, said: ‘It’s our very own DIY SOS project. Shortly after Christmas the vacant hut in West Parley became available to whichever Scout group could demolish it and rebuild it. The volunteer leaders at 6th Gosport enjoy a challenge and quickly signed up to view the building. By the time they reached the end of the driveway they had agreed to take it on with the hope of providing a much-needed safe, waterproof home their young people could be proud of. The group launched their new scarves, which used to be gold. Now they have a blue edge on them in tribute to the Scout group which used to meet at the West

Parley hut, whose scarves were blue and yellow. The Dorset group’s former leader also donated a portrait of the Queen for the new hut, and one of Robert Baden-Powell, who founded the Scout movement. The Scouts have raised around £3,000 to cover the costs of moving the new hut. Much of this was raised with the help of the Gosport Road Runners, donated from the proceeds of their annual half-marathon. But a lot of the cash has been spent on planning applications and sorting a new lease on the land. The young people have been packing bags at a supermarket and other events to raise cash for the new hut. Now they would like to hear from anyone who can help them with donations of manual labour on the day of the big move. They also need people to provide fixtures and fittings and items to kit out the new building. The old hut has now been demolished and the new one is ready to travel from West Parley.


Lewis from the 5th Portsmouth Cub Scouts has received a commendation from the Chief Scout, Bear Grylls. Last October his Mother lit some candles before leaving the room. His sister then accidently knocked them over to cause a fire. Lewis quickly raised the alarm and evacuated the house. County Commissioner, Adam Jollans, presented Lewis with the award.

22nd Odiham Troop Summer Camp

Fleet Scouts have just returned from a very exciting camp at the Birmingham County Scout Camp Site near Bromsgrove. We made full use of the excellent activity areas at the site, had two enjoyable off-site visits and maintained a good standard of Patrol camping throughout the 6 days we were there. We built an Olympic themed gateway and erected a cantilevered flag pole. After Flag break each morning, we had a short period of reflection about one of the Scout laws followed by a prayer read by the duty Patrol Leader. Patrols cooked their own breakfast and evening meal on altar fires and also provided a meal for one of the adult Leaders. Each morning after eating, all washing up was done and tent and kitchen area tidied up for an Inspection after Flag Break. Perhaps the best of the activity areas was the Giants Ladder and High All Aboard. The Ladder was made up of thick logs which were increasingly wider apart as they got higher and the only extra help were webbing loops to put round the logs. Scouts worked in pairs to get as high up the Ladder as possible in a short time. The aim on High All aboard was for 4 scouts to climb up the vertical pole and all balance on the 18 inch square board at the top. Other on site activities were canoeing, archery, a very long zip wire, an indoor climbing wall and two visits to the heated

swimming pool to play water polo. A very good canoeing instructor led the Scouts in several games including the cross boat run shown in the above picture. The first of our off-site events was a 10 mile hike to look at a flight of locks on the Worcester and Birmingham canal. This flight has 36 locks and is the longest flight on any canal in the UK. During the last 6 months, the Troop had taken part in Patrol Hikes, an overnight hike and another long hike during Group Camp. So Hiker Badges were presented to all taking part. The second off-site activity was a day visit to the West Midland Safari Park. This started with a drive around all the animal compounds which gave us excellent close-up views of many different animals. We went into the Safari Park restaurant for a fish and chips lunch and then spent 2 hours enjoying all the thrill rides including Black Fly shown in the above picture. For our last evening at camp, we all sat outside the mess tent to enjoy a very tasty dinner prepared by Akela, who was at camp with us. This took place in a light shower which gradually got much worse. So, for our final camp fire, we went into a nearby lodge hut with a large opening on one side. We built a big fire in a half barrel fire container just outside and sat on benches inside the shelter to enjoy songs, yells and some Patrol stunts before our final supper.


g n i d n a t s Out y t i n u m m co t n e m e v achie


erek Smalley of the Wetlands Explorer Unit in New Forest South came highly commended as a volunteer, making a difference within Milford on Sea community and was recognised in the Community Achievement Awards 2012. Derek was nominated for his get up and go attitude and for the encouragement he offers to Explorer Scouts which challenges the perceptions of people in the community. The winning achiever was a local community group called Milford Community Care, and an additional runner up was Rebecca Wood a Milford Brown Guider. (Photo of Derek and his explorers, renewing their promises on camp earlier in the year).

ilay Saaw

As part of our continued efforts to offer as many diverse opportunities to the Explorer Scout programme as possible, I am delighted to be able to tell you that SWAN have invited us to join their event in 2013 during the Easter holiday period. This is a fantastic opportunity, especially since the founder of the event came from Hampshire and lived in Winchester. If you think you could put together a small group of between 5 and 12 yourself, then go for it – even if you are not involved in water activities at any other time, it is a fabulous week of fun, adventure and progression in qualifications relating to water activities. Here is the link which tells you all you need to know – any youngster wishing to join on their own would be made very welcome, but would need to get themselves to Norfolk! http://peterboroughscouts.purplecloud.net/2ndnene/swan/swan-63/ Carol Pannell ACC Explorer Scouts

Hampshire County Explorer Camp 5th – 7th October 2012 The camp The theme this year is 10th birthday celebrations, so there will be no badge as most Explorer Scouts should have the national birthday badge to wear on their uniform. As the event is running alongside Trek Cart, the activities are all about moving from one point to another, having fun and celebrating 10 years of Explorer Scouting. The cost The cost has been set at £27.50 for the weekend and includes all the activities, with an option to buy a county Explorer Scout Necker for £2.50 in advance, or for £3.00 if bought at the camp. This year we will be running a chip shop during Saturday evening, and a tuck shop during the whole weekend. A portion of chips will be £1.00 and the tuck shop prices will vary according to the stock. We will not be providing any other food during the weekend, but we will cater for any leader who wishes to be part of the delivery team, there will be no charge for helpers, and you will receive a necker if you do not already have one. The charge for leaders not helping is £10.00. Activities:

• • • • • • • • •

Mega Abseil Zip wire Bushcraft Inflatables Trek Cart challenge (like field gun run) – team event Car Jack challenge – team event Cake decoration – decorate your own cake for mega birthday afternoon tea Saturday night Disco And much, much more

We have set aside room for Explorers to camp as units or to come along as individuals, and alongside we have designated an area for any scout troops who may wish to camp overnight, as Trek Cart will be taking place on Saturday. Any Explorer unit wishing to take part in Trek Cart can camp for the weekend by tradition can take part in all the activities on offer. There will be a separate fee for entering the Trek Cart race (please see the Trek Cart details). Scout troops can camp this year and also take part in the activities providing they have taken part in Trek Cart. Network will also be camping in their capacity as support for both Trek Cart and the County camp – information for Network is available from the Network team. You can arrive at any time on Friday from 09.00 to set up tents etc, but registration and arrival of campers will be from 16.00 onwards and the camp will close at 14.00 on Sunday.

The birthday tea party on Saturday will be fancy dress.

ff O d n e S t Scou arly 60 years. after ne


lver Creek echoed to the sound of the 3rd Gosport Sea Scouts, Cubs and Beavers singing a fond farewell to their Group Scout Leader, Tony Compton, who is retiring at the end of the month. He joined the 3rd in 1953 as a boy and has been a Leader since 1968. He has run all 3 sections at various times, been Group Scout Leader for many years, held various District positions as well as running numerous camping trips and looking after the Scout Hut and grounds. The party started with the annual ‘Beavers against Parents Rounders Match’ in Gosport Park and he was then surprised with over a hundred guests including Cubs, Scouts, their Leaders, many parents and members of the Gosport District Scouting Association who had been hiding in the Scout Hut. Accompanied by music played and sung by the children, he was rowed away down Alver Creek by Scout Daniel Foster and then carried back on the specially restored old trek cart to a final song, BBQ, buffet and presentation at the Hut. Tony had accompanied the trek cart to an international Scouting Convention in America in 1957! Although Tony is stepping down as Group Scout Leader he will continue as a member of Scout Active Support and we hope will be helping when he is able. His hard work and dedication over the past 50 years has been invaluable to the Group keeping it running continually over all those years. He has built up a strong leadership team to carry on in his absence. Above all his care, commitment and guidance has been invaluable to hundreds of children some of whom have had been pleased, in turn, to enrol their own children in the 3rd Gosport Sea Scouts.


St. George’s Day Awards This summer we have received some 53 Applications for Awards, of these 24 were appropriate for Silver Acorns / Silver Wolves and were supported by the County Awards Board and sent onwards to Gilwell, after gaining the County Commissioner’s signature. A further 25 were supported for non St. Georges Day Awards and 4 needed background work such as completion of training and so were deferred to next year. Firstly, I must say that it is always a real pleasure to see the citations come to the County Awards Board for so many people who place so much effort into Hampshire Scouting, and we feel very humble when we read some of the citations written about our wonderful volunteers. It is always therefore very difficult to suggest that awards should not go through at all for a reason, or should be for another Award. Please also note that non St. Georges Day Awards i.e. Chief Scouts Commendation, Award of Merit & the Bar to the Award of Merit can be applied for at any time through the year, you do not need to wait until the September deadline for the SGDA! In fact this would be preferable, as this year for example, at the same time of trying to support Districts with citations for 24 SGDA we also needed to recommend and sort through some 25 applications for those awards. My thanks as always to the Awards Board Team who this year were joined by two great young people Rob Vine & Emma Hale. Overall well done everyone. Martin Rudd Chair, County Awards Board.


Calling all Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Network Scouts, Mums, Dads, friends and all leaders.

Hampshire scout heritage is hosting international badgers club. Sunday 23rd september 2012 10am – 4pm Gower lodge, 1st cove scout centre, 11 Fleet road, Cove, Farnborough, Gu14 9rb

Swaps and new just for you!


the o t s o ot h p r s u r o u y h T g n on bri g y n i l t p e e m t i n s m e s k e r r o p ll etw i n w t e u w o sc nd a r e b m th septe e. n o 7 t 2 s e ob t y h p o the tr

G N I T E E M 9 27/

Activity Leadership Courses 2012-2013

BCU Foundation £20.00 per w Lakeside Joan Vealyou evie rrive when R (a k rt r ta o s w m t p Safety & Rescue person if not Country Park, Itchen South District Canoe t Ne r 7:30 unty Scou tember, fraoBCU m 7:15pm fo CoTraining HF Eastleigh Centre 7h Sep on, SO50 7 m m o ) C to n e e Thursday 2 hav member (B2177), Cold E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk early if you oad can, leave rtsmouth R o P , b u k p .u d o 14-16 North Wales Hampshire Scout eigh.c een’s HeaLeaderhead-inn£275 -eastlper QuMountain nsor e e u .q w w September Award Training person for Mountaineering Team http://w rk Leaders. o tw e N t u o 2012 Assessment - ork memboth E: admin@hsmt.info bers, Sc etw N t Necker for u o ndwww.hsmt.org.uk c a S ll lo o A r P (part 1 of 2) weekends W: , foSummer T rk o tw ere is ear your Ne is meet - th w th e to s a e le m p o t 14-16 Walking Group per Hampshire Scout lc . e is weWales nNorth required bu £135 er Network ote pMountaineering tion. Everyo v o uniform ta NLeader e n n e o s ly re n p September Award person Team o corn rk members o ay’s Silver A tw R e N ll a 2012 Training or itation to E: admin@hsmt.info an open inv Assessment W: www.hsmt.org.uk twork e N t u o c S 14-16 Single Pitch £115 per North Wales Hampshire Scout e Award Hampshir 61 person 0 9 8 2 2 September (Climbing) Training Mountaineering Team 7 e 7 hir t/text: 07 .org.uk rk Hamps o ts n tw a e h N t ts u u 2012 or Assessment E: admin@hsmt.info Sco ce@Sco Facebook: county.offi : e 7 4 8 7 W: www.hsmt.org.uk 4 rk t: 02380 8 .uk/netwo rg .o ts n a h 14-16 Hillwalking Terrain 1 £110 per North Wales Hampshire Scout w: Scouts September or 2 Activity Permit person Mountaineering Team 2012 Assessment E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk 14-16 Hillwalking/Climbing £99 per North Wales Hampshire Scout September Refresher & person Mountaineering Team 2012 Experience weekend E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk 14-16 National Navigation £115 per North Wales Hampshire Scout September Award Scheme person Mountaineering Team 2012 (Bronze/Silver/Gold) E: admin@hsmt.info – Training or W: www.hsmt.org.uk Assessment 12-14 October Mountain Leader £275 per North Wales Hampshire Scout 2012 Award Training or person for Mountaineering Team Assessment both E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk � Summer (part 2 of 2) weekends £135 per North Wales Hampshire Scout 12-14 October Walking Group person Mountaineering Team 2012 Leader Award E: admin@hsmt.info Training or Assessment W: www.hsmt.org.uk � £115 per North Wales Hampshire Scout 12-14 October Single Pitch Award person Mountaineering Team 2012 (Climbing) Training E: admin@hsmt.info or Assessment W: www.hsmt.org.uk North Wales Hampshire Scout 12-14 October Hillwalking Terrain 1 £110 per person Mountaineering Team 2012 or 2 Activity Permit E: admin@hsmt.info Assessment W: www.hsmt.org.uk

Join us

9 September 2012



12-14 October 2012

Hillwalking/Climbing Refresher & Experience weekend

£99 per person

North Wales

12-14 October 2012

£115 per person

North Wales

£65 per person

Ferny Crofts

10-11 November 2012

National Navigation Award Scheme (Bronze/Silver/Gold) – Training or Assessment Climbing (Walls & Towers) Permit Training & Assessment GNAS Archery Leaders Course (Part 1 of 2)

£180 per person for both weekends

Woodhouse Park Training Centre, Avon

17-18 November 2012

GNAS Archery Leaders Course (Part 2 of 2)

£180 per person for both weekends

Woodhouse Park Training Centre, Avon

19-26 January 2013

Winter Mountaineering Skills Week Scotland NSRA Air Rifle Instructor Course

£300 per person

Crubenmore Lodge, Cairngorms National Park Ferny Crofts

16-17 March 2013

GNAS Archery Leaders Course (Part 1 of 2)

23-24 March 2013

GNAS Archery Leaders Course (Part 2 of 2)

20-21 April 2013

Remote Emergency Care Level 2 – First Aid

Approx £160 per person for both parts Approx £160 per person for both parts Approx £120 per person

19-21 April 2013

Mountain Leader Award Training or Assessment Summer (part 1 of 2)

13-14 October 2012

1-3 February 2013

Approx £120 per person

£275 per person for both weekends

Ferny Crofts

Ferny Crofts

Ferny Crofts

North Wales

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk Dave Ashworth Avon County Scouts E: davidashworth@blueyonder.co. uk Dave Ashworth Avon County Scouts E: davidashworth@blueyonder.co. uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk


19-21 April 2013

Walking Group Leader Award Training or Assessment Single Pitch Award (Climbing) Training or Assessment

£135 per person

North Wales

£115 per person

North Wales

19-21 April 2013

Hillwalking Terrain 1 or 2 Activity Permit Assessment

£110 per person

North Wales

19-21 April 2013

Hillwalking/Climbing Refresher & Experience weekend

£99 per person

North Wales

19-21 April 2013

National Navigation Award Scheme (Bronze/Silver/Gold) – Training or Assessment Climbing (Walls & Towers) Permit Training & Assessment Mountain Leader Award Training or Assessment Summer (part 2 of 2) Walking Group Leader Award Training or Assessment Single Pitch Award (Climbing) Training or Assessment

£115 per person

North Wales

£65 per person

Ferny Crofts

£275 per person for both weekends £135 per person

North Wales

£115 per person

North Wales

17-19 May 2013

Hillwalking Terrain 1 or 2 Activity Permit Assessment

£110 per person

North Wales

17-19 May 2013

Hillwalking/Climbing Refresher & Experience weekend

£99 per person

North Wales

17-19 May 2013

National Navigation Award Scheme (Bronze/Silver/Gold) – Training or Assessment

£115 per person

North Wales

19-21 April 2013

11-12 May 2013

17-19 May 2013

17-19 May 2013

17-19 May 2013

North Wales

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk� Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.info W: www.hsmt.org.uk

Congratulations to the Hampshire Scouts who competed in the Junior International Target Shooting Match at Bisley. In the team representing Great Britain: Katherine Maskell (Hampshire County) Oliver Vass & Toni Griffiths (Bramshill) Matthew Ward (Meon Valley) In the team representing England: Matthew Barnes (Bramshill) In the team representing The Scout Association: Laura Betteridge (Odiham) Violetta Howard (Andover) Daniel Maskell (Bramshill) Max Stevens (Meon Valley) Plus special congratulations to Max, whose performance earned him an invitation to train for the England Junior Pistol team.

e f a s t i y Pla When it comes to safety, we all need to do our bit. 1. Make it routine. Build safety into team meeting agendas, perhaps having discussions around building & events safety and planned camps & trips. 2. Safety for everyone. Get young people thinking & talking about safety and build safety training & instructions into your programme. Make sure they’re aware of safety systems, such as fire evacuation procedures, & encourage them to practice regularly. ‘Be prepared’ applies to every-one in Scouting, not just leaders. 3. Part of procedure. Make habit or recording injuries and risks, as well as the measures taken to avoid them. You can come up with your own system of doing this, or do it formally. Report any potential accidents & near misses too. 4. Share responsibility. Make sure everyone helps to keep your meeting place safe by ensuring equipment is properly stored. Take care when handling heavy items. See Factsheet FS320010 for more info.

5. Be prepared. Remember that many accidents happen during play. Before playing games, prepare the area by moving all obstructions. Make sure they are suitable for the ages involved and remind everyone of the rules. 6. Weigh the risks. Promote safer activities by risk assessing them at an early stage in programme planning. If it’s something adventurous, make sure those in charge have permits or you use appropriate centres (see Fact-sheets FS120084 & FS120086). For outdoor activities, you’re likely to need first aid cover & extra adult help, and an InTouch plan. 7. Get organised. Understand who is in charge and who needs to do what, and when. 8.Know your environment. Intimate knowledge of your headquarters, meeting place, area or activity will help you compile a checklist of your own. 9. A matter of fact. Make sure you’re in possession of all the facts by heading to www. scouts.org.uk where you can download helpful factsheets by

searching the factsheet number or title. Or if you need an InTouch plan, you can locate them here www.scouts.org.uk/ intouch 10. Carry the card. The Safe Scouting card gives advice on what to do and who to contact in the event of an actual or potential injury or near miss so make sure you always have yours to hand. All safety cards & check-lists can be downloaded from here or www.scouts.org.uk/safety “Young people are curious, and they learn quickly. We should not deny them the opportunity to learn by taking risks. Seeking to protect them from every conceivable hazard, rather than sensi-bly managing the genuine risks they face, ultimately leaves them in harm’s way, not to mention robbing them of memories that last a lifetime.”

Judith Hackitt Chair of Health & Safety


Just a reminder to start getting all your images together. The closing date for the competition is the 30th September. The winning images will be displayed at the County Conference on the 28th October and the winners will be invited to receive their prizes.

A picture is worth a thousand words, but in Scouting there should be only one word – ‘adventure’. We want you to send us photos that celebrate Hampshire Scouting. This year you will have plenty of opportunities with Scout Community Week, the Jubilee celebrations, your camps, your parades, your weekly activities which will all be good material. We will also display a selection of the images at the County Conference at the end of Oct, when the winners will receive their prizes. Each prize will be worth at least £100. There will be a prize for each age group of entrants: a. Beavers or Cubs. b. Scouts or Explorers. c. Network or Adults. 3 prizes have been donated (photo vouchers) to the value of £100 each, by London Camera Exchange, Southampton - so what are you waiting for? When submitting your photos please ensure that they: • Are adventurous and fun - we're not after the posed certificate & uniform shot. • Conform with POR, i.e. All required safety equipment is worn in the photo. • You have permission of any people in your photos to use them. • Are of a good quality. Submit your pictures on a CD/DVD/memory stick before 30th September 2012 for your chance to be in it to win it. Send your photos (marked Photo Comp 2012) to us at the County Office, Ferny Croft Scout Centre, Beaulieu Road, Brockenhurst, SO42 7QY. Competition Rules 1. You must own the photo and ensure that you have access to photo permission forms for everyone in the photo. (You do not need to send them). 2. Entrants may submit more than one photo but no more than twenty. Where more than twenty photos are submitted only the first twenty will be entered into the competition. Discs and memory sticks will not be returned. 3. By submitting your photograph you give permission for it to be used by Hampshire County Scouts for scouting purposes. This includes but is not limited to: promotional material, the annual report, the county website, press releases to the media and displayed. 4. Images may be digitally enhanced to remove spots or scratches, but not manipulated. Entrants can enhance the picture to make it brighter, clearer etc, but not manipulate the content. The judges reserve the right to exclude any image they believe may have been excessively treated so as to alter its authenticity. 5. All entries will be judged by a panel of judges. Their decision is final. The prizes for best photos are as stated and cannot be transferred or exchanged. 6. All entries should be labelled with the authors name, age group and Scout Group/District/County role. If you are entering in group 3 (adults) then please include your membership number as well. Check List: Have you included your name, Scout group and age group? Please specify which category you belong to A, B or C. Please include an e-mail address so that we can acknowledge receipt of your entry. The images are of a manageable size – large enough to be of good quality but not so large they take hours to open! Recommended size no larger than 6-8MB.

TIred of waItIng? HAMPSHIRE


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HSX (Hampshire Scout Expeditions) is a Hampshire based Scout group, that specialises in running international expeditions for Hampshire Scouts. In order to provide this service the group runs regular outdoor-based training weekends for its members, so that they may gain the necessary skills to lead such expeditions. HSX was founded in 1986, following the success of Clearwater 1985, a National Scout Expedition to Sri Lanka. More than two decades on, HSX has been extremely successful and has provided young people in Hampshire Scouting with the opportunity to take part in over 20 expeditions across the world. Expeditions The expeditions, usually based in developing countries, last from four to six weeks and involve a team of young people aged 14 years and upwards taking part in community projects and an adventurous challenge. There are at least 12 months training prior to each trip focusing on teamwork, personal development and leadership to ensure that members gain as much as possible from the experience. The hope is that as well as being a life changing experience for those involved, such contacts will bring greater understanding, and therefore tolerance, of the multicultural society in which we live today. As well as running expeditions, HSX hold regular training weekends in Hampshire, to develop and enhance young people’s leadership and technical skills in the outdoor environment. In order to put the skills learnt into practice the group regularly visits the more mountainous areas of the UK. This includes annual trips to the Lake District, North Wales and Scotland. This training enables the members of HSX to develop without the need to take part in an international expedition. There are opportunities within the training to work towards and gain relevant outdoor qualications such as ML AND SPA.

Anyone can become a member. For more info please contact: ian@hsx.org.uk

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