Hampshire Scout News - September 2015

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3rd Romsey Scout Group Carnival & Go-Kart Race




September Twenty Fifteen


Welcome to the September’s edition of Hampshire Scout News 2015 04

Gold DofE Presentation


International Adventures with Scouting


Beaver & Cub Fun Day!


Water For Uganda


Hampshire Scouts Shows Prepare To Unite


Weed All Pulled Together


1st Aldershot Summer Camp


Thunderbirds Are Go


23rd Basingstoke Canal Challenge


County Diary Sept 2015

About Us

Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 17,500 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

Get Involved

To join the adventure of Scouting whether as an Adult or Young person then contact us at: www.scouts.org.uk/join e: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk or t: 023 8084 7847

U Got news For Us?

Do you have a story or success that you’d like to share? Help us to highlight and celebrate your achievements in growth, exclusivity, youth shaped and community – email us your team’s successes along with any photos to: county.office@Scouts-hants.org.uk, please keep emails less than 30mb, if they are bigger we can share our Dropbox link with you, please get in touch.

Photography Acknowledgements

Where we can, we strive to acknowledge the owner or source of pictures used in this publication. We use them under the terms ‘for Scouting use only’. If you would like pictures acknowledged, please let us know the owners name when submitting. Thank you.



Gold DofE Presentation Gold DofE Presentation at the Great Hall, Winchester, Presented by Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire, Nigel Atkinson. 23 attained Gold DofE Awards from 9 Hampshire Scouts District:

Miss Stefanie Barter - Dorset Scouts • Mr Callum Boud - Blackwater Valley Scouts Mr Thomas Bourner - Southampton City Scouts • Mr Robert Finch - Romsey Scouts Size: 52mm x 69mm MissBadge, Lauren Fowler - Itchen North Scouts • Mr Elliot Galvin - Basingstoke West Scouts Miss Emily Gissing - Waterlooville Scouts • Miss Alice Hobbs - Andover Scouts Mr David Stewart - Basingstoke West Scouts

We still have small number of places available!

Suisse Adventure Summer 2016 14th – 28th August, £650 plus food and additional activities

For info and booking go to:

www.sa16.weebly.com T-shirts logo Approx: 52mm x 69mm


September Twenty Fifteen

International Adventures with Scouting

This summer has seen over 600 young people travel abroad with Hampshire Scouting – from the World Scout Jamboree in Japan…to adventures in Iceland, the Netherlands and Switzerland…to community development expeditions in Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda. International expeditions are something that Scouting does really well, and the benefits to the young people who take part can be immense: •

Realising that people from other countries, races and religions are just like us, with their own hopes, dreams and worries. From sharing dinners and games of football with Scouts from around the world at the Jamboree, to making friends and working together with Scouts in Tanzania and Uganda. You don’t learn this from books or over the Internet – you discover it for yourself, in person and face-to-face.

Moving outside your comfort zone and having bigger adventures than is possible back home. From long- drop toilets to not being able to speak the local language, and from walking on glaciers to whitewater rafting, young people find they’re able to achieve challenges that they never imagined they would be able to handle – and it’s at this point when the learning occurs.

• Becoming people who care about the world. You can’t enter the bat-infested building which served as the old medical centre in rural Tanzania, or learn about the devastation wrought by the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, without wanting to change the world and do something to make it a better place to live in for everyone. I had the privilege of visiting one of our international expeditions this summer, in the remote village of Iragua in Tanzania. It’s one-and-a-half day’s travel by road from the airport, and while there was electricity and untreated water, there were also snakes, scorpions and army ants. Yet it became home for two weeks to the Explorer Scouts as they helped complete the painting of the new medical centre which they had also raised the money to build, and they shared with the medical staff, the local priests and a thousand villagers in the memorable opening ceremony. “I don’t think I’ve ever done something so good” said one Explorer Scout, and there were tears as they said goodbye to the Tanzanian Scouts they’d made friends with and left them with tents, memories and a ukulele. Our vision in Hampshire is that every Explorer Scout and Scout Network member, and a good number of Scouts, should have the chance to take part in the adventure of a lifetime by travelling abroad with Scouting. Over the next few years there will be many opportunities, including Suisse Adventure and Malawi in 2016, Cambodia over Xmas and New Year 2016/17, and Tanzania and the World Scout Moot in Iceland in 2017. As Bear Grylls says – “Live boldly, follow your dreams, take risks, look after your friends, and smile when the mountain is steepest.”

Adam Jollans - County Commissioner, Hampshire Scouting



County Diary

Sept 2015 Thursday, September 3 QSA Reception Friday, September 4 Cty Act Hampshire Scout Caving Club Training Weekend Cty Act Hampshire Scout eXpedition Training weekend Saturday, September 5 Cty Act Hampshire Scout Caving Club Training Weekend Cty Act Hampshire Scout eXpedition Training weekend AT Modules 11 & 12 (A & B) BVR County meeting South Sunday, September 6 Cty Act Hampshire Scout Caving Club Training Weekend Cty Act Hampshire Scout eXpedition Training weekend Cty Act BCU Foundation Safety & Rescue Training Course Wednesday, September 9 Net Leaders Cluster Meeting Friday, September 11 Cty Act HSMT Hillwalking & Climbing training & assessment weekend Saturday, September 12 Cty Act HSMT Hillwalking & Climbing training & assessment weekend Cty Act County Archery Competition Cty Act HSMT Hillwalking & Climbing Experience weekend AT M10 (First Aid) BVR County Meeting North

Beaver & Cub Fun Day! On Saturday 20th June 7 leaders, 3 young leaders and 34 beavers and cubs from the 14th Aldershot scout group left Aldershot at 7.30am to head to Gilwell park for there beaver and cubs fun day. They arrived at Gilwell at 9.30 am and were given their passes. Once on


the camp site there was lots of activities to choose from . The beavers and cubs started with rafting then moved on to the grass water slide and then stopped for lunch . After lunch it was on to the death slide and then they were split in to group where they spent the rest of the afternoon doing lots more activities. The day was finished off with a visit to the shop and an ice cream in the pouring rain. They arrived back at the scout hut around 7pm all tired but a great day was had by all. A big thank you to Angela for organising the day.

September Twenty Fifteen

Sunday, September 13 Cty Act HSMT Hillwalking & Climbing training & assessment weekend Cty Act County Archery Competition Cty Act HSMT Hillwalking & Climbing Experience weekend TBC Hospital launch Saturday, September 19 Sct Emlyn Cty Act Solent Pulling & Paddling Regatta AT M10 (First Aid) Cty Act SS Shieldhall Training Day (alongside) TBC Hospital launch Sunday, September 20 Sct Emlyn Cty Act Solent Pulling & Paddling Regatta AT Module 13 AT Module 25 Saturday, September 26 Cty Act NSRA Rifle Shooting YPS Tutor Course AT LTM Conference AT Modules 14, 15 & 19

The Carrick Bend

Used For Joining 2 Lines Together

go Three Scout teams from 3rd Romsey Scout Group entered this years Carnival Go-Kart Race in Romsey. Themes were decided and pimping of go-karts undertaken. With costumes on we suddenly had Sunnyside - Toy Story 3, Festival Fever and Up, Up & Away from the film Up! Make up for the old man was good or we have VERY old Scouts these days! The evening was slightly damp when we arrived at Alma Road car park ready to be judged on the best decorated go-kart prior to the off. However, this did not dampen our spirits! The route was memorised, parents

sent out to check they went the right way - the route was then changed...... then they were off! Down the car park and then round the town and back to Alma Road car park. They all went flying round - not all in the right direction, and not all under total control - but great fun was had by all, and they all made it back in one piece! Congratualtions to Sunnyside for coming first with Festival Fever close on their heels. Up, Up & Away won best decorated kart - well done everyone! Thank you to the carnival committee for putting on the gokart race – it was great fun and all teams enjoyed taking part! It was great to have an event for the under-16’s to take part in during the Bed Race evening we can’t wait to take part again next year! Sarah Beaman 3rd Romsey Scout Leader Ashanti Troop



Water for Uganda Members of this year’s Uganda Water Project contingent were delighted to learn that they had attracted a grant of £500 from the Royal Society of St George Charitable Trust. The award was presented by Lt Col. Leslie Clarke (ret’d) a member of RSSG National Council and Chairman of its Rushmoor Branch, just days before the party left the UK on 3rd August. It is several years now since Hampshire Scouting started its link with scouts in the Masindi District of Uganda. Every year each contingent raises money to fund the building of ‘clean water wells’ in the area to prevent the spread of disease in addition to paying for their own expenses to make the trip. Water comes from natural springs which are unprotected and liable to contain harmful parasites and bacteria. The ‘clean water project’ creates a dam and the water is filtered through several layers of rock and sand to act as a natural filter. Once complete the water is piped from the dam with any surplus water being channelled away to prevent stagnant water which attracts mosquitos. This year’s contingent comprising fifteen


Explorer Scouts, six network scouts and four leaders from Basingstoke, Hook, Yateley, Alton, Winchester and Bramshill, has raised sufficient to fund three new wells one of which they hope to visit during their stay. The contingent will also camp with the local scout group and work with them to paint a local school to improve the learning conditions. Most class rooms have no electricity; windows are small and each classroom has to house around 100 children and one teacher. The party has taken musical instruments, chalk, pencils, tennis balls and footballs as gifts for the school. They will also visit a local hospital to take donations of woolly hats and jumpers for new-born babies, bandages and mosquito nets. At the end of their stay the party will split into two smaller groups. One will take the opportunity to go white water rafting whilst the other climbs Mount Elgon. Finally they will re-group to spend two days in the Masai Mara National Nature Reserve in Kenya before returning to the UK.

September Twenty Fifteen

Flag Break At Camp

The School In Masindi District, Uganda



Prepare To Unite!

Hampshire Scout Shows 10

For the first time in the history of Scouting in Hampshire, the creative talents of multiple districts will be brought together in collaboration for a one night only performance as Hampshire Scouts present ‘Stepping Out’. Scouts from across the county will unite for this one night variety extravaganza, to be performed in the heart of our County at The Winchester Guildhall. Featuring the endless talents of Basingstoke Gang Show, Hedge End Gang Show, Odiham Scout Show, Andover Gang Show and Roverang Scout and Guide Show who, for one night only will join forces in collaboration to show off the very best in live Scouting entertainment. This is an exciting new project for Hampshire Scouting with each individual production contributing to the performance by providing scenes and sketches of their very own, but also uniting as one with other productions to bring numbers from all genres for the public’s entertainment. “The Scouting Vision is very clear; Scouting is about teamwork, we believe that when we work together we achieve more than we can on our own! Many a Scout has presented themselves to a local audience and maybe never ventured beyond the realms of their own district show, this event will provide additional opportunities whilst bringing Scout Shows together under a single banner to forge everlasting links of support for one another, the advantages of which we have already begun to see. With so many Scouts from multiple districts participating, this in itself supports our Scouting Vision 2018, We will achieve more by sharing best practice across the Movement and celebrating successes. Scott Marshall –

September Twenty Fifteen

Hampshire Creative Activities Advisor ‘Stepping Out’ will take place on Sunday 18th October and will feature a multitude of songs from Pop to Rock, Musicals to Swing, Bollywood to Funk all mixed up with a touch of class and comedy for a night of variety to be remembered. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased by visiting ticketsource.co.uk/ hampshirescoutspresent. Hampshire Scouts are currently also actively seeking sponsorship for this event. If you have been or are involved with a Hampshire based business that you feel would benefit from the sponsorship opportunities associated with this production and Hampshire Scouting please contact us at shows@ scouts-hants.or.uk. As well as sponsorship we have a number of advertising opportunities in our A4 full colour glossy programme or on our website www. hampshirescoutspresent.co.uk .



Weed All Pulled Together!

3rd Romsey Beavers, Cubs and Scouts joined forces with Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust at Ower on Thursday 9th July to stop the spread of Himalayan balsam along the Cadnam River. Himalayan balsam was introduced to the UK by the Victorians who planted it in their gardens but it has escaped into the countryside where it outcompetes our native wildflowers. It thrives along river banks and, when ripe, its seedpods ‘explode’ releasing hundreds of seeds into the water where they are carried downstream to form new colonies capable of reaching an amazing four metres in height.


Fortunately Himalayan balsam has short roots and is easy to pull up, making it an ideal activity for the 35 youngsters who spent the evening removing hundreds of balsam plants with Catherine Chatters, the Wildlife Trust’s New Forest Non-Native Plants Officer. “I was delighted to have their help” said Catherine “everyone was so enthusiastic and worked hard so we really made a difference”. Katie Brown leader of the 3rd Romsey Cubs said “Himalayan balsam is easy to recognise so the Cubs love pulling it up and were really excited to be able to help”. Beaver leader, Mat Lee, commented “The Beavers like

September Twenty Fifteen

making big piles of the pulled up plants”. Imogen, a member of the 3rd Romsey Scouts, tackled the dense growth of balsam growing on the river bank and said “I think balsam-pulling is good because if you help the environment you help everyone”. The New Forest Non-Native Plants Project is helping landowners to control the invasion of Himalayan balsam along a number of rivers in the New Forest area. If you would like to find out about volunteering with the Project, please contact Catherine at: Catherine.Chatters@hiwwt.org.uk

The Scouters arrived on Saturday to their home for the week and spent the afternoon setting up camp and getting familiar with the campsite before a short evening walk familiarise themselves with the local area. The next morning they were treated to a trip to Highcliffe’s lifeguarded beach via a trip in the minibus to before heading back to the site to collect fire-wood supplies for the week ahead and to enjoy some evening games. Throughout the week Scouts experienced hiking in the forest, a day out in Bournemouth, a trip to a reptile centre and observation activities in the village. Activities at the campsite included building and cooking on fires, learning first-aid, branding woggles and a traditional camp-fire. The Scouts enjoyed sleeping under the stars on their last night and another sunny day before heading back on Friday evening. “Everyone had a great time and the Scouts were really helpful throughout the week. We are looking forward to a survival camp coming up in October too.”

1st Aldershot Scouts Summer Camp in New Forest 2015


1st Aldershot Scouts spent a week on Summer camp in the New Forest over the first week of August 2015 (1st - 7th). Twelve Scouts and several leaders from the troop enjoyed glorious sunshine in the small village of Burley (near Brockenhurst). The youngsters enjoyed a blend of days out and Scouting activities based on the campsite.



Are Go!

This year the 12th Eastleigh (1st Bishopstoke) Scout group decided to enter a float at the Fair Oak Carnival on the 27th of June, as District camp fell on the same weekend as Bishopstoke Carnival. We decided on the theme of Thunderbirds due to the new release of Thunderbirds on CITV and asked the children what they thought, they were really enthusiastic about the idea. So we had a planning meeting on the 5th of June then started to collect scrap materials from lots of different locations to build the float. We wanted the thunderbird 3 to be on a grand scale 25-30 feet so we had to think big! We acquired a Pirelli cable reel for the base, an oil drum for the middle and a drainage pipe for the body with carpet tube and barrels making up the legs. This was then constructed by a crack team of leaders and parents, who assembled the parts and then painted a couple of days before the event. We also decided to make a thunderbird one out of a chance find of a drinks display unit from a camping shop. Finally one of our parent volunteers decided that they wanted to turn a wheelchair into a Lady Penelope’s car!!

which they were unable to use for the Spinnaker Tower and after waiting on this right to the last week, we were let down, so we had to go out and buy some paint our only expense on this project.

We e-mailed Portsmouth City Council who agreed we could have some of the red paint,

The band started up and at 2pm we were off, we turned the corner into a crowd of


We had a last minute dash to finish off the Thunderbirds and the problems getting them on the float so they were safe to move on the road. We then realised that we had to cut down some low branches just to get them out of the drive of the scout hut, as Thunderbird 3 was so tall. We had to take the wings off thunderbird one just to get it out the gate and safely to the start location. We all met up on the day early to get the float ready, checking out the sound system among other things before we set off in convoy allowing ourselves an hour to get there, as we couldn’t go very fast on the road and would hold up the traffic. The day was extremely hot, we arranged to meet up at the start and do our last minute tinkering and await all the parents to turn up dressed in their fantastic Thunderbird costumes and decorated scooters.

September Twenty Fifteen

people who’s jaws dropped when they saw Thunderbird 3 with all the children shouting look at that. This made all our work worthwhile. We whistled and shouted FAB all around the course collecting money for local charities and when we stopped en route the children grabbed a much deserved drink. An hour later we arrived at the local park tired with all our collection tins full and went into a holding area to await the results of the carnival judges decision. One by one all the results were announced and we thought that we had missed out, then the last award Best Overall winner was announced and they called out our name, all the scout group, parents and supporters cheered as we collected our prize, a lovely engraved platter which will look great in our display cabinet and something for everyone to be proud of. I am attaching a selection of photographs which might be useful to show the scale of the Thunderbirds. So what do you do now with a 20-30 foot thunderbird 3, maybe we need to do some more Carnivals!! A wonderful team effort, which goes to show what you can do with energy, enthusiasm, vision and not a lot of money - it’s what scouting is all about. Yours in Scouting

Andrew Smart Assistant Cub Scout Leader 12th Eastleigh (1st Bishopstoke) Scout Group



23rd Basingstoke Canal challenge The Basingstoke Canal challenge is to paddle 2, 6 or 8 miles in a canoe or kayak on the Basingstoke canal. In addition to this, there is the opportunity to gain sponsors in order to provide funds for our chosen charity Accessible Boating, and since 1998 we have raised a total of £10,654.14. Once expenses have been deducted, the balance of the entry fees are also passed to Accessible Boating. Last year we raised a total of £627.73, and the Accessible Boating trophy was won by Cub Scout Leader Marilyn Carreras from the 8th Eastleigh Group, who raised a magnificent total of £100. Accessible boating is a Charity, which provides boating opportunities for people with access difficulties. They operate 2 boats for self steer hiring. Dawn is also available with a skipper, Madam Butterfly is selfsteer only, and both craft have been especially designed to provide facilities for disabled passengers. Dawn is a day boat offering covered accommodation for up to 6 wheelchairs and their carers. Central heating for those cooler days, a beverage heating stove, electro - hydraulic lift to carry passengers from deck to saloon and a flushing toilet. Madam Butterfly is a holiday boat having berths for up to 7 persons. Comfortable accommodation is provided with a full sized hospital type bed for a severely handicapped person and many special features to assist the party for an enjoyable holiday. This year’s canal challenge is on Sunday 27th September 2015, and full details are on the Hampshire Scout Web site at: www.hampshirescouting.org.uk/basingstoke-canal-challenge-2015 Accessible Boating Web site www.accessibleboating.org.uk

Archery Beginners Course 5th October to 16th November For more information and booking please email: archery@scouts-hants.org.uk


September Twenty Fifteen

Are you up for the challenge?

Operation Triangle

Yes the Ninth Year of the new Triangle Hike is organised for November 21st/22nd 2015 providing endurance and navigation experience for Explorer Scouts. A night navigation exercise for Explorer Scouts.

Triangle is a night exercise for teams of 4 Explorer Scouts. The exercise involves hiking approximately 18 miles across the county, longer if you get lost! Teams will process along the course as directed, reporting at the various incident and checkpoints. Cost £25 per team including breakfast. Closing date for entries is 25th October 2015 All teams completing the route in the required time will receive a Triangle Badge. For more info and booking please contact: Peter Smith, District Explorer Scout Commissioner for East Grinstead Scouts at: Triangle_Hike@btinternet.com

On Sunday 27th September, Marwell Zoo will welcome a host of Scouts from Hampshire and across the region for a special activity day! Tickets are £14.00 per person and this includes a special Marwell Zoo badge! You’ll also receive 1 free adult per 8 paying guests. For more info and booking please visit:


9th Annual International Workshop Saturday 7th November, 2015 from 10.00 to 15.30 at the URC Church, London Street, Basingstoke. RG21 7NU This workshop is a networking event to share ideas and activities relating to exploration, global awareness and global concerns. Groups that have travelled far and wide in Europe and elsewhere including the Jamboree will report on their adventures and will provide ideas which leaders will find helpful in planning your own trip. After lunch we will discuss the scourge of malaria and the new initiative that Hampshire is launching to help reduce the incidence of malaria in sub tropical Africa by working with Scouts initially in Uganda. The cost of £10 includes refreshments, lunch and hand out. The URC church is in the centre of Basingstoke only a few minutes walk from the rail and bus stations. Scouts and Guides For Leaders this will help you achieve accreditation for module 19. For more information and to book your place contact Rayner Mayer, International Adviser, Hampshire email: rayner@sciotech.demon.co.uk phone 01252 873564.



HSX Cambodia 30 years of exploration

Since HSX was founded in 1986 they have run over 20 international Expeditions for Hampshire Scouts to over 10 different countries on six of the continents. In 2016 to celebrate 30 years of exploration we are heading to Cambodia. Cambodia is rich in culture, with incredible sights, beautiful beaches and a fascinating history. All elements that we wish to explore as well as meeting warm and welcoming people. The expedition aims to send 20 participants with five leaders on this four week expedition over the winter of 2016/17. There will be 18 months of training prior to the expedition focusing on teamwork, personal development and leadership to ensure that members gain as much as possible from the experience. The hope is that as well as being a life changing experience for those involved, such experiences and contacts will bring greater understanding, and therefore tolerance, of the multi-cultural society in which we live today. The expedition aims to continue the HSX tradition of being a life changing experience for all involved and inspiring the next generation of expedition leaders. To find out more contact: matt.prince@hsx.org.uk

Twitter: @HSXOffical


Facebook: /hampshirescoutexpeditions


You Tube: HSXOnline

Limited Edition Badge!

Badge sales are funding a large Hampshire Scouts Zebra, going on display next year. Everyone who purchases one will also go into a prize draw to win a family ticket to Marwell, or one of 15 pairs of children’s tickets! Get in touch to get yours, before it’s too late!



September Twenty Fifteen

Only £2


n o r i o t i aj d e M Young People p x nd . E a s 7 Wanted! t s c 1 e e 0 i j t 2 i o v r a i i n Act ty P a z i, ni n Ta afar mu Apply by S om C th

16 Oct 15


Hampshire Scouts’ Mountaineering Team

Developed by members of the Hampshire Scout Youth Council: Ali Ross, Megan Cookson, Victoria Lipscombe, Joseph Dawson and Oliver Swope



100 Years of Cubs Scouts Centenary Mugs Only ÂŁ 6.50 each

Pre Order For Christmas!

Two Great Personalised Designs! No Minimum Quanitities Made From Acrylic Free P&P Delivery time is 3 weeks from order. For any more info and order form please contact: Tel: 01489 783 538 or Email: hazepress@yahoo.co.uk All proceeds go to Hampshire Scout Heritage project


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