Hampshire Scout News - September 2018

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Hampshire Scout News www.hampshirescouts.org.uk



Calling all Hampshire Scouters Come and join us 10am til 4pm, Sunday 31st March 2018 at Stoke Park Junior School, Underwood Road Bishopstoke Eastleigh. SO50 6GR Attend a section meeting, Meet the CC, Find out what’s going on in the County, Stalls for programme ideas, Workshops, County trips, Training, Media, Food and drinks available from WSJ contingent and much more. To book go to: hampshirescouts.org.uk. See you there! For more information or if you would like a stall please contact: youth.programme@scouts-hants.org.uk

Welcome to the September 2018 edition of Hampshire Scouts News


4. From the CC 9. Attenborough Explorer Scout Unit 9. County Archivist - Newspaper Clippings 10. France, 6th Gosport Cubs & scouts 12. Good Service Awards - The Changes 14. Hillwalking & Climbing Weekend 6/7 October 14. The 27th Basingstoke Canal Challenge 30th September 15. Hampshire Rifle Club 16. Hampshire Scouts present - Back with a Bang! 18. 80 Years - 2nd Chandlers Ford 20. Loggerheads - Beavers 21. Scouts - Weekend Camp Dates 22. Hampshire Scouts Calendar 23. Tanzania 2002 Hampshire Scout Expedition 25. Ferny Crofts Fright Night

The next deadline is Sunday 7th October for the November edition About Us

Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 18,500 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. Scouts take part in a wide range of activities as diverse as kayaking, abseiling, expeditions overseas, photography, climbing and zorbing. As a Scout you can learn survival skills, first aid, computer programming or even how to fly a plane. There’s something for everyone. It’s a great way to have fun, make friends, get outdoors, express your creativity and experience the wider world.

Get Involved

To join the adventure of Scouting whether as an Adult or Young person then contact us at: www.scouts.org.uk/join e: county.office@hampshirescouts.org.uk or t: 023 8084 7847

Have you got any news for us?

Do you have a story or success that you’d like to share? Help us to highlight and celebrate your achievements in growth, exclusivity, youth shaped and community – email us your team’s successes along with any photos to: county.office@hampshirescouts.org.uk, please keep emails less than 30mb, if they are bigger we can share our Dropbox link with you, please get in touch. Photography Acknowledgements Where we can, we strive to acknowledge the owner or source of pictures used in this publication. We use them under the terms ‘for Scouting use only’. If you would like pictures acknowledged, please let us know the owners name when submitting. Thank you.



From the CC

Welcome to the start of the Autumn term and I hope that you all had a great summer having put up with some of the hottest and driest conditions the UK has had for many years. I also hope that you are refreshed, reinvigorated and enthused to deliver even more great Scouting in Hampshire. Summer Adventures Over the summer, I know that so much Scouting has been going on in Groups and Districts with many young people also managing to travel overseas for their adventures. A County highlight was our Jamboree, H0018, held over the border in Dorset at Buddens Scout Activity Centre which was a fantastic event with over 1,800 participants there over the week. I visited for the last couple of days and was struck by how well organised and run the event was and, more especially, how much of it was being delivered and shaped by our Young People. Well done to everyone involved with planning and delivering the event, especially our ACC(Scouts), Dom Howell who led the event. We hope to hold another County Jamboree in 2022.


Preparing young people with skills for life

Youth Council

The weather back in March meant that the Youth Council session had to be postponed. We re-ran it in July and had a productive day led by our County Youth Commissioner, Emma Hale. One of the main outputs from the day was that we now have a number of Young People who have volunteered to join some key County teams: Growth and Development Team, Ferny Crofts Committee and the County Conference planning team. This is a fantastic move forward and will help us to ensure that Youth Shaped Scouting becomes even more embedded in our culture. In addition, Emma has set up a couple of other initiatives with Young People forming two new teams: Youth Council ‘Moving Forward’ and District Youth Commissioner Recruitment Team. Emma’s tenure as CYC comes to an end in March 2019, so we will be working on a succession plan over the coming few months. Online Scout Manager (OSM) Over the last few months, we have been exploring the value of OSM at the County level and our work on that is continuing. Ultimately, I believe that OSM is the way forward for the management of Scouting at the Section and Group levels. You will know that the Scout Association is already in discussion with OSM about it being formally adopted and the talks continue. However, HQ’s advice is that we should carry on using it and encourage sections who have not already converted to it, to do so. OSM is GDPR compliant. There is clearly real www.hampshirescouting.org.uk


benefit for Districts to have their own dashboards as well and some benefit for County to have its own. During our exploration of OSM for the County, we learned from the 2018 Census, which captured this data for the first time, that we have 654 sections who already use OSM. That’s over two thirds of all sections. Those that aren’t using it still use paper, spreadsheets, their own databases and other forms of recording information. In the absence of anything else being offered by HQ and noting its GDPR compliance, I would like to encourage the remaining one third of sections in our County to make the move to OSM. If you’re not sure how to, then please talk to other groups who have done so. ‘How did we manage before OSM?’ and ‘I wish we’d started to use OSM sooner’ are two quotes I most often hear from those that now use the system. New County Growth and Development Officers At the end of 2017, the County Executive Committee approved a plan to finance more Growth and Development resource to work alongside our current County Growth and Development Officer, Vanessa Slawson. At the County Conference in January 2018, attendees voted for us to employ two part-time people and, whilst it’s taken a bit longer than we had planned, by the time you read this, we will have interviewed a number of candidates and hopefully, if we find the right people, they will be on the ground providing even more support to Districts and Groups before Christmas. The Growth and Development team, now under the leadership of our new DCC (Growth and Development) Sharon Ross (ex-DC Itchen South), will be working hard with Districts to grow Scouting in our County. When I started as the County Commissioner on 1 Sep 2017, the Regional Commissioner set us a target of 30,000 by 2022 (we had 25,489 in the 2018 Census), which I think is a realistic one, but I’m sure we can exceed. 6

Preparing young people with skills for life

Girls in Scouting

One area that I am keen that we work harder on is ensuring that we welcome more and more girls into Scouting. In 1976, girls were allowed to join the Venture Scouts (16 to 20 years old). This expanded to all the Association’s sections in 1991, although the admission of girls was optional then. It was made compulsory in 2007. At the 2018 Census, 20% of our youth membership across the whole County were girls. But, noting the word ‘compulsory’, it is surprising to see that there’s a mixed bag of membership in Hampshire with some groups having no girls in some of their sections and a very small number of groups who have no girls at all. Whilst I acknowledge that there is competition from other organisations, I’m keen that we understand why this is the case and therefore for us all to work towards improving the situation, perhaps drawing on the experiences of those whose ratios are nearer 50:50. Project Boundary One of the key projects that I know plenty of you, particularly the adult volunteers, are interested to know about is how Project Boundary is going. In December 2017, I initiated a review: ‘To make an objective determination of whether the current district boundary arrangement, including their numbers, size and shape, and composition, for Hampshire Scouts best enables us to lead and manage the support www.hampshirescouting.org.uk


and delivery of Scouting at county, district and group levels, so that we can achieve our vision ‘to make Scouting in Hampshire even better’ and recommend where changes might be made.’ Mike McHugh has been working very closely with Districts on this project and will deliver the results of his review at the County Conference on 13 October 2018. What is clear is that improvements could be made in some parts of the County through larger districts that have more groups being led and managed by fully constituted and empowered District teams. I know that some parts of the County are already driving forward with the idea of larger Districts having seen the benefits that can be realised, so I do anticipate that by 2023, it is a real possibility that we will have fewer Districts in our County, but that they will be delivering and supporting even better Scouting. Hampshire Scouts 110th Anniversary

Finally, on 13 January 2019, Hampshire Scouts will have been around for 110 years. We plan to mark the occasion with a few events in different parts of the County which Peter Marcus and Tom Bell will be leading on. Please mark the date in your diary. Here’s what Hampshire Scouts were doing 106 years ago: Hampshire Scouts Grand Rally, Southampton, 2 Oct 1912 (https://goo.gl/HjPrQy) Anyone who was at H0018 and saw the heritage camp will no doubt recognise some familiar items. Have a great Autumn term and I hope to see lots of you as I make my way around the County to various events in the coming months. Martin County Commissioner 8

Preparing young people with skills for life

Attenborough Explorer Scout Unit

Waterlooville In September last year the Waterlooville District Explorers were consolidated into four new units. The first task for each of the Explorer Units was to choose a new name with the brief being ‘a name of a famous explorer’. The unit based at the 1st Clanfield HQ chose Sir David Attenborough and earlier this year one of our Explorers, Dharma Short, wrote a wonderful letter to Sir David to tell him about the unit and how he had inspired them to vote for his name. Dharma sent the letter to Sir David together with a District Explorer scarf and has just received a hand written reply where Sir David has said how “flattered” he is that the Explorers chose his name and how he is grateful for the scarf. He has said how he enjoyed being in Scouts himself and has said how he learned a lot of valuable lessons from being so. Peter Knott Explorer Scout Leader Attenborough Explorer Scout Unit

County Archivist - Newspaper Clippings For many years County Archives has been adding to the collection of newspaper cuttings of the Scouting activities of Groups, Districts and the County. Please send any clippings to: Ken Sherman, County Archivist, C/O, Hampshire Scouts, Ferny Crofts, Beaulieu Road, Beaulieu, Hampshire. SO42 7YQ www.hampshirescouting.org.uk


France 6th Gosport Cubs & Scouts

DAY 1 We are now on our way to Dover but we have to get on to a ferry now, well soon, so I will catch up on you in a bit. Hello I’m back, well on the way we stopped for lunch, after lunch we got back in the coach and carried on our very long journey. We got though Dover and the boat, then we got our stuff and did a three minute walk to the site, we did a tour all around the camp site, we got our bags and backpacks, also pillows, and got in our tents. I’m in tent 11. I was with three other people Libby, Elizabeth and Charley. We got changed 10

for our only activity of the day, a water activity. It was so fun. Guess what we got to do?! We were allowed to get the leaders wet HA HA HA! It was fun but I got drenched too. Afterwards we had 46 minutes to get ready and if you were ready you could play volley ball. After that we had dinner, it was chilli, it was delicious and we had a donut for pudding. We had a campfire, where I got to try snails and then we got our washing kit, then went to brush our teeth, then we went to bed and there was a massive thunderstorm. Preparing young people with skills for life

DAY 2 We awoke from our slumber, then we went to brush our teeth, then we went back to our tent and then talked about things while getting ready for the day. Then Libby and Charley changed beds and then rearranged our stuff. After that we went to the toilet and after that we had breakfast then got ready for our activities. The first activity we were doing was climbing. I was bad, but that was ok. After that we went to do fencing with Amberley and Nigel the leaders. After that we are going to lunch, see you after our activities because I won’t have time to write because I’m doing an activity so see you after that . Hi, I’m back, we have done surfing while standing up on it too. It was lovely and relaxing. We played a game, we had to do it while standing up, and it was fun. The game was about pushing people in to the water. I did not fall in. Owen, Cole and Joe were all trying to get me, I was like NOOOOOO and pushed them in to the water. I didn’t fall in one bit well apart from my legs, they didn’t survive the evil water after all that was over we took our water bottles and went to our next activity, kata kanu that was also fun, I jumped in! We had a shower then got in our tents and relaxed for a while then went for dinner, bbq pork. After that we went to the tuck shop and I got stationery and then after that we got……ICE CREAM! It was delicious and massive, I ate it all up but I got a serious sugar rush. After that was done we went back and got ready for bed, so see you tomorrow. DAY 3 Welcome back people. Well this day we had breakfast, then got ready for the www.hampshirescouting.org.uk

day and our activities first, then after that we did archery then we did high ropes. I was very good at both. We did crate stacking and trapeze. I was scared, I cried actually a lot of people cried, but it was ok because we did it, then we had lunch. Then we did raft building and then mission impossible, both needed a lot of team work, and we got wet and then we had dinner then we are going to do a quiz against the Leaders. DAY 4 - The Last Day We first got our stuff ready and packed. Then we got dressed in the clothes that we left out for us to wear and then brushed our teeth. Then got our purse and had breakfast. We then got our money and our lunch and went out to put our stuff in our backpack and to get our bags and pillow to bring to the coach. Then with the left overs of our money we went to the town and bought a cookie or a cake from a patisserie, we also learnt lots of French words and met some French people when we walked around the town. Then we went back to the coach and left to go to Fort Brockhurst where we met up with our parents then we went home.

Bye, That Is The End Of Me IN France 11

Good Service Awards – the changes: Good Service Awards – the changes: Further to Gilwell publishing the changes to the processes for the Adult Good Service Awards, I Further to Gilwell publishing the changes to the processes for the Adult Good Service Awards, I thought I would just remind you of what is to come: thought I would just remind you of what is to come: The key changes are:  Decision making forare: some awards will move from a national level to a local level. The key changes 


Local Awards Advisory Groups can be formed to support the decision making for awards.

Guidance will be created to ensure that awards decision making consistent across the UK Scouting Decision making for some will ismove from a national level

to a local level.

The St George's Day 1st September deadline will be removed and replaced with quarterly cut Local Awards Advisory Groups be formed toatsupport off dates for submission of award decisions andcan applications for review a National the Level.decision


AGuidance National Awards Group will formed tothat makedecision decisions onmaking awards notisdecided on willAdvisory be created tobeensure consistent locally.

making for awards.

across the UK Scouting

The St George's Day 1st September deadline will be removed and replaced with quarterly cut

You will recall/have the County Commissioner’s presentation at the Winter Conference onfor review at a National Level. off dates read for submission of award decisions and applications 20th January, and his aspiration linked to the Adult Journey (one of the CC’s four main objectives) to  A the National Advisory Group be for formed to make decisions on awards not decided increase number ofAwards nominations made for Good Servicewill Awards our leaders. Therefore, please take this opportunity to look at the people in your team to identify those who may have earned a locally. nomination.


You recall/have read County Commissioner’s presentation Thesewill changes will take place over the a series of phases, to ensure the transition is as smooth as at the Winter Conference on possible and the detailed information relating to these changes including key dates can be found at: th 20 January, and his aspiration linked to the Adult Journey (one of the CC’s four main objectives) to https://members.scouts.org.uk/supportresources/ increase the number of nominations made for Good Service Awards for our leaders. Therefore, please Key dates actions for Hampshire forat 2018 are:people in your team to identify those who may have earned a take thisand opportunity to look the Phase one: nomination. April: District Commissioners can agree the Commissioners Commendation Award May - September: Tools & resources to support the changes to the Award process will be developed by Gilwell. Awards Advisory to beof formed – if needed. We are the still transition is as smooth as These changes willLocal take place over Groups a series phases, to ensure waiting this information and have chased Gilwell. possible and the detailed information relating to these changes including key dates can be found  July: Tool provided to inform HQ about Commissioners Commendation Awards to enable them to https://members.scouts.org.uk/supportresources/ be added to members records on Compass.  


Phase two:

Key dates and actions for Hampshire for 2018 are: Chief Scouts  September: District Commissioners and above will be able to approve Commendation Phase one: for Good Service and Award for Merit.

County Commissioners and above will be able to approve Bar to the Award for Merit Awards.

PhaseApril: three: District Commissioners can agree the Commissioners Commendation Award  30 May - September: & resources to support the changes to the Award process will be September: First cut-off Tools date for applications for Silver Acorn, Bar to Silver Acorn, Silver Wolf Awards. Awards dispatched by theAwards end of October for local presentation. developed by Gilwell. Local Advisory Groups to be formed – if needed. We are still waiting this information and have chased Gilwell.  July: Tool provided to inform HQ about Commissioners Commendation Awards to enable them to be added to members records on Compass. Phase two: 

September: District Commissioners and above will be able to approve Chief Scouts Commendation for Good Service and Award for Merit. County Commissioners and above will be able to approve Bar to the Award for Merit Awards.

Phase three: 

30 September: First cut-off date for applications for Silver Acorn, Bar to Silver Acorn, Silver Wolf Awards. Awards dispatched by the end of October for local presentation.


Preparing young people with skills for life

16th December: Second cut-off date for applications for Silver Acorn, Bar to Silver Acorn, Silver Wolf Awards. Awards dispatched by the end of January for local presentation.

Phase four: 

January 2019: County Commissioners and above will be able to approve Silver Acorn Awards.

From 2019 the schedule of dates for receipt of all Awards at Gilwell will be:

Proposed application/HQ notification cut off dates

Awards processed/dispatched

Upload to Compass (60 days after dispatch)

31 March* 2019

By mid-April


30 June 2019

By mid-July


30 September 2019

By mid-October


16 December* 2019

By mid-January


All Silver Wolf, Bar to Silver Acorn, Silver Acorn, Gallantry, Meritorious Conduct and Cornwell Scout Badge recipients approved during the calendar year (January - December) will be invited to Windsor, A day of Celebration the following year. Please go to the link above to gain the full detail of the changes and talk to me if you have any questions. Martin Rudd Martin Rudd Deputy County Commissioner Deputy County Commissioner Chair, County Chair, County Awards AwardsAdvisory AdvisoryGroup Group

Hampshire’s Largest Kit Store Camping Equipment Climbing Kit Winter Mountaineering Expeditioning Kit

Contact Matt for rental prices at: matt.prince@hsx.org.uk www.hampshirescouting.org.uk


HSMT: Hillwalking & Climbing Experience weekend 6th/7th October, Bethesda, North Wales This weekend is open to all members of the Scout Association aged 18 and above with no previous experience in mountaineering or those with more experience to explore unfamiliar routes and gain log book experience. The weekend will provide the training and guidance for those wishing to make a start on the Scout Adventurous Activity Permit. For more information and an application form go to:

The 27th Basingstoke Canal Challenge 2018 Sunday 30th September 2018 The challenge is to paddle 3, 6 or 8 miles on the Basingstoke canal. Both single and double canoes and kayaks are eligible. All competitors are encouraged to seek sponsorship in aid of the charity ‘Accessible Boating’. To download the full details, application form and sponsorship form go to: https://goo.gl/jQqeN1 14

Preparing young people with skills for life

Autumn Term Smallbore Target Shooting Dates Available

Shooting for .22 rimfire is available for groups at either our Southampton or Greywell (Basingstoke) ranges. Autumn term dates, times and prices are now available on our website at hampshirescoutrifleclub.org.uk. Just click on Smallbore for more information.

Hampshire Scout Rifle Club

We are the largest target shooting club in Hampshire and offer shooting experiences throughout the county through various shooting clubs and tasters sessions from our County Advisors. If you would like to book a shooting session or have young people interested in taking up target shooting as a sport contact us through our website at: hampshirescoutrifleclub.org.uk www.hampshirescouting.org.uk


Back with a Bang!


Preparing young people with skills for life

Hampshire Scouts Present was back with a bang, and this time with the award winning 14th Eastleigh ‘Spitfires’ Scout and Guide Band. Play it! Sing it! Live it! Brought together a choir of 4 of the County’s Scout Shows, Basingstoke Gang Show, Hedge End Gang Show, Gosport Gang Show, Roverang and the Roverang Alumni Choir and combined them with the Spitfires to produce a live CD recording of a variety of tracks that the ‘studio’ audience loved and acknowledged with a standing ovation. The choir and the band came together for the first time on the morning of the recording and following a rehearsal gave the audience a ‘good, good night’ blowing them away with energy and enthusiasm. Feedback from the participants and the audience was that the day was ‘incredible’ and ‘a wonderful opportunity’. There was a display of resilience, commitment, determination and a wonderful array of talent, showing the importance of Creative Activities in Scouting and how lucky Hampshire Scouting is to have some of the best young people and volunteers involved. The recording met the objectives of Hampshire Scouts Present in bringing shows together to promote mutual support and providing exciting opportunities for members to experience and enjoy. Producer Scott Marshall was pleased with how the event and the participants came together with a clear desire to make the recording the success it was, everybody worked incredibly hard to make it work and for the choir to sing with a band as talented as the ‘Spitfires’ it really was a night to remember. The event also raised £170 for the Hampshire Aces Jamboree Unit too.



80 Years

The Group was 80 years old on the 13th March and I have the original letter of registration form headquarters to prove it; as well as other fascinating letters about the building, funding and original leaders too. I had asked the young people to design a badge to wear to celebrate our 80th Birthday and we had a great badge on it’s first wearing at St George’s Day planning ideas had included a Group Camp weekend and so… Friday 22nd July saw the leaders of the 2nd Ramalley up at Cranbury Park camp Site in Chandlers Ford erecting all types and sizes of tents. Our Group Camp weekend was upon us! Beavers arrived first on Saturday and 18

what an onslaught of very excited young Beavers who couldn’t believe the tents they had to sleep in! Baloo (Heather Callum) and ABSL’s Georgina and Abi very soon sorted them all out and then they explored the Camp Site. Cubs and Scouts soon followed and were shown their tents by Leaders Simon Surplice and Luke Hallett. Hazel Fix spoilt us all weekend by organising the greatest Cook Tent going! Explorers were present all weekend helping in oh so many ways, with some staying and others coming up each day. County were represented by Andy Viney; what a joy to meet him again after spending many years together Preparing young people with skills for life

as members of the County Team. He stayed for the morning and we were so pleased to see him, and he us! I looked around the greatest sight of young people and Leaders filling the camp site and having fun and eating lunch all together whilst the Leaders talked and organised bases for the afternoon. Okay! So they made “armpit fudge” with the Beavers; but did they enjoy it! And did lots more bases which they loved. Cubs did stretcher making and races and Scouts did the most successful backwoods cooking ever! As GSL, I had asked our Exec, as part of the planning for the camp, to provide a BBQ for the evening and we invited parents and what a success that was. Thank you Debbie, Anna, Catriona and Neil and the other parent helpers. They were fabulous and a big ‘Thank you’ to Rob Gair and Hiltingbury School for providing a huge BBQ to cook it all on.

I arrived on Sunday early morning (yes I went home! My 72 year old bones can’t take it any more!) to find everyone absolutely full of it all, helping to take tents down and breaking camp. So many happy fulfilled faces after some had experienced their first night at camp and survived! Parents arrived and the campsite emptied and those left did the packing up and loo cleaning (I can do that!) How do I say ‘Thank you’ to my Group for being the greatest! I started there 35 years ago with Peter, went to District for 15 years as DC and am now back. They welcomed me, they support me, and make the 2nd Ramalley the great Group it is. Thank you! Carolyn Group Scout Leader 2nd Ramalley, Chandlers Ford

The highlight was a huge, superb cake that Baloo had obtained with balloons and 80th birthday iced on, and we all had a piece! Group photos were taken and thence to the campfire. Peter Darbyshire, our DESC and group maintenance person, got the Explorers and Leaders together and built a great Camp Fire and organised the seating for everybody. My Chairperson then led the Camp Fire (we are so lucky to have an experienced Guide Leader Debbie!) and it all ended with hot chocolate and marshmallows.



Loggerheads Our annual loggerheads competition was held in June at the ‘13th Millbrook Scout Headquarters’ where nine colonies entered teams of 4 Beavers. Each colony provided a base for this year’s theme ‘Secret Agent’, the bases included communication, invisible writing, agility, shelter building and more. The Beavers from each colony worked together as a team to complete the activities at each base. The day began with creating identification badges which when put together made a group identification flag. The weather was very kind to us – with sunshine all day, so we ended the day with a wonderful water fight. When the Beavers had changed into dry clothes we gathered by the fire pit for smores and campfire followed by the presentations. Congratulations to the 11th colony who won the competition, to the 2nd colony for coming second and the 14th colony coming third. Each Beaver was presented with one of our Loggerheads badges and a certificate for taking part. Many thanks must also go to the Beaver Leaders, the Explorer young leaders, and the parents that helped before and during the event also to the 13th for providing the venue and camp fire. Elaine (Clover) 20

Preparing young people with skills for life


Survival Skills Weekend 14 - 16 September 2018 An opportunity for Scouts to complete their Survival Skills Badge over the weekend, building and sleeping in a bivi and cooking on an open fire along with learning other survival skills. Please click on link or see attached details: https://goo.gl/2imshJ Emlyn Patrol Camping Competition 21 - 23 September 2018 A Patrol Camping competition for Patrols across the County at Lyons Copse. A great opportunity for a Patrol to organise their own Patrol Camp overseen by expressed leaders. Please click on link for details: https://goo.gl/4CxcNQ Full details and instructions for how to enter are on the website (link above) - please let your ADC Scouts know if you are interested in taking part as a limited number of places are available for each District. Winter Camp 12 - 14 October 2018 A high octane weekend of activities for Cubs, Scouts and Explorers, includes a full catering option. Please click on link: https://goo.gl/eZmNB2 PL/APL Training Weekend 30 Nov - 2 Dec 2018 This is a great opportunity for PLs/APLs to learn more about leadership, managing discipline, programme planning, communication, motivation, coaching and time management over a fun weekend. Please click on link or see attached details: https://goo.gl/sakTTX Domonic Howell ACC Scouts www.hampshirescouting.org.uk


Hampshire Scouts Calendar Monday, September 3 2018 Queen’s Scout Reception Saturday, September 8 Cty Act: HSMT Hillwalking & Climbing Experience and Training courses Sunday, September 9 Cty Act: HSMT Hillwalking & Climbing Experience and Training courses Thursday, September 13 AT: TMT meeting Saturday, September 15 Sct Survival Skills AT: Module 12b (Winchester) Bvr 4 Kingdoms Day Sunday, September 16 Sct Survival Skills Tuesday, September 18 AT: Module 10 (First Aid) Friday, September 21 Sct Emlyn Camping Competition Saturday, September 22 Sct Emlyn Camping Competition AT: M&S (Skills of Management) Scouting The Zoo Weekend at Marwell Zoo Sunday, September 23 Sct Emlyn Camping Competition AT: M&S (Skills of Management) Scouting The Zoo Weekend at Marwell Zoo AT: Modules 9 & 13 (Cricket Camp) Saturday, September 29 AT: LTM Conference (Winchester) Sunday, September 30 Cty Act: 27th Basingstoke Canal challenge Saturday, October 6 Cty Act: HSMT Hillwalking & Climbing

Experience and Training courses AT: Residential Weekend (Ferny Crofts) AT: Module 10 (First Aid) Alton Sunday, October 7 Cty Act: HSMT Hillwalking & Climbing Experience and Training courses AT: Residential Weekend (Ferny Crofts) Friday, October 12 Sct Winter Camp Saturday, October 13 Sct Winter Camp AT: M&S (Achieving Growth) Bvr Paultons Park SAT Sunday, October 14 Sct Winter Camp AT: M&S (Meeting the Challenge) AT: Module 10 (First Aid) Fareham East AT: Modules 5 & 7 (Hook) Bvr Paultons Park SUN Friday, October 19 Pro-Badge weekend Saturday, October 20 Pro-Badge weekend AT: Module 25 (Lyndhurst) Sunday, October 21 Pro-Badge weekend Saturday, October 27 AT: M&S (Skills of Management) AT: Residential Weekend (Ferny Crofts) Sunday, October 28 AT: M&S (Skills of Management) AT: Residential Weekend (Ferny Crofts) Saturday, November 3 Bonfire Camp (Network) Sunday, November 4 Bonfire Camp (Network)


Preparing young people with skills for life

Tanzania 2020 Following on from several previous successful

• • Focused on community project work (such as building Schools, • • • • Open to all of UK, but training and events based around Southern England • Looking for 30 leaders aged 19 and over (as of July 2020) • •

Please see www.int-scout.org.uk for more details or e-mail tanzania2020@issu.org.uk

Rover Scouts 100 years Tuesday 18th September

Rover Scouts – the first adult section of the Scout Movement were started one hundred years ago. Hear and see how • Rover Scouts were formed by and for serviceman returning from fighting in World War 1. • Their Arthurian joining ceremony. • A local Eastleigh Rover Scout who escaped three time from German POW camps using scouting skills. • How Rover Scouts helped restore a high standard of conduct among ad versity in Far East Prisoner of War Camps in World War II.

At the Crescent School, Tonybee Road, Eastleigh at 7pm Entry Free - all welcome Donations welcome for the Hampshire Scout Heritage Centre

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