Hampshire Scouts News - Winter 2017

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s t u o c S e r i Hampsh ws


17 .uk | Winter 20

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iScout-iRemember This started out with Colin seeing a piece by Nic Joly in a local art gallery (see attached). On coming home, he suggested we do something similar with some small wooden art models. This seemed a nice idea to pass away an evening so we went down to the local art shop. Small ones were out of stock. Large were bought instead. So, literally, the project grew from there. iScout-iRemember is displayed in our Scout Hut accompanied by a poem that Colin found online a couple of days beforehand from 1st Shankill Somme Association.

The Poppy I am not a badge of honour, I am not a racist smear, I am not a fashion statement, To be worn but once a year, I am not glorification Of conflict or of war. I am not a paper ornament A token, I am more. I am a loving memory, Of a father or a son, a permanent reminder Of each and every one. I’m paper or enamel I’m old or shining new, I’m a way of saying thank you, To every one of you. I am a simple poppy A reminder to you all, that courage faith and honour, Will stand where heroes fall. 2

Winter 2017


Welcome to the Winter 2017 edition of Hampshire Scouts News

2. iScout-iRemember 4. To the top of the town with 3rd Ringwood Beavers 6. Hampshire Scout Youth Council 8. Rail Safety Superheroes, 1st Burley & 1st Lymington and Pennington 9. Clean water for the Masindi District of Uganda 8. We slept in a submarine 12. Diamond Cast put on a Fab-u-lous show for the stars of Strictly 13. Well we finally did it we launched another Hospital Scout group 14. Tanzania 18. Summer Camp 2017, 1st Catherington Air Scouts & Explorers 20. Bash and Burn 22. Thank you, but not goodbye 23. Abergavenny 2017 24. Parliament Activity Night & Gold Award Presentation 25. Coming up! Hampshire County Calendar 26. Target Sprint Competition 2018 Details 29. Young Leaders Rally 2018 / HSX on the trail of Mont Blanc About Us

Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 18,500 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

Get Involved

To join the adventure of Scouting whether as an Adult or Young person then contact us at: www.scouts.org.uk/join e:county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk or t:023 8084 7847

Have you got any news for us?

Do you have a story or success that you’d like to share? Help us to highlight and celebrate your achievements in growth, exclusivity, youth shaped and community – email us your team’s successes along with any photos to: county.office@Scouts-hants.org.uk, please keep emails less than 30mb, if they are bigger we can share our Dropbox link with you, please get in touch.

Photography Acknowledgements

Where we can, we strive to acknowledge the owner or source of pictures used in this publication. We use them under the terms ‘for Scouting use only’. If you would like pictures acknowledged, please let us know the owners name when submitting. Thank you.



Over the years we often sat in St. Mary’s Church for St. George’s Day after parading through town. Amazingly, as I tried to shush the Cubs who had discovered it was more fun to use their Cub caps as frisbees under the pews… it was that long ago) I never pondered what it would be like to put 24 Beavers on the top of the Tower! You should know the Church never wanted to know! It took two determined newly WB’d leaders, Robyn Cheal and Faye Hersey to do a risk assessment and check Scout Insurance would cover them. What were they thinking at Lancing? Imagine planning an assault on Mount Everest… To get to base camp the Beavers had to


Winter 2017

pass a large, possibly sleeping rat and then gather at the access to the Bell Ringers Cave, three stories up and the narrowest spiral staircase with a rope handrail… We had to stagger the climb. Smuggler’s Dave Evans quickly divided the 24 Beavers into three groups. The plan was to send the Beavers up in groups of eight with one adult in front leading and one adult behind ‘catching’. Skip Dave Gillam and Jamboree Scout Ben were ready! All three groups would have to go up before anyone could come down, but I needed Robyn & Faye on the roof for the presentation! One small Beaver clutching a Beaver

was already looking worried. I’d handed Buck the Beaver Totem Stick clutching his Canadian Flag, to another Beaver not realising how difficult it might be to reach the summit! In the Bell Ringers Cave (very cosy) there was a video, and working model of the bells and of course The Ropes! What concerned me more was the slightly rickety looking steep stair case going up through the massive 400 year old beams supporting several tons of enormous bells. I wasn’t massively re-assured by the jaunty assurance from ASL Emma ( a bell-ringer herself) “Grab the handholds at the top!” I suspect Emma was pretty crucial as an ‘insider’! Handholds? We weren’t even roped or belayed? Bravely I joined the climbing string of tiny Beavers… oh yes and look there are the bells… oh more ladder to heaven… and then we were on the roof.

Dave to organise a zip wire as I knew the tortuous route behind us was filled with climbing Beavers! It was pretty glorious up there! Dave ‘Skip’ Gillam and I took advantage of a gap, and duty done; ducked back down in reverse past the the still silent bells, then the Bell Ringer’s Cave (pretty busy now), and then shouting “We’re Coming down” to anyone who might be coming up the spiral tower stairs, gingerly ‘abseiled’ our way down clutching the rope. Whew! As we walked away, the bells started up. Oh! No! The Beavers are ringing the bells… several tons of brass on ancient oak beams is now moving and singing! Wow! Chas Cochand District Commissioner New Forest West

There were Beavers everywhere! “One Adult at each corner! Don’t let the Beavers look over!” It was amazing. Miles of traffic on the A31… though Poulner Hill looked clear. Lots of gutters and lead work up here, kinda snug because the middle of the tower rises to a peak. No problems as we gathered the Brave Beavers (one still clutching Buck as she had been told! How did she do it?). What we needed was for Smuggler’s



Hampshire Scout Youth Council 15th Conference – Dr Peter Centre, Romsey

Youth Shaped

Ladder of Youth Participation Forum Summit HOO18 Meet the new CC


Youth Shaped  Adam Jollans ran a session for young people explaining Hart’s ladder of Youth Participation, and exploring the projects we have done in Hampshire and where they fit on the ladder.  Dom Howell visited and worked with young people on producing ideas for the upcoming Monster camp for 2018.  Young people feel strongly that the scout uniform trousers are not fit for purpose and do not look smart when on parade - young people were pleased that there is a uniform review noted in the Summit proposal.  Within the youth forum, it was raised that some young people want to set up a Network unit but do not know how - discussed that there are plans going forward to ensure Network is thriving in Hampshire.  The CC invited Youth Council members to help to ensure that: ‘All young people should know about events outside of their group or unit with details passed on by their leaders; opportunities for adventure should not be denied to them.’

Winter 2017

Inclusion Summit

Strategic Objectives - Agenda Items

Event Access and Information Summit Meet the new CC


Key Statistics Participants: 58 Districts represented: 22 (81%)

Community Impact

Police and Crime Commission Summit Inclusion  Young people and adult volunteers took part in the Summit workshop, where one of the key points that young people opposed was the proposal of early year’s provision. Young people were concerned that we do not have enough adult volunteers to deliver this, and that scouting would become “more like childcare”. This feedback has been submitted via the online form to headquarters.  Young people discussed in the youth forum the importance of making all members aware of the alternative promise - and noted that leaders may need support to allow young people to make their own choices.

Growth  Young people discussed access to events collectively the youth council members could identify loads of events and opportunities that are provided through scouting, from international events right through to the specifics of each scout group. Members identified that the opportunities scouts may not hear about need to be discoverable to scouts themselves rather than relying on leaders to share information.

Community Impact  Young people received a presentation from the Police Youth and Crime Commission, who are looking for new members, and were able to provide feedback on their current initiatives and raise concerns in their communities.  As part of the Summit workshop, young people supported the direction of travel for future community work.

 Young people discussed the best way to provide information to members directly - the most popular idea was an app, designed with a calendar that can show which activity is suitable for each group/age range. Social media, specifically snapchat, was a suggestion - but it was recognised it would be hard to share information over this. Website and facebook groups were suggested but helping young people discover these may be where we need to identify barriers.  Young people took part in the Summit workshop, feedback for which has been submitted online directly - but a concern of the young people was scouting in schools - “scouting is a safe place and schools are not always”.  Young people felt strongly that our leaders need to have more support - they seem to get moaned at by parents or other leaders, and we need to ensure that they have access to support. Young people would like to see adult volunteers have opportunities for networking and being recognised by more than a certificate for their service.  The CC invited Youth Council members to ‘encourage young people and adults to stay in Scouting, exploit new opportunities, and sell the benefits of being a Scout.’

What we have done over the last 6 months:

 Supported the Jamboree Unit Leader Selection event.  Planned and delivered the County AGM.  Full complement of youth reps appointed to CEC and Elected Youth Rep roles.  County Youth Commissioner, and Deputy County Chair attended Summit national conference.  Dementia memory wall completed at Pax Hill.  EYR attended national AGM.

Actions for the next 6 months:  Fi to complete the Summit online feedback form - completed 7.10.17  Working group needs to be formed for planning the next conference.  Working group to be set up to develop district youth forums.  CC requests that YC members help to ensure the CC priorities are met (as outlined above). Dates of next conference: 2-4 March 2018 at Ferny Crofts Contact: Fi Durrant, ACC Youth Participation

Email: youth.council@scouts-hants.org.uk

Tel: 07708391137



1st Burley Scouts along with 1st Lymington and Pennington Scouts

1st Burley Scouts along with 1st Lymington and Pennington Scouts have been involved in making a promo film for a new Scout badge focused on Rail Safety (that’s being sponsored by Cross Country Trains). The film is titled ‘Rail Safety Superheroes’ and involved a day’s filming at several locations across the New Forest, there were 6 main actors and a number of extras from both troops. Everyone involved had a


Winter 2017

great time and the film is currently being edited by Bluglass Productions - we’re hoping to see it soon and will share a link as soon as we can. Photos was taken at Brockenhurst station. Shariff Moossun 1st Burley Scouts

Clean water

for the Masindi

District of Uganda

Natural spring well Spring

Amongst the 8 Millenium Development goals agreed at a special assembly of the United Nations in New York in 2000 was the goal of halving the number of people who did not have access to clean water. Though this goal was achieved in 2015, there are still today more than 1 billion people who do not yet have access to clean water which is an essential requirement for good health to avoid contracting water borne diseases. Ever since the first visit of Hampshire Scouts to Masindi in 2000, there has been a unique collaboration between Masindi Scouts, Masindi District Council, Ugandan Water Board and Hampshire Scouts in developing supplies of clean water to villages in the Masindi district. To date funds have been collected by Hampshire Scouts, which has resulted in spring wells being constructed in 31 villages under supervision of the Ugandan Water Board. As a result more than 15,000 people now have access to clean water. The Masindi Scouts have been able to explain to the villagers why

clean water is important for health and why the water source should remain pure and not be contaminated. An unexpected outcome of this collaboration has been increased attendance at schools which are close to the water wells. Children go to school with empty water bottles, fill them up at school and take the filled bottles home so that their younger siblings can have access to clean water. These actions have resulted in Hampshire Scouts contributing to two other of the Millenium Development Goals which are reducing child mortality under the age of 5 and increasing attendance at schools. The building of these wells has only been part of the HAMINIDI partnership between Hampshire and Masindi Scouts which has resulted in regular visits to Masindi to share knowledge and experiences and for young people to realise the common values on which our Communities are based. Our next visit is being organised by Naomi Bailey in the summer of 2019.

Well under construction to supply clean water

However the task is not complete as there are still many other villages in this rural District of Uganda without access to clean water so if you are able to help with fund raising for the next well please contact Rayner Mayer: rayner@sciotech.demon.co.uk



It all started early spring when I picked up a leaflet at an outreach, advertising sleepovers at places of interest. In April I tentatively booked for the minimum of fifty, thinking I would have to open it up to surrounding Scout groups. However, the adventure grew wings as we nearly doubled the quota required ... On the 20th October, two mini-busses and a whole fleet of cars set out for the Royal Navy Submarine Museum in Gosport. By six thirty that evening, the museum was full of Beavers, Cubs, Scouts (both Land and Air), a few Explorers - not to mention a legion of leaders and helpers. With nearly eighty people in number we were all set out for our “Night in the Museum”. That night we were divided into White, Blue, Green and Red Watch and went off to do a rotation of activities. Using morse code machines we played submarine rescue. One group managed to sink a


Winter 2017

giant squid before locating the vessel. This was a bit like a huge game of battleships but with less destruction and more noise. On the other side of the room another group made submarines out of junk, earning points for adding conning towers, snorkels, periscopes, fins and flotation tanks. The Cubs totally aced this activity putting the rest of us to shame. The third activity was a guided tour around the museum with the task of finding letters to make up the name HMS Alliance. There was a huge amount to see from Jolly Roger flags, their history and how to interpret the symbols on them to two actual working periscopes sited in the roof of the museum. There was even the original Captain’s Cabin from The Conqueror, the last submarine to sink a ship - the Belgrano, which had been removed and reconstructed. Our Cub leader slept in this so he could get some peace to drive one of the minibusses back safely the following day. However,

the last activity on the list was by far the favourite of most. We climbed up some tall iron steps and entered HMS Alliance. This massive submarine was built to home a crew of 63. The inside was fantastic with bunks, a galley, a head (or three!), wash facilities, games room/relax room, control room, engine room, torpedoes both fore and aft, not to mention the senior crew quarters. Not an inch of space was wasted.

When all the activities were completed we all trooped back in to the main museum and set out our bedrolls as our hosts, Daniel and Greg, rolled down the cinema screen and fired up “Night in the Museum Part One�. Much popcorn and snacks were consumed and a late and enjoyable night was had by all. The Beavers actually slept in the shadow of the X24 Midget submarine in the lower part of the building. In the morning we rose at 0700hrs for a breakfast of cereal, fruit, juice and muffins.

Jane-Louise Bassett (Skip) 8th Bramshill (Frogmore & Darby Green)Scout Group



It was perfect tens all round as the cast of Southampton’s Scout and Guide Show Roverang welcomed Strictly Come Dancing judge Craig Revel Horwood to the audience for their 60th Anniversary Show. Over 120 young members of Scouting and Girlguiding in the Southampton area came together to perform their annual production at the Nuffield Theatre and were surprised and delighted that Craig could join them to celebrate this special anniversary. The cast showed off their talent and took Craig and the other audience members on a journey through the last 60 years of Roverang shows and even glimpsed into the future with the help of time travel, featuring songs from the first show in 1967 to modern chart toppers, colourful costumes, fast paced dance routines


Winter 2017

and spectacular sets. Roverang Chairman, Asa Moore said that ‘It is great that Craig has taken time to visit the show, Craig has reached the very top of his profession and is a wonderful inspiration to our young people. The cast and over 40 behind the scenes volunteers have worked so hard to bring the performance together, and it’s lovely to have such a special guest in the audience for this 60th Anniversary year.’ Hampshire Scouts’ Creative Activities Advisor added that Creative Activities, including shows such as Roverang are an important and growing part of the adventure available to young people when joining Scouting, so it’s really great to see support for these activities from somebody as high profile as Craig. Craig told the cast that the show was “Fabulous” and scored it a perfect 10!

we launched another Hospital scout group! On 11th September we embarked on a whole new adventure bringing scouting activities to children in Queen Alexandra hospital in Portsmouth. This is our third group, joining Southampton General and Naomi House Hospice. We launched with, appropriately enough, an evening making paper aeroplanes. These were appreciated by

staff, parents and patients. The biggest challenge came with a trio of three year old’s, all of whom had one or both legs in traction! Time flew past and before we knew it we had finished our first evening. We will be back again every fortnight for more.

If you want to join us and/or would like to know more information please contact Sara Sullivan at: scoutinginhospitals@hants-scouts.org.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/202876540152472



Tanzania One hundred Scouts from Hampshire, including 3 from Romsey, have just returned from their life changing adventure helping communities in Tanzania.

They flew over to the East African country on the first day of their summer holidays. The preparation for this fourweek expedition started two years ago, during which time the Scouts have grown in confidence, learnt skills and made new friends. The young people and their leaders have bonded over a series of weekend camps and team building activities to prepare them for this oncein-a-lifetime opportunity. Over the past two years the teens have raised over half a million pounds to enable them to make a positive impact on the local rural communities in Tanzania and have gone to volunteer their time. They raised £530,000 in total for the projects through many activities including bag packing, car washing, sponsored walks or canoe trips and support of their friends, family and


Winter 2017

local communities.

Whilst in Tanzania the Scouts, aged between 14-18 years old, are challenging themselves to undertake a range of projects including rebuilding a rural primary school, building a new medical centre, providing a skill workshop and building accommodation for medical staff at the medical centre Hampshire Scouts completed in 2015. The final project is to create a new national activity centre and campsite for the national Scout movement in the country to enjoy for years to come. This headquarters will then host a mini-jamboree, where Scouts from Hampshire and Tanzania will come together for unforgettable celebration to mark Scouting’s centenary in Tanzania. Between the projects there will be opportunities to see the local wildlife and the whole team will finally get a few days to relax, recoup and reflect on their adventure on the beach at Kipepeo – which will be real luxury for them with

real toilets, hot showers and proper plates! The Romsey Scouts were split between projects, with Will Richards and Kathleen Beaman building a huge primary school in the very remote village of Madabadaba and Oliver Taylor working on the national activity centre and campsite. Kathleen said “It has been really hard work, but so worthwhile. There seemed no end of painting to be done. Luckily, we could wash off in the river at the end of each day! It was a mad rush in the days running up to the opening ceremony but we did it. The entrance hall was painted with murals and a tree with everyone’s handprints on.” Will added “we were busy at the school sanding, painting, sanding, painting and more sanding, painting! We also laid the brick floors – and had never seen SO MANY bricks! It was amazing when it started to look like a school instead of a building site” “Tanzania will be the adventure of a lifetime for both the young people and adult volunteers. Not only will they have the

opportunity to change the lives of local villagers, the experience is offering them the chance to learn new transferable skills and make lasting memories,” Said Julian Sore, lead volunteer. Scouting in Hampshire has a rich expedition history with members racking up 39,450 miles to 15 countries and territories in 2015. “Scouting has a positive impact on so many lives around the world,” said adventurer and Scout Ambassador, James Ketchell. “Sharing adventures, making new friends, learning valuable life skills and gaining confidence is something every young person can benefit from.” If you would like to learn more about Scouting, including what might be available in the local area, you can visit scouts.org.uk or call 0345 300 1818 to find out more. The organisation is open to boys and girls aged 6 to 25, as well as opportunities for adults to get involved.

Sarah Beaman 3rd Romsey Scout Leader Ashanti Troop



1st Catherington Air Scouts & Explorers

Scouts from 1st Catherington Air Scout Bader Troop were joined by Explorers from 1st Catherington Air Scout Spitfire Explorer Unit had a very active and enjoyable 8 days, 7 nights Scouts Annual Summer Camp 2017 based at The Solent Scout Training Centre at Lyons Copse Shedfield from Saturday 29th July to Saturday 5th August.


Winter 2017

Activities on the site and in the local area included Climbing, Kayaking, Rafting, Air Rifle Shooting, Swimming, Ice Skating, Portsmouth Harbour Trip and visit to Portsmouth Dockyard, Explosion and Submarine Museums, a Visit to Solent Airfield where they were shown over an aircraft, a helicopter and the airfield emergency fire tender and the airport control room.

They cooked their own meals some on some open fire and backwoods cooking and even made chocolate cornflake cakes using Trangia stoves. The Explorers slept in hammocks and the scouts in patrol tents until the last night when all the tents were taken down and they made bivi’s which they slept in, the Leaders also either

hammocked or bivied out on that night. This camp was enjoyed by all thanks to all who took part and to the leaders for organising but was tinged with sadness as Waterlooville District Exec have decide that there will no longer be an Air Scout Explorer Unit in the District.



Hambledon Village Scout Group’s All our families from all sections in the group are invited to come along for to a weekend of fun and entertainment. The event itself has been going on for more than fifteen years at Lyons Copse, Shedfield with past themes such as under the sea, super heroes and space, with catering for between 90-120 people each year. This July the theme we went for was a late, late Christmas camp. The leaders and helpers get there on the Thursday night to start putting the camp together which continues into Friday. The families start arriving from 4pm when they put up their tents, decorated this year with added Christmas lights and trees. We then come together for the camp and the rules are explained, at which point we also put the children into two teams for which they can collect ‘Santa’ coins after doing kind or helpful acts all weekend with the winning team to be announced at flag down on Sunday.


Winter 2017

Once everyone is happy, it’s time for dinner...... you guessed it........... ‘ turkey curry’ and eventually bed... ha ha to that we all say on the first night. Each year we build a centre piece for the children to play on as long as they can get an adult to sit in ‘the chair’ to supervise. It is always completed with a trolley run that comes out of one side and then decorate it to fit the theme so this year it was ‘Santa’s grotto’ and a sleigh for the children to ride in. On the Saturday we have various bases which the children move around with minders depending on their age. This year we had rafting, climbing, backwoods cooking, woodwork and the flying carpet to name just a few. Along with these activities we also did an adult base where the parents could have a go at lighting a fire or whittling a spoon. We finish the day with some down time but for those that still have some energy there’s tie dying a T-shirt,

chalk drawing, bracelet making or water balloons. The sand paper had mysteriously disappeared at this point as now the children had their parents beloved spoons in their procession... Everyone is then invited to dress in their fancy dress costumes which they have bought from home. These are always very varied with this year being no exception from the big man himself, elves, trees, snowmen and a turkey. After dinner we all go to camp fire for songs and skits and this year we were joined by a group from Portsmouth and were really touched when one of their leaders joined in dressed as Rudolf with no notice. After hot chocolate and whipped cream the very tired children went to bed with a couple of them asking did I think Father Christmas might come, which of course he did. Their faces in the morning were priceless. “How did he know we were having Christmas in July” one said, another little girl

shook with excitement as she told me he had visited. Sunday, the last day. After breakfast we had Scouts own together before we start on the mornings it’s a knock style games, followed by a huge water fight. This activity always seems to be even more popular with the adult men..... I wonder why. Once we have dragged the men away from the water pistols the sad hard work started with the break of camp. Once this was done we all came together for the last time to say thank you to all, announce the winning team and say the date of next years camp....... Thank you for reading Chil Hambledon Village Cub Leader.



Bash Burn 20

Winter 2017

At the end of September Cubs Scouts and Leaders from 10th Farnborough spent a very enjoyable Sunday in lovely weather helping the Blackwater Valley Countryside Partnership at their monthly working party day at Southwood Woodland. The woodland is an 80 acre site near Farnborough town centre and offers a natural environment for walking and cycling. After an introduction from the ranger explaining what the task was and how to use the tools provided safely the Cubs set to to clear a large open area of small trees and bushes. The Partnership are planning to dig a pond in the next few weeks to encourage more wildlife to the area. The Cubs worked really hard cutting back and burning what they had cut down. The Ranger, who is a Scout leader in another County, was pleased with the Cubs’ hard work and has invited them back again. Joan Hughes, Cub Scout Leader, 10th Farnborough



After over 30 years of devoted service to 1st Wickham Scout Group, Barry and Chris Samways decided to step back from their section leader and GSL roles at half term (20th Oct 2017). Barry and Chris have been stalwart members of Scouting in the Meon Valley, with Chris having District roles for Beavers and Special Needs. The BBC One Show tribute with Ainsley Harriott for Barry and Chris a couple of years ago, showed the great affection all of those, probably thousands, of young people have for everything the pair of them did in Scouting. Without doubt Wickham and the District will miss them greatly, however we will still see them around at special events and Barry is continuing as Quartermaster in charge of Group equipment for a while yet. On behalf of Hampshire County, Meon Valley District, 1st Wickham Scout Group and all the of young people that have been under Chris and Barry’s’ care over the years, we say a very big thank you. Enjoy the ‘retirement’ - even though we all know you never truly leave Scouting.

Hampshire Scout

Caving Club

www.hscc.randomstuff.org.uk 22

Winter 2017

y n n e v a g r e Ab 2017

Every three years 1st Aldershot Scout troop take a trip to Abergavenny for a fun and active Summer camp. Cubs, Scouts, section leaders and a local Explorers unit (Pioneers) set up camp in the village of LLandair Kilgedin. The site is a large field which runs alongside the river Usk and the young people got to enjoy a variety of adventurous and engaging activities over the week.

walking and a trip to the beach.

There was some mixed weather over the first few days of camp but it didn’t stop the Scouts having a good time and the sunshine came out after the first weekend. The young people all took part in activities such as kayaking, archery and rifle-shooting on site. Other activities off-site included hiking, gorge

The young people had a very busy week but all got involved in the different aspects of camp. 1st Aldershot are already looking forward to the next visit to the site in 2020‌

The Scouters also took part in a Harry Potter themed day in the middle of the week which included dressing up and engaging in Wizard trials, a Hogwarts banquet and Quidditch. There was also a beach party which featured limbo dancing, beach volleyball and a strongman competition.

Nathan Barham 1st Aldershot Scouts Assistant Leader





Parliament activity night


Gold Award Presentantion

1st Hart Plain scouts held a ‘Parliament activity night’ on the 15th November; the Mayor of Havant Councillor Elaine Shimbart & and her consort Gerald Shimbart kindly attended the evening giving a interesting short talk on the life of a Mayor. The scouts watched a short video to give an interesting understanding on Parliament. The scouts had discussions on activity choices and held a ballot on a final choice of activity that they propose to do. Alfie Hibberd & Lucy Mannie was presented their Gold awards by Ian Rowney Waterlooville District Commissioner, the Mayor of Havant Councillor Elaine Shimbart & Julie Stacey 1st Hart Plain Group Scout Leader. Alfie and Lucy have worked very hard to achieve their awards, it is great to see their hard work and all the fun they had paid off. The scouts also joined in with the celebration with cake! well done both of you! Tristan Emmett 1st Hart Plain Assistant Scout Leader.


Winter 2017

Coming up! hampshire county calendar

Saturday, 16-17 December 09:00, Expedition First Aid Course (16 hour) Thursday, 18 January 2018, AT: TMT meeting Saturday, 20 January 2018, County Conference Sunday, 20-21 January 2018, AT: L&M (Skills of Management) Friday, 26 - 28 January 2018, 19:30, Young Leader Training and conference Friday, 2 February 2018, Sct PL/APL Training Weekend Saturday, 3 February 2018, AT: Modules 9 & 13 (Hook) Sunday, 3 - 4 February 2018, Sct PL/APL Training Weekend Monday, 5 February 2018, AT: Module 10 (First Aid) Saturday, 10 - 11 February 2018, AT: Residential Weekend (Blackwater Valley), Kudu Saturday, 17 February 2018, AT: Modules 5 & 7 (Central - Venue TBA) Sunday, 18 February 2018, AT: Module 25 (Romsey) Saturday, 2 - 4 March 2018, Cty County Youth Council, Sunday, 3 - 10 March 2018, Act: HSMT Winter skills week Thursday, 8 March 2018, 19:30 New Forest presentation evening Friday, 9 March 2018, 19:00 Havant & Waterlooville DofE presentation (inc. Fareham) Sunday, 11 March 2018, AT: Modules 14 & 15 (Central - Venue TBA)





Could you be the next Champion?

This competition will be the 4th TargetSprint hosted by 21st Romsey and Shackleton rifle clubs at the 21st Romsey Scout HQ in Nursling, Southampton. The competition is fast, fun and friendly and mixes 3 x 400m sprints with air rifle shooting at 10m. Open to all from age 11 upwards. Competition format: 400m run then shoot 5 targets, 400m run shoot 5 more targets 400m run to the finish line. Competition Date: Saturday 12th May 2018 Location: Peter Digby Scouting Centre Entry Cost:

Joe Bigwood Close, Nursling, Southampton SO16 0YL

£8.00 per entry via Eventbrite (Closing Date 31st March 2018)


For the second year running this event is a British Shooting National Series Qualifying event. Winner is declared based on the fastest time recorded including penalties for the class, age category and gender. The competition will be based on multiple age groups and split into Scouting Member and Non Scouting (Open Class) entries to which Medals will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd Places, A Scouting Team Trophy will also be awarded to the fastest combined times for 3 scouting member entrants (team members must be named prior to the start of the competition and must be linked to the same Scout Unit, Group, District or Scout Rifle Club).

www.targetsprint.org.uk 26

Winter 2017

In support of

Registered Charity no. 1078344

Help us collect toys for underprivileged children in the local area Bring a donation to your local Access Self Storage 3rd Avenue Milbrook Southampton, SO15 0LD

0808 252 4219






WWW.MESHTHEATRE.COM/TICKETS ‘Journey’s End’ is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, LTD

mesh theatre leaflet.indd 1


Winter 2017

22/06/2017 11:24

Young Leaders Rally For Young Leaders, DESCs & ESL (Young Leaders) 26th to 28th of January 2018 at Lyons Copse, Botley This is a weekend for new & existing Young Leaders and supporters to connect, share ideas, learn new skills and have fun. • Module A-K of the Young Leader Scheme + more. • Ideas for programme planning. • Developing Scouting Skills. • Fun Activities, including. Book here: www.tiny.cc/youngleaderrally Email: young.leaders@hampshirescouts.org.uk



ferny crofts fun days 28th & 29th April 2018

There will be a New Forest theme running throughout the weekend with lots of fun activities to partake in across the site. The event will be supported by The Forestry Commission and The New Forest National Park. The cost is ÂŁ12 per young person (not including camping, which can be arranged separately). Leaders can attend for free but will not be able to participate in activity sessions. Each day is open to all sections of Hampshire Scouts, on a first come first served basis.

To make a booking, please contact us on:

fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk or 023 8084 5092

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