Hampshire Scout News - Winter 2016

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e r i h s p Ham Scout News Winter 2016



Disability Awareness DofE Diamond Challenge

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Hampshire Scout Heritage Team Wish you all a Very Happy New Year!

Heritage Open Days School Half Term February 2017 Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd & Thursday 23rd At Dukes Keep, 1 Marsh Lane, Southampton, S014 3Ex All welcome between 11am and 3pm Cub packs and other large groups please Contact asap so we do not disappoint Please Contact: info@scoutheritage.co.uk


Winter Twenty Sixteen


Welcome to the Winter edition of Hampshire Scout News 2016 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,

#YouShape Winter Camp / 14th Aldershot fresh lick of paint Romsey Scout Leaders Walk for Children in Need Carers in Scouting Save the date - Link Camp & Ferny Crofts is 40 1st Aldershot, Scout Survival Camp 2016 Kayaking on Haslar lake 2016 Gosport Kayaking Season Report HSX, Getting to know our Young Leaders Disability Awareness DofE Diamond Challenge Hill Walking Trip - Lake District Easter 2017 Kudu - Change of date Scoutmate Badge requirments HSX Patagonia Training County Quiz 2017

About Us

Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 17,500 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

Get Involved

To join the adventure of Scouting whether as an Adult or Young person then contact us at: www.scouts.org.uk/join e: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk or t: 023 8084 7847

Have you got any news for us?

Do you have a story or success that you’d like to share? Help us to highlight and celebrate your achievements in growth, exclusivity, youth shaped and community – email us your team’s successes along with any photos to: county.office@Scouts-hants.org.uk, please keep emails less than 30mb, if they are bigger we can share our Dropbox link with you, please get in touch.

Photography Acknowledgements

Where we can, we strive to acknowledge the owner or source of pictures used in this publication. We use them under the terms ‘for Scouting use only’. If you would like pictures acknowledged, please let us know the owners name when submitting. Thank you.



#YouShape One of the best opportunities that Scouting offers to young people is the chance to have a go at leadership and making decisions in a safe environment – from Sixers’ Councils to running patrol camps. Hampshire is no stranger to youth participation – we’ve had a Youth Council running for six years, we have dozens of trained Young Spokespeople, and before that we were at the forefront of “Getting Organised” training for Venture Scout Executive Committees.

Here’s three big ideas to look at locally for February 1) Appoint (or even elect) a District Youth Commissioner in every District, Patrol Leaders in every troop, Sixers in every Cub Pack, and Lodge Leaders in every Beaver Colony. And while we’re about it, what about peer-led Executive Committees in every Explorer and Network Unit.

February is #YouShape month, and this offers thousands of opportunities to start something new in youthshaped Scouting - or develop something that’s already existing to the next level.

2) Hold a youth-shaped event during February. Perhaps a Sixers’ Council or a Log Chew. Or PL training. What about an Explorer Forum or a District Youth Council? Check out what Romsey are doing on Saturday 4th February with their YouthShaped Conference and try something similar in your District.

Let’s now dream big – what could we really do in youth participation, and how far can we push the envelope?

3) Ensure each District sends two youth delegates to the Hampshire Youth Council over the weekend of 10-


Winter Twenty Sixteen

12 March 2017 at Ferny Crofts. Not only the most awesome weekend of the Spring, with activities from aeroball to gokarting, but also the chance for young people to shape the future of Hampshire Scouting – and be inspired by some amazing people. Many years ago as a Venture Scout Leader, our Unit pushed the limits of youth participation to find out where the boundaries were. The answer was that there were no limits, and with good support young people could achieve amazing things. We ended up with 17 year olds leading international expeditions. Now is the time to bring youth participation back into the mainstream of Scouting. The adventure begins…

Adam Jollans County Commissioner, Hampshire Scouting

Winter Camp

14th Aldershot scout hut has a fresh lick of paint.

Winter camp for us, Winter camp for scouts. Winter Camp for everybody, No one left out. Lots of activities. Which mean fun. Entertainment here, Happiness for everyone. Trying out challenges, Always having a go. Conquer all the challenges, You could become a pro. A massive campfire, With burning flames. Telling Jokes, Singing songs, Playing lots of games. When the camp is over, Everything’s complete Returning to your families, Got to be a treat Talk about activities; Tell them what you’ve done. Tell them about everything, Tell them you had fun!

The Management and staff from Carillion Amey spent two days painting the scout hut. All the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and leaders think it looks like a new hut. Thanks to everyone involved.

Hampshire Scout Rifle Club scouts-shoot.org.uk

By William 8th Alton Scouts.



Romsey Scout Leaders Walk for Children in Need


Winter Twenty Sixteen

During the week of 22nd October 2016 and 27th October 2016 several Romsey Scout Leaders walked from Tadley in the north of Hampshire to Keyhaven in the South. This was a distance of over 60 miles in total and all in the aid of Children in Need. The walkers consisted of James Snape – Active Support Member Romsey, and Tony Moles – ADC Beavers. Joining them on different days were Dave Shill - ADC Activities, Rob Link –ADC Events, Emma Rimmington – Rob’s partner and Sam Martin DC Romsey Scouts. They were also aided with movement of Kit by Martyn Blake – CSL 10th Woodley & Crampmoor, Reg Moles (Tony’s Dad) and Bob Snape (James’s Dad.) Starting at Tadley Scout headquarters on a foggy Saturday morning, the walkers were waved off by a few of the members of the Group including their Chairman Brian

Spray who had allowed the walkers to stay overnight in the headquarters. The walkers walked down to Oakley Scout Headquarters where they stopped for a wellearned rest overnight and food. Moving on again they proceeded to walk to Naomi House at Sutton Scotney which took them over several hills and down what can only be described as the most boring straight road (A30) for the last 4.5 miles. They were met at Naomi House by one of the colleagues who took them to Kings Somborne where they stayed at 11th King Somborne Scout Hut. During the evening they took time out at Mottisfont Social Club where the members gave donations to the cause. The team returned to Naomi House the following morning to continue the walk. The next leg took them from Naomi House via the outskirts of

Winchester across country to The Dr Peter Centre in Romsey (the home of Romsey Scouts). This leg proved the hilliest of the whole week with several steep hills being climbed and descended. Going was tough and started to show on the walkers. By the time they arrived in Romsey there were some very tired and sore limbs. Harriett Lindsay, another member of Romsey Scouts, provided the team with a lovely meal of Spanish Chicken and Pasta. Waking up the following morning refreshed and ready to go the team were joined by Sam Martin, DC Romsey Scouts and proceeded to walk through the southern part of the Romsey District stopping at 21st Nursling and Rownhams for lunch before finishing at 5th Marchwood Scout Headquarters on the edge of the New Forest. The weather was fine, sunny and



warm for the leg so progress was good. The final day dawned cold and frosty. The team left Marchwood heading across the forest to Beaulieu where they stopped for coffee and water at Fairweather’s Garden Centre where with the aid of staff from Steff’s Kitchen they collected more donations from their customers. The walkers then made their way to Keyhaven Quays via Lymington where they stopped overnight. On Thursday morning James and Tony were taken to Beaulieu Road Station where they walked the last 1.3 miles to Ferny Crofts, the home of Hampshire Scouting where Elaine Moles –BSL at 21st Nursling and Rownhams with the help of Tony’s mum provided a small lunch for the team along with some of the people who had helped with the event.

say thank you to Brian Spray – Chairman Tadley Scouts, Sue Eastick – Acting GSL Oakley Scouts, Jess Macbean – Chair 11th King Somborne, The Dr Peter Centre management team Romsey, Brenda Knight – GSL 5th Marchwood and all at Milford Sea Scouts for providing accommodation free of charge. We would also like to thank all at Fairweather’s Garden centre as well as Ferny Crofts for providing the venue for the lunch free of charge.

The team would like to


Winter Twenty Sixteen

Donations can still be made towards this event via mydonate.bt.com\fundraisers\tonymoles1 mydonate.bt.com\fundraisers\jamessnape1 www.hampshirescouts.org.uk


Carers in Scouting The Carers in Scouting project is funded by Hampshire County Council’s Short Breaks Funding. This is designed to give the parents or main carers of children with disabilities and/ or additional needs, a respite from their care for a short time each week, whilst the young person takes part in an exciting programme in their Scouting Section i.e. Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scout & Explorer Scouts. This scheme has grown really well, and in 2016 the project has funded the one to one support of 8 young people across the Hampshire, with 4 more joining as we speak. We regret that currently the funding currently does not apply to the Southampton or Portsmouth Districts. We are now applying for funding once again from Hampshire County Council (their funding runs from April to March each year) and due to the success of this project in the past two years we will ask for additional funding so that we can assist even more disabled children or those with additional needs to be able to enjoy Scouting with their peers. It is so important that all applications are received on the correct forms and the funding is approved before the support commences, and that all potential Carers have the correct DBS checks before they start assisting. For further enquiries please contact ACC Special Needs, Carol Sleath at special.needs@scouts-hants.org.uk


Winter Twenty Sixteen


2017 Hampshire Link Camp and Ferny Crofts 40th Birthday Celebrations

12th to 14th May 2017 Ferny Crofts Scout Activity Centre The 2017 Hampshire Link Camp will take place at Ferny Crofts Scout Activity Centre from Friday 12th to Sunday 14th May 2017. This event is for young people who are almost ready to move up to the next section within Scouting, and aims to build links between young people in each section. The event also mixes young people from different groups across the County, creating new friendships and building confidence whilst at the same time learning new skills and having fun. This year is a special year, as 2016 marked the 40th anniversary of the first ever Hampshire Scout Camp held at Ferny Crofts. All this year Ferny Crofts is celebrating with the launch of new activities and special events, culminating in our 40th Birthday Party as part of this year’s Hampshire Link Camp.

Participants will join mixed section teams (created by the organisers). The young people will visit various activity zones during the weekend where they will take part in a number of bases. On the Saturday night Ferny Crofts will hold its 40th Birthday Party, an event not to be missed! Places are limited, so look out for details of how to apply for places for your group in the next issue of HSN, and e-News.



Nine youngsters from 1st Aldershot Scout group spent the first weekend of half-term (21-23 October) camping out in the woods for this year’s October camp in Pound Farm Lane in Ash. The Scouts enjoyed some good weather and practised outdoor skills including building fires and backwoods cooking. The Scouts arrived on Friday night and started setting up camp using


Winter Twenty Sixteen

hammocks for the first time. Three groups were assigned and tasked to set their hammocks up nearby. In the evening the Scouts enjoyed toasting sausages on a stick. First task of the day on Saturday morning was to start collecting wood which would fuel fire to cook breakfast on. Bacon and eggs were distributed out for frying up on the fires once

1st Aldershot Scouts Survival Camp 2016

built and lit. More wood was needed throughout the day to keep the fires burning (as both lunch and dinner would be cooked on the open fire).

Each of the youngsters were given a Rainbow Trout which needed slicing open, gutting and hanging on a stick to cook.

Tin-foil pouches were created for a minced meat and veg lunch which the Scouts enjoyed thoroughly. Their evening meal also involved using tin-foil to wrap round a potato however the fish was more of a challenge to prepare.

“The Scouts we had out had a great experience, they loved camping out in hammocks and building open fires.�




Kayaking on Haslar Lake

during a Discover trip on a typical Saturday morning Last year we purchased Sea Kayaks to improve the three star journeys on the Solent. This year we convinced the Shipping Line Maersk to donate a 20’ shipping container to store them securely. We also improved the storage for the other kayaks. Both of these thanks mainly to Richard Whiteley. Consequently our three star results have improved to eight completing this year. This included 12 expeditions on the Solent led by John Crossland. The other courses have continued with 57 completing the Passport course and 40 the Discover course. Three learnt to be junior Instructors all season and we had help from teenagers Liam Fleet, Tom Green, Zoe Hunt, Megan Johnson, Kieran Jordan, Cerys Williams and Bethany Merrifield.


Winter Twenty Sixteen

These have been shown the way by a great team of coaches lead by John Crossland including Richard Whiteley, Peter Knott, Allan Davey, Peter Cole, Nathan Cole, Nick Goldring, Kyle Grady and Alex Merrifield. We are also grateful for help by others, including parents, who stepped in when needed. Taster sessions continued this year including 191 Cubs from 11 packs, 215 scouts from 15 Troops, 90 Guides from 5 Companies, 11 Explorers, 9 Brownies and 12 children from Chernoble led by Ken with help from the teenagers and Leaders. The kayak rolling course was run this year at Parkwood Community Pool Eastney to whom we are grateful. This is our 31st year during which time we have successfully taught 2336

Passports and One stars, 1041 Discoers and Two Stars, 258 Three stars plus many other courses including nearly 8000 tasters. Thirty five who started with us as novices have gone on to be qualified coaches, and several have made it their profession.

All involved are Scout volunteers who give much time and effort to this programme but we enjoy kayaking and bringing our sport to many. Ken Greenwood




Getting to know our Young Leaders Name: Ellis Carter-Morgan. Role within HSX: Assistant expedition leader on the Patagonia expedition. What do you do in real life? University student. Which HSX expeditions have you been on? Nepal 2013. At what age did you join Scouts? I joined Hook Explorer scouts at the age of 13, completing my Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards. I also went on a winter trip to Kandersteg with my unit, which was incredible. My leadership within scouting started when I worked at Ferny Crofts. I worked there for 3 consecutive summers, running outdoor activity sessions for scouts, guides, schools and corporate groups. I am now an expedition leader for the Patagonia 2017 trip with HSX. How long have you been a member of HSX? Since 2012, for 4 years. Why did you join HSX? I joined HSX in order to participate in the Nepal 2013 expedition. What do you enjoy most about HSX? I enjoy the people who are also a part of it, this is why I have continued my membership. Tell me about a moment in Scouting that you are most proud of. Achieving my Gold Duke of Edinburgh award. The expedition was absolutely horrendous; we were in the Lake District for 5 days and nights, and it rained the entire time, literally non-stop! We were on the brink of trench foot and struggled with the extra weight of our saturated belongings, however the achievement was such a memorable moment- seeing our scout leaders at the finish line and having a celebratory meal all together. Who do you identify as a role model and why? I identify Beyonce and Victoria Pendleton as role models for extremely different reasons. Beyonce because of her constant fight for equality as well as her investments into businesses that aim to develop and help less fortunate people. She also doesn’t promote unobtainable beauty standards amongst the increasingly pressured beauty industry. Victoria Pendleton because she has had incredible amounts of unfavourable press attention due to her relationship with her coach, yet she still puts in 110% effort and is a true focused athlete who is easy to


Winter Twenty Sixteen

relate to. Her achievements within cycling worldwide are incredible and her determination and loyalty to her sport is very inspiring, nothing gets in the way of her! What is the next 12 months going to see you doing within Scouting? In the next 12 months, I will be training alongside my Patagonia 2017 team, preparing for the trip of our lives. As part of this, I will plan training weekends across the country in order to develop everybody’s navigation, problemsolving, teamwork and leadership skills. Where’s your favourite place to visit? Other than Patagonia, I would love to continue my experience of travel in general. There are too many places I would like to visit and contribute development towards, I feel there is no one answer to this question as each experience is dependant on the objectives of the trip. For example, volunteering, visiting family and friends, backpacking, holiday….I have many countries to answer with for all of these trip sectors! What’s your favourite HSX event of the year? Although I have only been once, the Scotland trip held every February will always be a fond memory to me. It allows you to experience winter mountain activities, which is generally something completely new for most people, making it very exciting and challenging. Bring snacks and films for the journey though, it’s a long drive… Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? I have no idea. Hopefully living in a beautiful country with my boyfriend, working jobs that are fulfilling. Will you still be involved in Scouting? I doubt that I will be in scouting in the next 5 years because I will be trying to discover the world as well as find out my dream job and place to live. I have no doubt, however, that I will be involved in scouting again when I am older and more settled in life. Where would your ideal location for an expedition be? Patagonia!! Excluding this however, I would like to participate in a jungle expedition in the amazon, as long as there is opportunity to help the animals of the rainforest. What’s your favourite HSX moment, describe it? The time spent with my team in Nepal. As a result of the 18 months of training, we were very close and it was nice to sit back and experience our surroundings in the Khumbu valley alongside the local people. Why should young people join HSX? To make new friends and join in on crazy activities that most units don’t get to do.

hsx www.hampshirescouts.org.uk



Winter Twenty Sixteen

Disability Awareness Dofe Diamond Challenge

To mark the 60 year anniversary of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, people have been embarking on a challenge set by themselves in order to fundraise money for DofE, enabling more vulnerable young people to have the opportunity to benefit from the award. We (Chloe Foster and Sophie Boud) are DofE Young Ambassadors for Hampshire Scouting and have recently undertaken our Diamond challenge raising awareness about disabilities. We embarked on a weekend of walking around the New Forest with various disabilities. On the Friday evening we started our challenge walk on crutches, on Saturday we followed this with no speaking, no hearing and finished the day with us pushing each other in a wheelchair. Sunday morning was a challenge as we took it in turns to be blindfolded, which meant we needed a lot of trust in each other. We then finished the whole challenge Sunday afternoon walking three legged which became interesting when we

disagreed on the route! During our expedition we were visited by the County Commissioner Adam Jollans, Michael Baxter (Assistant County Commissioner for DofE & QSA) and Colin Floyd (Assistant County Commissioner for Network) who helped us find amazing accommodation for the weekend at Wilverley cottage. These visits encouraged us to carry on in our challenge. The biggest encouragement and support came from our support member Tom Ralph who brought us hot tea and biscuits during the challenge and stayed with us over the weekend ensuring the fire stayed alight! We have come to realise the challenges which come with having a disability. We worked hard over the weekend to complete the challenge and showed what can be achieved through determination and team work. Scouting is an organisation which accepts all young people no matter what their disability and we would love for more people to feel they have the ability to complete their DofE.

Chloe Foster & Sophie Boud DofE Young Ambassadors for Hampshire Scouting





Scouts from Hampshire have been travelling to the Lake For over 30 years District at Easter to Scouts from climb some mountains Hampshire have been – now it’s your turn! travelling to the Lake District at Easter to climb some mountains – now it’s your turn!


ASubhead. weekHill of hillWalking? walking including a night of wildacamping Enjoy Subhead. Then Subhead. spend week doing it! Subhead. Where: Based from the Hope Memorial Centre in the village of What: Braithwaite in the northern District A week of hill walking includingLake a night of wild camping

Where: When: th nd Based from the Centre the 2017 village of Saturday 15 Hope April Memorial to Saturday 22 in April with th th th Braithwaite in the northern Lake District training on 7 January and 11 to 12 March 2017. When: Who: th nd April to Saturday 22 older AprilScouts 2017 with Saturday This is 15 predominantly a trip for (12+), but th th th andavailable. 11 to 12 March 2017. training the 7 January someon Explorer places are Who: How much? This is predominantly trip for older Scouts (12+), but The trip costs £215apayable in two installments, £85 on th some Explorer and places available. registration theare balance of £130 by 7 January 2017. How much? TheHow trip costs £215 payable in two installments, £85 on do I join in? th registration and the balance of £130 by 7 January Complete the registration form overleaf and return it to 2017. the address below, you can provide your deposit by cheque with the form, or email to obtain the relevant How do details I join in? bank for transfers. Complete the registration formand overleaf andallocated return it toon a Hurry, places are limited will be thefirst address below, you canbasis. provide your deposit by come first served cheque with the form, or email to obtain the relevant bank details for transfers. Hurry, places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

PRO-ACT LAKES TRIP Lynne French, County Skills Instructor 54 Firglen Drive Yateley Hampshire GU46 7TS Lynne French, County Skills Instructor Lynne.french@live.com 54 07919 Firglen156032 Drive Yateley Hampshire GU46 7TS Lynne.french@live.com 07919 156032



Winter Twenty Sixteen

Change of date

The The County County Kudu Kudu

is a overnight hike aimed at Explorer Scouts (aged 14-18) and Scout Network 18-25). Teams and 7(aged can enter at is(aged a overnight hike aimedofatbetween Explorer 4 Scouts 14-18)the andcompetition Scout Network either18-25). Bronze, Silverof or between Gold level4 -and with7the winners of the Gold level at (aged Teams can enter the competition winning Explorer orthe Network Trophy. either Bronze, Silverthe or Kudu Gold level - with winners of the Gold level winning the Kudu Explorer or Network Trophy.

Saturday 19th overnight to

th th 14 - 1520th19 2017 Saturday overnight to thJanuary Sunday November 2016

after being postponed due Sunday 20th November 2016 to Storm Angus

Location - Nr Romsey Location - Nr Romsey Cost - £24 per team of 4 Cost - £24 team of 4 + £6 perper additional + £6 per additional member member

Date Times Date Times

- Saturday 19th overnight to Sunday 20th Nov 2016. th from teamstoleave 1900 returning between 0100 and 0500. - Arrival Saturday 191800, overnight Sunday 20-th2100 Nov 2016. Hot drink/snack and breakfast be -provided. Awardbetween ceremony should held at 0900 - Arrival from 1800, teams leavewill 1900 2100 returning 0100 andbe 0500. before departingand approx 1000. will be provided. Award ceremony should be held at 0900 Hot drink/snack breakfast Location - before Will be departing Nr Romsey. approx 1000. Cost - Teams pay an “entry fee” for 4 young people (min team no) of £24. Additional fee of Location Will be will Nr Romsey. £6 per person to a max 7).4 young people (min team no) of £24. Additional fee of Cost - Teams will pay(up an “entry fee”offor £6 per person (up to a max of 7). Equipment - teams will need to come equipped for a night hike, and a lightweight overnight stay. Equipment - teams will need to come equipped for a night hike, and a lightweight overnight stay. LEVELS OF ENTRY LEVELS ENTRY6 miles, route planning assistance will be given. BRONZEOF - approx BRONZE planning assistance willnavigator. be given. SILVER - approx 6 8 miles, route at least one competent night SILVER - approx 10+ 8 miles, at will least competent night navigator.challenge. Kudu Trophy awarded. GOLD miles, beone more bases and navigational GOLD - approx 10+ miles, will be more bases and navigational challenge. Kudu Trophy awarded. Booking - Teams can book online at www.tiny.cc/kudu2016 Payment - Teams will anonline “entryatfee” for 4 young people (min no) of £24. Additional fee of £6 per Booking canpay book www.tiny.cc/kudu2016 person.will pay an “entry fee” for 4 young people (min no) of £24. Additional fee of £6 per Payment - Teams person. For more info please contact: Ash Wilson - ash.wilson@scouts-hants.org.uk or Mikemore Baxter 07979 334679. For infodofe@scouts-hants.org.uk please contact: Ash Wilson -orash.wilson@scouts-hants.org.uk or Mike Baxter dofe@scouts-hants.org.uk or 07979 334679.



Scoutmate Badge Requirements: 1, Bring a new friend to your group. 2, Together, chat to the Leaders and meet other members of your group. 3, Show them around the place you meet. 4, Help them learn about the Scouting and the promise they will make. 5, Take part in an activity with your Scoutmate. 6, Be part of their investiture and receive your Scoutmate badge. The Scoutmate badge is available from The County Office for 50p each plus postage. If you wish order please contact Lucie or Jon at: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk

Hampshire Scout

Caving Club



Winter Twenty Sixteen

Hsx Patagonia Training

HSX Patagonia 2017. Training is fully under-way for the HSX Patagonia 2017 team who have been up to some exciting expedition preparation recently in North Wales. Despite some rainy weather the team had the chance to take part in some

single pitch climbing as well as learning how to navigate across mountainous terrain, a skill that will be of great use out in Patagonia. Since then the team have been getting creative with fundraising ideas for the fundraising weekend next year, with the leaders

finalising expedition plans. The next training weekend together will consist of an adventure race across the New Forest as well as cooking a Christmas dinner for the HSX crowd; we’ll see how this goes!



Hampshire Scout Heritage Active Support Presents the

6:30pm Saturday 11th March 2017 At

3rd Chandlers Ford H.Q.

Kings Road, Chandlers Ford. SO53 2EY £20 per team, 4 members per team

Prizes - Raffle - Supper Bring your own drinks and glasses. Request That Each Team Bring a Raffle Prize Download booking form:


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