Hampshire Scout News

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e r i h s p Ham ws 13 July/Aug 20

e N t u o c S


shiresco www.hamp

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e c u r B r d Lt Cm rial M emod awar

“Downton, Behind the scenes”

The history and action from the award winning TV series – A talk by Alastair Bruce OBE, Historic Advisor on the TV series, and Sky News Special Events Correspondent. Ferneham Hall, Fareham 2pm Sunday 22nd September 2013.

Cost £12.00 Supported by the Spitfires” Scout Band, and Gosport Gangshow. All proceeds to develop Scouting for Young people throughout Hampshire. For Tickets please call 02380 847847, Monday to Friday between 9am & 5pm.

Welcome... to the Summer edition of HSN.

For distribution and any other County Office matters please use: county.office@Scouts-hants.org.uk

email me, Tall Paul (Jon), now with all your photos, articles, adverts and roll of honour for the next edition of HSN hsn@Scouts-hants.org.uk

Please can you send text in a Word doc or in an email photos as an attachment jpeg file.

Cheers TP

The deadline for articles for the September issue of HSN 22nd August Please ensure that you have permission from all people included in photo’s, before sending them to us.

Photography Acknowledgements

Where we can, we strive to acknowledge the owner or source of pictures used in this publication. We accept that pictures on public and social media sites are for sharing. We use them under the terms ‘for Scouting use only’. If you would like pictures acknowledged, please let us know the owners name when submitting. Thank you.

About Us

Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 16,000 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

Join Us

To join the adventure of Scouting whether as a Adult or Young person fill in the form at: www.Scouts.org.uk/join or email: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk or phone us on: 02380 847847


online scout manager www.onlinescoutmanager.co.uk

Online Scout Manager is a free tool to help you to manage your entire section or group online - badge records, termly programmes, evening attendance, camps and events, and more!! It has been developed by a Scout Leader for Scout Leaders. Since its launch at Easter, it has over 5,300 groups and 24,000 users using it. It is incredibly easy to use and is even suitable for the technophobes amongst us! If you have any questions or suggestions, please email: ed@onlinescoutmanager.co.uk

contents Downton

Behind The Scenes.

Adam’s bit

The Iceberg problem.

Lt Cmdr Bruce memorial awards The Winners.

Armed With Saftey Gloves

62nd Highbury & Wymering Cub Packs.

Down Periscope

1st Park Gate Cubs.

Farnborough Business Airport 22nd Fleet Scouts.

Scout Raise Money For... Disabled Boating Charity.

Ready Steady Go!

Trek Cart Race 2013.

Grand Opening 4th Eling Sea Scout New HQ Opened.


Coming Soon.


Go To The Alps.

Discovery Sailing Project

24-31 Aug, Open To 12-25yo.

Go International

Scouts or Explorers abroad.

County Diary

3th Aug to 29th Sept

Activity Leadership Courses 2013.


Fishing across hampshire.

Appentice - Business Admin Ferny Crofts.

Th e Iceberegm Probl The problem with icebergs is that most of the danger is hidden below the surface. We have our own iceberg problem in Scouting, which is shown in this year’s census analysis. Hampshire Scouting grew by just over 600 youth members over the last year. But the truth is that we gained many more. Nearly half of our Beaver Scouts are new each year – so add around 1,900 to the 700 increases in the graph below – and the result is that we actually gained around 2,600 members last year. This means that we lost around 2,000 young people last year. That’s equivalent to about 75% of our new members. And most of these were between the ages of 10-14. Difference in numbers compared with same cohort previous year


600 400











-47 -198

















Age in 2013

The problem with icebergs is that most of the danger is hidden below the surface. Our focus on recruiting new Leaders, starting new Groups and creating new Sections continues to be really, really important. As the Echo said in June, “Let’s give every child the chance to join Scouting”. But so is keeping young people in Scouting. And if we are to get sustained growth for Scouting, then Retention is where we’re going to get much of this growth from. Ensuring more young people stay in Scouting is the key to growing by 4%, 6%, and right up to the 8% called for by our first Hampshire strategic goal of 25,000 young people by 2018. Look at the graph above. The biggest losses are during the moves between Sections – from Cubs to Scouts, and from Scouts to Explorers. The losses start in the last year of Cubs. And they continue throughout Scouts. So there are three big questions we now need to answer

How can we link better between Cubs and Scouts?

Why do young people stay in Scouting – or leave?

How can we link better between Scouts and Explorers?

I have my own ideas – adventure, progressive challenge, quality of leaders – but over the coming months we’ll be asking a lot of people in Hampshire Scouting these questions in order to understand the challenges better Let’s start to tackle the iceberg problem in Scouting.


County Commissioner Hampshire Scouting

e c u r B r d m C t L l a i r o m me s d r a aw

Mel receiving her award from Alastair Bruce

At the County Annual Review and AGM on 20th June, the first Lt Cmdr Bruce memorial awards were presented. Several applications had been made for both the young person and adult awards, and the winners were decided by members of the Youth Council at a special meeting two weeks before. The winners were;Young person - Mel Cooper, a cub from 6th Gosport Group with Cystic Fibrosis. Akela Lisa Reade said ‘Whilst many young people would give up, Mel always keeps battling on, when other Cubs complain that we have walked too far, she’s still going, despite her reduced lung capacity and the effect CF has on her everyday life.’ Mel is bright and bubbly, and has never once complained about how unfair her condition is. She throws herself into every activity on offer and is comfortable leading the other Cubs. Mel is never afraid to make herself heard. We are all incredibly proud of Mel, what she gives to the pack and the way she refuses to let this life limiting illness beat her. She lives life to the full, thrives on adventure, and is a wonderful Cub Scout. The adult award went to Dave Young, who runs two scout groups, 1st Sarisbury Scouts on a Wednesday Evening and Minkies, Fareham West Explorers on a Friday evening as well as regular weekend camps. He has run both groups for about 7/8 years. He has always put Scouts before himself, organising camps, one day activities and evenings that they want to take part in - nothing was ever too much work for him to sort out! They have been to Wales climbing the Brecon Beacons, Canoeing down the River Severn and dragged a trek cart all-round the New Forest.

s t n e m t n i o p p new A pshire in Ham Amanda Thompson - ACC Cubs Ian Budd - Deputy DC Southampton

ty e f a s h t i w ! s g a armed b r e i r r a gloves & c

62nd Highbury and Wymering Cub Packs took part in Scouting’s Community Week by litter picking along Eastney Beach. All were armed with safety gloves and a carrier bag for two evening’s, working their way up the seafront. The young people managed to fill the rubbish bins at Eastney with the trash they collected.

Down Periscope If you think things can be a little cramped in a patrol tent, how about squeezing twenty-four Cubs and four cub leaders in a WWII submarine for the night! That’s what the 1st Park Gate Sea Scouts did when they became the first youth group ever, to have a sleepover on a British WWII submarine. Located at the Royal Navy Submarine Museum, HMS Alliance is the last remaining British WWII submarine in the world. After a twenty-eight year operational career, she became the centrepiece of the museum in Gosport, Hampshire and the official memorial to the 5,300 submariners who have given their lives in service. Currently undergoing a £6.75million refurbishment project, HMS Alliance normally had a crew of sixty-five. However, given the limited space on board, each crewmember ‘shared’ his bunk, with the submariners swapping over between shifts. Fortunately the Cubs didn’t need to do this, but it was still pretty cosy nonetheless. “We wanted to do something different with the pack,” explained Roger Marsh, Cub Scout Leader for 1st Park Gate Sea Scouts. “So we approached the Museum and asked if we could stay on board. Apart from a group of apprentices, they had never done anything like this before, but could see that it offered a great learning opportunity and a way to bring history alive.” After Pack Alert and a safety briefing on the jetty, the Cubs were shown to their bunks and then settled down amongst the torpedoes to watch a film, projected onto a white bed sheet – just like the submariners used to do for entertainment. Proceedings were interrupted however, when the Cubs were asked to go and help two ‘injured’ sailors – ably performed by two Park Gate Sea Scouts. The Cubs learnt that getting someone into a recovery position in a confined space isn’t quite as easy as doing it in a scout hall. The Cubs also found out what life was like on board from JJ Molloy, an ex-submariner who is now Operations Manager for the Museum. They found out about ‘Silent Running’, or stealth mode as it would be called today, when even talking or a dropped spanner could give their position away to the enemy. They also learnt to talk like a submariner, well the clean bits anyway and the strange names given to everyday meals. ‘Chicken on a raft’ anyone? And then there was the sleeping. Many of the bunks were triple-deckers with very limited headroom. Cat swinging was definitely not an option. But the Cubs did brilliantly, despite the strange noises and smells on board and not just those emanating from the leader’s room. Talking about what it must be like for the crew, Daniel, aged ten, said, “It was amazing. It must have been quite tiring and boring being on board for a long time, as they had to do the same things every day, but they were very brave.” Amelie, aged nine, agreed, “It was incredible, the people who worked on there were really brave. I found sleeping on there was quite scary, but to sleep on there for six months!?!?” Hopefully this experience will be with the Cubs for years to come, but most importantly, when they are attending the service on Remembrance Sunday next November, they will have a little more of a connection to those 5,300 submariners who gave their lives on board submarines such as HMS Alliance. The Royal Navy Museum offers a range of services to youth groups. For more information, visit: www.submarine-museum.co.uk or contact Gareth Brettell on 02392 545 033

ADD PHOTOS Business Airport Farnborough 22nd Fleet Scouts


he old Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) airfield was bought from the Ministry of Defence in 2000 and converted into the only fully business airport in the whole of Europe. It is now a very modern multi-national company and is called the TAG Airport (Techniques Avant-Gardes). With a contact via our Group treasurer, our Troop were able to have a really good look around the airport with the help of a very experienced guide. We first went into two of the three large hangers where the aircraft are “garaged” and most of these aircraft are owned by large companies in the UK. Some of the aircraft are owned by well known rich personalities and the remainder by aircraft hire companies. The limiting aircraft size for this airfield is 80 tons, due to the runway length and the surrounding area. Also no overnight flights are allowed. The aircraft range from business versions of the Boeing 737 and Airbus 320 down to quite small Jets, such as the Mustang, which is much the same size as the mini bus in which we toured the site. Most of the flights are by business people who want fast travel for meetings all over the world. Also many famous people, including royalty choose to travel from Farnborough because of its privacy (away from press & public scrutiny). After seeing all the aircraft in the hangers, we went out onto the main apron where we watched a big business jet coming in to land and a fleet of large posh cars going out to meet it and collect the passengers.

Our guide was in contact with the Control Tower who then allowed us onto one of the taxi routes towards the main runway end where we stopped to watch another big jet take off. We were then allowed onto the main runway and stopped there whilst the Control Tower put on all the landing Lights. We then drove all along the runway as if were going to take off – very exciting !!!! Next we went to visit the airport Fire Station where they have 5 special engines. They got one of them out for us and all the Scouts went through the cab trying some of the controls especially the hooters. To finish this part we stood clear, while one of the Firemen showed us the huge range of the large foam & water cannon on top of the engine. For the final most exciting part of the trip, 5 or 6 Scouts at a time went with our guide up into the top of the Control Tower. There was a 360o view of the ground and sky all around the airport and we could even see some of Farnborough town itself. Before leaving our guide told us that many local people were employed at the airport arranging the business journeys, servicing and maintaining the aircraft. He also said that they had recently started a 4 year apprentice scheme and perhaps in the future, some of our Scouts may be working there. Altogether a very exciting and enjoyable visit and we gave him a really big

“BRAVO”! Ray Oldham Group Scout Leader

SCOUTS RAISE MONEY FOR DISABLED BOATING CHARITY The Accessible Boating Association charity based in Odiham operates 2 specialised canal boats equipped with hydraulic lifts to enable people in wheelchairs or with limited mobility to enjoy cruises on the beautiful Basingstoke canal. Each year, Hampshire scouts support the charity by holding a sponsored “canoe challenge”, during which up to 100 scouts paddle their canoes on the Basingstoke canal and complete routes up to 6 miles long. Each year the ABA presents a trophy to the scouts who have raised the most money. The last event raised £644 and the greatest sponsorship was earned by twins Aaron and Joel Lewis-Grey, members of the Worting St Thomas troop in Basingstoke, which has 72 beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Last Wednesday the joint winners were presented with their trophies at Odiham wharf by the Chairman of Accessible Boating, John Ranson, in recognition of their significant contribution. The two boys have been Scouting for the last 7 years and are now embarking on their Duke of Edinburgh award. They also enjoy climbing and caving as well as kayaking. After the presentation they enjoyed a trip on Dawn, the ABA’s day hire boat, on one of the loveliest summer evenings we have had for some while. Hampshire scouts continue to support Accessible Boating and the canoe challenge this year will be held on 29th September. For further details of the ABA, visit their web site at www.accessibleboating.org.uk. Picture Caption: ABA Chairman John Ranson (L) presented cups to the two winners, Aaron and Joel Lewis-Grey, with their scout leader, family and members of ABA looking on.

Ready Steady


Trek Cart Race 2013


he Trek Cart team could not have asked for a better weekend. In true Trek Cart tradition the teams turned up full of cheer, good spirit and ready to race. The weekend comprised three race events - An endurance 4.5 mile run up and down hill, through streams, over or under bridges and gates to name but a few hazards and to top it off through a beautiful country park.

The second Speed trial was a sprint with the carts over 600-800m and the final event was the assault course. This was totally different to anything Trekkers had ever been done before.

against all the odds.

On Saturday evening the teams let their hair down and took part in party in the park, which was a brilliant laser and glow themed disco which had all the young All the teams ran every event people and leaders dancing accumulating points and away into the night. times over the weekend. So after a hard weekend all Every team showed true the teams gathered to hear grit and determination the results for 2013. to complete every section

The winners Were: Trek Cart volleyball

5th New Forest North Garland Troop

Scout Trek Cart

8th Itchen North

Explorer Trek Cart

Minkies ESU, Fareham West - Pictured

Network Trek Cart

Vulcan Network, Fareham West

Congratulations goes out to all who took part!

Grand Opening 4 New Forest North Eling Sea Scouts th


n Sunday 23rd June 2013 saw the official opening of the new Scout HQ and Aquativity centre at Testwood Lakes. After many years of fundraising, over 300 guests and members saw Francis Hughes, representing one of our lead sponsors, officially declare the building open. Additionally, Kerie Wallace, District Commissioner for New Forest North took this opportunity to thank Paul Bullock the retiring Group Scout Leader (GSL) of Eling Sea Scouts for all his year’s service as GSL and to welcome Robin Clarkson as the new GSL. The concept of the new HQ was initially discussed 18 years ago and finally after many difficult years, building work started 2 years ago. With a huge push in the last 6 months, the building was ready to use. Situated on the shores of Testwood Lakes it is a perfect location for Sea Scouts. The lake providing a safe environment for the Group to enjoy sailing, kayaking, pulling & rowing. The building, situated over 2 floors, provides comprehensive facilities including a large boat store, changing rooms, meeting rooms and main hall. To help cater for disabled users, the building also has a lift with a claim to history of its own having been used at the BBC Olympic centre in 2012. The group have raised over £150k themselves. Many other donors including a huge number of local companies and organisations have provided materials and labour. Without them the centre would still be an unfinished shell. After the opening ceremony many of those attending were able to enjoy the water with a stiff breeze, providing great sailing and cooling the kayakers and rowers. It is hoped that the newly formed Testwood Sailability group will also use the centre as a base over 2 days per week, once funds have been raised to build a specialist pontoon. This will provide safe sailing for local disabled people. Robin Clarkson, the new GSL said, “The new building is a Scout asset fit for the 21st Century and will serve the Group for many years to come. What a fantastic achievement.”

County Kudu 2013 is coming! 14th - 15th September Incident Night Hike

We’ve moved the date this year to September 14th-15th. Hopefully this will give us a slightly warmer night for the leaders out on bases and let us catch a lot of the Networkers before they go back to uni! As always, we’re trying to improve on previous events, so our aim is to make this years kudu more challenging and adventurous than ever before and one that will be talked about for years to come! Save the date and if you’re on facebook like this page for updates (and distribute to your explorers so they can do the same!)www.facebook.com/pages/ Kudu-2013/515879231804221?fref=ts This is definitely an event not to be missed!

£35 per team if you book early & £40 per team after the 1st September!! hope to see you all in September! Claire Stratford Chair - Bramshill Ninjas Network

Hampshire Scout

Mountaineering Team www.hsmt.info

Congrats’ to Vulcan Network Unit, Fareham West on winning the Network Trek Cart competition 2013!

Coming soon... 13 - 15 September 2013, ÂŁ30 This years theme is the Circus At Woodhouse Park Scout Activity Centre, Bristol Special Offer Book before 1st August and receive a 2013 themed t-shirt! Open to Scout Network, Guide Senior Section and SSAGO members, aged 18 to 25


Join US

www.hampshirescouting.org.uk/network Hampshire Scout Network e: scout.network@Scouts-hants.org.uk fb: www.facebook.com/groups/2381008750/?ref=ts&fref=ts (Scout Network Hampshire) t: 02380 847847 w: Scouts-hants.org.uk/network

Hampshire H Scouts S eXpeditions X - HSX

go to the Alps HSX Antarctica have just got back from the Alps. The team of 6 attempted a summit on Mont Blanc and after a long climb over 3 mountains we summited at 7 am. It was a really useful trip as we learnt crevasse rescue and camping on a glacier which are essential skills for Antarctica. On our rest days we climbed on the various crags around Chamonix and completed various routes around the mountains including ascents of Mont Blanc du Tacul, Point Lachernal and Petit Aiguille Vert. We also explored some classic routes up the Cosmoniques Arête while supervised by the many Japanese Tourists sitting in the Cable Car Station. Don’t forget to like HSX Antarctica on Facebook to keep up to date with the latest activites. www.facebook.com/HSXAntarctica2018?ref=ts&fref=ts


Your local Scout Offshore Sailing

For an adventure of a lifetime come and sail on the ocean going yacht ‘Thermopylae Clipper’ for the Small Ships Race from Ipswich to Cowes.

24th – 31st AUGUST Open to 12 – 25 year olds Cost £200 per head fully inclusive The Race will form part of the Ipswich Maritime Festival The yachts depart from Ipswich in a Parade of Sail Following a reception and prize giving in Cowes Thermopylae will return to the River Hamble on 31st August Why not join Thermopylae on her return to the UK from the Baltic? There are two voyages available and open to 14 years old and upwards, including adults... Szczecin (Poland) to Den Helder (Holland) 5th – 16th August Den Helder to Ipswich 16th – 24th August Bursaries may be available to help with costs! For more details or to book your place please contact Clive at the office:

Discovery Sailing Project Unit 6 Universal Marina, Crableck Lane Sarisbury Green, Southampton SO31 7ZN Tel: 01489 580099 / 07973 481460 Email: office@dsp.uk.com Web site: www.dsp.uk.com


ant to find out more about what is planned for Beavers for 2013 and 2014? Have you got some ideas and thoughts you want to share with the rest of the county leaders? Then join us at our County Beaver leaders meeting on Saturday 7th September from 10am til 12noon. No uniform needed and all Leaders are welcome. Find out more about H0014, Paultons Park, The Leaders log chew and much more.

For more information see the county website or contact Teresa Ginn, ACC Beavers: teresa.ginn@talk21.com


l a n o i t a n r e t In

Interested in taking Scouts or Explorers abroad, but thought it was too difficult? The Hampshire International team have developed a series of assisted trips to Europe in 2014, making it easier for leaders to take young people overseas. Our experienced leaders will run the trip and will provide you with workshops to show you how to plan and organise a trip, guide you through completing all of the forms, and show you every stage of the process. As a leader, you will need to be prepared to attend up to 3 briefings / workshops over the next year, help prepare and run the trip and recruit some local young people to go on the trip with you. 3 Days Cycling in Martragny, France Dates: 7pm Fri 2nd May—5th May 2014 Start/End: Portsmouth Price: Estimated £100 per person Sections: Scouts / Explorers 1 Leader to 3 Young People

7 Days Activity Camp in St. Malo, France Dates: Wed 20th Aug—27th Aug 2014 Start/End: Portsmouth Price: Estimated £250 per person Sections: Scouts 1 Leader to 6 Young People

Description: A cycling camp, staying in the grounds of a French Chateau. 95% of the cycling is on flat ground. Cycling is in the form a treasure hunt around 40 points, including some WW2 sites.

Description: Activities to be confirmed. Camping on a commercial campsite.

7 Days Activity in Chalets in Wiltz, Luxemburg Dates: Tues 29th July—5th Aug 2014 Start/End: St. Pancras Price: Estimated £300 per person Sections: Explorers 1 or 2 Leaders to upto 8 Young People

7 Days Activity Camp in Jersey Dates: Wed 20th Aug —27th Aug 2014 Start/End: Poole Price: Estimated £300 per person Sections: Scouts / Explorers 1 Leader to 6 Young People

Description: Activities to be confirmed, but could include Mountain Bikes, Kayaks, Swimming etc.

Description: Activities to be confirmed, but could include Coasteering, Beach, Hiking, WW2 Sites, Blokarting, Cycling, Surfing etc.

For more information, please visit www.hampshirescouting.org.uk/international.php To Register an interest, please visit the above, by Sunday 6th October 2013

y t n Cou y r a i D Saturday, August 3 - 18 Net / Exp Suisse Adventure twenty thirteen Thursday, August 8 - 18 Net MOOT Canada Saturday, August 17 24 Sct County Scout Summer Camp Thursday, August 29 Cty Core-team meet

Saturday, September 14 Exp / Net County Kudu Competition AT Modules 20 & 22 Tuesday, September 17 Cty Core-team conference call Friday, September 20-22 Sct Emlyn Competition Sct Survival Skills

Friday, September 6 Cty QSA Reception

Saturday, September 21 Cty Act Pulling & Paddling Regatta AT H2 Safeguarding Workshop

Saturday, September 7 AT Module 10 AT Modules 12 & 11 Cty Beaver Scout Leaders Meeting

Sunday, September 22 Cty Act Pulling & Paddling Regatta AT Module 13 AT Module 25

Sunday, September 8 Cty Act BCU Foundation Safety & Rescue Training Course

Saturday, September 28 AT Modules 14, 15 & 19

Friday, September 6-8 Net /Exp Thorpe Park- Camp September 13 - 15 Cty Act - HSMT Hillwalking & Climbing Courses/Experience Weekends Cty Act County Archery Competition Cty Act NSRA Air Rifle Instructors Course Net- Intense - Bristol

Sunday, September 29 Cty Act Basingstoke Canal Challenge AT Module 23 AT Module 23 KEY - Cty = County - AT = Adult Training - UK = National - YP = Youth Programme

- Sct = Scouts - Exp = Explorers - YL = Young Leader - Net = Network - Act = Activity

International Opportunities See the new edition of International Opportunities http://newsletter.scouts.org.uk/t/92388/20851007/1815172/22/ for international experiences in UK and overseas. New this month – International camps in Cumbria and Denmark in 2014.

Activity Leadership Courses 2013 29 June 2013 (afternoon only)

Rafting Permit Assessment Day

£15 per person

Lakeside, Eastleigh Lakes, Eastleigh

13 July 2013

Powerboating Permit Assessment Day

£25 per person

25th Southampton HQ, Crosshouse Hard, Crosshouse Road. Lakeside, Eastleigh

Activity Leadership Courses

Joan Veal T: 01489 782804 E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk W: http://www.hampshirescouting. org/activities.php?id=325 Joan Veal T: 01489 782804 E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk W: http://www.hampshirescouting. org/activities.php?id=325

8 September 2013

BCU Foundation Safety & Rescue Training Course

13-15 September 2013

NSRA Air Rifle Instructor Course

£30 per person + BCU registration £130 per person

12-15 September 2013 (arrive Thur eve) 12-15 September 2013 (arrive Thur eve) 12-15 September 2013 (arrive Thur eve) 12-15 September 2013 (arrive Thur eve)

Mountain Leader Award Training or Assessment Summer (part 1 of 2)

£275 per person for both weekends

North Wales

Walking Group Leader Award Training or Assessment

£135 per person

North Wales

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk

Single Pitch Award (Climbing) Training or Assessment

£115 per person

North Wales

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk

Hillwalking Terrain 1 or 2 Activity Permit Assessment

£110 per person

North Wales

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk

Ferny Crofts

Joan Veal T: 01489 782804 E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk

Hillwalking/Climbing Refresher & Experience weekend

£60 per person

North Wales

National Navigation Award Scheme (Bronze/Silver/Gold) – Training or Assessment GNAS Archery Community Sports Leader Course (part 1 of 2) Bushcraft Course

£115 per person

North Wales

£185 per person for both weekends £65 per person

Ferny Crofts

GNAS Archery Community Sports Leader Course (part 2 of 2) Mountain Leader Award Training or Assessment Summer (part 2 of 2) Walking Group Leader Award Training or Assessment Single Pitch Award (Climbing) Training or Assessment

£185 per person for both weekends £275 per person for both weekends £135 per person

Ferny Crofts

£115 per person

North Wales

£110 per person

North Wales

£60 per person

North Wales

13-15 September 2013 (arrive Fri eve) 12-15 September 2013 (arrive Thur eve) 5-6 October 2013 5-6 October 2013 12-13 October 2013 10-13 October 2013 (arrive Thur eve) 10-13 October 2013 (arrive Thur eve) 10-13 October 2013 (arrive Thur eve) 10-13 October 2013 (arrive Thur eve) 11-13 October 2013 (arrive Fri eve)

Hillwalking Terrain 1 or 2 Activity Permit Assessment

Hillwalking/Climbing Refresher & Experience weekend

Ferny Crofts

North Wales

North Wales

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk

Hampshire Scout Rifle Club www.Scouts-shoot.org.uk/hsrc



Hampshire Scout

Caving Club

ng for archery www.hscc.randomstuff.org.uk sessions but still ho their local archery leader is.

contact list of archery leaders oups can come to them for an Hillwalking session.

& Climbing Experience Weekends

19-20 April 2014 or 17-18 May 2014

details being posted on the Snowdonia National Park, North Wales culated to Districts so Groups (participants to arrive Friday evening) y and ask for your help. 8 1 d ig A u c S fh rs b lm a to n e p O

ur services please email‌.

eching: Opportunity for those with ut Archery Club explore unfamiliar routes @ntlworld.com experience.

more experience to and gain log book

8 1 d ig A u c S fh rs b lm a to n e p O

8 1 d ig A u c S fh rs b lm a to n e p O

Open to all members of the Scout Association aged 18 and above with limited or no experience in mountaineering or those who want to start taking an active role as a mountain leader. The weekend programmes will be tailored to your needs and aspriations.

Weekends will be a general and practical introduction to many aspects of mountain walking, providing the basic personal all round skills. Training and guidance for those wishing to make a start on the Scout Adventurous Activity Permit, Walking Group Leader Award or Mountain Leader Award.

The cost per weekend is ÂŁ60 per person, which includes indoor accomodation, catering, tuition and instruction and use of group equipment. INTERESTED? Please visit the Hampshire Scouts' Mountaineering Team website, www.hsmt.org.uk for futher information and booking details. If you would like futher information please contact the team at enquiries@hsmt.org.uk.

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Summer 2013 Programme

Coarse Fishing Events - 10am to 4pm 13th Jul Lakeside Country Park (Eastleigh & District Angling Club water) 20th Jul Staunton Country Park Waterfest (Havant) 21st Jul Staunton Country Park Waterfest (Havant) 27th Jul Carron Row Farm,Titchfield (Portsmouth & District Angling Club) 27th Jul Foxcotte Lake (Andover Angling Club water) 10th Aug Baffins Pond (Portsmouth & District Angling Club water)


SO50 5PE PO9 5HB PO15 5DZ PO3 6HU

These are Environment Agency sponsored events targeted at school aged young people. All angling is delivered by qualified coaches. For more details please contact: coarsefishing@hadg.org.uk Other events are also being run for both Sea Angling and Game Fishing later in the year. Game Fishing Events: 15th Sep Titchbourne Park Try Flyfishing Contact: gamefishing@hadg.org.uk Sea Angling Events: 6th Oct Portchester Open Sea Angling Competition 19th Oct Town Quay Try Sea Fishing 16th Nov Town Quay Try Sea Fishing Contact: seafishing@hadg.org.uk The Hampshire Angling Development Group promotes angling and coordinates fishing activities in Hampshire for all age groups. For more details please contact: info@hadg.org.uk


Business Administration 16-24 year olds 12 month fixed term contract; 30 hours per week This is predominantly an administrative role and will be based in the New Forest.

Closing date: Friday 23rd August 2013 For further information: 023 8084 5092 manager@fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts, Beaulieu Road, Beaulieu, SO42 7YQ. This is part of the government apprenticeship scheme to apply www.apprenticeships.org.uk

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