Hampshire Scout News (HSN) June 2013

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e r i h s p Ham ws June 2013

e N t u o c S


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County Awards

Welcome... to the June edition of HSN.

For distribution and any other County Office matters please use: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk

email me, Tall Paul (Jon), now with all your photos, articles, adverts and roll of honour for the next edition of HSN hsn@scouts-hants.org.uk

Please can you send text in a Word doc or in an email photos as an attachment jpeg file.

Cheers TP

The deadline for articles for the July issue of HSN is Sunday 7th July. Please ensure that you have permission from all people included in photo’s, before sending them to us.

Photography Acknowledgements

Where we can, we strive to acknowledge the owner or source of pictures used in this publication. We accept that pictures on public and social media sites are for sharing. We use them under the terms ‘for Scouting use only’. If you would like pictures acknowledged, please let us know the owners name when submitting. Thank you.

About Us

Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 16,000 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

Join Us

To join the adventure of Scouting whether as a Adult or Young person fill in the form at: www.Scouts.org.uk/join or email: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk or phone us on: 02380 847847

contents 05, Adam’s bit

Scouting For All.

06, New In Basingstoke New Group Launched.

08, Royal Recognition Lee Craven.

10, Petersfield Cubs

Tracking Competition 2013.

11, JOTT

Jamboree On The Trail.

12, World Scout Jamboree 2015 News.

13, 2nd Fareham Sea Scouts Mark A Milestone.

14, Trak Cart & Shieldhall Dates For The Diary.

15, Ambassador Challenge


16, D of E


17, County Network Camp

online scout manager Online Scout Manager is a free tool to help you to manage your entire section or group online - badge records, termly programmes, evening attendance, camps and events, and more!! It has been developed by a Scout Leader for Scout Leaders. Since its launch at Easter, it has over 5,300 groups and 24,000 users using it. It is incredibly easy to use and is even suitable for the technophobes amongst us! If you have any questions or suggestions, please email: ed@onlinescoutmanager.co.uk

Captain ketch’s Big Adventure.

County Award presentation.

& Whats coming up...

19, An Interview

With Alastair Bruce.

21, “Release The Cars”

Winchesters First pinewood Derby.

22, County Diary

12th June to 13th July

23, Activity Leadership Courses 2013.

23, Emlym

A Twenty-four Year Hike.

28, Ferny Crofts Open Day 29th June, £1 a ticket.

Scouting for All

I believe that every young person aged 6 and above should have the opportunity to join Scouting and benefit from the adventure, fun and friendship that it offers.

Not just those who’ll become Olympians or consultant surgeons – though them as well. Not only those who can afford the international expeditions or live near a great Scout Group. And not just those who fit our views of what a Scout should look like. If we believe that Scouting has something great and unique to offer young people and that we should try to reach the 90% of young people who aren’t currently participating - then we may need to think differently in some cases. We might need to offer Scouting on their terms rather than our terms – without of course forgetting our fundamental values. And that’s going to be challenging for us personally, as well as being potentially very rewarding.

How can we enable young people with special needs to participate in Scouting – either as part of mainstream provision, or specialist Groups, or both? This could range from providing one-to-one support to enable a young person to take part in evening meetings or camps, to establishing Scouting in children’s hospital wards.

What do we need to do to encourage more young people from different faiths and ethnic backgrounds to join Scouting? Again this could vary from being sensitive to different religions or backgrounds in regular Scouting activities, to starting specialist Scout Groups for different communities or faiths - just as we already have church- sponsored Groups.

Can we develop Scouting on the inner-city streets, in the tower blocks and across the sprawling council estates, where even affording the uniform may be a challenge, let alone the camps or activities?

This is all about inclusion and diversity. Like many others, I watched the Olympics and Paralympics and marvelled at how inclusive they were. Sadly, Scouting is not as diverse as our communities or schools – or even as we would like it to be. Although anyone can in principle join, there are barriers of both perception and reality and this means that many young people from different backgrounds do not join. Is this perhaps because they feel Scouting would not welcome them on their terms, and should it be us that reaches out the hand of friendship? Over the coming months, we’re going to be developing a number of initiatives to make Hampshire Scouting more inclusive and diverse. We’re already talking with the Bridging Workers from Hampshire County Council about helping more young people with special needs join Scouting; we recently opened a Muslim Scout Group in Basingstoke; and we’re building links with charities to secure grants to support local Scouting in areas of real need. I believe that every young person aged 6 and above should have the opportunity to join Scouting and benefit from the adventure, fun and friendship that it offers.

Do you?


County Commissioner Hampshire Scouting

New In Basingstoke A Muslim Scout Group has launched in Basingstoke – the first to open in Hampshire. The new group, which runs at Aldworth Science College, in Western Way, has 17 members made up of Beavers and Cubs, who made their promise at a special ceremony.

The Scouting movement launched a campaign several years ago to recruit more Muslim volunteers to cut long waiting lists. Keith Hawkins, from Basingstoke East Scouts, said a need for a Muslim group had been identified in Basingstoke. The new group has been set up with leaders who have come forward from the local Muslim community. He believes that many Muslims are not aware of the opportunities provided by Scouting. It joins more than 30 Muslim Scout groups in the UK. Andy Cullen, Basingstoke East Scout District Commissioner, said: “This is a fantastic new venture. We are helping to bring Scouting to all communities in Basingstoke. “We want to give more young people the opportunities to experience what Scouting offers and that is something very special, giving the fun, challenge and excitement that young people crave. “Scouting is modern and relevant to society today. It crosses all boundaries and we welcome young people, both boys and girls, from all backgrounds.” By Emily Roberts, Chief Reporter Sourced from http://www.thisishampshire.net

s t n e m t n i o p p new A pshire in Ham Last editions Appointments

Anna Dalrymple - DC Fareham East - dc.farehameast@scouts-hants.org.uk Julie Jacobs - Deputy DC Basingstoke West Michael Drain - County Explorer Leader

! ccess u S t ea r G reat Fun. isdsA y b r G De d n a y e w k Cro

Diloliannt Sunshine, Record Br

The 18th Donkey Derby proved to be even more successful than last year’s record event. 4300 people made their way to Eling Recreation Ground, to enjoy our big fundraising event. They weren’t disappointed, as the Donkeys proved to be even more playful than ever and even more unwilling to complete the course. James Ketchell opened the event, taking time out from his preparations for cycling across America, and entertained the crowds, especially the children. Of course none of this would happen without the hundreds of hours put in by our volunteers, before, during and after the event - a big ‘Thank You’ to them for all their hard work which resulted in record receipts, helping us complete our new HQ, Aquativity, at Testwood Lakes. www.elingseascouts.org.uk www.facebook.com/Tottondonkeyderby

Lee Craven Received

Royal Recognition

From Kate Middleton

National Scouts St Georges Day at Windsor Castle with Kate Middleton. It was a wonderful and inspirational day at Windsor Castle celebrating all the amazing Scouting achievements, with the QSA holders, Gallantry and Adult awards. It was very moving to hear all the stories of bravery and courage of the youth Gallantry awards. Lee Craven from Bramshill Hook Explorers, received royal recognition from Kate Middleton for his Silver Cross Gallantry Award. He had also got his QSA but found out he couldn’t march and stand in the Gallantry section on the same day. He achieved his Silver Cross for his incredible efforts, single handedly saving his friends life by rescuing him from beneath a frozen canal, where he had fallen and treated him for hypothermia. The Duchess of Cambridge devoted so much time and attention to everyone she met and spoke to and certainly was an excellent role model. Lee said “It was great that Kate Middleton appreciates my award. I felt honoured that someone so high up can see and wants to hear about what I’ve done and she encourages those who don’t have that motivation to go do something different that will change something .“Kate Middleton said to Lee, “we can do things alone but if we work together we will get a great success.” Lee reflected that “the day made me open my eyes a bit more and realise that life is what you make of it and the more you put in the more you get out. For me this is just the opening of a new chapter and who knows what adventure I will embark on next”. Sky News: http://news.sky.com/story/1081081/kate-middleton-a-role-model-for-scouts ITV News: http://www.itv.com/news/story/2013-04-21/kate-hands-out-scouting-honours/

Can You help? Ferny Crofts needs volunteers to help maintain the site.

Are you able and willing and have skills in any of the following areas? Painting and decorating,

plastering, plumbing, carpentry, groundworks or gardening?

We have a friendly group of volunteers who meet every Wednesday. We provide you with food throughout the day and pay travel expenses.

Ferny Crofts, Beaulieu Road, Beaulieu, Hampshire, SO42 7YQ. T: 02380 845092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk


petersfield district cubs tracking competition 2013

The inaugural George Pickup trophy competition took place at the Queen Elizabeth Country Park. George was a key member of Scouting within Petersfield for many years and helped to re-establish the Cub Scout Tracking competition after a trophy was discovered which had lain hidden in a cupboard for 25 years. Since 2007 the Cub section and Fellowship (now Active Support Unit) have organized an annual event where the Packs come together to test their tracking, observation and compass skills, gaining points towards the trophy. Despite the rather chilly, damp weather Cub Scouts from Liphook, Liss, Petersfield and Sheet enjoyed a fun afternoon hunting down animal tracks, navigating through the woodlands and following trails. The afternoon ending with a geo-cache challenge for each of the Packs. The eventual winners were 1st Petersfield with a combined team from Adhurst and Broadlands Packs of 1st Sheet as runners up. Shirley Pickup came along to see the refurbished trophy, which was presented by John Slater, acting District Commissioner. Thanks for the Scout Active Support Unit for all their help in organizing this popular event. Melanie Robinson – Assistant District Commissioner Cub Scouts

JOTT Jamboree On The Trail and created a recording of their take on the Harlem Shake… The Tennyson Shake? We headed on for the Needles and the old Needles Battery, where we visited the IOW rocket testing site, and found out about the UK space programme and saw a model of the only British satellite launched by a British rocket from this site in 1971. It is no longer in use but passes overhead twice a day.

Jamboree On The Trail was a very wet day on the mainland, however on the IOW, the sun shone…all day! Members from all sections of 1st Milton/3rd New Forest South, alongside 2 NFS Exporer units (Jolly Follies and Wetlands), took part in JOTT, during Walk the Wight fortnight.

We then headed down to Alum Bay, visiting the glass factory, the gift shop and the sweet factory (I think their pocket money was burning a hole in their pockets). They were ready for this little bit of respite after their 7 mile walk. All in readiness to catch the bus back to the Ferry – Thank You Southern Vectis Bus Company.

By ferry we travelled to Yarmouth; the Explorers navigated and led the group along our hike around the West of the Isle of Wight. We went along coastal routes and rights of way (the cubs found it bizarre that rights of way took them through 2 peoples gardens), towards Freshwater Bay. From Freshwater Bay, we pointed them in the direction of Tennyson Down. Coming from a very flat New Forest, they were not used to walking up any sort of hill (they said it was a mountain). They walked forwards, backwards, log rolled, sat down (a lot), tripped, ran, and occasionally walked, but eventually made it to the top of Tennyson Down, next to Tennyson’s Monument where we had lunch

While the younger scouters were enjoying themselves at Alum Bay, the Explorers, Four from Jolly Follies ESU and six from Wetlands ESU, were waved off after their lunch (some cooked quality curries on trail stoves) on their way back to the Ferry on foot, finishing off their 14 mile trip. We all met back in Yarmouth in time for our sailing, while we were waiting we entertained the locals by breaking in to games of charades, dance and song (if not loud and slightly out of key!). The trip back to Lymington on the Ferry was a little subdued, but we had lots of very happy scouters and leaders. Looking forward to taking part again next year (always held the 2nd weekend in May, find out more www.jott.org.uk). Akela - 3rd New Forest South

Mayor Making Ceremony

For the first time ever, Portsmouth Scouts were invited to nominate a Scout to be a Mayoral Cadet at this years Mayor Making Ceremony. At very short notice Delyth Hartley of the 62nd was able to represent us. She did the District proud. Giving out programmes before the ceremony, carrying the mace in the Mayoral procession, and being presented with a framed certificate to mark the occasion. When I spoke with her after the ceremony she described the occasion as “absolutely awsome�! Ron Jacobs, District Commissioner


Are you currently aged between 12 & 15 years old? Would you like to meet Scouts and Guides from other Countries? Do you want a life changing experience? The World Scout Jamboree is an opportunity for young people to meet scouts and guides from across the world. These events are very special and only happen once every four years. Hampshire Scouting are looking for 90 young people to be part of the next United Kingdom contingent attending the Jamboree in Japan in 2015, comprising three units from Hampshire, Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands. What should you do next? Complete the application form and follow the instructions. Good luck! Any questions please send to: hamjapan2015@gmail.com An application form can be downloaded from: www.hampshirescouts.org.uk/?id=419

2nd Fareham Sea Scouts mark a milestone A Scout group has celebrated 100 years of offering Scouting to their community. Members believe they may now have the oldest Scout-owned headquarters in Hampshire. The 2nd Fareham Sea Scout Group marked its personal milestone at their annual general meeting at its headquarters in Lower Quay, Fareham. The group purchased the 17th century building in 2012, but has been renting it from Fareham Borough Council for the last 50 years. Hampshire Scouts County Commissioner, Adam Jollans presented a centenary plaque on behalf of the county and said it was the first time he had given a centenary plaque where the headquarters was older than the group. Planning approval has been granted to restore the premises to make it fit for the group’s purposes. Members aim to create a timeline with pictures and memories and want to hear from anyone with previous connections to the group. Write to the 2nd Fareham Sea Scout Group, Locks Yard, Lower, Quay, Fareham PO16 ORA or log on to www.2ndfareham.org

County Scouts Summer Camp 17-24 August 2013 at Lyons Copse

County Camp is for Scouts, Patrols and Troops who would not otherwise benefit from a weeks Summer Camp. This opportunity is ideal If you cannot arrange a camp, where you haven’t enough leaders,where you would like to learn more about running a camp or where you don’t have a Camping Permit. Scouts are welcome with or without Leaders, but Leaders and Young Leaders are very welcome and will be fully involved running the week of activities. Scouts will be camping in Patrols and will be cooking their own meals under supervision with food provided. If you would like to know more or like provisional book places contact: hantsscouts@gmail.com An Information Pack is can be downloaded from: www.hampshirescouts.org.uk/index.php?id=332

Hampshire Trek Cart th th 5 - 7 July It’s time to get your teams fit again! The annual challenging and exciting Trek Cart event is back! Who can enter: Scouts, Explorer and Network. When: 5th and 7th July 2013 camping from friday night at Cricket Campsite Race: 6th and 7th July 2013 at Manor Country Park. Cost: £18 per Scouts, Explorer, Network. £10 Leaders. (Race Entry is £10 Per Cart All Sections). We can only make this event a success if we have adults to help us on the day. Any adults who would like to be part of the Trek Cart team to support the event and be available to undertake marshalling of other jobs to make it run smoothly. Application forms are now available from this website with details on how to build your very own Trek Cart: www.hampshirescouts.org.uk/explorer.php?id=414

The “Shieldhall” Experience Heritage Adventure Training Cruise Saturday 27th July 2013 This exciting new venture, which is in part supported by Heritage Lottery Funding, is principally designed to give young people and especially those who have already undertaken one of our “Shieldhall” Experience seamanship training courses (but not restricted to), the opportunity of undertaking a short sea voyage on a large ocean going ship and learning just a little bit more about the many special skills and disciplines necessary to safely operate and navigate such a vessel. Participants will be required to be onboard the ship by 10.00 and return to the berth is planned for 15.00 and participants will be able to depart ship shortly thereafter. During the cruise there will be the opportunity to visit the bridge and the main machinery spaces, which with the ship in steam will be quite an eye-opening and never to be forgotten experience for these young people. There will be various instructional sessions on different aspects of seamanship ongoing about the ship during the day and the possibility exists for the ship to drop anchor, may-be carry out a “man o’board” exercise or even an “abandon ship” drill. Due to the support given by H.L.F., we are able to offer Hampshire Scouts the opportunity of taking part in this epic event at the remarkably low price of just £15/scout based on a group booking of 10 or more participants. For smaller numbers the price will be £16.50/scout. Accompanying leaders / adults are free on a 1:6 ratio basis or £20/ hd over and above this ratio. For more information please visit www.ss-shieldhall.co.uk and click on the link to “Courses”. It is recommended, in order to avoid disappointment, that bookings be made as early as possible via : Barry Quest, Ticket Manager. Tel.0844 357 2329 or go to tickets@ss-shieldhall.co.uk

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o celebrate the launch of our first Hampshire Ambassador, every person in the county has the chance to complete the Captain Ketch Challenge. The challenge has been designed by the Youth Council and the Programme Team, and should inspire young people to be active on their bikes as well as follow James’ progress on his global cycle ride. The Challenge requires participants to complete 5 activities in their section, and can be done by individuals or groups. Once you or your section has completed the challenge, you will be able to apply for your badges by emailing youth.council@scouts-hants.org.uk. Badges will cost £1 plus p&p and the sale of these will go to supporting James’ chosen charity, ELIFAR, which helps disabled children and young adults. We will also be trying to log all the miles cycled by Hampshire Scouts between 30th June and 31st December, as we will try to cycle the equivalent distance as a county as James will do 18,000 miles. Once you have completed a bike ride then please log your miles by emailing: youth.council@scouts-hants.org.uk and say how many of you took part. Group contacts will be sent a copy of the challenge details, and can also access this through the website www.hampshirescouting.org.uk or by emailing youth.council@scouts-hants.org.uk To find out about James and his adventures in Scouting and around the world, follow:

@captainketch on Twitter or visit www.jamesketchell.net

County Award presentation


n May 2013 just over 60 young people and 162 guests, including proud parents, attended the annual Duke of Edinburgh’s Award County presentation, hosted by Ballard School, New Milton.

For those who gained their Gold DofE Awards, a Hampshire County presentation is being held at the Great Hall in Winchester on 5 July 2013. They will be invited to a national presentation at St James’ Palace in due course.

At the presentation DofE Award certificates were given to those from the New Forest area who had gained their Bronze or Silver Awards in the last 12 months. These included participants from 1st Sandleheath Sea Scouts, Lyndhurst Explorer Scouts, Poulner Explorer Scouts and Wetlands Explorer Scouts.

Some people say “why do The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award?” well the answer is: Because, from the first day to the last it’s a real adventure. Every section gives you something different - that’s the fun of it and it is aimed at all 14-25 year olds!

Christian Scott, DofE South East Regional Director, presented the certificates and congratulated all the participants on their hard work and commitment.

You’ll enjoy loads of new experiences, discover talents you never thought you had, challenge yourself and meet loads of people just like you. Plus you’ll do things you love and get a kick out of.

It’s a real buzz! Then there’s all the other stuff… …achieving an Award will give you skills, confidence and a view on life that everyone is looking for, from employers to colleges and universities. ...you’re getting recognised for doing things you want to do (and may even be doing already). ...you’ll make a difference to other people’s lives and your community, be fitter and healthier, make new friends and have memories to last you a lifetime. And above all, it’s a great laugh - the question should really be why wouldn’t you? Doing your DofE really does give you the skills for life and work.

Find out more speak to your Explorer leader or email: dofe@scouts-hants.org.uk


county network camp kaboom Scout Network would love to say, we had an awesome time at the county network camp. It was great to meet the Networks from New Forest North, Fareham east and Fareham west. The Saturday was great competing in various sports (even though i think everbody felt the effects of it the next day). we would like to say a huge thank you to the organisers of this weekend and that we look forward to seeing you all again very soon and other Networks from around the county.

Thank you once more from Kaboom Network of Itchen North and South!

Coming up this summer... MAD: 28 - 30 June, £30 - https://www.essexscouts.org.uk/events/mad Trek Cart: 5 - 7 July 2013, £18 - http://www.hampshirescouts.org.uk/explorer.php?id=414 Intense: 13 - 15 September 2013, £30 - http://intense.uk.net/

Join US

www.hampshirescouting.org.uk/network Hampshire Scout Network e: scout.network@scouts-hants.org.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/2381008750/?ref=ts&fref=ts (Scout Network Hampshire) t: 02380 847847 w: Scouts-hants.org.uk/network


his month, Captain Ketch will set off on his global challenge, to cycle around the world. All members of Hampshire Scouting are being encouraged to join in the adventure, and the Captain ketch Ambassador Challenge is a perfect way for everyone from Beavers to Scout Active Support to take part in the fun.

For the more adventurous, there is a chance to cycle with Captain Ketch on the first day of his challenge; leaving from the Royal Observatory in Greenwich Park on 30th June at midday, to cycle to Dover on the first leg of the journey. To prepare Captain Ketch for his challenge, he has been out and about in the month of May meeting scouts from across the county. Captain Ketch has spent time with the Kings Somborne scout group, met cub scouts in Hook, who are working on an art project related to the adventure, and spoken to scouts in Blackfield. Captain Ketch also spent a day at the Eling Donkey Derby, where he commentated on races and presented awards, as well as went into the stocks to get sponged by the public. After all of this, Captain Ketch went to meet with the members of the New Forest South District Youth Council, to share his stories and adventures, and has fitted in a trip to the 2nd Rowner Cub Scouts to talk about “doing our best”.

You can follow Captain Ketch’s adventures on twitter @captainketch or through his website www.jamesketchell.net

Hampshire Scout

Mountaineering Team www.hsmt.info

h t i W w e i An Interv

e c u r B r i a t s Ala


s was reported in last month’s HSN, when Alastair Bruce agreed to become a Hampshire Scouting Ambassador, we asked that some young people could interview him. He readily agreed and this was set up to happen at Highclere Castle, the location for Downton Abbey, whilst the crew were on site recording the next series. Tilly, Charlotte, Andrew and Peter went along for the day and had a wonderful time, meeting members of the cast, as well as looking around the set, and having a “film crew” lunch. The interview took place in the crew bus, here is what Alastair had to say: Tilly

1, Being a reporter, you get to travel, where is the most memorable place you have been to? First of all I do not like to refer to myself as a reporter, more as a commentator, but the most memorable place I have visited is Rome, this year, at the beginning of the conclave. I feel it to be a privilege to tell a story to people listening on radios, or watching on a TV, who are unable to be there, and to put a picture in their mind of the wonders of what is happening. My memorable part whilst in Rome was when the new Pope, Pope Francis the 1st was elected, to hear the people shout “fumo bianco, fumo bianco” (white smoke) repetitively so loudly and in such a force, it was magnificent. I was also so thrilled for my friend Jean-Louis Pierre Tauran, who announced the new Pope, while he has Parkinsons, he announced perfectly and I am thrilled that he was able to do so.

2, What inspired you and how did you become an expert on etiquette? I prefer to refer to etiquette as protocol, it is not out of politeness that something is done it is out of protocol, and we all live by protocol. When I was a young child, one of my Fathers friends came for a lunch, he was an admiral, terrifying, but wonderful. His uniform was grand, full of medals, swords, colours, it was marvellous. He came up to me and hugged me; I was struck by this moment and the neatness of the way he presented himself. After that meeting I had a postman’s outfit, and adapted it to look as marvellous as his. Ever since then I have had an eye for detail, it is just so interesting. Reading and researching about the correct protocol for a given time period (Downton Abbey is the 1900’s) not only allows me to expand on my knowledge, but it also allows me to adapt it to a house situation.


1, Of all the work you have done in TV and film, what have you enjoyed the most? I think that would have to be my 1st documentary in 1993, Days of Majesty for the Queens 40th anniversary of her coronation. I had a dream and it got commissioned in film, not digital, which creates a delicious lustre of colour. 2, Where did your interest in Royalty come from? I have a fascination with the evolution of Kinship. How does society decide how we are led? The Saxons would have a Witanegemot, who would elect a descendant of their God Woden to rule them. When the Queen’s father died an accession council met and elected Princess Elizabeth as Queen, similar to the Saxons. I’m just fascinated. 3, You spoke about how the “Days of Majesty” film was your dream come true, what advice would you give to others on reaching their dreams? Life is a conspiracy against dreams. People like your parents, friends and school, try and steer you in other directions. Why? Because they care. What did you want to do when you were 8? Listen to those who care, but try and use what you wanted to do as a child as a guide, before anyone tried to steer you.


1, What inspired you to be a Hampshire Scout Ambassador? It was privilege to Alastair Bruce for being asked by Peter Moody (Hampshire Scouts County Chairman) to become a Hampshire Scout Ambassador. Alastair Bruce’s Father before he passed away was our first Hampshire Scouting Chairman. Alastair was encouraged to be part of Hampshire Scouting by his father. 2, What would you offer to support Hampshire Scouting; as you are our Hampshire Scout Ambassador? I am enthusiastic about scouting and have become a chairman for Reserve Forces and Cadets Association. My father was Chairman of Hampshire scouts many years ago which inspired me to join Hampshire Scouting. 3, Have you ever been in scouting during your childhood? No, I wasn’t involved in scouting in my childhood, but am trying to make up for it now.

“release the cars” Winchester District Scouts First Pinewood Derby


inchester District Scouts held its first ever Pinewood Derby at the Henry Beaufort School. It was a big success with the whole age range from Beavers to parents making pinewood kit racing cars to enter the series of knockout races, a Grand Prix final ‘fastest racer’ and series of ‘best in class’ competitions. Pinewood Derby racing is popular in the US and Canada and has a big following within Petersfield Scouts. This encouraged Winchester Scouts District Activity Support Unit to use it as an event to raise awareness and promote the needs of the new welfare and accommodation facilities building project, which shortly commences at its well used Winchester Pinsent Camp. In a Pinewood Derby a participant buys a kit comprising a pre cut piece of pine wood, four wheels and four screws to make a racing car in any form, shape and colour so long as it fits within size and weight limitations. The racers are started 6 at a time from a trigger start at the top of a precision made straight track and by gravity run down a steep incline onto the flat to race to the finish line where they are electronically logged first to last. Points are awarded to determine those going forward in the knock out process. A ‘scrutineering’ session was held and immediately an amazing selection of racers produced for this very first event was revealed. It was clear a lot of effort by parents and children had gone into the ideas and

manufacture. Each car was weighed and measured at a series of check-in tables to ensure compliance with the strict rules and given a unique race number. The organising team awarded best in class prizes across a field of nearly 100 entrants for best idea, most entertaining concept, best painted, most realistic and futuristic styling as each car passing scrutiny was put into ‘parc ferme’ overnight. Saturday’s event was attended by nearly 200 scouting members and supporters with side tables serving hot food and running fund raising competitions. The track took centre stage and the audience sat alongside cheering and even doing a mexican wave. Master of ceremonies Colin Brooks amused the audience and called for a count down to trigger the starter Richard Tate to “release the cars” for each race. Sydenham Timber Merchants of Winchester sponsored supply of the wood for 500 kits. Harestock Garage sponsored the main Grand Prix trophy awarded to William, pictured, from 14th Winchester Scouts, (his dad was a race winner too) and Harestock Lodge sponsored the cups for the Beavers Cubs and Scouts. The ‘best in class’ medals benefited from sponsorship by the Sir James Scott Memorial Fund. District Commissioner Stephen Parker, who will oversee the Pinsent new build project thanked everyone for their efforts and expects planning for Winchester Pinewood Derby 2014 to start straightaway.

Mutiny on deck as impatient cubs await pancakes. Cubs at Cubjam, which took place at Gilwell Park, made delicious pancakes for the Group. Jakki Holland, DC Odiham

y r a i D y t n u o C Wednesday, 12 June Cty Comms team meet Friday, 14 June Exp YL training Saturday, 15 June Exp YL training Cty Act Dinghy Sailing Activity Permit Assessment Day AT Modules 5 & 7 Sunday, 16 June Exp YL training Thursday, 20 June County AGM Thursday, 27 June Cty Core-team meet Friday, 28 - 30 June MAD Saturday, 29 June Cty Act Rafting Activity Permit Assessment (afternoon only) County Scout Network Review

Friday, 5 July 19:30 - DofE Gold Award Presentation Saturday, 6 July Cty Act Sailing Regatta AT Module 30 Sunday, 5-7 July Sct Exp Net Trek Cart Friday, 12 July Exp UK Gilwell 24 Battle of Boyne Day (N. Ireland) Saturday, 12-14 July Exp UK Gilwell 24

Saturday 13 July Cty Act Powerboating Activity Permit Assessment Day SS Shieldhall Training Day Net Suisse Adventure Network final planning day KEY - Cty = County - AT = Adult Training - UK = National - YP = Youth Programme

- Sct = Scouts - Exp = Explorers - YL = Young Leader - Net = Network - Act = Activity

Activity Leadership Courses 2013 9 June 2013


Activity Leadership Courses

Climbing (Walls & Towers) Activity Permit Assessment

£25 per person

Ferny Crofts

15 June 2013

Dinghy Sailing Permit Assessment Day (to lead one boat only)

£25 per person

29 June 2013 (afternoon only)

Rafting Permit Assessment Day

£15 per person

25th Southampton HQ, Crosshouse Hard, Crosshouse Road. Lakeside, Eastleigh Lakes, Eastleigh

13 July 2013

Powerboating Permit Assessment Day

£25 per person

14 July 2013

BCU Foundation Safety & Rescue Training Course

8 September 2013

BCU Foundation Safety & Rescue Training Course

13-15 September 2013

NSRA Air Rifle Instructor Course

£30 per person + BCU registration £30 per person + BCU registration £130 per person

12-15 September 2013 (arrive Thur eve)

Mountain Leader Award Training or Assessment Summer (part 1 of 2)

£275 per person for both weekends

25th Southampton HQ, Crosshouse Hard, Crosshouse Road. Lakeside, Eastleigh

Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk Joan Veal T: 01489 782804 E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk W: http://www.hampshirescouting. org/activities.php?id=325 Joan Veal T: 01489 782804 E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk W: http://www.hampshirescouting. org/activities.php?id=325 Joan Veal T: 01489 782804 E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk W: http://www.hampshirescouting. org/activities.php?id=325 Joan Veal T: 01489 782804 E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk

Lakeside, Eastleigh

Joan Veal T: 01489 782804 E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk

Ferny Crofts

Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk

North Wales

12-15 September 2013 (arrive Thur eve) 12-15 September 2013 (arrive Thur eve) 12-15 September 2013 (arrive Thur eve) 13-15 September 2013 (arrive Fri eve) 12-15 September 2013 (arrive Thur eve) 5-6 October 2013 5-6 October 2013 12-13 October 2013 10-13 October 2013 (arrive Thur eve) 10-13 October 2013 (arrive Thur eve) 10-13 October 2013 (arrive Thur eve)

Walking Group Leader Award Training or Assessment

£135 per person

North Wales

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk

Single Pitch Award (Climbing) Training or Assessment

£115 per person

North Wales

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk

Hillwalking Terrain 1 or 2 Activity Permit Assessment

£110 per person

North Wales

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk

Hillwalking/Climbing Refresher & Experience weekend

£60 per person

North Wales

National Navigation Award Scheme (Bronze/Silver/Gold) – Training or Assessment GNAS Archery Community Sports Leader Course (part 1 of 2) Bushcraft Course

£115 per person

North Wales

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk

£185 per person for both weekends £65 per person

Ferny Crofts

GNAS Archery Community Sports Leader Course (part 2 of 2) Mountain Leader Award Training or Assessment Summer (part 2 of 2) Walking Group Leader Award Training or Assessment Single Pitch Award (Climbing) Training or Assessment

Ferny Crofts

£185 per person for both weekends £275 per person for both weekends £135 per person

Ferny Crofts

£115 per person

North Wales

North Wales

North Wales

Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk

Hampshire Scout Rifle Club


Hampshire Scout

Caving Club


I recently acquired a book called “A Twenty-four Year Hike” by Charles W Emlyn. Knowing that a Dr. Emlyn had presented the County with a Scout Camping trophy, I thought this too much of a co-incidence regarding the name and so purchased the book. Doing some research with the help of Ken Sherman, our archivist, the following information came to light. Dr. Emlyn lived in Boscombe, which at that time was part of Hampshire County. He was Group Scoutmaster of the 54th Bournemouth in 1929 and became ADC in around 1937. He also gave service to the County, being County Camp Chief in 1921 and was also at one time ACC (Rovers and Training). In 1925 he presented to the County the “Emlyn” Scout trophy for camping skills. June and July is that time of year when District eliminators should be held for the final, which is held in September, so many of you will be honing your skills ready for the coming battle. There are some districts which have not entered the competition for some years, so it would be great to see you getting back into the habit. So, why not start this year? Wherever you go this year, enjoy your camping as Dr. Emlyn would have wished. Richard Spearing, Active Support.




Our Old Badge Hampshire Scout Heritage

The Heritage team has had made a badge depicting the Hampshire Scout Standard, which was carried at all County events up until 1967. For those of you who were at Winchester last year for the service to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, you would have seen Peter Darbyshire carrying it in the parade! The badge is very similar to the Guide Standard badges being produced by the various Divisions around the County. The badges are being sold to raise funds for the Hampshire Scout Heritage and may be purchased by anyone for camp blankets, to go in collections, be given as prizes, but unfortunately they may not be worn on uniform. The badges cost £2 each and may be purchased from various members of the Heritage team. • Ken Sherman

County Office

02380 847 847 (Tuesdays only 9am-3pm)

• John Le Riche


01962 852 650

• Ron Dear


02380 559 724

• Les Grafton


02380 774 198

• Ian Mason Smith


01425 473 949

• Bill Edwards


01425 653 265

• Richard Spearing


02392 382 682

• Brian Calver


01256 782 701

Please give any of them a ring. Badges can be sent by post but please remember to add postal charges.

Summer Fete 2nd Andover Sea Scouts Grand Raffle • Ice Creams • Skittles • Cake Stall • BBQ

Sunday 23rd June 2013 1pm - 4.30pm Amport Green Entrance raffle 50p Scouts/Cubs/Beavers in uniform – Free Entry

Buzz Wire Game • Tombola • Coconut Shy • Push Ball • Tea Tent Amport Village Green (near Andover) SP11 8BA

Ferny Crofts

Open Day

ÂŁ1 a ticket

29th June 2013

g n o l a Come ! o g a e v a h d an d more... Wire, BBQ an p Zi , g n ti oo Sh es, Rafting, ng, High Rop bi m li C , ry rche Abseiling, A

Gates open at 10am and close at 4pm Contact us for more info:



W: P:

023 8084 5092 openday@fernycrofts.org.uk www.fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts, Beaulieu Road, Beaulieu, SO42 7YQ.

Charity Registration Number 1015788

all o t Open

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