Hampshire Scout News - May 2015

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Andy Turpin

After two amazing weeks away there is nothing better than a good shower and a sit down on the sofa. Thanks to all the Suisse13 people Bring on Suisse16! Matt Ford

I had an absolutely amazing time in Switzerland over the past two weeks which I’m never going to forget. Thank you to all who were there to share the experience!

Suisse Adventure Summer 2016 14th – 28th August £650 plus food and additional activities

Open to Hampshire Explorer Scouts and Scout Network

www.sa16.weebly.com 2

May Twenty Fifteen


Welcome to the May’s edition of Hampshire Scout News 2015.

04 Adventure, Leadership and Growing Scouting 06 #nothingsimpossible 12 Spick & Span - 28th Copnor 13 Hampshire Scouts Speak Up 15 Daniel’s Rare Medal... 18 Japan in a Box 22 Scaling New Heights - 1st Aldershot Scouts

26 St George’s Day Awards 2015 34 County Diary

Hampshire Bushcraft & Survival Our Aim: To increase the use of traditional scouting skills, as well as bushcraft and survival By providing outreach sessions to all sections within the Scout Association Through training leaders to enable them to run activities for their own units By running our own activity camps


About Us

Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 17,500 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

Get Involved

To join the adventure of Scouting whether as an Adult or Young person then conact us at: www.scouts.org.uk/join e: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk or t: 023 8084 7847

U Got news For Us?

Do you have a story or success that you’d like to share? Help us to highlight and celebrate your achievements in growth, inclusively, youth shaped and community – email us your team’s successes along with any photos to: county.office@Scouts-hants.org.uk, please keep emails less than 30mb, if they are bigger we can share our Dropbox link with you, please get in touch.

Photography Acknowledgements

Where we can, we strive to acknowledge the owner or source of pictures used in this publication. We use them under the terms ‘for Scouting use only’. If you would like pictures acknowledged, please let us know the owners name when submitting. Thank you.



According to our latest Census, Hampshire Scouting achieved net growth of 0.5% over the last year. This is our tenth successive year of growth for Hampshire Scouting – and we are 30% bigger than we were in 2005. However, our net growth is significantly lower than in recent years, and so we need to look at what the reasons are behind this, and work out what we need to improve on going forwards. One possibility of course is that the problems with Compass and the late decision by HQ to revert to the manual Census has meant that some members have been missed during the count. It might be true – and we have seen a couple of recounts in individual Groups or Units. But I’m always wary of a strategy of accepting numbers when they’re good and suspecting them when they’re bad. Instead we need to dig down deep into the details of the Census. The first step is to realise that this is “net growth” – the difference between the number of people who join Scouting and the number of people who leave Scouting each year. Our “gross growth” was in excess of 11% both this year and last year – consisting mainly of the number of 6 year old Beavers who join each year. But this means that our “gross loss” was around 10% of our members last year – compared to about 8% the previous year. We know that our County Development initiatives are continuing to help Districts open new Colonies, Packs and Troops – and also that six Districts grew more than 5% last year – some of these a lot more. Our problem was that eight Districts declined more than 5% last year as well. We need to analyse the Census in

detail and understand what happened in these Districts – was it that some individual Sections or Units closed, and if so, why ? Or was it a more general decline that happened ? We also need to consider expanding our growth focus to include looking at how to retain young people and adult volunteers in Scouting, as well as recruiting them to join. Retention of young people is essentially about two things – a quality programme, and quality leadership. I see and hear examples every day of amazing adventures and brilliant volunteers in Scouting. We’re doing a lot of things right – and a big thank you to everyone in Hampshire Scouting for all you are doing. But where this doesn’t happen, we start to lose young people. We need to enable every Beaver Colony, every Cub Pack, every Scout Troop, every Explorer Unit, and every Network Unit to offer awesome programmes and have great leaders. That’s our challenge over the coming years, and delivering this will form a key part of our updated strategy, which we’ll be developing over the coming months. If we can achieve this, there are no limits to our growth.

Trek Cart th th 26 - 28 June 2015 Cricket Scout Campsite & Manor Park Open to Scouts, Explorers and Network - £18, Leaders - £10 Race Entry is £15 per cart Pirate themed Booking pack can be download from: http://goo.gl/NBuB5R

for more info please email: trekcart@gmail.com www.hampshirescouts.org.uk


Donate £5 Text ROW 70025

ith HQ on adult training and support, and were present at so many County events - basis from manning information at H0014, to Well as a lot of you will know myself and Captain to keepthe everyone up tent to date on our the launch of new Scout Groups. Ketch are off on a bit of and an adventure, as adventures. I sit and write this we have 12 days to go until we leave for Australia to get ready for the trip. If you or your young people would like to interact So by the time you read this we may well have with us while we are at sea you can tweet us at set off! If all goes to plan and the weather is on @ashandlouuk and @captainketch and we will our side we plan to set off on 8th May you will do our best to reply if we are not too tired. We be able to follow our progress almost live at look forward to being back with you all soon and www.nothings-impossible.co.uk so get ‘dot of course coming to visit lots of you to chat about watching’ on your programs! We will also be our exploits. updating the blog from the ocean, on a regular Ash Wilson

Dear Editor

Scouts Try Out Wheelchair Basketball

One of your Officers, David Stemp, gave me a copy of your magazine Hampshire Scout News. It is good to know that Scouting is still alive & kicking in Hampshire. I joined the Scout movement seventy years ago this month as a Cub Scout in Portsmouth and spent the next twenty years in the Movement. I was a Cub, Scout, Senior Scout, Rover Scout, Scout Leader and Rover Scout Leader, enjoying the great outdoors. Most of that time was with St Wilfreds (21st Portsmouth), Portsmouth Rover Crew and as Rover Crew Leader of RAF Sylt in Germany. Scouting gave me a fantastic start in life, as well as being good fun, helping me to construct a moral framework on which to build my life. It also kept me fit and healthy as well as many skills still useful today. My very best wishes to the Hampshire Scouts of all ages and good luck, happy Scouting for the future.

Yours sincerely, Bob Bravington


May Twenty Fifteen

Around a dozen young people from the 70th Drayton Scouts took on the challenge of wheelchair basketball. The Cub Scouts, aged 8-10, first had to warm up and adapt to being disadvantaged, before taking part in the sport as part of their Disability Awareness Badge. Adult Volunteer, Tabby Ayres, said: “Scouting is committed to diversity and gives young people from all backgrounds the opportunity for fun and adventure. Our current badge has allowed the Cub Scouts to explore a variety of disabilities, and we’ve had a visit from the deaf and blind associations too.” Adele Row added: “Being a parent of a child who is disabled,

it’s fantastic to see how he can still have fun and enjoy taking part with the Scouts. He has grown in confidence, made loads of new friends and he keeps on learning new things.” The match took place at Portchester Community School during the Easter Break (8th April), where the young people first stretched their muscles, learnt how to use a wheelchair, and played an altered version of scarecrow tag. Cub Scout, Rebecca Edwards (aged 9), said: “I was a bit nervous at first, but it was really fun learning how to play games in a wheelchair. I’ve never done anything like this before and neither have my friends.”

Volunteer or join online at www.portsmouthscouts.org.uk

Disability Awareness Activity Badge How to earn your badge Choose one thing to do from each of the four lists. Disability awareness • Explain what a disability is. What are the different types of disability? • Research a famous person with a disability. Make a poster or write about their life and achievements. • Visit a local community building like a library, town hall or cinema. How accessible is it for someone with a disability? Write down what you find out. • Show how you could help someone with a disability to make the Cub Promise. Think of a different example to the ones in steps 2, 3 or 4. Physical disability awareness • Find out about two different aids that can assist a disabled person. How do they help? You could find out about things like wheelchairs, computers, rising chairs or adapted cars. • Find out about three ways to make it easier for a wheelchair user to use public places, like shops, parks, hospitals or libraries. How could your meeting place be made better for a wheelchair user? • Make a sandwich using only one hand or draw a picture using only your feet to hold the pen. Deaf awareness • Learn the alphabet using fingerspelling. Show you understand a word communicated to you using fingerspelling. • Learn a song in Makaton or British Sign Language. • Explain what equipment a deaf person might use in the home. You might look at special features on things like fire alarms, telephones or TVs. • Show how you would approach a deaf person and speak to them so they can lip-read. Sight awareness • Describe two different ways a blind or visually impaired person can read. You could talk about how they would use computers, Braille or Moon. • Explain what guide dogs for blind people do. How are they trained? • Learn and read your name in Braille. • Show how to approach a blind or visually impaired person. How would you identify yourself? Every individual who undertakes an activity badge should face a similar degree of challenge and as a result some requirements may need to be adapted. It is completely acceptable to change some of the requirements of the badges to allow individuals to access the badge (for example where there are special needs, cultural issues, or religious considerations to take into account) and the requirements outlined for activity badges do allow for some flexibility in order to obtain the badge. If you would like help or advice when considering adapting the requirements of a badge please contact UK Headquarters.


Wanted City of Portsmouth, District Treasurer Are you good at keeping track of money? If so, our District Treasurer’s role is just for you. The District Treasurer supports the District Chairman and the District Executive Committee by overseeing the Districts Money. 28th Copnor Scouts have teamed up with the Baffins Pond Association and taken on the challenge of helping to clear away rubbish and plant over 400 trees. The young people, aged 6-14, have spent the past two weekends working together in their local community. Jacob, aged 9, in the pictured said: “It’s great fun helping the environment, learning about the local wildlife and getting really muddy with my friends. Scouting rocks!” The Scout Group have previously helped Hampshire Police to hand out colourful wristbands to reunite lost children with shoppers, and soon plan to take part in Home Cook Love.

“Scouts provide young people with somewhere safe to go where they can develop their self-esteem, mix with people from all walks of life and gain a sense of adventure that is not always possible.” 82 per cent of Scouts and 90 per cent of adult volunteers take part in community service or volunteering activities at least once a year. And Scouts are more likely to volunteer for groups outside of Scouting, than young people not involved in the Movement.

Leader, Daniel Bishop, said: “Volunteering has been a brilliant experience for me. It’s given me lots of new and transferable skills, and I think the Community Impact Badge brings huge Parent, Sarah Williams, said: benefits to the Scouts too.”

Although the “executive” bit in our committee’s title makes it sound very formal, it is actually not like that at all! Our committee is made up of parents of children from within our Scout Groups. This is a rewarding role and is ideal for someone who would like to support Scouting but not by working directly with young people. If you are comfortable working with figures then why not support the growth and development of young people and our leadership team by taking on this vital role. Call Dee Edwards on: 078 4243 6772 (Voicemail Service) or email: recruitment@portsmouthscouts.org.uk

Gone Home

We are sad to announce the death of Nick Brisland, a member of Kaboom Itchen North Network Cell, taken from us far too early. Nick was a joyful, caring and popular young man, well known for entertaining audiences as part of Roverang’s adult cast and sketch team. The outpouring of emotion in the last few days is a testament to his character and his memory will live on in our hearts. Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this difficult time.

vice decided to follow ad e w , se ur co p U k ts Spea e sent in the the Hampshire Scou edia skills, we wer M w ne r ou ith Having just been on w med ed. for our first job. Ar had just been open ny lo co er and badger our DC av Be w l where a brand ne direction of Crondal the help of County in d lle ca m ha di O much ting list, 28th eeting to see how g a substantial wai m in s ld nt ho re p pa ou a gr e se th ni With n, to orga cided that r, Vanessa Slawso so positive it was de as w ke ta up e Th Development Office . lony be for a second co 2015. support there would in opened January ny lo co e Th d. ea e it would go ah sed the adults mak es itn w e w e, ac pl t in hy they of the jigsaw was pu to ask the adults w ty rd March the final piece ni rtu po op e th 3 On we took munity spirit During the evening r all relating to com ila m si tly os m e their Scout promise. lved er eviously been invo ers we got back w pr sw d an ha e ith Th w . e ed ok lv sp vo got in hearing e adults we words that we kept ng back. Two of th e hi et Th m e. so nc ng rie vi pe gi ex d st an are rs this was their fir hat Beaver Scouts he w ot r be fo to t ls s hi en w pp g ha tin in Scou hich just so “fun”, “friendship” w e er w er ov d an er ov all about. aver tting up this new Be se at th as w n io in e overall op worth it. the new leaders, th training, has all been of t bi a d an ls ai After discussing with me em d straightforward. So colony was easy an


couting Ambassador & Serial adventurer James Ketchell dropped into the Group’s St. George’s Camp, camp held at Harry’s island near Burley in the New Forest, to surprise Daniel and present him with the medal for Meritorious Conduct, one of only nine presented to young people in Scouting this year. Presenting the award, James read from a letter sent by Chief Scout Bear Gryll’s which said “Your story is an inspiration to so many and personifies all that is best about Scouting. You are a shining example and your contribution and devotion to Scouting is such an inspiration to me and many others, you should be rightly proud.” Daniel, a seconder in blue six, was diagnosed with a rare high grade soft tissue sarcoma of the kidney eight months ago but hasn’t let it get in the way of him continuing to live life to the full. He participates in a scheme at Southampton hospital called ‘Beads of Courage’. A different glass bead is given to him for each different part of his treatment journey. Dan decided to use the beads to help him gain his collectors badge. He explained to the other Cubs how each bead represented a treatment – He has collected over 400 beads and has threaded them onto a string. This is now over 13 feet long!

The annual St George’s day camp enabled Daniel and the rest of the Group to build on their camp craft skills through games and activities, before settling in for a barbeque and talk by Hampshire Scouting ambassadors James Ketchell and Ash Wilson on their plan to row 4,000 miles across the Indian Ocean starting next week. Adam Jollans,County Commissioner also joined the Group for its afternoon of activities. Tim Reed, Group Scout Leader, nominated Daniel for the award saying “He has had to confront and contend with a huge amount of medical intervention, this has had a massive impact on his life and yet he remains positive and cheerful. He has shown great courage in the face of severe medical difficulties and those who know him, admire his positive outlook to life - this strength of character, has been a great comfort to his family at a very difficult time, it is also a wonderful lesson for the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Leaders that know him - he truly is a role model for us all”. Daniel said of receiving the award “I’m proud to have received it in front of my friends, it makes me feel special”. Tim Reed GSL, 1st Fordingbridge Scout Group.

Pioneer Activity Badge Make your own rope, perhaps using a rope machine or working with a friend. Tie a simple lashing.

Older Cub Scouts from Packs around Petersfield District were given a taster of the adventure awaiting them when they move on to join their Scout troops in the coming months. A special Adventure Day for the Sixers was organised by Melanie Robinson, Assistant District Commissioner for Cubs. 36 youngsters from 7 Cub Packs based in East Hants Villages, Liphook, Liss, Petersfield and Sheet descended on Portsmouth Watersport Centre for an action packed day. They had the opportunity to scale a climbing wall, work as a team

to negotiate a ‘spiders web’ and make a ‘leap of faith’ scaling a 30ft pole then diving across to grab a trapeze. They also used their knowledge of knots and lashings to design and build huge karts from pioneering poles, wood and rope which they could then race against each other. The sun shone all day and the Cubs worked enthusiastically in teams, taking on new challenges and making new friends. Photos: Showing group who had been doing climbing and those who had been building karts.

Show how you would: tie three different knots, such as a reef, figure of eight, sheet bend or bowline make one hitch, such as a clove hitch, round turn and two half-hitches or a cow hitch. Take part in a knot game. Build an indoor pioneering project using simple knots and lashings. https://members.scouts.org.uk

15th Chandler’s Ford cub pack in Hampshire have won a national competition to find the best mapmaking Scouts in Great Britain. Winning Scout Groups were announced at the Outdoor Adventure & Travel Show in London in February. The competition was a collaboration between Scouting Magazine and SplashMaps the award winning fabric map makers. It involved Scout Groups all over the country pitting their cartographic wits against each other by submitting one map design of their own choice per Group. The winning group received a dozen SplashMaps fabric maps, which are focused on their locations and contain their Group name and insignia. David Overton, SplashMaps’ MD comments,

We’ve been very impressed with both the number of Groups entering and the standard of the entries themselves. The Scout Association judged the maps on the basis of cartographic style, imagination, innovation and ease of use, and our winner demonstrated a high level of skill across the categories. I’m sure 15th Chandler’s Ford cub pack will enjoy using their SplashMaps to explore and, as we make them robust, weatherproof and washable, will continue enjoy them for years to come. SplashMaps are available direct from www.splash-maps.com along with all the latest map news, design tips and our great range of bespoke and destination maps. Follow SplashMaps on twitter.com/ SplashMaps or like us on facebook.com/SplashMaps

Hi, a couple of our cubs have written reports about a visit from Fi, for Japan in a box. The Cubs got to try lots of different activities, dressing up, food, games and craft. They had a great time! I learned lots of things including what they ate, how they lived and about the next jamboree is in Japan! The best bit was spending lots of time with my friends. The soup was horrible but I loved the sweets at the end. From dj On Monday 23rd of March we learnt about Japan. Japan is where the next Scout Jamboree is. We learnt how to sit on the floor, we learnt what they eat and how to dress like someone in Japan. We learnt all we need to know about going to Japan. The talk was fun and exciting. I enjoyed every bit of it. I would like for her to come back after the jamboree to tell us what she did. Was it fun? Was it exciting? Did she have an adventure? That’s what I want to know now.

Jessica Lawton. 6th Gosport Cub Pack.

Hampshire’s World Scout Jamboree Units on a grand day out. A Monopoly run ending in Trafalgar Square. Flappy Fish (Hampshire), Scouts of the Round Table (Hampshire and Isle of Wight), Tea and Biscuits (Hampshire,Bailiwick of Guernsey and Alderney) and BeKeHaBu (Berkshire, Kent, Hampshire and Buckinghamshire).

HSX Cambodia 30 years of exploration

Since HSX was founded in 1986 they have run over 20 international Expeditions for Hampshire Scouts to over 10 different countries on six of the continents. In 2016 to celebrate 30 years of exploration we are heading to Cambodia. Cambodia is rich in culture, with incredible sights, beautiful beaches and a fascinating history. All elements that we wish to explore as well as meeting warm and welcoming people. The expedition aims to send 20 participants with five leaders on this four week expedition over the winter of 2016/17. There will be 18 months of training prior to the expedition focusing on teamwork, personal development and leadership to ensure that members gain as much as possible from the experience. The hope that as well as being a life changing experience for those involved, such experiences and contacts will bring greater understanding, and therefore tolerance, of the multi-cultural society in which we live today. The expedition aims to continue the HSX tradition of being a life changing experience for all involved and inspiring the next generation of expedition leaders. To find out more contact: matt.prince@hsx.org.uk

Twitter: @HSXOffical


Facebook: /hampshirescoutexpeditions


You Tube: HSXOnline

Stand the barrel centred on the rope and tie an overhand knot at the top of the barrel.

Congratulations to the Pro-Act hillwalking team led by Lynne & Adam French who last week delivered a magnificent 6 days of hillwalking in the Lake District, including several major peaks and a wild camp in the Langstrath, to 22 Scouts & Explorers. Next year’s trip will also be during the Easter week - 26th March to 2nd April 2016.

Train the Trainer Presenting Skills & Training delivery training 20th - 21st June (non resedential) This course is for anyone who would like to gain presenting and training skills and experience and in the process achieve their Module 29 (Presenting Skills) & 31 (Planning a learning experience). The course will be a fun and interactive course that will provide participants with lots of opportunities to practise and perfect their presenting skills in a safe friendly environment as well as learning about how to plan, deliver and evaluate an effective learning experience.

Spread the two sides of the knot down over the side of the barrel. If a single rope is used for tying and hoisting (as shown), the running end of the rope is tied into the standing part using a bowline.

This is also an opportunity to meet the team and find out more about becoming involved in delivering training in Hampshire. Venue: Winchester There are limited places on this course which will be allocated on a first come first served basis so if you are interested please email: trainingadmin@scouts-hants.org.uk Closing date: 8th May 2015

Fourteen Scouts and two leaders from 1st Aldershot Troop (based in North Camp) spent the evening of the eclipse taking part in climbing at Runways End Outdoor Activity Centre. Hampshire County Council offer a range of adventure activities at the Centre (all open to local schools and Scout groups). The group had booked a two hour climbing session (with the help of some instructors from other local Scout groups in the area). It was a very clear night and a tad cold but that didn’t dampen the Scouts spirits. After the very important Safety briefing they all partook in warm-up exercises to loosen the muscles (this included climbing along the bottom of the wall to get used to the holds). Safety harnesses and helmets were issued and the Instructors helped the Scouts to get them fitted. The Scouts were split into six groups on different routes over two of the walls up the climbing tower and advised only two could go up each wall at a time for safety. The youngsters took it in turns to check each others harnesses and carabiners before braving their ascent. They were very keen to get up to the top and everybody had a turn at belaying and relaying. The Scouts all managed to have several climbs throughout the night and some of them even attempted the more difficult routes. Assistant Scout Leader Nathan Barham said “It was a very enjoyable night for all involved and the Scouts were very keen to go climbing again soon. We hope to make use of the facilities at the Centre again in the near future. When asked one word to some up the evening, one of our Scouts James said it was ‘Amazing!’ “ If your child is interested in joining 1st Aldershot Scouts please contact us at firstaldershotscouts@gmail.com or twitter. com/1staldershot, alternatively visit our website at www.1staldershot.co.uk. Many thanks Nathan Barham, 1st Aldershot Scouts Assistant Leader

The London Monopoly Run is a popular event hosted by Scout Park Campsite, Haringey and run by members of Greater London North Scouts. It is a competition open to all Explorers, Networks, Senior Section Girlguiding and their leaders. The 2015 event was held on Saturday 11th April with over 750 participants travelling around London seeing the sites and earning £’s to win some fantastic prizes. Teams came from all over the country travelling from Birmingham, Somerset, Northumberland and Scotland to take part.

in timed events to earn additional bonus point. At the end of the day there was a mad dash back to GO to avoid any penalty points for a late arrival. Hampshire’s contingent came from Bramshill, Odiham and Andover Districts to compete against 112 Explorer teams from across the UK. We turned in a credible performance coming in 28th, 43rd and 94th places in the league table. We all had a great weekend which was topped off by the award for Best Photo (shown here) which went to our Arrowhead Explorers from Odiham.

Three teams from Hampshire travelled up to Scout Park (GO, the start point) and were given 9 hours to record their visit to locations on the Monopoly board and take part Mike Dawson & Malcolm Pope

A dozen young people, aged 1418, have sailed for the first time with Portsmouth Scouts around the Isle of Wight. The Explorer Scouts, from across the city, set off from Southampton on Easter Sunday and sailed towards Weymouth. The week long adventure, with the Rona Sailing Project, saw the young people sail down the Channel and around the island.

As well as docking at a number of different harbours, one night was spent anchored in the sea after sailing in the dark. Scout Leader, Bernie Clark, said: “Most of the Scouts had never even stepped on a sailing boat before, so for them this was a real challenge. They not only worked well together as a team in a new environment, but they pushed themselves and

grew in confidence.” Explorer Scout, Carla Starling (aged 16), said: “Normally at 4am I’d refuse to get up, but every morning I just couldn’t wait to see the sights. We learnt all about the different parts of the boat and made loads of new friends.” Captain, Barry Easton-Corke, said: “The Scouts learnt to

The Shieldhall Experience Harbour and Sea Training Days for Hampshire Scouts (2015). Following on from the very many, fun-laden, training events of the last few years we are pleased to be able to tell you that there are two more such events now programmed which we believe from our experience will be of significant interest to Hampshire Scouts. These are : Saturday 6th June - Harbour Training Day (Alongside) for Hampshire Scouts. Sunday 28th June - Heritage Adventure Training Day Cruise@ Sea for Young People. All events will take place onboard the preserved but fully operational historic steamship S.S. “Shieldhall” (1,792 g.r.t)., lying alongside / sailing from a berth within Southampton Docks. The actual berth number and full joining instructions will be given as soon as this information is available.

live together, gained life and practical skills and ultimately had fun. As well as earning the RYA Competent Crew Award, the young people have been invited to take part in the tall ship race with us.”

Volunteer or join online at www.portsmouthscouts.org.uk

Each of the two Harbour Training Days will follow the now well established and popular format of the day starting at 10.00 with “colours” on the boat deck followed by the Captain’s welcome and safety /organisational briefs. Thereafter and throughout the day, all participants will partake in six different instructional sessions set about the ship which will provide both theoretical and practical (“hands-on”) training on some of the many skills needed in this present day and age for the safe operation of a large seagoing ship which may just include an introduction to an Admiralty chart / plotting a course, time on the bridge to learn how a ship is navigated and steered, heaving a line and working with heavy mooring ropes, a tour of the main machinery spaces, fire fighting and then launch and recovery of the rescue RIB and steer a Fig.8 course. The day will end at 16.00 or shortly thereafter. During this cruise all participants will have the chance to visit the bridge and the main machinery spaces which with the ship at sea and in steam will be a real

eye-opener for every-one. There will be instruction sessions about the ship on many different aspects of seamanship and the possibility exists for the ship to drop anchor, to carry out a man overboard drill or even an “abandon ship” exercise following a serious fire. Our “guest” speaker this year will be Cdr Tim Ash, R.N. who may be known to some as the C.O. of H.M.S. “Warrior” in Portsmouth and he will be talking about the importance of preserving our national maritime heritage, plus giving a little insight into the fascinating history of some of the ships with which he is currently involved and the opportunities for young people who might wish to engage themselves there-in. With the help of partial funding from the National Lottery we are able to offer this Training Cruise to Hampshire Scouts at the remarkable price of just £20.00/hd with a reduction to £17.50 for groups of 10 or more young participants. No charge is made for adult leaders on a 1:6 ratio basis but without of this ratio a charge of £24.00 will be made. There is also a £35 special ticket available for any young person wishing to participate both on the Heritage Adventure Training Cruise plus one or the other of our two Harbour Training Days (Alongside). For more information on all of these events, including some more details on the training that will be offered please visit our website which is www.ss-shieldhall.co.uk and click on the link to “Bookings” and the “View our Courses”. It is recommended that booking be made as early as possible via : Mr Nigel Philpott, Ticket Manager. Tel: 0844 357 2329 or go to tickets@ssshieldhall.co.uk Should any Scout Group or Section wish to make a ship visit / tour of S.S. “Shieldhall” arrangements can be made via Richard Jarvis, Youth Training Co-ordinator at r.jarvis296@btinternet. com Such visits are usually of relatively short duration and involve no specific training other than a general tour / over-view of the ship and her “modus operandi” but all are welcome.


Brian O’Neill

Group Occasional Helper 4th Eastleigh and District Appointments Advisory Committee Member, Eastleigh

Chris Adams

CSL 54th Portsmouth, District CSL & District Scout Active Support Member in the City of Portsmouth

Peter Bourne

EXSL Romsey, and TA Hampshire

Les Sutton

District Vice President & District Scout Active Support Member, Meon Valley

Joan Veal

ADC Activities Itchen South, and County Power Boating and Pulling Assessor & County Scout Active Support Member

Eileen Britton

ACSL 1st Stubbington, Fareham West

Jane Clark

District Scout Leader & District Scout Active Support Member, City of Portsmouth

Denise Edwards

ADC Development & District Scout Active Support Member, City of Portsmouth

Kevin Gillkerson

District Appointments Advisory Committee Members & former DC, Itchen South, and Training Adviser & County Comms Manager

Angela Harwood

GSL 1st Denmead, Waterlooville, and Training Adviser

Mark Hughes

DC Rotherfield, and Training Adviser

Ian Sims

GSL 6th New Forest North, and Training Adviser

Carol Sleath

ADC Special Needs Basingstoke West, and ACC Special Needs

Last week, one of our parents called Jo brought along a very special guest - Indigo. She is an adorable chocolate Labrador who is busy training to be a Canine Partner, to help make life easier for disabled people. Jo told us all about the work of canine partners and showed all the different things that Indigo has been trained to do. She can collect keys, roll over, and sit really quietly while there were lots of distractions from us! We asked lots of questions and got a chance to stroke her. She was really soft. Thanks to Jo and Canine Partners for coming along. Sarah Beaman 3rd Romsey Scout Leader - Ashanti Troop

Stepping Out! For the first time, Scout Shows in Hampshire are coming together for a one night performance, in the heart of the County in picturesque Winchester at the beautiful Guildhall.

So save the date, Sunday 18th October 2015 and come along and support some of Hampshire Scout’s most talented young p eople, you won’t regret it!

HSP TICKETS NOW ONSALE AT www.ticketsource.co.uk/hampshirescoutspresent


May Twenty Fifteen

Basingstoke Cubs, Cubs, Scouts, Scouts, Guides Basingstoke Guides and Explorers Explorers have have ‘got ‘got talent’ talent’ and and it’s it’s time time to to audition audition for for and Basingstoke Gang Gang Show Show 2016 2016 Basingstoke you like like to to laugh, laugh, sing, sing, dance dance or or entertain entertain IIff you

then come come along along to to the the auditions auditions for for The The then Basingstoke Gang Gang Show. Show.You You will will have have aa fun fun Basingstoke day with with loads loads of of great great people people and and you you will will day see why why Basingstoke Basingstoke Gang Gang Show Show is is the the longest longest see running and and ‘bestselling ‘bestselling amateur amateur show show in in running Basingstoke’. Basingstoke’. We are are gearing gearing up up for for our our 23 23rdrd Show Show to to be be We performed at at The The Haymarket. Haymarket. Audiences Audiences will will performed be entertained entertained by by the the talents talents of of our our local local be Cubs, Guides, Guides, Scouts, Scouts, Explorer’s Explorer’s and and young young Cubs, leaders as as the the cast cast of of 70 70 take take to to the the stage stage leaders across 11 11 performances performances in in February February 2016. 2016. across The members members of of the the Production Production team team have have The been busy busy creating creating an an array array of of numbers numbers with with been wonderful choreography, choreography, sensational sensational songs songs and and wonderful hilarious sketches sketches that that make make The The Basingstoke Basingstoke hilarious Gang Show, Show, fresh, fresh, relevant, relevant, edgy edgy and and fun fun ready ready Gang for the the rehearsals rehearsals that that start start in in September September 2015. 2015. for

2016 2016

basingstoke gang show

The The auditions auditions for for The The Basingstoke Basingstoke Gang Gang Show Show 2016 are being held from, 10:00 – 16:00 2016 are being held from, 10:00 – 16:00 on on the following dates; the following dates; th Surnames Surnames A-L A-L Sunday Sunday 10 10thth May May 2015 2015 Surnames M-Z Sunday 17 th May 2015 Surnames M-Z Sunday 17 May 2015

Auditions Auditions are are open open to to all all Scouts Scouts and and Guides Guides who will be 10½ or over in February who will be 10½ or over in February 2016 2016 and all Cubs who will be 8 or over in February and all Cubs who will be 8 or over in February 2016 2016 at at The The Costello Costello School, School, Crossborough Crossborough Hill, Hill, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 4AL. Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 4AL. Before Before you you come come to to audition audition you you will will need need to visit www.basingstokegangshow.com to visit www.basingstokegangshow.com to to ensure you have full details including location, ensure you have full details including location, what what to to wear wear and and the the ‘audition ‘audition application application form’ that you will need to bring. form’ that you will need to bring.You You can can also also look at the Basingstoke Gang Show Facebook look at the Basingstoke Gang Show Facebook pages pages for for more more information. information.

More more more information information contact: contact: More Kirsty Thomas, Thomas, Kirsty Basingstoke Gang Gang Show Show Producer, Producer, Basingstoke 07879 665663 665663 07879

Take a a look look at at the the Basingstoke Basingstoke Gang Take Gang Show Show website www.basingstokegangshow.com www.basingstokegangshow.com website www.hampshirescouts.org.uk


Last weekend all the patrol leaders and assistant patrol leaders were away to brush up on their leadership skills. The whole camp had to be planed by them. They’ve got a menu, activities, somewhere to stay. Now let’s get going and have some fun! Here’s their reports of the weekend!

We started by making calzone which was good and we had to be extra cautious for Polly who is gluten free. So we had to separate everything but we managed well after a bit of confusion. Then after that we made armpit fudge with hot chocolate powder,cream cheese, m&ms, margarine and more. Overall it was We arrived at the hut in nice and I loved the armpit Lyndhurst and we put all our fudge. - James bags in one corner. Then tried to make the tallest The next activity Darren tower out of jelly babies did with us was verbal and spaghetti. It was really communication. We stood tricky and the spaghetti back to back and spoke kept breaking. However we to each other about the managed to make a tower task we did earlier, sheep 44cm high. Then we split herding. It was harder than into groups and one group I thought because with went with Tom, the other with everyone talking you couldn’t Darren. With Tom we talked hear your partner. Tom did about first aid and what we CPR with us and he taught would do if someone was us what to do when we really hot and really cold and come across someone who if they had a bad cut. With wasn’t breathing and was Darren we did about herding unconscious. I think it was sheep and one person had a a really good activity and a whistle and the others were good life lesson. - Imogen blindfolded and the person with the whistle had to give We learnt lots of fencing them commands to get them techniques and how to move into the right place. with one foot on the floor at all times and you have to At first we went to the shop shuffle not gallop. We also and got everything ready for learnt how to do a parry and our lunch. Then we did first how to start by putting the foil aid and got ready for lunch. to your nose and then going

on guard, you can’t wear your helmet when doing that. At the end you also take your helmet off to shake hands with your opponent. - Lara

this, we had a quick break and learnt about choking and asthma attacks. Now we can save people who are dying, yay!!! Soon we will be going to the park to Yum - next was dinner! We have fun! - Jack had fajitas with salad, rice, chicken and cheese. For At 11:30 we went to the park! pudding we had Cherry We went to the skateboard Crunch which was delicious! park and we ran up and We all helped to cook dinner down the ramps. There was and helped to wash up - but a zip wire that we went on the eating was better than but it wasn’t very fast! Next the washing up! - Kathleen we went in the children’s play park and James got stuck It was really nice to sit down in some tyres! Its was really and relax last night after funny! - Polly the long day we had. It was time to chat, relax and enjoy After the park we came back our hot chocolate made by to the lodge to get ready to Sarah. We all went to bed eat our lunch. We had bacon at 10 after being told that we sandwiches, and apple and a were to get up at 7.30. The Brunch bar after that we had next day we were all up with a Patrol Forum where we bed hair and sleepy eyes talked about how we could packing our sleeping bags make the camp better next and pyjamas ready for our time. At the end we gathered next activities. We each had round the flag and had Flag cereal and then cooked eggy down, then we left. - Joe bread with beans. We then took turns to wash up and Thanks to Joe for starting the clean the kitchen. - Marcus plan, Jack, Kathleen, Polly, Imogen, Lara & James for After breakfast, we cleaned organising the camp - and up and then learnt about also a huge thank you to challenging behaviour. Darren, Tom, Tris & Sarah for This included low-level coming along to train! disruption and not agreeing to the success criteria. After

Tom Webb (1926-2015)

During my time as Deputy County Commissioner and County Commissioner from 1983 to 1991 I had the benefit of a superb County team all of whom had brilliant qualities of leadership and commitment.

On hearing of the death of my friend Tom Webb it brought back memories of a remarkable man of considerable energy and devotion to the Movement and particularly during the period between 1983 and 1988 when he was responsible for employing scores of unemployed people under the umbrella of Hampshire Scout Enterprises Ltd which was a Government initiative (Manpower Services Commission). Tom was appointed ACC (Community Programme and Hampshire After reading Roy’s appreciation of Tom there is not much I can add. For a short time during Roy’s time as County Commissioner I was one of three Deputies with Ron Townsend, and Tom. Whilst Ron looked after administration and I was in a programme and training role, Tom seemed to pick up all the other responsibilities including development and external contacts. Tom was a true ‘back room person’ who quietly and confidently sold Scouting

World Scout Bureau in Geneva where he was also an instructor with the Geneva Troop of Boy This took up hours of Tom’s spare time but as an accountant Scouts of America. and management consultant he took that in his stride. However, Ironically Tom was not a Scout as a boy and did not join the Tom was also a member of Movement until he was 33 the County Leader Training and had served 15 years in Team having been a Scouter the Territorial Army, leaving in Southampton, Basingstoke, in the rank of Major. Tom Chandlers Ford, Dartford in was awarded the Silver Wolf Kent and in Oxfordshire before in 1991. Tom will leave an settling in Chandler’s Ford. By indelible mark on Hampshire nature Tom was a modest and Scouting. caring man and an excellent counsellor. We send out our sympathy to his devoted wife Eileen and From 1992 to 1995 he was family at this sad time. a Director of The Scout Association Trust Corporation and was auditor to the Brownsea Island Scout and Guide Committee. His Roy Farmers international service started Vice President in 1978 as an Advisor to the Scout Enterprises).

to all who we felt needed to know what was happening. His long list of roles both in Hampshire, the UK and Europe demonstrate his wide experience and huge contribution to Scouting in all three arenas. It is only when a person like Tom moves on into another role that those left appreciate the huge amount of work he did and how valuable his legacy is to Hampshire Scouting. I will always recall his quiet persistence which always won the day when all the emotion

and shouting had died down. I last met Tom at the gathering when Dame Mary received her Silver wolf, and he told me how much he missed the hustle and bustle of being active in a County role. He added that he had persuaded his grandson to bring him down to Ferny Crofts from his home in Swindon, but talking to his grandson later he said there was no need for persuasion it was a reward to see his grandfather so happy in the company of his many friends. Richard Merefield Vice President

Copythorne Carnival Weekend Carnival Day Saturday 13th June 1.30pm to 6.40pm Scout HQ, Romsey Rd, Copythorne SO40 2PB Fun Dog Show - Tug Of War - Trek Cart Races Stalls - Refreshments - Licenced Bar - BBQ 2 Marching Bands - Steam Engines Marshall Arts Display Carnival Procession 5pm to 6.30pm Family Jamboree Evening, Hog Roast, with Live Band & Licenced Bar. 7pm - Admission Free

Steam & Vintage Rally Sunday 14 June 11am to 5pm th

Dates of the courses:

8th June to 20th July 5th October to 16th November For more information and booking please email:


Childrens Games & Rides Wood Sawing - Crafts - Steam engines Live Music - Commerical Vehicles - Buses Cars - Motorcycles - Refreshments BBQ - Real Ales Family (2+2) £13, Adults £5, Children & OPAs £2.50

Parking at Copythorne Parish Hall

Don’t forget you can reach Ann Hall County Badge Secretary at:

e: les_ann@live.co.uk t: 01252 515767

Hampshire County Skills Weekend 19th - 21st June 2015, Cricket Camp Do you want to get back to scouting basics? Learn some new scouting skills or refresh old ones? Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team www.hsmt.org.uk

Ferny Crofts SAC Bursary

Hampshire Scout Caving Club www.hscc.randomstuff.org.uk

The aim of the weekend is to get everyone doing, aka pretending to be Scouts, Cubs or even Beavers, so that they can share and learn new skills together and take these ideas back to your meetings. The weekend will offer a selection of sessions so that you can choose the activities you want to do. If you can’t make the whole weekend, you can always just pop in for a day! The following is a taster of what will be on offer:

Bush Craft – Fire Lighting, knife and axe and other sessions Hampshire Bushcraft & Survival www.heat-sas.org.uk

Navigation – The basics of map and compass work to micro navigation

Pioneering & Gadgets – Wash stands and hour glass

towers, your imagination is the limit

Hampshire Scout Archery Club www.hsac.org.uk

Tent Pitching and Camp Set Up – Using canvas Camp Cooking, on fires, in pits and using Lamps & Stoves Knots & Tracking – We all need knots QM Doctor – It’s in my store but what is it & how do I use it? How do I look after it or mend it?

Hampshire Scout Rifle Club www.scouts-shoot.org.uk/hsrc

The highlight of the weekend will be a traditional Campfire, minus kids, giving you that rare chance to have a drink and a chat while relaxing next to the fire after the day. The cost for the weekend is just £20 which will include all activities, meals and refreshments (bring your own beer!)

Spearhead Logistics & Communication


To book – please email


Make your cheque payable to HCSC and send it to Skills Weekend, C/o 25 Hammonds Way, Totton, Hampshire, SO40 3HE


Friday, May 1 - 3 Cty Hampshire Scout Caving Club - Derbyshire Caving Weekend Saturday, May 2- 3 Cty Act Archery GB Community Sports Leader Award Course (Part 2 of 2) Monday, May 4 Cty Hampshire Scout Caving Club - Derbyshire Caving Weekend Star Wars day - May the 4th(Force)be with you Tuesday, May 5 7:00pm - New Forest Presentation Evening Saturday, May 9 AT Residential Weekend (2) Cty Act HSCC Caving Experience Days National Scout Archery Competition AT Modules 14, 15 & 19 Cty Act Activity Permit Training & Assessment - Rafting (max B2 waters) 12:30pm - CI High Sheriff lunch Sunday, May 10 AT Residential Weekend (2) Cty Act HSCC Caving Experience Days National Scout Archery Competition Cty Act Activity Permit Assessment - Kayaking/Canoeing (max B2 waters) Tuesday, May 12 AT Module 5 (eve) Friday, May 15 - 17 Cty Act HSMT Hillwalking & Climbing Courses/Experience Weekend Sunday, May 17 AT Modules 17 & 18 Cty Act BCU Foundation Safety & Rescue Training Course Cty SSU YSPs support day Tuesday, June 2 7:30pm - ESL meeting Wednesday, June 3 Cty Act Hampshire Scout Caving Club Meet Thursday, June 4 AT Module 1 Friday, June 5 50 Day to go WSJ Saturday, June 6 Cty Act Activity Permit Training & Assessment - Rafting Cty Act SS Shieldhall Training Day (alongside) Sunday, June 7 Cty Act BCU Foundation Safety & Rescue Training Course Friday, June 12 -14 6:00pm - Young Leader Training Weekend Sunday June 14 AT Module 37 Thursday, June 18 Cty AGM/Review Friday, June 19 - 21 Cty Act County Activity Skills Weekend Cty Act Hampshire Scout eXpeditons - Training Weekend Saturday, June 20 - 21 AT Train the Trainer course Cty Act Activity Permit Training - Climbing (Walls & Towers) Saturday, June 20 AT Module 30 Wednesday, June 24 6:00pm CI High Sheriff Garden Party

On Sunday 27th September, Marwell Zoo will welcome a host of Scouts from Hampshire and across the region for a special activity day! Tickets are £14.00 per person and this includes a special Marwell Zoo badge! You’ll also receive 1 free adult per 8 paying guests. For more info and booking please visit:


Hampshire Network Skills Exchange

10th May, 10am at 14th Scout HQ, 51 Brookvale Road, Southampton, SO17 1QS Want to learn how to use an axe? Fancy practising your backwoods cooking? Need to hone your fire-lighting skills? Well you have no need to worry because now you can! Come down to Southampton and join us for a Hampshire Network skills exchange day. Throughout the day we’ll have a bunch of bases covering a whole range of Scouting skills so come and learn something new or share your knowledge. We’ll finish the skills exchange at about 5pm but if you want to stay for the evening then we’ll be doing a ready steady backwoods cook for dinner followed by a camp fire. We’ll have tea/coffee/squash available throughout the day (don’t forget your drinking vessel!). Please bring along a packed lunch (or be prepared to nip down to Sainsbury’s!) and if you want to join in with the ready steady backwoods cook dinner then bring along 2 ingredients to throw into the mix as well as plate/cutlery! If you’ve got any particular requests for skills then throw them our way, otherwise we look forward to seeing you all there!

Email: network@scouts-hants.org.uk

Ferny Crofts

Open Day

27th June 2015

ÂŁ1 a ticket


Gates open at 10am and close at 4pm

Come along and have a go! Archery, Climbing, High Ropes, * Abseiling, Rafting, Shooting, Zip Wire, Backwoods

Cooking, Pond Dipping, BBQ, Ice Creams and much more...

* Activities 1 or 2 tickets Contact us for more info: T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org. uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk P: Ferny Crofts, Beaulieu Road, Beaulieu, SO42 7YQ.

Charity Registration Number 1015788

all o t Open Vers 2015.1

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