Hampshire Scout News, Sept 2013

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e r i h s p Ham ws Sept 2013

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? d n e o t e v a h s y a ! d i g l o n i h z a o m d a s a w Why 3 1 0 2 e entur v Suisse Ad

“DOWNTON, BEHIND THE SCENES” Book online now at: www.farehamaction.org.uk/downton

The history and action from the award winning TV series – A talk by Alastair Bruce OBE, Historic Advisor on the TV series, and Sky News Special Events Correspondent. Ferneham Hall, Fareham 2pm Sunday 22nd September 2013.

COST £12.00 Supported by the Spitfires” Scout Band, and Gosport Gangshow. All proceeds to develop Scouting for Young people throughout Hampshire. Book online now at: www.farehamaction.org.uk/downton or please call 02380 847847, Monday to Friday between 9am & 5pm.

Roar, welcome to the September edition of HSN. For distribution and any other County Office matters please use: county.office@Scouts-hants.org.uk

email me, Tall Paul, now with all your photos, articles, adverts and roll of honour for the next edition of HSN hsn@Scouts-hants.org.uk

Please can you send TEXT in a Word doc or in an email PHOTOS as an attachment jpeg file.

Cheers TP

The deadline for articles for the October issue of HSN 25th Sept Please ensure that you have permission from all people included in photo’s, before sending them to us.


Mountaineering Team www.hsmt.org.uk

Photography Acknowledgements

Where we can, we strive to acknowledge the owner or source of pictures used in this publication. We accept that pictures on public and social media sites are for sharing. We use them under the terms ‘for Scouting use only’. If you would like pictures acknowledged, please let us know the owners name when submitting. Thank you.

About Us

Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 16,000 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

Join Us

To join the adventure of Scouting whether as a Adult or Young person fill in the form at: www.Scouts.org.uk/join or email: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk or phone us on: 02380 847847


ONLINE SCOUT MANAGER www.onlinescoutmanager.co.uk

Online Scout Manager is a free tool to help you to manage your entire section or group online - badge records, termly programmes, evening attendance, camps and events, and more!! It has been developed by a Scout Leader for Scout Leaders. Since its launch at Easter, it has over 6,000 groups and 30,000 users using it. It is incredibly easy to use and is even suitable for the technophobes amongst us! If you have any questions or suggestions, please email: ed@onlinescoutmanager.co.uk


“Downton, Behind The Scenes” £12 a ticket.

Living The Dream At Kanderstag Adam’s Bit.

New Appointments In Hampshire.

Gone Home

Major Chamberlayne-Macdonald.

Circus Skills Day

Chandlers Ford Beavers.

Beaver Paultons Day 2013

Saturday 9th November, £15 each.

Summer Camp 8th Alton Scouts.

Service Of Remembrance Sunday 20th October 3pm.

Suisse Adventure Romsey Explorers.

Why Do Holidays Have To End? Hampshire Network.

The Junior International Match Shooting For Scouts.

Ferny Crofts

At The New Forest Show.

Scout Birthday Badge Awarded To David Weir.

Hedge End Gang Show Needs Your Help!

Go International

Scouts or Explorers abroad.

County Diary

20th Sept to 5th Nov

Activity Leadership Courses 2013 - 2014.


Young people join Scouting for the adventure….

222 nights spent in a mountain hut. 88 traverses of the Lotschenpasse. 49 ascents of the Hochenhorn. For two weeks this summer, Hampshire Explorer Scouts, Scout Network members and leaders lived the dream of high adventure and international friendship at Kandersteg International Scout Centre, as part of Hampshire’s Suisse Adventure expedition. 210 whitewater rafting trips. 82 canyoning adventures. 60 river tubing descents. It was awesome. Two weeks of high adrenaline activities, hailstone thunderstorms, and meals with Scouts from around Europe. 27 ascents to Allmenalp on the Via Ferrata. 37 paragliding flights. 5 skydiving jumps. Early wake-up call for the Sunrise Ceremony and Promise Renewal at a mountain lake. Monopoly Run around the campsite and village in fancy dress. Campfire rocking to “mighty, mighty Hampshire”! 108 snow and ice combos including practising ice axe arrests and rescue from crevasses. Fondues and röstis. Ice creams and cows with bells. Cable cars and rödelbahns. 250 stories of adventure, mud, sweat and tears. New experiences and new friends. Final pool party and barbeque. Hundreds of awards at the closing ceremony. Long journey home by coach; everyone tired and happy. Thousands of memories to reflect on over the coming years. “We did it. We were there.” Thanks to all the participants, leaders and staff for making Suisse Adventure such a success. And special thanks to the Core Team of Bex, Fudge, Liz, Dave, Carol and Alan for two years of planning. Young people join Scouting for the adventure – and Suisse Adventure 2013 was an outstanding success in delivering on that promise. And yes, we’ve booked Kandersteg again for summer 2016 – only three years away.


County Commissioner Hampshire Scouting

s t n e m t n i o p p New A pshire in Ham Emma Watts - District Commissioner, Eastleigh

Anthony Gardiner - Deputy District Commissioner, Chandlers Ford

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correct logo? X Local Logos


Gone Home - Major Chamberlayne-Macdonald We were very sad to hear the news that Major Nigel Chamberlayne-Macdonald had passed away. He was a VicePresident of Hampshire Scouting, District President of Chandlers Ford from 1984 until very recently, and sometime District President of Eastleigh and Group President of 15th Eastleigh. The Major and his family lived at Cranbury Park, and the estate includes the Chandlers Ford District Scout campsite which he generously allowed Scouting to use and which he regularly visited. He took a great interest in the District, and his support of Scouting was unstinting and he will be sadly missed. He was a personal friend of The Lord McClean, our former Chief Scout, having served many years together in the army. He was immensely proud to host the Chief’s visit to Hampshire in 1971 and opened up the whole of Cranbury Park for Scouting’s use. He welcomed Sir Charles (Chips) and conveyed him through the estate in grand style by carriage to an afternoon tea in Cranbury Park House, accompanied by a very proud Scout Malcolm Young, now Deputy DC of Eastleigh. His support of Scouting was recognised with the award of the Silver Acorn in 1984.





The ‘big’ event of the year in the Chandlers Ford Beaver diary was the Circus Skills Day that took place at Toynbee School, Chandlers Ford at the end of term. Seventy five Beaver Scouts, their leaders and helpers descended on the local secondary school to take part in the District event on one of the hottest days of the year. A variety of activities kept them entertained all day, but the highlight was the opportunity to show off their newly acquired juggling skills in the school theatre. All of the participants had already taken part in a juggling and plate spinning workshop led by Matt Blossom and several brave individuals agreed to perform to an audience of parents and fellow Beavers. Using balloons and rice, the Beavers made their own juggling balls; they also put their own unique design flair to decorating their own circus T-shirt. We are all looking forward to the next District event when we can renew friendships and have some more fun.

Julie Spillar

ADC Beavers, Chandlers Ford

3 1 0 2 K R A P S N O T L PAU Christmas begins here: Saturday 9th November 2013 Will your Beavers, Leaders, friends and family be joining the County Beaver Leader Team for our 9th exciting annual day visit to Christmas Wonderland in Paultons Park? Great value at £15 per entrance ticket, plus any transport cost incurred. Each child will, once again, receive a fantastic present from Father Christmas, as well as having a fantastic day out. Plenty of attractions to ride, see and do as well as the Beaver Challenge. Every Beaver and Leader will also receive a cloth badge. Are you brave enough to try visit the new attraction for 2013? Further information and Booking Forms are on the County Website: www.hampshirescouts.org.uk/beavers.php or contact your District Beaver Leader or Teresa Ginn, ACC Beavers at: teresa.ginn@talk21.com Come rain or shine see you there to play and have fun. The County Beaver Leader Team Remember Booking closes Wednesday 23rd October 2013


his years summer camp was great and my first one with the Scout group. This year we went to the Isle of Wight for one week. We has to pack a lot of things including our bikes to cycle from the ferry in Yarmouth to the campsite four miles away. When we got to the campsite we had to set up the tents and put up our dining shelters for our groups to cook, eat and wash up in. I slept in a tent with seven other people but it wasn’t as crowded as you might think! The next day we got up and had breakfast which two of our group had cooked earlier that day. We had four stations to go round, one was building a raft that we would ride another day. Next was making a stand for washing up and drying up. Next was making an Ariel runway to use and lastly was hygiene. The next day we cycled to Yarmouth and went on RIBS (rigid inflatable boats) or speed boats. If you got wet, you’d be dry very soon after. We also went round the town with some money to spend. This was a great camp - I loved all of it, well maybe not all of it, when I had to jump in the cold water of a lake to push the raft we built! The camp was great, there were bits for every one. It was the best camp I’ve been on and I’m looking forward to next year. Tom Day 8th Alton Scouts

The annual Service of Remembrance for those Scouters in Hampshire who have “Gone Home” during the last year will be hosted by Scout Active Support at St. Luke’s Church, Stanmore, Winchester on Sunday October 20th beginning at 3.00pm. Scouters from the County and Family members of those departed are welcome to attend. The service is followed by refreshments and lasts about 45 minutes. A candle is lit during the service for each person remembered. If you know of someone from your district who has “Gone Home” and feel we may not know about it then please get in contact with the ACC, Richard Spearing, by ringing him on 023 9238 2682 or emailing him at richardspearing452@btinternet.com Currently we have names from Basingstoke East, County Team, Chandlers Ford, City of Portsmouth, Rotherfield and Southampton City districts. It would be good to see someone from each of these districts at the service as well as Active Support members. Any further information needed, please contact Richard.

ARN E L S T U O C S L LS I P I K S N A M SEA RD STEAMSH ABOA DHALL SH I EL Following a Heritage Lottery Fund grant of £1.4million the SS Shieldhall has been able to stage two very successful summer training days for Scouts and Sea cadets. The events, taking place on Saturdays 13 and 27th July and coordinated by Youth Training Volunteer Richard Jarvis were well subscribed, with young people learning seamanship skills on what is the oldest passenger-cargo steamship of her type in Europe. Thirty-six Scouts together with their leaders, representing 1st Titchfield Sea Scouts, 1st Warsash (Portland) Sea Scouts, 3rd Ringwood Scouts and 25th Itchen North boarded Shieldhall. As the red ensign was hoisted to the shrill of a bosun’s call. Participants were welcomed by Captain Bob Siddall, “Master” for the day and divided into small ‘Watches’, each with its own elected “Watch Leader”. During the course of the day each group moved in sequence through a total of six training bases set in various locations about the ship, where they were shown and practiced different seamanship skills until the colours were lowered. On the bridge the Scouts learnt about the duties of the Officer Of the Watch, how a ship is steered, compass, radar, communications, weather and signals; in the saloon they were introduced to chart work and were shown how to plot a course, whilst on the forward deck they practiced heaving a line and working with heavy mooring ropes. The rescue RIB was launched and spent the whole day on Southampton Water whilst the Scouts were taught about boat safety and how to steer a Fig.8 course, whilst down aft the Scouts learnt about fire hazards on ship, the different types of extinguishers and ran out fire hoses. In addition the Scouts were given a full tour of the ships main machinery spaces where they were shown how steam is raised and used to power the ships two mighty triple expansion engines and the many essential auxiliary engines set about. The ship set sail two weeks later on Saturday 27th July on its 2013 Heritage Adventure Training Cruise, attended by some seventy young people representing 1st Bicester Sea Scouts, 3rd Ringwood Scouts, 5th Gosport Sea Scouts, Leamington/ Warwick Sea Cadet Unit and the Youth Maritime Training Academy and their leaders and supporting staff. Participants were welcomed by Shieldhall Vice-President Sir Robin Knox-Johnston – a hero to many on board. The purpose of this short cruise was to give the opportunity of seeing how a ship of a relatively large size is safely operated in busy waters; to learn new nautical skills and where possible and safe to do so, participate in the work about the ship. Both the bridge and the main machinery spaces were open to visitors with the ship in steam, which proved a real eye-opener to the majority. During the morning various drills were practised including a steering gear failure and bringing the ship to anchor. All seemed to go remarkably well until early afternoon when a fire was ‘discovered’ in the focs’le. Fortunately there just ‘happened’ to be a number of youth size fireman’s outfits to hand so that with twelve participants appropriately dressed and instructed on the safe and proper use of hoses the fire was soon extinguished. At this point though, two ‘unconscious and badly injured’ casualties were found in the focs’le - just when the Calshot RNLI fast inshore rescue boat happened alongside. They were quickly able to put two Paramedics onboard to ensure that the casualties injuries were properly treated. During this time, as a precautionary measure, Captain Peter Roberts ordered that a full muster should be made on the forward deck and that lifejackets should be issued and worn by all in case of a need to suddenly evacuate the ship. As it turned out, order was quickly restored and the ship was then put about to steam back up Southampton Water to arrive back on 48 Berth mid-afternoon. Any Scouts or other youth groups wishing to participate should visit the ship’s website, www.ss-shieldhall.co.uk where information and contact details will be posted as soon as they become available.

Shieldhall will also be open for visitors on the Heritage Open Days Weekend (which happens to coincide with the staging of the Southampton Boat Show) on Sat 14th and Sun 15th September, between 10am-4pm. Full details can be found on the SS Shieldhall website: http://www.ss-shieldhall.co.uk/Programme.html Booking line for Merchant Navy Day tickets: 0844 357 2329 or email: tickets@ss-shieldhall.co.uk. Tickets also available via www.ticketsouth.com or in person at Oceans, Southampton High Street. The Shieldhall departs from and returns to Berth 48, Eastern Docks, Southampton SO14 3QN, entrance via Dock Gate 4. Nigel Philpott for SS Shieldhall t: 023 8089 0532 m: 07769 114271

3 1 0 2 e r u t n e v d A e s Suis s r e r o l p x Romsey E

To prove that Scouting activities never stop, this is just one of the things 29 Explorers, 8 Leaders and our District Commissioner from Romsey District did during August. They spent two glorious weeks in Switzerland at the Kandersteg International Scout Centre (KISC).

Romsey Scouts Blog: woodsmokeromsey.blogspot.co.uk

Hampshire ActivitiesUpdate Update Hampshire Activities Hampshire Activities Update

A monthly update containing activity news; updates;

A monthly containing activity updates; guidanceupdate & support; contacts; eventsnews; and training & guidance & support; contacts; events and training assessment courses for all sections. Please have a&read assessment courses all sections. Pleaseavailable have a at:read and circulate to otherforadults! Latest edition and circulate to other adults! Latest edition available at:www.hampshirescouting.org.uk/activities.php?id=307




d? n e o t e v a h s y a d i l o h zing! a o m a s a w Why d ture 2013 ven Suisse Ad

Will Farthing

amazing ly e t lu o s b I had an a rland over e z it w S in time ks which e e w o w t t the pas forget. o t g in o g r e I’m nev to all who Thank you share the o t e r e h t were ! experience

in Andy Turp

Just had an incredible two weeks in Switzerland with the Network Scouts, those guys know how to do it ! bring on Suisse 2016!



Jade sadle

After two amazing weeks away there is nothing better than a good shower and a sit down on the sofa. Thanks to all the Suisse13 people Bring on Suisse16! Matt Ford


ew frien

ts of n made lo

wesome a t s o m e h T ut was thing I did o I can’t paragliding off the n a r I e v e li be mountain!


www.hampshirescouting.org.uk/network Hampshire Scout Network e: scout.network@Scouts-hants.org.uk fb: www.facebook.com/groups/2381008750/?ref=ts&fref=ts (Scout Network Hampshire) t: 02380 847847 w: www.hampshirescouts.org.uk/network

Calling all...

District Scout Network Leaders & Network Chairs to a meeting at The Queens Head, Colden Common on Wednesday 16th Oct at 7.30pm We will be discussing the County Section Calendar, H0014, Support, Motivation, Communication methods and any other business. A note to the DC’s that do not currently have a Network that they are more than welcome to attend to find out more about how we can support a new Network start up? R.S.V.P. Kim Rennison, County Scout Network Commissioner - Hampshire Scouting kim.rennison@scouts-hants.org.uk


he 20th of July saw members join the new Fareham West Scout Network, the Vulcans, as we hosted an investiture in Stubbington, Hampshire. The majority of members have come up through the other Scouting sections within Hampshire, but it was also exciting to welcome new members from other districts, and some entirely new people to Scouting. Network is the last section in the youth part of Scouting and they can be leaders at the same time as being a Network member, or not if they so choose. The group is run by and for its’ members, therefore it was amazing to see an event such as this pass off so successfully. Having been a member of Scouting myself for over 12 years, it was really great to be able to take part in an evening that we could share with friends, family and other members of the Scouting community, including Chief Commissioner for Scouting, Wayne Bulpitt, who conducted the investitures (and mentioned us on his blog, ooooooh!). Vulcans is incredibly lucky to be able to boast a fantastic 30+ members on its books, and on the evening itself over half these members were able to take part in the investiture. We were also very lucky to be able to welcome the Mayor of Fareham and her husband, who entertained us with stories of his time in Scouting and his privilege of being one of the first Queen Scouts. As a group, we are made up of a collection of characters which made the process of orgainising the evening somewhat stressful for our benevolent leaders, Theresa Lawrie-Ashton, Al Richter and Graham Atkins However, after being informed that organising us was akin to ‘herding cats’, we cannot express enough thanks to all three of them, and the time they have taken to help us set up a such a fantastic unit. I feel incredibly lucky to be part of Vulcans and to be able to spend time with such an amazing group of people, taking part in some fantastic events including summer camp on the Isle of Wight, Ultimate Frisbee and Dragon Boating. The night was really successful and raised £81 for the charity Cash for Kids. This, along with our recent success in the Hampshire Trek Cart competition, proves that this Network group will not only live long but also prosper.


www.hampshirescouting.org.uk/network Hampshire Scout Network e: scout.network@Scouts-hants.org.uk fb: www.facebook.com/groups/2381008750/?ref=ts&fref=ts (Scout Network Hampshire) t: 02380 847847 w: www.hampshirescouts.org.uk/network


The Junior International Match at Bisley Shooting for Scouting

hen I found out that I had been selected to shoot with the Scout team at the Bisley Junior International Match this summer I was excited and a bit nervous. I knew from others who had taken part last year that it’s a big match. It lasts nearly a whole week; it’s run to International rules (the same as the Olympics!) and has over 200 shooters from all over the world – and “Junior” in shooting means aged up to 20. The overseas teams come from South Africa, Germany, USA & Denmark. Teams from the UK represent the individual “Home Countries” that compete separately in the Commonwealth Games (England, Scotland, etc.), there is a large Great Britain team, and teams from Scouts and the Cadet forces. There are lots of Scouts in the GB Junior team too; nearly half have been in the Scout Squad.

We had two of Bisley’s very old wooden clubhouses. The boys had the “Inns of Court” and the girls slept in the “South London”. We ate dinner in the much grander clubhouse of the Army club and then all went back to the Inns of Court for a briefing on the week. At big competitions the equipment is not supplied for you, as it is in most Scout competitions but has to be brought by the teams or individual shooters. Before you can use it in the competition it has to be checked at “Equipment Control” to make sure that it all complies with the rules. The rules are complicated and the checking takes a long time, so there was a big queue!

Apart from equipment control, Monday was a practice day. I shot a 40 shot match plus a few sighting shots to see everything was ok. This gave me the chance to get comfortable and helped me get used to the surroundings and the different people around me. The When I got to Bisley on the Sunday, scoring is very different from ordinary the other teams had already started competitions – we did not shoot at to arrive. Seeing them all felt a bit paper targets that had to be taken intimidating at first - there were lots of away and marked; it was all electronic Germans and South Africans around and we had little monitor screens in and they were all bigger and older than front of us displaying every shot. me! Seeing people I knew from the On Tuesday I competed in my first Scout Squad in their GB kit helped me International Match! This was scary to feel that I could belong here. but I knew that I had to be very We settled in to our accommodation. focused and organised and make sure

everything was ready and in place. Concentrating on the preparation helped me settle in. It was good to watch the other teams and see their different techniques. Every evening there was a medal ceremony and we all went to see the presentations. There were flags and national anthems – just like the Olympics! “God save the Queen” came up a lot of times because the team did so well, which made me proud. As the week went on I got more relaxed and confident and I was really happy to have proved this to myself by shooting a new Personal Best score in the prone small-bore rifle competition on Thursday. At the end of the week I felt exhausted and kind-of sad it was over because it had been a good week and a great experience. I really enjoyed my week with the National Scout Squad and hope to get selected again next year. In the meanwhile, I’m looking forward to the Bisley Scout shooting championships in October.

By Charlotte Huddart Baughurst Scout Troop and the National Scout Rifle Squad

HAMPSHIRE SCOUT RIFLE CLUB www.Scouts-shoot.org.uk/hsrc

Ferny Crofts & the New Forest Show

The theme at the New Forest Show this year was “Get Involved” and Ferny Crofts certainly made sure anyone visiting their stand did just that! Being part of the New Forest Educators Forum, Ferny Crofts was offered a free pitch on the Discovery Zone, with the aim of providing entertainment for all the family! With the large Hampshire Scouting banners attracting people in, the Ferny Crofts team ran team building activities including handcuff challenge and nail challenge as well as circus skills from 8am to 6pm every day. We entertained thousands of children (and lots of adults!) and certainly made sure everyone “Got Involved”! It was hard work but great to see so many young people having fun, trying something new and also involving mum and dad! It was a great opportunity for us to promote Scouting as well as Ferny Crofts Activity Centre. Well done to the team for providing such a professional image for Hampshire Scouting and providing everyone with lots of fun and the chance to

“Get Involved”! Ferny Crofts Scout Activity Centre e: info@fernycrofts.org.uk fb: https://www.facebook.com/fernycrofts.sac?fref=ts t: 02380 845092 w: www.fernycrofts.org.uk


• Scout Community Badge awarded to Paralympian champion David Weir as part of the Scouts’ Birthday Honours awards. • Other winners this year include Sir Bradley Wiggins, Jessica Ennis-Hill, Casey Stoney, Danny Boyle, Graham Norton, Dara O’Briain, Jessie J, Paul Hollywood, Carol Kirkwood and Chris Packham. As Scouting celebrates its 106th birthday, The Scout Association has awarded a Birthday Badge to David Weir, one of twelve public figures who have inspired young people during the past year. The half a million members from across the UK had the opportunity to vote online for people who have encouraged others to try new activities and learn new skills. Paralympian champion David Weir was one of those voted for, and he was presented with an honorary Scout Community badge. He received the award from Explorer Scouts Charlotte Swape and Izzy Holland from Hampshire. Upon receiving his award, David said: “I’d dreamt about winning the last race of the whole package on 2012, so the marathon was the big one for me. I’ve always gone to championships and there’s always been something wrong. I’ve either been injured by the end of it and couldn’t do the marathon, or not been fit enough to do the marathon. I wanted to prove a point that I could win on the track and win on the road. So all of them are special but those two stand out. This award is for everyone in the academy, not just me. I want to say thank you and I’m very honoured” Charlotte, who presented David with his badge said: “I really enjoyed meeting David to present him with his badge. He has really inspired me to try new activities in Scouts”. Chief Scout Bear Grylls congratulated the badge recipients and said that they were an inspiration to adults and young people everywhere to get involved in Scouting. He said: "Scouting is proud to recognise those who have inspired young people during the last twelve months. Across the UK, young people have voted for those who have demonstrated the skills and commitment required to merit the award of an honorary Scout badge. Inspiring young people is vitally important and those receiving these awards join the hundred thousand ordinary adults across the UK who inspire young people week in week out in their normal leadership roles. I am super proud of all of them”.

w o h s g n a g d n e ge

! p l e h r u o y eeds



brief history of gangshow

1932 30th October – 1st November: Ralph Reader does 1st Gangshow in London’s West End. 1964 March: 13th Itchen North Scout decide to start up a Hedge End Gangshow and call it ‘Birds of a Feather’ 1965 9th-13th Feb: The Scouts decide to expand the cast and ask the Guides of Hedge End to join Gangshow. The cast then became known as ‘Scouguids’. They call the show ‘Out of the Bag’ 2013 - Hedge End Gangshow is 49 and a half and celebrates with a 50 year show! 2015 – The next Hedge End Gangshow – will you be involved in the 51st show? producers: Do you have show ideas? Could you think of themes and songs? Could you be the next producer? We are looking for enthusiastic people to fill this role. choreographers: We’d like to expand both the Junior Cast (Brownies & Cubs) and Adult Cast (Guides, Scouts, Rangers, Explorers, Young Leaders & leaders) teams. So if you like dancing, let us know! wardrobe assistants: We’d like to get more people on board to help spread the mighty load of costuming all the cast. You don’t have to be an expert, just a willingness to help and learn is all that’s required! business/fundraising: If you are more Admin, Finance, business headed and feel you can help raise funds and sponsors for the show. The business team welcome more helpers to get the vital pennies rolling in. stage crew member: Can you design, build, make or paint? Many hands make lighter work when it comes to making all the scenery and props for a show. If you feel you could help, let us know! calling all parents, leaders & helpers To develop a show in 2015 we need you to register your interest by 30th Nov 2013 Without your help Hedge End Gangshow will not continue. please contact :

Lou Smith (Scouting) 07765512778 lousmith.gsl@hotmail.co.uk Alison Richardson (Guiding) 07843054194 ar.33@virgin.net Helen Lancaster (Guiding 07969528355 littlelankie@hotmail.com




Interested in taking Scouts or Explorers abroad, but thought it was too difficult? The Hampshire International team have developed a series of assisted trips to Europe in 2014, making it easier for leaders to take young people overseas. Our experienced leaders will run the trip and will provide you with workshops to show you how to plan and organise a trip, guide you through completing all of the forms, and show you every stage of the process. As a leader, you will need to be prepared to attend up to 3 briefings / workshops over the next year, help prepare and run the trip and recruit some local young people to go on the trip with you. 3 Days Cycling in Martragny, France Dates: 7pm Fri 2nd May—5th May 2014 Start/End: Portsmouth Price: Estimated £100 per person Sections: Scouts / Explorers 1 Leader to 3 Young People

7 Days Activity Camp in St. Malo, France Dates: Wed 20th Aug—27th Aug 2014 Start/End: Portsmouth Price: Estimated £250 per person Sections: Scouts 1 Leader to 6 Young People

Description: A cycling camp, staying in the grounds of a French Chateau. 95% of the cycling is on flat ground. Cycling is in the form a treasure hunt around 40 points, including some WW2 sites.

Description: Activities to be confirmed. Camping on a commercial campsite.

7 Days Activity in Chalets in Wiltz, Luxemburg Dates: Tues 29th July—5th Aug 2014 Start/End: St. Pancras Price: Estimated £300 per person Sections: Explorers 1 or 2 Leaders to upto 8 Young People

7 Days Activity Camp in Jersey Dates: Wed 20th Aug —27th Aug 2014 Start/End: Poole Price: Estimated £300 per person Sections: Scouts / Explorers 1 Leader to 6 Young People

Description: Activities to be confirmed, but could include Mountain Bikes, Kayaks, Swimming etc.

Description: Activities to be confirmed, but could include Coasteering, Beach, Hiking, WW2 Sites, Blokarting, Cycling, Surfing etc.

For more information, please visit www.hampshirescouting.org.uk/international.php To Register an interest, please visit the above, by Sunday 6th October 2013

y t n Cou y r a i D Friday, September 20 - 22 Sct Emlyn Competition Sct Survival Skills

Saturday, September 21 Cty Act Pulling & Paddling Regatta AT H2 Safeguarding (Cancelled) Sunday, September 22 Cty Act Pulling & Paddling Regatta AT Module 13 AT Module 25 Saturday, September 28 AT Modules 14, 15 & 19 Sunday, September 29 Cty Act Basingstoke Canal Challenge AT Module 23 Saturday, October 5 Cty Act Bushcraft Course Cty Act GNAS Archery Community Sports Leader Course (part 1 of 2) AT Residential Weekend (Fully Booked) AT H2 Safeguarding Workshop Sunday, October 6 Cty Act Bushcraft Course Cty Act GNAS Archery Community Sports Leader Course (part 1 of 2) AT Residential Weekend (Fully Booked) Friday, October 11 Cty Act - HSMT Hillwalking & Climbing Courses/ Experience Weekend Exp-YL Modular training B-J Saturday, October 12 Cty Act - HSMT Hillwalking & Climbing Courses/ Experience Weekend Exp-YL Modular training B-J Cty Act GNAS Archery Community Sports Leader Course (part 2 of 2) AT Module 16 Cty Conference

Sunday, October 13 Cty Act - HSMT Hillwalking & Climbing Courses/ Experience Weekend Exp-YL Modular training B-J Cty Act GNAS Archery Community Sports Leader Course (part 2 of 2) Tuesday, October 15 Cty Act Pulling & Paddling Regatta Wash Up Meeting Wednesday, October 16 Net County Meeting for leaders & chairs Saturday, October 19 Cty Act County Caving Club - Caving Experience Day AT Module 24 Sunday, October 20 Cty Act County Caving Club - Caving Experience Day AT Modules 5 & 7 Friday, October 25 Cub-Cub Scout Survival Camp Saturday, October 26 Cub-Cub Scout Survival Camp Alton Towers Halloween Trip Sunday, October 27 Cub-Cub Scout Survival Camp Thursday, October 31 Cty Core-team meet Halloween Tuesday, November 5 Guy Fawkes Night

KEY - Cty = County - AT = Adult Training - UK = National - YP = Youth Programme

- Sct = Scouts - Exp = Explorers - YL = Young Leader - Net = Network - Act = Activity

Lynne French, County Skills Instructor 25 Pinewood park Farnborough Hampshire GU14 9LB Lynne.french@live.com 01252 661334


For the last 30 years Scouts from Hampshire have been travelling to the Lake District at Easter to climb some mountains – now it’s your turn!

How do I join in? Complete the registration form overleaf and return it to the address below along with your deposit. Hurry, places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

How much? The trip costs £195 payable in two installments, £75 on th registration and the balance of £120 by 4 January 2014.

Who: This is predominantly a trip for older Scouts (12+), but some Explorer places are available.

When: th th Saturday 12 to Saturday 19 April 2014 with training th st nd on the4 January and 1 - 2 March 2014.

Where: Based from the Hope Memorial Centre in the village of Braithwaite in the northern Lake District

What: A week of hill walking including a night of wild camping

Enjoy Hill Walking? Then spend a week doing it!



(Scout Leader / Explorer Scout Leader)




(Scout / Explorer Scout)


Please detail your hillwalking experience below:

(Participant) (Optional)

Email: …………………………………………….

(Parent / Guardian)

Email: …………………………………………….

Telephone: …………………………………….

Postcode: ………………………………………



Address: ……………………………………….

District: ………………………………………..

Troop/Unit: ……………………………………

DOB: ………………………………….............

Name: …………………………………………


I am interested in / already hold the Explorer Scout Mountain Activity Badge (Option A) •

I enclose a cheque for £75 payable to Hampshire County Scout Council

I am interested in / already hold the Expedition Challenge

I am interested in / already hold the Scout Hillwalker badge •

Please delete where appropriate:

I wish to register for a place on the 2014 Hillwalking trip to the Lake District

ACTIVITY LEADERSHIP COURSES 2013 - 2014 5-6 October 2013 5-6 October 2013 12-13 October 2013 10-13 October 2013 (arrive Thur eve) 10-13 October 2013 (arrive Thur eve) 10-13 October 2013 (arrive Thur eve) 10-13 October 2013 (arrive Thur eve) 11-13 October 2013 (arrive Fri eve)

10-13 October 2013 (arrive Thur eve) 18-25 January 2014

7-9 February 2014 April 2014 (TBC – 2 days)

Archery GB Community Sports Leader Course (part 1 of 2) Bushcraft Course

£185 per person for both weekends £65 per person

Archery GB Community Sports Leader Course (part 2 of 2) Mountain Leader Award Training or Assessment Summer (part 2 of 2) Walking Group Leader Award Training or Assessment Single Pitch Award (Climbing) Training or Assessment

£185 per person for both weekends £275 per person for both weekends

Ferny Crofts

Ferny Crofts

Ferny Crofts

North Wales

Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk

£135 per person

North Wales

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk

£115 per person

North Wales

Hillwalking Terrain 1 or 2 Activity Permit Assessment

£110 per person

North Wales

Hillwalking/Climbing Refresher & Experience weekend

£60 per person

North Wales

National Navigation Award Scheme (Bronze/Silver/Gold) – Training or Assessment Winter Mountaineering Skills Course (Winter Terrain 1 & 2 Activity Permit Assessments as well) NSRA Youth Proficiency Scheme course – Shooting

£115 per person

North Wales

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk

£350 per person

Cairngorms National Park

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk

£135 per person

Ferny Crofts

First Aid – Remote Emergency Care – Level 2

£80 per person

Ferny Crofts

Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk


COMPETITION 2013 Weekend of

13th - 14th September A weekend of Archery: Target, Field and Short Clout Supplied and Own equipment For details please contact your area adviser: North area: Phil smith - philsmithxtreme@tlworld.com South West area: Cyril Allen - cyril.allen@btinternet.com

South East area: Nigel Vosper - nigelvosper@btinternet.com Central area: Tim Beeching - timfbb.hsac@ntlworld.com

Hillwalking & Climbing Experience Weekends 14 14--15 September 2013 or 12 12--13 October 2013 (participants to arrive Friday evening)

Snowdonia National Park, North Wales 

Opportunity for those with more experience to explore unfamiliar routes and gain log book experience. 

Open to all members of the Scout Association aged 18 and above with no experience in mountaineering; up to those that want to start taking an active role as a mountain leader.

Weekend programmes will be tailored to your needs and aspirations.

Weekends will be a general and practical introduction to the many aspects of mountain walking, with the weekend providing the basic personal all round skills. Training and guidance for those wishing to make a start  on the Walking Group Leader, Mountain Leader Award or Scout Adventurous Activity Permit.

The cost per weekend per person is £60 per person which includes indoor accommodation, catering, tuition and instruction and use of group equipment.

Interested? Please visit the Hampshire Scouts Mountaineering Team website www.hsmt.org.uk to gain further information and booking details. If you wish to discuss further, please contact the team at enquiries@hsmt.org.uk

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