Hampshire Scout News - HSN - Summer 2014

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Summer 201

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Caving Club




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e V,RN(R’td) JP

Lt Commander Henry Bruc

Memorial Awards


July 2014


Adam’s Bit Scouting For All

World War 1 14th Aldershot Beavers & Cubs Funday

Linked in Camp The Big Clean Up 2nd New Forest North, Copythorne

Volunteers needed for safeguarding www.hampshirescouting.org.uk

the re-fresh

Hey welcome

to the July edition of HSN. Have you got any photos, articles and adverts you would like to be included in HSN? Then please send them to: county.office@Scouts-hants.org.uk

About Us

Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 17,500 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

Join Us

To join the adventure of Scouting whether as a Adult or Young person fill in the form at: www.Scouts.org.uk/join or email: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk or phone us on: 023 8084 7847

Photography Acknowledgements

Where we can, we strive to acknowledge the owner or source of pictures used in this publication. We accept that pictures on public and social media sites are for sharing. We use them under the terms ‘for Scouting use only’. If you would like pictures acknowledged, please let us know the owners name when submitting. Thank you.

Hampshire Scout

Caving Club




The Adventure Begins... At Ferny Crofts Open Day, held in a pocket of sunshine despite rain elsewhere, I saw children as young as four climbing an artificial wall, primary school children fearlessly balancing on the high ropes, and Beavers steering a raft in circles on the pond. All of course doing so safely and under expert tuition, but still much younger than you might have seen taking part in these activities 20 or even 10 years ago. Sometimes people question whether we should be offering activities so early – if Beavers camp, what’s left for them in Cubs; if Scouts travel abroad, what do they have to look forward to in Explorers ? The answer is that Scouting offers limitless possibilities for adventure. At a training day for next year’s Uganda expedition, I heard about the plans for Explorers to climb Mount Elgon. Two and a half days going up, one and a half days coming back down, and around 4,000m of ascent. Hampshire Scout Expeditions were talking about their plans to visit Antarctica, walk to the South Pole, and then kite-ski back. And Skywalkers from Itchen South, shown traversing Crib Goch on Snowdon on the back page of last month’s HSN, offer Scouts and Explorers the opportunity to gain the skills and the permits to climb serious mountains. Whatever challenges you’ve achieved in Scouting, there’s always more on offer if you want it. Of course, not every Scout Leader is qualified to instruct in caving and canoeing and climbing and mountaineering and archery and shooting and… So that’s where the District and County Activity Clubs come in, to provide the specialist skills and instructors to enable every Scout to look back at Pen-y-Fan from the Brecon Beacons Mountain Centre and say “I just climbed that”. It’s not just Scouting for All we want to offer. It’s Adventure for All.


County Commissioner Hampshire Scouting


July 2014

World War 1 In previous articles we have related some of the actions and work undertaken by British Scouts during WW1. However, despite only effectively being 6 years old Scouting had quickly spread into Europe and many other countries around the world. Part of this was undoubtedly due to the influence of the Empire but the main reason behind this rapid spread was that the core values as given in the Promise and the Scouting Laws applies universally to all people. The majority of the support given by Boy Scouts followed that given in Britain. This included running messages, raising funds for equipment and welfare, helping with growing food, helping support the wounded and the population at home. However, support given by Boy Scouts in France and Belgium took an understandably more radical form as they came into direct contact with the invading German Army. A press article from 1914 gives a flavour of what the Belgian scouts did – “The Boy Scouts are all over Belgium. It was a Boy Scout (looking exactly like an English Boy Scout, even to his neckerchief and khaki short) who took my pass to a member of the General Staff at Army Headquarters in the field yesterday. It was a Boy Scout who showed me the route from one village to another when I lost my way, and it was a boy scout who helped capture a German cavalryman near Liege last week. I was at the station when a troop train arrived with a tremendous uproar. Every window framed a mass of tousled heads as the men of the 11th regiment demanded water. It arrived without delay. Boy Scouts, detailed to slake the thirst of an army, filled great tins at the station taps and went methodically from carriage to carriage. In less than 5 minutes the regiment had drunk its fill and replenished its water-bottles, and the train moved away. One is inclined to laugh when a grey-bearded general comes to the door of his office and shouts ‘Boy Scout’, but they are playing a very serious part in the affairs of the Belgian army.” The images from this article are striking and showed how vital Boy Scouts were to the war effort. This work to support the war effort was not without its dangers. They were excellent spy catchers and one Scout, named Leysen, was decorated by King Albert of the Belgians for having captured no fewer than 11 spies, one of these captures after he had been wounded

in the arm. Regrettably 2 Boy Scouts who were caught observing the German lines were executed. The Boy Scouts proved so successful and valuable that they retreated along with the Belgian army and one of the first actions of the Germans when they occupied towns was to ban Scouting. In France it was a similar story and they worked in close cooperation with the Military authorities. They also undertook valuable work in the hospitals, receiving special recognition and being noted for their willingness to help anyone injured irrespective of whether they were enemy or ally. With most of the men away fighting French Boy Scouts played a major role in working the fields and growing the food needed to feed them all. We must not forget that, by 1914, Scouting was also established in Germany and that German Boy Scouts were also used extensively by the German authorities. In this they were, like every other Scout, following that part of the Scout promise to their duty their country and they were being told that it was the patriotic thing to do to go to war. They were used in the very same way that Scouts were being used in Britain, France and Belgium – as messengers, cyclists, in hospitals and on the fields. Britain had its Empire including countries such as Canada, Australia, India and many African states. All of them became involved in supporting the War effort not only by sending many troops but also through supplying Britain with much of its food. Scouts in these countries helped with the growing of food with Canada initiating a Soldiers of the Soil (SOS) badge. They helped support those families whose fathers were away at war and when the injured returned they helped in the hospitals and with the wounded. In India, Scouts became involved supporting the administration and authorities as messengers and orderlies and in helping to locate German spies. Thus we can see that Scouts throughout the World fulfilled their promise and laws and helped where they could and as appropriate to their location. When engaging your young people with WW1 and what Scouts did it is important that this international aspect should not be forgotten and could form the subject of a small project by them. www.hampshirescouts.org.uk


t rsho e ld 14 Aers & cubs beav y funda th

On Saturday 21st June 19 beavers and cubs attended the annual beaver and cubs fun day at scout HQ, Gilwell activity centre . The beavers and cubs had an early start meeting at their hut at 7.30am, ready for their journey to Essex. They arrived just before 10am after getting lost, and once they got their passes they started to try as many activities as they could. They included zip wire, climbing, giant slides, go-karts, rope making, fishing and many more. After a long, hot and sunny day they arrived back in Aldershot at 7:30pm all very tired but wanting to go again next year. Paul Stillwell


July 2014

Linked in Camp

At the Linked in camp , two enthusiastic Beavers insisted I make up and cook a kebab, which I did, under their close scrutiny, they then said I had to eat the whole contents. Marks out of 10, produced quite a debate, well Mister, you did drop a piece of your bacon in the fire - eight out of ten! It was a super day at Ferny croft especially seeing Bear Grylls. Many thanks to the Ferny Crofts team.

David Stemp

Safegaurding awareness co-ordinator, hampshire.

Hampshire Scout Rifle Club www.Scouts-shoot.org.uk/hsrc www.hampshirescouts.org.uk


hampshire Scouts County Canoe Club

www.hsccc.org.uk p U n e a e n l r C o g h i t y B p e o h T ,C h t r o N t s e nd New For 2

We had a joint clean-up of Copythorne Common with the Guides, organised by our local police, PC Bob Morant and PC Andy White who arranged for New Forest District Council to collect the rubbish from roadside collection points. About 26 young people, leaders and parents came along and removed a large amount of rubbish. The weather was kind to us and everyone enjoyed the comradeship and being useful in the community.

Hampshire Scout

Mountaineering Team www.hsmt.org.uk 8

July 2014

s o r e H g n u Uns s d r a Aw

Beryl and Mike Mullender won the ‘Unsung Hero’ section of Destination Basingstoke’s Place to be Proud of Awards thanks to support from their many scouting friends and colleagues who twittered, faxed, facebooked and used all manner of media to promote their case. Martin Lee, Assistant District Commissioner Scouts Basingstoke East was responsible for submitting Mike and Beryl’s nomination for the award.

Since the 1950’s Beryl and Mike have been continuously involved in Scouting in Basingstoke and at times at County level. Mike currently holds four appointments - Group Treasurer, Local Training Manager, Training Advisor and member of Basingstoke East District Executive. Over the years he has served in many roles primarily as a Cub Scout Leader, Assistant District Commissioner Cubs, Assistant District Commissioner Leader Training, County Executive representative and Crabtree Campsite warden. Mike

was an adviser with the Citizens Advice Bureau in Basingstoke for over ten years specialising in Employment Tribunal cases.

Beryl served as District Chairman and District Secretary for Basingstoke East District for many years; was an Assistant Cub Scout Leader with Mike in the early years and helped with a Beaver colony. She also gave twenty years of service to the Guide Association as District Commissioner, a Guide Captain and Camp site warden jointly with Mike. Latterly she has reduced her commitment to that of Honorary Manager of Basingstoke Scouting Supplies, Basingstoke’s local Scout Shop, which contributes over £6000 to Scouting every year. She was a member of the WRVS for over ten years until the ‘Meals on Wheels’ service was commercialised and also a local collector for Christian Aid.

in Basingstoke and were prime movers in raising £164,000 of funding to build Base 2000, Basingstoke Air Scouts’ Group Headquarters in Carpenters Down, Popley. It is good to see their many years of commitment to the community recognised by the ‘Unsung Hero’ Award. Members of the District including some young people attended the presentation ceremony at the Haymarket Theatre in Basingstoke to witness the presentation of the award by Steven Connolly, Centre Director of Basingstoke’s Festival Place. James Ketchell, a Scouting Ambassador for Hampshire, won the Sports Hero section in recognition of his cycling around the world, rowing across the Atlantic and climbing Mount Everest.

Over the years Beryl and Mike have been staunch supporters of Scouting



DISTRICT RAFT RACE 1st Aldershot Scouts

1st Aldershot Scouts partook in this year’s annual raft race organised by Blackwater Valley District Scouts on Saturday 21st June 2014. 1st Aldershot entered a team of four Scouts into the event who had a fantastic time at Hawley Lake. On one of the sunniest afternoons of the year so far, eleven teams assembled to use their pioneering skills and build rafts at Hawley Sailing Club. 1st Aldershot hadn’t taken part in the event for several years but managed to pull a team together for this year’s event. It was the perfect sunny afternoon for a dip in the water and our Scouts were eager to get building. The Scouts were given a short safety briefing and then an hour to start putting together their creations. 1st Aldershot would be using pioneering poles, rope and barrels to make their floating contraption and were very eager to get into the lake and race. All the troops entering were given some time to practice then two heats to race against their fellow troops. Our Scouts made some final touches and had a great time practising their rowing and keeping balance on the raft. Although our troop didn’t come anywhere in the race, the Scouts were very eager to re-design and practise building rafts for next year’s District competition. The Scouts from 1st Aldershot are currently looking forward to their tri-annual Summer Camp in Abergavenny, Wales where they will have the opportunity to take part in more water activities like canoeing, kayaking and swimming. If your child is interested in joining 1st Aldershot Scouts please contact us at firstaldershotscouts@ gmail.com or twitter.com/1staldershot, alternatively visit our website at www.1staldershot.co.uk. Nathan Barham, 1st Aldershot Scouts Assistant Leader

www.1staldershot.co.uk 10

July 2014

rs e e t n Volu d e d e e n for g n i ard u g e f sa Are you able to join the Hampshire safeguarding team? We are looking to expand our small team of Safeguarding Awareness Coordinators (SACs). The role involves meetings once a term with the team, running workshops alongside other SACs and supporting leaders with safeguarding issues. Training provided by HQ. If you are interested or know anyone who might be, please contact Katy Bass (Safeguarding Awareness Coordinator) via email on: katy.bass@btinternet.com

12-14 Sept 2014

Arial Trekimg - Jacobs Ladder - Leap of Faith - Tomahawk Throwing - Inflatables Rifle Shooting - Archery - Segways - Zombie Blasting (Lazer Tag) - Jump Mats Two Evenings of Top Entertainment with our Resident Dj - Horror Themed Saturday Evening With Party Games - Our Infamous ‘Intense’ Piano Bash

Open to all Scout Network and Senior Guide members. Weekend tickets cost £30 (*Early bird camping price) or £40 (*Early bird bunk beds price) and catered options are also available for an additional £15. Places are available on a first come, first served basis. Find out more at intense.uk.net and about Woodhouse Park at scouts.org.uk/sac.

www.intense.uk.net www.hampshirescouts.org.uk



the re-fresh

This month we say goodbye to our interim County website and thank you to those who built it, at very short notice, and maintained it. Led by ex-Assistant County Commissioner Communications, Robin Sharpe was Will (ASBO) Tonks-Kettering, David Patrick and Kevin Gillkerson. They knew it did not have some of the features you wanted when it was first launched and they had planned to add those features. All they needed was the extra volunteer time to their current roles and more volunteers. Sounds familiar?! Without the current website we would never have had the feedback from members about what they would like on a website to help them with their Scouting. No-one comments on a blank piece of paper! The team were also able to develop and test new ideas which we are bringing into the new website. So the current website has served it’s time and had it’s review. Thank you so much for all you have done in setting the foundations in which we can build. The new County website goes live on 1st August 2014 and we will be celebrating with some fabulous competitions and a launch at H0014, the County camp. In the next Issue of HSN we will introduce you to the new County website and it’s support team. Would you like to support the new Website or be able to add Posts? Please get in touch: acc.comms@scouts-hants.org.uk


July 2014

Hampshire Scout Caving Club

Caving Days 18th or 19th October 2014

Try Caving on Saturday or Sunday the 18th or 19th of October 2014 at Hampshire Scout Caving Club’s Caving Days. The activities are targeted at the novice caver who has little or no experience. If you have been before let us know and we can arrange slightly harder trips in the same area. A Caving Day consists of about 3 hours caving in the morning and 3 hours of caving in the afternoon(normally at Burrington Coombe and Priddy or in the local area). Based around Priddy in the Mendip Hills of Somerset the cost is £90 per group of 6 or part thereof (this does not include food or transport to Mendip). If you are interested get your section leader to obtain more information and booking forms. HSCC Booking Secretary Gavin Bancroft can be contacted on gavinbancroft@fsmail.net 07717 177744

Hampshire Scout

Mountaineering Team www.hsmt.org.uk



THE NATIONAL HARVEST SERVICE FOR BRITISH FOOD FORTNIGHT 2014 Sponsored by Tesco, Applications now open! Young people from across the country are being invited to play an integral part in British Food Fortnight 2014. We are calling on Schools, Scouts, Cubs, Guides, Brownies and other youth groups to create a Harvest box that celebrates the food produced in their part of the UK. Each Harvest box needs to contain fruit and vegetables the children have grown themselves and a selection of food from local producers in their part of the country. The boxes will play a starring role at the annual National Harvest Service, to be held this year in Birmingham Cathedral on the 20th October. Boxes might contain vegetables from your allotment or herbs grown in windowsills and hanging baskets; delicious treats such as Harvest loaves or bramble jelly made using local flour or fruit you have picked yourself; and products from local cheese, meat and vegetable producers. Children will be invited to the National Harvest Service where the boxes will take pride of place. The display in Birmingham Cathedral will be admired by a host of VIPs and afterwards, the produce will be donated to a local charity. You can apply online to take part until the 24th July 2014 at www. lovebritishfood.co.uk, where you can also find plenty of ideas and tips on planning and producing your Harvest box. Your activities can take place in after school clubs, during activities weeks, at home, or as part of the curriculum. The National Harvest Service is part of the Bring Home the Harvest for British Food Fortnight campaign, which aims to bring together communities from across the UK to help rekindle the age old tradition of celebrating the Harvest. This year we are supported by Tesco who have pledged to help improve the next generation’s relationship with food over the next 20 years. Together we’re hoping to encourage more communities, more schools and more young people across the country to get involved and celebrate the Harvest in style. How else can children and young people get involved in Bring Home the Harvest? • Bring Home the Harvest in your Community: In association with The Telegraph we are searching for the new Harvest Heroes the communities that organise the most innovative, inclusive and imaginative harvest celebrations during British Food Fortnight. There’s a new category for schools and young people in 2014 the winners of which will receive an action-packed gardening workshop with Chris Collins and cookery equipment from Tesco Home Range. Why not use the preparation of your Harvest box to create an event that your friends and family can join in with? • Tesco’s Farm to Fork Trails for Children: Tesco are taking primary school pupils in the UK on a journey of exploration from farm to fork. Helping them to connect with where food comes from, so that they can enjoy an informed and healthy relationship British produce. The aim is to explain where their food comes from, what it tastes like, what to do with it and the journey it takes to get to their plate. Youngsters will have the opportunity


July 2014

to bake bread in stores or go out to meet our growers in farm, or even have Tesco visit their school. • #HarvestFever: With Farmers Guardian, we want to see you showing off your home grown produce during British Food Fortnight, with your funkiest “Harvest Fever” poses! You might be a farmer in your grain store, a school class or group of Brownies working in your allotment or you may be inside your local butcher or farm shop. Throw those shapes, use the hashtag #HarvestFever and nominate people you know by “Harvest Fever forwarding” to your friends on Facebook and Twitter. Don’t forget to tag @LoveBritishFood and @FarmersGuardian ! • WHAT RESOURCES ARE AVAILABLE TO HELP PEOPLE TAKE PART? Look out for details of all British Food Fortnight activities, lots of ideas for taking part and 14 things people can do - one for each day of British Food Fortnight - to join in the fun and bring the harvest alive in their homes, schools and communities. Be the first to hear the news by following the activities on Twitter @LoveBritishFood, #HarvestFever, Facebook: Love-British-Food • WHO IS BEHIND BRITISH FOOD FORTNIGHT? The Bring Home the Harvest Campaign is sponsored by Tesco Plc. It is part of British Food Fortnight which is sponsored by Aramark and a large family of organisations led by Centreplate, Enterprise Inns, Hallmark Care Homes, and Whiting and Hammond. WHERE CAN WE FIND OUT MORE? To find out how you can take part, download promotional material, sign up for monthly updates on the latest British food news and for details of what is happening near you, see www.lovebritishfood.co.uk or email info@lovebritishfood.co..uk . • Last year the inaugural event was held in Westminster Abbey, and was attended by a host of VIPs including HRH The Duchess of Cornwall, Damien Lewis and Martin Clunes. In 2014, the highprofile celebration will be held in Birmingham Cathedral. More information will be announced in due course. • Tesco recently announced their Eat Happy Project; a 20 year commitment to improve the next generation’s relationship with food. This project has already seen over 100,000 primary school children take part in Farm to Fork trails both in Tesco stores and in suppliers’ farms, factories and fisheries. Trails have also been run online to ensure no one is left out. For Bring Home the Harvest, Tesco will be developing some exciting Farm to Fork harvest themed activities to help children across the UK understand more about British produce and how it’s grown. For schools wishing to sign up for a Farm to Fork Trail, please visit www.tesco.com/eathappyproject or contact @EatHappyProject. For further press information, jpegs of the British Food Fortnight logo, quotes and photos, please contact Catherine on T: 020 323 97032 E: info@lovebritishfood.co..uk www.lovebritishfood.co.uk For information about Tesco’s partnership for Bring Home the Harvest please contact Rebecca Miller on 01992 644645




July 2014

Navigation training day (0900 – 1500)

Adventurous Activity Permit Training – Assessment (Walls & Towers) BCU Foundation Safety & Rescue Training Course

6 July 2014

6 July 2014

19-21 September 2014 (arrive Thur eve) 19-21 September 2014 (arrive Thur eve) 19-21 September 2014 (arrive Thur eve) 19-21 September 2014 (arrive Thur eve)

7 September 2014

29 June 2014

Adventurous Activity Permit Training or Assessment – Climbing or Hillwalking Terrain 1 or 2

Single Pitch Award (Climbing) Training or Assessment

Mountain Leader Award Training or Assessment (part 1 of 2) Walking Group Leader Award Training or Assessment

Adventurous Activity Permit Training & Assessment – Traditional Rafting Adventurous Activity Permit Training – Climbing (Walls & Towers) BCU Foundation Safety & Rescue Training Course

7 June 2014

21-22 June 2014

BCU Foundation Safety & Rescue Training Course

1 June 2014

Lakeside, Eastleigh Lakes

£30 per person + BCU registration £275 per person (Hampshire price) £135 per person (Hampshire price) £115 per person (Hampshire price) £95 per person (Hampshire price) North Wales

North Wales

North Wales

North Wales

Ferny Crofts

£30 per person

New Forest


£30 per person + BCU registration Free

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: http://www.hsmt.org.uk/training.h tm Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk Joan Veal E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk

Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk Joan Veal E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk

Ferny Crofts

Ferny Crofts

Joan Veal E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk

Lakeside, Eastleigh Lakes

£75 per person

£30 per person + BCU registration £30 per person

Activity Leadership Courses 2014

11-12 October 2014

11-12 October 2014 (arrive Fri eve) 11-12 October 2014

Adventurous Activity Permit Training or Assessment – Climbing or Hillwalking Terrain 1 or 2 Hillwalking/Climbing Refresher & Experience weekend � Archery GB Community Sports Leader Award course (part 2 of 2) Bushcraft Course

Single Pitch Award (Climbing) Training or Assessment

Archery GB Community Sports Leader Award course (part 1 of 2) Mountain Leader Award Training or Assessment (part 2 of 2) Walking Group Leader Award Training or Assessment

4-5 October 2014 10-12 October 2014 (arrive Thur eve) 10-12 October 2014 (arrive Thur eve) 10-12 October 2014 (arrive Thur eve) 10-12 October 2014 (arrive Thur eve)

Hillwalking/Climbing Refresher & Experience weekend � NSRA Youth Proficiency Scheme – Shooting

18-21 September 2014 (arrive Fri eve) 26-28 September 2014 Ferny Crofts

Ferny Crofts

£135 per person £190 per person for both weekends £275 per person (Hampshire price) £135 per person (Hampshire price) £115 per person (Hampshire price) £95 per person (Hampshire price)

Ferny Crofts £190 per person for both weekends £90 per person

Ferny Crofts

South Wales

£60 per person

South Wales

South Wales

South Wales

South Wales

North Wales

£60 per person

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team E: admin@hsmt.org.uk W: www.hsmt.org.uk

Activity Leadership Courses 2014

If you think you’re up for the challenge come and camp down at Cricket Campsite for an exhilarating zombie camp. This Camp will revolve solely around being in a zombie apocalypse, you will be transported to this era and made to face challenges you would normally encounter along the way. These consist of a zombie attack having to fend them off with a catapult of your creation, and an assault course on the run from a zombie. You will also obviously need supplies on this adventure and again a challenge will be set with the reward of your food. This is a guaranteed weekend of enjoyment, though at the end, your human status can’t be definite. For more information E-mail: zombiecamp@outlook.com

County KUDU

An overnight incident hike “your mission is……………….” Calling all Explorers and Network, this is the last year that the event is going to be held as a joint event, so now is the time to submit your teams ready for September Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st at Queen Elizabeth Country Park. No excuse about not knowing where you need to be, so register your interest now. Go to paul-scouts@live.co.uk to register and receive the paperwork. Let’s make this a joint event to remember. You need to be 14 and over to take part in this event!

Friday 5th - Sunday 7th September 2014 Can you and your Unit afford to miss out on the Explorer Scout and Scout Network event of the year? Take a look around the site to find out more about the weekend in September when over 400 of us will descend on a campsite in Surrey and go to Thorpe Park to have the time of our lives.

Only £45 For more info and booking details please visit:

www.summitnetwork.org.uk/tpc/index.asp www.hampshirescouts.org.uk


Friday 19th – Sunday 21st September 2014 The Challenge To create and spend a night in a campsite that is pitched between 50cm and 2.5m above ground level with the minimum of contact between your site and the ground beneath it. Your team will be challenged to live, eat and sleep in the SkyZone plus complete a series of additional challenges over the competition weekend. You Should be Competing Here if … • you are Network, Explorer, Senior Section or Ranger Unit looking for an active and adventurous challenge. • you are between 14 and 25 and think you have the skills to improvise and achieve in a competition environment. • you enjoy surviving adventure camps and think that you camp in an eco-friendly manner wherever you pitch your tent. • you are a Leader wanting to compete with the best. To enter: £15 per participant. Leaders: Free. Competing Leaders: £15 per participant. Teams can be between 4 and 8 people. To enter the SkyCamp Challenge, contact the team on 01753 882640 or email skycamp@ paccarscoutcamp.orgto register your interest. They will send you a team application form to complete and return. PACCAR Scout Campsite, Chalfont Heights, Denham Lane, Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire, SL9 0QJ


July 2014

Ferny Crofts Bursary Scheme

What’s it all about ? - Gain outdoor instructor qualifications

- Are you intere sted in outdoor activiti es ? - Do you want to be an instructor ? - Are you consid ering a career in the outdoor industry ? If you answered YES to any of these qu estions, then the Bursar y Scheme could be for you !

- Personal development - Learn how an activity centre is run - Time & support to explore the UK - Achieve NGB Awards - Over 18’s only - 10 months live in on centre - Food and accommodation included - Grants available for training

Do you fit the bi ll ? We’re looking fo r passionate and enthusiastic young people to join the Fern y Crofts Bursary schem e. To find out more about applying, please contact us on 02380 845092, or email bursary@fernyc rofts.org.uk www.facebook.com/Fern yCroftsBursary

Ferny Crofts Management Team HCSC Registered Charity Number: 105788 t: 023 8084 5092 e: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk www.fernycrofts.org.uk www.facebook.com/fernycrofts.sac Vers 2013.2



Lt Commander Henry Bruce V,RN(R’td) JP

Memorial Awards This year’s awards were presented at the County Review and Annual General Meeting on Thursday 26th June in Winchester.

The young person award went to Rosemary Harrison, Activities Supervisor at Ferny Crofts. Despite a viral infection in the brain which paralysed her down her left side, including her eye sight being affected, and unable to walk, Rosemary was determined to try and get back to ‘normality’ as soon as possible. Ferny Crofts worked with her to help her continue working as and when she was able to, and she has dedicated her life to ensuring young people are enabled to achieve their best and have a great time making friends and having fun. Rosemary loves working with young people and they benefit so much from her enthusiasm and sunny outlook on life. The Adult leader award was presented to Sherren Corser;-Paralysed on the left side of her body Sherren does everything single-handedly. She restarted up the Beaver colony at 2nd Portchester, five Beavers quickly grew to eighteen. With a change in the leadership in the Cub section, Sherren now runs a combined meeting with both Beavers and Cubs with the help of another leader and a parent rota. Sherren took on this challenge with her usual cheerfulness and positive outlook, only thinking what would be best for the Colony,Pack and group as a whole. Both presentations of a plaque, certificate and a cheque for £50, were presented by Lt Commander Henry Bruce’s son Peveril, who said he was amazed and humbled with the dedication of the two recipients Nomination forms for next year’s awards will be available early in the New Year.


July 2014

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