Hampshire Scout News Nov 2011

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e r i h s p Ham ws Nov 2011

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P U D WOR LE PEOP Welcome to my 3rd edition of HSN. This month I have assembled news from all around the County and news that has arrived in my inbox. For Distribution and any other County Office matters please use:


Can you send text in a Word doc and photos as jpegs files. Cheers TP email me , Tall Paul (Jon), now with all your photos, articles, adverts and roll of honour for the next edition of HSN hsn@scouts-hants.org.uk

with the email subject Re: HSN

s u t abou

Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 16,000 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

s u n joi

To join the adventure of Scouting whether as a Adult or Young person fill in the form at:

www.Scouts.org.uk/join or email: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk or phone us on: 02380 847847


er g a n a m t ou .uk online sc nager.co scoutma e n i l n o . w


Online Scout Manager is a free tool to help you to manage your entire section or group online - badge records, termly programmes, evening attendance, camps and events, and more!! It has been developed by a Scout leader for Scout Leaders. Since its launch at Easter, it has over 250 groups and 500 users using it. It is incredibly easy to use and is even suitable for the technophobes amongst us! If you have any questions or suggestions, please email: ed@onlinescoutmanager.co.uk

s t n e t con 4.

Adam’s Bit

The County Commissioner speaks to the County.


The Vision

Scouting in 2018.



So how can you help?

10. Beavers Raised £355.

13. Cubs Dancing Ledge.

16. Scouts Sailing Expedition.

17. Explorers & Scouts 35th National Scout Rifle Championships.

19. Network App of the Year.

24. Bursary So Far.. The Ferny Croft’s Bursary

31. Walk the District in aid of Children in Need.

ADAM’S BIT What’s our Vision for the Future of Hampshire Scouting ? One year ago, we launched our interim Hampshire Scouting strategy, which will take us through to 2013. We’re focused on growing Scouting in four main areas – more adventure, more young people, more adults, and better support – and we are working hard on making all of the underlying strategic initiatives happen, from our Youth Council to our County Development Officer. Now it’s time for us to start thinking about the future of Hampshire Scouting for the next five years to 2018. There’s two main parts to this process: •

Headquarters are starting to promote their Vision towards 2018. We need to look at this in detail and understand what it means for Hampshire and how we can use it.

We need to decide what Hampshire Scouting should look like in 2018 – building of course on our current strategy, but also looking at new areas.

What’s different this time is that we’re going to asking you these questions, and using your answers to help build our Vision for the Future. Over the coming months we’re going to be reaching out to everyone involved in Hampshire Scouting – through a mixture of workshops and online initiatives. •

We’ll ask young people through the Youth Council, District Youth Forums and other youth participation activities.

We’ll listen to adult leaders through a series of focus groups around the County, along with online surveys.

We’ll consult with DCs, District Chairmen and the County Team through County Conferences, Cluster Groups and existing meetings.

It’s been said that the best way to predict the future is to invent it. NOW’S OUR CHANCE ! Adam, County Commissioner, Hampshire Scouting


ers took b m e M r u O ility for responsibb out the bringing aand look at changes- achieved what we

s The procesin g p lo e v e d of for n io is a new v g has Scoutin usands o involved th of Members

ALL HARD WORK & NO PLAY? A flexible, adaptable team of volunteers who provide direct support to scouting. Scout Active Support - we’ve all heard about it! We all think we know what it does! So why haven’t we got lots of people involved! One of the reasons may be because we don’t actively recruit for it? Scout Active Support allows people to give their time to Scouting on a flexible basis. People can still be involved in Scouting without the full-time commitment of being a leader. Anyone over 18 years can join, this could be Network members, leaders, former leaders, parents of young people or just anyone with an interest in what we do and who wants to get involved. The key to success is that it has a clear idea of what it is there for and that its members are willing to commit some time to support Scouting. It should provide a valuable resource to the Group, District or County it belongs to.

So how can they help? With the Programme:

A District Unit who has members experienced in running Beavers, could support the new Colony Leaders at the new Group in the District.

A member of the Group Active support Unit, could run the Local Knowledge activity badge with Cubs.

With Development:

A Scout Group is struggling for Leaders, so the Group Unit arrange to attend local school fairs, parents evenings and fetes to promote Scouting.

With Funding:

The District have a goal to replace worn out climbing equipment, the District Unit could help with fundraising and grant bid writing.


AND KEEP US RUNNING Stores Manager Description • Maintain an inventory of the kit that the group owns • Maintain a booking system for all the kit • Attend Group Exec meetings and give a report The role will also require you to: • Repair, or have repaired, any broken or damaged kit • Condemn and dispose of un-repairable or dangerous kit • Hand out kit that has been booked when required • Check all kit when it is returned for being used Contact Details: GROUP CHAIRMAN – BRIAN 01234 567899

Written by Vanessa Slawson


In a busy group, leaders often struggle to communicate and find out who can do what. Sometimes just getting the knowledge out there, that you as a leader need help can be a hard task. One idea to get round this might be to have a Vacancy Board in a prominent position within your meeting place. This could be in a lobby area or by the door into a hall so it is seen by parents and other adults. When designing your vacancy board you will need to ensure that it has room to put vacancy cards on, so they are changeable as your needs change. It is worth remembering that it needs to be evolving and changing, so that potential viewers see it has a fresh item, ensuring it is looked at. In putting vacancies together, whilst we all look at roles in Scouting in the whole context, it is worth addressing the actual tasks that need doing. To achieve this you need to have an idea of what you are looking for and breaking down a big job into smaller chunks can help make them more do-able by potential volunteers. It’s important to make sure that the leaders within a group leadership team understand and can talk about the positions which are appearing on the board. It might take a email or a small briefing to make sure that all know about it. Think about the headers you might use to attract people to read. It usually helps to make a link between them as an individual and you as a Scout Group.

Titles such as: an opportunity to volunteer and make a difference… volunteer and keep us running smoothly… make a difference by volunteering & see young people grow… volunteer and inspire young people to achieve… volunteer and use your skills to make a difference … These linked to a role title can help make an individual see that potentially they can do the role.

Sample introductory text:

The 1st Candover Valley Scout Group is a lively, growing Scout Group. In order for us to make the most of the opportunities we have available for the young people within the group we are looking to fill the following volunteer vacancies. All the vacancies listed below can be carried out, in a flexible manner, meeting the individuals capacity to fulfil the roles. Written by Vanessa Slawson


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After an absence of 13 years the adventure of scouting returned to the village of Preston Candover. 12 Beavers and 4 leaders gathered logs and started their adventure at the beginning of September. This all happened after an initial enquiry about the availability of Scouting locally from a parent in the middle of June. So how did it happen so quickly? After picking up the enquiry late one Friday night I spoke to Victoria the parent and potential leader. She had she found out that there was no Scouting available in Candover Valley and wanted to know if she could start a colony. We meet and then the wheels were in motion with a target date of September. Victoria Andrew and her family were moving in July to the area and her son was already attending Beavers. She knew how much he would miss the activities and how much he got out of

it. The local primary school has around 150 pupils from the Candover villages so potential for recruitment was definitely there – in fact Victoria already had 12 names on a list! She had also already spoken to some of the other mums and recruited 3 more adults to support this project. One of them was a member of the village hall committee who secured a suitable slot at the potential meeting venue, a good size hall with grounds for outdoor activities and adventures. So - adults, venue and kids all in place the paperwork begins. This is why it happened so quickly. The District Commissioner immediately found a host group to look after the new colony in the interim. The executive committee of 1st Medstead agreed to support them as a satellite section until they have their own exec and group leaders. The District Beaver team and Active Support members were asked to help them until the

new adults had completed their Getting Started modules. The Appointments Committee came to the village and the training advisers validated them for Module 1 on the same night. The new leaders were directed to the resources for programmes, the Scout Shop, the district activities. They planned a programme and sent out the invitations to join. Scouting started and by the end of the 4th week all the leaders had completed Module 3 and could then fly solo. The latest news is that a further 3 Beavers have joined with 6 more planned for January. Preparations for a cub pack are at their early stages and planning to open next year. The Preston Candover team was focused and enthusiastic. The District team was proactive and supportive. This combination made the project possible. Written by Vanessa Slawson

Beaver Fun Days

n 1- Forest Fu

You help!

All in!

1 - Pond Dipping and Minibeast hunting or Team Challenge 2 - Adventure Course 3 - Nature Trail, Frisbee Golf or Picture Trail

9am - 3pm


e 2-Adventur

All in!

e g n e l l a h C 3

All in!

1 - Climbing, Abseiling, Archery, Backwards Cooking, Shelter Building or Tree Climbing 2 - Adventure Course 3 - Nature Trail, Frisbee Golf or £10 Picture Trail

You help!

1 - Climbing, Abseiling, Archery, Backwards Cooking, Shelter Building or Tree Climbing 2 - Pond Dipping & Minibeast Hunting or Team Challenge 3 - Adventure Course 4 - Nature Trail, Frisbee Golf or Picture Trail £22

9am - 5pm


You help!

1 - Climbing, Abseiling, Archery, Backwards Cooking, Shelter Building or Tree Climbing 2 - Adventure Course 3 - Nature Trail, Frisbee Golf or £16 Picture Trail

9am - 3pm

1 - Pond Dipping and Minibeast hunting or Team Challenge 2 - Adventure Course 3 - Nature Trail, Frisbee Golf or Picture Trail

1 - Climbing, Abseiling, Archery, Backwards Cooking, Shelter Building or Tree Climbing 2 - Pond Dipping & Minibeast Hunting or Team Challenge 3 - Adventure Course 4 - Nature Trail, Frisbee Golf or Picture Trail £15

***Minimum 10 Beavers*** ***Pastoral care to be provided by leaders***

Look out!

All in!

All instruction provided by us

You Help!

You run some of the activities (the ones in blue)

Outdoor Challenge and Fitness badges

1 - Forest Trail and Exploration 2 - Pitching and Striking Tents

Pastoral Care to be provided by Leaders Minimum 8 Beavers 3 Hours of Instruction 11am - 3pm

Only £7! Contact us to find out more and join the Adventure!

Ferny Crofts Scout Activity Centre T: 02380 845092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk P: Beaulieu Road, Beaulieu, Hampshire. SO42 7YQ

All prices per Beaver All days subject to availability Please contact us for more information or to book

e g d e L Dancing

There can’t be a more amazing place to go for an adventure this time of year and with the Brennscombe Centre staff, it was a reality. The weather was a critical factor. No one wants to dangle from a rope on a storm lashed cliff, and it was pretty wet and wind blown! We’d gotten the tents up with ease on the Friday. Mr. Fairfield helped with the big stores tent and then the two buses and a good group of parents began unloading the stores. Mrs. Hartley came by with Sam and Hamish and with a good fire going we tucked into sausages and the like. There were S’Mores and and some singing around the campfire. It was a busy and long night! Excited Cubs fuelled with visions of danger as they tucked up in the five or so four man tents in the field at Brook Farm. The Year Sixes were off high on the hill near the copse.


off site by 0800!


On the day we were in two teams after a quick croissant and coco. The first 15 set off from deep in the Purbecks through Corfe to Langton Matravers and then loaded with ropes, carabiners and the like set off for the cliffs. Its a breathtaking view as you leave Skyways Farm and suddenly the horizon drops and its all sea. The descent to Dancing Ledge is steep and windy and the cliffs are stern as they look out to France, drilled with tunnels for the stone that was used to build London. Tom and Alex, our safety team; set up the ropes and eight Cubs abseiled down the cliffs while eight climbed up from the sea ledge. It was pretty demanding and exhilarating, and a quite severe dusting with rain didn’t make it easier, but there was some sun and good expert help. The second group was back at Brennscombe, and again in two teams, did fire lighting, rifle shooting and the low ropes course team challenge ( get a cup of the water of life around the obstacles). We had some innovative approaches!

At midday the two groups swopped bases in buses and serious play resumed until about five and all the Cubs had survived all the challenges, eaten all the buns, ham, cheese and biscuits and drunk all the squash and the parents were exhausted. Its about an hour back (with the ferry at Sandbanks) and Mr. Ed was at the camp getting the chicken fajitas on the newly lit fires, so it was a grand welcome home with an appearance from Mr. Hartley. We had a very lively campfire and then it was very tired Cubs tumbling off to bed. We endured the heavy downpour and winds and the sun came out Sunday for an early ramble and the Full Cub Breakfast (scrambled with bacon, bread jam and juice). The Parents Team helped strike camp while the buses were loaded with tired, muddy and sometimes damp Cubs and most of their gear. What a week-end. They’ll never forget Dancing Ledge.


1st Forres Sandle Manor, Fordingbridge

We raised £450

1st kingsclere Cub Scouts

Right Hon Sir George Young MP visits 1st Kingsclere Cub Scout Pack’s fundraising event on 22nd October 2011. The subject of homelessness and how it affects children in particular is something 1st Kingsclere Cub Pack has incorporated into our Cub Pack itinerary this term to support our ‘Global challenge’ and ‘community’ badges. We wanted to challenge the Cubs to think about how they live and what it means to be a child in less fortunate circumstances.

Throughout the Event we had around 20 Cubs/ Scouts and Beavers taking part. Aside from building shelters, they were in the village rattling buckets for change and selling ‘Crusty Cub Specials’ - bacon rolls! and cakes in the church. The church coffee morning became our ‘Barnardos’ cafe. The Event was great fun, the Cubs generated a lot of local interest from the villagers including The crown Pub in Kingsclere, who offered their contribution by laying on a lunchtime buffet. I’m really pleased to say that so far the Cubs have raised £450!

Barnardos: www.fundraiseforbarnardos.org.uk/kingsclereCubs

e r a l c e d s Cub p as cam Zero… Sub

y. llowing da fo e th n o ater mpetiti Aid and w t in the co t s s te ir F t : h d e g shooting, evening li ses includ e a ly b ifl r r a e e , h g T e in eld ioneer from all r when th a mine fi cation, p ifi d ar Cubs r Every yea n e u a p p p g a t is in n d Pinse d to , cook gather at has starte re lighting fi ty n u o to C k ay c e a f th ring the d ent of a b enge. u ll d m a corners o e s h it c ie c it x v e e acti with for the art from th as also a big hit Campsite p A s . b p u bs C cam mpfire w by the cu a n with 58 c o d a ti basic skills e p le e th c g x in e gs be also e scene was no mes are erous son a on site th m g This year u s r n e e id d . a w e le c d 20 source of lves. The a differen e e n s h o it m and aroun e w ly n th p o ere is r a cam ver are t fun as th a was set fo ho are 9 ½ and o e r g e v a light! rum s w y must h g – torch e n th ti a Cub Fo h Only Cub d g d n li a te s d o g n h in d e p att as cool an amp also away cam c w t ts a e allowed to h h h T ig w n d e e the cuss at th least 5 re they dis ubs, who nsures th e e C gained at h t w is u h o T b e a th l vas. vive and what , sly uncoo e u b io r under can e experience to sur e ld s u o ut sh a late me. th Chief Sco ions that e program t it x d Cubs have th e n n o in c e e lt w s u ’ o diffic might thr uld like to ‘Sub Zero o s s a w a v y n harsh and e a p c th m r a ty ld!” the c amp unde “It was co ther Coun declared o y id n e a a October c s h r T b fo u C e k spac d wor As one teams an watch this at them. o to s in t y u e a p h are ted with rst day. T soon. n fi e p s e m The cubs e r a th p c n o n new for e bee e bases – look out Cubs hav and learn ’ around th e ll g s A e d a g b n t e a p ll cha arn th ub Cam overcome nds and le ‘County C s. ie fr y ll w e ia c n e ke eir uniform esp t th n n ta o r o m p skills, ma e im th s a team is these skills to the working a t u have to p when you



fter weeks of planning, we finally set off on our expedition to the Corf Scout Campsite, Newtown, Isle of Wight on Thursday morning during half term. 14 scouts, 2 young leaders, 2 helpers and 4 leaders participated in this event. We left Lymington harbour at 11 o’clock with 4 wayfarers, 3 ribs and 2 pulling dinghies packed full to the top with our personal and essential kit. It was a long sail over to the IOW and as our hands were just about to fall off, from holding the mainsail or jib all the way over in the same hand, we saw the gap in the island which would take us down the river to our campsite. At the Corf Scout Camp we pitched our tents and unloaded our kit from the two pulling dinghies, along with some extremely heavy bags! The light was rapidly fading, which left us enough time to get changed into warm clothes and to find a torch before we couldn’t see anything anymore. Once we had grabbed a torch we went down to the shelter that had been constructed by a few of our scouts and leaders. Dinner Time! For my groups menu we had chosen to cook a main course of macaroni cheese followed by a selection of cakes and biscuits. As we began to wonder what the rest of the campsite looked like, we came to the conclusion it was time to explore. In our heads we were imagining some nice clean spider-free toilets with respectable showers. What we found, were the complete opposite! I was rather desperate for the loo so I bravely went in! I saw what could only be described as a graveyard for spiders. They were

strewn from wall to wall, hanging off various banisters and lights! An ear-piercing scream, which could be heard for miles around, was let out in absolute fright. There was only one explanation! A spider had crawled its way up the wall and was dangling above my head!!! Not many people like spiders and I really don’t. We woke up Friday to the pattering of rain on our tents. Soon after fully waking up we had to cook our breakfast. Our activities for the day were pulling and kayaking and generally having lots of fun. 5 scouts were finishing of their pulling badge by successfully sculling in a straight line, well almost straight. The kayakers went up the creek as far as they could go and then played some water polo. A fantastic day was spent on the water in great sunshine. We had a late lunch by the river, and packed away to start cooking an early dinner before dark, well that was the plan anyway. After dinner we had a big campfire with lots of energetic singing and games. A great way to end the day. Saturday we had to strike camp, pack up those pulling dinghies once again and had to be on the water before 11 so that we didn’t get stuck at low tide. Sadly the weather had picked up quite a bit so we were towed back to Lymington exhausted. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves as it was a new experience for everyone, hopefully we might do some more.

Izzy de Wattripont SPL, 9th Lymington Sea Scouts

35TH NATIONAL SCOUT RIFLE CHAMPIONSHIPS BAUGHURST SCOUTS & SILCHESTER EXPLORERS Hi everyone, Just to let you know that a group of Baughurst Scouts and Silchester Explorers participated in the 35th National Scout Rifle Championships at Bisley last weekend. After a good, if not chilly at night time, camp, the following medals have been announced; 1. Tim Webb, Gold Medal 10M Air Rifle ( SH2 category) 2. James Hutcheon Biathlon Senior Gold medal 3. Alex Wells Bronze Medal Junior Biathlon 4. Alex Wells/Louie Venables/Ollie Silvester/Reece Coker Team Bronze medal Junior 6 Yard Rifle

Didn’t they do well !! Well done to our young people and many thanks to the Baughurst leaders who have put a lot of time and Saturday afternoons in particular preparing Scouts and Explorers for this. If other Groups are interested in air rifle shooting or wanting to arrange a taster session for their young people, do please get in touch with Graham Brooks, Baughurst’s GSL. Yours in Scouting,

Activity Days Birthday Parties Gold Team NSRA / GNAS courses Climbing activity permits Indoor & Outdoor accommodation

T: 02380 845092

E: manager@fernycrofts.org.uk

The adventure doesn’t stop just because it’s cold outside!

On Wednesday 1st Locks Heath handed over a cheque for £1000 to Mr Geoff Taylor, the Manager of the Store, for their charity. The cheque was presented by Scout Leaders, Scouts and Cubs who helped collect the money.


On the Saturday 1st October 2011, the 1st Locks Heath Scout Group undertook a “Bag-Pack” at the Cooperative Store at Locks Heath Centre. The “Bag-Pack” was in aid of the Cooperative’s charity, Mencap and on the day the Beavers, Cubs & Scouts raised £982.30.

Photo and article by Graham Redman, Group Treasurer. Jon Whitford | Geoff Taylor | Anja | James | Adam | Keith Jefferies

More & more Groups are asking for archery sessions but still don’t know who to ask and who their local archery leader is.

ng for archery sessions but still ho their local archery leader is.

contact list of archery leaders oups can come to them for an session.

So we are putting together a contact list of archery leaders details being posted on the who can go to Groups or Groups can come to them for an rculated to Districts so Groups y and ask for your help. archery session.

ur services please email….

eeching: out Archery Club @ntlworld.com

This will entail your contact details being posted on the County web site and being circulated to Districts so Groups can contact you directly and ask for your help. If you feel you can offer your services please email…. Tim Beeching: Hampshire Scout Archery Club timfbb.hsac@ntlworld.com

App of the Year My Badges (UK Programme) is the official badge app of The Scout Association. Ideal for quick reference at meetings and camps, the app presents the requirements for every badge and award in the UK 6-25 programme. http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/my-badges-the-scout-association/id429387936?mt=8




Happy Birthday badge

2012 is the 10th Birthday of Explorer Scouts and the Scout Network! Help us choose a celebratory badge by voting for your favourite at http://www.scouts.org.uk/explorer10


L idea we would like to share to help with Network programme planning A BRI LOne is to achieve Beaver Scout and Cub Scout badges. Yes, look up what you I DEA! need to do for the Beaver Hobbies or Cub Artist badge etc and get your whole Network to achieve them. Ask your badge secretary if you can buy the badges for your Network members and they can sew them (Brownie Craft Badge) onto a camp blanket.


Evo - Hampshire’s Scout Network Activity Weekend After taking a break, most of the Evo team have moved on to other events and feel that they don’t have the time to run such an event. Some would be willing to support a new event. Network Support Team At a recent GNet meeting we discussed having a Network support team formed by our ex-members (now that they have reached the grand old age of 25+!) Would you (or someone you know) be interested in joining such a support team or planning and running the new Evo or would like to find out more?

Recruitment Video

http://www.scouts.org.uk/news/435/new-recruitment-video-for-local-scouting Check out this new recruiting video. The video has been edited down from a longer version shown at the AGM, thanking current Members for their commitment and features our County Scout Network co-Chair & ACC Youth Council, Fi Durrant, and our Youth Council member - Southampton City, Steven Cook (2:10 – 2:46). http://www.youtube.com/user/UKScoutAssociation?feature=m hee#p/u/7/m1RxuauNu-E

Scout Network Focus Group

Hampshire Scout Network hosted a focus Group for the South of England Networks for The UK Programme team who are currently in the midst of looking at the programme and making sure it is still up to date and relevant, identifying any gaps and such like along with how we involve young people. They have currently adopted a variety of methods for members to engage with them about the programme including Your Programme, Your Voice surveys, the Your Programme, Your Voice Facebook page, focus groups with adults, and they will have some activities in the October/ November supplements and they would like to undertake some focus groups with young people. Topics included: The Scout Network Programme generally

What Scouting should provide 18 – 25 year olds

The top awards – Queen’s Scout Award and Explorer Belt Award

Youth involvement in the programme and scouting generally

Join us


Hampshire Scout Network t/text: 077 7228 9061 Facebook: Scout Network Hampshire t: 02380 847847 e: county.office@Scouts-hants.org.uk w: Scouts-hants.org.uk/network

ONLY NINE PLACES LEFT !! for the Network Christmas Ball

: u o y s y u £45 b

, l a e m e s r u o c a3 , o c s i d a p e e l s o t e c a l p a & s e d i r s u b i n i 2m d Dec r 3 n o n o he Hilt Meal at t It is now time to part with your hard earned cash, if you have not done so please send Chris Scott (Eastleigh Network Leader) a cheque (write names of who it is for on the back) for £45 made payable to HCSC. If you can’t send a cheque please email me at CJSCOTT@LIVE.CO.UK and we can work something out! 4 Winchester Road, Lower Upham, Southampton, SO31 1HA


Hampshire Scout Youth Council is now one year old, and they have met three times – October 2010, March 2011 and October 2011. Our third conference was from the 7th – 9th of October, at the Gordon Brown Centre, in Hook.

bright and early, then had a delicious continental breakfast (sticking with the international theme) and quickly tidied up, before discussing what we had done since March 2011. The list we astounding, as we have achieved so much in so little time! Fi Durrant went through each achievement and got one youth participant to explain each event. It was great to see how many people are getting involved, on Section, Group, District, County, Regional and National level. It isn’t really surprising though, as Hampshire has 19,561 Scouting members, and this is growing each year!

The theme of the weekend was International Scouting, even if the whole agenda didn’t necessarily fit this! Previous to the weekend all the Youth Council members were invited to go to a programme planning session for the conference, at a Scout Hut in Eastleigh, and I and some friends attended. We chose the menu, who would facilitate what and what we wanted to do, so that we could increase our Next I did a brief presentation Youth Participation. on Youth Participation, and what it means, and we We all arrived on the Friday collated ideas for the County night, and had the quick on what we thought that house-keeping meeting, Youth Participation meant. and then got settled in, We considered why we with us all going into our needed Youth Participation various friendship groups – be it the legalities or the and enjoying a nice relaxed reasons why we wanted it, evening. We unpacked our and then thought about it kit and got to know each as a whole. It was followed other then went out and by a presentation about about. Some people spent Network by Jason Ledwich, the evening in the tepees, who answered our questions with the goats, playing on Network, and other 18 – cards, using a Wii, chatting 25 questions. and making sure we were organised for the next day. Then Tall Paul, from the On Saturday we woke up County Office, came and

spoke to us about the new HSN, the new Website and the new Logo – a whole lot of new things if I say so myself! The new website is the same as the old - http:// www.scouts-hants.org.uk/ build_area/index.php - and is well worth a look at, not only was it designed by Hampshire people, but also Youth Participants helped design it too! We spoke about the Hampshire Rose, and whether we want to change the design of the emblem, or what we would like to change it to. We also discussed the new HSN - http://www.. scouts-hants.org.uk/index. php?module=Pagesetter&ty pe=file&func=get&tid=14&fi d=Download1File&pid=85 – and the changes which Tall Paul had been involved in. Tall Paul (whose real name is Jon) wants more Hampshire Scouting stories in the HSN, so if anyone has anything to broadcast to the County, please email it to county. office@scouts-hants.org.uk Then Will Quincey and Ray Noice spoke to us about the Youth Council strategy and the County Conference, and we all split into groups, with a facilitator and a scribe, and wrote down three ideas about what our strategy should be. Information from the strategy session will be released at the County

Conference and so some of the details are secrets, but keep your eyes out – they will be about soon! Next Laura Betteridge spoke to us about the Diamond Jubilee and what you have to do to achieve the badge for it. Although the thought of working with Guides was scary for some Scouts, they put their differences behind them and openly discussed ideas which we could share with the Guides and how we could achieve it. Next we had lunch, then we had three tem building sessions, organised by Will Quincey, Steve Cook and I. There was a massive Towers of Hanoi game, the Human Knot and a game of Ninja, which the participants thoroughly enjoyed. Then we attended the World Scout Conference – or a mini version of it organised by Fi, to show us a little of how Scouting worked. We voted on who should run the Moot in 2013, and all represented countries which started with the same letter as our County – Basingstoke West was Brazil, where the

WSC was held! Next the Kandersteg team came and spoke to us about the Suisse Adventure, and their ideas. We shared our ideas, such as ideas on travel, activities, entertainment and costs, and then the Suisse Adventure team left, full of ideas on how we wanted Kandersteg to be for us.

our bags, then went and listened to some work on Summerhill, a revolutionary school which really started the whole Youth Participation ideas. Adam Jollans, the county commissioner spoke to us about it, and why it was important in Scouting. My favourite bit of the weekend was next – our guest speak, John May came and spoke to us about Global Scouting. He is the most inspiration man I have met in my life, and for the short time that he spoke, we all sat in awed silent, respectful of an amazingly powerful man who spoke with such passion and enthusiasm. Anyone who gets the chance to meet John May should take the opportunity – we were very luckily to listen to his beautiful stories.

Then some of the Eureka Jamboree team who are HSYC participants spoke to us about the World Scout Jamboree. Unfortunately some people missed this session – all Network Members attended the Network Focus Group, and Emma Wilding and myself met with Elis Matthews to talk about Young Editor work. Emma and I then wrote up our Young Editor work whilst they spoke about other international trips, and then we got some Next we had the Youth participant photos just as Forum, ran but Jason the sunlight was dimming. Ledwich, and the evaluation, ran by Will Quincey and I, Next we had dinner, than then we had participation a campfire with similar photos and when home. evening entertainment to Friday night. An amazing weekend overall! When we woke up on Sunday we had breakfast, packed


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by Joe & Matt

10:00am to 4:00pm on Saturday 12 November 2011

Dear Scouter,

Unit 11, Eastlands Boatyard Coal Park Lane Swanwick Southampton SO31 7GW

VAT Reg. No. 904 5246 41

27 October 2011 Solutions Ltd Red RedRourke Unit 11, Eastlands Boatyard Unit 11, Eastlands Boatyard Coal Solutions Ltd RedPark Lane RedRourke Coal Park Lane Boatyard Unit 11, EastlandsSwanwick Swanwick Coal Park Lane SOUTHAMPTON Southampton KIT LIST CAMPING GRAND SHOP OPENING th Swanwick SO31 7GW SO31 7GW 10:00am to 4:00pm on Saturday 12 November 2011

SOUTHAMPTON Tel: 01489 571973 SO31 7GW Fax: 01489 880839 Tel: 01489 571973 info@kitlistcamping.co.uk Fax: 01489 880839 www.kitlistcamping.co.uk As some of you may know, I started “KIT LIST C info@kitlistcamping.co.uk VAT Reg. No. 904 5246 41 lookin popular with first time campers and people www.kitlistcamping.co.uk

Unit 11, Eastlands Boatyard Coal Park Lane trip that little bit more fun. The business so far h Swanwick 27No. October 2011 VAT Reg. 904 5246 41 u may know, I started “KIT LIST CAMPING” 18 months ago it has proved very and kit to seasoned campers from Florida, who explo Southampton st time campers and people looking for the bit of advice that makes their camping families trying camping for time with very first 27the October 2011 SO31 7GW DearThe Scouter, t more fun. business so far has focused on hiring equipment and I have hired

and d campers from Florida, who explored the UK from Lands End to Scotland, Scotland I haveOPENING now taken the step of opening a local cam Dear Scouter, KITtheir LIST CAMPING camping for the very first time with young children.GRAND SHOP th can to support Scouting activities from a Beaver 10:00am to 4:00pm on Saturday 12 November 2011 what you need I am sure I can find it from one of KIT LIST CAMPING GRAND SHOP OPENING en the step as muchago as I and it has proved very of opening localknow, camping shop. I will be Saturday trying to stock As some of youamay “KIT LIST CAMPING” months I started 10:00am to 4:00pm on 12th18November 2011 a If I don’t have Scouting activities from Beaver sleepover to a DofE expedition expedition. have gainedthat so makes much from popular with first time campers and people looking for the Ibit of advice theirScouting campingover the ye I am sure canlittle find bit it from my suppliers. give back and to extend t tripIthat moreone fun.of The on something have like hired business so far has focused hiring equipment andI Iwould kit to seasonedUnit campers from Florida, who explored the UK from Lands End to Scotland, Scotland and so muchfamilies from Scouting over11, theEastlands years andBoatyard would likewith to support local Groups by that register an interest in this sch For all Groups trying camping for the first time their young children. very Park Lane g back and I would likeCoal to extend the following following offer to all Scout Groups: members will receive a 5% discount and at the e Unit 11, Eastlands Boatyard Swanwick donation of the spend I have now taken thePark as total muchGroup as I spend. stepLane of opening a local camping shop. I will beequal tryingtoto5% stock Coal Southampton or that register interest in this scheme, allfrom purchase made by Leaders, p parents a If I don’t have can toansupport Scouting activities Beaver sleepover to a DofE expedition expedition. Swanwick SO31 7GW eceive awhat 5% discount the end each quarter groups will also receive a offer please register To benefit from this r your gro you needand I amatsure I canoffind it from oneyour of my suppliers. Southampton to 5% of the total Group spend spend. SO31 7GW We look to see you our Grand I have gained so much from Scouting over the years and would likeforward to support local Groups by Opening your group by emailing m this offer please r register john@kitlistcamping.co.uk give something back and I would like to extend the following following offer to all Scout Groups: th some of you may know,onI started “KIT LIST CAMPING” 18 months ago and it has proved very rd to seeAs you our Grand Opening Saturday 12 November 2011. YIS or For all Groups that register an interest in this scheme, all purchase made Leaders, p camping popular with first time campers and people looking for the bit of advice thatbymakes theirparents members will receive a 5% discount and at the end of each quarter your groups will also receive As some of you may know, “KIT LIST CAMPING” 18 months ago it has proved very I started and trip that little bit more fun. The business so far has focused on hiring equipment and I have hireda John O’Rourke donation equal to 5% of the total Group spend spend. popular with first time campers and people looking for the bitfrom of advice their camping explored the UK and kit to seasoned campers from Florida, who Landsthat Endmakes to Scotland, Scotland 07515 693555 trip that little bit more fun. focused on I have hired The business so far has hiring equipment and families trying camping for the very first time with their young children. your group by To benefit from this offer please r register explored theemailing UK fromjohn@kitlistcamping.co.uk kit to seasoned campers from Florida, who Lands End to Scotland, Scotland and e families trying camping for the first time with their young children. very I have now taken the step of opening a local camping shop. I will be trying to stock as much as I Registered th Office: 229 West Street Fareham Hampshire PO1 We look forward to see you our Grand Saturday November 2011. Registered in England and Wales a Beaver on If Number I don’t6163780 have can to support Scouting activities from Opening sleepover to12 a DofE expedition expedition. Iwhat haveyou now taken the as much as I step of opening a local camping shop. I will be trying to stock need I am sure I can find it from one of my suppliers. a If I don’t have can to support Scouting activities from Beaver sleepover to a DofE expedition expedition. 229 West Street Fareham Hampshire PO16 0HZ nd and Wales Number 6163780 YIS you needsoI am sure I can find it from my suppliers. Iwhat have gained much from Scouting overone the of years and would like to support local Groups by give something back and I would like to extend the following following offer to all Scout Groups: John I haveO’Rourke gained so much from Scouting over the years and would like to support local Groups by 07515 693555 give something back and I would like toinextend the following folloall wing offer tomade all Scout Groups: parents or For all Groups that register an interest this scheme, purchase by Leaders, p members will receive a 5% discount and at the end of each quarter your groups will also receive a or For all Groups register interest this scheme, all purchase made by Leaders, parents p donation equal that to 5% of the an total Groupinspend. spend Registered Office: 229 West Street Fareham Hampshire PO16 0HZ members and at the end of each quarter will also receive a will receive a 5% discount your groups Registered in England and Wales Number 6163780 donation 5% of the totalregister spend your group by emailing john@kitlistcamping.co.uk To benefitequal from to this offer please rGroup spend. your group by emailing To benefit from this offeryou please r register We look forward to see our Grand Opening on Saturday 12thjohn@kitlistcamping.co.uk November 2011. We look forward to see you our Grand Opening on Saturday 12th November 2011. YIS YIS O’Rourke John 07515 693555


John O’Rourke 07515 693555

Registered Office: 229 West Street Fareham Hampshire PO16 0HZ Registered in England and Wales Number 6163780

Can you Make a difference? To the people of Meghauli by helping build fresh water wells and renovating a hospital.

After four years as Silchester’s District Commissioner, Andy Baird is retiring from his role in November as he prepares to move and work overseas. A successor is being sought. Since taking on the role, Andy has worked tirelessly to support the six Scout Groups that cover Baughurst, Bramley, Headley, Kingsclere, Pamber Heath and Tadley. The result has been to see local Scouting grow enormously – by over 36% in the last three years – so it now involves over 400 young people and more than 80 adults, back to the peak in numbers last seen in 1995. A number of major achievements have also been marked, including a huge increase in young people achieving their Chief Scout Awards. Andy says “It’s been a great deal of fun and an extraordinary team effort by all of the Groups’ committee members and uniformed leaders. I am extremely proud of what our young people and our adult team who work with them have achieved across Silchester District.” Andy hopes to keep links with his “home” district and also hopes to be able to support British Scouting Overseas. If you know of someone who would be great as Silchester’s next District Commissioner, do please contact Trevor Owen (ACC District Support) or Hampshire Scouts’ County Office. Best regards,

Andy Baird


New Forest West decided to do a “walk the district” in aid of Children in Need”. The Explorers started at Sandleheath at 7:45am and yes they were awake! We then picked up the Scouts at Fordingbridge to carry on along the Avon Valley path to Ringwood and across the forest to Harry’s Island, our campsite. The cubs started at Ringwood and they all met the beavers at Harry’s Island for the last 2 miles to Burley H.Q. along with Pudsey Bear & Sarah Farmer, a BBC South weather presenter. The Explorers has walked approx 15miles and were still awake and ready to have the hot dogs & burgers waiting for everyone at Burley. It was a great day with 150 young people taking part plus lots of leaders, parents and a few dogs! The young people are now looking forward to taking their cheque to Beaulieu for the Children in Need Presentation night.

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