e r i h s p Ham ws JAN 2012
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S R E V A E B F 5 YEARS O Beaver Colony uoia
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Welcome to this edition of HSN. This month I have assembled news from all around the County and news that has arrived in my inbox.
For Distribution and any other County Office matters please use: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk
email me, Tall Paul (Jon), now with all your photos, articles, adverts and roll of honour for the next edition of HSN hsn@scouts-hants.org.uk
Can you send text in a Word doc and photos as jpegs files. with the email subject Re: HSN
s u t abou
Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 16,000 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.
s u n joi
To join the adventure of Scouting whether as a Adult or Young person fill in the form at:
www.Scouts.org.uk/join or email: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk or phone us on: 02380 847847
er g a n a m t ou .uk online sc nager.co outma
inesc www.onl
Online Scout Manager is a free tool to help you to manage your entire section or group online - badge records, termly programmes, evening attendance, camps and events, and more!! It has been developed by a Scout leader for Scout Leaders. Since its launch at Easter, it has over 500 groups and 1000 users using it. It is incredibly easy to use and is even suitable for the technophobes amongst us! If you have any questions or suggestions, please email: ed@onlinescoutmanager.co.uk
s t n e t con 4.
Hello Again
On Vision 2018 / Development / Hampshire Scout Heritage
Inspection Time.
25 Southampton Northam, Sea Scouts th
Pinewood Derby
Petersfield District Scouts
10th Romsey Beavers
25 Years of Beavers
11. Young Leaders Weekend 2nd - 4th Dec
12. Slalom Taster County Canoe Club
14. Network What is going on
17. Life is an adventure Dates for the dairy
19. Archery Leaders Needed Your County needs you
We need your views!
As the first step in defining the County’s strategic objectives for the next six years, we are looking at what we want Hampshire Scouting to look like in 2018. We are keen to hear the views of Leaders around the County.
First of all a big “Thank You” to those of you who have contacted me through the County Office or Direct regarding Group Badges and nametapes.
We are running consultation sessions with both adults and young people in various parts of the County to explore what should be in our vision. Even if you are not part of these sessions, we would like your views. You can contribute through a short online survey which can be accessed at: www.surveymonkey.com/s/JQKS8TW
Bramshill: We have no knowledge of any group in the District wearing a group badge so if you do, we need to know about it.
Please let us know what you think Scouting in Hampshire should be like in 2018. Mike Kerrigan ACC Strategy
“DOES YOU DOES, OR DOES YOU DON’T TAKE ACCESS?” If you can remember this TV advert then you have probably celebrated your 50th birthday. You will also remember that they used the slogan – “Your flexible friend”. How true this is when we are looking to recruit new adults. Being flexible with people time and building teams of adults to run our Groups is a key element to growing our movement and giving the opportunity of Scouting to more young people. As Access and his friend Money said – “It takes the waiting out of wanting”. Congratulations to the Scout Association on recruiting the Duchess of Cambridge as a “flexible volunteer”. A great illustration of how busy people can still find time to help us deliver the adventure of Scouting.
County Development Officer | Hampshire County Scout Council 023 8084 7847 | 079 0053 6504 vanessa.slawson@scouts-hants.org.uk
This time we are focusing on the districts of Bramshill and Chandlers Ford.
We have only two nametapes from the district being 3rd Bramshill Yateley Green and the 9th Bramshill (Yateley) MacCrae. Both nametapes are Red on Green. Chandlers Ford: We know the 1st wear a badge and we have it, but we do not have details of your scarf colours. Likewise with the 2nd, 4th and the 15th. We need your scarf colours please. 3rd and 5th . We believe we have the correct information and badges. We have nametapes from 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 15th. All are white on green except for the 1st which is Gold on green. I will continue to look at uniforms as I go round the County to see if I can spot any additions to the collection and don’t forget, if you are having a special badge made to be worn on Uniform, the design needs to be submitted to the County Commissioner before manufacture. Yesterday I saw a great triangular badge from Odiham district to celebrate their Centenary in 2011. It has three small triangular badges which go with it that members of the district had to earn by attending events or doing something. It was the first I had heard of it so PLEASE, keep us up to date. Have a great 2012 RICHARD SPEARING Hampshire Scout Heritage
25th Southampton Northam Sea Scouts Inspection time is always a tense and stressful time especially for the leaders and assistants. The building and grounds need a thorough clean and tidy up, the notice boards need updated to show and reflect what we have been doing and a programme for the evening needs to be agreed on. What do we do if the weather is awful? When the inspection is in the summer months getting afloat is the key and makes the programme a bit easier. When it is in December a bit more thought and consideration needs to be given to the programme. Then there is the list of dignitaries to be invited to the evening – have we missed anyone? All sections are represented on the evening from Beavers right through to Explorers and we need to find space to accommodate everybody. It is a great time to get the entire Unit together and allows all sections to see what the other sections do and for leaders and assistants to meet each other. RN Staff Officer (Sea Scouts), a Lieutenant Commander who works for Flag Officer Sea Training, carries out the inspection. Lt Cdr Karen Cahill has recently taken over this role and this was our first inspection by Lt Cdr Cahill. Tuesday 13th December was the designated date for our inspection.
On Tuesday 13th December 1830 hrs our headquarters at Crosshouse was buzzing with activity, young people arriving, uniforms pressed and shoes polished, some parents stayed for the evening, County Commissioner Adam Jollens arrived to represent County, District Commissioner Colin Floyd arrived to represent Southampton City District and various other guests arrived. Activities were being set up and getting under way. Lt Cdr Cahill arrived at 1900 hrs and was greeted by Clive Aylet our GSL. The inspection was under way. Explorers set up in the garage, got a fire under way in the fire pit and demonstrated their cooking skills whilst in the hall Beavers, Cubs and Scouts carried out a range of activities demonstrating their skills. Members of the Executive were busy in the kitchen supplying drinks and biscuits. Explorers then moved into the hall with 4 Explorers and an Assistant Leader demonstrating their musical talents and playing a couple of carols with the rest of Explorers singing. There then followed a presentation of a Chief Scouts Gold to James Mintoff and investing of Richard Chapman as an Assistant Scout Leader. ESL Dave McKeeman presented a flag to the Enterprise Explorer unit to mark his 5 years
with the section and taking over as ESL in 2011. Enterprise now has its own flag. James Mintoff was invested into Enterprise Explorer unit. Explorers like to invest on the water and this called for a bit of improvisation – James stood in a bowl of water whilst being invested. Following these presentations a formal inspection of Scouts and Explorers was carried out by Lt Cdr Cahill. Lt Cdr Cahill then spoke with the unit on completion of her inspection and confirmed that we had retained our RN recognition. The 25th Southampton has been a RN recognised unit for 55 years. And so we carry on with the programme and look forward to meeting Lt Cdr Cahill at a time when we can get out on the water and show off our nautical skills. You might ask “What is a RN recognised Sea Scout unit?” RN recognised Sea Scouts are much more than Scouts with a nautical twist. Of the 350 Sea Scout groups in the UK only 101 are officially recognised. In return for maintaining high standards of Scouting programme, water activities, discipline and smartness, they enjoy access to RN facilities and equipment.
This entails achieving and maintaining the high standards of the Scout programme, water activities, discipline and smartness, with these being checked at formal inspections held every 18-24 months. Recognised groups work hard to ensure their Scouts continue to meet the criteria laid down by the Senior Service, which opens the door to use of facilities at locations including HMS Bristol in Portsmouth, HMS Raleigh at Torpoint and RN sailing centres. In addition they can access grants from the Admiralty Fund administered by the Scout Association. Their Scouts and Explorers are also eligible to enter the ‘Big Four’ events – the swimming gala at HMS Raleigh early in the year, the week-long summer camp at HMS Bristol in Portsmouth, the Soccer Sixes tournament in late September/early October and the Explorer Camp in the autumn half-term. We now look forward to our next inspection and maintaining our RN recognition. Dave McKeeman ESL Enterprise 25th Southampton (Northam) Sea Scouts
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to have and happy rs o o td u to o eing u would like o y e If you like b b y a m ing, then ago at anyth olunteer. become a v , car ork, projects w e it s e th elp with g activities. in it c x e r Come and h u o n or assisting o st for a day ju ; e e parking or fr re a ever you Come when kend. for the wee
nteers is is for volu h T ’. m a e g T rs or thinkin in the ’Gold to c jo u d tr n s a in e g m Co comin rested in be . who are inte oor industry td u o e th in of a career for year; 1 day a s d n e k e 5 we eam meet e. The Gold T r site servic fo y a d 1 d n training a offer Crofts will y rn e F g n ri or s voluntee es in outdo u rs o u u o n c ti n g o in c in For ed tra lly subsidis mbers. places on fu ld Team me o G to s ie it activ
en please th m a e T ld k Go rofts.org.u c y r or join the n e r te e f n lu @ o s t v f like to e: fernycro r o 2 9 0 If you would 5 4 on: 023 808 contact us
Four classes: Beavers, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Explorer Scouts and Leaders All cars must be made from special packs available at £4 each. Each pack contains wood, wheels and a guidebook on how to go about building your car. Assistance from parents is permitted (but see the guidebook) All cars have to be registered at Churchers College on the Friday evening before the race (between 6.30 – 8.30pm) or on Saturday morning (between 9-10am). However cars that fail to meet specification on Friday evening can be taken away for modification. This option is not available for cars attempting registration on Saturday. Cars not registered by 10am on Saturday will not be able to take part. The organisers will arranging the scheduling of the races (each car will take part in a minimum of three races) & the judging of the design & finish trophies during Saturday prior to the afternoon’s racing. Racing will commence on Saturday at 3.30pm at Churcher College, Petersfield. The college will be open for competitors (& their supporters) from 3.00pm. Trophies for fastest cars and also for the best designs and finishes. Only one car may be entered per person. A full programme will be available to entrants when cars are registered. For further details please speak to your Leader.
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YIS rds Sue Edwa r out Leade c S Beaver
H T R O N T S E N EW FIOCRT BEAVERS DISTR Well, the 25 years of Beavers continues in this district too. We have had a big birthday bash with all New Forest North Colonies joining in the fun of face painting, hand printing a banner, which was hung with pride at our District Camp as well as traditional party games, such as pass the parcel (the biggest I’ve every wrapped with so many layers and I’m sure a small rain forest was recycled with the amount of paper used!), musical chairs and circus skills followed by a disco. Everyone had a slice of a huge cake with the Beaver logo iced on top. Our District Camp was the very first time that Beavers had been invited to spend the night camping. We previously have only been invited for the day but this year were able to join in a whole host of activities that are normally reserved at camp for Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Network. We had fantastic fun and for the youngest members of the Scouting family this was an experience for Beavers as well as their Leaders. Activities such as pond dipping, a dragon hunt, making swords and shields, climbing up the climbing tower to activities not for the faint hearted. Over the two days the forty four Beavers that came had a fabulous time and went home shattered as were the Leaders who had worked so hard for it to be a success. To be honest it can’t have been too traumatic for the Leaders because they have agreed to do another camp again to celebrate the Jubilee! The Soap Box Derby is where you have your Beavers, with assistance; make an old fashioned go-kart/push kart. We then met for races, with the entire District at the top of a slope. Three Beavers push the kart whilst the driver Beaver steers the kart down the slope and then back up again to the finish line. There were races against other Beaver Colonies as well as within your own Colony. Great fun was had by all. The Beavers had lots of fun and were surprise that their kart was big enough for Leaders to race in as well. Legoland! Wow what a fantastic day. A great woggle design which the Beavers loved, also meeting Chip the Big Beaver and seeing the little Lego Beaver was great. The Lego models and submarine ride were a big hit but the high fast rides were not the cup of tea for some of our group, but funnily enough they didn’t mind the heights of other rides when it meant we would be getting wet! The Pirate Show was wonderful as was seeing so many Beavers all over the place that made our Beavers understand that they aren’t the only Beavers in the world. At 1.00pm everyone in the park sang Happy Birthday Beavers twice. It was great to hear and as you can imagine it wasn’t a quiet affair. The Beavers are now looking forwards to Paultons Park with even more passion than normal; they seem to be getting the theme park bug.
Naturalist Badge We would like to extend an invitation to all Cubs to attend the Naturalist Badge Course. This will take place at Broadstone Warren on:
3rd April 2012 The cost of the course is ÂŁ10.00, which all necessary equipment and tuition/ supervision. Further details are available from: Broadstone Warren Scout Site and Activity Centre, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JS Tel: 01342 822573 Email: enquiries@broadstonewarren.org.uk and are downloadable from our website: www.broadstonewarren.org.uk
2nd – 4th DEC 2011
The weekend was designed to help the young leaders learn the basis of programme planning, managing behaviour, taking control and most importantly first aid. Friday night consisted of a few ice breaker games so we could get to know each other.
Later we split into groups of four and began planning activities suitable for cubs based on a certain area of first aid. After an enjoyable evening in, watching DVD’s and nibbling biscuits. We were ready to face the 36 cubs that were due the next morning.
On Saturday we spent the day predominately learning first aid we looked at burns, bleeding, recovery position, CPR and fractures. This was useful as it meant if we would ever be in an emergency situation we would have the knowledge to make a difference. After a quick bite to eat we learnt about how to run and take the lead during activities. We began to understand the role of games and how they affected the cubs’ mood. We looked at how to make scouting more accessible for all and how to tackle behavioural problems and what can cause them.
Sunday was a great day we had lots of fun engaging with the cubs and teaching them first aid (and working on our disapproving looks) . The cubs had a great time and gained lots of valuable knowledge that could potentially save lives in the future. The weekend was a lot of fun and a great success. We made lots of new friends all with unique personalities. Not only did we gain useful and valuable information that will stick with us for a long time we also had great fun messing around and getting to know each other.
lal om Taster - N ov em be r
as this a Wild White Water Slalom Event? No! (phew). At Winchester on a damp Wednesday evening the intrepid 8 (John, Phil, Frank, Paul, Tom, Rob, Harry, Luke and me) gathered by a sedate river. Slalom kayaks (aka flimsy lightweight, uncomfortable boats) & decks were handed out, so soon we were afloat and started to acclimatize to the kayaks. The boats seemed fast & responsive (or unstable & difficult to steer) - I took on the role of the moving obstacle, with random turns happening whenever anyone got close. Then to the course & gates, we got a crash course on the basic upstream, downstream gates, avoiding the poles and then we had a short course to practice it on. The suspended poles were light weight plastic, (just as well, as poles were batted, & propelled in all directions!). We got advice & guidance on how to turn, (aka hand-brake turn) the kayak & keep the momentum, the
brave & fool hardy put this into practice, (unfortunately no one went in …obviously not trying hard enough!) So they upped the stakes, a timed run through the course. All mild manner humour disappears to be replaced with much macho competitiveness. Going first seemed like a good idea (I mentally prepared the platitude about ‘it’s not about the winning it’s the taking part that’s fun’). I hit a few gates 2 second penalties, went through 1 backwards (yes this is allowed). The instructor commented that at least half of us would qualify to a higher division of slalom if we went into the up-coming open event. We then decanted to the river bank, now remember Slalom kayaks are uncomfortable… so ministry of funny walks for 5 mins while blood flow returns to lower body parts. Then it is into the Slalom Canoes, these were equally flimsy, unstable, except in this case you get to snuggle up real
close to your canoe partner! Then it is off to the course for a timed run. Comedy value went to Phil & Rob: steering was a challenge probably due to an attack of the giggles. My canoe partner & I showed the others the way, with a clear win: it might have been my paddling technique or perhaps that I was in the canoe with the instructor who does it competitively! It was a fun evening; I would certainly recommend it for your paddlers out there if you haven’t tried it, give it ago should the opportunity come up. Ann Pocock – AESL Fareham Sea Dragon Explorers HSCCC hope to run some more slalom session in the near future, so if this or any of our previous reports sounds like something you would like to do: join us!
K R O NETAW E R U T N E V D SU– I1S7 SAEugust 2013
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Pall rofts - Tall C y rn e F 9 Jan 7th - Sat 2 2 g in p m a s Scott ering/C t HQ - Chri u o c S Social Gath h ig Eastle th Feb - 14th 3 1 n o ti ti - Dave P ompe A Pinsent B T Cooking C h c r a ity Day M er + Activ v o p e le S 4 Network 2
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Cost is
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terne n i t b @ l l e s ul: jonrow a P l l a T t c a fo cont 847 847 For more in t the office on: 02380 a or ring me
! E R U T N E V D A N A S I E
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L I V E I T!
E! R U T N E V D A N A S I E
! T I E V I L
More & more Groups are asking for archery sessions but still don’t know who to ask and who their local archery leader is. So we are putting together a contact list of archery leaders More & more Groups are asking for archery sessions but still who can go to Groups or Groups can who come to and them anlocal archery leader is. don’t know to ask whofor their archery session. So we are putting together a contact list of archery leaders who can go to Groups or Groups can come to them for an details being posted the archeryon session.
This will entail your contact County web site and being circulated to Districts so Groups This will can contact you directly and askentail for your yourcontact help.details being posted on the
County web site and being circulated to Districts so Groups can contact you directly and ask for your help.
If you feel you can offer your services please email….
If you feel you can offer your services please email….
Tim Beeching: Tim Beeching: Hampshire Scout Archery Hampshire Club Scout Archery Club timfbb.hsac@ntlworld.comtimfbb.hsac@ntlworld.com