Collection And Conservation Of Local Types Of Moringa (Moringa Oleifera (L.) Trees For Good Sources

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Pandiyan M, et al., J Plant Sci Curr Res 2020, 4: 010 DOI: 10.24966/PSCR-3743/100010

HSOA Journal of Plant Science Current Research Research Article

Collection and Conservation of Local Types of Moringa (Moringa oleifera (L.) Trees for Good Sources of Traditional Vegetable Pandiyan M*, Sivakumar C, Radhakrishnan V, Krishnaveni A, Paramasivam V, Edward JT, Anbumani S and Shanmugsundaram KA Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Vazhavachanur, Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India

Abstract With an objective to conserve the best local types for future generation and purpose of these trees protected from extinction due to national high ways road expansion by the government and local bodies. The collection was made in and around our college about 15 km radius found small tree uniformly good Moringa types are cultivating as kitchen garden tree in front and backside of the home where tribal areas of Tiruvannamalai district. Continues concentration of tagged trees for three years study related to growth habits, fruiting capacity, taste of fruits and market value of fruits, the green pod yield assessment was recorded from the marked trees. Among the tagged trees over three years study, the Vahavachanur 1. Perunduraipattu3, Michealpuram 5, Moongilduraipattu 1 and Vanapuram 3 trees qualities are better for rganoleptically culinary vegetable purpose and also Vzhavachanur1 tree found offseason bearing than other areas trees inclusing selected trees. The off season bearing trees were marked among tagged trees. The organoleptic test was also carried out in the selected trees and best trees were selected and planted in the college premises for follow up study. The culture VVNR-019-001 local is identified for best performing genotype. It is a selection from the Vazhavachanur village of Thiruvannamalai, District. This Moringa is perennial, short type, cluster bearing, annual type and drought resistant with the high yield of 600-800 fruits per year and it is most suitable for culinary , vegetable soup, green leafy,

*Corresponding author: Pandiyan M, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Vazhavachanur, Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India, Tel: + 91 9865173633; E-mail: Citation: Pandiyan M, Sivakumar C, Radhakrishnan V, Krishnaveni A, Paramasivam V, et al. (2020) Collection and Conservation of Local Types of Moringa (Moringa oleifera (L.) Trees for Good Sources of Traditional Vegetable. J Plant Sci Curr Res 4: 010. Received: April 27, 2020; Accepted: May 11, 2020; Published: May 18, 2020

Copyright: Š 2020 Pandiyan M, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

powder making and also suitable for cattle feed . It is drought resistant, heavy fruit-bearing, pest and disease resistant types with retaining all the leaf and fruit qualities. Keywords: Drought tolerant; Moringa annual type; More number of fruits; Off season bearing; Good quality; Short fruit type

Introduction Moringa (Moringa oleifera (L.)) belonging to the family moringaceae is a softwood tree, native of India, occurring wild in the sub-Himalayan regions of Northern India and now grown worldwide in the tropics and sub-tropics. The cultivation of Moringa in India occurs mainly in the southern states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, and Andhra Pradesh. Principally perennial types have been known for cultivation for a very long time. However, perennial types are best with many advantages to give year around yield. In India it is grown all over the subcontinent for its tender pods and also for its leaves and flowers. The pod of Moringa is a very popular vegetable in South Indian cuisine and valued for their distinctly inviting flavor. The tree has vitamins, minerals and medicinal values. Moringa attracted very strong place among Tamil family through Tamil cinema. Generally the moringa tree is used in Sidha Medicine. Mostly consumed as leafy vegetable including pods for culinary purpose. It is having medicinal value. It has lot of nutrients like carbohydrate, fibre, protein , fat and salt apart from these VitaminA, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, VitaminC, Vitamin B1 thiamin,B12, Vitamin B6 and Ribofavin. Minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, Iron and Zinc are present in the Moringa plants. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is an essential water soluble vitamin present in moringa support to cure that has been found to be low in IBD patients, The wound healing effects of vitamin C are particularly important source available in Moringa. During road expansion traditional types of Moringa has been removed by the road workers , to review same genotypes for future human use the conservation is necessarily has been done in nearby Agricultural College and Research institute.

Materials and Methods In locally available traditional types of 150 trees were marked in 10 villages namely Vazhavachanur, moongilthuraipattu, Michealpuram, Kottaiyur, Sadhakuppam, Vanapuram, Perunduraipattu, Anthoniyarpuram, Vadaponparappi, and Thandrampattu and 15 genotypes were selected and marked given number to each tree from 1 to 15 bearing their respective village names. The observations were taken namely perennial type, long bearing period of Januray to April and May, height with primary branches, No. of secondary branches, Branching pattern, open crown of drooping, fragile branches Leaves colour, leaves type compound, with tripinnate, length of leaves, number of leaf segments, no of leaf lets, Length of leaf segment, leaflet size, leaf shape, No. of flower per inflorescence. Types of flowers monoceous and bisexual, petals colour. Flowers size and length, flower growth habit, Flower colour with base and anthesis time. Number of fruits per

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