Music therapy and physical activity to ease restlessness in persons with #dementia

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Langhammer B, et al., J Clin Stud Med Case Rep 2018, 5: 051 DOI: 10.24966/CSMC-8801/100051

HSOA Journal of Clinical Studies and Medical Case Reports Case Report

Music Therapy and Physical Activity to Ease Restlessness, Irritability and Aggression in Persons with Dementia with Signs of Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration Birgitta Langhammer , Mette Sagbakken , Kari Kvaal , Ingun Ulstein4, Dagfinn Nåden1 and May-Karin Rognstad1 1,2*




Department of Health, Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway


Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital, Nesodden, Norway

Department of Public Health, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Elverum, Norway 3


The Memory Clinic, Oslo University Hospital, Ullevål, Oslo, Norway

frontal lobe symptoms in institutional care. Primary outcome measure was the Brøseth Violence Checklist (BVC). Results: Four males and two females, mean age 84.3 years and their primary care persons (n=6) participated. The most prominent symptoms among the selected participants at baseline were confusion, irritability and verbal threats. The individual BVC total scores indicated significant improvements (p=0.03) with changes in scores between baseline to 8 at eight weeks from -2 to -11. The most prominent changes were registered in behaviors confusion (p<0.02), irritable (p=0.04) and boisterous (p<0.03). Discussion: A tendency toward improved behavior was observed, although compliance to a standardized therapy program over time was difficult. Health issues, comorbidities and the patients’ condition from day to day could influence the patients’ motivation negatively, as well as their opportunity to participate and thus jeopardize consistency in the intervention. Conclusion: The individualized music therapy combined with increased physical activity for eight weeks in this study indicated a change for the better in the behavior and anxiety levels of the participating persons who suffered from severe dementia. The implementation of a systematic combination of music and a physical activity program is feasible and the indications are that anxiety levels and restlessness are reduced. Keywords: Dementia; Exercise; Frontotemporal lobar degeneration; Music therapy; Physical activity

Introduction Abstract Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether a combined intervention of physical activity and music therapy could reduce restlessness, irritability and aggression among people with severe dementia. Methods: An exploratory design was used to evaluate a combined intervention of physical activity, music therapy and daily in- or outdoors walking. The interventions were systematically implemented for eight weeks. The target groups were persons with dementia with

*Corresponding author: Birgitta Langhammer, Department of Health, Oslo Metropolitan University, Box 4 St Olavs pl, 0130 Oslo, Oslo, Rehabilitation Hospital, Bjørnemyrveien 11, 1450 Nesoddtangen, Norway, Tel: +47 98604616; Email: Citation: Langhammer B, Sagbakken M, Kvaal K, Ulstein U, Nåden D, et al. (2018) Music Therapy and Physical Activity to Ease Restlessness, Irritability and Aggression in Persons with Dementia with Signs of Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration. J Clin Stud Med Case Rep 5: 051. Received: April 04, 2018; Accepted: May 22, 2018; Published: June 07, 2018 Copyright: © 2018 Langhammer B, et al., This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Dementia is largely a disease of older people, but 2% of those affected are under 65 years of age. Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) constitutes 10-20% of dementia in younger people (<65 years old) [1]. People with neuronal degeneration in frontal and temporal lobes demonstrate a decline in social conduct, apathy and loss of insight that is gradual and progressive [2]. It is estimated that 30 million people worldwide have a diagnosis of dementia, with an incidence of 4.6 million new cases annually [1,3]. Persons with dementia in residential care are often inactive due to institutional routines and the over-caring assistance of staff and this may lead to physical disablement [4]. To maximize potential for health and happiness, it has been suggested that person-centered non-traditional facilities outperform traditional facilities in potential opportunities for staff interactions and environmental engagement [5]. The effect of methods like cognitive training and rehabilitation in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and Vascular Dementia (VaD) are poor, whereas reminiscence therapy may reduce stress and improve the patient’s functional ability [6,7]. There is little evidence for effective interventions to maintain physical function and to mediate behavior changes [8,9]. The rare knowledge that does exist indicates that physical activity may reduce the subjective caregiver burden associated with care for persons with dementia and exercise may reduce negative affects in people with moderate to severe dementia, such as the degree of anxiety and depression [9,10].

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