Arch 101 portfolio

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• 1. image & concept 2. maps 3. process 4. SWOT

1. tracing Broadway boogie woogie 2. first interaction 3. second interaction 4. final a. cross section 5. SWOT

• The place I’m mapping is my home country Taipei city, and the topic I choose is “time”. by this opportunity, I want to map the same place with different time periods, and try to find out what change is and why it is change.

“I like the thought that what we are to do on this earth is embellish it for its greater beauty, so that oncoming generations can look back to the shapes we leave here and get the same thrill that I get in looking back at theirs- at the Parthenon, at Chartres Cathedral.” -Philip Johnson

• I believe every design of building, and urban planning are a kind of language which won’t limited by time or culture. Even though there is a language barrier between the ancients and now, we still can feel and understand our ancestor by analyze the old building and old city planning.

• Taipei city is building at the place with nothing. In order to have a better controlled and plan a new urban they choose to build Taipei city in the place between two most important places Dadaocheng and Bangka. Therefore, it is very easy, there is almost nothing outside of the Taipei city and there is only few important building in inside of

Taipei city.

• The transformation style of Taipei train station (Qing dynasty).


In order to dispel the existence of Qing dynasty, Japanese decide to rebuild the Taipei city. The first steps they do are removing the wall and start to develop a new road. The second steps are removing the old building and build eclecticism style building. When I start to draw this map, I find out there are a lot of different between the map of Qing dynasty and the period of Japanese occupation. I can see in the period of Japanese occupation, they had the actual plan to build Taipei city. They divide Taipei city as two parts, north and south. The north part is for commerce, and the south part is for government.


The transformation style of Taipei train station (the period of Japanese occupation).

• The transformation style of Taipei train station (present).

the period of Japanese occupation Qing dynasty


• Strengths: I really love the concept and story about this mapping project. • Weaknesses: when I complete this project, I can feel I’m not good at sketching and draw the detail.

• Opportunity: I will practice to draw more accurately of the detail, and try to focus on one specific area or building. • Threats: the biggest challenge for me is to find the right map of the time and area. Sometime, the resolution of the map is too bad to see clearly.

Mondrian’s painting “boogie woogie� is inspire by the music jazz. Therefore, at first I decided to use the nature light to demonstrate the change of the music.

• At first I’m trying to trace what ever is red.

• The second part is trying to trace the white part of the painting.

• At first model, I want to play with light and shadow. I’m using the stings line to represent the nature light. In addition, I’m putting the hole on the roof to look like the texture of the first tracing paper.

First model

• Since my first model is using the light, shadow, and strings, professor suggest me that I can use the stings art to create the personal space. Therefore, I decided to do some research about the strings art and building structure.

• Inspiration


1. Mondrian drawing style transformation: dark and complex to clean and simple. 2. Native American tradition- vision quest: The quest can reveal our life's purpose, but it is an arduous journey into the core of our being that we should only embark upon with sincerity. William Walk Sacred cautions, "It's very important for people to realize that this is not fun and games. Going into the spiritual world is very serious. If the intent isn't clear, the spirits will not give the vision. The most important thing is being clear in your heart as to what you are seeking for yourself and the people of the world."

I decide to create two space with very complex texture and simple texture to make the visitor have the feeling of explore, and transformation of the Mondrian’s style.

• In order to draw this cross section, I finished the model first and take the photo from the top of the model.

• Strength: I’m finally using the different material to demonstrate the concept, and create the “space”, not the building. • Weaknesses: At first, instead of thinking the model as the space, I just keep thinking about the building and structure.

• Opportunity: instead of using the grass as the background, I will try to use other material which won’t overwhelm the space I create. • Threat: it is really hard to use the strings to create the personal space, I still consider my model missing some elements.


• Inspire by star of David • Tried to three dimensional the star and turning it into the sukkah

History OF SUKKOT ➢ Celebrated on the 15th day of the seventh month

➢ Historically, Commemorates the forty-year period during which the children of Israel were wandering in the desert ➢ Referred to as Chag HaAsif (‫חג האסיף‬, the "Festival of Ingathering"), ➢ The Sukkah is built after “Yom Kippur”, the Jewish Day of Atonement ➢ For 7 days & nights, all meals are eaten in the temporary shelter

Characteristic of Sukkah ➢ A three-sided structure. ➢ Usually built in yards, or on porches, courtyards, lawns, balconies and rooftops, ➢ Branches known as Sechach cover the roof, need to be thin enough so that occupants can see the stars above; a reminder of the power of God as the creator. ➢ Typically decorated with harvest vegetables such as corn and dried squash. ➢ The sukkah itself symbolizes the frailty and transience of life and its dependence on God.

My concept • First of all, I’m inspire by the star of the David. Therefore, I want to create a feeling of the church which exterior is looking like the stars of David.

First model interaction

Final model interaction

Within some detail

From different angle

SWOT • Strength: I will said I love my idea • Opportunity: I will plan of the “the star of the David”. everything before making • Weakness: however, it is so hard the model and find more to do it as the real model. In design from other architect, addition, I can’t cover the space and make it looks more like in a good looking exterior. the church. Therefore, I’m stick in this part for many weeks. I tried my best to do • Threat: it is very hard to find the right feeling of the everything to find the idea from the other designer. exterior design within the

sense of the church.

THE GATHERING ~ Spring 2018




Construction Process 16-21



1-3 II.




Inspiration & Iterations 7-8



Study Model 9-10






Interior 23-25 Analysis

26 Materials 27

11 VII.


Site Plans 12-15

Budget 28-29

Team MEMBERS Project Designer: Jonathan

Project Manager: Dazaun

Slideshow: Brandon

SketchUp /Designer: Anibin

Photographer: : Hsuan

Materials/Site: Ting

Slideshow: Josely

Materials/Site: Kate

Accountant: Monica

Interior Designer: Zhenyu

Interior Designer: Nita

INSPIRATION As a homage to that time, in which the Jews wandered the Egyptian desert for 40 years. Living in temporary created shelters throughout their pilgrimage. The design took shape of the pyramids now found in Egypt. The design is relatively simple, for feasibility of building it. The emphasis of this design was placed on gathering aspect of the sukkot tradition.

Brainstorm & DESIGN


Final team decision

Design Principles Hierarchy: The Pyramid Shape

Symmetry: Walls and furniture

Transformation : Square Planter box, Hexagonal skins

Site Planning ➢ Our site is located in the NW section of the BATL courtyard ➢ Utilizing the space provided the Sukkah will be built situated around the square pit

Site Advantages: View, square planter, overall cost of building.

● ●

Response to the square planter box, by incorporating into sitting. Entryway positioned to face the alluring view. Ideal place within the lower courtyard that would provide reasonable shading for the sukkah

Predicted Conditions

Designated Site

Constructi on Process

Progress 25% â—? â—?

Angling issues, not just vertical Top square requiring a second frame to hold better

Progress 50% â—?

Struggle to find the best way to support the bottom


Too much reliance on cross beams for the height, winding up leaving a gap

Progress 75%

● ● ●

Unintentional gap at bottom Realizing the back was bare, becoming unappealing Having to measure boards individually

Transformation Refurbishing triangles, and arranging into planned hexagonal shape

Challenge to realign triangles after deconstructing to create the hexagonal shape

Completion Figuring out how to attach the hexagonal skins to Sukkah


Early Designs

Water Sealing the top

Building the table

Connect & finishing touches

Cleaning inside Sukkah Building an extension to make a better seat area

Arranging the rocks Preparing dry orange chains for decoration

Sukkah SWOT Strengths: Team members working well, communication amongst team fairly strong

Opportunities: Assessing the risk with more proper planning, taking advice from professionals

Weaknesses: The roof viewed from above is seen to be slanted, and discrepancy amongst the wood pieces

Threats : The structure tilting leading to unflush placement, as well as wood warping cause slight gaps in sukkah

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