03/14/2018 Issue

Page 1


P.3- Beam and Embezzlement P.6- Flooding in DeGray P.9- Retention & Objectification


P.12- Tennis and Money



Jeana Lovett 2018’s Miss HSU


HSU Oracle


Read more on page 4.



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Jeana Lovett is the newest crown bearer. Photo by Shelby Dixon, Student Reporter.

Some of the flooding was quite extensive, as seen here. Photo by Cassidy Witherspoon, Student Reporter.

Sometimes it rains Floods plagued Arkadelphia last week Story by Jade Wolfe Student Reporter

Everyone knows how hard it is to wake up and go to classes, especially the students that have to commute to Henderson. Well, imagine doing that in a flood. Students that live on small county roads, in towns down river and even students that live near Lake Hamilton and Lake Greeson found it more difficult if not impossible to get to classes this past week. All the rain Southwest Arkansas

received in such a short amount of time left dirt roads wash out, caused rivers to rise out of their banks and forced dams to open their flood gates. Tatiana Drewery, a senior political science major, was one of the students that had to wait out the rain. “I live on a dirt road right by Lake Hamilton and it was one of the first roads to be shut down. I had to email my professors two days in a row to let them know I wouldn’t be in class.”

The bridge over the Ouachita river on Highway 7 was temporarily shut down causing other students from places such as Sparkman and Donaldson to take detours up Highway 67 to Malvern to get to classes. Even if flooding wasn’t an issue the rain still made it hard for students and even teachers to get to school. Standing water on roads and low visibility in the down pours left no choice but to drive slowly.

March 14, 2018


The Wolf of Alabama

How Aaron Beam embezzled millions

Story by Tiara Burgess Student Reporter

“They cut on you that day, you go home that day.” Within less than two years they were talking about going public with their company. People came to talk with them and did not think it was a good idea for them to go public so soon. “They said look, we like the way your facility looks, we think your management team is sound, you have a good business plan, but your still losing money; you’re a startup company.” Beam said. Beam explained how Scruchy yelled at him in front of everyone about how poor his accounting skills were. Beam redid all the numbers and when he was done the numbers looked alright. After the accounting change they were able to go public. “We registered to sell tentative-

ly 2 million shares, tentatively priced at 8-10 dollars a share.” They went on road shows to talk about their company and get the public eye’s opinion on if their company should go public or not. At the end of the road show they were able to go public with $6.50 a share. Beams said, “In 1995, we were the largest company in Alabama.” Beam explained how Scruchy met with stock analysts yearly to find out how much they needed to make for them to keep buying their stock and Scrushy always promised them to get it done. He knew they couldn’t get their numbers to where they needed to be so Bean started doing “aggressive accounting”. “We ran our numbers, they stink, lets change the way we do our accounting,”

Bean said, “that’s not good accounting.” In 1996, Beam and Bill Owens their chief accountant decided to tell Scrushy that they weren’t going to mess with the numbers anymore. “He said here’s the problem, you guys have gone lazy, your smart, you know how to fix these numbers, get back in your office and do it.” Beam said. Beam explained to us that he should have stopped right then and stood up to Scrushy, but he didn’t. In September of 1997, Beam left the company and the country, sold his stock, and he moved to south Alabama. Beam said that after a year of retirement, Scrushy called him up to have lunch with him and said he wanted him back on the team and that the numbers were fine. “I told him no and I drove back home.” Beam said. Beam explained how in the spring of 2003, many people came forward who were associated with the accounting fraud and that’s when beam hired a criminal attorney. The trial lasted six months and Scrushy was found not guilty of all charges. Beam was sentenced to prison for three months. “I got out of prison; I am now a felon,” Beam said, “I will be known as a felon for the rest of my life.” Beam explained that it was hard to get a job when he was a felon, but he finally got a job mowing lawns and he did that for about three years and then he started talking to schools about what had happened.

Last Tuesday the School of Business had guest speaker Aaron Beam talk about his journey with accounting, embezzlement, and what he learned from it. Beam tells us that he first met Richard M. Scrushy when he answered an ad in the paper. He was interviewed by Scrushy for a controller position at the Life Mart which was a hospital company. “After working for him for almost four years, I came in one morning and I picked up my Wallstreet Journal… and the headline was AMI Life Mart to Merge,” Beam said, “I was afraid I was going to lose my job.” AMI, a much larger hospital company in California, was going to merge with the company Beam was working for and headquarters were going to be in California. Scrushy started a start up company with Beam as his CFO. They moved to Alabama and they opened their first out patient center in Little Rock. “We tried to make it look like a fitness center; we did not want the patient to feel like were going back into a building full of sick people and it worked.” Their outpatient center made more the first year than they had projected. Their company motto was designed by Scruchy as pulling a wagon and working together. Beam explains how when he was younger that a physician would not cut on you at all unless you were inside a hospital. “Today, 60 percent of all surger- Aaron Beam is now classified as a felon after embezzling money from his company. Photo by Larry ies are done out patient,” Beam said, Massey, Photo Chief.


Tell me, what’s your passion?

Haylee Dinger searches for passion on campus

Story by Haylee Dinger Student Reporter

I’ve noticed that throughout my 18 years of being alive, that if you ask someone what they’re passionate about, they light up. The talk fast and lively and you can almost feel that same passion within you spark like striking flint with steel. A person’s passion directly ties into what they value in life and where their priorities lie. Asking people what they’re passionate about it the best way to see what kind of person they are, in my opinion. In this interview with Walker Walthall, a freshman mass media major, you’ll see what kind of person he is and what it is Walker Walthall just being himself. Photo courtesy of Walker Walthall. he values. others whenever possible.” for people has influenced him in any My first question to him was to ask I’ve had the chance to meet Walker’s way, to which he responded, “It’s made what it was that he was most passionate dad a handful of times, but reflecting me the person I am today. Most of my about. His answer was simply people. back on those times, I can see where friends I’ve met while helping people, “I’m passionate about people,” he Walker was influenced by him. We can or helped them and we became friends said, “My whole life I grew up in a usually connect the things we’re pasafterwards. It’s had a big impact on my household that showed me the imporsionate about back to the influences we life.” tance of loving and caring for others. had growing up or moments in our lives When asked if he has anyone who With my dad being a pastor, this makes that changed them forever. supports him, Walker nodded, “A lot sense, but even outside of the church, I asked Walker how his enthusiasm of people support me, my friends and my parents always taught me to help

family especially.” I then asked him how he would sell someone on becoming as passionate about others like he is. “It all starts with just loving people. Just making a conscious effort to love people and have positive interactions with everyone you come in contact with,” said Walker, “The feeling you get is just indescribable. The immense joy that you see one someone’s face whenever they see your kindness is just something that can’t be compared to any other feeling.” It’s been said that if you do anything, to do it with passion or don’t do it at all. With Walker Walthall, it’s easy to tell that he puts passion into all of his interactions, and it shows. I encourage you to question others about what they’re passionate about, and take notice in how their demeanor changes with they talk about it. Even if you don’t see what they see in it, don’t ever put them down for it. It takes a lot of courage to talk about, to basically spill your soul in front of someone like that.

Jeana Lovett wins 2018 Miss HSU Story by Shelby Dixon Student Reporter

Beauties and talents were abound on March 8 in Arkansas Hall when ten women competed for the crown of 2018 Miss HSU. Jeana Lovett eventually won, but there were many others in contention including the following: Kaili Pridgen, a freshman English major from Strong. Dawn Coffman, a senior elementary educational studies major from Ashdown. Dominique Walker, a senior psychology major from Blytheville. Jessica Nicosia, a junior business entrepreneurship major from Arkadelphia.

Robin Campbell, an elementary education studies major from Pine Bluff. Heather Jackson, a senior family and consumer science education major from Caddo Gap. Adrienne Prince, a junior accounting major from Glen Rose. Suzanne Sorrells, a junior nursing major from Amity. Lavonica Powell, a junior middle level education major from Foreman The host was Former Miss HSU Brittney Humphrey Blackerby.

Jeana Lovett displayed her talents and her beauty last week to win Miss HSU. Photo by Shelby Dixon, Student Reporter.

March 14, 2018


Flooding in DeGray

How the state park is dealing with the water

Story by Julia Young Student Reporter

DeGray Lake State Park is in the foothills of the Ouachita Mountains and nestled along the shores of the 13,800acre DeGray Lake. The park is famous for its clear waters and resort amenities, including a marina, an 18 hole golf course, lodge, riding stables, and camping facilities. The lodge sits on its own island and provides magnificent views of the lake. The lodge also has meeting rooms and convention facilities that can accommodate groups of up to 300. The lake is home to many species of birds, including Bald Eagles, Pacific Loons, Common Loons, and various species of wildlife. To call it a natural paradise would be an understatement of this state park and all that it has to offer its visitors. The lake itself offers visitors over 220 miles of shoreline with 12 or more being within the park itself. If you have ever spent a day at DeGray state park beaches you will know there is much to be enjoyed. Sandy beaches awaits the beachgoer in crystal clear cool waters. And it makes for an adventure you will not ever forget. Kakayers enjoy the lake as much as the fisherman, boaters, and sailboat enthusiasts. On March 1, 2018 all this came to a halt because the park was closed due to massive flooding. On Thursday March 8, Henderson State University student Philis Dickson spoke with Jason Parrie (Park Ranger II) about this and related issues. QUESTION: Thank you for taking the time to do this interview with me. How high did the lake get? ANSWER: On 2/20/18 DeGray Lake was at 201.52 feet above sea level. By 3/3/18 it had risen to 422.74 feet above sea level (21.22 feet!—The HIGHEST lake level on record for DeGray). According to the USGS website, the Caddo River wa-

tershed received nearly 20 inches of rain between 2/20/18 and 3/1/18. Flood pool or recreation pool is 408.00 above sea level. So, on 2/20/18, DeGray Lake was about 6 ½ feet below flood pool. Q: Can you give me an official quote about how you think the flood impacted the park in the short and long term effects? A: In Arkansas State Parks we like to think long term and the long term effects of the flood on the park will be negligible. That goes the same for the local wildlife and ecology. They will recover quickly and without much trace of the flood. For the short term, there will be closures and some minor damage. It might take a few months to get everything repaired, cleaned up, and back in order, but the park will escape this event just fine. The real damage has been to our guests. Many people waited nearly two years for DeRoche Ridge to reopen after renovations only to have the park close down on what would have been the grand opening. It has been difficult to tell our guests that their reservations have been cancelled due to the flooding. The flood has affected Spring Break, several groups, and even weddings. We’re most grateful that our guests have been super understanding and are still anxious to come back once we reopen. Q: When you said the lake served its purpose I know you meant to prevent flood damage. Can you please describe this better to me? A: The primary reason the US Army Corps of Engineers built DeGray Lake was to control/prevent flooding. The project also provides hydroelectric power, a water supply, and recreation opportunities. The Corps tells us that there are more than 100,000 people who live downstream of the lake who are protected by the dam. Essentially, DeGray Lake stores excess water until flood waters downstream recede. Once things

are clear downstream, DeGray can release that excess water in a controlled manner—and generate electricity while doing so. Some numbers to consider: the lake is roughly 14,000 acres in size and it rose approximately 21 feet during this event. Imagine 14,000 acres of water, 21 feet high, rushing uncontrolled downstream through and over the communities of Caddo Valley, Arkadelphia, Camden, and even down to Monroe, LA. That didn’t happen because DeGray Lake stored that water. Q: Can you describe the park’s waste disposal system and in general how it works and how often is it tested? How does this effect the operations of the park and its reopening? A: DeGray Lake Resort State Park treats its own wastewater. It has two wastewater plants. The main plant treats wastewater from most of the park. There is a smaller plant which just treats wastewater from the DeRoche Ridge camping and day use areas. Wastewater runs downhill from each facility (bathroom or building with a bathroom) via

underground pipes to collection points. These points are either manholes (underground collection boxes) or lift stations (underground collection boxes which have submersible pumps which pump wastewater uphill to other collection boxes or the wastewater plant). Effects of the flood: As the lake rises several things happen. 1) Ground water (from the lake) infiltrates the wastewater system through joints in the pipes. This introduces thousands of gallons of lake water into the wastewater system. 2) As the lake continues to rise, the water overtops some of the manholes and lift stations—dumping more lake water into the wastewater system. 3) As the intrusion of lake water into the wastewater system increases the maximum flow capacity of the wastewater treatment plants is eventually reached. The pumps within the system begin to operate non-stop and quickly become at risk for failure. 4) As the lake continues to rise, the electric control panels of several lift stations become submerged

The park was greatly affected by the floods. Photo by Steve Huddleston.


Flooding in DeGray: Continued Story by Philis Warnix

water clears the course—a few days. 8) Hiking trails are closed Park response: 1) Park until water clears the trails—a staff closely monitors the lake few days. level. 2) Based on the current 9) The Horse Stables are lake level and predicted closed. These are privately rising levels, park staff make run. The owners hope to adjustments to the wastewater reopen by Memorial Day system. Adjustments include Weekend. They do have a shutting down bathroom stable at Lake Catherine State facilities (to prevent further Park which is open now. introduction of waste into Q: How much do you estimate the wastewater system), and was lost in total revenues for shutting down certain lift the month of March? stations (to reduce the flow A: Nearly $300,000 was lost if of lake water into the treatI were to take a rough guess. ment plants and to prevent Q: Wasn’t the newly renovated damage to the lift stations). 3) Deroche campground set up Eventually, all lift stations and to reopen in March? the main treatment plant have A: It cost nearly $ 1.377 milto be shut down. 4) The park lion dollars to build Deroche and Entergy work together to campground and it was set to cut off all power to submerged open up March 1; the same electric systems. day the park closed due to The park operates the flooding. Deroche had sigwastewater system for as long nificant damage. Fully half or as possible AFTER closing This is just one of the locations that was flooded at DeGray Lake State Park. Photo by Jason Parrie. more of the sights are damaged. down all bathroom facilities to park also has several level I and level until at least March 25. Reopening Full damage has not be accessed yet. ensure that all wastewater in the system II wastewater operators who also help depends on repairs. Q: How does the park plan on getting is treated before the system becomes monitor and operate the wastewater a. Area C will likely remain closed for business back in order? fully compromised and has to be shut system. much longer as it is the lowest lying A: Our largest loss was from loss of down. Q: What is the estimated date you think area and will take longer for the waters revenues. The other cost will be to The park cannot reopen facilities the park will reopen? to recede. repair the damage done. The lake served until the wastewater system is back A: 1) Parts of the park will reopen at b. The DeRoche ridge boat ramp is its purpose to protect the communities online (water level must fall below indifferent times closed but will likely reopen before the downstream from major loss of farms, filtration level, lift stations repaired and 2) Golf Course and Visitor Center are camping area. It could reopen once the operational, main treatment plant back fully open now. water clears the parking lot. (a few days) possible lives and livelihoods. FEMA operational). This might take days or 3) Marina is partially open now—acces- c. The lodge closing includes the restau- came out today to access damage. We will all have to wait a little while weeks after the lake levels fall. sible by boat only. It will fully open any rant and all other lodge facilities. to enjoy the recreational benefits of this The Visitor Center remained open day—depending on how fast the lake 6) Caddo Bend Day Use Area is closed lake again but it seems to be in good because: 1) access to it was not imrecedes. until at least March 25. Reopening hands. The park will soon be needing paired by water, 2) It’s bathroom facila. The marina boat ramp is open now. depends on water clearing the road and ities run off of a newly installed septic 4) Camping Areas A and B are closed repairs. This should reopen before Area volunteers to help with the cleanup. Ranger Parrie said you can contact system and so are not connected to the until at least March 16. They might C. him if your service organization is main wastewater system. reopen March 17 but it depends on a. This includes the Area C Boat Ramp. willing an able to help out. His email is: The park’s wastewater system is mon- repairs This will likely reopen once the water jasonparrie@arkansas.gov itored daily by a level III wastewater 5) Camping Area C and DeRoche Ridge clears the road. operator and monthly by the DEQ. The camping area and lodge are all closed 7) The disc golf course is closed until Student Reporter



March 14, 2018


Courting controversy

What does campus think about ‘The Last Jedi?’

Story by Julie Young Student Reporter

Throughout history, opinions have been known to separate us in to very distinct groups: People who support the president and the people who don’t. Those who prefer pineapples on their pizza, and those who think the very thought of fruit on pizza is evil. People who drink pepsi, and the customers who wince when the waiter tells them they’re “out of Coke, is Pepsi ok?” No opinions, however, have seemed as polarizing as the ones spawned by the latest installment of the “Star Wars” sequel saga, “The Last Jedi,” which Henderson’s Student Activities Board played last Friday and Sunday as part of the Spring 2018 Movie series. With such a dedicated fanbase, opinions on “Star Wars” have always been strong. When the film was first screened in December, reviewers were singing praise in online articles and tweets, promising excitement to nervous fans and a refreshing twist on a story 40 years in the making. The responses started to shift after the film’s wide release, though, when the movie was opened to the public. Suddenly, fans and newcomers alike either absolutely loved it or hated it with a great intensity. Either way, everyone had an opinion, and they all made it known on the internet. “From what I’ve seen and read about it, it sorta seems like people are nit-picking it just to find something to be bitter about,” stated Rae Dinger, freshman, mass media major. Reasons for the dislike, or hatred in some cases, have varied for a num“Star Wars: The Last Jedi” is one of the most controversial entries in the series. Poster ber of reasons, with people stating problems with the pacing, humor, Rian courtesty of TNS.

Johnson’s directing and writing, and storytelling in general as why they just couldn’t get in to “The Last Jedi.” “I don’t really care if people want to hate it,” stated Tessa Walthour, freshman, english major, “but I think [they hated it] because nothing went as expected, and people’s theories and headcanons were crushed.” “The Last Jedi” came just two years after 2015’s “The Force Awakens,” giving fans just enough time to speculate and form ideas about where they thought the new saga was headed. But upon finally viewing it, some fans were ultimately disappointed when the film didn’t cater to the plot points they’d imagined years before the movie was even complete. “I loved “The Last Jedi” when I saw it, simply because it was different than what everyone expected,” stated Walthour, “seeing as the bad guy wasn’t redeemed, victory wasn’t a given, and Rey’s parents weren’t some big figure in this universe.” When “The Force Awakens” came out, some fans had an issue with the way that installment just seemed to copy “Star Wars: A New Hope,” and didn’t bring anything new to the story. Now, there are people criticizing Johnson’s film for straying too far from what a “Star Wars” movie should be. Whether fans loved “The Last Jedi” or completely disliked it, it remains the last “Star Wars” film Carrie Fisher, who portrayed Leia Organa and passed in December 2016, will ever appear in. “I thought it was a really great last moment for Carrie Fisher, whose role in the series has always been something amazing,” stated Walthour. “It was nice to see such a well-executed send off for her.”


“Boozy Beard” is one of the works by Neal Harrington. Photo by Larry Massey, Photo Chief.

Hard Lessons An art exhibit by Neal Harrington, Professor of Art at Arkansas Tech Story and Photos by Pete Tubbs Editor in Chief

“Hard Lessons,” an art exhibit in the RFA Art Exhibition Room, is a collection of carvings by Neal Harrington. Harrington is a Professor of Art at Arkansas Tech in Russelville who got permission from Professor Aaron Calvert to hold his exhibit at Henderson. Harrington says it takes about two to three weeks to work on a carving, even

longer to generate the concept and composition. The concept of the title “Hard Lessons,” the idea come from “I am a visual artist and an amateur musician...better visual artist. My interest in American Roots music influences me. Many of those songs tell stories, stories often impart a lesson. I thought it made sense.” says Harrington. This artist does not believe in an idea, and

that he much rather go after it, and “Sometimes it takes the form of a word, or sentence, sometimes a situation or some classic folk tale or mythology that I am playing around with. Sometimes ideas are easy and quick, most often I day dream...I’m a dreamer with difficulty concentrating on one thing.” Harrington’s pieces have a strong feeling and strong black and white

aesthetic look. “I make art that I want to see. If I am not making something I feel like I am failing or letting myself down so I am usually working on an actual piece or sketching ideas for the next. This show made me pause and smell the roses and appreciate all that I have accomplished for the past few years.”

March 14, 2018



“A fourth dimension beyond jeans”

Bunky on male objectification



in g

would take a vow of chastity, anyway? I wouldn’t trust those guys with my dog. My suggestion is this: stop telling boys there’s something wrong with the fact that they want to have sex with women. #stopbroshaming


hypocrisy. The fact that men look at women (and vice-versa) and are filled with sexual desires is what keeps the human species going. If that ends, so do we. I wonder what those students’ idea of a perfect man is. Do they want a guy who says, all I want to do with women is respect them and tell them how brave and strong they are? Let me tell you a secret about those guys. They’re f***ing liars. They want sex just as badly as an honest man, only in a sad and pathetic way. They think, if they kiss enough woman ass, one of their dominant female overlords will finally feel sorry for them and give them some p***y. Do we really want to raise a generation of beta males who’ve been taught to suppress their sexual nature? Psychology has shown that suppression of sexual thoughts doesn’t end well. Need proof? Look no further than the pedophile priests of the Catholic Church. Why TF don’t they just let the priests have sex with women? What kind of weirdo


I’m in a Spanish class with only three other students and a professor, all female. We were discussing a book by Junot Díaz, a Dominican author with an unapologetically male voice. Dude gets straight nasty sometimes. I’m a fan. In the course of the discussion, one of the students read a passage from the book about a girl who Díaz described as having “a big Dominican ass that seems to exist in a fourth dimension beyond jeans. An ass that could drag the moon out of orbit.” The student then asked the group where we thought he learned to objectify women in such a terrible way. My response was, that’s just the way dudes talk to each other when women aren’t around. “I do it,” I said. The professor surprised us all by saying that she talks about men that way with other women. “Men aren’t the only ones that do it,” she said. I was glad this teacher was there to give these young

women a different perspective. I think modern feminism crosses the line into man-hating sometimes. By the look on their faces, I’d say the feminist perspective is the only one these students have ever heard. They looked as if they were flabbergasted by such a foreign idea. Their foreheads wrinkled with displeasure. They didn’t know what to say. That part of the conversation didn’t go any further. Here, I can finish my thoughts on the matter. I wonder if these students have had boyfriends (or girlfriends, whatevs). Surely they have. If these girls’ significant others don’t look at them and think, I want to have sex with her so bad, why would they even want to be with them? Have we devolved to the point that we think talking about being sexually attracted to someone is evil? Only when men do it, I suppose. Is anyone offended by this picture? Does Ellen get a pass but not Junot Díaz? We have a word for this. It’s


Student Reporter


Opinion by Bunky Raines

A victim of things we do to retain

Jae-Kur on HSU’s retention rate

Opinion by Jae-Kur Lockhart Opinion Editor

As students begin to close out their freshman year, they may not realize that they could also be extinguishing a fire of curiosity and excitement. I would go so far as to say that while retention rates are high for freshmen, those rates dwindle down as students move forward in their studies. According to collegefactual.com, Henderson State University has one of the lowest freshman retention rates in

the country. The average 1st to 2nd year rate is 71 percent, nationally and 68 percent in Arkansas. It would be nice to know what the faculty has to say in regards to these numbers and percentages. “In a brief way of expression, I just can’t wait to see how the school will manage to improve these numbers. While this information is a bit dated, the numbers are poignant and very much related to this day. It remains to be seen as to whether or not our

“School with A Heart” is a school with the grades and retention. Institutions that are up for comparison are Columbia University, Yale University, or even Brown University (all of which are soaring above the 95 percent range of Liberal Arts colleges). “These numbers are public information but for some reason, I never knew that our retention rates were that low – its almost embarrassing,” Keaton Beasley, Communications major, said. With retention rates slowly but surely

decreasing at Henderson State, I believe that it poses a broad arrangement of questions – is the curriculum too hard or do the teachers suck at doing their job? “I wont go so far as to say that teachers do not do their jobs -- I just feel like it is harder for students to keep a focus especially after coming back from Spring Break,” says Ashley Ward, Greek Life Graduate Assistant.


“Cuphead” is only $20 on Steam. Photo courtesy of Studio MDHR.

A marriage of old and new

Jerry on the new gaming craze

Opinion by Bunky Raines Student Reporter

Brothers, Cuphead and Mugboy, gamble at the wrong casino and end up having to pay off their debt by the Devil’s contract, which is all that needs to be said about the wacky tale for the video game called “Cuphead.” “Cuphead” is a throwback to our parents or grandparent’s times when cartoons featured lovable characters such as Steamboat Willie and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. The style, in which the game was made, pulled me into memories of my grandfather and myself sitting down to watch old cartoons only while playing a video game. Even the music pulls me back into

the fun of older animations. The side scroll aspect of the game mixed with bosses, that are layered in different stages, reminds me of Mega Man. Combing retro and side-scrolling from each mastered field all that is left is a very well made video game. Controls for “Cuphead” are basic compared to most games being a retrogression to simpler times, yet that does not make this video game as simple to beat. No, “Cuphead” is a difficult challenge to overcome and at times can get frustrated, while the gamer is figuring out the attack patterns of bosses that resemble villains of cartoons in the 1930’s. Although as far as controls go the game is simplified with A as jump, X

as shoot, Y as Dash, B as super, and left bumper as the alternating fire. Jumping twice parries the pink objects flying at the character and the health returns to three strikes. Each boss is unique with an ever so changing transformation to each phase of the fight, along with dangerous new abilities to maneuver around, as well as an announcer to begin each fight. “Cuphead” is a partly hand-drawn fashioned game that takes the player from the comfort of first and third person shooters tossing them back into the side scroll scene. We are taken back to a time when multiplayer was not a thing and couch cooperatives were on the rise. In fact, the gameplay encourages a

friend to jump into the game and help take on the bosses and levels of challenging running and gunning. Wacky and lovable characters only help to support how enjoyable this amazing video game truly has become. For all the amazing aspects of the game, I could not find many negatives other than dying to the screen cutting off parts of levels that go upward, but the challenge only made me try harder and was not a hindrance to me. Cuphead is retro and classical in so many senses deserving 5 out of 5 stars, this is a game my grandpa would have loved this game and you will too.


March 14, 2018




Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

ACROSS 1 Green Angry Birds animals 5 Salon style 9 “Jabberwocky” opener 13 Les __-Unis 15 Eye layer 16 “For __ jolly ... ” 17 Name on a twoliter bottle (and what’s inside) 19 Double-crossers 20 Like microwavable meals 21 Valued caches 23 Independently owned suds producer (and the suds in question) 26 Parthenon goddess 29 “How cool!” 30 Length of most TV dramas 31 WWI battleship Graf __ 33 Kin by marriage 37 CIO partner 38 Where Starbucks began (and a product it popularized) 40 __ snail’s pace 41 Note above A 43 Snoop (around) 44 Blockage 45 Slangy “It’s cool” 47 Currently combusting 49 Pepperidge Farm treat (and its ideal companion) 53 Novelist Waugh 54 Scolds harshly 58 Jones with a locker 59 What’s clued in parentheses for each of four answers, and found in corresponding sets of puzzle circles 62 Don Juan’s mother 63 Just 64 __ protector 65 Give a darn 66 Horseshoes turn 67 Dijon dad

By Adam T. Cobb

DOWN 1 Cop’s quarry 2 “Like __ lump ... ” 3 Marvin of Motown 4 Speech therapist’s challenge 5 More virtuous 6 President Morales of Bolivia 7 DVR “back up” button 8 Chanted word 9 Add, as a shrimp to the barbie 10 Go this way and that 11 Autumn bloom 12 Flip 14 “‘And hast thou __ the Jabberwock?’” 18 Music box? 22 Deal with, as loose laces 24 “Almost there!” 25 Borscht veggies 26 Quaker captain of literature 27 Fashionable Brit 28 Ship frame 32 Freak out 34 2016 Best Picture nominee “__ Land”


Last week’s answers Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved

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35 All-inclusive 36 Salary 38 Like a path that’s cobbled together? 39 Allowed to get out 42 Examine in detail 44 Go from cloudy to fair 46 Wisecrack 48 Tweeters 49 Physician at the front



50 The first Mrs. Trump 51 Prying tool 52 Acts like a good dog 55 Lose steam 56 Elec. or mech. expert 57 __-Ball: arcade game 60 Suffix with concert 61 Big tee sizes



Playing for money... or not Story by Jordan WIlliams Sports Editor

June 21, 2005. NBA and the National Basketball Players Association come to an agreement that marked the end of an era in the sport of basketball. The two parties agreed to move up the age for players to enter the NBA draft to 19 and have to be at least one year removed from high school. Effects of this decision wouldn’t be fully understood until last year, when the “corrupt underbelly” of the NCAA was exposed to the world. What started out as a rule meant to produce better draft prospects turned into a way to further exploit young athletes who were seemingly left with no other option than to attend one year of college. Now, almost thirteen years after this decision and with the weight of this choice now fully understood, the NBA is on the verge of rescinding this rule and once again opening its doors to high school students ready to make the jump. But with so much chatter from parties both for and against the rule one has to ask themselves, what is the right call? There are those who say that college

is a good stopping point for aspiring young pros as the experience allows them to mature mentally and physically, a point that is hard to argue. Some who even feel that if these young prospects spent more time in college they’d be more complete products by the time they hit the NBA, and there’s even proof to back this point up. Players such as Russell Westbrook, Paul George, Damian Lillard and Steph Curry were all players who were removed from being the players they were today but after returning for their second, third or even fourth semesters of college hit the NBA floor ready to contribute to an NBA team. This list of players alone has produced 20 all-star selections, 15 all NBA team selections, 2 MVPs and 2 scoring champs in the form of both Russell Westbrook and Steph Curry. None of these players were considered franchise players when NBA scouts saw them play their first college game, and now it’s undeniable how great any of these single players are and how important those extra years at the college level meant in them becoming the players they are today. Another side of the argument are

those who say that if a player feels he is ready to go to the pros after he graduates, he should be allowed to declare for the NBA draft. There are multiple players in each draft, and while not fundamentally ready for the NBA, are more than physically ready for the NBA game. For example, Arizona freshman DeAndre Ayton, is a 7’1 250lb “behemoth,” according to sports commentator Bill Walton, and has been dominating most other college centers. He does this by simply being bigger, stronger and faster than the majority of the competition he is facing on a night-to-night basis. This lack of competition causes a player’s game to stagnate as there is no need to polish any of aspect of their game if they can dominate their competition as is. For players such as these one year of college isn’t going to change much, sure they enter the NBA a bit more well-conditioned but even then most prospects require even more conditioning and training than they could ever receive on the college level and having to work with more individual skill coaches to gain the skills that are needed to

compete at an NBA level. Going straight to the NBA to work with these trainers and professionals is the quickest way for these top high school players to start taking steps into the pros they’ve dedicated their lives to being. There’s also the fact that we’re denying players their dream and making them go to college when most of them would rather go straight to the NBA. There, they can earn money, and most of the players need it to help their families. If you let these players have this choice back, then spots would open up in the college game for athletes who actually want to go to college to further their education. Regardless of what camp you reside and what feelings you have about either side of this debate one thing is certain. It’s time to quit talking about these players as if they are only tools to be exploited for monetary gain. It’s time we quit making decisions for them and start letting them make their own. Like any other young adult in this country, they should have the right to decide their own fates regardless of how anyone else feels.

Well, they got that goin’ for ‘em

How has the women’s golf team been doing?

Story by Dylan Corey Student Reporter

The HSU women’s golf team won their third tournament of the year on March 6 at the Diffie Ford Invitational in Oklahoma City. This was the teams third victory thus far, with the other two wins coming at the NSU Women’s Classic and GAC Fall Preview respectively. After both days of playing, the Reddies ended with a 622 stroke total, six shots higher than Oklahoma Christian who closed the tournament in second. Head coach Forrest Schultz was satisfied with the way his team performed. “I was very happy about the win at

the tournament. I thought our team was prepared to win that event and I was glad we were able to go out there and perform.” Schultz stated. However, this was no easy victory for the Reddies. Due to poor weather leading up to and even at the tournament, the players were forced to adjust and oftentimes had to practice inside. Sarah Wright and Taylor Leob were both huge factors for HSU. Sarah Wright posted a performance that was good enough to earn her the GAC golfer of the week award. The senior finished with a score of 149 after 36 holes, and was second to none in total pars. Leob was another contributor who

was vital in Henderson’s achievement, and she had the most birdies on the team with 5. In terms of individuals, HSU’s two competitors were Taylor Reed and Christian Barrett. Out of 95 competitors, Barrett led the two by tying for 37th. Reed finished with a score of 170 that tied him for 56th. In late February, the Henderson men won their first tournament of the season at the Rattler Invitational in San Antonio. They survived a tie of worse by the skin of their teeth by sneaking by St. Mary’s, who finished just one stroke behind the Reddies. Thunderstorms were an issue

throughout the tournament, which may have been a stroke of luck for HSU by cancelling the third round which may have allowed St. Mary’s to take over the primary position. Trey DePriest had a hot start and didn’t look back, who finished with six birdies in the two rounds. For upcoming events, the Henderson men will take a short trip to Russellville on March 12-13 for the Dave Falconer invitational. The women’s next outing is set for the same days, but will take place in Wichita Falls, Texas, for the Midwestern State Invitational.

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