2025 Membership The More You Know

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The More You













■ Stats & in-depth market data

■ Site selection assistance

■ Recruitment & expansion of companies

■ Investor support

■ Talent recruitment & retention programming

■ Regional wage & benefit survey

■ Share your voice with local, state & federal leaders

■ Government access, influence & special events

■ 2nd largest in U.S. and 4th largest in world

■ 300 companies and 25K employees

■ Professional skills training

■ Offer low or no-cost classes on various topics

■ 1,200+ attend annually

■ Chamber sponsorships: digital, online, publications, events through ChamberON

■ Magazine, e-newsletters, videos & social media

■ 100+ events annually

■ Ambassadors: “in the know”

■ Certified ribbon cutting pros

■ Chamber membership = good corporate citizen

■ Resources for start-ups

■ Partner with local SBDCs, Chamber Foundation & The Schools Foundation

Chamber Invoicing/Receivables

The Huntsville/Madison County Chamber’s Accounts Receivables Department has seen an increase in the number of notices recently about invoices and check payments being lost in the U.S. mail. In addition, we have also seen more emailed invoices not being received. Here are some tips and options to ensure that you receive our invoice and that we receive your payment.

Receiving Invoices: Ensure that your membership account information and billing contact is accurate and complete. You may login to your ChamberMaster account to make sure your company’s profile and people are up to date.

If you need a login to ChamberMaster, please contact:

■ Lakeysha Brown, Director, Membership & Engagement –(256) 535-2038 or lbrown@hsvchamber.org

■ Kim Weeks, Accounting Specialist – Receivables –(256) 535-2013 or kweeks@hsvchamber.org

Let us know if you prefer to receive invoices via U.S. mail or by email, and please be sure to let us know when your street address and/or email address change.

Also, please ask your company’s IT support to whitelist/allow hsvchamber.org, cm.hsvchamber.org, and chambermaster.com so our emails come through successfully.

Payment Options: If you have a login to your profile and have access to bill payment, you may view and pay invoices online. We are happy to provide a form for Automated Clearing House (ACH) payment. Credit card payments may be processed via phone by calling Kim Weeks, AR Specialist at 256-535-2013. We do not charge a fee for paying via card, but there is a 6% fee for card refunds. If you are paying via check, be sure to allow extra time for mail delivery.

Your support and engagement are greatly appreciated!


We officially welcome you to the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber! Below you will find some very helpful information regarding your membership and the many resources the Chamber has to offer.

Let’s Get You All Set Up!

Set up your login to access the MIC (Member Information Center). Here, you can:

■ Update company information

■ Submit your press releases and/or your events to be posted on hsvchamber.org *subject to approval

■ Pay your renewal

■ Register for events

■ Register to receive Chamber Email Correspondence –

▶ Receive event announcements/registration information and updates

▶ Community and Chamber news

▶ New member announcements

Go to cm.hsvchamber.org/login to access your Member Login on hsvchamber.org.

To start receiving the Chamber’s Weekly Email Communications, click here or use the QR code lower left. Complete the information requested and select options which interest you, then click “Submit.” You are welcome to sign up anyone on your team to receive our emails. Look for our Mash-Up every Monday! We aim to get your week started off on the right note with upcoming events, local business headlines, and member highlights.

Your Member Landing Page

You have the ability to customize your landing page by adding your logo, a company description, social media links as well as a location map. Go to cm.hsvchamber.org/list to check out other Chamber Member pages.

Your Company Logo

Please send your company logo in vector format (ai, eps or svg) so we can ensure the best quality when we need to use your logo in the future. Feel free to send different versions (horizontal, vertical, full color, 1-color, with tagline and without). We will keep these on file and use the most appropriate one. This should also be used on your landing page for visual representation. You can send your logo(s) to Kristi Sherrard: ksherrard@hsvchamber.org

If your company goes through a rebrand, please send your new logo so we can update our files.

Marketing/Branding Opportunities included with your Membership

■ Your Company announced in our Member Connection email

■ Your Company announced in Initiatives magazine

■ Movers & Shakers – see the separate “SHARE YOUR NEWS” flyer for details. Movers & Shakers is a feature we publish every other month online, where you may highlight an employee you’d like to recognize. This can be a new hire, someone who has achieved a new certification, etc. Please provide a brief write-up on the person and a high resolution photo. Details and deadlines are also posted online: hsvchamber.org/movers-shakers

■ Member Connection (bi-monthly eblasts sent to over 7,500 recipients)

▶ Please send your PDF flyer to membership@hsvchamber.org to be included in the next Member Connection. See the second page of the “SHARE YOUR NEWS” flyer for details.

■ Sponsorship Opportunities – please review the ChamberON catalog for sponsorship opportunities: hsvchamber.org/chamberon.

Promote Your Company as a Chamber Member

■ You will receive an annual Member plaque insert and window cling with the year on it – please post (or replace) where they will be noticeable by visitors.

■ Share our Chamber Member Art on your website and marketing materials – it is also updated annually, so make sure you update each year. We will remind you in our Mash-Up newsletter. You can find this art here: hsvchamber.org/member-art . Instructions are included on the page.

Membership Team

Kristy Drake, IOM

VP, Investor Relations

O 256-535-2036

M 256-651-5305


Richard Bigoney

Membership Account Executive

O 256-535-2019

M 256-924-4155


Lakeysha Brown

Director, Membership & Engagement

O 256-535-2038

M 256-520-7827


Cindy Wood

Membership Account Executive

O 256-535-2007

M 256-348-0395



Our members have a valuable benefit in the form of our ChamberMaster database. With this tool, members can post news releases, highlight events, and offer special deals.

Only membership with the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber provides exclusive access to these specialized tools to promote your organization via this online member information center.

Log in today to update your information and start using these features:

2 3 4 1

1. Membership listing

Update your listing to ensure everyone has access to complete, up-to-date information. Completing your profile is critical to gaining increased visibility and exposure. Your company information is listed in our online membership directory on hsvchamber.org

2. Deals*

Offer coupons and special deals. Fellow members may well be your best customers. You’ll have an option to offer deals to anyone (Hot Deals) or just to our members (Member To Member Deals).

3. Announce your achievements*

Submit your own news releases to be included in the Chamber’s Newsroom and in our eblasts.

4. Advertise events*

Add your company’s events to our online event calendar displayed with quick links. After approval, you can copy the link to share on your social media.

PLUS network with other members: Check out other member listings, and deals.

To login, please visit our website, hsvchamber.org ; choose “Member Login” menu at the top menu. Or simply type cm.hsvchamber.org/login. If you are unsure of your login, check with your Chamber representative. You may also contact membership@hsvchamber.org for an email invitation to create your login.

Updating Your Profile

How to update: In ChamberMaster, click the “Settings” icon located on the top. Personalize your membership listing page with your detailed description, business hours, logos, photos, map and a video clip.

For public view: Your company information can be found on the Chamber’s searchable online membership directory. Go to hsvchamber. org and choose “Support our Members: Business Directory” sub menu from the “About Us” pulldown menu.

Posting Deals

How to post: In ChamberMaster, choose “Hot Deals” or “Member To Member Deals” from the menu on the left-hand side. Then, click “Add Deal” button. After you fill in the form, click “Submit for Approval.” Make sure to set the active dates.

For public view: Your Hot Deals can be found here: cm.hsvchamber.org/HotDeals. For Member To Member Deals, go to cm.hsvchamber.org/MemberToMember.

Posting News Releases

How to post: In ChamberMaster, click the "News" icon located on the top, then click "News Releases" from the menu on the left-hand side. Next, click the “Add News Release” button. After you fill in the form, click “Submit for Approval.” Make sure to add an image, set the date for “Publish End Date,” and check multiple categories if desired.

For public view: Your announcements can be found on the Chamber’s website, hsvchamber.org. Choose “Member News” from the “News” tab.

Posting Events

How to post: In ChamberMaster, click the “Events” icon located on the top, then click “Add Event.” You can easily add gallery photos and a link to your YouTube video! After you fill in the form, click “Submit for Approval.”

For public view: Your events can be found on the Chamber’s website, hsvchamber.org. Choose “Upcoming Events” from the “Events” tab. In order to see events posted by our members, narrow search by choosing “Member Events.”




Adding Your Company Logo

It is best to put the full company logo in the “Search Results Icon” place. Click Enable on the right if needed. This will show on the Member Directory Listing on our website as shown below.

The full logo or an icon if available works best as the “Logo”. This will show on the Member’s page on our site as shown in bottom sample.

We suggest not using the Member Page Header option.

Preferred format for logo: jpeg (some png files will work also)

Adding Other Visuals


■ Add good quality images to the Photo Gallery if available – do not repeat your logo here.

■ If your company has a YouTube video that is current and applicable, add the URL link to the YouTube Video option.

Addresses & Maps

If you want your physical address shown as well as a map, make sure the address is put in correctly.

If the map is not correct, click “Search Results Map Information” at the very bottom, click Look up next to Manually set coordinates, then check the box next to it. If the map is still wrong, ask for help.

If you do not want your address shown, make sure not to include on web tab.


The Huntsville/Madison County Chamber’s popular Movers & Shakers can be found on hsvchamber.org. These include promotions, new hires, and recognition of talent in our member companies. Think about who’s made a move in your company recently!

There is no cost for this – it’s a member benefit. We feature these six months per year: January, March, May, July, September, and November. Here’s a quick guideline for your submission, and you’re welcome to send more than one person.

1. A brief write-up about the person. Some companies send in a few sentences, others send in a few paragraphs. Either is fine, but please write it in third-person style.

2. The person’s headshot. Photo needs to be high resolution, please.

3. Submit text and photos via our website: hsvchamber.org/movers-shakers

Here are the 2025 deadlines for contribution:

March: Wednesday, Feb. 19

May: Wednesday, April 16

July: Wednesday, June 18

September: Wednesday, Aug. 20

November: Wednesday, Oct. 15

January 2026: Wednesday, Dec. 10

These will be published on hsvchamber.org/movers-shakers during the first part of the featured months. We will also use some of the photos on the Chamber’s social media channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram). The text you submit may be edited.


Member companies often ask for help sharing their news. We are happy to! If it’s an event or a news item, we ask that you please upload it through our ChamberMaster portal. It’s easy – just log in at cm.hsvchamber.org/login and add it.

We’ve posted step-by-step instructions here: hsvchamber.org/chambermasterhowto

We check the ‘queue’ daily for items and can approve these quickly. Where do these go once we approve them? They appear directly on Events (cm.hsvchamber.org/events) or Member News (cm.hsvchamber.org/news) on the Chamber’s website. We also select some for our weekly newsletter, the Mash-Up, and for our social media channels.

We encourage you to share our email newsletter signup link with your office: hsvchamber.org/ emailsignup. Help your team members stay informed on the latest local business news!

Member Connection

Member Connection is an email distribution the first and third Fridays of each month where we share member flyers (event promotions, special offers, etc.). We encourage our members to do business with each other! See details on the next page.

If you have a flyer to include, please send the PDF by the first or third Tuesday to membership@hsvchamber.org. To see the samples, visit hsvchamber.org/member-connection.

Movers & Shakers

Do you have a new hire, someone you’ve promoted, or someone who has achieved a new certification? Submit the person to Movers & Shakers. We spotlight these employees every other month on our website and social media channels (Facebook and LinkedIn.) Visit hsvchamber.org/moversshakers for a sample; see additional details on separate flyer.


We have additional opportunities for sponsorships and advertisements. The Chamber publishes Initiatives magazine six months per year. For more information and our current Media Kit , please contact Lakeysha Brown (lbrown@hsvchamber.org ) or Kristy Drake (kdrake@hsvchamber.org ).

Member Connection: Details & Deadlines

Member Connection is the perfect way to stand out from the competition – and best of all – it’s FREE! This eblast reaches over 7,500 Chamber contacts twice monthly (the first and third Fridays of each month). It is also posted on the Chamber’s website, under the Newsroom tab.

To participate in this FREE service, please send us a PDF flyer that describes your business, signature events, or programs by the first or third Tuesday to membership@hsvchamber.org.

Distribution Dates for 2025

January 10

January 24

February 7

February 21

March 7

March 21

April 4

April 18

May 2

May 16

June 6

June 20

July 4

July 18

August 1

August 15

Submission Specs

*subject to change

September 5

September 19

October 3

October 17

November 7

November 21

December 5

December 19

■ Deadline is three days before the distribution date.

■ There are no restrictions on the dimension of the flyer, but the letter size (8.5x11) will look best in the flipbook.

■ Please try to reduce the file size to less than 2 MB.

■ If you do not have the capability to save your flyer in PDF format, the following file formats are acceptable: JPEG, PNG, Microsoft Word, or PowerPoint.

■ If you have events posted on your website or social media pages, please provide us with the link. Flyer will be linked to the specified page instead of your home page.

■ Please make sure to include your contact information (website, phone, etc.)

■ Members have the opportunity to publish two flyers per month.

2025 Membership MEDIA KIT

Initiatives magazine is one of the primary vehicles through which we address topics of interest to the business and professional communities in the Huntsville market. Initiatives provides the opportunity to profile key subject matter in greater detail than supplied by other platforms. As a result, the publication is read by the recipient and often passed around the office. These magazines are often found in waiting areas and on side tables of offices of executives, doctors, etc. Business men and women are hungry for news they can use, and Initiatives plays a key role in providing that information.

magazine specs

8,500 magazines min. distributed six months per year

ad rates

ad sizes

All ads appear in full color. Please allow a minimum 0.125” from trim for critical artwork. * Back cover ad size: 9” x 9.625” vertical due to postal area. Bleed allowed on sides and bottom of page.

To advertise, contact:

Lakeysha Brown

Director, Membership & Engagement

256-535-2038 work | 256-520-7827 cell lbrown@hsvchamber.org

Kristy Drake, iom

Vice President, Investor Relations

256-535-2036 work | 256-651-5305 cell kdrake@hsvchamber.org

editorial calendar *


■ 2025 Executive Committee & Board of Directors

■ Small Business spotlight


■ Federal Agenda

■ NASA Update

■ ChamberON campaign

■ Small Business spotlight

■ Armed Forces Celebration Preview


■ Workforce Update

■ Best Places to Work® Winners

■ Small Business spotlight

■ Healthcare Update


■ Education Update

■ Armed Forces Week recap

■ Small Business Awards preview


■ Industry Insights

■ Quality of Life Update

■ Entertainment Update

■ Shop Local for the Holidays


■ Para-cycling Look Ahead

■ Infrastructure Update

■ Economic Development Update

*NOTE:Thisissubjecttochangebasedonthenewscycle/ announcementsthathappenin2025.


Publication Space Artwork Issue Date Reservation Due

February Feb 5 Jan 8 Jan 15

April April 2 Mar 5 Mar 12

June June 4 May 7 May 14

August Aug 6 July 9 July 16

October Oct 1 Sept 3 Sept 10

December Dec 3 Nov 3 Nov 10

Note: These have been revised as of October 21, 2024. 2026 deadlines will be updated in Fall 2025.

artwork submissions

Please provide a high-resolution jpeg or PDF with all fonts embedded or converted to paths/outlines .

***Advertorial matches full page ad specs – to include advertorial content from someone in your company about news-worthy topics, consumer issues, and/or matters relevant to our readers. Chamber maintains editorial control. Limited to 400 words; must be provided as high-res jpeg or PDF. The word “Advertorial” will be added to your page in 8pt type.

Questions? Call 256-535-2054.

No ad? We can help for an additional $200. Please provide a rough sketch and high-resolution art (minimum of 300 dpi). Maximum of 2 revisions after initial design – also see details noted in ad agreement.

Initiatives magazine is a publication of the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber.

The mission of the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber is to prepare, develop and promote our community for economic growth. The Huntsville community is the economic hub of the northern Alabama/southern Tennessee region. Huntsville/Madison County’s economy is one of the strongest in the nation, with low unemployment, strong job growth and income levels leading the region. Business growth and investment from U.S. and international companies have made it one of the country’s top “hot spots” for growing a business and raising a family. Our goal is to secure sustainable economic growth for the future of our community.

Talent Initiatives







ASmartPlace.com, the official website of ASmartPlace, serves as the hub for the Chamber’s Economic Development and Talent Recruitment activities. For job seekers and newcomers to our region, it shows what it is like to live, work, play, and grow in the Huntsville region. This site is the focal point of the Chamber’s marketing campaign designed to reach qualified regional and national candidates. Sponsorship opportunities are available for more exposure, and we promote on all of our social media platforms. These resources are structured to support your recruitment teams with information about the region that can be easily shared with potential candidates and new talent.

ASmartPlace for Veterans focuses on recruitment and retention of military connected talent in the Rocket City. This includes collaboration with partners like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Hiring Our Heroes Corporate Fellowship program, Still Serving Veterans, NextOp, and collaboration with transition assistance offices to inform them of job opportunities in our community. We seek to increase awareness of careers with our local companies while enhancing our community profile among service men and women.

Huntsville ASmartPlace College Career Fair connects students from local and regional colleges/universities with career opportunities in the Rocket City! This winter event targets college students who are local to the Huntsville area and those who attend out-of-area schools and may be home for the holidays. Students have the opportunity to visit employers offering full-time roles, co-op positions, and internships with the goal of retaining our early talent.

Senior Sprint is a collaborative program with Huntsville City Schools, Madison City Schools, Madison County Schools, community agencies, and local employers to provide career opportunities for graduating high school seniors who have not enrolled in a post-secondary college or university or made firm post-graduation plans. Senior Sprint creates a bridge from high school to the workforce by providing graduates with several career and training opportunities while raising awareness about employment opportunities which will guide them toward long-term post-graduation careers.

ReLaunch Career Fair provides opportunities for individuals who are unemployed, underemployed, have dropped out of high school, are not achieving their full potential, or are in need of a relaunch of their career, to connect with local employers and opportunities. The mission of this initiative is to assist our local companies in finding capable workers and to empower members of our community by improving their quality of life and financial stability. The Chamber hosts this event in collaboration with the Alabama Career Center, the Alabama Community College System, nonprofits, and community agencies to help bridge the gap between the under resourced job seeker and our employers.


Go Rocket City! is an initiative to share about life in Huntsville. Our video series spotlights the great quality of life in our region, from the food and festival scene to the great outdoors. This is an engagement and retention initiative to spotlight some of Huntsville’s favorite local arts, entertainment, dining, and recreation options.

Go Rocket City! | Get Onboard helps connect early talent in our community by engaging summer intern and co-ops working in the Rocket City. The main goal of this programming is to allow students to connect with one another while learning more about our community and the career opportunities available to them through social, professional development, and service opportunities.

Wage & Benefits Survey is conducted each spring. The survey enables local employers to gauge their compensation and benefit data against other companies in our region. The survey data is valuable to companies to use as a pricing tool for bidding contracts, and, most importantly, as a human resources guide for benchmarking wage and benefit rates.


State of the Schools is an annual event that focuses on the mission, vision, data and strategic goals for the future of public education across Huntsville City Schools, Madison City Schools and Madison County Schools. In partnership with The Schools Foundation, this event features the superintendents of each district along with student and teacher voices to highlight the Pre-K–12 education programs that are preparing students for long-term success in our region. This is an excellent opportunity for the business community to hear directly from educators about programs, policy, and performance in our local systems, which is relevant to our workforce of today and the future.

Industry Insights allow 100+ teachers, career coaches, and educators from across Huntsville City, Madison City and Madison County public schools to step outside the classroom and participate in onsite tours of industry locations. We focus on smart careers in target industries, ranging from advanced manufacturing and construction to cyber, supply chain, healthcare, and more. Educators are taken on tours of a business, factory floor, production plant, or construction site to witness first-hand how an industry looks, works, and feels while also hearing directly from hiring managers about that industry’s workforce needs and ways for students to pursue applicable career paths or ready-to-work initiatives.

Smart Careers in ASmartPlace is an initiative that connects students, teachers and parents with information about high-growth, high-demand occupations in our community and the pathways to reach them. We work across our K-12 school districts and our post-secondary institutions and with our business and industry to align resources and identify challenges and opportunities.

State of Higher Education is an annual event focused on the mission, vision, and strategic goals of higher education across Madison County, featuring the presidents of Calhoun Community College, Drake State Community & Technical College, Alabama A&M University, Oakwood University, and the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Attracting and retaining post-secondary talent is critical to our community’s long-term talent and economic development success. This event highlights the post-secondary education and training programs across our community that are preparing students for long-term impact in their careers and in our region. This is an opportunity for the business community to hear directly from higher education partners about programs and partnerships with their institutions.


Huntsville/Madison County continues to grow, and many of our companies are hiring. We offer several materials to support your recruiting efforts, and we keep these updated throughout the year.

Visit hsvchamber.org or asmartplace.com to see these various offerings and link to them in what you share with talent. In addition, we host frequent recruiting events – click HERE or use the QR code.


Visit hsvchamber.org/videos to see long-form virtual programs, and shorter videos, including our “Go Rocket City” series. You will also see the Veteran Recruitment video, ASmartPlace Overview, ASmartPlace Young Professionals video, Huntsville’s “It” Factor, C-Suite Executive video, and more. You are welcome to link these in your communications. They are also posted on our Huntsville/Madison County Chamber YouTube channel and Huntsville, Alabama: ASmartPlace Vimeo channel.

Media Accolades / Recognition

Huntsville is often cited in news articles and named to various lists. These include U.S. News & World Report, LinkedIn, CompTIA, SmartAsset, Business Insider, and many others. Visit hsvchamber.org/accolades to see the latest additions, and we also update a flyer you can download and print or email.

Read & Share Our Publications

We publish Initiatives magazine six months per year. This is printed and distributed to more than 8,500 highly engaged Chamber members, influencers, and key stakeholders. Initiatives is one of the primary vehicles we use to address topics of interest to the business and professional communities in north Alabama. We also post it online, and you are welcome to share the link, as well as links to past issues at no cost.

In addition, we also publish these items on hsvchamber.org/publications: Annual Reports, Economic Reports, and Member Connection. Make sure you’re signed up for our email communications so you’re the first to know when we have updates. We often share new materials in our weekly newsletter, the Mash-Up. Visit hsvchamber.org/emailsignup.

Interested in growing personally and professionally while representing and promoting the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber?

The Ambassador Program consists of enthusiastic volunteers from the Chamber membership who donate their time to help build member commitment and raise community awareness of Chamber activities and benefits.

Benefits for Your Company

The Ambassadors grow personally and professionally by building business relationships within the community. Participating in the Ambassador Program is one of the first steps you can take to become more involved with the Chamber. The program is ideal if you have a desire to become more active in the local business environment, raise awareness of your business or organization and give back to your community.

The Ambassador Program provides opportunities for you to connect with local business leaders and build lasting relationships. You will have an insider’s perspective of the local business community and a high level of prestige and credibility is extended to your business or occupation through your involvement with this well-respected goodwill group.

About the Ambassador Program

■ Runs annually from January to December

■ Monthly luncheon on the first Thursday of each month (except July & October)

■ Attend monthly Ribbon Cuttings and Groundbreakings to build a stronger network

■ Your professional headshot and a direct link to your company listed on the Chamber website

■ Special name badge provided – acknowledging that you are an Ambassador for the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber

Additional Activities

■ Hump Day Lunch (monthly)

■ Off the Clock Connections & Coffee Connections (bi-monthly)

■ Behind the scenes tours of local businesses and attractions must register & pay

Interested in participating? Here’s how to get started:

■ Complete the Ambassador Application

■ Review and sign the Code of Conduct

■ Submit payment of $199

■ Submit professional headshot

For more information, contact: Lakeysha Brown Director, Membership & Engagement lbrown@hsvchamber.org

or use this QR code to go to our website:

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Create a flipbook
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