Federal Agenda 2017

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Federal Agenda



To the Members of the Alabama Congressional Delegation and their staff: We are grateful to the members of the Alabama Congressional delegation for their leadership on the issues critical to the Huntsville/ Madison County region, especially those impacting our Nation’s defense and space policies. With our delegation’s support, our region continues to prosper as a science and technology powerhouse. Our business community functions best with predictable and dependable funding for federal programs. The Budget Control Act, with its sequestration clause for controlling spending, has reduced predictability and reduced Congressional flexibility to fund the Government effectively. In addition, the inability of the Congressional and Executive Branch to authorize and appropriate the federal budget in an orderly, predictable process has reduced dependability and timeliness of Federal funding. We request that our members vigorously support efforts to eliminate sequestration, return to regular order for formulating and producing a Federal Budget, and increase, across the board, overall funding for science and technology, and advanced research and development for defense and aerospace programs. The Tennessee Valley Authority provides power to 490,000 households and 98,500 commercial and industrial customers in 17 Alabama counties in North Alabama. Their impact on the region – including their role with economic development assistance; power plants; power production; river navigation; flood control and vast recreational opportunities for the pleasure of Alabamians – makes them a critical partner. Alabama citizens deserve a voice in setting TVA policy and direction, and the Chamber requests that the Delegation work to ensure that Alabama have representation on the TVA board. Serious cyber security vulnerabilities are a prevalent and growing threat to our national security today. Cyber risks can undermine the quality and reliability of vital equipment and processes upon which this nation relies for national security dominance and daily services. As a nation, we must become more proactive in our efforts to “cyber-secure” our businesses, infrastructure, defense, and public safety systems that sustain our economy and underpin our national security. The U.S. needs a comprehensive national strategy and integrated security plan to adequately respond to cyber threats and supply chain vulnerabilities. This Agenda summarizes the most critical federal issues facing our region. Additional information regarding these issues and a number of other important federal programs and issues that have significant local and national impact is included in an accompanying Issues Book. ​

Thank you from the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber Expanding the Tennessee Valley’s Excellence in Cyber Security National Strategic Defense Systems, designed/developed at Redstone Arsenal, require a rapid, integrated, agile framework, and processes to mitigate and prevent the substantial increase in known/unknown cyberattacks posing a destructive impact to critical National/State/Public infrastructure, industry, education, and financial resources. The complex, ambiguous boundaries and authorities related to command and control create a requirement for centralized coordination across the Tennessee Valley. Government and industry must partner to develop solutions for cyber defense and share the lessons learned from the cyber forensics of previous attacks to achieve the best posture against the cyber threats. Our cyber workforce, in collaboration with upper and mid-management, engineers, scientists, business analysts, factory workers, and small business owners must possess the necessary training, skills, and support structure to defend against cyber threats. The convergence of Federal, State, local governments and industry located in

Huntsville provides an ideal place to implement a study to assess the vulnerabilities, identify scenarios, appropriate response resources (funding sources, personnel, equipment, facilities, policy, law) and barriers to execution – creating a cyber-safe, secure, resilient, and sustainable community. Funding support from Congress will enable the study. Team Redstone, comprised of all federal agencies located on Redstone Arsenal, will continue to pioneer the way to properly defend our aviation and missile system-of-system level demonstrations, battlefield systems, and soldiers against these invasive threats and their efforts. Requested Actions: • Add research and development funding to the Aviation and Missile RD&E Center for aviation and missile technology development, as well as a good foundation for a Redstone “cyber campus” to support all Team Redstone members. • Increase funding for PEO Missiles & Space and PEO Aviation for cyber security and supply chain security analyses in support of both missile systems and aviation, including unmanned aerial systems.

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