VCOFFEE ENDING WATER About Us Transform the b eakroom & work expe ience of your off ce w th a cus
om bu l se f check t k t f l f f d k & d inks B p d f serv ce co fee & tea exper ence o keep you emp oyees go ng th oughout the day Hyd t th f h f t d & bott ed water o he p your assoc a es make heal hy choices Ch f th h t t d most n demand food snacks & dr nks to cater to your e p oyees eeds www f vestar oodse v ce com Accelerating success. HQ @ Upland Park is a contemporary mixed-use project located adjacent to Cummings Research Park West on Enterprise Way. The 5.65-acre, 110,000 SF property consists of retail and restaurant space on Level One, with ±75,000 square feet of modern Class A offices on Levels Two, Three and Four. HQ is part of the 60-acre masterplanned community, Upland Park, which includes two luxury apartment developments, The Collins and The Kelvin, and a first-class senior living facility, Vitality Living. 1300 Enterprise Way Huntsville, AL 110,000 SF Available Under Construction View For Lease David Garnett Director, david.garnett@colliers.comRetail Kyle Collins Sr Vice President | kyle.collins@colliers.comPrincipal August 19, 2022
W W W N E S I N F I T C O M L I N C O L N M I L L 2 5 6 4 8 9 1 1 0 0 M A D I S O N 2 5 6 4 6 1 9 6 5 4 OUR TEAM OF EXPERT PHYSICAL THERAPISTS CAN HELP TAKE YOU TO THE NEXT LEVEL BY FOCUSING ON YOUR GOALS & OVERALL PERFORMANCE . C A L L T O S C H E D U L E T O D A Y : Mindful Stress Reduction & Self- Compassion Training: Living with Greater Ease and Happiness in Turbulent Times Practicing mindfulness and mindful self-compassion can change your life by rewiring the way your brain responds to life's challenges. These practices increase lifesatisfaction, happiness, creativity and gratitude and are scientifically validated to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, shame and fear of failure. This workshop is designed for anyone interested in learning skills to better tolerate life's inevitable emotional and physical ups and downs and improve resilience, energy and creativity. Participants enrolled in this in-person workshop will learn and practice: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) Viewing mistakes and pain as part of being human and as opportunity o learn Replacing self-criticism with more self-kindness •Distinguishing between pain in life (inevitable) and suffering (optional) This training consists of six 90 minute Zoom classes Thursday, 10/13 - 11/17/2022 5 30-7:00 pm Tuition: $200 Mill Kat Healing Arts Huntsville To enroll please write or clubmindfulhsv@gmail.comcallwww.clubmindful.com408-509-7298Aboutthe Instructor Tom Fandre owns and operates Club Mindful Huntsville. He's also a mindfulness instructor at Stanford Hospital's Supportive Care Department in California. He provides stress reduction programs to groups and individuals at hospitals, non-profits, corporations and colleges He's a graduate of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Professional Teacher Training Program The Practicum in Mind-Body Medicine at the UMass Center for Mindfulness and the Applied SelfCompassion Training at Stanford University. INFL AT AB L E S & FU N F OR TH E WHOLE FAMI LY ! 5K REGI STRATI ON: churchstreetfamily com Snewhopechildrensclinic.orgEP11//3:00PM-FESTIVITIES5:00PM-RACE Join Mazda Toyota Manufacturing and up to 16 of the Team ONE partner companies at this hiring event JOB FAIR TEAM ONE PARTNERS: AUG 20 7:30am 11:30am SATURDAY Huntsvi le Marriott at the Space & Rocket Center (Grand Ballroom) 5 Tranquil ty Base, Huntsvi le, AL 35805 LEARN FOR LIFE OLLI at UAH is a community of lifelong learners. Connect with fellow adults, age 50 and up and engage in a variety of personal enrichment activities, in-person and online. FALL 2022 COURSE Osher.uah.eduGUIDE Senior Operations Lead Understand ng o DO 178 des gn and deve opmen processes Pro ect Lead Prog am Management exper ence MS s seek ng a cand date h the o ow ng exper ence and more Hun sv e Interested in work ng with us? Apply today! www ironmountainsolutions com/careers/ EXTREME EMPLOYEE FOCUS HOW DOES THE TRAINING HUB BENEFIT YOU? Educate your team with courses designed to meet evolving industry Presentdemands.your team with career and skill development opportunities. • Make your organization more competitive for your next proposal. Reinforce your workforce pipeline. Courses are offered in-person at the AMIIC facility, online, or in your office with our course contracting option. IS YOUR TEAM MEETING INDUSTRY DEMANDS? AMIIC’s Training Hub will help your team gain the competitive advantage and stay ahead of evolving industry demands. Our training produces effective and agile practitioners needed to fuel the national objective to lead in digital engineering and advanced manufacturing expertise. GAIN THE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE, VISIT AMIIC.US TODAY! View Our Course Offerings cybersecurity exam preps SOLUTIONS PDSolutions@uah.edu256.824.4430 FIVE STAR FOOD SERVICE Reshaping the breaktime experience Our Services Five Star Food Service exists to bring excitement and engagement to your employees and guests w th the goa of mproving productivity co laboration oyalty & company cu ture We are the ead ng prov der of on s te food and beverage services for the workp ace n the United States Five Star proud y offers custom breakroom so utions such as micro markets vending machines office coffee fresh food catering, & more! MARKETS

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 2 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber Masks appreciated! WLRH Public Radio UAH Campus John Wright Dr Huntsville, AL 35899 F r i d a y , A u g u s t 1 9 t h 8 A M - 1 2 P M G i v e A n y t i m e O n l i n e a t W L R H . O R G C a l l t h e P l e d g e L i n e a t 1 8 8 8 3 3 0 8 9 8 9 D r o p O f f Y o u r D o n a t i o n , P i c k U p S w a g & W i n a W L R H S u p e r P r i z e P a c k YOU'RE INVITED TO OUR SUMMER OPEN HOUSE

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 3 Join Mazda Toyota Manufacturing and up to 16 of the Team ONE partner companies at this hiring event. JOB FAIR TEAM ONE PARTNERS: AUG 20 7:30am11:30am SATURDAY Huntsville Marriott at the Space & Rocket Center (Grand Ballroom) 5 Tranquility Base, Huntsville, AL 35805

trends in development, changes in
opportuni ties.
MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 4 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber
Monday, August 22
Free Public Program Future 1:00 –Library, Community Room Sparkman Dr, NW, Huntsville, AL
LearningQUEST is a 501(c)(3) non profit volunteer led organization for adults of all ages, dedicated to building a learning community educational and enrichment
2:30 North
Presenters: Ken Smith and Dennis Madsen city leaders will present their perspective on Huntsville’s future: Ken Smith, Director of Research & Info Systems for the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber of Commerce, and Dennis Madsen, Manager of Long Range & Urban Planning for the City of Huntsville. Ken will draw on his expertise on the H untsville area economy showing growth data and factors driving growth and the status new and expanding Dennis will focus on demographics, and making quality life A question and answer period will follow each speaker.
Huntsville’s Dynamic

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 5 IntroducingStepping Up in Leadership A Two- Day Workshop Ground breaking research with over 17,000 leaders from around the world has pinpointed the different behaviors that lead to success at various management levels. In this program, we will explore these leadership behaviors and provide practical suggestions for enhanced leadership performance. Attendees will be engaged through self assessment, group discussion, action planning , and individualized coaching from a Blankenship & Seay Organizational Psychologist. Topics Include • Personality & Leadership Style • Emotional Intelligence • Persuasion & Influence • Motivating People • Managing Stress & Maximizing Productivity • Leadership Changes by Management Level August 25-26, 2022 Thursday 8:30 AM 4:30 PM Friday 8:30 AM – 2:00 PM Mark J. Freeman, freeman@blankenshipandseay.comPh.D.205-933-9170 Blankenship & Seay Consulting Group/ 2101 Highland Avenue, Suite 525, Birmingham, Alabama 35205

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 7

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 8 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 9 INFL AT AB L E S & FU N F OR TH E WHOLE FAMI LY ! M A ZZ A R A’S VI N OTEC A ON G AT E S | 1 02 G AT E S AV E NUE | D OWNT OWN H U NT SV ILL E 5K REGI STRATI ON: Snewhopechildrensclinic.orgEP11//3:00PM-FESTIVITIE S 5:00PM - RAC E

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 NAITA | | | EDUCATE ADVOCATE CONNECT NAITA Trade Compliance Roundtable: Tightening Supply Chains: Export Controls & Beyond September 13, 2022 | 3 5 PM at Dynetics Lee Smith, Leader of Baker InternationalDonelson'sTrade & National Security Practice Evolving Export Controls & Sanctions on Russia Recent related legislation Changes related to the Buy American Act impacting Government Contractors Join us for an in person NAITA Trade Compliance Roundtable sponsored by Baker Donelson The focus of this program will be on update on export controls by Lee Smith, International Trade and National Security attorney at Baker Donelson in Washington, DC Lee was formerly with the U S Department of Commerce at both the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) and the International Trade Administration. The update will provide an overview on how your business may be impacted by: Registration is FREE for NAITA Members and $25 for Potential Members. Join NAITA today when you register and get free registration!

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 11

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 12 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber Live2Lead is a leader development experience d e s i g n e d t o e q u i p y o u w i t h n e w p e r s p e c t i v e s , p r a c t i c a l t o o l s a n d k e y t a k e a w a y s M a r k y o u r c a l e n d a r s t o e l e v a t e y o u r l e a d e r s h i p f o r a d a y , j o i n i n g J o h n C M a x w e l l J o h n C . M a x w e l l E r i c T h o m a s P a t r i c k L e n c i o n i S P E A K E R S W H Y A T T E N D L I V E 2 L E A D ? D r . T i m E l m o r e D o r i s K e a r n s G o o d w i n The 8th annual Live2Lead event will be held LIVE in Atlanta, GA and shown in hundreds of locations around the globe, where John C. Maxwell, and other world class leaders will teach practical lessons designed to help individuals in all spheres of influence grow to their maximum potential. and personal growth teaching here in your community. E X P E R I E N C E W O R L D - C L A S ST H O U G H T - L E A D E R S H I P J O H N C . M A X W E L L October 7 8-12 CST Live Simulcast Get 3 days on-demand access and10 Top Talks from past Live2Lead events Presented by English Leadership Solutions Watch virtually - Register now at

Mindful Stress Reduction & Self- Compassion Training: Living with Greater Ease and Happiness in Turbulent Times
Participants enrolled in this in-person workshop will learn and practice:
• Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
Practicing mindfulness and mindful self-compassion can change your life by rewiring the way your brain responds to life's challenges. These practices increase lifesatisfaction, happiness, creativity and gratitude and are scientifically validated to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, shame and fear of failure. This workshop is designed for anyone interested in learning skills to better tolerate life's inevitable emotional and physical ups and downs and improve resilience, energy and creativity.
Instructor Tom Fandre owns and operates Club Mindful Huntsville. He's also a mindfulness instructor at Stanford Hospital's Supportive Care Department in California. He provides stress reduction programs to groups and individuals at hospitals, non-profits, corporations and colleges. He's a graduate of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Professional Teacher Training Program, The Practicum in Mind-Body Medicine at the UMass Center for Mindfulness and the Applied SelfCompassion Training at Stanford University.
•Distinguishing between pain in life (inevitable) and suffering (optional) This training consists of six 90 minute Zoom classes Thursday, 10/13 - 11/17/2022 - 5:30-7:00 pm Tuition: $200 Mill Kat Healing Arts, Huntsville To enroll please write or clubmindfulhsv@gmail.comcallwww.clubmindful.com408-509-7298Aboutthe
• Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC)
• Replacing self-criticism with more self-kindness
• Viewing mistakes and pain as part of being human and as opportunity to learn

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 14 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber “What could possibly go wrong?” Don’t walk blindly into the regulations. ECTI’s training will provide a safe path to compliance and help your organization avoid the potential pitfalls along the way. Join us February 2023 in Huntsville, Alabama for an in-depth, comprehensive and dynamic seminar series on ITAR, EAR and OFAC Compliance. FEB 13-14, 2023: ITAR Compliance FEB 15-16, 2023: EAR & OFAC Compliance *attend either or both VENUE: Embassy Suites by Hilton Huntsville Hotel & Spa, 800 Monroe Street, Huntsville, AL 35801 USA 10% Tuition Discount for NAITA Members with Coupon Code NAITA10 Details, Agendas & Registration:

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 15 Exclusive Offer IT’S NOT JUST GETTING RID OF JUNK, IT’S GAINING FREEDOM. OUR FULL-SERVICE JUNK REMOVAL SERVICES INCLUDE: SCAN HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION Call us today and mention Huntsville Madison County Chamber during booking to receive a discount. • Furniture disposal • Home or business renovations • Foreclosure or eviction cleanouts • Removal of unwanted items from garage cleaning, estate cleaning, or business cleaning 256.885.2515 | TWOMENHUNTSVILLE.COM Each franchise is independently owned and operated. | U.S. DOT No. 930909 | MC 401062

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 16 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 17 HOW DOES THE TRAINING HUB BENEFIT YOU? • Educate your team with courses designed to meet evolving industry demands. • Present your team with career and skill development opportunities. • Make your organization more competitive for your next proposal. • Reinforce your workforce pipeline. Courses are offered in-person at the AMIIC facility, online, or in your office with our course contracting option. IS YOUR TEAM MEETING INDUSTRY DEMANDS? AMIIC’s Training Hub will help your team gain the competitive advantage and stay ahead of evolving industry demands. Our training produces effective and agile practitioners needed to fuel the national objective to lead in digital engineering and advanced manufacturing expertise. GAIN THE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE, VISIT AMIIC.US TODAY! View Our Course Offerings TH-HR 001

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 18 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 19 Accelerating success. HQ @ Upland Park is a contemporary mixed-use project located adjacent to Cummings Research Park West on Enterprise Way. The 5.65-acre, 110,000 SF property consists of retail and restaurant space on Level One, with ±75,000 square feet of modern Class A offices on Levels Two, Three and Four. HQ is part of the 60-acre masterplanned community, Upland Park, which includes two luxury apartment developments, The Collins and The Kelvin, and a first-class senior living facility, Vitality Living. 1300 Enterprise Way Huntsville, AL 110,000 SF Available Under Construction View For Lease David Garnett Director, Retail +1 256 518 david.garnett@colliers.com2288 Kyle Collins Sr Vice President | Principal +1 256 518 kyle.collins@colliers.com2274

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 20 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber FIVE STAR FOOD SERVICE Reshaping the breaktime experience Our Services Five Star Food Service exists to bring excitement and engagement to your employees and guests with the goal of improving productivity, collaboration, loyalty, & company culture. We are the leading provider of on-site food and beverage services for the workplace in the United States. Five Star proudly offers custom breakroom solutions such as micro-markets, vending machines, office coffee, fresh food, catering, & more! MARKETS VCOFFEE ENDING WATER About Us Transform the breakroom & work experience of your office with a custom built, self check out market full of food, snacks, & drinks. Brew up a custom tailored, full service coffee & tea experience to keep your employees going throughout the day Hydrate with fresh filtered & bottled water to help your associates make healthy choices Choose from the hottest and most in demand food, snacks, & drinks to cater to your employees' needs

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 21 There are more than 900 defense contractors in Huntsville, winning billions of dollars in contracts each year. How does your business stand out from the rest? MARKETINGSTRATEGIC Flourish,CONTRACTORSGOVERNMENTFOR a Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB), is a full-service marketing and public relations firm equipped to capture the spirit of your company and mold your strengths into captivating communications tactics. Flourish lends expertise in a variety of areas, including strategic marketing, influential communications, and business development to build a strong foundation for growth. Flourish serves a roster of clients of all sizes spanning a variety of industries including aerospace and defense, real estate, telecommunications, software, cybersecurity, logistics, entertainment, technology, and more. To learn more, visit

1 After an initial consultation to go over your requirements, GovCon Bids will assemble a team that addresses relevant gaps (or the entire bid, if desired), place the team within your team, and work side by-side on the bid. I will periodically be present as well, ensuring our team integrates smoothly with your operations and we meet your expectations.
2 After the initial consultation, GovCon Bids will select consultants to fill relevant gap areas and allow your team to direct and coordinate those assets as needed. If you’re unsure which approach would be best for your needs, or just want to go over any preliminary questions you might have, contact us today to book a free consultation. in Touchin GovConTouchBids 6585 Highway 431 S Ste E PMB 248, Suite E #248, Hampton Cove, AL 35763-9232 • (256) 274-1393
Subscribe Past Issues TRSS ranslate Get
MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber View this email in your browser We make gover nment contractors more successful!
GovCon Bids LLC launched on 1 July with one goal in mind: making government contractors more successful in how they manage their opportunity pipelines and capture new business. That said, we recognize that your company is unique and has its own requirements, processes, and protocols for capturing new business. Services that work for one contractor may not work for another. So, here are the two ways your firm can engage with GovCon Bids:

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 23 Our community is growing and so are we. Stay up-to-date with your hospitals and get some valuable health tips as well. CLICK HERE to sign up for e-newsletterour

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 24 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 25 Senior Operations Lead Understanding of DO-178 design and development processes Project Lead/Program Management experience IMS is seeking a candidate with the following experience and more: Huntsville Interested in working with us? Apply today! EXTREME EMPLOYEE FOCUS

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 26 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber P oper t y M anagementr Your B usi n e (256) 539 -16 8 6 NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED IS MADE AS TO THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN, AND THE SAME IS SUBMIT TED SUBJECT TO ERRORS OMISSIONS, CHANGE OF PRICE RENTAL OR OTHER CONDITIONS, PRIOR SALE LEASE OR FINANCING, OR WITHDRAWAL WITHOUT NOTICE AND OF ANY SPECIAL LIST NG CONDITIONS IMPOSED BY OUR PRINCIPALS NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS ARE MADE AS TO THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY OR ANY HAZARDS CONTAINED THEREIN ARE ANY TO BE IMPL ED COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES, WORLDWIDE ® We specialize in property management plans that protect your investment and maximize your We oversee the nancial and physical health of each property, ensuring that each minor repair or major improvement is completed e ciently. We develop and maintain excellent landlord and tenant relationships. Consistent and exceptional management does not happen by accident; it results from purposed objectives, standards, disciplines, and controls. In short, we manage each property as if the investment were our own; in the end, your business becomes our business. NAI Chase is certi ed as an Accredited Management Organization (AM) by the Real Estate Management (IREM) – a certi cation awarded to only a select group of elite rms nationwide. Our Team • Tenant Relations • Property Accounting • Lease Administration • Property Management • Asset Management • Construction Management • Corporate ManagementFacilities


MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 28 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber • • • •

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 29 LEARN FOR LIFE OLLI at UAH is a community of lifelong learners. Connect with fellow adults, age 50 and up and engage in a variety of personal enrichment activities, in-person and online. FALL 2022 COURSE Osher.uah.eduGUIDE

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 30 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber The Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology is an applied program that allows students to explore the integration of engineering principles and modern technology. Graduates will use their math, science, and engineering skills to design products and systems, install and maintain products, and provide a wide range of services such as the implementation of the design, testing, calibration, and supervision of its operation. (American Society for Engineering Education) Is Engineering Technology right for you? • Do you see yourself working hands-on with equipment and materials? • Do you enjoy taking things apart and putting them back together? • Do you spend time figuring out how to build and test your ideas? BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING256.824.6673CPSAdvising@uah.eduQuestions?TECHNOLOGY?

MEMBER CONNECTION – 8/19/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 31 cybersecurity exam preps SOLUTIONS PDSolutions@uah.edu256.824.4430

225 CHURCH ST NW, HUNTSVILLE, AL 35801 p 256.535.2000 | f 256.535.2015 | We distribute the Member Connection twice monthly. Want to be included in the next issue? Please send your flyers to Our Member Connection is a FREE service!