Kendra Scott Bridge Street selected North Huntsville Business Association (NHBA) again as one of the organizations for their Community Give Back program Shop online or in the store www kendrascott com/ph anthropy htm E t C d G VEBACK CNO Location: 315 The Bridge Street Ste 113 Huntsville, AL 35806 STRESS We define what stress is, how it affects us, and why it is important to manage stress on an ongoing basis Taking care of our mental health is paramount to our overall wellbeing. The Mental Wellness Workshop is designed to raise awareness of how the outside world is impacting our mental health. At the end of the workshop participants should have a greater understanding of why taking care of our mental health is important and should be able to apply the learned strategies to create a healthier mental state. SELF-CARE Self-care is a necessary part of staying refueled to stay well. MINDFULNESS We build on what we learned about stress to help participants see the practicality and benefit of effective mindfulness. COPING Often the way we cope is not beneficial for us and ends up causing additional problems in the short and long-term. Focus on Mental Wellness Workshop Click to Register Today hosted by RACHEL SULLIVAN LMFT, CFLE-P When Friday, September 16, 2022 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM CDT Where Solid Ground Counseling Center Contact 256-503-8586 solidgroundmadison.cominstruction@@solidgroundmadison MADISON-HUNTSVILLECHAMBERPROMO REGISTER FOR A EmaiL Abbie kate ABBIEKAte@valleymls.comhancock to reserve your spot for the show! SHOW TrashOctoberThursday,TIME:6,2022PandaSTADIUM10a.m.--2p.m. September 9, 2022

2 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber

MEMBER CONNECTION – 9/9/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 3 2022-2023 Medical Career Explorers Application Deadline Extended! Want to learn more about Medical Careers? Join us this school year for the Medical Career Explorer Program. Hosted by Huntsville Hospital, students have the opportunity for deeper career exploration with our monthly group meetings featuring guest speakers, discussion groups, tours and demonstrations from professionals in health care. For more information about this program and the requirements to participate, download the MCEP Program Application, and complete the initial Online Registration. For questions call 256-265-8025.

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MEMBER CONNECTION – 9/9/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 5 Y O U ' R E I N V I T E D W W W . N E S I N F I T . C O M P L E A S E J O I N U S 1 3 0 0 M E R I D I A N S T N , S T E 2 2 0 0 H U N T S V I L L E , A L 3 5 8 0 1 S E P T E M B E R 2 8 , 2 0 2 2 | 3 - 5 P M R I B B O N C U T T I N G A T 4 P M R S V P H E R E N E S I N F I T @ L I N C O L N M I L L

MEMBER CONNECTION – 9/9/22 6 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber Kendra Scott Bridge Street selected North Huntsville Business Association (NHBA) again as one of the organizations for their Community Give Back program Shop online or in the store: www.kendr asco /phil anth ropy. html Enter C ode: GIV EBAC K CNO II Location: 315 The Bridge St reet, Ste 113 Huntsville, AL 35806

MEMBER CONNECTION – 9/9/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 7 Free Public Program PRUNING Wednesday, September 14 10:00 am – 11:30 am Downtown Library Auditorium

This program will address the basic concepts of how, why, when and the desired outcomes from pruning efforts. It will clarify the misconceptions surrounding the pruning process. The instructor will also explain different methods of pruning and will focus on many of our common landscape plants including boxwoods, azaleas, crepe myrtles and roses.
Presenter: Harvey Cotten
LearningQUEST is a 501(c)(3) non profit volunteer led organization for adults of all ages, dedicated to building a learning community through educational and enrichment opportunities.

MEMBER CONNECTION – 9/9/22 8 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber October 11, 2022 | 5:45 – 7:00 pm UAH Student Services Building 112 The B.S. in Engineering Technology is an applied program that allows students to explore the integration of engineering principles and modern technology. Graduates will use their math, science, and engineering skills to design products and systems, install and maintain products, and provide a wide range of services, such as implementation of the design, testing, calibration, and supervision of its operation. If you want a hands-on career where you apply math and scientific concepts, engineering technology could be a good choice! Why You Should Attend: • Learn about the B.S. in Engineering Technology and see if it’s a good fit for your career goals. • Understand how the Engineering Technology degree is different than an Engineering degree. • Hear from a panel of experts to learn about career opportunities. • Receive a UAH application fee waiver.* • Network with industry professionals, faculty, and prospective students. • Learn how you can apply transfer credits for up to 75% of your degree, including up to 34 hours of technical credits. 256.824.6673CPSAdvising@uah.eduQuestions?? *Terms apply. See details at RSVP here. Attend our Launch Party to learn about UAH’s new degree program: The Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology

MEMBER CONNECTION – 9/9/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 9 STRESS We define what stress is, how it affects us, and why it is important to manage stress on an ongoing basis Taking care of our mental health is paramount to our overall wellbeing. The Mental Wellness Workshop is designed to raise awareness of how the outside world is impacting our mental health. At the end of the workshop participants should have a greater understanding of why taking care of our mental health is important and should be able to apply the learned strategies to create a healthier mental state. SELF-CARE Self-care is a necessary part of staying refueled to stay well. MINDFULNESS We build on what we learned about stress to help participants see the practicality and benefit of effective mindfulness. COPING Often the way we cope is not beneficial for us and ends up causing additional problems in the short and long-term. Focus on Mental Wellness Workshop Click to Register Today hosted by RACHEL SULLIVAN, LMFT, CFLE-P When Friday, September 16, 2022 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM CDT Where Solid Ground Counseling Center Contact 256-503-8586 solidgroundmadison.cominstruction@@solidgroundmadison

10 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber Unconscious Bias: A Silent Killer in theWorkplace PRESENTED BY: UPCOMING SESSIONS Friday, September 9, 2022 9:00 AM Tuesday, September 13, 2022 6:30 PM Friday, September 16, 2022 9:00 AM Tuesday, September 20, 2022 6:30 PM The perfect training for building stronger teams and Torganizations. he perfect training for building stronger teams and organizations. This training will explore real-world events ripped straight from the Theadlines. his training will explore real world events ripped straight from the headlines. For More Information Our Work


MEMBER CONNECTION – 9/9/22 12 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber REGISTER FOR A EmaiL Abbie kate ABBIEKAte@valleymls.comhancock to reserve your spot for the show! SHOW TrashOctoberThursday,TIME:6,2022PandaSTADIUM10a.m.--2p.m.

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MEMBER CONNECTION – 9/9/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 21 SCANNING & BACKFILE SERVICES I N C R E A S E P R O D U C T I V I T Y We'll help you get those bulky, inaccessible and high-maintenance paper files out of your cabinets and storage rooms and on to your computer. V I S I T W W W . C I M S G T S . C O M O R T A L K T O U S A T ( 2 5 6 ) 8 3 2 - 3 3 7 0

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MEMBER CONNECTION – 9/9/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 23 Our community is growing and so are we. Stay up-to-date with your hospitals and get some valuable health tips as well. CLICK HERE to sign up for e-newsletterour

MEMBER CONNECTION – 9/9/22 24 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber There are more than 900 defense contractors in Huntsville, winning billions of dollars in contracts each year. How does your business stand out from the rest? MARKETINGSTRATEGIC Flourish,CONTRACTORSGOVERNMENTFOR a Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB), is a full-service marketing and public relations firm equipped to capture the spirit of your company and mold your strengths into captivating communications tactics. Flourish lends expertise in a variety of areas, including strategic marketing, influential communications, and business development to build a strong foundation for growth. Flourish serves a roster of clients of all sizes spanning a variety of industries including aerospace and defense, real estate, telecommunications, software, cybersecurity, logistics, entertainment, technology, and more. To learn more, visit

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MEMBER CONNECTION – 9/9/22 26 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber ENGINEERING | ACCOUNTING | TECHNOLOGY | CORPORATE / ADMIN 400 Meridian Street N, Suite 201, Huntsville, Alabama 35801 Phone: (256) 532-2224 | Our country was built on the ideas and efforts of the small business community. You can rely on ITAC as your staffing partner to help you find the right Talent to propel your business forward in 2022! Local Presence, National Reach.

As a premiere staffing provider and consultative partner, we’re not here to tell you what to do. Or how to think. We’re not that type of consultant. Instead, we create a partnership that’s shaped by your needs, culture, and goals using a consultative approach to cut through the noise and jargon to discover solutions that make sense for your business. We know that consultants have a reputation. You think consulting and you imagine a big invoice and a dry report that leaves you no further forward than you were before. We do things differently. We don’t claim to know everything. But we are talent specialists. Our teams can help you to solve complex workforce planning and people challenges through actionable insights and strategy. What’s more, we deliver functional advice without the jargon. Our support helps to simplify your goals, not complicate them.

6241 University Drive, Suite HuntsvilleB-1 AL 35806 (256) 801 1708
If you're looking for independent, tailored advice on talent management strategy, Kelly can help. Scan the QR Code to request a meeting to discuss a customized strategy that aligns with your company culture, mission, goals.
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Formallydevelopments.launched in May 2021, Make Golf Your Thing is the industry's movement to make golf accessible to individuals from all backgrounds. Led by six cross industry work groups, the initiative is specifically focused on: education & skill development, talent acquisition, procurement, human resources, youth & adult player development, and marketing/communications.
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The grant program is being administered by the American Golf Industry Coalition, a partnership among golf's leading organizations to promote and advocate for the collective interests of the sport. Funding for the program is led by a contingent of industry supporters committed to making the sport more welcoming and inclusive for all.
# # #
Par Excellence Youth Development
Par Excellence Youth Development's (PEYD) mission is to positively influence youth's lives by providing educational programs that encourage fitness, character, and academics. PEYD uses the game and sport of golf to fulfill its mission. PEYD offers programs to youth ages 7 18, with and without disabilities. PEYD partners with area youth serving agencies, including the Care Center, Madison County Elementary School, New Hope Elementary School, Owens Cross Road Elementary School, and Huntsville Achievement School. PEYD also offers community golf programs to individuals, families, and other social organizations.
Initially introduced in 2021, the grant program through its latest round of funding has now issued 155 grants to 111 unique organizations overall, totaling more than $1 million to date.
Par Excellence Youth Development Huntsville Selected to Receive Funds Through Industry's 'Make Golf Your Thing' Grant Program
One of my mottos is, "Give youth a gift for life youth golf development," Howard Bankhead, Executive Director, PEYD. Golf is the one activity that you can enjoy not only watching but playing as well for a lifetime.
Huntsville, Alabama Monday, June 27, 2022 Par Excellence Youth Development Huntsville has been selected to receive funding through a dedicated grant program operated by the golf industry's DEI campaign, Make Golf Yo ur Thing. As one of 81 designated organizations across the U.S., Par Excellence Youth Development Huntsville was chosen for its efforts to increase golf participation among underrepresented populations of the sport.
The grant program was established to support organizations or programs dedicated to increasing golf participation among underrepresented populations in the sport (i.e., Black, Latinx, Asian, Indigenous communities, as well as women, LGBTQI+ individuals, veterans, and individual s with disabilities). The program is being financially supported by industry partners committed to helping make the game more welcoming and inclusive for all.
For more information on Par Excellence Youth Development, 256-604-8172 Visit For more information on Make Golf Your Thing, visit

PEYD is unique in its mission of growing the game and sport of golf by reaching underrepresented populations in rural territories and the inner city. We found that all youth who have not experienced golf is part of the underrepresented populations, including poor whites and Hispanics in rural communities and poor Blacks in housing
Huntsville is one of 81 Organizations Across the U.S. Receiving Grant through the 'Make Golf Your Thing' DEI Initiative
MEMBER CONNECTION – 9/9/22 30 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber

MEMBER CONNECTION – 9/9/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 31 O tifi d HR f i l h l ! Audit Current HR Compliance Create HR Processes, Policies, and Procedures Develop a Talent Pipeline Design Compensation Plans Train Staff and Managers on HR Best Practices No HR? No Problem! We can help you build the basics:

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MEMBER CONNECTION – 9/9/22 34 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber cybersecurity exam preps SOLUTIONS 256.824.4430

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225 CHURCH ST NW, HUNTSVILLE, AL 35801 p 256.535.2000 | f 256.535.2015 | We distribute the Member Connection twice monthly. Want to be included in the next issue? Please send your flyers to Our Member Connection is a FREE service!