all items serve 12
deviled pickled eggs | $15
sausage balls | $20
smoked, carved turkey & gravy | $165
spiral sliced ham & glaze | $100
corn pudding | $30
green bean casserole | $30
mashed potatoes | $30
maple-glazed carrots | $30
stuffin’ | $30
sweet potato casserole | $30
yeast rolls, 6ct | $10
cheddar-chive drop biscuits, 6ct | $10
tomato jam | $8
cranberry chutney | $8
molasses butter | $8
‘batch’ hot sauce | $8
caramel apple crisp | $30
bourbon-pecan pie | $30
house red, white, rose, sparkling | $15
orders close: Nov. 20
Pick Up: Nov. 27 (3pm - 6pm)
AN EVENING AT HUDSONALPHA with Nobel Laureate Dr. Harold Varmus
Former Director of the National Institutes of Health and National Cancer Institute
Tuesday, November 19 5:30 PM
e Jackson Center 6001 Moquin Drive
JOIN US for an exclusive talk with Dr. Harold Varmus, the Nobel Prize-winning scientist who was a co-discoverer of oncogenes and transformed the landscape of cancer research worldwide, and Dr. Rick Myers, HudsonAlpha Chief Scientific Officer and M. A. Loya Chair in Genomics.
Event sponsored by:
Register now by visiting haib.org/guestspeaker
From 3-4 December, the IEEE-USA Innovation, Workforce, and Research Conference (IWRC) will bring together stakeholders from industry, government, and academia in Huntsville, Alabama, to meet, learn, talk, and discuss the CHIPS Act and other government programs that promote innovation and small business in the southeast. The event includes an evening reception on Tuesday, 3 December, and a full -day summit on Wednesday, 4 December.
Through the CHIPS Act, Congress has allocated $56 Billion for chip manufacturing in the United States with a mandate that the government funding should be allocated throughout the United States. This event will give you an opportunity to meet potential partners from the U.S. federal agencies and learn more about how you can contribute to the Alabama and the southeast innovation ecosystem.
Gain access to potential partners in the federal government, information on tech transfer programs, access to federal SBIR and other research programs.
Gain access to federal grant program officials, information on grant processes, connections with potential business partners, and education on the tech transfer process.
Access to local engineers/ entrepreneurs who are interested in learning more about federal government grants and becoming a part of the Alabama innovation economy.
DECEMBER 6-8 & 12 -15, 2024
Host your company’s holiday celebration with ease and style at AC Hotel Huntsville Downtown!
From intimate team lunches to grand banquets, our versatile venues and comprehensive amenities—catering, AV, bar services, and more—provide everything you need for a seamless event. Book today and make this holiday season unforgettable!
To start planning your event, please contact: Whitney McWilliams
Catering Sales Manager P: . e t. E: whitney.moore marriott.com
Sponsors will enjoy extensive brand visibility through a variety of marketing channels, including social media, on-air mentions, web ads, logo placement on the event webpage, and promotional posters circulated across the Tennessee Valley and North Alabama This broad exposure will boost brand recognition and attract new customer audiences
Sponsors will have the opportunity to engage with fellow sponsors, attendees, and participants, fostering new relationships, creating partnerships, and reinforcing existing connections
Sponsorship demonstrates a company ' s commitment to public radio in north Alabama, cultivating goodwill and strengthening positive relationships within the community
February 13th - March 16th
L E T ' S W O R K T O G E T H E R !
W h e t h e r y o u ' r e a l o c a l , n e w t o H u n t s v i l l e , o r a c o n t r a c t e m p l o y e e w o r k i n g i n t h e h e a r t o f
i n n o v a t i o n , f i n d i n g t h e r i g h t h o m e i s e s s e n t i a l . A t A r c a d i a A p a r t m e n t H o m e s , l o c a t e d w i t h i n
C u m m i n g s R e s e a r c h P a r k , w e r e d e f i n e l u x u r y w i t h a s u i t e o f e x c e p t i o n a l a m e n i t i e s a n d a
p r e f e r r e d e m p l o y e r p r o g r a m d e s i g n e d t o l a u n c h y o u r l i f e s t y l e !
W h y A r c a d i a ’ s P r e f e r r e d E m p l o y e r P r o g r a m i s P e r f e c t fo r Y o u :
E f f o r t l e s s M o v e - I n – W i t h o u r p r i m e l o c a t i o n i n C u m m i n g s R e s e a r c h P a r k , w e k n o w h o w
i m p o r t a n t c o n v e n i e n c e i s W e ' r e w a i v i n g a l l a p p l i c a t i o n a n d a d m i n i s t r a t i v e f e e s s a v i n g
y o u $ 2 7 5 . C o n s i d e r i t o u r w a y o f w e l c o m i n g y o u t o t h e n e i g h b o r h o o d o f l e a d i n g m i n d s
a n d c u t t i n g - e d g e e n t e r p r i s e s .
T i m e t o S e t t l e I n – W e ’ r e m a k i n g i t e a s i e r t h a n e v e r t o s t a r t y o u r n e x t c h a p t e r W i t h u p
t o 2 m o n t h s o f f r e e r e n t , y o u ' l l h a v e t h e t i m e t o e x p l o r e , c o n n e c t , a n d t r u l y m a k e A r c a d i a
y o u r h o m e a t y o u r o w n p a c e .
W h e t h e r y o u ’ r e r e l o c a t i n g t o b e c l o s e r t o y o u r j o b , m o v i n g f o r a n e w o p p o r t u n i t y , o r
u p g r a d i n g y o u r l i v i n g s i t u a t i o n , c a l l T O D A Y t o l e a r n m o r e a b o u t h o w w e c a n m a k e y o u r m o v e
a c e l e b r a t i o n , n o t j u st a c h a n g e .
T e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s a p p l y P r o g r a m d i s c o u n t s m a y c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e
a r c a d i a @ a r l i n g t o n p r o p e r t i e s n e t
( 2 5 6 ) 5 5 4 - 1 4 0 0
a r c a d i a h u n t s v i l l e . c o m
P O W E R ’ S O U T !
There are more than 900 defense contractors in Huntsville, winning billions of dollars in contracts each year. How does your business stand out from the rest?
Flourish, a Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB), is a full-service marketing and public relations firm equipped to capture the spirit of your company and mold your strengths into captivating communications tactics. Flourish lends expertise in a variety of areas, including strategic marketing, influential communications, and business development to build a strong foundation for growth. Flourish serves a roster of clients of all sizes spanning a variety of industries including aerospace and defense, real estate, telecommunications, software, cybersecurity, logistics, entertainment, technology, and more.
To learn more, visit https://www.flourishconsultingservices.com/govcon/
We are a creative digital marketing & branding agency geared towards creating effective strategies with attractive materials to take your brand, business, or idea to the next level THE GUMBO NETWORK works with new and thriving companies needing the branding push to reach broader audiences
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Experience the vibrant heart of MidCity with Hotel Indigo! We're just a stone's throw (0 01 mile) from the Orion Amphitheater, Top Golf, and our own cozy “indie” restaurant
Loren Davis Director of Sales and Marketing
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Custom-labeled water is a healthy way to enhance your presence in the community. It could be used for any of the following reasons.
• Business promotions
• Fundraisers
• Weddings
• Anniversaries
• Schools
Our water is purified through a triple filtration process and UV-treated to ensure a crisp, clean taste. We package in aluminum cans which are easily recyclable and reduces landfill waste.
For more information and pricing visit www.BigSpringHSV.com
If you are ready to get started filling out a Custom Water order form, use your smartphone to scan the QR code to the left