Trade Compliance Trade Compliance Roundtable: Auditing Your Export Documentation P ease jo n NAITA Present ng Sponsor Baker Donelson and Jared Hun D recto Trade Comp iance for the Eng nee ed Systems segment of Teledyne Technolog es ncorporated for this discussion on Audit ng Your Export Documenta ion AUD T The word may str ke fear n your hea t but t doesn t have to Jo n us to learn how you shou d aud t your company s export documentat on to ensu e a l the requ red e ements are present al necessary f ings have happened and a recordkeep ng takes p ace both be ore and a ter the shipment goes out the door Somewhere at some po nt you paperwork s go ng to get aud ted Make sure it starts wi h you Our speaker Jared Hunt joined Te edyne in 2016 nc ud ng h s expe ience at Teledyne Jared has over 15 years n the trade comp ance f e d also f l ng ro es with n var ous other aerospace and defense contractors such as ITT Corporat on KBRwyle and Ray heon Techno og es As a member of the comp iance organ zat on n those compan es Jared ass sted the success ul ex t ng of severa Consent Agreements nc ud ng mp ementat on o comp ance process mprovemen s and automation H s regu ar respons bi t es nc ude compl ance under the ITAR EAR DOE NRC OFAC and FTR Thursday 12 15 2022 | 3:30 5pm at the Huntsvi le/Mad son County Chamber 225 Church Street Huntsv lle AL 35801 FREE for NAITA Members | $35 for NAITA Prospects Sponsored By Details & Registration | https:/ naita org F O L L O W E D B Y N E T W O R K I N G A T T H E N A T A H O L I D A Y P A R T Y 5 7 P M O P P O R T U N T Y T O W N A $ 5 0 0 T R A V E L V O U C H E R F R O M B R E E Z E A R W A Y S F O R R E G S T E R E D G U E S T S N A T T E N D A N C E F O R M O R E I N F O R M A T I O N A N D R E G I S T R A T O N V S T h t t p s : / / c a t a l y s t c e n t e r o r g GCC 21st December ANGEL TREES GIVE GIFTS TO A CHILD IN NEED THIS CHRISTMAS WRAPPED 6 0 PM CON A US FOR M R N O AT 256 5 0441 OR EMA L US AT @ F ND US ON FACEBOOK GIFT TAGS WITH WISHES AVAIALABLE AT OUR OFFICE cybersecurity exam preps SOLUTIONS PDSolutions.uah.edu PDSolutions@uah.edu 256.824.4430 NFO@ROCKETC TYHR COM 256 272 9555 ROCKETC TYHR COM Our certi ied HR professionals can he p! • Absenteeism • Bullying • Discipline Issues • Harassment • Rule Violations • Tardiness Common employee problems: Are Your Employees Crossing the Line? Policies ⚫ Investigations ⚫ Training We can solve these issues through: Now you can quickly find & secure quality Child Care that’s convenient and affordable. Gain peace of mind with unlimited access to all the tools you’ll need to find the best Child Care programs - and enroll in real time! Whether you are active duty, reserves, or National Guard, TOOTRiS empowers military parents to find care when and where you need it. TOOTRiS' online resources and concierge support will help enroll your children in safe, nurturing, and affordable programs, all in real-time using any modern device. See Real Time Availability Whether your schedule is day, night, or weekends, find providers who have openings to meet your needs. Tour Providers Online Communicate, tour, and compare programs and pricing to help you make the best choice. Explore Program Options Find options for in-home child care, centers, after school programs for children infant to age 12. TOOTRiS Premium is a service that helps parents quickly find, schedule, enroll, and pay for care - all in real-time! Available Child Care includes full-time, part-time, after school, and more. Normally $300/year, get unlimited access and 1-on-1 support FREE! Get FREE access now! Go to info.tootris.com/occ Offer ends December 31, 2022 TOOTRiS Premium Includes: 1-click verified state licensing information Full access to images, videos and more Direct message & call any provider Exclusive access to virtual & in-person tours Provider side-by-side comparison tools Anytime enrollment concierge support iPhone & Android parent/ provider app And much, much more! Operation Child Care Armoring Active Duty & Military Vets with FREE Access to TOOTRiS Premium with Over 180,000 Licenced Child Care Providers Nationwide TOOTRiS is an approved resource of Military OneSource 256.885.2515 TWOMENHUNTSVILLE.COM Each franchise is independently owned and operated. | U.S. DOT No. 930909 SERVING THE TENNESSEE VALLEY for 25 years! SERVING THE TENNESSEE VALLEY for 25 years! When it’s time to upgrade or downsize your home. When it’s time to go from here to there. When it’s time for your story to begin a new chapter. We’re ready with trained and professional movers who bring personal care. Why? Because it’s not just stuff. It’s yours. HOME & BUSINESS | LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE | APARTMENT MOVING | JUNK REMOVAL PACKING SERVICES & SUPPLIES | FURNITURE REARRANGING | LOADING & UNLOADING SERVICES CONTACT US TODAY FOR ALL YOUR APARTMENT MOVING NEEDS! December 2, 2022

MEMBER CONNECTION – 12/2/22 2 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber Free Public Program Read to Me, Alabama John Archibald Tuesday, December 6 12:00 – 1:00 pm Downtown Library Auditorium Alabama native son, Pulitzer-winning journalist with Alabama Media Group (AL.com), updates us on reporting highlights of the year. This will include the series of his columns about the small Alabama town accused of “policing for profit.” www.LQUEST.org 256.529.8695 Learningquest.email@gmail.com LearningQUEST is a 501(c)(3) non profit volunteer led organization for adults of all ages, dedicated to building a learning community through educational and enrichment opportunities.

MEMBER CONNECTION – 12/2/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 3
Presented by Intuitive Research and Technology Corporation, our Aim for the Stars event celebrates WIT // HSV’s inaugural year in style at the Intuitive Planetarium at U.S. Space & Rocket Center. You don’t want to miss this! Limited Seating / Open to women only. RSVP Required: CLICK HERE
Women in Tech // HSV - Aim for the Stars

Huntsville/Madison County Chamber

MEMBER CONNECTION – 12/2/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 5 21st D e c e m b e r D O N A T I O N A C C E P T E D U N T I L ANGEL TREES GIVE GIFTS TO A CHILD IN NEED THIS CHRISTMAS W R A P P E D 6 : 0 0 P M C O N T A C T U S F O R M O R E I N F O A T 2 5 6 3 2 5 0 4 4 1 O R E M A I L U S A T R E G A N @ N G E N I U S M A D I S O N . C O M O R F I N D U S O N F A C E B O O K GIFT TAGS WITH WISHES AVAIALABLE AT OUR OFFICE Help a child in need this Christmas! Angel Tree Program provides Christmas assistance to struggling families, this year nGenius has partnered with New Futures in making Christmas magical for a child in need. Let’s spread some holiday cheer! Gift tags with children’s wishes are available at nGenius. Gifts must be gift wrapped and dropped off no later than 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 21.

MEMBER CONNECTION – 12/2/22 6 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber

MEMBER CONNECTION – 12/2/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 7

Huntsville/Madison County Chamber

9 Help fill wish lists for 2,000 children living in foster care Christmas for the Kids Buy a new toy and/or clothing item drop off or shop online by december 1 visit kidstolove.org for dropoff locations and links to shop
Huntsville/Madison County Chamber

MEMBER CONNECTION – 12/2/22 10 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber

MEMBER CONNECTION – 12/2/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 11

Huntsville's Holiday Event of the Season Walking Nights November 11 - 27 & December 17 - January 1 Driving Nights December 1 - 16 Experience a world of holiday magic like only Galaxy of Lights can provide! Presented By: Learn more at: hsvbg.org/galaxy
Huntsville/Madison County Chamber

MEMBER CONNECTION – 12/2/22 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 13 256.885.2515 TWOMENHUNTSVILLE.COM Each franchise is independently owned and operated. | U.S. DOT No. 930909 SERVING THE TENNESSEE VALLEY for 25 years! SERVING THE TENNESSEE VALLEY for 25 years! When it’s
to upgrade or downsize your home.
When it’s time to go from here to there. When it’s time for
story to begin a new chapter. We’re ready with trained and professional movers who bring personal care. Why? Because it’s not just stuff. It’s yours.

MEMBER CONNECTION – 12/2/22 14 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber Trade Compliance Trade Compliance Roundtable: Auditing Your Export Documentation Please join NAITA, Presenting Sponsor Baker Donelson, and Jared Hunt, Director, Trade Compliance for the Engineered Systems segment of Teledyne Technologies Incorporated, for this discussion on Auditing Your Export Documentation. AUDIT. The word may strike fear in your heart, but it doesn’t have to! Join us to learn how you should audit your company’s export documentation to ensure all the required elements are present, all necessary filings have happened, and all recordkeeping takes place, both before and after the shipment goes out the door. Somewhere, at some point, your paperwork is going to get audited Make sure it starts with you! Our speaker Jared Hunt joined Teledyne in 2016. Including his experience at Teledyne, Jared has over 15 years in the trade compliance field, also filling roles within various other aerospace and defense contractors such as ITT Corporation, KBRwyle, and Raytheon Technologies. As a member of the compliance organization in those companies, Jared assisted the successful exiting of several Consent Agreements, including implementation of compliance process improvements and automation His regular responsibilities include compliance under the ITAR, EAR, DOE, NRC, OFAC and FTR. Thursday | 12 . 15 . 2022 | 3:30-5pm at the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber 225 Church Street, Huntsville, AL 35801 FREE for NAITA Members | $35 for NAITA Prospects Sponsored By Details & Registration | https://naita.org F O L L O W E D B Y N E T W O R K I N G A T T H E N A I T A H O L I D A Y P A R T Y | 5 7 P M O P P O R T U N I T Y T O W I N A $ 5 0 0 T R A V E L V O U C H E R F R O M B R E E Z E A I R W A Y S F O R R E G I S T E R E D G U E S T S I N A T T E N D A N C E

County Chamber 15
could possibly go wrong?” Don’t walk blindly into the regulations. ECTI’s training will provide a safe path to compliance and help your organization avoid the potential pitfalls along the way. Join us February 2023 in Huntsville, Alabama for an in-depth, comprehensive and dynamic seminar series on ITAR, EAR and OFAC Compliance. FEB 13-14, 2023: ITAR Compliance FEB 15-16, 2023: EAR & OFAC Compliance *attend either or both VENUE: Embassy Suites by Hilton Huntsville Hotel & Spa, 800 Monroe Street, Huntsville, AL 35801 USA 10% Tuition Discount for NAITA Members with Coupon Code NAITA10 Details, Agendas & Registration: www.learnexportcompliance.com/event/huntsville-2023/

MEMBER CONNECTION – 12/2/22 16 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber

County Chamber 17