Bayou Catholic Magazine - August 2014 - Bishop Jacobs Tribute

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The magazine for the people of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux

Bishop Sam Galip Jacobs 50 years a priest, 25 years a bishop


A great Bishop, A great Pastor

“Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Mt 25:21

Your former Parishioners at St. Joseph Co-Cathedral in Thibodaux

In This Issue



The magazine for the people of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux

Honoring Kateri

Regular Issue 43-92 3



Bishop Sam Jacobs Golden, Silver Jubilees Special



2014 ll Footba

Kicking off a new season

Football 2014 93-132


Editor’s Corner

Bishop Fabre’s Coat of Arms

Louis G. Aguirre Editor & General Manager

Twice blessed


Our diocese is twice blessed to have two bishops in its midst: Shelton Joseph Fabre, who was installed here in October of last year, and Sam Galip Jacobs, our bishop emeritus who, although retired, continues to work tirelessly for the church. During this year, both bishops are celebrating significant anniversaries: Bishop Jacobs is observing the golden jubilee of his ordination to priesthood and the silver jubilee of his ordination to the episcopacy; Bishop Fabre is now a silver jubilarian, having been ordained to the priesthood 25 years ago. You are cordially invited to attend a Mass of Thanksgiving for Bishop Jacobs Sunday, Aug. 22, at 2 p.m., at the Cathedral of St. Francis de Sales in Houma. The Mass, and the reception following, will give all of us an opportunity to thank him for all the good work he has done for the dioceses of Lafayette, Lake Charles, Alexandria and Houma-Thibodaux. Although not yet set, Bishop Fabre plans to celebrate his jubilee sometime in the fall of this year. I befriended and worked alongside then Father Jacobs when he was serving as director of Communications for the Diocese of Lake Charles. We would attend Louisiana Conference of Catholic Bishops meetings together. He always brought, as he does now, infinite enthusiasm and boundless energy to whatever ministry he is entrusted. Here in Houma-Thibodaux, Bishop Jacobs established many new programs and events, most notably Steubenville on the Bayou and the many offerings from the Conference Office. For the many other good things he brought to us, please take a look at the special section devoted to him in the pages that follow. Although only here for less than a year, Bishop Fabre is already making quite an impact around the diocese and beyond. He

Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • August 2014

brings to us experience and leadership, and he carries out his ministry in a gentle, humble and loving way. Please be sure to read his column “Comfort For My People,” in the regular section of this magazine. There he joyfully tells us of his love for the priesthood. Also, do not miss reading Father Joshua Rodrigue’s guest column in this issue. It contains the translated homily given by the legendary Père Menard, on the occasion of multiple priestly anniversaries back in 1888. On the occasion of his own anniversaries back in 1992, (the late) Bishop Warren L. Boudreaux chose this prayer, which, fittingly, we now offer: “God, Our Father, our shepherd and guide, look with love on Sam and Shelton, your servants, whom you appointed Bishops of the Church. May they, and all those who have been under their care, come to the joys of everlasting life. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord, Amen.”

Bishop Jacobs’ Coat of Arms

Bayou Catholic Vol. 35, No. 2 How to reach us: BY PHONE: (985) 850-3132 BY MAIL: P.O. Box 505, Schriever, LA 70395 BY FAX: (985) 850-3232 BY E-MAIL: The Bayou Catholic is published monthly, for the people of the Roman Catholic Diocese of HoumaThibodaux by the H-T Publishing Co., P.O. Box 505, Schriever, LA 70395. Subscription rate is $35 per year. The Bayou Catholic is a member of the Catholic Press Association, the National Newspaper Association and an associate member of the Louisiana Press Association. National and world-wide news service and photos by National Catholic News Service.

Louis G. Aguirre

editor and general manager

Lawrence Chatagnier managing editor

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advertising manager

Anna C. Givens

advertising accounts executive

Janet Marcel staff writer

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secretary and circulation

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Bishops Sam G. Jacobs (left), and Shelton J. Fabre are all smiles after the press conference announcing Bishop Fabre’s appointment as Fourth Bishop of HoumaThibodaux, Sept. 23, 2013.

First Place Winner 2013 & 2014 General Excellence


The Most Reverend Sam G. Jacobs Bishop Emeritus of Houma-Thibodaux requests the honor of your presence at the celebration of His Excellency’s significant Anniversaries 50 years to the Priesthood and 25 years to the Episcopacy at a Holy Mass of Thanksgiving

Sunday, August 24, 2014 2:00 p.m. The Cathedral of St. Francis de Sales in Houma 500 Goode Street Houma, Louisiana 70360 A reception will follow in the Parish Youth Center Your presence and prayers are gift enough.




Bishop Sam Galip Jacobs 50 years a priest, 25 years a bishop


Bishop Jacobs

Apostolic Blessing

10 14


‘I want you to be a priest’


Diocesan leaders thank Bishop Jacobs

I consider Bishop Sam like a father


17 18

‘My brother, the bishop’

Secretaries’ lives enriched by bishop

‘He truly shows us what it means to be a man of God’

‘He works tirelessly to spread the Word of God’


26 ‘He’s always for the good of the church’ Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • August 2014



‘We love him dearly’


Congratulations and prayers for

god’s abundant blessings bishop sam g. JaCobs on the oCCasion of


25th anniversary as a bishop and

50th anniversary as a priest. thank you for your years of serviCe and for all that you have done for our dioCese.

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Bishop Jacobs

To our venerable brother 10

Samuel Galip Jacobs Formerly Bishop of Houma-Thibodaux Given on the occasion of his golden sacerdotal jubilee and his silver episcopal jubilee, we give thanks for his fruitful spiritual journey and then for his pastoral undertakings which he carried out for the Christian progress of the communities of the faithful of Lafayette, Lake Charles, Alexandria and Houma-Thibodaux, and most especially mindful of his energy in the realm of charitable works, we wish him the rewards of his merits and asking his prayers that we may be able to carry out well the Petrine Office, we bestow on him our auspicious Apostolic Blessing as a Divine reward. From the Vatican, the 30th day of the month of April in the year two thousand and fourteen. + Francis Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • August 2014


Bishop Sam Jacobs’ Years of Service Include Role As “Founding Father” for Cross Catholic Outreach Bishop Sam Jacobs’ silver and golden anniversaries have a special meaning to Jim Cavnar, the president of Cross Catholic Outreach. Beyond being marks of distinction to celebrate with a long-time friend, these special dates are reminders of the important role Bishop Jacobs played in launching Cross Catholic Outreach’s international mission. Though few Bayou Catholic readers may be aware of it, Bishop Sam Jacobs was involved in founding Cross Catholic Outreach and served as its rst board chairman, starting in 2001. In the years that followed, he has helped shepherd the charity to great heights, producing more than a billion-dollar impact for the poor in more than 60 developing countries around the globe. “The 50th anniversary of Bishop Sam Jacobs’ ordination and 25th anniversary of his installation as Bishop are signs of his incredible spirit of service — a spirit that has gone beyond the diocese to touch many other people and many other places,” Cavnar explained. “I rst met Bishop Sam when he was engaged in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement. The young people in our group were seeking God’s will and needed strong leaders and faith-lled mentors. Bishop Sam unselshly gave his time, talents and energy to the movement.” Years later, when Cavnar was developing Cross Catholic Outreach’s mission to help the poorest of the poor through Catholic parishes overseas, he recalled Bishop Sam Jacobs’ compassionate heart and willingness to serve. He contacted his friend to explain Cross Catholic Outreach’s goals, and the conversation developed into something more. “I was thrilled when Bishop Sam agreed to serve as the board chairman for Cross Catholic Outreach,” Cavnar said. “I saw

Cross Catholic Outreach focuses on helping the poorest of the poor.

Bishop Jacobs and James Cavnar in a foundation-building meeting.

God’s hand in that decision — the Lord was helping us build our organization on a strong foundation.” And time has proven out that belief. With Cavnar serving as its president and Bishop Jacobs leading its board — which now includes six active Catholic bishops and archbishops — Cross Catholic Outreach has literally had a world-changing impact. Its strategy of serving the poor through parishes and Catholic ministries overseas has allowed it to annually supply millions of dollars worth of food, medicines, housing, educational materials and other resources to the poor. More than a billion dollars in funds and resources have beneted the poor since its inception. These works of mercy are accomplished through donations from U.S. parishes and parishioners, including many from the diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, Louisiana, and surrounding states. Cross Catholic Outreach uses these cash contributions to costeffectively obtain food and other urgently-needed commodities, to ship purchased and donated goods, and to fund special projects, including housing, clinics, schools and fresh water wells. Parishes and ministries already serving in the areas of need handle the distribution of goods and the management of projects, so the outreach is both cost effective and empowering. “Bishop Jacobs and I saw the value in working through the priests and nuns already in place and working among the poor. We realized it would let us distribute resources quickly and effectively without having to build costly new structures and systems overseas. And we also felt it would empower those local parishes, strengthening their position and giving more impact to their message of mercy and hope.” The bold plan Cross Catholic Outreach pursued would never have been possible without Bishop Sam Jacobs’ help, according to Cavnar. A little more than a year ago, after 12 years of service as the ministry’s board chairman, Bishop Jacobs prepared for his retirement by moving to a place on the advisory board, but Cavnar explained that his spiritual inuence will always be a guiding force at Cross Catholic Outreach.


Bishop Jacobs Dear Friends in Christ,


Blessings Dear Bishop Jacobs,


Congratulations and blessings upon you and your celebrations of the 50th anniversary of your ordination as a priest and the 25th anniversary of your ordination as a bishop!!! Certainly such events in life are to be remembered and celebrated!!! I offer to you both my personal congratulations and the congratulations of the People of God in the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux. We rejoice with you and are thankful for you and your ministry!! As a priest and as a bishop, you have enhanced the faith life of the people in all the places where your ministry has taken you to serve. In all things, you have served the Lord and his church with great enthusiasm, zeal and love. You have been very generous in living your life in service to the Gospel. I express great gratitude to you for the countless ways you have served the Lord and built up the church. You have certainly embraced the great commission of Jesus Christ, a commission in which he invites us to “Go and make disciples of all the nations.” May God, who will not be outdone in generosity, now bestow abundant grace and blessings upon you at this special time in your life. I am also grateful for the fact that you are still so readily available for ministry even in your retirement. Wishing for you God’s choicest blessings and deepest peace, know that I remain, Fraternally in the Lord,

Most Reverend Shelton J. Fabre Bishop of Houma-Thibodaux Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • August 2014

After 10 years as Bishop of Houma-Thibodaux, there are many things that I am grateful for. To start with, the most important thanksgiving is to God, the source of all blessings. I am grateful to God for life, life in him, for the many graces he has given me over my years, but especially for the vocation of priesthood and now episcopacy. I am thankful to God for calling me to be the third bishop of this great diocese. His love and guidance, his mercy and providential care have sustained me daily. Without God, my life as a person, priest and bishop would have been meaningless and empty. In a particular way, I am grateful that the Father has taught me to be a spiritual father; that Jesus has been the Lord of my life and that the Holy Spirit has filled me with his many gifts. I am grateful for the privilege of ministering the sacraments to so many people. Even though I didn’t baptize many as a bishop, those I did were special. But to celebrate the Eucharist, to extend God’s forgiveness, to invoke the Holy Spirit in confirmation, to witness a few marriage, to ordain men to the priesthood and diaconate and to anoint the sick for healing … what a privilege! I am grateful to you, the priests of this diocese, who have shared with me the pastoral oversight of this part of the Kingdom of God. One of the gifts I most appreciated was your obedience, even when you disagreed with my decisions and in particular with some of your assignments. I tried to act as a spiritual father to you in my relationship with you. God has blessed this diocese over the last 10 years with many, strong vocations to the priesthood, deaconate and to a limited extent to consecrated life. Walking with these men and women as they discerned their calling was a gift and blessing from God. And then to see them ordained or vowed was a culmination of great joy. One of my strengths that comes from God is pastoral ministry. At heart, I am a pastor who desires to guide the Lord’s people to the source and summit of their life, God. I have been very blessed to walk with so many people, especially the youth, as they came to that personal, conscious decision to commit their lives to Jesus and to that greater desire to grow in holiness. I am grateful to God for allowing us to have the annual Steubenville on the Bayou Youth Conference as well as all the various outreaches that have developed through our youth office and beyond, like Fraternus. It has been a blessing to see the effects that the various adult conferences have had in the lives of so many who hunger for spiritual growth in their lives. Even though our Legatus chapter of Catholic CEO Leaders and their spouses is small, it has had an impact on their business and their relationship with their employees. Another blessing that I am grateful to God for is the establishment of the Catholic Foundation of South Louisiana and the capital campaign that kicked it off. I believe this vehicle will serve the diocese well in the




years to come, providing endowments, whose interest can be used for the future needs of the HoumaThibodaux area. I am grateful to you, the people of the diocese, who have welcomed me as your shepherd, have supported me through your prayers and sacrificial efforts, and have given me many opportunities to serve you in the name of Jesus. The bishop is not the church. The priests, deacons, religious, and lay people together with the shepherd form the local church, the diocese. Thank you for your witness. Finally, I want to thank God in a special way for all those who serve the diocese in the various offices, departments, commissions, ministries and outreaches. Without your daily gift of yourselves in ministry that is beyond work, the good effects that have been accomplished would not have been possible. It is hard to mention everything specifically that I am grateful to God for. I close with this passage from St. Paul: “I give thanks to my God every time I think of you—which is constantly, in every prayer I utter—rejoicing as I plead on your behalf, at the way you have all continually helped promote the Gospel from the very first day. I am sure of this much: that he who has begun the good work in you will carry it to completion, right up to the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:3-6).


With personal good wishes, I remain, Sincerely yours in the Lord,

Most Reverend Sam G. Jacobs Bishop Emeritus of Houma-Thibodaux

Bishop Jacobs

d o ‘I want you to G : m o r F Sam be a priest’ To: Story by Janet Marcel


This year marks two monumental occasions in the life of Bishop Sam G. Jacobs. He was ordained to the priesthood 50 years ago on June 6, 1964, and 25 years ago he was ordained to the episcopacy on Aug. 24, 1989, for the Diocese of Alexandria. Sam Galip Jacobs was born in Greenwood, MS, but moved to Lake Charles, LA, when he was just four months old. He recalls a story surrounding his birth and move to Lake Charles from Greenwood. “When I was born, my dad and my brother had already moved to Lake Charles to prepare a place for my mother and me until my mother was able to travel. Two weeks before I was born, an aunt of mine gave birth to her first born child and our pastor went to visit them in the hospital. When I was born, the pastor didn’t come to visit us, so my mother resolved that he wasn’t going to baptize me. She would just wait until we got to Lake Charles,” says Bishop Jacobs. When his mother told him this story much later in his life, he asked her incredulously, “So, you traveled with me from Greenwood to Lake Charles by bus and I wasn’t baptized? You risked my eternal salvation because you were angry with the pastor. What would you have done if we would have gotten into an accident and I would have died? She just looked at me and said simply, ‘I would have baptized you.’” Bishop Jacobs says when he was in the sixth grade he heard God speak directly to him. “I want you to be a priest,” were God’s words to him as he gazed at the host during the consecration while attending Mass with his family. Since that day, his life has never been the same. He didn’t tell anyone until he was in the eighth grade and had even begun to question if it really happened as more time passed. When he told his parents he wanted to go into the seminary they objected. “My parents were not well educated and wanted my brother to be a lawyer, me to be a doctor … and, of course, they wanted grandchildren. They told me they would support my decision but they could not give me their blessing,” says Bishop Jacobs. Young Sam was faced with a difficult decision: did he disobey his parents and follow what he felt in his heart was a calling from the Lord. He sat down with his parents again to plead his case, and they agreed to enroll him at Immaculata Minor Seminary in Lafayette in the ninth grade. His parents did eventually give him their blessing. Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • August 2014

After graduation he hoped to go on to Notre Dame Seminary, but his bishop wanted him to apply for a scholarship to the Catholic University of America, where he went on to earn a bachelor of arts degree in philosophy, a master’s degree in philosophy and a master’s degree in education/administration. After being ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Lafayette, he immediately began working with youth as he was assigned to oversee his parish’s youth ministry. “I began working with young people from the get go. I also worked with college students and young men discerning priesthood. As a bishop I continued that desire to let the youth know the church has a very strong concern and love for them. That has blossomed into young adult ministry and vocation ministry. And dealing with the parents of these youth, I began seeing the needs for adult retreats and helping them grow in their faith.” While serving as campus minister at McNeese State University as a young priest, he was moved to establish “Awakening Retreats,” which were so popular among college-aged, young adults that they began to be offered at universities around the country. Bishop Jacobs says the greatest joy in his vocation was being a pastor and exercising the pastoral care of people. Some other areas that he has focused on throughout his ministry are vocations to the priesthood and religious life, communications and evangelization. In 1969, after Bishop Jacobs had been a priest for five years, he says he began to feel an emptiness inside himself so he prayed to God for the answer to what was missing in his life. One of the religious sisters in the church parish where he was serving attended a charismatic prayer meeting at Boston College and she wrote and said she wanted to share her experience with him. When she returned to the parish, she invited a priest who would be traveling through the area to talk to them about this new movement. “It was at that meeting that I felt God was saying to me this is what is missing in your life – the empowerment of the Holy Spirit in your life and the activation of that power you received at baptism, confirmation and ordination,” says the bishop. Since that time, Bishop Jacobs has wholeheartedly embraced this movement and he credits the power of the Holy Spirit for all that he has been able to accomplish in his life. He served as the chairman of the U.S. National Service Committee of Catholic Charismatic Renewal for 12 years, as chairman of the U.S. Bishops Committee on Catholic


Father Sam G. Jacobs in 1964

Charismatic Renewal and has been speaking at charismatic conferences for over 30 years. While vacationing in Colorado in July 1989 he received a phone call, one that he says came as “a total shock” to him, from his bishop in Lake Charles telling him that the Holy Father had named him a bishop and was appointing him to the Diocese of Alexandria. “I was very humbled to be chosen to be a bishop,” he says. “I’m just thankful to God for all of the many blessings I have received over the years.” After 14 years in Alexandria, he was appointed Third Bishop of Houma-Thibodaux in 2003. The reason he has chosen to retire here is simply that after being her for 10 years, he “feels like this is home.” Bishop Jacobs says he believes one of his greatest accomplishments with respect to his vocation has been to see the changes in people’s lives as a result of his ministry. “As a priest three things have always motivated me. I felt like I had to be present, visible and available to people, so I was always out among the people as much as I could be.” Something he is proud of is the number of young men entering the seminary and eventually becoming priests because of his intervention. “One of the things God has given me is an incentive to have vocations calls. I try to do a vocation call whenever I am in a large group of young people and this has been very fruitful. Sometimes all a person needs is an invitation.” While Bishop Jacobs was shepherd of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, he was responsible for bringing the Steubenville on the Bayou Catholic youth conference to the diocese, increasing the number of vocations, establishing a Legatus Chapter, introducing men’s, women’s, married couples’ and family conferences, Mall Ministry, Young Adult Ministry, putting the spotlight on Evangelization, changing the format of Bayou Catholic, and establishing the Catholic Foundation of South Louisiana, to name a few of his undertakings. He was also instrumental in the decision to build a 10,700 square foot addition to the diocesan Pastoral Center in Schriever. “Looking at our needs, it was clear we needed more office space to enable us to bring all of our departments and ministries, with the

exception of Catholic Charities Houma-Thibodaux, into one place. We also had a need for meetings of between 300 and 500 people. The addition to the Pastoral Center enabled those needs to be met.” The most challenging aspect of being a priest and bishop, he says, was the administrative part of the work – dealing with issues, problems, personalities and people’s lives. “The decisions a bishop especially, makes impacts people’s lives, so it isn’t easy. Especially when making priest assignments, you have to look at the needs of the parish and its people, and the priest and his gifts to see if there will be a fit. What looks good on paper is not always what works, so that was always a challenge.” Of his participation in various state, national and international organizations and committees, Bishop Jacobs says his involvement has given him a more global understanding of the church and its various outreaches and ministries and enabled him to see how these ministries are impacting the church. He enjoyed supporting and encouraging their work and hopes that in his role as a bishop he was able to help show them that their work is truly appreciated. Bishop Jacobs was fortunate to have had several encounters with (the late pope) Saint John Paul II. The first time he met the Holy Father was as a priest at a Catholic Charismatic Renewal international leadership meeting in Rome where the Holy Father addressed the group. The second time he met the pope, Bishop Jacobs was on his way to a speaking engagement in Malta when he stopped in Rome to visit a priest friend. That 15 time he had the opportunity to celebrate Mass with the pope in his private chapel with about 50 other people. Bishop Jacobs also saw Saint John Paul II at World Youth Day in Denver, CO, and had three ad limina visits with the Holy Father. “Overall, we had good interaction and good productive dialogue. The last time I saw him was in 2004 just a few months before he died and he was very much in pain. When I walked out, I thought … I’ll never see him again.” “I met Pope Benedict XVI for the first time while he was still a cardinal. As a pope, we didn’t have any personal time with him; that was not really his style. He just met with all the Louisiana Bishops together. There was a more personal interaction with John Paul II.” Bishop Jacobs says he hasn’t really been doing anything new now that he’s retired, but he is able to do more. While he was bishop, he felt his first responsibility was to the diocese so he had to curtail events and activities outside of the diocese, now he doesn’t have to curtail these other activities. Something he says he has always enjoyed is working on his family’s genealogy, which he has been doing for 50 years. He is able to spend a lot more quality time doing that now. “I’m pacing myself, but leaving myself open to do other things in ministry. By God’s grace I am still healthy and have a lot of stamina. I learned early on the more I push myself, the better off I am. Just staying active helps the mind and it also helps the body.”

Bishop Jacobs

Bishop Jacobs’ curriculum vitae Name: Most Rev. Sam G. Jacobs Diocese: Bishop Emeritus of Houma-Thibodaux Born: March 4, 1938, Greenwood, MS Raised: Lake Charles, LA


Ordination Dates Priesthood: June 6, 1964; St. John the Evangelist Cathedral, Lafayette, LA, for the Diocese of Lafayette. Episcopal: Aug. 24, 1989, for the Diocese of Alexandria Oct. 10, 2003, installed Bishop of Houma-Thibodaux Educational Background: Elementary Education: Public and private schools (Lake Charles, LA) Secondary Education: Immaculata Seminary (Lafayette, LA) 1951-57 University: The Catholic University of America, 19571964 B.A. Degree in Philosophy, 1959 M.A. Degree in Philosophy, 1960 M.A. Degree in Education/ Administration, 1964 USCCB Committee Memberships: Past chairman, USCCB Ad Hoc on Catholic Charismatic Renewal Committee on Home Missions Communications Committee Committee on Vocations Member of the Bishops’

Bishop Jacobs’ personal Coat of Arms

Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth Prior Diocesan Assignments: Associate Pastor, St. Joseph Church, Rayne, LA 1964-70 Pastor/Chaplain, Our Lady of Good Counsel, McNeese State University, Lake Charles 1970-81 Pastor, St. Mary of the Lake Church, Big Lake, LA 1981-85 Director, Catholic Charismatic Renewal for Dioceses of Lafayette and Lake Charles

1976-87 Director, Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Diocese of Lake Charles 1976-89 Director, Radio and Television, Lake Charles 1981-89 Director, Vocations and Seminarians, Lake Charles 1985-89 Other National/Curial Responsibilities: Episcopal Advisor, Fraternity of Priests Louisiana Catholic Conference Board of Directors Louisiana Interchurch Conference Board of Directors National Evangelization Teams’ Board of Directors Renewal Ministries Board of Directors YOU magazine Advisory Board Friends of Families Steering Committee Priests for Life Episcopal Advisory Board Family Missions Company Advisory Board Chairman of “Cross International Catholic Outreach” Notre Dame Seminary Board of Trustees; St. Joseph Seminary College Board of Trustees International Chaplain to Legatus Arise International Board of Directors Franciscan University Board of Trustees







Brothers Mike and Sam Jacobs

My brother, the bishop

By Mike Jacobs I am elated to have Sam Jacobs as a “brother.” He has been my friend and companion throughout our lives. He is someone I feel comfortable with and so does everyone else in our family. He has assisted us all with various issues that we have encountered in our lives and together we have resolved them through his vision and his guidance. We are very thankful and blessed to have someone in the family who is so close to God, someone who is honored and respected and has helped many in their journey through life. We all go through what is called the cycle of life. When we are conceived, a spirit enters into us all so we all have a soul. Then you are born and you go through whatever you have to go through in life. When you die you have to justify your existence to God. Bishop Sam has helped to prepare us for that by guiding us and by his presence and the way he handles his life. Even though we live miles apart, I talk to him on the phone every single day. Whenever we can we visit, and the whole family frequently gets together for Sunday lunch. There is one episode that sticks out in my mind about my brother. When Sam was about four or five years old, we were at some type of social when all of a sudden he just hopped up on a chair and pronounced “Jesus is God.” And he’s been doing it ever since.


Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond and the Archdiocese of New Orleans congratulate

j Most Reverend Sam G. Jacobs, Bishop Emeritus j of the Diocese of

Houma-Thibodaux, on the

25th Anniversary of his ordination as Bishop and

50th Anniversary

of his ordination to priesthood.

Bishop Jacobs

Congratulations Diocesan leaders thank Bishop Jacobs

Very Rev. Jay Baker, V.G.


Bishop Jacobs, I remember your first meeting with the priests of Houma-Thibodaux as if it were yesterday. As you shared the story of your own vocation, over and over AND OVER again you emphasized “obedience.” Sure, we had each made the promise of obedience at our own ordination; but this was the first time it was drilled home for us so explicitly. Understandably, there was concern and not just a little consternation within the ranks! Then, bishop, as you took over as our shepherd and we grew accustomed to your style, we tried to keep up with your pace! In that

process, I recalled learning in seminary that “obedience” came to us from the Latin “ob” meaning “inclined toward” and “audire,” “to hear.” So my prayer was that I would be “inclined to hear,” that I would listen to what you were saying as you shepherded us. As we began our journey together, you sent us door-to-door across the diocese to get a more accurate census of the people living within our parish boundaries and how we might better meet their needs … “ob” “audire.” When Hurricanes Katrina and Rita cut a wide swath through our lives, you called us to Shaver and Stopher gyms at Nicholls to minister as best we could to the men, women and children who evacuated here from New Orleans, to hear their stories and to help assuage their fears … “ob” “audire.” As the Mass attendance numbers continued to fall nation-wide, you pushed us to used tried-and-true traditional means as well as new and innovative ones to reverse that trend locally … “ob” “audire.” When Hurricane Gustav made landfall in our diocese and our front parking lot at St. Joseph became

a food and supply distribution center, you stood in the hot sun day after day and prayed with our local residents – reminding us of the spiritual needs that were connected to their physical ones … “ob” “audire.” Recounting the very ministry of Jesus at the city gates and in the marketplace, you initiated a Mall Ministry and sent us out to civil fairs and festivals, inviting us to greet the people of our See where they were … “ob” “audire.” As we say good-bye to you in your administrative role and you ease yourself into retirement, I am personally grateful to you, Bishop Jacobs, for these (among the many) ways in which you – by your witness – have called me to be more obedient as a priest of Jesus Christ. My prayer for you now is that you will hear and heed the Lord’s own summons to you: “Well done, good and faithful servant. Come share your Master’s joy!” … “ob” “audire.” Very Rev. Jay L. Baker, V.G. Vicar General

Richard Weimer

Kevin Gros

Amy Connor-Flores

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307 Canal Blvd Thibodaux, LA 70301

Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • August 2014

Vert Rev. Robert Rogers, V.F.

Very Rev. Dean Danos, V.F.

We, the people of this diocese, join Bishop Sam Jacobs in praising God for the blessings of 25 years of faithful service to the church as bishop and 50 years as priest of Jesus Christ. On this joyous occasion, we unite our prayers to God in thanksgiving for his pastoral zeal. We ask our Lord God to preserve him in health as he serves in the ministry of the holy apostles. Bishop Jacobs has been a dedicated disciple leading the flock entrusted to his care to encounter the Lord Jesus. God’s anointing has flowed through his ministry leading us into deeper faith. We are grateful for his fatherly care, passion for evangelizing youth, pastoral presence in the parishes, and administrative leadership. Bishop Jacobs, we are all thankful for your total gift of self for the love of Jesus and his people. Your have given the flock a shepherd’s care, and as a successor of the apostles, you have inspired us to be more faithful and dedicated to Jesus who is Lord! Thank you for being our bishop and pastor! Very Rev. Robert Rogers, V.F. Dean, South Lafourche Deanery

On behalf of the Upper Lafourche Deanery Congratulations Bishop Jacobs on your 25th anniversary as a bishop and 50th priestly anniversary. Thank you for being a noble shepherd to the people of Upper Lafourche. We are eternally grateful for your sacramental blessings. Your love for the youth has brought numerous opportunities to grow closer to our Lord. Your wisdom has brought married couples closer together and given them a deeper understanding of sacramental love and bringing their family to God. Your support has given numerous men and women the courage to follow God’s call to the religious life. Your effect on us will forever remain in our hearts. “Well done good and faithful servant” (Mark 25:23). Very Rev. Dean Danos, V.F. Dean, Upper Lafourche Deanery

Very Rev. Vicente DeLa Cruz J.V.

Congratulations and every spiritual blessing upon you, Bishop Jacobs, as you celebrate your 50th anniversary as a priest and 25th anniversary as a bishop. We have been blessed by your vision and mission during your tenure as our local shepherd, and inspired by your examples. Your dedication to ministry and commitment to service has been the hallmark of your ministry and your great legacy to all those who have been privileged to work with you in the vineyard of the Lord. May your jubilee year be, for you, an experience of grace and fulfillment 19 as you continue proclaiming to all that “Jesus is Lord!” (Philippians 2:11). Very Rev. Vicente N. DeLa Cruz, M.C.L., J.C.L. Judicial Vicar of HoumaThibodaux

Blessings Bishop Sam G. Jacobs on your Anniversaries!

Bishop Jacobs



Over 1,300 filled Vandebilt Catholic High School’s Brother Alfred Kolb center to attend a concert Oct. 19, 2013, in honor of Bishop Emeritus Sam G. Jacobs. The concert featured world-renowned artist Martin Valverde and his band from Mexico. The bishop was presented with a special plaque for his support of Hispanic Ministry.

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Horario de Las Misas en Espanol

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Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • August 2014

Annunziata Sagrado Corazon Cristo Redentor Sagrado Corazon San Andres

7:00 pm 1:00 pm 6:00 pm 3:00 pm 12:30 pm

Cada Sabado Cada Domingo Cada Domingo Cada Domingo 1o, 3o, y 5o Domingos


Very Rev. Carl Collins, V.F.

Congratulations Bishop Jacobs on celebrating 50 years of priestly ministry and 25 years as a bishop. Thank you for allowing the Spirit of the Lord to guide you in your service to God’s people. I am particularly grateful for your service to the people of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux. I pray that the celebration of your anniversary brings you joy and gratitude. I also pray that you continue to allow the Lord to use you as an instrument to guide people in God’s love. Very Rev. Carl Collins, V.F. Dean, Terrebonne Deanery

We congratulate Bishop Sam G. Jacobs on his significant anniversaries and gratefully acknowledge his steadfast support of the Communications Office


Deacon Jim Swiler

What an honor it is to share some reflections on Bishop Jacobs; someone I have known for over 20 years. He is a man of prayer and a man totally dedicated to serving the Lord and his church. It has been a privilege to have served as his chancellor since 2010. Our paths first crossed when he was the newly installed Bishop of Alexandria and was attempting to establish the Permanent Diaconate. We explored several possibilities to accomplish that goal and he was never curtailed in his efforts. We were reunited after my re-location from the Archdiocese of New Orleans to the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux following Hurricane Katrina. I was honored to have shared in Bishop Jacobs’ ministry and pray that he will continue to receive the Lord’s bountiful blessings all the days of his life. Deacon Jim Swiler Chancellor



s Ne w e T H

. o rg

Radio and TV Public Relations and Coming Soon - Social Media

Bishop Jacobs

Three secretaries consider their lives enriched by Bishop Jacobs Story by Janet Marcel Photos by Lawrence Chatagnier


Over the course of the 25 years Bishop Sam G. Jacobs served the people of the Dioceses of Alexandria and Houma-Thibodaux, he worked closely with three different secretaries, all of whom consider their lives enriched by having known him. Deborah Deorosan, who serves as the executive secretary to the bishop of the Diocese of Alexandria, was Bishop Jacobs’ secretary for 14 years while he served as bishop of that diocese. Deorosan says that during her years with Bishop Jacobs in Alexandria, she found him to be a very hard working, determined and dedicated shepherd. “He is a deeply spiritual priest in love with the Lord,” says Deorosan. “He has many wonderful qualities, but what stands out to me is that he lives what he preaches. He is also a great homilist and teacher.” Deorosan says she personally learned, remembers and still strives to live the lessons he taught her on the Scriptures. One particular teaching she recalls receiving with cynicism but decided to give it a try. “As a result, my spiritual life has been impacted by it in the most positive way.” Upon his installation as Third Bishop of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, Yvonne Duplantis became Bishop Jacobs’ administrative secretary, a position she would hold for the next eight years until her retirement at the end of 2011. Having served both of the former bishops of Houma-Thibodaux, Duplantis says each bishop was unique and had his own method of doing things, so she had to adjust to each one. “Bishop Jacobs would give me a clear explanation of what work he wanted accomplished and gave me adequate time to complete it. As a result of this, we established a good working relationship. He was good at organization and detailed reports. He himself was goal oriented and he challenged others to reach their own goals,” says Duplantis. She remembers him as an excellent preacher who would explain the teachings of the church clearly.


Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • August 2014

Deborah Deorosan

Yvonne Duplantis

Jeanine L. Avila

One of the things that impressed her most about Bishop Jacobs was the demanding schedule he took upon himself to serve the church and the people of the diocese. After Duplantis retired, Jeanine L. Avila was hired as Bishop Jacobs’ administrative secretary. She served in that role until September 2013 when Bishop Jacobs retired. Avila says Bishop Jacobs was wonderful to work for. “He could be demanding, but not in a mean way. He had his priorities of what he wanted done, and he always kept an even temperament about everything,” she says. What impressed Avila the most about Bishop Jacobs was his ability to handle anything she threw at him. She explains that often he would be typing away at his computer, have a stack of correspondence to go through, phone calls that needed to be returned, people dropping by unexpectedly who needed a minute of his time, but he rarely let things get to him. “The flexibility he had to not get agitated or impatient really struck me because there were days that were just crazy busy. I never heard him fuss down anybody and if someone or a certain situation ever bothered him, he would just say ‘God is good,’ and I would answer, ‘All the time.’” Avila recalls Bishop Jacobs often passing by her desk and stopping next to a candy dish full of chocolates she kept there. “He would take out three candies one at a time, and say ‘Father, Son and Holy Spirit,’ and we would both laugh.”

On behalf of Bishop Michael Jarrell and the people of the Diocese of Lafayette

Warmest congratulations Best Wishes And Prayers to Bishop Sam G. Jacobs on this monumental occasion Blessed are those who trust in the Lord; the Lord will be their trust. They are like a tree planted beside the waters that stretches out its roots to the stream: It does not fear heat when it comes; its leaves stay green. Jeremiah 17:7-8 23

Bishop Jacobs

‘I consider Bishop Sam like a father’



Dr. and Mrs. Raul Doria hug Bishop Jacobs.

By Dr. Raul Doria I feel so blessed my life’s path crossed with Bishop Sam Jacobs that I consider the first time we met 10 years ago an epic event. Bishop Sam quickly became an integral part of my family. He supported me during difficult times and guided me during dark ones. But he was also there at the greatest and happiest moments such as going downhill in a go-cart on the mountains in Alaska, or following St. Paul’s steps in Greece and Turkey, graduations and New Year’s parties, and the list goes on and on. Moreover, he showed me how to have a personal relationship with Jesus through spiritual direction and by example through his charismatic and pure life. He brought to the diocese a priority for seminarians’ support in addition to a “not only Sundays” religious culture. That is why he developed the Conference Office of the diocese that is in charge of Man and Woman of God conferences and gatherings, Steubenville on the Bayou and other gatherings for young adults and teenagers. I respect, love and consider Bishop Sam like a father. We enjoy each other’s company but I think he enjoys my wife’s cooking more! We can talk about anything but usually God and family wins. Congratulations Bishop Sam on your 25th anniversary as a bishop and 50th anniversary as a priest! The church’s foundation is much stronger because of leaders like you.

“Well done, good and faithful servant” -- Matthew 25:23

On behalf of the Catholic community of the Diocese of Biloxi, I extend warmest best wishes and offer prayers for Bishop Sam Jacobs as we rejoice in celebrating his many years of faithful service as Priest and Bishop. Ad Multos Annos! Bishop Roger P. Morin Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • August 2014

Bishop Jacobs Anniversary Ad, August 2014

Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz and the Church of Jackson


Bishop Emeritus

Sam JacoBS


Bishop Sam G. Jacobs was responsible for bringing the Steubenville on the Bayou Catholic youth conference to the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux.

to Bishop Emeritus Sam G. Jacobs


on 50 years of priestly ministry and 25 years to the episcopacy! May God continue to bless him with the gifts of health, happiness and wisdom.

Our Lady of Prompt Succor Chackbay, LA

Ad multos annos!

Bishop Jacobs

Msgr. Ronald Hoppe

‘He’s always for the good of the church’ (The following interview, written by Monique Vicknair Albarado for the Bayou Catholic issue welcoming Bishop Sam G. Jacobs to the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux in October of 2003, gives readers an insight of Bishop Jacobs’ ministry in Alexandria). To truly know what kind of leader Bishop Sam G. Jacobs is, just ask (now retired) Msgr. Ronald Hoppe, who served as vicar general of the Diocese of Alexandria during the 26 entire 14 years that Bishop Jacobs served as bishop there. Msgr. Hoppe describes Bishop Jacobs as a hardworking, compassionate, effective decision maker and leader. Msgr. Hoppe who has shared a nearby office and decision-making with Bishop Jacobs, would meet the bishop in a conference room adjacent to both of their offices. Just by the tone of Bishop Jacobs’ voice, Msgr. Hoppe could tell if the meeting would be a light or serious one.

these three bishops cover a vast territory of a diocese which extends from Texas to Mississippi, currently having 48 church parishes and 24 missions. Bishop Charles Greco, between 1946 and 1973, initially reached out to the residents in the rural areas of the diocese which has pockets of Catholics scattered throughout a mostly Protestant territory. Some missions are 20 miles away from their parishes, notes Msgr. Hoppe. “Bishop Greco saw they (the rural Catholics) needed Christ just as much as the city folk,” explains Msgr. Hoppe. “They want faith; they want Jesus.” As Bishop Jacobs has traveled from parish to LAWRENCE CHATAGNIER/BAYOU CATHOLIC parish within the Diocese of Alexandria, Msgr. Hoppe The monsignor also worked with watched him handle priests and previous bishops John C. Favalora parishioners with a gracious open and William Friend. He enjoyed door policy. working with all three. “Each had In the parishes, says Msgr. his own style, gifts,” says Msgr. Hoppe, the bishop set a tone of Hoppe. friendliness. Just as the bishop can Being the pastor of a parish of set this tone, so can the pastors. his own, Msgr. Hoppe has watched “You can tell what kind of

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Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • August 2014


pastor the parish has just by walking in the church,” Msgr. Hoppe notes. Reflecting on his years as bishop, Msgr. Hoppe considers Bishop Jacobs “hands-on … a man who handles difficulty well.” “He’s an introvert in a real sort of way. He likes to step back and think about (a situation) when making a decision.” However, he is a definite leader. “When he’s in charge; he’s in charge. He’ll take his failures. He doesn’t like them, but he respects them.” Making decisions is based on his good listening skills, according to Msgr. Hoppe. “He’s very receptive to what you have to say. He won’t make decisions unless he’s heard everything.” When asked how he feels about Bishop Jacobs’ latest assignment (as bishop of Houma-Thibodaux), Msgr. Hoppe says, “I’m saddened. I have an enormous respect for him and him for me. There’s a big emptiness. He’s been good to me and hopefully I’ve been good to him.” Msgr. Hoppe describes his friend and co-worker as “hard-working, intellectual and flexible.” “He’s got a good creative mind, he thinks about things far ahead and he’ll change if he sees a need.” In assigning priests, Msgr. Hoppe says that the bishop is “objective and sees the needs of the people first.” “He’s always for the good of the church,” informs Msgr. Hoppe. “He’s sensitive. He really and truly loves and expects us to love.”

National Service Committee ofthe Catholic Charismatic Renewal

Congratulates & Celebrates

Bishop Sam G. Jacobs


Beloved leader in the Renewal Ad Multos Annos


years of service as Bishop

years of service as Priest

“Charismatic Renewal is a great force at the service of the promotion of the Gospel, in the joy of the Holy Spirit.” (Pope Francis)


Bishop Sam G. Jacobs, we, the Church of Baton Rouge, express our heartfelt congratulations to you on your 25th anniversary of ordination as Bishop and your 50th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood. You have been and are a faithful servant of the Lord and a great inspiration to all. Most Rev. Robert W. Muench Bishop of Baton Rouge and the People of the Diocese of Baton Rouge

Bishop Jacobs

‘He works tirelessly to spread the Word of God’ By HILTON AND MABLE MICHEL Mable and I welcome this opportunity to wish Bishop Sam our sincere congratulations on the celebration of his anniversary of 50 years as a priest and 25 years as a bishop. We met Bishop Sam right after he became bishop of our diocese in 2003. Our friendship with him has grown over the years to the point where we see him as a member of our family. We have been blessed to have a close up view of this present day Apostle of Christ. Anyone who knows Bishop Sam can easily see that he works tirelessly to spread the word of God. The numerous people who have worked with him and his friends have witnessed a bishop 28 who truly lives out the real spirit of the Liturgy every single day. Those who have been blessed to witness his devout devotion to the Eucharist have been drawn deeper into their own faith walk as they witness this man of God’s deep faith. Pope Francis recently called his clergy to get out of their comfortable rectories and “go out to meet the people,” especially the lost sheep. Many of his sheep in our diocese have seen Bishop Sam do this continuously for the past 11 years. He is daily bringing Christ into everyone’s life that he touches.

Hilton and Mable Michel with Bishop Jacobs.

It has been especially heartwarming to observe how much he is enjoying his retirement. All of the time and energy he gave to his administrative duties as the former bishop of our diocese he now pours into helping every person he encounters to have a deeper relationship with our Lord. He seems to love just being a simple shepherd again tending to his flock.


We hope that he realizes how deeply he has spiritually touched the countless people he has ministered to over the years and the countless people he is still bringing back to our Catholic faith and to Christ. We prayerfully wish him a long, happy and healthy retirement. May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with him always.

Congratulations Bishop Sam G. Jacobs on the Anniversary of your 25th year as a Bishop and 50th year as a Priest. B & J MARTIN, INC. A Minority Corp.

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Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux 1220 Aycock St. ~ Houma, LA 70360

Thank you Bishop Emeritus Sam G. Jacobs for your service to God and his people. LAWRENCE CHATAGNIER/BAYOU CATHOLIC

One of the many ministries Bishop Sam G. Jacobs introduced in the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux was the Mall Ministry which was intended to bring the presence of the Catholic Church ministering in the name of Christ to the people, especially during the Christmas season.

Phone (985) 876-0490 ~ Fax (985) 876-7751 29

Congratulations Most Reverend

Sam G. Jacobs on the Celebration of your


Anniversary as a Bishop


Anniversary as a Priest


from Bishop Michael G. Duca and the people of the Diocese of Shreveport

Bishop Jacobs

‘We LOVE him dearly’


By Lonnie and Shawn Lapeyrouse What has Bishop Sam meant to us and our family? Our story dates back to 2004 when we attended our first Steubenville South conference in Alexandria and we wondered “who is this bishop that is cheering ‘Freedom’ at the top of his lungs in order to get the kids excited?” Up until this point, we had never seen a priest, much less a bishop, truly enthusiastic about getting the youth “on fire” for God! Little did we know that two short years later we would be working at the first Steubenville on the Bayou conference under his direction, and now, we just wrapped up the ninth bayou conference! Under Bishop Sam’s direction, we learned how to better evangelize, how to truly lead others into deep worship through music and how best to offer opportunities for individuals to encounter Christ. It is because of Bishop Sam that we have been a part of the movement to lead people of all ages closer into a relationship with Jesus, which has thus brought us into a more meaningful relationship with him as well. However, working with Bishop Sam has meant even more to us. In deeper, more intimate moments, Bishop Sam has been incredibly influential in teaching us how to be better parents and spouses. His heart is one of purity and his direction is unselfish. He truly seeks to encourage people to follow

Bishop Sam G. Jacobs raises Luke James Lapeyrouse during his baptism in October 2005.

and excel in the vocations they have committed to, not out of obligation, but with great love. Bishop Sam’s sense of humor and acceptance of all, are some of the most magnetic qualities we’ve encountered. There is an anointing on his ministry unlike anything we have ever experienced before, and we have figured out that the key to success is to join him under the proverbial umbrella of that anointing and to emulate the same selfless passion that he shows to the best of our ability. We are so grateful that Bishop Sam has become a spiritual father

Congratulations Bishop Emeritus Sam G. Jacobs

to both of us. He has helped us journey into a closer relationship with God, and with each other. He has guided each of us on separate spiritual journeys that have led us into a more meaningful, truthful sacrament of marriage that includes Jesus Christ. We are thankful for his presence in our lives and his willingness to always be there for us. From baptizing both of our baby boys, to celebrating Mass in our home, to teaching us the heart of ministry, and so much more, our lives have been enriched in ways that only he could have offered, and we LOVE him dearly.

We Congratulate you Bishop Sam G. Jacobs

on your 25th anniversary of ordination as bishop and 50 years of priestly service.

Thomassie Construction, Inc. general contracting ~ project manager

104 Saint Peter Road • Thibodaux, LA 70301

(985) 446-8033 • Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • August 2014

Dr. Faith Ann Spinella and Margaret Vargas The Office of Religious Education


Bishop Sam G. Jacobs and Louis G. Aguirre are pictured during a taping of Spotlight on the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux. The program will air in August on HTV. Highlights of Bishop Jacobs’ Mass of Thanksgiving scheduled for Aug. 24 at the Cathedral of St. Francis de Sales in Houma will be featured on Bishop Jacobs will be a guest on HTV’s Bayou Time Monday, Aug 25 at 6 p.m.


We the St. Bernadette parish family and school offer our prayerful congratulations to Bishop Emeritus Sam G. Jacobs on his golden and silver anniversaries.

Bishop Jacobs



Bishop Sam G. Jacobs chats with teenagers during the annual Diocesan Youth Rally on the Nicholls State University Campus in Thibodaux.

We congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of ordination as bishop and 50th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood.

Most Reverend Sam G. Jacobs Bishop Emeritus of Houma-Thibodaux

Most Reverend Ronald P. Herzog, and the clergy, religious and laity of the Diocese of Alexandria

Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • August 2014

Bishop offers assistance Catholics from across the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux offered assistance to the victims of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Bishop Sam G. Jacobs worked many hours at the shelters on the Nicholls State University Campus in Thibodaux, where thousands of evacuees from New Orleans were housed at Stopher Gym, the Betsy Cheramie Ayo Building and Shaver Gym. Bishop Jacobs is shown with a National Guardsman organizing transportation for the evacuees on the Nicholls Campus.

St. Genevieve Church and School Congratulates Bishop Emeritus Sam G. Jacobs on 25 years as a Bishop and 50 years of Priesthood

May God continue to bless you.



Bishop Jacobs

During an ad limina visit with (the late pope) Saint John Paul II, Bishop Sam G. Jacobs and the pope look over documents.


We congratulate Bishop Sam G. Jacobs on his 25th Anniversary of ordination as Bishop and 50th year of priestly ordination.

Watkins Walker & Eroche Attorneys At Law Houma, Louisiana

Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • August 2014

Installation ceremony

Bishop Sam G. Jacobs is applauded as he sits on his cathedra (cathedral chair) during installation ceremony at the Cathedral of St. Francis de Sales in Houma. He was seated by Archbishop Alfred C. Hughes of New Orleans (left) and Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States.



Bishop Emeritus Sam G. Jacobs

St. Ann Catholic Church Thanks You as you celebrate 25 years Bishop and 50 years Priesthood 35

We congratulate and thank you,

Bishop Sam G. Jacobs, on your silver and golden anniversaries! Holy Savior Church & Cemetery

Prayers and best wishes

Bishop Emeritus Sam G. Jacobs

on your 25th and 50th anniversaries!

Ad Multos Annos! St. Lawrence the Martyr and St. James Chapel LAWRENCE CHATAGNIER/BAYOU CATHOLIC

Bishop Jacobs

‘He truly shows us what it means to be a man of God’ By Lester Bimah “I am the good shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know me” (John 10:14). When I first met Bishop Sam Jacobs in 2003, I knew I was in the presence of a good shepherd. Because my mother Polly was his housekeeper, I got to know Bishop Jacobs very well. I learned firsthand that he truly cared about his flock. Soon after his installation as Bishop of Houma-Thibodaux he visited every parish to meet his flock and to celebrate Mass with them. He then met with each pastoral council to charge them with developing a five-year plan that would help them grow in their faith and in their fiscal responsibility to

their parish and the diocese. His skills at leading and administering were evident to those of us who had the privilege and the pleasure to know him and to work with him. It is, however, his love and compassion for his brothers and sisters in Christ that Sam Jacobs should best be remembered. After the tragedy we remember as Hurricane Katrina, Bishop Jacobs unleashed the power of the church to assist with the deluge of people fleeing New Orleans for their lives, some with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. He worked with local officials to see that these desperate souls were fed, housed and clothed, and above all that they were treated with the dignity that Christ

demanded. By his actions and his direct involvement, he gained the respect of all who worked with him. Truly he showed what it means to be a man of God. On a personal level, Bishop Jacobs has done so much for me. He taught me how to give structure to my life, and how I must always put God before all else. He taught me how to give greater respect to those I come in contact with on a daily basis and how important family is to my existence. My entire family loves and respects this good shepherd. On his 50th anniversary as a priest and his 25th as a bishop, I congratulate Bishop Jacobs. It is a privilege to know him!


Congratulations Bishop Sam G. Jacobs

on your 25th Anniversary as a Bishop and 50th Anniversary as a Priest

742 Highway 182 • Houma, LA 70364 (985) 872-2413 Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • August 2014

Lester Bimah says that his entire family loves and respects Bishop Jacobs. The bishop is shown with E.D. White soccer coach Roger Bimah at left, (Lester’s brother) Lester Bimah and his son Benton. Bimah also says that the bishop taught him how to give structure to his life and how he must put God before all else.

His Excellency The Most Reverend Glen John Provost, D.D., Bishop of Lake Charles, with the clergy, religious, and laity of the Diocese of Lake Charles congratulate His Excellency The Most Reverend Sam G. Jacobs, Bishop Emeritus of Houma-Thibodaux on the Silver Jubilee of your Episcopal Ordination and your 50 years of Priestly Service


most reverend

Sam Jacobs Pr iest

Te a c h e r


Thank you for your many decades of faithful support for our mission of education and evangelization. As both a conference speaker and member of the Board of Trustees, you have generously shared your wisdom and love of God with us, and we are most grateful. May the Lord bless you and keep you! In Christ and St. Francis, Father Sean O. Sheridan, TOR President, Franciscan University of Steubenville

Bishop Jacobs

Pope Benedict XVI greets Bishop Sam G. Jacobs during an ad limina visit at the Vatican.


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Congratulations Bishop Sam G. Jacobs on the Silver Jubilee of your Episcopal Ordination and 50 years of Priestly Service DAVID L. HAGEN, M.D. ~ MATTHEW G. BEYER, M.D. ~ CHAD M. SIMON, M.D. Ear • Nose • Throat & Sinus Surgery Endoscopic & Balloon Sinus Surgery • Sleep Apnea/Snoring Hearing & Balance Disorders • Hearing Aids • Thyroid Surgery

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Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • August 2014

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Ordained to the episcopacy


Bishop Sam G. Jacobs was ordained to the episcopacy by Archbishop Francis Schulte of New Orleans and installed as the Tenth Bishop of Alexandria during a Mass at the Rapides Coliseum in 1989. Bishop Warren L. Boudreaux served as co-consecrator. Bishop Jacobs served as Bishop of Alexandria for 14 years before being named Third Bishop of Houma-Thibodaux in 2003.

Nationally-Recognized Hospital.


Bishop Jacobs



Bishop Sam G. Jacobs says that he is proud of the number of young men entering the seminary and eventually becoming priests because of his intervention.

e t a l u t a r g n o C

With our Best Wishes and Prayers we

Bishop Emeritus Sam G. Jacobs on your Golden and Silver anniversaries Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age. Matthew 28: 19-20

With Love and Gratitude, Hilton and Mable Michel Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • August 2014

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