6 minute read
Youth In Action

Katie Luc School: Central Catholic High School, Morgan City Grade: 11th Church parish: Scared Heart, Morgan City Describe your family unit:
Gwendolyn, mother; Kerry, father; Kerrilyn, sister Favorite Hobby: Volleyball Favorite Movie: Secretariat Favorite T.V. Show: The Office Favorite Genre of Music: All types
What are you doing to stengthen your relationship with Christ this Lenten season? What are some ways you can be a role model and leader for other youth at your school?

Every Lenten season, I try to do at least one thing to strengthen my relationship with Christ. I believe that these 40 days can be used to grow spiritually as people of God. This year, I plan to do multiple things in order to grow closer to God. Every week, I will attend adoration on Tuesdays in the chapel at church on the campus of Central Catholic School. I also will strive to say one rosary a week. These will be a prayer of intercession with the intention of someone or something in particular. I also plan to do extra service for different groups in our area. While in school, it is very important to be a good leader by doing the right thing at school. This includes being respectful to all people, communicating with all people around you, and participating in religious activities in and out of school. However, I believe the true test of character can be found outside of the classrooms and off of the school campus. This is when being a leader becomes a greater task. I strive to embody a certain character that is admirable to others. One simple thing 30 • Bayou Catholic • Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux • March 2020
to do is to invite people who do not normally go to Mass every weekend to attend. By attending religious events, like Steubenville and the March for Life, I hope that it can encourage others to do the same. I am also a member of Central Catholic’s campus ministry team, which gives me the opportunity to be able to help others and lead them to Christ through retreats and prayer. Through all of these things, I hope to lead others to Christ through my example. BC
Seminarian Education Burses
What is a seminarian burse/endowment fund?
A seminarian burse/endowment fund is an invested sum of money where the interest is used in perpetuity to help fund the education of men to the priesthood in the Diocese of HoumaThibodaux.
How does someone establish a seminarian burse/endowment fund?
Very simply, a burse/endowment fund may be established and named for anyone you choose, be it family, friend, bishop, priest, deacon, religious, etc. Who do I contact to contribute to or establish a fund?
To contribute to or establish a burse/endowment fund, send funds to the Pastoral Center, Attn: Catholic Foundation, P.O. Box 505, Schriever, LA 70395 or contact the Catholic Foundation office at 985-850-3116 or aponson@htdiocese.org for more information.
Completed Burses and CFSL Named Endowment Funds Note: Numbers stipulate the amount of completed burses.*
Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Bienvenu Harry Booker Bishop Warren L. Boudreaux (3)* Mr. Eledier Broussard Rev. Adrian J. Caillouet Rev. James Louis Caillouet Bishop L. Abel Caillouet Judge & Mrs. L.P. Caillouet Msgr. Lucien J. Caillouet Abdon J. & Ada B. Callais Harold & Gloria Callais Family Paul A. Callais Peter W. Callais Vincent & Fannie Cannata Minor Sr. & Lou Ella Cheramie Maude & Edith Daspit Mr. & Mrs. Caliste Duplantis family (3)* Clay Sr. & Evelida Duplantis C. Remie Duplantis Marie Elise Duplantis Warren J. Harang Jr. Msgr. Raphael C. Labit Msgr. Francis J. Legendre Rev. Charles Menard Dr. & Mrs. M.V. Marmande & Family Donald Peltier Sr. (3)* Harvey Peltier (30)* Richard Peltier The Peltier Foundation (5) Orleans & Louella Pitre Msgr. Joseph Wester Robert R. Wright Jr. Rev. Kermit Trahan St. Bernadette Men’s Club Diocesan Knights of Columbus Leighton Delahaye Mrs. Shirley Conrad Bishop Shelton J. Fabre Elizabeth Hebert Callais Family Fund Rev. Joseph Tu Tran Society of St. Joseph (2) Endowment Fund - $119,136.90 James J Buquet Jr. Julius & Marie Pauline St. Amant Elie & Dot Klingman Bishop Sam Jacobs Endowment-$32,840.43 Giardina Family Foundation Sem. Endowment-$4,337.62 James J. Buquet, Jr. Family Sem. Endowment-$27,979.95 Diocesan Seminarian Endowment-$3,502,699.11
Mary and Al Danos Foundation Sem. Endowment-$38,621.30 Msgr. Amedee Sem. Endowment-$314,838.43 The Peltier Foundation-$14,482.97 Leo & Ethel Hebert Jane and John Dean Sidney J. & Lydie C. Duplantis Msgr. Stanislaus Manikowski Leon “Ponoke” and Marlene Champagne Sem. Endowment-$2,225.00 Society of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary-$100 Father Patrick Riviere Sem. Endowment-$27,018.24 Parker Conrad Sem. Education-$15.000.00 Father Brett Lapeyrouse Sem. Education-$3,000.00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Cefalu, Sr. Sem. Edowment-$1,000.00 Lena “Bobbie” Sere’ Sem. Fund-$500 Mary Timothy Everett Sem. Fund-$500 Viola Ann Wallace Vosbein Memorial Sem. Burse-$1,000.00
January 2020 Burse Contributions
Joseph Waitz Sr..........................$500.00
Mr. & Mrs. George C. Fakier.....................$200.00
Msgr. William Koninkx..........$200.00
Dean Joseph Chiasson..........$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Cefalu, Sr............$1,000.00
Open Burses with Balance as of January 31, 2020
Donald Peltier Sr. No. 4 .....................................$13,000.00 Joseph Strada Memorial ...................................$12,642.63 Msgr. Raphael C. Labit No. 2...........................$11,560.00 Joseph Waitz Sr. ...................................................$11,500.00 Claude & Lucy Mahler Family .........................$11,400.00 Mr. & Mrs. George C. Fakier ............................$11,300.00 Harvey Peltier No. 31 ..........................................$10,486.91 Clay Sr. & Evelida Duplantis No. 2 ................$10,000.00 C. Remie Duplantis No. 2 ..................................$10,000.00 Marie Elise Duplantis No. 2 ..............................$10,000.00 Maude & Edith Daspit No. 2 ...........................$10,000.00 Msgr. George A. Landry ....................................$10,000.00 Msgr. William Koninkx .........................................$8,300.00 Catholic Daughters ................................................$7,080.00 Rev. Victor Toth ......................................................$7,000.00 Msgr. Francis Amedee .........................................$6,850.00 Rev. Gerard Hayes .................................................$6,686.00 Brides of the Most Blessed Trinity ...................$6,598.00 Rev. Peter Nies ........................................................$6,000.00 Rev. Guy Zeringue .................................................$6,000.00 Mr. & Mrs. Love W. Pellegrin ............................$5,000.00 Anonymous No. 2 ..................................................$5,000.00 Mr. & Mrs. Caliste Duplantis Family No. 4.......$5,000.00 Rev. William M. Fleming ......................................$5,000.00 Mrs. Ayres A. Champagne ..................................$5,000.00 Rev. Kasimir Chmielewski ...................................$4,839.00 Joseph “Jay” Fertitta ..............................................$4,450.00 Rev. Henry Naquin ................................................$4,311.00
Anawin Community ..............................................$4,200.00 Harry Booker No. 2 ...............................................$4,138.00 Msgr. James Songy ...............................................$4,075.00 Kelly Curole Frazier ................................................$3,610.96 Mr. & Mrs. John Marmande ..............................$3,500.00 J. R. Occhipinti .........................................................$3,400.00 Preston & Gladys Webre ....................................$3,400.00 Mr. & Mrs. Galip Jacobs ......................................$3,060.00 St. Jude .......................................................................$3,000.00 Warren J. Harang Jr. No. 2 ..................................$3,000.00 Diocesan Knights of Columbus No. 2 ............$2,894.62 Rev. Peter H. Brewerton ......................................$2,600.00 Willie & Emelda St. Pierre ...................................$2,000.00 Rev. John Gallen .....................................................$1,950.00 Rev. H.C. Paul Daigle ............................................$1,900.00 Deacon Connely Duplantis .................................$1,700.00 Alfrances P. Martin ................................................$1,650.00 Msgr. Francis J. Legendre No. 2 .......................$1,645.00 Rev. Robert J. Sevigny ..........................................$1,600.00 Jacob Marcello ........................................................$1,600.00 Rev. Hubert C. Broussard ....................................$1,550.00 Judge Louis & Shirley R. Watkins ....................$1,550.00 Msgr. Emile J. Fossier ...........................................$1,545.00 Ronnie Haydel .........................................................$1,535.00 Dr. William Barletta Sr. .........................................$1,525.00 Deacon Robert Dusse’ .........................................$1,450.00 Rev. Anthony Rousso ...........................................$1,300.00 Dean Joseph Chiasson .........................................$1,300.00 Msgr. John L. Newfield ........................................$1,200.00 Rev. Joseph Tu Tran No. 2 ..................................$1,094.00 Msgr. John G. Keller ..............................................$1,050.00 Rev. Clemens Schneider ......................................$1,000.00 Bishop Warren L. Boudreaux No. 4 .................$1,000.00 Edna W. DiSalvo .....................................................$1,000.00 Bernice Harang .......................................................$1,000.00 Deacon Willie Orgeron ............................................$900.00 Ruby Pierce ..................................................................$800.00 Deacon Roland Dufrene ..........................................$750.00 Juliette & Eugene Wallace ......................................$700.00 Deacon Edward J. Blanchard .................................$700.00 Deacon Raymond LeBouef .....................................$550.00 Paul & Laura Duet ....................................................$550.00 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cannata ................................$500.00 Robert Walsh ...............................................................$500.00 Anne Veron Aguirre ..................................................$380.00 Deacon Harold Kurtz ................................................$300.00 Richard Peltier No. 2 .................................................$300.00 Claude Bergeron ........................................................$250.00 Rev. Michael Finnegan .............................................$200.00 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Naquin ......................................$150.00 Deacon Pedro Pujals .................................................$100.00 Rev. Warren Chassaniol ...........................................$100.00 Grant J. Louviere..........................................................$100.00 Deacon Eldon Frazier .................................................$50.00 Deacon Nick Messina .................................................$50.00