June 2014 Bayou Catholic Magazine

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The magazine for the people of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux






Together in the

Work of the Lord For we are God's fellow workers. You are God's field, God's building. 1 Corinthians 3:9

For more information, visit: www.htdiocese.org


On Our Cover


Retired priest Father Jerry Villarrubia chats with his children and grandchildren at his home in Houma recently. Father Villarrubia has the distinction of being a priest and parent. Those standing from left are his son Jude, daughter Cecile Babin and son-inlaw Christopher Babin. Kneeling from left are his grandchildren, Benjamin, Anna, William and Edward.

Corpus Christi Join Bishop Fabre at processsion June 21

16 Ordinations


Cover Photo by Lawrence Chatagnier

Heavenly Recipes

74 years

Bernice’s Crawfish and Corn Soup

St. Ann, Bourg couple celebrates anniversary

Three men ordained to transitional diaconate




• Welcome

• Question Corner


Infallible moment

Our Churches

Local group attends canonization of two popes

St. Joseph, Chauvin is resilient community of faith

6 13


• Reflections


• Appointments


How to reach us: BY PHONE: (985) 850-3132 BY MAIL: P.O. Box 505, Schriever, LA 70395 BY FAX: (985) 850-3232 BY E-MAIL: bayoucatholic@htdiocese.org

Bayou Catholic Vol. 34, No. 12 Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • June 2014

The Bayou Catholic is published monthly, for the people of the Roman Catholic Diocese of HoumaThibodaux by the H-T Publishing Co., P.O. Box 505, Schriever, LA 70395. Subscription rate is $35 per year. The Bayou Catholic is a member of the Catholic Press Association, the National Newspaper Association and an associate member of the Louisiana Press Association. National and world-wide news service and photos by National Catholic News Service.

• Young Voices


• Seeing Clairely


Louis G. Aguirre editor and general manager Lawrence Chatagnier managing editor Glenn J. Landry, C.P.A. business manager Peggy Adams advertising manager Anna C. Givens advertising accounts executive Janet Marcel staff writer Pat Keese secretary and circulation Lisa Schobel Hebert graphic designer Janet B. Eschete accounts payable assistant Meridy Liner accounts receivable assistant

First Place Winner General Excellence

Where to find us Bayou Catholic magazine can be found at all Catholic churches in the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux and at the three Catholic high schools in Houma, Morgan City and Thibodaux. You may also visit the merchants listed in the Advertisers’ Index to pick up your copy. Those wishing to receive the magazine by mail can call Pat Keese at (985) 850-3132 or write to Bayou Catholic, P.O. Box 505, Schriever, LA 70395. Subscription price is $35 annually.

Index to Advertisers Advanced Eye Institute .............................. 15 Bishop’s Appeal ........................................... 2 Bueche’s Jewelry ....................................... 29 Cannata’s ..................................................... 3 Channel 10 ................................................. 34 Diocesan Outreach Line .............................. 5 Diocesan Website ...................................... 27 God’s Promises Books & Gifts .................. 19

Diocesan Outreach Line

In response to the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux is offering an Outreach Line (formerly known as the Child Protection Contact Line). The Outreach Line is an effort to continue the diocesan commitment to support healing for people who have been hurt or sexually abused recently or in the past by clergy, religious or other employees of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux. The Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux Outreach Line operates from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. A trained mental health professional responds to the line. Individuals are offered additional assistance if requested.

The Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux Outreach Line Telephone number is (985) 873-0026. For detailed reporting procedures see: www.htdiocese.org. Click on the Safe Environment tab, then on S.E. Forms and Links.

Haydel Memorial Hospice ......................... 33 Haydel Spine & Pain .................................. 17 Headache & Pain Center ........................... 35 Houma Digestive Health Specialists .......... 33 Johnny’s Men’s Shop ................................ 39 Peter’s Pence Collection ............................ 11 Principal Position-St. Gregory Elementary .31 Re-Bath ...................................................... 32 Rod’s Superstore ......................................... 7 Seminarian Education Burses ................... 25 Spotlight ..................................................... 39 St. Joseph Manor/Cardinal Place .............. 31 Vocations Office ......................................... 21


Bayou Outdoor Guide Advertisers Index

Línea de Comunicación Diocesana

Con el fin de cumplir con las Políticas de Protección de Niños y Jóvenes de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Los Estados Unidos, la Diócesis de Houma-Thibodaux ofrece una Línea de Comunicación (antes Línea de Contacto para la Protección de los Niños). La Línea de Comunicación es parte del esfuerzo diocesano de comprometerse con el mejoramiento de aquéllos que han sido lastimados o abusados sexualmente recientemente o en el pasado por miembros del clero, religiosos u otros empleados de la Diócesis de Houma-Thibodaux. El horario de la Línea de Comunicación de la Diócesis de Houma-Thibodaux es de 8:30 a.m. a 4:30 p.m., de lunes a viernes. El encargado de esta línea es un profesional capacitado en salud mental. Se ofrece asistencia adicional al ser solicitada.

Línea de Comunicación de la Diócesis de Houma-Thibodaux Número de teléfono (985) 873-0026. Vea el detallado procedimiento de informes en: www.htdiocese.org. Haga clic en Safe Environment y luego S.E. Forms and Links.

Ñöôøng daây ñieän thoaïi Cöùu giuùp Giaùo phaän Ñeå höôûng öùng Hieán chöông Baûo veä Treû em vaø Giôùi treû töø Hoäi ñoàng Giaùm muïc Hoa kyø, Giaùo phaän Houma-Thibodaux ñang chuaån bò ñöôøng daây ñieän thoaïi Cöùu giuùp (luùc tröôùc laø ñöôøng daây lieân laïc baûo veä treû em). Ñöôøng daây ñieän thoaïi Cöùu giuùp laø moät söï coá gaéng cuûa giaùo phaän nhaèm cam keát haøn gaén naâng ñôõ nhöõng ai ñaõ bò toån thöông hoaëc bò laïm duïng tính duïc hoaëc gaàn ñaây hoaëc trong quaù khöù bôûi giaùo só, tu só hoaëc caùc coâng nhaân vieân cuûa Giaùo phaän Houma-Thibodaux. Ñöôøng daây ñieän thoaïi Cöùu giuùp Giaùo phaän hoaït ñoäng töø 8:30 saùng ñeán 4:30 chieàu, thöù hai ñeán thöù saùu. Moät nhaân vieân chuyeân nghieäp veà söùc khoûe taâm thaàn traû lôøi treân ñöôøng daây ñieän thoaïi. Nhöõng caù nhaân seõ ñöôïc trôï giuùp naâng ñôõ theâm neáu caàn. Ñöôøng daây ñieän thoaïi Cöùu giuùp Giaùo phaän Soá ñieän thoaïi: (985) 873-0026. Caàn bieát theâm chi tieát veà caùch baùo caùo xin vaøo trang web cuûa ñòa phaän laø www.htdiocese.org. Baám vaøo muïc Safe Environment, sau ñoù tôùi muïc S.E. Forms vaø Links.




Welcome Bishop Shelton J. Fabre, center, who serves as president of the Louisiana Interchurch Conference, held a press conference recently to announce the Bread or Stones Campaign. With him, from left, are Rob Gorman, executive director of Catholic Charities Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux; Mary Collins, representing Church Women United; Rev. Dan Krutz, LIC executive director; and Carol Spruell, representing Catholic Charities Diocese of Baton Rouge.


Editor’s Corner Louis G. Aguirre Editor & General Manager

Bread or Stones

“Would one of you hand his child a stone when he asks for a loaf … ?” (Matthew 7:9). The Louisiana Interchurch Conference (LIC), comprised of 16 Catholic and Protestant denominations representing over 1,000 churches, recently launched a five-year campaign to improve the lives of children throughout the State of Louisiana. The LIC Bread or Stones campaign will focus primarily on improving services in four areas that most impact child well-being: maternal and child health; school readiness and school dropout prevention; marriage and family supports; and child poverty reduction. Bishop Shelton J. Fabre, who serves as president of the LIC, says “In reports such as the Annie E. Casey Annual Kid’s Count, Louisiana has consistently been ranked as one of the worst states in all measures of child wellbeing. This is completely unacceptable. We can do better.” Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • June 2014


“The LIC board calls upon the Governor of Louisiana and the Louisiana Legislature to set a goal and commit to a specific improvement in our national ranking,” says Bishop Fabre. “Without such a goal, we will continue to fail our children. We believe we can improve child well-being by working collaboratively with the state and among religious, non-profits, and civic organizations through education, social services, advocacy and community development and organizing,” he emphasized. Rev. Dan Krutz, LIC executive director, says “Louisiana has shown that child well-being can be improved through such programs as the Louisiana Children’s Health Insurance Program (LaCHIP), the Louisiana Earned Income Tax Credit and Maternal and Child Health Care Initiatives.” Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey of the United Methodist Church says “We have shown improvement in decreasing the number of lowbirth-weight indicators.” However, the bishop points out that among the 1,107,000 children in Louisiana more than one in four (28 percent) live in poverty, which has a fundamental impact on whether or not children thrive. “For too many years, instead of bread we have been handing stones to our Louisiana children,” concluded Bishop Fabre. Together we can make a change. Let us resolve to support this initiative and to let our voices be heard by the governor and the legislature.

Father has special Father’s Day Father’s Day, which is June 15, holds a special meaning for Father Roger E. “Jerry” Villarrubia Jr., who is a devoted father as a parent to seven children and grandparent to 19 grandchildren and two great grandchildren, and also a devoted father as an ordained priest for the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux. Father Villarrubia holds the distinction of being married earlier in his life and becoming an ordained priest after his wife of 35 years, Marie “Lee” Richard, passed away in February 1991. Father Villarrubia entered Notre Dame Seminary to study for the priesthood at the age of 18, but left after six years “for personal reasons.” Four years after his wife died, he began to feel that God was calling him back to the priesthood. Although he says it was very scary at first, once he made the decision to pursue his calling, everything just fell into place. He was ordained to the priesthood May 22, 1999, and enjoyed nine years of active ministry before retiring in 2007. He celebrates his 85th birthday this month. Father Villarrubia said that being married and having children helped him in his priestly ministry mostly when dealing with couples preparing for marriage. Because he had been there and understood what they were going through, it helped him form a bond with the couples.

Father Jerry Villarrubia poses with his seven children. Seated from left are Ann, Maria and Cecile. Standing from left are Jude, Paul, Steve and Jerome.


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Comment Comfort For My People Bishop Shelton J. Fabre

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It goes without saying that the focus of the church is ALWAYS on our appreciation of and respect for the Eucharist. However, there are two celebrations of the church’s year that raise up before us in a very special way our appreciation and understanding of the Eucharist. The first is at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, which takes place on Holy Thursday, and the second is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ or Corpus Christi. The Feast of Corpus Christi in the universal calendar of the church is celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, and celebrating it on a Thursday seems intentional as it ties it to Holy Thursday. However, for pastoral reasons, here in the United States the Feast of Corpus Christi is celebrated on the weekend after the celebration of the Most Holy Trinity. In focusing us in a special way on the Eucharist, the Feast of Corpus Christi invites us to remember that in the celebration of Mass we express our faith in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, which means that we believe that Jesus is really present in the consecrated bread and wine. “In the most blessed sacrament of the Eucharist the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity, or our Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore, the whole Christ is truly, really and substantially contained”

(Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 1374). By respectfully genuflecting or bowing and by our worthy reception, we show our respect and appreciation for the Lord present in the Eucharist. However, our respect for the Eucharist is not something that is restricted to the celebration of Mass alone. The Catholic Church has always offered and still offers to the Blessed Sacrament “ . . . adoration, not only during Mass, but also outside of it, reserving the consecrated hosts with the utmost care, exposing them to the solemn veneration of the faithful, and carrying them in procession” (CCC, no. 1378). In addition to eucharistic adoration outside of Mass, the church also states that to carry the Eucharist in procession is


also a way to venerate the Lord in the Eucharist. In support of this, there is the wonderful tradition in the church of undertaking a eucharistic procession on the Feast of Corpus Christi. I am happy to announce that on Saturday, June 21, following the 4 p.m. Mass for the Feast of Corpus Christi at the Cathedral of St. Francis de Sales in Houma, we will have a Corpus Christi procession. All are invited to attend this Mass and eucharistic procession that will follow. There are two faith understandings that I think are expressed by a Corpus Christi procession. The first is that a Corpus Christi procession expresses our

willingness to follow after the Lord as we make our way through life. Life today can be challenging and difficult. The significant decisions that we have to make can be complex and complicated. As we follow in procession behind the eucharistic Lord, it is a clear indication that we are willing to follow our Lord Jesus Christ and the teachings of his church as we live our life out in the world. If we allow him, Jesus Christ will lead us through the storms of life as we follow after him. The second understanding of the Eucharist that a Corpus Christi procession indicates is our desire as disciples of Jesus Christ to bring Jesus Christ to the entire world. We are called to live the reality of the Eucharist when we leave the celebration of Mass, which means that because we have received the Lord in the Eucharist we are to bring his loving presence to others by way of our words and actions. A Corpus Christi procession is an outward indication of our understanding that we are to bring the presence of Jesus to all places beyond the walls of the church: into our homes and schools; into our workplace and the marketplace; and indeed into the streets and all places where we go each and every day. In a Corpus Christi procession we literally take the presence of Jesus Christ beyond the church walls, indicating our desire to bring him to the world. Please consider joining us for the Corpus Christi procession as we follow after the Lord and bring him to others. It goes without saying that June is dedicated to fathers! A HAPPY FATHERS’DAY to all who are fathers or are like fathers to others. We pray that through the intercession of St. Joseph, foster father of our Lord Jesus Christ and patron saint of all fathers, God will bestow abundant grace and blessings on all fathers. Grace and peace to you!

Join me in Corpus Christi procession June 21 at cathedral Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • June 2014


Únanse conmigo en la procesión de Corpus Christi el 21 de junio en la catedral


Todos sabemos que la misión de la Iglesia es SIEMPRE enfocar nuestro aprecio y respeto por la Eucaristía. Sin embargo, hay dos festividades durante el año eclesiástico que nos dan la oportunidad de comprender mejor la Eucaristía y brindar nuestro aprecio de manera especial por la Eucaristía. El primer evento es la Misa de la Ultima Cena que se celebra el Jueves Santo y el segundo evento es la Solemnidad del Santísimo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo o Corpus Christi. La Festividad de Corpus Christi en el calendario universal de la Iglesia se celebra el jueves que sigue después del Domingo de la Santísima Trinidad y celebrándolo el jueves parece ser intencional ya que lo enlaza con el Jueves Santo. No obstante, por razones pastorales aquí en los Estados Unidos la Festividad de Corpus Christi se celebra el fin de semana que sigue la celebración de la Santísima Trinidad. La Festividad de Corpus Christi no solamente se concentra en la Eucaristía sino también nos invita a recordar que en la Misa nosotros expresamos nuestra fe en la presencia verdadera de Cristo en la Eucaristía, significando que creemos que Jesús está en verdad presente en el pan consagrado y el vino. «En el santísimo sacramento de la Eucaristía están contenidos verdadera, real y substancialmente el Cuerpo y la Sangre junto con el alma y la divinidad de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, y, por consiguiente, Cristo entero» (Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, no. 1374). Demostramos nuestro respeto y aprecio por el Señor presente en la Eucaristía hincándonos y demostrando reverencia. Pero nuestro respeto por la Eucaristía no es algo que se limita a la Misa. La Iglesia Católica siempre ha dado y continúa dando el Santísimo Sacramento


«… adoración que se debe al sacramento de la Eucaristía no solamente durante la Misa, sino también fuera de su celebración: conservando con el mayor cuidado las hostias consagradas, presentándolas a los fieles para que las veneren con solemnidad, llevándolas en procesión.» (CIC, no. 1378). Además de la adoración eucarística fuera de la Misa, la Iglesia también declara que llevar a cabo la Eucaristía en procesión es también otra manera de venerar al Señor en la Eucaristía. Apoyando este punto, en la Iglesia existe una bella tradición de llevar a cabo una procesión eucarística en la Festividad de Corpus Christi. Con mucho júbilo anuncio que el sábado, 21 de junio después de la misa de la Festividad de Corpus Christi a las cuatro de la tarde en la Catedral de San Francisco de Sales en Houma, tendremos una procesión de Corpus Christi. Todos están invitados asistir esta Misa y la procesión eucarística que le sigue. Hay dos entendimientos de fe que pienso se expresan en la procesión de Corpus Christi. El primero es que la procesión de Corpus Christi comunica nuestra voluntad de seguir al Señor así como nosotros seguimos nuestra senda por la vida. La vida hoy en día suele ser desafiante y difícil. Las decisiones significantes que debemos tomar

pueden ser complejas y enredadas. Mientras seguimos en procesión al Señor eucarístico es muy claro que estamos dispuestos a seguir nuestro Señor Jesucristo y las enseñanzas de su Iglesia en nuestra vida mundana. Si le permitimos, Jesucristo nos guiará a través de las tempestades en la vida. El segundo entendimiento de la Eucaristía que la procesión de Corpus Christi señala es nuestro deseo como discípulos de Jesucristo de llevar a Jesucristo a todo el mundo. Recibimos el llamado a vivir la realidad de la Eucaristía cuando dejamos la Misa, por el hecho de haber recibido la Eucaristía del Señor, significando que debemos llevar su presencia amorosa a nuestros semejantes con nuestras palabras y actos. La procesión de Corpus Christi es una expresión externa de la compresión que debemos llevar la presencia de Jesús a todos los lugares más allá de los muros de la Iglesia: en nuestros hogares y escuelas; en nuestros empleos y mercados; en las calles y todos los lugares que vayamos cotidianamente. En una procesión de Corpus Christi tomamos la presencia de Jesucristo más allá de los muros de la Iglesia, indicando nuestro deseo de llevarlo a todo el mundo. Considere unirse a nosotros en la procesión de Corpus Christi en nuestro caminar con el Señor y llevando al Señor a los demás. ¡Todos sabemos que junio es dedicado a los padres! Deseo un FELIZ DIA DEL PADRE a todos los padres o los que llevan a cabo el papel de padres. Ruego que por medio de la intercesión de San José, padre adoptivo de nuestro Señor Jesucristo y santo patrono de todos los padres, Dios colme de gracia abundante y bendiciones a todos los padres. ¡Dios los colme de gracia y paz a todos ustedes! Traducido por Julio Contreras, feligrés de Iglesia Católica Annunziata en Houma. www.bayoucatholic.com


Binh luan bang loi

Cuøng Vôùi Toâi Röôùc Kieäu Thaùnh Theå Taïi Nhaø Thôø Chính Toaø Ngaøy 21 Thaùng 6.

L 10

Löôùt qua maø khoâng caàn phaûi nhieàu lôøi cho chuùng ta thaáy raèng troïng ñieåm cuûa Giaùo Hoäi laø LUOÂN LUOÂN ñaùnh giaù cao vaø toân kính Thaùnh Theå. Tuy nhieân, moãi naêm coù hai ngaøy leã nhaéc nhôû cho chuùng ta moät caùch ñaëc bieät veà giaù trò vaø söï hieåu bieát veà Thaùnh Theå. Thaùnh Leã thöù nhaát laø Böõa Tieäc Ly, ñöôïc cöû haønh vaøo thöù naêm tuaàn thaùnh, vaø thöù hai laø Leã Mình vaø Maùu Thaùnh Chuùa. Trong lòch phuïng vuï cho toaøn theå Giaùo Hoäi thì Leã Mình vaø Maùu Thaùnh Chuùa ñöôïc cöû haønh vaøo ngaøy thöù naêm sau Chuùa Nhaät Leã Chuùa Ba Ngoâi, vaø Leã ñoù ñöôïc cöû haønh vaøo ngaøy thöù naêm ñeàu coù haøm yù cuûa noù, nhö laø gaén lieàn vôùi ngaøy thöù naêm tuaàn thaùnh. Tuy nhieân, vì lyù do phuïng vuï, Giaùo Hoäi Coâng Giaùo Hoa Kyø cöû haønh Leã Mình vaø Maùu Thaùnh Chuùa moät tuaàn sau Chuùa Nhaät Leã Chuùa Ba Ngoâi. Ñeå chuù taâm ñaëc bieät vaøo Thaùnh Theå, Leã Mình vaø Maùu Thaùnh Chuùa nhaéc nhôû cho chuùng ta thaáy raèng khi cöû haønh Thaùnh Leã chuùng ta baøy toû ñöùc tin, tin vaøo söï hieän dieän cuûa Chuùa trong Thaùnh Theå, nghóa laø tin Chuùa Gieâsu thaät söï hieän höõu trong taám baùnh vaø cheùn röôïu ñaõ ñöôïc truyeàn pheùp. “Trong bí tích Thaùnh Theå Mình vaø Maùu, cuøng vôùi Linh Hoàn vaø Thieân Tính, hay Chuùa Gieâsu Kytoâ, Chuùa chuùng ta, Chuùa Kytoâ hoaøn toaøn vaø thaät söï hieän höõu trong baùnh vaø röôïu” (Giaùo Lyù Coâng Giaùo soá 1374). Trong söï toân nghieâm baùi quyø vaø laõnh nhaän Thaùnh Theå soát saéng thì chuùng ta baøy toû söï toân kính vaø caûm nhaän ñöôïc giaù trò maø Chuùa Gieâsu hieän dieän trong Thaùnh Theå. Tuy nhieân, söï toân kính Thaùnh Theå khoâng chæ giôùi haïn trong Thaùnh Leã maø thoâi. Giaùo Hoäi Coâng Giaùo luoân luoân vaø maõi maõi ban cho chuùng ta Bí Tích Thaùnh Theå “….vieáng Thaùnh Theå, khoâng chæ trong Thaùnh Leã, nhöng ngoaøi

Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • June 2014

Thaùnh Leã nöõa, caát Mình Thaùnh vaøo Nhaø Taïm vôùi loøng toân kính tuyeät ñoái, ñaët Mình Thaùnh cho giaùo daân chaàu, vaø röôùc kieäu Thaùnh Theå” (Giaùo Lyù Coâng Giaùo 1378). Ngoaøi Chaàu Thaùnh Theå ra, Giaùo Hoäi cuõng noùi raèng röôùc Thaùnh Theå cuõng laø moät caùch toân kính Mình vaø Maùu Thaùnh Chuùa. Ñeå ñaûm baûo cho nhöõng gì ñaõ noùi, trong Giaùo Hoäi ñaõ coù truyeàn thoáng röôùc kieäu Thaùnh Theå trong dòp Leã Mình vaø Maùu Thaùnh Chuùa. Rieâng toâi vui möøng thoâng baùo cho anh chò em laø thöù baûy, ngaøy 21 thaùng 6, sau Leã 4 giôø chieàu, Leã Mình vaø Maùu Thaùnh Chuùa ôû nhaø thôø Chính Toaø, thaønh

phoá Houma chuùng ta seõ coù röôùc kieäu Thaùnh Theå. Kính môøi anh chò em tham gia Thaùnh Leã vaø röôùc kieäu sau ñoù. Coù hai khía caïnh veà ñöùc tin maø toâi nghó raèng röôùc kieäu Thaùnh Theå seõ mang laïi. Khía caïnh thöù nhaát maø röôùc kieäu Thaùnh Theå mang laïi laø chuùng ta saüng saøng theo chaân chuùa Gieâsu treân döông theá. Ñôøi soáng ñöông thôøi coù nhieàu thöû thaùch vaø khoù khaên. Moïi quyeát ñònh coù giaù trò maø chuùng ta ñoái dieän coù theå nan giaûi vaø raéc roái. Nhöng khi chuùng ta ñi theo

Thaùnh Theå trong ñoaøn röôùc ñieàu ñoù cho thaáy raèng chuùng ta saüng saøng theo con ñöôøng maø Chuùa ñaõ ñi vaø nghe lôøi Giaùi Hoäi daïy baûo maø chuùng ta haønh trình treân ñöôøng löõ thöù traàn gian naøy. Neáu chuùng ta theo chaân Ngaøi, Chuùa Gieâsu Kytoâ seõ giuùp chuùng ta thoaùt khoûi baõo toá traàn theá vì Ngaøi dìu daét chuùng ta. Khía caïnh thöù hai thoâng hieåu veà Thaùnh Theå maø röôùc kieäu Thaùnh Theå mang laïi-laø moân ñeä cuûa Chuùa chuùng ta ao öôùc mang Chuùa Gieâsu cho toaøn theá giôùi. Chuùng ta ñöôïc môøi goïi soáng söï thaät veà Thaùnh Theå sau khi rôøi baøn tieäc Thaùnh, nghóa laø sau khi laõnh nhaän Mình vaø Maùu Thaùnh Chuùa chuùng ta ñem ñeán cho ngöôøi khaùc söï hieän dieän yeâu thöông cuûa Chuùa qua lôøi noùi vaø haønh ñoäng. Röôùc kieäu Thaùnh Theå laø daáu chæ beà ngoaøi maø söï hieåu bieát cho raèng chuùng ta quyeát taâm ñem Chuùa ñeán moïi nôi beân ngoaøi böùc töôøng nhaø thôø: nhö ngay taïi nhaø ôû vaø tröôøng hoïc; trong nôi laøm vieäc vaø thò tröôøng; vaø treân ñöôøng ñi vaø taát caû moïi nôi maø chuùng ta ñaët chaân tôùi. Röôùc kieäu Thaùnh Theå nghóa laø chuùng ta ñem Chuùa Gieâsu ra ngoaøi böùc töôøng nhaø thôø, cho thaáy raèng chuùng ta ñem Chuùa cho theá gian. Kính môøi anh chò em cuøng vôùi toâi röôùc kieäu Thaùnh Theå ñeå chuùng ta cuøng böôùc theo chaân Chuùa vaø ñem Ngaøi ñeán cho ngöôøi khaùc. Löôùt ñi maø khoâng caàn phaûi nhieàu lôøi raèng thaùng saùu ñöôïc daønh cho nhöõng ngöôøi cha! Chuùc Möøng nhöõng ngöôøi cha, cha ñeû cuõng nhö göông laøm cha ñoái vôùi ngöôøi khaùc. Chuùng ta cuøng caàu nguyeän qua lôøi chuyeån caàu cuûa Thaùnh caû Giuse, cha nuoâi Chuùa Gieâsu vaø thaùnh quan thaày caùc ngöôøi cha, Chuùa seõ ban ôn doài daøo vaø ban pheùp laønh cho caùc ngöôøi cha. AÂn suûng vaø bình an treân anh chò em! Dòch thuaät: Linh Muïc Pheâroâ Leâ Taøi, Chaùnh sôû nhaø thôø Our Lady of the Isle.

The collection will be held June 28 and 29. Thank you, your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Comment The Pope Speaks

V 12

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- God is always by our side, never giving us more than we can handle, Pope Francis said. The countless women and men who stand tall through enormous difficulties, pain and especially persecution, are armed with the divine gift of fortitude that gives them the strength and hope to go on, he said. “It will do us good to think about these people: If they can do it, why can’t I? Let’s ask the Lord for the gift of fortitude,” he said during his weekly general audience in St. Peter’s Square May 14. Highlighting some of the tragedies facing people today, the pope made a special appeal at the end of his audience talk. He urged everyone to work together to prevent the “shameful massacres” of hundreds of immigrants who drown in the Mediterranean while attempting to reach Europe from North Africa. The pope’s appeal came after two boats sank attempting to make the crossing in early May; 53 bodies were recovered and about 250 people rescued, but hundreds more were thought to be missing as of May 14. Pope Francis also said his prayers were with those killed after a mine explosion in Soma, Turkey. Government authorities said the explosion May 13 left 205 people dead and dozens more trapped May 14 in underground tunnels.

In his main audience talk, the pope continued a series on the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord. Looking at the gift of fortitude, Pope Francis said, “sometimes we can be tempted to let ourselves be taken over by laziness or worse, discouragement, especially when


Pope Francis kisses a sleeping baby as he leaves his general audience in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican May 21.

facing the strain and trials of life.” God, like a sower of seeds, is always spreading his word in the world, the pope said, showing the

way toward peace and salvation. However, the Gospel message doesn’t always bear fruit, he said. But when it does, it’s because the Holy Spirit has prepared “the soil” and cleared the way “in our hearts, freeing us from the lethargy, the uncertainty and the many fears” that prevent his word from taking root. It is easy for life’s many difficulties and hardships to block the way -- like the everyday struggles of supporting one’s family and trying to raise children, but also the more severe tragedies of persecution and martyrdom. However, the pope said, “there is no lack of Christians in many parts of the world who continue to celebrate and give witness to their faith, with deep conviction and serenity, and they hold strong even when they know that it may carry with it a high price.” Everyone knows someone who is a “hidden saint,” he said, a person who brings honor to all Catholics, who “honors our church because they are strong, strong in carrying on in life, in their families, their work, their faith.” “They do it because the Spirit is helping them,” he said. “They have the gift of fortitude to carry out their responsibilities as individuals, as fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, citizens. We have many, many” of these “every-day saints, saints hidden among us.” People should always remember what St. Paul the Apostle said: “I have the strength for everything through him who empowers me,” the pope said. It shows that “the Lord gives strength, always. He’s never missing. The Lord doesn’t try us beyond what we can bear. He is always with us.” “Pray to the Holy Spirit so that the gift of fortitude may lift up our hearts and bring new strength and enthusiasm to our life and our journey following Jesus,” the pope urged people at his audience.

God makes no one struggle with life’s challenges alone

Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • June 2014

Question Corner

and, second, to honor the fact that the communicants are in fact receiving the Eucharist rather than administering it to themselves. As for the cardinals you saw on television receiving by intinction, as concelebrants they were permitted to self-communicate.

Father Kenneth Doyle

Communion by intinction?


Q. What is the church’s official position on the practice of the communicant’s dipping the host into the chalice of precious blood before receiving Communion? It would seem like a good idea, especially if the communicant has a cold or other flu-like symptoms. I recently watched on EWTN a Mass at St. Peter’s in Vatican City, and it looked as though several cardinals were receiving Communion this way, by intinction. (Terre Haute, Indiana)


A. The practice you describe -- with the communicants themselves dipping the host into the precious blood -- is not allowed in the Latin rite of the Catholic Church. When the practice of intinction is used, it is governed by strict conditions. As the General Instruction of the Roman Missal provides, in No. 287, “each communicant, holding a Communion plate under the mouth, approaches the priest who holds a vessel with the sacred particles, with a minister standing at his side and holding the chalice. The priest takes a host, intincts it partly in the chalice and, showing it, says, the body and blood of Christ. The communicant replies, Amen, receives the sacrament in the mouth from the priest and then withdraws.” The reasons for these careful conditions are two-fold: first, reverence for the sacred species in safeguarding against spillage


Sponsors and validity of baptism


Q. My daughter is now 17 years old. When she was baptized as an infant, I asked my brother and his wife to be her godparents. My brother was a practicing Catholic, but it never occurred to me at the time that he had never received the sacrament of confirmation, which -- I have learned since then -- is required of a baptismal sponsor. His wife is a convert to Catholicism and entered the church during the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) ceremony, at which she would have been confirmed. But I’m not sure whether that took place before or after my daughter’s baptism. So my concern -- and I know it’s pretty late to be thinking about it now -- is whether my daughter was truly baptized, since it may be that neither one of her godparents had been confirmed at the time. (Virginia)


A. The church’s Code of Canon Law (in No. 874, Section 3) stipulates that a sponsor for baptism must “be a Catholic who has been confirmed and has already received the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist and who leads a life of faith in keeping with the function to be taken on.” But your question really is, how does that requirement affect the validity of the sacrament, and here’s a clue to the answer: When an adult convert is being received into full communion with the Catholic Church, how do we determine whether he or she may have been already validly baptized? The essential requirements are three: water must have been used (by pouring or immersion); the correct formula must have been used by the minister (“I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”); and the minister must have had the proper intention (to baptize the person into full 13 communion with the church.) In an emergency situation, when a mother, for example, baptizes a newborn who is in danger of death, that baptism “counts,” even without a sponsor. So you needn’t worry: Your daughter is validly baptized, fully a member of the Catholic Church. And here’s a rule of thumb when such anxieties occur: Until you can get an “official” answer, relax and ask yourself this question, “What does God think?” Seventeen years ago, you wanted your daughter baptized, and the priest did, too. That was probably good enough for God. Questions may be sent to Father Kenneth Doyle at askfatherdoyle@gmail.com and 40 Hopewell St., Albany, N.Y. 12208. 2014 Catholic News Service

Questions maybe sent to Father Kenneth Doyle at askfatherdoyle@gmail.com and 40 Hopewell St., Albany, N.Y. 12208 www.bayoucatholic.com

Reflections Readings Between The Lines Father Glenn LeCompte

‘Don’t just sit there! Act on your faith!’

T 14

“Too much inactivity can leave you prone to such deadly ailments as heart disease and obesity. The advice: Get moving.” This quote from an article in womenshealthmag.com, is obviously encouraging women to get some exercise for the sake of their health. Of course, men have been given the same advice. Matthew’s Jesus also advises his disciples to be active, lest they face not physical, but dire spiritual consequences. As I will demonstrate in this article, the necessity of acting on Jesus’ words appears repeatedly in the first Gospel, a fact which indicates that the theme of activity is a significant one. Why might Matthew have been so concerned with presenting Jesus’ teaching on the necessity of apostolic works? Matthew’s Gospel was probably written between 70 and 90 A.D. By the latter third of the first century, Christians were already beginning to perceive that the return of Jesus, which is prophesied both by Paul and the evangelists, was not going to happen soon. So what do disciples do as they wait for the Lord’s return? To answer this question Matthew selected a number of passages, some unique to his Gospel, in which disciples are exhorted to express their faith in action. Two of the earliest examples of this theme of action in Matthew are to be found in the Sermon

Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • June 2014

on the Mount. In 5:13-16, Jesus likens his disciples to salt, light, a lamp and a city set on a hill. As salt preserves and light provides illumination, so must the disciples work to help others be safeguarded from evil and find the light of truth. In other words, they must actively share their faith; they cannot hoard it. While this call to action occurs near the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount, another, even stronger admonition to act is found near the end of it. The verbal expression of a relationship with Jesus is insufficient for entrance into the Kingdom, rather, doing the Father’s will is necessary for admittance (7:21). Why does Jesus say this? Acting on one’s faith will firmly establish one in faith, whereas the failure to do so will leave the person in a position to be carried away by the winds of challenge (7:24-27). The theme of acting or the failure to do so returns in Jesus’ utterance of the parable of the Two Sons (21:28-32), which constitutes a second response to the religious leaders’ questioning of Jesus’ authority to cleanse the Temple, teach and heal there (21:23). In the parable, two sons are both enjoined by their father to work in his vineyard. One gives a verbal “yes” to his father, but does nothing. The second at first says, “no,” but then regrets (literally “repents of”) his decision and does as his father asked. “Which of the two did the father’s will?” Jesus asks (21:31). The leaders indict themselves when they answer correctly that the second of the two sons did (21:31). Jesus then points out that unlike the outcasts who acted on John’s preaching and repented the leaders have failed to do so (21:31b32). The action called for here is repentance.


uesti Q n o i t Reflec

Matthew 25 articulates the theme of the necessity of action from beginning to end. Consisting of three distinct sections, the chapter begins with Jesus’ parable of the Ten Virgins (25:1-13), a parable unique to Matthew. In anticipation of the return of a bridegroom, the virgins bear lamps (25:1). Five of them wisely remain active by obtaining extra oil for their lamps that they might not burn out, whereas the other five foolishly fail to do so (25:3-4). The bridegroom is delayed in coming back (25:5). When they are alerted of the return of the bridegroom, the foolish virgins have to scurry off to the dealers to try to buy oil to reignite their lamps, which have burned out in the meantime (25:69). The bridegroom returns; the foolish virgins are locked out of the wedding feast, and when they request entrance, the bridegroom claims no knowledge of them (25:10-12). The lamp oil represents “good deeds”; disciples who fail to possess them cannot enter the Kingdom. The parable of the Talents (25:14-30) depicts a scene in which “talents,” a monetary denomination, are distributed to slaves who, the reader learns, are expected to work with them by investing them. Two who do so are commended, while one fails and is chastised by the master. The point is that we are to work with the talents God has given us by doing good. The final passage in chapter 25 (verses 31-46) specifies how we are to use our abilities. We are to tend to the needs of those deprived of life’s necessities. Matthew’s Jesus, then, teaches that we must express our faith in action if we desire entrance into the Kingdom.

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Blessed Jolenta of Poland c. 1235 - 1298 feast - June 12

CNS file illustration

The daughter of King Bela IV of Hungary and granddaughter of the emperor of Constantinople, this medieval princess was raised by her elder sister, St. Kunigunde, queen of Poland. Their family tree included other saints: Hedwig, Elizabeth of Hungary and Margaret of Hungary. Jolenta married a Polish duke whose charitable works earned him the popular name “Boleslaus the Pious.” After his death in 1279 and the marriage of two daughters, Jolenta, Kunigunde, also now widowed, and Jolenta’s youngest daughter entered a Poor Clares convent. Jolenta later became abbess of a convent she had founded with her husband. Also known as Helen of Poland and Yolanda of Poland, Jolenta was beatified in 1827.

Saints © 2014 Catholic News Service

Aloysius Gonzaga c. 1568 - 1591 feast - June 21

CNS file photo

Born to a noble Italian family, Aloysius served as a page in Spain and Italy. His father opposed a religious vocation, planning instead a military career for his oldest son. But Aloysius joined the Jesuits in Rome in 1585, taking his vows two years later. His health had been compromised by kidney disease, but he served in a Jesuit hospital opened in Rome when plague struck the city. He died of plague while ministering to the sick. St. Robert Bellarmine, his spiritual director, said the young Jesuit’s austere religious practices and penances were so extreme that others should not follow them. Canonized in 1726, Aloysius later was declared protector of young students and patron saint of Catholic youth.

Saints © 2014 Catholic News Service

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c. 1469 - 1535 feast - June 22

A Yorkshire draper’s son, John was one of the “new men” of Tudor England, a distinguished scholar at Cambridge University who was ordained at age 22. Privately austere, John held several high offices: chaplain to a king’s mother, vice chancellor and chancellor of Cambridge, bishop of Rochester, counselor to Catherine of Aragon during King Henry VIII’s divorce proceedings against her. But John steadfastly refused to accept Henry as head of the church in England, and was imprisoned. The pope named him a cardinal, which further enraged Henry, who ordered John’s beheading. He shares this feast with his friend and fellow martyr, Thomas More; their heads were impaled on London Bridge two weeks apart.




John Fisher CNS file photo


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Church Life

Jacob Lipari III, Stephen Lefort and Alex Gaudet were ordained as transitional deacons during a ceremony at St. Joseph Co-Cathedral in Thibodaux recently. Bishop Shelton J. Fabre was the ordaining prelate.

Photos by Lawrence Chatagnier


Consecrated to


Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • June 2014

Priests of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux along with Bishop Emeritus Sam G. Jacobs concelebrated the Mass.

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Rev. Arogyasami

Rev. Msgr. Brunet

Rev. Grecia

Rev. Lazarra

Rev. Leyble

Rev. Mahler

Rev. Perkins

Rev. Pilola

Rev. Poche’

Rev. Sabaricos

Rev. Semar

Rev. Todd

Rev. Toups

Rev. Tregre

Rev. Veloso

Retirements, priestly appointments announced, all effective July 1 The retirement of two priests, the appointment of seven pastors, two administrators, three associates and one advanced studies assignment all effective July 1, 2014, have been announced by Bishop Shelton J. Fabre. The Rev. Msgr. Frederic J. Brunet, who has been serving as pastor of St. Joseph Church parish in Chauvin, for the past 42 years, is retiring. Msgr. Brunet is a native of Thibodaux, LA. He was ordained June 6, 1960. The Rev. Daniel (Danny) Poche’, who has been serving as pastor of Holy Cross Church parish in Morgan City, for the past nine years, is retiring. Father Poche’ is a native of Houma, LA. He was ordained March 4, 1978. In a letter to the priests, Bishop Fabre expressed deep gratitude Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • June 2014

to Msgr. Brunet and to Father Poche’ for their many years of priestly ministry and wished God’s abundant blessings upon them as they retire. The Rev. Rholando (Rholly) Grecia, who has been serving as associate pastor of Our Lady of the Rosary Church parish in Larose since June 2011 and Sacred Heart Church parish in Cut Off since October 2013, has been appointed pastor of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Church parish in Houma, for a period of six years. Father Grecia is a native of Lucena City, Philippines. He was ordained Sept. 8, 1998. The Rev. Clyde Mahler, who has been serving as pastor of Maria Immacolata Church parish in Houma since June 2004, has been appointed as pastor of Holy Cross

Church parish in Morgan City, for a period of six years. Father Mahler is a native of Kraemer, LA. He was ordained May 22, 1999. The Rev. Charles (Charlie) Perkins, who has been serving as pastor of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Church parish in Houma since June 2012, has been appointed as pastor of St. Mary’s Nativity Church parish in Raceland, for a period of six years. Father Perkins is a native of Thibodaux, LA. He was ordained Feb. 25, 1978. The Rev. Joseph (Joey) Pilola, who has been serving as administrator of Holy Family Church parish in Grand Caillou since April 2014, has been appointed pastor of Maria Immacolata Church parish in Houma, for a period of six years. Father Pilola is a


native of Fort Dix, NJ. He was ordained May 30, 1987. The Rev. Wilmer (Willie) Todd, who has been retired since June 2007, has been appointed pastor of St. Joseph Church parish in Chauvin, for a period of six years. Father Todd is a native of New Orleans, LA. He was ordained Dec. 21, 1963. The Rev. Mitchel (Mitch) Semar, who has been serving as associate pastor of St. Luke Church parish in Thibodaux and St. Lucy Church parish in Houma since June 2012 has been appointed pastor of these two parishes, for a period of six years. Father Semar is a native of Sulphur, LA. He was ordained May 26, 2012. The Rev. Mark Toups, who has been serving as administrator of Christ the Redeemer Church parish in Thibodaux since June 2013, has been appointed pastor of that parish, for a period of six years. He will continue to serve as diocesan director of Seminarians. Father Toups is a native of Houma, LA. He was ordained May 26, 2001. The Rev. Alexis (Alex) Lazarra,

who has been serving as associate pastor of St. Hilary Church parish in Mathews since June 2013, has been appointed as administrator of Holy Family Church parish in Grand Caillou. Father Lazarra is a native of Can-Avid, E. Samar, Philippines. He was ordained June 5, 2010. The Rev. Joseph (Joey) Tregre, who has been serving as associate pastor of Annunziata Church parish in Houma since June 2012, has been appointed administrator of St. Joseph Church parish in Galliano. Father Tregre is a native of Houma, LA. He was ordained May 26, 2012. The Rev. John J. Arogyasami, who has been serving as associate pastor of St. Mary’s Nativity Church parish in Raceland since June 2013, has been appointed as associate pastor of Our Lady of the Rosary Church parish in Larose and Sacred Heart Church parish in Cut Off. Father Arogyasami is a native of Koneripatti, Tamil Nadu, India. He was ordained March 30, 1989. The Rev. Blair Sabaricos,

who has been serving as associate pastor of Christ the Redeemer Church parish in Thibodaux since February 2014, has been appointed as associate pastor of St. Joseph Co-Cathedral parish in Thibodaux. Father Sabaricos is a native of Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines. He was ordained April 10, 1991. The Rev. Mario A. Veloso, who has been serving as administrator of St. Joseph Church parish in Galliano since June 2013, has been appointed associate pastor of St. Hilary of Poitiers Church parish in Mathews. Father Veloso is a native of Maribojoc, Bohol, Philippines. He was ordained April 28, 1990. The Rev. Eric Leyble, who has been serving as associate pastor of St. Joseph Co-Cathedral parish in Thibodaux since June 2012, has been assigned to advanced studies in Canon Law at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Father Leyble is a native of Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines. He was ordained May 26, 2012.



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Young Voices


If given the opportunity to talk with Bishop Fabre about who the young church is in the diocese, what would you say? In what areas do you see the young church growing?

If speaking with Bishop Fabre on the youth in the church, I would say it is moving in a rapid speed forward. Almost every year I attend Steubenville, the numbers seem to grow larger and larger. And the youth show a great zeal toward our faith in every way, shape and form. I see the young church growing not just in numbers but also in strength to defend and protect all that God wants us to.

Bennett Duffy, 17 years old Holy Cross Church parish 2014 Central Catholic High School graduate

To me, the young church is SO important. What would this world be without the eagerness and energy of the youth? The youth represent the future church; they are saints in the making. If that flame is truly nurtured, the youth can accomplish anything. Today, we represent the childlike spirit of Christ, the spirit of joy that radiates all around us. I see many young teens stepping up as true leaders in Christ, and with that, many more will follow.

Rachel Haydel, 17 years old Cathedral of St. Francis de Sales parish Vandebilt Catholic High School

The youth of our diocese have become faithfully empowered in our efforts to end the tragedy of abortion. As a 2014 March for Life participant, many of my fellow schoolmates and I, along with other diocesan youth, had the unique opportunity to travel to Washington, D.C., and share our beliefs and experiences during the pilgrimage. After hearing testimonials, participating in prayerful protests, and sharing our own thoughts, concerns, prayers and tears with each other, I am confident that the youth of our diocese will continue to stand together as we all work to end abortion once and for all.

Courtney A. Troxclair, 18 years old St. Joseph Co-Cathedral parish 2014 E.D. White Catholic High School graduate

As a part of the young church, we are the future! It’s up to us to spread the love of the Lord to everyone! Every day I see new people stepping up to spread his news, and I believe that more of the youth will continue to do that! I see the young church growing in faith. I would like to tell Bishop Fabre that by continuing to offer us opportunities to grow in faith and by igniting the flames inside each of us, the young church will grow to be the leaders of the future!

Alexandra Zimmerman, 18 years old St. Bernadette Church parish Terrebonne High School

Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • June 2014

Summer 2014 Vocation Retreats


a come & see retreat for women diocese


daux houma-thibo

Join Mother Olga of the Sacred Heart (Daughters of Mary of Nazareth), Sister Effata, Sister Letizia (Little Sisters of Jesus and Mary), Fr Josh Rodrigue, and our Vocations Office staff for 2 days of community, prayer, and talks about vocation, discernment, and religous life. WHAT WHO WHEN WHERE

A discernment and informational 2-day retreat for women wanting to know more about religious life. High School Junior & Senior Women | College-Age Young Adult Women (from the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux) Saturday, July 26, 800am - Sunday, July 27, 600pm Borromeo House @ the Convent | St Francis de Sales Cathedral campus 501 Grinage Street, Houma, LA 70360 (Parking Map on our FB Page) COST The retreat is free. For more info or to sign up, contact the Vocations Office.

sponsa christi

fraternity t for men a come & see retruea x ma-thibodau diocese



Join Fr Josh Rodrigue, other priests, our seminarians, and our Vocations Office staff for 2 days of fraternity, prayer, and talks about vocation, discernment, priesthood, and seminarian life. WHAT WHO WHEN WHERE

A discernment and informational 2-day retreat for men wanting to know more about priesthood & seminarian life. High School Junior & Senior Men | College-Age Young Adult Men (from the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux) Saturday, July 19, 800am - Sunday, July 20, 600pm Borromeo House @ the Convent | St Francis de Sales Cathedral campus 501 Grinage Street, Houma, LA 70360 (Parking Map on our FB Page) COST The retreat is free. For more info or to sign up, contact the Vocations Office. Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux Office of Vocations to Priesthood and Religious Life PO Box 505 | 2779 LA-311 | Schriever, LA 70395 Fr Joshua Rodrigue, Director of Vocations (985) 850-3149 | vocations@htdiocese.org | htvocations.com htvocations



Heavenly Recipes

s ’ e c i Bern h nd s a i f w


Cra Soup n r o C Story and Photos by Lawrence Chatagnier This month’s heavenly recipe comes from Bernice Billiot, housekeeper and cook at St. Charles Borromeo Church parish in Pointe-aux-Chenes. Her recipe of Crawfish and Corn Soup comes from her youngest son. Bernice has been working at the parish for the past eight years. She enjoys working with Father Thomas Kuriakose, the pastor there. “I enjoy working here. I have learned a lot since I’ve been here. Father Thomas has taught me about the people in his native land India; their customs and about life in general,” says the cook. She recalls growing up in a home where her mother would not allow her to help in the kitchen. “I learned how to cook from my father-in-law and my husband. They are both very good cooks. I have six children and all of them cook, also. My oldest son is a really good cook. He tells me (jokingly) that I should call him whenever I have a question on how to cook something,” she says. Bernice has lived in Pointe-aux-Chenes all of her life. She loves the community atmosphere along the bayou where she lives. “The bayou runs in front of our house, in the afternoons when you sit on the dock, friends and neighbors gather and talk about the old times and their activities on the bayou.” “We are a close-knit community here. Everyone knows one another and we all try to help each other when we can,” she says. Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • June 2014

Her love of cooking has works well with the uniqueness of the foods that come from the bayous. “I love to fix pot fried crabs. This is a dish that is unique to this area. It is easy to fix and people love it. I make it for some friends who live in Thibodaux and they are amazed at the flavor of the crabs. Although it’s called pot fried crabs it is more like smothered crabs. Her husband Alton is a fisherman. He fishes year round and the family is accustomed to having fresh seafood and wild game during hunting season. “I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. We live near the church. Our family is close by and hunting and fishing is right in our back yard.”

Crawfish and Corn Soup

1 lb. crawfish tails 1/2 cup green onions (chopped) 1/2 stick margarine 8 oz. cream cheese 2 cans corn nibblets 2 cans cream of mushroom soup 2 cans cream of potato soup 1 16 oz. half and half Tony Chachere, Tobasco sauce and liquid crab boil Saute’ green onions with margarine, add crawfish on low heat. Add cream cheese and cook until soft. Add all canned items. Pour in half and half and seasoning to taste. If too thick add a little milk. Cook until blended and to thickness preferred.

Steubenville on the Bayou is June 27-29 The ninth annual Steubenville on the Bayou Catholic Youth Conference will be held June 27-29 at the Houma-Terrebonne Civic Center. It is a spiritual weekend of prayer, praise and reflection for youth in grades 8-12. This year’s theme is “God is,” based on Isaiah 12:2: “God indeed is my salvation; I am confident and unafraid. For the LORD is my strength and my might, and he has been my salvation.” The conference is co-sponsored by the Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio and the diocesan Conference Office. Steubenville on the Bayou is one of 18 conferences held throughout North America. More than 40,000

teens are expected to attend one of these conferences this summer. Through adoration, Mass, the sacrament of reconciliation, praise and worship, and teachings, the various needs of each youth participant are met on a spiritual level. A ministry team consisting of Ennie Hickman, Paul George, Sarah Swafford, Sister Miriam Heidland and Father Leo Patalinghug helps to provide participants with these opportunities. Worship music will be led by More than Sunday. Bishop Shelton J. Fabre will preside over Mass and Bishop Emeritus Sam G. Jacobs will lead adoration. “It is an incredible, spirit-filled weekend where you can encounter God and meet others who hold the

same beliefs and values. It is also a fun weekend with lots of praise and worship music and great dynamic talks,” says Shawn Lapeyrouse, diocesan conference director. Youth must attend the conference with a group. Those who are interested should contact their parish youth minister. Adults can attend with a group or they can also volunteer for the conference in one of the many volunteer areas. For more information about the conference, visit www. SteubenvilleOnTheBayou.com, www.steubenvilleconferences. com, like us on Facebook at www. Facebook.com/SteubieBayou or follow us on Twitter @ SteubieBayou.

Donate gently-worn shoes for poor This year Steubenville on the Bayou is teaming up with Funds2Orgs for our Share the Glory project. Funds2Orgs partners with organizations to collect unwanted pairs of shoes and deliver them to developing nations where they are repurposed, creating micro-enterprise opportunities (a small business with minimal employees and minimal capital). In a developing country, necessity compels microenterprises to represent the vast majority of the small business sector. Due to a lack of formal jobs and training available to the poor, micro-enterprises add value to the economy by creating micro-jobs, enhancing income and lowering the overall cost of business. In a nutshell it works like this: groups collect shoes, Funds2Orgs sends them to hub operators in developing nations, then sells the collected items to vendors in developing countries who clean and repair the items and begin selling for a profit margin! What are we asking from each group attending the conference? Collect bags of gently worn pairs of shoes and bring them to the conference. We strongly encourage you to have each participant work on collecting

an entire bag of shoes! How is this incorporated into the conference? On Saturday, we ask that each group participate in the service project during their designated times. The participants will assist us in packaging the shoes for shipment. This allows the participants to have a handson experience in helping the developing countries who are in need of the shoes. Funds2Orgs will send a truck to pick up the packaged shoes. What is Funds2Orgs’ role? In developing countries, families that receive items from Funds2Orgs are families who have little to

no income or livelihood. These items, and their ability to be resold, represent micro-enterprise opportunities. In many cases, it is 23 the only possibility for true selfsustainability. What about the funds received by SOTB? A large portion of the funds that Steubenville on the Bayou receives as a result of the collection of the shoes will go to a charity of the conference participants’ choice. Participants can vote for the winning charity by visiting the “Share the Glory” page on www.SteubenvilleOnTheBayou. com.

The diocesan Conference Office will be offering two retreats in the month of July. The Woman of God Retreat will be held Saturday, July 12 at the diocesan Pastoral Center Conference Hall on Highway 311 in Schriever. Early registration is $24 per person and includes meals. Speakers are Bishop Emeritus Sam G. Jacobs and Friar Antonio. All women over 18 years of age are invited. The Man of God Retreat will

be held Saturday, July 26 at the diocesan Pastoral Center Conference Hall. Early registration is $24 per person and includes meals. Speakers are Bishop Emeritus Sam G. Jacobs and Friar Antonio. All men over 18 years of age are invited. Online registration is available by visiting www.htconferences.org. For more information about either of these retreats or to register by phone, call (985)850-3171.

Men, women retreats set





n Food for the Journey, Tuesday, July 1, Quality Hotel, Houma, 10:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Speaker, Deacon Jim Swiler. n Saint Kateri Mass, Friday, July 11, 6:30 p.m. at Holy Family, Grand Caillou, n Woman of God Retreat, Saturday, July 12, diocesan Pastoral Center Conference Hall. For online registration, visit www. htconferences.org or by phone


n Food for the Journey, Tuesday, Aug. 5, Quality Hotel Houma, 10:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Speaker, Rev. Danny Poche’. n Morality, Wednesdays, Aug. 6, 13, 20 and 27, diocesan Pastoral Center Conference Hall, 6:30-8:45 p.m. Speaker, Very Rev. Joshua Rodrigue, S.T.L. n Acadian Mass, Friday,

a.m.-5:30 p.m. each day. Children entering first grade through eighth grade are eligible. Cost per week is $140. Contact number is (985) 876-2971, ext. 208. Please leave a message. n aNew Experience, Wednesday, June 18, Annunziata, 7-9 p.m. Speaker, Rev. Mitchel Semar. n Catholic dioceses and parishes across the United States are once again encouraged to raise awareness for domestic and international religious freedom concerns during the third annual Fortnight for Freedom, June 21July 4. The two-week celebration

will focus on the theme, “Freedom to Serve,” emphasizing the link between religious liberty and service to the poor and vulnerable. Special intentions for the Fortnight for Freedom will be presented during the Mass for the Feast of Corpus Christi Saturday, June 21, at 4 p.m., at the Cathedral of St. Francis de Sales in Houma. n Steubenville on the Bayou, Friday through Sunday, June 27-29, Houma Terrebonne Civic Center. Registration is now open. Visit the website at www. steubenvilleonthebayou.com for more information.

(985)850-3171. Early registration is $24 per person and includes meals; all women over 18 years of age are invited. Speakers, Bishop Emeritus Sam Jacobs and Friar Antonio. n Christian Leadership Institute, July 16-20, Souby Retreat Building. n aNew Experience, Thursday, July 17, St. Bernadette, 7-9 p.m.

n Man of God Retreat, Saturday, July 26, diocesan Pastoral Center Conference Hall. For online registration, visit www. htconferences.org or by phone (985)850-3171. Early registration is $24 per person and includes meals; all men over 18 years of age are invited. Speakers, Bishop Emeritus Sam Jacobs and Friar Antonio.

Aug. 15, St. Hilary of Poitiers, Mathews, 6 p.m. n Married Couple’s Date Night with “The Groove,” Saturday, Aug. 16, Courtyard Marriott Ballroom, Houma, 6 p.m. Visit www.htconferences.org for online registration. Everyone must preregister by Friday, Aug. 8; seating

is limited. If registered by Friday, Aug. 1, names will be entered into drawing for free room at Marriott for Date Night. Cost is $75 per couple for dinner and dancing (Room packages available online) Full service dinner includes appetizer, salad, main course and dessert.


Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • June 2014


n C.E.N.T.S. will be offering the Small Business Course beginning in June through Catholic Charities of the Diocese of HoumaThibodaux. This course is free and is designed to help people who are interested in starting a small business. It will be held one evening a week for nine weeks. A different business topic will be discussed each week. Anyone who is interested in participating may call Brooks Lirette at 8760490 to schedule an orientation appointment. n Annunziata Alive 2014 Summer Camp, June 9-July 18, Annunziata, Houma, from 7:30


Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux Seminarian Education Burses

What is a seminarian burse fund? A seminarian burse fund is an invested sum of money where the interest is used in perpetuity to help fund the education of men to the priesthood in the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux.

How does someone establish a seminarian burse fund? Very simply, a burse may be established and named for anyone you choose, be it family, friend, bishop, priest, deacon, religious, etc.

When is a seminarian burse complete? A seminarian burse fund is complete once it reaches $15,000. If you choose to continue to contribute, a new burse will be created for you.

Who do I contact to contribute to or establish a burse fund? To contribute or establish a burse, send funds to Pastoral Center, Attn: Seminarian Burse, P. O. Box 505, Schriever, LA 70395 or call Jeremy Becker, Director of Stewardship and Development, at 985-850-3155 for more information.

Completed Burses of $15,000 each

Note: those wtih a number stipulates the number of completed burses* - Anonymous - Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Bienvenu - Harry Booker - Bishop Warren L. Boudreaux (3)* - Rev. Adrian J. Caillouet - Rev. James Louis Caillouet - Bishop L. Abel Caillouet - Judge/Mrs L. P. Caillouet - Msgr. Lucien J. Caillouet - Abdon J. & Ada B. Callais - Harold & Gloria Callais Family - Paul A. Callais - Peter W. Callais - Vincent & Fannie Cannata - Minor Sr. & Lou Ella Cheramie - Maude & Edith Daspit - Mr. & Mrs. Caliste Duplantis family (3)* - Clay Sr. & Evelida Duplantis

- C. Remie Duplantis - Marie Elise Duplantis - Warren J. Harang, Jr. - Msgr. Raphael C. Labit - Msgr. Francis J. Legendre - Rev. Charles Menard - Dr. & Mrs. M.V. Marmande & Fly - Donald Peltier, Sr. (3)* - Harvey Peltier (30)* - Richard Peltier - The Peltier Foundation (2) - Orleans & Louella Pitre - Msgr. Joseph Wester - Robert R. Wright, Jr. - Rev. Kermit Trahan - St. Bernadette Men’s Club - Diocesan K of C - Endowment Fund - $119,136.90

April 2014 Burse Contributions Donald Peltier, Sr. #4 ...................................... $1,000.00 Mr. Eledier Broussard ........................................ $200.00 Msgr. Raphael C. Labit #2 ................................. $120.00 Mr. & Mrs. George C. Fakier ............................. $100.00 Msgr. William Koninkx ..................................... $100.00 Elie & Dot Klingman ........................................... $40.00 25

Open Burses with Balance as of 4/30/14 Mr. Eledier Broussard ................. $14,000.00 Sidney J. & Lydie C. Duplantis ........... $13,000.00 Donald Peltier, Sr. #4 ............................ $13,000.00 Msgr. Raphael C. Labit #2 .................. $10,960.00 Harvey Peltier #31 .............................. $10,486.91 Clay Sr. & Evelida Duplantis #2 .......... $10,000.00 C. Remie Duplantis #2 ........................ $10,000.00 Marie Elise Duplantis #2 ..................... $10,000.00 Maude & Edith Daspit #2 .................... $10,000.00 Msgr. George A. Landry ...................... $10,000.00 Elie & Dot Klingman .............................. $8,360.00 Mr. & Mrs. George C. Fakier ................. $7,700.00 Rev. Victor Toth ..................................... $7,000.00 Brides of the Most Blessed Trinity ......... $5,935.00 Rev. Peter Nies ..................................... $5,810.00 Mr. & Mrs. Love W. Pellegrin ................. $5,000.00 Anonymous #2 ...................................... $5,000.00 Mr. & Mrs. Caliste Duplantis Fmly.#4..... $5,000.00 Rev. William M. Fleming ........................ $5,000.00 Rev. Kasimir Chmielewski ..................... $4,839.00 Rev. Gerard Hayes ................................ $4,786.00 Msgr. William Koninkx ........................... $4,700.00 Rev. Henry Naquin ................................. $4,221.00 Harry Booker #2 .................................... $4,138.00 Mrs. Shirley Conrad ............................... $4,000.00

Joseph “Jay” Fertitta .............................. $3,800.00 Catholic Daughters ................................ $3,680.00 Kelly Curole Frazier ............................... $3,610.96 J. R. Occhipinti ...................................... $3,400.00 Msgr. James Songy ............................... $3,075.00 Mr. & Mrs. Galip Jacobs ........................ $3,060.00 St. Jude ................................................. $3,000.00 Diocesan K of C #2 ............................... $2,894.62 Rev. Peter H. Brewerton ........................ $2,600.00 Anawin Community ............................... $2,300.00 Rev. Guy Zeringue ................................ $2,200.00 Mrs. Ayres A. Champagne ..................... $2,100.00 Willie & Emelda St. Pierre ...................... $2,000.00 Rev. H. C. Paul Daigle ........................... $1,900.00 Warren J. Harang, Jr. #2 ......................... $1,700.00 James J. Buquet, Jr. ............................... $1,650.00 Msgr. Francis J. Legendre #2 ................ $1,645.00 Rev. Robert J. Sevigny .......................... $1,600.00 Msgr. Emile J. Fossier ........................... $1,545.00 Dr. William Barlette, Sr........................... $1,525.00 Msgr. Stanislaus Manikowski ................ $1,525.00 Mr. & Mrs. John Marmande .................... $1,500.00 Deacon Robert Dusse’ ........................... $1,450.00 Msgr. John L. Newfield .......................... $1,200.00 Rev. Clemens Schneider ....................... $1,000.00

St. Joseph Italian Society ...................... $1,000.00 Bishop Warren L. Boudreaux #4 ........... $1,000.00 Msgr. John G. Keller .............................. $1,000.00 Rev. Anthony Rousso ............................. $1,000.00 Deacon Willie Orgeron ............................. $800.00 Jacob Marcello .......................................... $800.00 Deacon Roland Dufrene ........................... $750.00 Juliette & Eugene Wallace ......................... $700.00 Deacon Edward J. Blanchard ................... $660.00 Deacon Raymond LeBouef ...................... $550.00 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cannata .................... $500.00 Ronnie Haydel .......................................... $485.00 Deacon Harold Kurtz ................................ $300.00 Richard Peltier #2 ..................................... $300.00 Claude Bergeron ...................................... $250.00 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Naquin .......................... $150.00 Deacon Connely Duplantis ........................ $100.00 Deacon Pedro Pujals ................................ $100.00 Rev. John Gallen ....................................... $100.00 Rev. Hubert C. Broussard ........................ $ 50.00 Deacon Eldon Frazier .............................. $ 50.00 Deacon Nick Messina .............................. $ 50.00 Rev. Warren Chassaniol ........................... $ 50.00

Overall Seminarian Burse Totals: $1,443,818.39 www.bayoucatholic.com

Scripture Readings

and a listing of Feast days and saints


2 June













Easter Weekday Acts 28:16-20, 30-31 John 21:20-25

Solemnity of Pentecost Acts 2:1-11 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 John 20:19-23








Weekday 1 Kings 17:1-6 Matthew 5:1-12

Weekday 1 Kings 17:7-16 Matthew 5:13-16

Memorial of Barnabas, apostle Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3 Matthew 5:17-19

Weekday 1 Kings 18:41-46 Matthew 5:20-26

Memorial of Anthony of Padua, priest and doctor of the church 1 Kings 19:9a, 11-16 Matthew 5:27-32

Weekday 1 Kings 19:19-21 Matthew 5:33-37

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Exodus 34:4b-6, 8-9 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 John 3:16-18








Weekday 1 Kings 21:1-16 Matthew 5:38-42

Weekday 1 Kings 21:17-29 Matthew 5:43-48

Weekday 2 Kings 2:1, 6-14 Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18

Weekday Sirach 48:1-14 Matthew 6:7-15

Weekday 2 Kings 11:1-4, 9-18, 20 Matthew 6:19-23

Memorial of Aloysius Gonzaga, religious 2 Chronicles 24:1725 Matthew 6:24-34

Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14b-16a 1 Corinthians 10:1617 John 6:51-58








Weekday 2 Kings 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18 Matthew 7:1-5

Solemnity of the Nativity of John the Baptist Isaiah 49:1-6 Acts 13:22-26 Luke 1:57-66, 80

Weekday 2 Kings 22:8-13; 23:1-3 Matthew 7:15-20

Weekday 2 Kings 24:8-17 Matthew 7:21-29

Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Deuteronomy 7:611 1 John 4:7-16 Matthew 11:25-30

Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary Lamentations 2:2, 10-14, 18-19 Luke 2:41-51

Solemnity of Peter and Paul, apostles Acts 12:1-11 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18 Matthew 16:13-19


1 July






Weekday Amos 2:6-10, 13-16 Matthew 8:18-22

Weekday Amos 3:1-8, 4:1112 Matthew 8:23-27

Weekday Amos 5:14-15, 21-24 Matthew 8:28-34

Feast of Thomas, Weekday apostle Amos 8:4-6, 9-12 Ephesians 2:19-22 Matthew 9:9-13 John 20:24-29

Weekday Amos 9:11-15 Matthew 9:14-17

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Zechariah 9:9-10 Romans 8:9, 11-13 Matthew 11:25-30







Weekday Hosea 10:1-3, 7-8, 12 Matthew 10:1-7

Memorial of Weekday Hosea 11:1-4, 8c-9 Benedict, abbot Matthew 10:7-15 Hosea 14:2-10 Matthew 10:16-23

Weekday Weekday Hosea 2:16, 17b- Hosea 8:4-7, 11-13 18, 21-22 Matthew 9:32-38 Matthew 9:18-26


…will Support Local Parish Needs

…will create An Endowment Fund for Seminarian Support

…will create An Endowment Fund for Catholic Charities

V Online Safe Environment Training Still can Access: Diocesan Calendar Specific office information extensive Catholic Charities information Bishop’s articles & videos

V Videos from Food for the Journey programs available V Conference registrations available

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School News











300 years of service Seven educators, two staff members retiring Story by Janet Marcel Seven educators and two staff members in the Catholic schools of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux retired at the end of the 2013-2014 school year with 300 combined years of service in Catholic education. Mamie Bergeron, who taught 5th and 6th grade, all subjects except religion for 10 years, and served as principal for 40 years, at Holy Cross Elementary School in Morgan City, retired after 50 years of service to the school. Pam Borne, who has been teaching early childhood and young kindergarten at St. Genevieve Catholic Elementary School in Thibodaux, retired after 30 years of service to the school. Karen Bouterie, who has taught pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and 5th grade at St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School in Thibodaux, retired after 37 years of service to the school. Beverly Gaubert, who served as business manager at St. Genevieve Catholic Elementary School in Thibodaux, retired after 20 years of service to the school. David Keife, who has served as a math instructor teaching mainly Algebra I, Algebra II and geometry; as vice principal, academic assistant principal, Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • June 2014

principal and president at Vandebilt Catholic High School in Houma retired after 43 years of service to the school. Yvonne Lirette, who has served as a paraprofessional, substitute teacher, secretary and assistant to the administrator at St. Gregory Barbarigo Catholic Elementary School in Houma, retired after 32 years of service to the school. James Reiss, who has served as band director, vice principal, academic assistant principal and principal at Vandebilt Catholic High School in Houma retired after 21 years of service to the school. Dottie Thimmesch, who has been teaching all 6th grade subjects at Holy Cross Elementary School in Morgan City, retired after 40 years of service to the school. Georgiana Walker, who has been teaching computer applications and religion at Vandebilt Catholic High School in Houma, retired after 27 years of service to the school. “I want to wish each of the retirees a happy, healthy and blessed retirement along with my sincere appreciation for their many years of devoted service to our Catholic schools,” says Fertitta.

Vandy interim principal named The appointment of Yvonne Weimer as interim principal at Vandebilt Catholic High School in Houma was announced recently by Marian Fertitta, superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux. Weimer has been serving as principal of Maria Immacolata Catholic Elementary School in Houma for the past four Weimer years. She is a graduate of Castor High School in Castor, LA. She earned a bachelor’s degree in home economics-family life from the University of Louisiana at Monroe and a master’s of education degree plus 30 hours, specializing in curriculum/instruction and administration/supervision from Nicholls State University in Thibodaux.

Throughout her career Weimer taught family and consumer science at Raceland Junior High School; and special education—mild/moderate at East Thibodaux Junior High School. She was an adjunct teacher at NSU, a parent literacy teacher in the north/central Lafourche Parish area, and she served as assistant principal at Thibodaux High School for six years. Weimer has also worked in educational sales, consulting and financial planning. She is married to Michael Weimer and they have two children, Lesley and Kristin W. Stafford, and two grandchildren, Jacques, nine; and Blair, who is four. She is a resident of the St. Charles community and a parishioner of St. Charles Borromeo Church parish. “Having experience in both high school and Catholic elementary school administration enables Yvonne to recognize the needs of all students. I am excited about her appointment and look forward to working with her in her new capacity as principal at Vandebilt,” says Fertitta.

Maria Immacolata names Davis The appointment of Geraldine “Prissy” Davis as interim principal at Maria Immacolata Catholic Elementary School in Houma was announced recently by Marian Fertitta, superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux. For the past four years, Davis has been teaching 6th and 7th grade Language Arts at Davis St. Bernadette Elementary School in Houma. She is a graduate of Patterson High School in Patterson, LA. She earned a bachelor’s degree in elementary education and a master’s degree – in curriculum and instruction with an emphasis in early childhood/kindergarten – plus 30 hours in elementary school principal from Nicholls State University in Thibodaux. She has certification in kindergarten, elementary grades 1-8, elementary school principal, supervisor of student teaching and supervisor of instruction. Her career in education began as a first grade teacher at J.S. Aucoin Elementary School in Morgan City and she went on to teach third grade, fourth grade and then kindergarten at Berwick Elementary School. She served as principal of Bayou Vista Elementary School in St. Mary Parish for 13 years and also worked for

the Louisiana Department of Education as a school improvement coordinator for three and a half years. She is married to Lloyd Davis and they have three children, twins Lauren D. Blanco and Lindsay, 27; and Katie, 25; and three grandchildren, Lainey, three; and six month old twins, Carlie and Colston. She is a resident of Berwick and a parishioner of St. Stephen’s Church parish in Berwick. “‘Prissy’ brings a vast amount of knowledge and experience to the position of principal, enabling her to continue to build on the successes of the school. I am looking forward to working with her and wish her great success,” says Fertitta.

For the Father in your life Bueche’s Jewelry 730 Grand Caillou Rd. • Houma • 985.868.9611 Mon. - Fri. 9-5 • Sat. 9-1 www.bayoucatholic.com


Church Alive

An infallible moment

Guest Columnist

P 30

Father Gregory Fratt

Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II were canonized April 27 as the faithful filled not only St. Peter’s Square but the entire area around the Vatican all the way down the Via della Conciliazione and over the bridge that crosses the Tiber River. Attending the canonization in the midst of this energized crowd was a group from the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, and we were very proud to be a part of this historic event. Once we arrived in Rome on Thursday, April 24, we got off the plane, climbed aboard our bus and proceeded to St. Paul’s Outside the Walls (one of the four major basilicas’ in Rome) where we celebrated a Mass in the St. Benedict Chapel that first afternoon. This is always the best way to begin a pilgrimage but it had added significance because it was there at St. Paul’s that Pope John XXIII made the announcement that he was going to open the Second Vatican Council. On Friday, April 25, we got up very early to make our way to St. Peter’s to celebrate Mass at the altar of Saints Simon and Jude. After celebrating Mass we had the advantage of being inside St. Peter’s without a crowd of people. Our group had time to explore and visit and pray at the two altars containing the bodies of the soon-to-be saints. On Saturday we visited St. John Lateran and St. Mary Major receiving the graces of the indulgences granted to pilgrims who visit all four of the major basilicas. We finished up our day celebrating Mass at the Catacombs of Callistus just outside the ancient walls. We made the decision to celebrate

Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • June 2014

Father Gregory Fratt, pastor of Sacred Heart in Morgan City, lead a group from the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux to the historic canonization of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII at the Vatican in Rome.

the Vigil Mass for Divine Mercy Sunday realizing it would be very difficult to get into St. Peter’s Square to receive communion at the canonization Mass. We were right. One of the amazing things for us was the fact that we were in the presence of two popes at the canonization of two popes. Retired Pope Benedict XVI was greeted by great applause from the crowds consisting of people from all over the world including our “Cajun delegation.” The most recognizable, however, were the Poles because many carried their red and white banners which made for a very festive atmosphere. Peggy Gowland from Sacred Heart Church parish in Morgan City said: “Being present in Rome for the canonization was, in itself, an awe inspiring occasion, with feelings difficult to explain. There are so many personal lifetime memories of Pope John Paul II.

Seeing Pope Francis greet (Retired) Pope Benedict was one of the most touching moments. What I continue to reflect upon are the words of Father Stan Klores (a priest from the Archdiocese of New Orleans) who told us to really contemplate that we had experienced a most historical moment of two popes present to canonize two popes. It is something I will always treasure and remember.” We were happy to be in the company of a couple (both doctors) who came to the United States from Poland in 1985 and had settled in Kansas. They brought their two granddaughters and when I asked them what it meant for them to be present for the canonization … they both just sobbed. Both smiles and tears were the most frequent expressions of the joy and gratitude that people felt on this historic day. The day was cloudy and we were grateful for that and the breeze blew.


As soon as the proclamation was made that we had two new saints, part of the sky opened and a few rays of sun came down as if heaven was confirming what had just been announced. We were reminded by Father Klores that when the pope declared John XXIII and John Paul II saints … he was speaking infallibly … and that we had been present for an “infallible moment.” Without question this was a oncein-a-lifetime experience. Gloria Callais from Our Lady of Prompt Succor Church parish in Golden Meadow said: “I have been to Rome many, many times and was even able to meet (Retired) Pope Benedict with my son, Peter, but this exceeded my expectations. As a Catholic, it was one of the best experiences of my life … being there and experiencing something I never thought I’d experience. It was wonderful to be with so many people praying together. Every time you go to Rome there is something new to see and experience but this was about as high an experience as you can have as a Catholic.”


Father Gregory Fratt, pastor of Sacred Heart in Morgan City, presents Bishop Shelton J. Fabre with a special commemorative coin of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII which was minted for the recent canonization.

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74 years of Bliss Story by Janet Marcel Photo by Lawrence Chatagnier Charlie and Flavia Crochet Redmond celebrated their 74th wedding anniversary March 24, 2014. They were married on Easter Sunday in 1940 at St. Francis de Sales Church parish in Houma by Msgr. Lucien J. Caillouet who was the pastor at that time. The couple remembers their wedding day fondly. “The wedding was very small with only about 15 people in attendance,” says Flavia. “There was no music, a very small reception and a small wedding cake. We only have one wedding photo; photos weren’t as big of a deal as they are today.” Charlie echoes her sentiment, saying people today spend so much money on wedding photos and most of the time they just end up in a closet somewhere. Starting their married life off during the financial turmoil of the Great Depression wasn’t easy, says the couple. Flavia remembers a time when just having a hamburger to eat was a treat. As was characteristic for people of his generation, Charlie says he never 32 bought anything on credit and he never bought anything he couldn’t pay for. Flavia says that over the years there have been good times and hard times, but “as long as you have faith and believe in God, that’s all you need. We take the bad and good together. Some days are good and some days are not.” They are parishioners of St. Ann Church parish in Bourg where they still attend Mass together on Sundays whenever they are able. “If I don’t go to church, I don’t go anywhere else,” says Flavia. Charlie is a native of Pointe-aux-Chenes and Flavia is from the Coteau area. The couple has been living in Bourg for the past 39 years. Before that they lived in east Houma for 30 years. When they were first married they lived in Pointe-aux-Chenes, but when Charlie left for the service Flavia moved to Houma.




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Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • June 2014

The couple met at a teenage gathering at the Jolly Inn when Charlie was 20 and Flavia was 15. Flavia says you couldn’t dance more than three times with the same boy or they would pull you off the dance floor. Charlie already had a girlfriend, but Flavia says for her it was love at first sight. “He left me for 17 weeks; but he came back,” says Flavia with a smile. They were married approximately a year after they met. Charlie served in the Army for two and a half years where he fought in Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge. After returning home from the war, he




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Charlie and Flavia Crochet Redmond



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opened his own business, Houma Concrete Products which specializes in burial products. He ran the business for 30 years. When he retired, his son took over the business and now his grandson runs it. The couple had eight children, four boys and four girls: Charlie Jr., who was the oldest, died at the age of two; Russell, Reggie, Keith, Earline Lajaunie, Clara Redmond, Angela Guidry and Kathryn McElroy. They also have 15 grandchildren, 22 great grandchildren and one great, great grandchild. The family is very close with all of the children living in Houma. “They taught us by their example; they treated people well. It was not really a lesson they were teaching, it was just the way that they lived,” says Kathryn, who is their youngest child. “These are some special people. I hope that all of the family members and especially all of their children truly appreciate them and what they were taught by them,” says Bryan, who is Kathryn’s husband. Following the wonderful example set forth for them by their parents, all of their children are stilled married to their original spouses. Their son Keith and his wife Mary Ann live in the house where Keith and his siblings grew up. Charlie and Flavia are both still in fairly good health. Flavia who is 91 years old is somewhat hard of hearing; and even though Charlie is 95 years old, he still drives. Their daughter Angela says they still enjoy going to the casino almost every week. “It is just awesome that we still have both of them with us today,” says Angela.

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e n Tu To... In

Quality Family Programming for the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux ~ Channel 10* on Comcast of Houma and CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS of Terrebonne Parish ~ Channel 10* on CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS in Thibodaux ~ Channel 10* on VISION COMMUNICATIONS of South and Central Lafourche ~ Channel 10* AT&T U-Verse *Channel 10 is provided by and in cooperation with HTV of Houma. ~ Channel 71, ALLEN’S TV CABLE of Morgan City


6:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M.

Proclaim the Good News/The Rosary Closer Walk Comfort For My People

6:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M.

Proclaim the Good News/The Rosary Focus Spotlight

6:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M.

Proclaim the Good News/The Rosary Live with Passion Proclaim the Good News/The Rosary


6:30 9:00 9:30 8:30



WEDNESDAY Proclaim the Good News/The Rosary

A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M.

6:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 11:00 P.M.

6:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M.

6:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M.

Closer Walk Live With Passion Comfort For My People

THURSDAY Proclaim the Good News/The Rosary Focus Spotlight Spotlight


Proclaim the Good News/The Rosary Live With Passion Comfort For My People

SATURDAY Proclaim the Good News/The Rosary The Choices We Face Spotlight

Programs produced by the Diocesan Office of TV Communications. We reserve the right to make program changes. Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • June 2014

Food for the Journey July 1, features Deacon Jim Swiler The diocesan Office of Religious Education sponsors a monthly lunchtime speaker series on the first Tuesday of the month at the Quality Hotel on Hollywood Road in Houma across from Vandebilt Catholic High School. The speaker for July 1 is Deacon Jim Swiler. Deacon Swiler has been diocesan chancellor since July 2010. He has served as a permanent deacon for the past 37 years and spent 32 of those years in administration in the Archdiocese of New Orleans. He has received many national awards for his work with the permanent diaconate. In 1999, Deacon Swiler received the Pro Ecclesia Et Pontifice Award and medal from Pope John Paul II for his outstanding service to the church. In addition to his many ministries in the church, Deacon Jim and his wife Bonnie have conducted retreats and workshops in over 40 dioceses and archdioceses throughout the country. Those who plan to attend the July 1st event should RSVP with their

Deacon Swiler

name, phone number and church parish by Thursday, June 26. To RSVP, email FoodForTheJourney@ htdiocese.org or call (985) 8503178. Doors open at 10:45 a.m. Lunch begins at 11:30 a.m. The program begins at Noon with the speaker’s presentation from 12:10-12:45 p.m. Cost is $13 and includes meal, drink and tip. Only cash or checks will be accepted. All are invited to come “eat and be fed.”

Father Nambusseril is incardinated in diocese Bishop Shelton J. Fabre has announced that Rev. Thankachan “John” Nambusseril, pastor of Sacred Heart Church parish in Montegut, who is a native of Kunhome, India, has been incardinated to the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux. Father Nambusseril graduated from the Dharmaram Pontifical Institute in Bangalore, India, and was ordained Dec. 29, 1993. He has been serving in the diocese since 2008.

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Our Churches


St. Joseph

St. Joseph Church parish staff are front row from left, Donna Matherne, bookkeeper/secretary; Melanie Soudelier, secretary; Anita Boudreaux, adult education; and Jamie Robichaux, D.R.E. Back row from left, Deacon Gary Lapeyrouse; Sister Diane Poynot, C.S.J.; Msgr Frederic J. Brunet, pastor; Father Wilmer Todd, incoming pastor; and Lloyd Thibodeaux, maintenance. Not pictured is Michelle Lapeyrouse, youth minister.

Church, Chauvin Resilient community of faith St. Joseph Church parish in Chauvin was established as an independent parish in 1948. Pere Charles Menard celebrated the first Mass on Bayou Petit Caillou (Chauvin) in June of 1842. According to recorded history, a young priest named Father Jean Marie Joseph Denece traveled from Europe in 1864 to live on Bayou Little Caillou. Following his death, St. Joseph became a mission parish of Sacred Heart in Montegut until 1948. Today, the parish facilities include a rectory, convent, cafeteria, parish center, Perpetual Adoration chapel and a modern church. The design of the church building reflects the livelihood of many of its parishioners. The bell tower is formed in the shape of an oil rig, and the stained glass windows depict the story of creation, Christmas and Easter mysteries, and Ezekiel’s vision of water flowing out of the temple creating a river of life, which symbolizes the church coming down the bayou to bring the sacraments. There are currently 1,400 families in the parish, says Msgr. Frederic J. Brunet, pastor of the parish since 1972, made up of mostly older families. “The younger families move out quicker than the old families do; the older families just die off. There are very few businesses left in this area, and less fisherman, too. There are about 7,000 people, Catholic and non-Catholic, within the boundaries of the church parish. Over the years, the parish has lost about 3,000 people to hurricanes and floods. The organizations/ministries that the parish offers are religious education, RCIA, youth ministry, Communion ministers to the homebound, Bible study, adult and youth choirs, charity works, Ladies Altar Society, Catholic Daughters, children’s liturgy, and a charismatic group. The Sisters of St. Joseph have ministered as nurses in the parish for 33 years, and Msgr. Brunet says they have saved many lives over the years. “I find a great unity in the community here. As we went into the fair (Lagniappe on the Bayou), it united the whole parish. Everybody worked at the fair. It took 600 people at one time to keep it running. It became a source of pride for the community. At that time, the Cajuns had been pretty much downtrodden.


Story by Janet Marcel Photos by Lawrence Chatagnier

Our Churches


St. Joseph

The fair gave them a sense of pride; it showed them that people liked their personalities, their food and their Cajun music. Their handmade crafts were popular; everything they made sold. They felt good about themselves. That fair attracted people from all across the United States and Europe. It was an international event.” Lagniappe on the Bayou took place in the parish for 25 years; Msgr. Brunet was pastor of the parish for 23 of them. One distinctive aspect of the people of the parish, says Msgr. Brunet, is their spirit. “The old Cajuns are strong, they have courage and they believe in their faith – it’s deep. They grew up helping each other and out of that came a deep concern for one another. These are genuine people; they have good character.” Other priests have often told Msgr. Brunet that they love to celebrate Masses there because the people are so devout. “It’s a very religious parish,” says the pastor. They pray and do everything with a devout spirit.” Msgr. Brunet says the involvement among the parishioners is good among those who come to Mass, but there are much less people coming to Mass now. It’s a changing situation, he adds. Father Wilmer Todd, who is coming out of retirement to take over as pastor of the parish upon Msgr. Brunet’s retirement at the end of June, says his first assignment after being ordained was at St. Joseph Church parish in Chauvin. He served there 50 years ago from 1964 until 1968. “After I retired in Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • June 2014

2007, my real desire was to get more involved in the church parish here in Chauvin. I was curious about the people’s lives and what had become of them after all these years. Since I started filling in here more and more, I have enjoyed getting to know the people again. I like them and I think they like me.” While speaking to Bishop Shelton Fabre after his appointment to the diocese, Father Todd let him know that he would be willing to take a parish if need be, and he says the bishop was thrilled to hear that … because of the shortage of priests. “Overall I think it’s a win-win situation. This is a relatively small parish compared to most of the places I was assigned to, and the lay people really take responsibility for things. Msgr. Brunet has everything well set up and my health is still good right now, so I don’t think it is going to be something I can’t handle,” says Father Todd. Of his 42-year tenure as pastor of St. Joseph Church parish in Chauvin, Msgr. Brunet says, “I don’t think there are many people that have had this kind of blessing that I feel I had. To be a part of that burst of energy, and life and vitality of the parish when the fair was going on – everybody wanting to help and working together – and to have had that for 25 years … I thank God for making me a part of that. It has been a tremendous pleasure and a joy being here. I hate to leave; but I think the time has come, and Willie (Father Todd) is the man to step in. It’s hard to say goodbye,” says Msgr. Brunet. “And, it still amazes me that none of the bishops ever moved me.”

Resilient community of faith


Diocesan Programs This Month “Spotlight on the Diocese”

y a D s ’ r Fathe ves ser e d d a D t the bes

Host: Louis Aguirre With Guests: Rev. Glenn LeCompte

Spiritual Director, Lumen Christi Retreat Center

Deacon Jim Swiler

Center Director, Lumen Christi Retreat Center


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If you are not receiving these programs in your area, please contact your local cable provider.



Seeing Clairely

O 40

Landscape leadings

Claire Joller

Our yard is in need of some definite tweaking. We’ve enjoyed the landscape plantings around our house since we built it six years ago, but we’ve run into some unexpected realities. When I began to think about some of the adjustments that we’ve made or need to make, I kept being struck with similarities to circumstances having nothing to do with green growing things. For example, we had planted two river birches, one in the front yard and the other at one side of the house. You have to know that our lot is not large, so those little trees were not very distant from each other. But while the one to the side flourished, the one in the front sputtered along with minimal growth, and looked anemic compared to the other. A couple of years later, we had that one moved to the same side (it’s a rather long wall) and it has since caught up with the other. So it was a classic case of the tree’s having been initially misplaced, and achieving its full growth potential when it was moved to the right spot. When I look at that tree, I think of my initial career goal as high school English and journalism teacher. I knew the stuff, but I was never comfortable as a teacher of teenagers; I left that job after six years. However, I began to use my writing in various places, and there I found my growth place. Lo and behold, I have even regained my love for teaching, but for adults. A row of ornamental pear trees at our rear property line all started at the same height and girth. One of the five is full and tall, and reaches at least four feet

Bayou Catholic • Houma, LA • June 2014


higher than the rest. Three others are doing okay, but the one smack dab in the middle is scrawny, eking out only a few new leaves this spring. They have all received the same amount of water, sunshine, and nutrients. Makes me think of families in which children who all receive the same parenting respond differently. Individuality is a strong force in nature of all kinds. As for the strip meant to be green and lush at the far end of our tiny courtyard, nothing we have planted has ever survived. It sits stark and naked near the brick enclosure wall where the only hint of life right now is the sound of water cascading down a two-tier fountain. That area is testimony to my unrealistic expectations without proper preparation. I’m not a skilled cultivator, and with minimal effort I expected floral opulence from that bit of ground.

I’ve learned my lesson: If you don’t do the work, you don’t get the rewards. Or, alternately: Get some expert help when you need it. Or, pragmatically: Lower your expectations, magazine pictures notwithstanding. My longtime motto is More Is More. So when it came to filling in around the straight-lined compact shrubs near our front entrance, I wanted extensive African-iristype “drapey” foliage, to soften the look. Well. I definitely got More. Our plants that produce delicate, saucery yellow flowers have bullied everything around them, reproducing themselves to deeprooted masses we haven’t been able to control. So, in this case, at least, Less (might be) More. (For comments or inquiries about this column, Claire Joller can be contacted by e-mail at clairely1@ comcast.net).




Ed Daniels

So much for selecting the best athlete available. NFL teams, including the Saints are filling needs, and as Sean Payton would say, “paying close attention” to the matchups. They have tall receivers, we need tall cornerbacks. So, said Payton after drafting Nebraska’s Stanley-Jean Baptiste in the second round. Baptiste stands six foot, three inches tall. He was selected one day after Tampa Bay picked wide receiver Mike Evans (6-5), and Carolina selected wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin (6-5) in the first round. “Tampa Bay’s receivers now, Atlanta’s,” said Payton. “Guys with real size now. Carolina drafted a big receiver.” The Saints needed a speedy wide receiver and they paid a hefty price (third round pick) to move up seven spots in the first round. The Saints then selected Oregon State wide receiver Brandin Cooks. With Cooks stretching the field, the Saints hope to reverse an alarming road trend. In five of eight regular season road games, the Saints scored 17 points or less. The Saints draft was also about continuing to infuse the roster with young talent on defense. They both have outstanding young quarterbacks, but Seattle and Carolina both won division championships because they have a host of outstanding young players on the defensive side of the ball. The draft was also telling for colleges. Texas A&M had three of the top 22 picks (Evans, offensive tackle Jake Matthews, and quarterback Johnny Manziel).

Draft offers insights into NFL, college teams


LSU’s Odell Beckham Jr.

The University of Texas had no draft picks for the first time since 1937. Texas A&M’s move to the SEC is paying dividends. The pitch for the great players in the state is simple. Stay home, AND play in the best league in America. LSU led the way with nine drafted players, including one in the first round (Odell Beckham Jr.) and three in round two. Alabama was tied with Notre Dame with eight players. Notre Dame head coach Brian Kelly has proven his mettle as a recruiter. In 2011, the Irish had one player drafted (Kyle Rudolph, tight end to Minnesota in the second round). In 2013, the Irish had six NFL draft picks. The 2014 NFL draft was where running backs took a pounding, on the draft board. Washington running back Bishop


Sankey was the first off the board at pick number 54 to Tennessee. One pick later, LSU’s Jeremy Hill went to Cincinnati. In 2013, the top five rushers in the NFL had something in common. None were on a team that won a playoff game. Only two, Philadelphia’s LeSean McCoy and Kansas City’s Jamaal Charles made the playoffs. Three years from now, barring injury, there will be at least one running back selected in the first round. You may have heard of him. He played at St. Aug, and next season will play at LSU. Leonard Fournette is that good. He’ll give NFL commissioner Roger Goodell that big bear hug. And, be the first Tiger runner selected in the first round since Joe Addai went to the Colts with the 30th pick in 2006.​ www.bayoucatholic.com

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