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Catholic Charities puts faith into action
Catholic Charities: Putting faith into action
Story by Janet Marcel
“Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux (CCH-T) is the missionary heart of our Catholic Church. We serve our community, no matter their religious affiliation, by addressing individual and family needs while providing opportunities for disciples to put their faith into action,” explains Karen David, CCH-T board chair, who is currently serving as its interim chief administrative officer.
Bishop Shelton J. Fabre explains that providing comfort and living out our faith is at the heart of the mission of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux.
“We all have the opportunity during this beautiful season to witness Christ by supporting the mission of our church and Catholic Charities and, in particular, with a focus on their four service pillars: Feeding, clothing, sheltering, and yes, comforting their brothers and sisters in need. I prayerfully ask each of you to consider supporting Catholic Charities through a financial gift in sharing of your blessings, as we continue to support so many of our family and friends who are still in desperate need in the wake of Hurricane Ida.”
When Bishop Shelton J. Fabre was installed as Bishop of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux eight years ago, he selected his episcopal motto to be ‘Comfort my People.’ This motto, he says, has become even more important and relevant to him in these last few months through Ida and the COVID-19 pandemic.
“As we celebrate this beautiful season of our Lord’s birth, I reflect on the comfort that Christ brings to us through his birth and the joy we celebrate throughout the Christmas season,” says the bishop. “The birth and life of Jesus challenges and reminds us of the importance of putting our Faith into Action.”
David reports that Since Hurricane Ida devastated our diocese on Aug. 29, Catholic Charities has been hard at work demonstrating its faith by the action of supporting the mission of the church through its four pillars of service. Thus far, it has: n provided more than 175,000 hot meals n distributed 250 tons of nonperishable food and supplies n completed 3,000 case work files n distributed $250,000+ in gift cards to families in need n Begun “Mucking and Gutting” n Partnered with local organizations to connect temporary housing with families in need
n Set up mobile medical units in the most impacted communities n Provided gasoline when supplies were at its lowest
Moving into the future, reports David, CCH-T will be focusing on Individual and Family Assistance, and will be providing 10 case managers across the Parish Recovery Assistance Centers in the following church parishes and Catholic Charities’ main office on Aycock St. in Houma, (Terrebonne Parish): St. Eloi, Theriot; Holy Family, Grand Caillou; St. Joseph, Chauvin; Sacred Heart, Montegut; St. Charles Borromeo, Pointe-aux-Chenes. And, also in the following church parishes and the Good Samaritan Food Bank in Thibodaux, (Lafourche Parish): Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Golden Meadow; Sacred Heart, Cut Off; Holy Savior, Lockport; St. Lawrence the Martyr, Kraemer. In Jefferson Parish, Our Lady of the Isle in Grand Isle is working on an individualized plan for case management and assistance needs. CCH-T’s case managers will assist as needed in Grand Isle.
In addition to its timely emphasis on Diocesan Disaster Services, Catholic Charities also administers the following additional 20 charity and justice programs: Assisi Bridge House and Independent Living, Caritas Feeding Ministries – Catholic Community Center, Good Samaritan Food Banks in Raceland and Thibodaux, Caritas Food Pantry in East Houma; Catholic Campaign for Human Development, Catholic Housing Services, Catholic Relief Services, C.E.N.T.S. Micro Enterprise Program (Coastal Entrepreneurs’ Net To Success), Matthew 25 Ministry, Individual and Family Assistance (Adopt a Family Christmas Program, Project Self Help, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, Social Security Disability Application Assistance, Financial Assistance, St. Christopher Safe Automobile Program, Bridging the Bayous Time Bank), Foster Grandparent Program, Parish Social Ministry, and St. Lucy Child Development Center.
“This month’s second collection at Christmas is an opportunity for our Catholic faithful to pray for and financially support Catholic Charities’ four pillars of service. We rely on the generosity and prayers of our community to make these ministries possible,” emphasizes David.
“Please know how much your prayers and gifts mean to me as your Bishop of Houma-Thibodaux, and to all of those you support,” says Bishop Fabre. “I remain grateful for your faith, for your generosity, and your presence in our community. Christmas blessings and peace to all of you!” BC

The Christmas Collection will be December 24 and 25, 2021
Visit our website to give electronically at catholiccharitiesht.org/give
Mail to: Catholic Charities 1220 Aycock St. Houma, LA 70360
Scan this QR code with your smartphone to give online
Thank you for your support.
Drop in Collection Basket or at Church Office