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Annual Bishop’s Appeal
“Rediscovering Our Faith” is 2021 Annual Bishop’s Appeal theme
Story by Janet Marcel
“Rediscovering Our Faith,” is the theme of the 2021 Annual Bishop’s Appeal (ABA), which will be introduced in church parishes on the weekend of February 6-7. The 2021 diocesan goal is $900,000. The funds received from the 2021 ABA will support seminarian education, retired priests of the diocese, youth formation, and the Catholic Schools Office. Bishop Shelton “Even though this past J. Fabre year has been one of great uncertainty, the ministries in our diocese have continued to serve the faithful in some of the most creative ways,” says Bishop Shelton J. Fabre. “Those who seek spiritual comfort encounter our Lord in the sacraments made possible through the ministry of our clergy. Our vocations continue to grow and we now have 11 men in the seminary for our diocese. Our educational ministries have ensured that our children lead meaningful lives built on Gospel values and in Christ-centered environments. I ask that you carefully consider the stories from the voices and faces of the ministries supported by this year’s Appeal. Every gift makes a difference and we need the support of every parishioner to make our ministries Lapeyrouse was inspired by clergy whose lives gave active witness to the joys of their vocation. The witness of these priests helped him see the call to be a shepherd to a future flock. Now having the opportunity to study in Rome at the Pontifical North American College, Lapeyrouse will have an advanced degree and will be ordained in 2023. He is excited to say “yes” to God in answering his call to the vocation that God had placed in his heart. “As much as we are called to minister, people minister to us, and we must help each other grow in relationship to Jesus Christ and in holiness,” adds Lapeyrouse. succeed. If you are able, I ask that you please make a gift to the 2021 Annual Bishop’s Appeal.”
Retired Clergy
Seminarians The generosity of our
As a fifth-year seminarian, community ensures that Joseph Lapeyrouse looks retired priests like Father forward to the day when he P.J. Madden are cared for can be fully present to his and supported through their parishioners and be able to retirement years. Priests like accompany them on their Father Madden continue to journey of faith during their minister to the faithful helping most critical moments in life. in parishes throughout the
“I know God is calling me to diocese. serve the people of our diocese, “It is an honor and a and I look forward to the day privilege to have been able when I will be able to walk to serve as a priest in this with them in their journey of diocese. It has been and faith,” says Lapeyrouse. continues to be a joy to lead
Growing up as a parishioner them in their journey to Christ, strengthening their faith to of the Cathedral of St. Francis de Sales in Houma, have a strong relationship with God,” says Father Madden.
Joseph Lapeyrouse Seminarian Rev. P.J. Madden Retired Priest
Youth Formation
“In all of the challenges of our world today, we must look for new ways to engage our young people. We must find new ways to connect with them and to help them connect with each other. We must find new opportunities that allow them to encounter the love of Jesus personally. We must be ever more creative so that we may help them take steps forward Rebecca Abboud and grow in that relationship,”
Liaison and Youth Formation says Rebecca Abboud, liaison Specialist and youth formation specialist for the diocesan Office of Parish Support. “Our young people are worth it, and so our parishes are moving forward in a new approach to the way we form them.”
One of the ways that the Office of Parish Support accompanies pastors and parish leadership is in the area of ministry to the youth. As parishes begin to implement new ways of engaging young people through youth formation, each parish has a liaison from the Office walking with them. The liaisons provide expertise and best practices so that the entire team is able to effectively support parishes in their youth formation initiatives.
Office of Catholic Schools
As the curriculum specialist at St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School in Thibodaux, Jenny Russell works closely with the Catholic Schools Office and the teachers at St. Joseph to build and strengthen teaching and learning in the classroom. “The Catholic Schools Office works closely with our teacherministers and our school Jenny Russell administrators to provide Curriculum Specialist educational opportunities to grow both spiritually and academically. We have the opportunity to collaborate with other schools to share ideas and grow together,” says Russell.
Those who wish to contribute to the 2021Annual Bishop’s Appeal can choose to make a one-time gift or use the pledge system in which they can make monthly or quarterly contributions. Donations can also be made on-line by visiting www.htdiocese.org/bishopsappeal. A video which includes the bishop’s message and how the funds will be used is available to view on the diocesan website.
For more information about the Annual Bishop’s Appeal, call (985)850-3122. BC

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