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Youth In Action
Youthin action
Wyatt Plaisance
School: Lockport Middle School Grade: Sixth Church parish: Holy Savior, Lockport
Describe your family unit:
Sam, father; Melissa, mother; Tarin, sister; Colin, brother; and Bear, my dog Favorite Hobby: Playing outside/playing with my dog, playing football Favorite Movie: The old Star Wars Favorite T.V. Show: Different Strokes Favorite Genre of Music: Old Rock
What do you find most fulfilling about the ministry of being an altar server? What would you tell a boy or girl who is considering becoming an altar server?
What I find most fulfilling about being an altar server is just overall the help I am providing toward God and our church community. It makes me feel special because I not only help the priest, but I’m also serving God. When you serve at Mass you have to pay close attention to what’s going on and what your duties are and what they mean, so you do feel closer to God when you are serving for him. I like being part of a team and helping other altar servers when I can. It really just warms my heart to see some of the elderly in our community, listen to their stories and when they tell me that I did a good job doing God’s work. I believe that on the altar Jesus is made present and humbly comes to be with not only me but all of us there. What a special gift and joy it is to serve for God, my priest and my church. I was happy when Bishop (Shelton J.) Fabre allowed us to start serving at Mass again during COVID-19. I couldn’t understand that kids were allowed to play sports, but we weren’t allowed to be altar servers for God; it just seemed wrong to me.
What I would tell a boy or girl considering becoming an altar server is don’t give up even if you mess up and make a mistake. When I first started five years ago, I was very shy and didn’t like to have attention on me, and even today I still worry about making mistakes, but I remember they have wonderful people there that guide us to be better. It’s very rewarding serving God. It may be disorienting seeing a whole crowd of people but those people would only give you positive comments about your work. Work hard and keep on trying and you can be as good as the best altar server in your parish. Being an altar server, you can also have fun and help in many other ways like: Participating in the Eucharistic Procession on the Bayou, Walking Way of the Cross, vacation Bible school, Santa Breakfast and Christmas parade, just to name a few in our church parish. I feel privileged that I’m an altar server and I can help others. Just remember this, your talent is God’s gift to you but what you do with it is your gift back to God. BC
Seminarian eDucation burSeS
Seminarian Spotlight
Rev. Mr. Stephen Castille
n What church parish are you from?
St. Bernadette, Houma n Where are you from (born and raised)?
I was born in Lafayette and raised in Church
Point, LA. n Where are you studying and in what year of your studies are you?
I am a third year theology student studying at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans. n What are you looking forward to most about priesthood?
Being able to be an instrument of God’s love and mercy n What’s your favorite hobby?
Running n What type of food do you wish would disappear from every menu on the planet?
Fried food n The best advice you’ve ever gotten.
“Never stop discerning God’s will.”
DiD you know?
Seminarian eDucation coStS on average $45,000 a year for eight yearS Seminarian enDowmentS can be nameD enDoweD funDS/burSeS. each year intereSt earneD form the enDowmentS are granteD to the DioceSe to cover annual coStS of their eDucation. catholic founDation of South louiSiana manageS Seminarian enDowmentS for the DioceSe.
all completeD Seminarian eDucation burSeS can be vieweD online at www.htDioceSe.org/vocationS