6 minute read
CCH-T receives $500,000 grant
LAWRENCE CHATAGNIER/BAYOU CATHOLIC Representatives of the Bayou Community Foundation presented a check for $500,000 to representatives of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux. The donation is from the Bayou Recovery Fund for Hurricane Ida relief.
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux has been awarded a $500,000 grant from the Bayou Recovery Fund for Hurricane Ida Relief, it has been announced by Jennifer Armand, executive director of the Bayou Community Foundation (BCF).
The grant will assist Catholic Charities’ direct individual and family financial recovery assistance programs in Lafourche and Terrebonne parishes, and Grand Isle in Jefferson Parish. It is anticipated that through the BCF grant, Catholic Charities’ case work and case management programs will continue impacting and serving more than 1,900 families of all faiths in our area with direct aid for rent, utilities, mattresses and supplies. Bayou Community Foundation’s grant will directly support these families as a proud partner with Catholic Charities.
“Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux is proud to have Bayou Community Foundation as a partner in our long-term hurricane recovery efforts,” says Very Rev. Simon Peter Engurait, V.G., interim director of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux. “As we continue to respond to the needs of our community through direct financial assistance and case management, having BCF as a partner to ensure we have the resources needed has been a crucial element of our efforts. We simply cannot do it alone. I want to express my sincere gratitude to BCF, their board and their incredible donors who are helping Catholic Charities provide financial assistance for rent, utilities, mattresses and supplies to help families get back on their feet post Hurricane Ida.”
Catholic Charities has been serving Lafourche and Terrebonne parishes, and Grand Isle in Jefferson Parish and Morgan City in St. Mary Parish for more than 40 years. Through programs such as its four food banks, thrift stores, St. Lucy Child Development Center, Assisi Bridge House, and Individual and Family Assistance, thousands of individuals and families receive the support of Catholic Charities each year. Catholic Charities will continue in its long-term recovery efforts serving our communities, ensuring families receive the support needed for years to come.
Additionally, BCF has also announced that Catholic Charities has been approved for a $10,000 grant from their Bayou Recovery Fund to support the Catholic Community Center, Caritas Food Pantry and St. Lucy Child Development Center in Houma. BC
Church Life

Peace and justice Masses promoting racial harmony
Bishop Shelton J. Fabre was the main celebrant of the Masses at St. Lucy Church parish in Houma and St. Luke the Evangelist Church parish in Thibodaux recently for the preservation of peace and justice in remembrance of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Msgr. Cletus (Frank) Egbi concelebrated.

Church Life

Photos by Lawrence Chatagnier

Church Life

American Indian workshop/retreat
An American Indian Retreat entitled “We are the Ones,” was held recently at the Lumen Christi Retreat Center in Schriever with Sister Judy Gomila, M.S.C., as presenter. During the retreat the participants studied the meaning of the sacred ceremonies of the seven sacraments in the way of American Indians.
Photos by Lawrence Chatagnier


LAWRENCE CHATAGNIER/BAYOU CATHOLIC St. Bernadette Catholic School in Houma was one of the schools to receive technology funds through E-Rate. Students are pictured working on their Chromebooks, which were purchased with the funds.
Catholic schools of the diocese receive $523,531 in technology funds
The Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux recently announced that the through the Office of Technology Services and Educational Consulting Associates Inc., with the cooperation of the Catholic Schools Office, the Catholic schools in the diocese have received $523,531 in a second wave of E-Rate funding made available through the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Emergency Connectivity Fund administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC).
The Emergency Connectivity Fund Program was designed to help schools and libraries keep students, staff and patrons connected during the COVID-19 health emergency.
Schools and libraries that are eligible for support under the FCC’s E-Rate program could request and receive support through the Emergency Connectivity Fund. These schools –– including primary and secondary schools –– and libraries that provide off-site broadband service and connected devices to students, staff and patrons who would otherwise lack access during the COVID-19 health emergency were eligible to receive funds.
Each school in the diocese was allowed to submit requests for technology devices specifically for use by the students. This funding has made 1,390 new devices available to our teachers and students. These devices are currently being utilized in our schools. BC
Bayou Catholic
The official magazine of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux
Outreach Line
In response to the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux is offering an Outreach Line (formerly known as the Child Protection Contact Line). The Outreach Line is an effort to continue the diocesan commitment to support healing for people who have been hurt or sexually abused recently or in the past by clergy, religious or other employees of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux.
The Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux Outreach Line operates from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. A trained mental health professional responds to the line. Individuals are offered additional assistance if requested. The Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux Outreach Line Telephone number is (985) 873-0026 or (985) 850-3172
Línea de Comunicación Diocesana
Con el fin de cumplir con las Políticas de Protección de Niños y Jóvenes de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Los Estados Unidos, la Diócesis de Houma-Thibodaux ofrece una Línea de Comunicación (antes Línea de Contacto para la Protección de los Niños). La Línea de Comunicación es parte del esfuerzo diocesano de comprometerse con el mejoramiento de aquéllos que han sido lastimados o abusados sexualmente recientemente o en el pasado por miembros del clero, religiosos u otros empleados de la Diócesis de Houma-Thibodaux.
El horario de la Línea de Comunicación de la Diócesis de Houma-Thibodaux es de 8:30 a.m. a 4:30 p.m., de lunes a viernes. El encargado de esta línea es un profesional capacitado en salud mental. Se ofrece asistencia adicional al ser solicitada.
Línea de Comunicación de la Diócesis de Houma-Thibodaux Número de teléfono (985) 873-0026 o (985) 850-3172
Ñöôøng daây ñieän thoaïi Cöùu giuùp Giaùo phaän
Ñeå höôûng öùng Hieán chöông Baûo veä Treû em vaø Giôùi treû töø Hoäi ñoàng Giaùm muïc Hoa kyø, Giaùo phaän Houma-Thibodaux ñang chuaån bò ñöôøng daây ñieän thoaïi Cöùu giuùp (luùc tröôùc laø ñöôøng daây lieân laïc baûo veä treû em). Ñöôøng daây ñieän thoaïi Cöùu giuùp laø moät söï coá gaéng cuûa giaùo phaän nhaèm cam keát haøn gaén naâng ñôõ nhöõng ai ñaõ bò toån thöông hoaëc bò laïm duïng tính duïc hoaëc gaàn ñaây hoaëc trong quaù khöù bôûi giaùo só, tu só hoaëc caùc coâng nhaân vieân cuûa Giaùo phaän Houma-Thibodaux.
Ñöôøng daây ñieän thoaïi Cöùu giuùp Giaùo phaän hoaït ñoäng töø 8:30 saùng ñeán 4:30 chieàu, thöù hai ñeán thöù saùu. Moät nhaân vieân chuyeân nghieäp veà söùc khoûe taâm thaàn traû lôøi treân ñöôøng daây ñieän thoaïi. Nhöõng caù nhaân seõ ñöôïc trôï giuùp naâng ñôõ theâm neáu caàn.