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Transitional diaconate ordination June 4
Church Life
Transitional deacon ordination June 4
The Rev. Mr. Davis Ahimbisibwe will be ordained to the transitional diaconate, Saturday, June 4, at 10 a.m., at the Cathedral of St. Francis de Sales in Houma. Archbishop Shelton J. Fabre of the Archdiocese of Louisville, KY, will be the ordaining prelate.
Story by Janet Marcel
The Rev. Mr. Davis Ahimbisibwe is a 32 year old native of Kabale, Uganda. He is the fourth child of Rwamahe John Keith and Ayebazibwe Fulgensia, and has one brother, who is deceased, and three sisters.
He graduated from St. Paul’s Seminary Rushoroza in Kabale (ordinary level); and Uganda Martyrs Secondary School Namugongo in Wakiso (advanced level); and is currently attending Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans.
As part of his priestly formation, he has served at the following church parishes: St. Bridget in Schriever (Summer 2019); St. Bernadette in Houma (Summer 2020); St. Luke the Evangelist in Thibodaux and St. Lucy in Houma (Fall 2020); and St. Ann in Bourg (Summer 2021).
In all of these church parishes, he served at Masses, took Communion to the homebound and gave teachings about certain aspects of the faith.
The Rev. Mr. Ahimbisibwe explains that his vocation journey has been a response of faith to his Lord, Jesus Christ. “With a deepened encounter with the person of Christ; his love, mercy and generosity through many and various ways, my faith, hope and love grew. This enlarged my heart and gave me the capacity to make a response to the divine calling which I sensed within my heart. Specifically, this response involved a burning desire to make him, Christ who has loved me with an infinite love, known and loved by others. Since it is through the Gospel that the person of Christ is encountered, with St. Paul, I could say, ‘Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel!’ (1 Corinthians 9:16).”
With this desire, he goes on to say that after many years of prayer, he found St. Paul’s words to the Philippians very meaningful and life giving, “For his sake I have accepted the loss of all things and I consider them so much rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him” (4:7-13).
“With that, I left everything, specifically a medical practice, and joined the seminary to become a herald of the Gospel. Since then, I have not looked back and my constant prayer is that, ‘He who began this work in me may by his grace bring it to completion.’”
After being ordained to the transitional diaconate, the Rev. Mr. Ahimbisibwe says he is most looking forward to the ministry of the word, particularly preaching and teaching, serving at the eucharistic sacrifice and making home visitations. BC
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