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D.O. F.No. t-612016 (AMPC)
Sub: Complaint regarding award of degrees in collaboration with Foreign University 'Nottingham Trent University (NfU, United Kingdom by Pearl Academy func{ioning in Delhi, Nside, Jaipur and Mumbai.
It is hereby informed that Pearl Academy is not a "University" within the meaning of Section 2(f) or Section 3 of Urfiversity.Grants Commission Act 1956, but engagd in the business of offering various courses in Fashion designing, jewellery designing, textile designing and related businesses (including
undergraduate programmes, postgladuate programmes and diploma programmes). It has become a matter of grave corrcern as many students are becoming victims of the fraudulent act of the institution.
22(l) of the UGC Act, 1956 provides that the right of confening or granting degrees shall be exercised only by a University established or incorporated by or under a Central Act or a Provincial Act or a State Act or an institution Deemed to be an University under section 3 or an institution Section
specially empowered by an Act of Parliament to confer or grant degtees. Further, Section 22(2) of tlrc UGC Act, 1956 provides that no other person or authority shall confer, or grant, or hold himself or itselfout as entitled to confer or grant, any degree.
Section 24 of the UGC Act, 1956 deals with the punishment provision of Section 22 or 23 of the UGC Act, 1956.
for the contravention of
You are hereby informed that the Pearl Academy is not authorized to gant any degree either in a stand alone mode or in collaborarion with any foreign university. Such act is also violation of UGC regulations for "Promotion and Maintenance of Standards of Academic Collaboration between India and Foreign Educational Institutions, Regulations 2012 (copy enclosed).
You are hereby wamed to stop awarding any degree programme and not to enrol students for the coming academic session for any degree programmes & send the compliance report within two r)
Encls: As above
Mr. Sharad Mehra CEO Pearl Academy
A-2ll13, Naraina Industrial Area Phase-II, Near Shadipur Metro Station New Delhi-110028