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Our Vision for Transformational Learning


In our nurturing world, everyone’s unique experience is valued and embraced.


We stand for the limitless freedom to discover, create, imagine, and inspire this in others.


An inclusive space where learners experience the journey of becoming their true self. An acceptance of self and others as they are. Confident and independent, yet always mindful of others.


also helping students to better understand the challenges of project design, meeting customer needs and pitching their ideas effectively. Team Soulscape also connected us with Lisa Manser, the global operations director of COMO Shambala. Even with a five-hour time difference, Lisa supported their design by reviewing their scripts to guide meditation and helping the students to de - help young people meditate and focus, with the goal of improving wellness. You can learn more about their project at bit.ly/TeamSoulscape. One key aspect of the work was to access ongoing support from another incredible HTS partner, Imran Mouna, owner of the innovative company InStage. InStage creates interactive and immersive VR simulations designed to help people practice and develop communication skills. It is particularly focussed on helping people enter the workforce. He was an invaluable guide to the team, not only sharing his expertise as a software developer but velop a unique meditation experience.

Student-led, passion-driven project work is an authentic context for what some would describe as the “hidden curriculum ” the unwritten, unofficial, and often unintended lessons, values, and perspectives that students learn in school. Students are challenged to manage projects, negotiate team dynamics, track progress and ensure accountability from each team member. They provide and receive constructive and meaningful feedback from external experts and user groups, and meet professional expectations and responsibilities in order to achieve their goals.

To further prepare students for these opportunities, HTS is well on its way to building a full continuum of programming, starting with our very youngest learners. For example, in the Middle School, we have launched “interdisciplinary afternoons,” during which we introduce students to different challenges for them to solve together in groups. We coach them to use different frameworks, like Integrative Thinking (Rotman School of Management), Design Thinking (IDEO) and Project Based Learning (Buck Institute for Education). In the Lower School, students are encouraged to better understand who they are as learners and how they best acquire and measure that learning in the context of the “six C’s” (collaboration, communication, critical thinking, creativity, citizenship and character). In the Senior School, students are encouraged to launch initiatives and programs that are meaningful to them, and the HTS community has benefitted from this process through the introduction of new programs and initiatives, like Feminism for Change and the Passion Project Club.

I believe, without reservation, that we, as adults, owe our students every opportunity in this regard. Not only will it prepare them for the future, but it will provide us all with hope for a brighter tomorrow.

We are a borderless, inclusive global learning ecosystem where the world is the true classroom and the most rewarding, important learning is through experience. We inspire the courageous to expand their curiosity for the benefit of themselves and all of us.

HTS is an inclusive learning network where learners are inspired to become their best self. By experiencing self-discovery and connection, learners can ignite, explore, and fulfill their curiosity because HTS knows that transforming lives transforms the world.


Ours is a culture of respect and dignity, where we strive to walk in each other’s shoes.


HTS embraces openmindedness, fearlessly trying new things, and speaking your truth.

HTS learners are inspired by ideas and driven to know themselves, others, and the world. They embody the HTS belief that Curiosity changes everything—and when that curiosity is expanded, it leads to:

• A new, evolved perspective

• A greater sense of self in the context of others and the world

• Intellectual agility

• Ability to make meaningful change

• Creating with intention

• Development of character and values as the foundation to lifelong learning

HTS offers a world-class educational experience in every sense. But it’s the way we think about and build that experience — captured here in four fundamental approaches — that elevates it into the values-driven, character-shaping, personally transformational experience it has become for students from all walks of life.

BELONGING We’re not only open to who you are, we’re driven by you becoming it. With open access, opportunity, and advancement for every learner, HTS thrives on a diversity of perspectives and lived experiences as it strengthens our community.

CURATED EXPERIENCES One of the most powerful things you can do as learning professionals is to give agency and ownership over learning itself, its processes, pace and decisions, to our learners. This allows HTS to deliver intentional, curated experiences based on learners’ desires, strengths and curiosities.


A diploma isn’t enough: We seek to nurture and instill the skills, knowledge and disposition that will guide our students in all aspects of their lives, here and beyond. So ingrained in our learning experience are the HTS Six Competencies for Life: communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, character and citizenship.


As the the next generation of world citizens, our students face having to navigate life’s complexities, detours, and interconnectedness on a much greater scale than ever before. It calls for a learning experience that leaves them agile and adaptable for today’s world – to gain multiple levels of knowledge, the ability to own a broad perspective, and the development of a critical mind.

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