0014 teresa tran portfolio

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teresa tran


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teresa tran


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//curriculum vitae ter e s a tra n h u a tea s a . tk h u a . tea s a @g m a il . com

program proficiency

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adobe indesign cs6

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T E Rautocad E S A 2013T R A N

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hua.teasa@gmail .com revit 2013 huateasa.tk

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google sketchup 8 adobe photoshop cs6

rhinoceros 5

adobe illustrator cs6

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microsoft officecs6 adobe indesign

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autocad 2013


revit 2013 google sketchup 8 rhinoceros 5 microsoft office

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//curriculum vitae

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     ’       ’

                                                   

            

                     


            

                     

     ’       ’                                                

                        



                                                                     

∞ 

//content overlook

//content overlook

underground station //transit project


small street //queens quay e.


c. o. g. //city of gears


wire mesh figure //modelling


et cetera


∞ 

underground station // transit project

underground station // transit project

// an underground station located in the ottawa area is designed for adaptibility within the city. the station is a component in a series of stations for a new transit system. the station is intended to increase transit circulation in a growing urban area as well as promoting positive population and societal development.

∞ 

e n tr a n ce s al t ern a t i v e stra t eg i es o f co n st ru ct i o n tha t u l t i m a t el y integ ra t e i n t o the u n derg ro u n d st a t i o n .

w est en t ry ci rcu l a t i o n

n ew co n st ru ct i o n a s b a si s f o r a n t i ci p a t ed h i g h ri se resi den t i a l st ru ct u re p l a n n i n g i n t eg ra t i o n f o r t h e f u t u re

gr ad e ac ce ss

underground station // transit project gra de- l ev el en t ra n ces






gra de l evel p a rking site



ex i st i n g st ru ct u re





e a s t entr y circulation

c on s truction within an e xisting pa r k ing s tructure a d a p ti ng and integ ration into e x is ting conditions


gr ce ss













r st





∞ 

the s tation is div id ed into m ultiple ty pe s of s pa ces b e twe en the platf orm a nd concours e le vel : pub lic f are paid s e rv ic e platf orm

ar ea zone ar ea area

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

f a re g a t es

c on cou rs e l e v el

p l a tf orm l ev el

t h e st a t i o n s i s desi g n ed t o p ro v i de ea sy a ccessi b i l i t y a n d ci rcu l a t i o n co n t ro l t h ro u g h t h ese sp a ces b a sed o n p a ssen g er f l o w st u di es.

underground station // transit project




gra de

c on c ours e

ca ver n using t u n n el m ining t ech n i qu e

pla tf orm tra in p rofil e

station section

∞ 

small street // queens quay e toronto 

 

 




 





 


 



 

 

 


 




 

     

ea st do w n t o w n 


 





v i ct o ry so ya m i l l s si l o s h eri t a g e b u i l di n g

small street // queens quay e toronto

f u t u re dev el o p m en t

// a multi-unit residential building is designed to maximize unit exposure and space through the reduction of the core. situated between the gardiner expressway and lake ontario's shoreline, the unit finds itself undistracted by the city and instead, facing a vast and open view.

lak e ontar io

wa terfront devel op m ent

ex i st i n g ex i st i n g

ex ter ior a x on om e tric




t s tr







s ite p l a n

small street // queens quay e toronto

extent of core on exterior wa l l s

le v e l 0 4

l ev el 0 5

le v e l 0 2

l ev el 0 3

m i n i m i z ed co re desi g n a l l o w s f o r a ccess t o m u l t i p l e ex t eri o r u n i t s

∞ 

doubl e-hei g h t u n i t s

f l ex i b l e u n i t s 1 / 2 / 3 b edro o m l a yo u t s

g ro u n d f l o o r p l a n t n u rsery i n t eg ra t i o n

e x p l ode d a x on om e tric of u n its

small street // queens quay e toronto

outdoor p a tio

a ccessi b l e ro o f g a rden

va r y i ng units

v a ryi n g u n i t s

l obby

p l a n t n u rsery

e as t -w e s t section

n orth - s ou th s ec tion

∞ 

r oof g a rd e n p a tio v iew

small street // queens quay e toronto

∞ 

c.o.g. // city of gears installation

c.o.g. // city of gears installation

// an installation proposal formed to populate industrial lands through machines of mass production. by exploring human interaction with fabricated components, deserted areas can become repopulated public spaces unbound by time and space. a dju st a b l e h ei g h t

e l e v a tion

∞ 

co n n ect i o n p l a t e

reu sa b l e p ro du ct i o n : g ea r co m p o n en t s

h o l l o w cyl i n dri ca l st eel p o st

rotat i o n a l op era ting h a n dl e

e x p l ode d a x on om e tric assembly

c.o.g. // city of gears installation

s imple loc k - in- place attachme nt

b ack r es t plate

s e ating arrang e me nt

a ccesso ri es a l l o w f o r u n l i m i t ed f u n ct i o n a l ca p a b i l i t i es

e x p l ode d a x on om e tric b en c h de ta il

∞ 


a r r a n g em en t v a ria tion s u t i l i z i n g t h e l o g i c o f g ea r a ssem b l i es, i n f i n i t e v a ri a t i o n s ca n b e co m p l et ed.

t h e i n st a l l a t i o n b eco m es a n a ssem b l y t h a t h a s t h e a b i l i t y t o m u l t i p l y, a da p t , co n n ect a n d f u n ct i o n a s ei t h er o n e o r m a n y syst em s.


c.o.g. // city of gears installation



∞ 

solitary gear assembly in industrial lands

c.o.g. // city of gears installation

octagonal gear assembly in urban district

∞ 

wire mesh figure //

wire mesh figure //

// the figure is a study of balance and form in space, the tension points and their foundations.

∞ 

process: starting with wire mesh, moulded and rolled to create anatomical pieces different sizes and proportions studied limbs attached to abdomen insides inserted figure bound at two points on ends slim wooden base acquired figure pinned to base spray painted white

t o t a l h ei g h t : 23 0 m m

140 m m

b a se: 8 m m

wire mesh figure //

front elevation

side elevation

∞ 

//et cetera

//et cetera

beyond the definition of architecture: more than space more than materials //bhu ink on note paper &

//magnified photography

∞ 

the process //bound buffalo pencil crayon on illustration board

& //cut on sight graphite on note paper

//et cetera

∞ 

siting: the canvas //wei zhao pyrography & acrylic paint on wood

& //bee pencil crayon on wood

& //withering shrub photography

//et cetera

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