#StreetsAhead anti-litter campaign ( 2017 Impact report I Hubbub

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Streets Ahead is Hubbub’s answer to Brighton & Hove City Council’s request to stem the wave of litter in Brighton & Hove. Hubbub developed Streets Ahead as an anti-littering campaign for beaches, high streets and residential areas. We aimed to inspire local residents, businesses and community groups to act together against litter, and to create a legacy that lasts beyond our involvement.



Streets Ahead aims to: •

reinforce a sense of community pride

increase the commitment of the local business and community groups to work together to reduce litter and flytipping

improve the Council’s reputation as a council actively reducing litter, by generating a buzz and positive PR for Brighton & Hove City Council and its Cityclean team

build Cityclean’s ability to run engaging litter and fly-tipping reduction campaigns



• 2,000+ people engaged in activities • 249 people & partners promoted the campaign including Komedia Brighton, Juice 107.2, Cool Brighton, i360, Palace Pier, Brighton Gin, Cllr Warren Morgan and Cllr Emma Daniel • 11 community groups and 26 businesses participated in the campaign

• 20 pieces of press coverage with a reach of 3.7 million • Cityclean staff have delivered 3 more anti-littering activities in collaboration with local partners since



To gain insight into littering behaviours in Brighton & Hove, Hubbub and the Council undertook 300+ street interviews, observed over 1000+ people in six test sites and got 1500+ responses from an online survey. The findings were • 8 out of 10 Brighton residents said they were fed up with the amount of litter in Brighton & Hove • 88% of people thought there should be stricter fines for those who litter • 93% think litter ruins communities and neighbourhoods • 4 out of 10 people were observed littering rather than binning their waste • of all littering behaviour observed, three quarters littered cigarette butts • men were slightly more likely to litter than women • littering was most prevalent among the 25 to 34 age group

ENGAGEMENT The following slides create an overview of the activities undertaken to engage the local community, and encourage people to use the bin, not the pebbles, gutter or pavement.



To create a long-lasting impact in Brighton & Hove, the Council asked us to engage with staff to develop an anti-litter brand the team could implement in future. In total twenty members of staff got involved in the campaign, with a core team being closely involved in every campaign-phase.



To engage the local business community, Hubbub and the Council organised a roundtable event which provided local businesses with opportunities to participate in and promote the campaign. •

22 businesses attended the roundtable

• 18 businesses got involved in the campaign. 3GS allocated manpower to the research, i360 joined the beach clean, Brighton Pier installed campaign banners, and 15 businesses were featured in the community gallery


COMMUNITY GROUP ENGAGEMENT A roundtable event for local community groups was also organised. A survey was circulated and local groups were provided with participation opportunities & materials to promote the campaign. •

40 people attended the roundtable from 23 different community groups

• 13 community groups got involved with the campaign. Pier2Pier organised the beach clean, Refill and Surfers Against Sewage participated in the launch, and Jubilee Library hosted a voting bin • 10 community groups completed an online survey demonstrating a desire to collaborate with the Council



The media coverage highlights include: • 20 pieces of press coverage, comprising of 5 on TV & radio, 1 in print, 8 online & trade press. This coverage created 3.5 million opportunities to communicate the campaign • Tweets by 808 people resulting in 7,563,555 timeline deliveries and a reach of 1,940,339 • Cityclean’s Facebook post engagement went up by 841% compared to the week prior to the launch • All 20 articles were positive about the Council’s initiative

• View overview coverage here



To kick off the campaign and get as many people involved as possible we organised the UK’s first silent disco beach clean, in collaboration with Pier2Pier Beach Clean and the Council. This resulted in: • 88 people attending the beach clean • a growing community of people involved in beach cleans with 130 people participating in Hallowclean, the Council’s follow-up beach clean event and 250 people joining Great Britain’s Spring Clean in March

INTERVENTIONS Several interventions were put in place to reduce litter on the streets and beaches of Brighton & Hove. These applied behaviour techniques such as fun theory and competition to draw attention and nudge people to bin their litter.



28 bins on and around Brighton & Hove’s beach, and 70 bins around the High Street were made colourful & visible and transformed into media to share the following messages: • Thanks for binning your litter • 35% of fish in the sea have plastic in their gut

• 80% of litter in the sea comes from land • For Fish’s Sake, Bin your litter



To highlight Streets Ahead’s core messaging an art installation was created by the local company Craftwork. • Litter collected from Brighton & Hove's beaches was turned into a fish. • The installation communicated messaging like: ‘35% of fish in the sea have plastic in their gut’ and ‘For Fish’s Sake, bin your litter!’

• The installation was in situ for over two months on the beach promenade as well as in the city centre.



With thousands of people walking to and from the beach every day, we applied colourful vinyl with campaign messaging on two staircases, to remind people to take their litter home when leaving the beach.



Building on the Forest of Dean’s Trash Converter’s success we converted an icecream cart into a Trash Converter. •

1,537 people traded trash for treats in just three weekends

We gave away over 500 litter-related postcards, using designs provided by local artist Irene Soler

The Council still takes the Trash Converter out regularly to events and beach cleans



• To engage beachgoers on the fact that litter travels, and litter on the beaches is likely to end up in the sea, we employed two litter lifeguards. • Over two busy summer weekends the ‘litter rescue team’ rescued litter from the sea. This was done in a dramatic and comic way which attracted the attention of hundreds of beach-goers. • A video was made of the stunt and will be shared by Cityclean in the summer of 2018.



Two voting bins were created for Brighton & Hove to encourage the binning of litter. One bin was used at the launch of the campaign on the High Street, the other is manned and put out on the streets daily, by Jubilee Library.



The Ballot Bin has been demonstrated to reduce cigarette butt litter by 46%. To reduce cigarette litter in Brighton & Hove, 7 Ballot Bins were installed, creating interaction with questions such as: • Which do you prefer? Cats or Dogs • Will the Seagulls stay up? Yes or No



To generate attention for the campaign online, we created a short film in which a bottle is planted on the ground next to a bin. The film counts the number of people walking by the litter on the ground, and celebrates those who stop to pick up the bottle, and put it in the bin. The video has been viewed over 1,000 times on YouTube alone.



To build a sense of pride in the area we created a community gallery showcasing employees and businesses who care for their streets. Fifteen businesses participated and •

had their picture taken

shared a personal anti-littering message

displayed the campaign poster in their shop windows



To teach people that litter travels from the ground, to grates, into our waterways and eventually into the sea, three pieces of grate art were installed in the centre of Brighton & Hove. These were an effective tool to show the direct link between littering on the streets, and litter travelling into the sea being consumed by marine life.

LEARNINGS Did the campaign increase Cityclean staff’s ability to run engaging litter-reduction campaigns? And what lessons can be drawn from the community engagement process for similar campaigns?



After running this campaign together, Cityclean went on to: • Organise two more beach cleans, in collaboration with local community group Pier2Pier Beach Clean. • Develop a project to collect plastic bottle tops called ‘A drop in the ocean’, working together with staff businesses and visitors along the seafront. With the bottle tops the Council will create an installation for the seafront to raise awareness of plastic waste on the beach.



• Developing a campaign such as Streets Ahead can be a successful way of creating a positive buzz, and generating positive PR using income from enforcement • Positive messaging which encourages people to participate and help stem the wave of litter entering the sea, is more successful than the usual anti-litter messaging • To benefit from community group, artist and business enthusiasm, celebrate their actions and encourage them to continue undertaking activities by providing them with requested equipment and celebrating their actions

• Roundtables are a successful way of engaging businesses and community groups at the start of a litter-campaign • To secure continuous campaign activity, it is vital that the council builds relationships with local stakeholders such as artists and litter enthusiasts, ensuring long term creative input and community-participation


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