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WMA JOURNAL Issue 4 Autumn 2015

In this issue

Defence against Cybercrime The changing face of research 25 facts celebrating 25 years of the WMA Industry Statistics The importance of implementing a robust policy management programme

Issue 4 Autumn 2015


25 Facts Celebrating 25 Years: 1990–2015 1


In 1991, there were 3.3 million trades in the UK by full service wealth manager firms; in 2014 there were 6.43 million

In 1991, there were 3.7 million execution only trades in the UK; in 2014 there were 17.04 million


In 1994, APCIMS’ membership was expanded from only private client investment managers and stockbrokers to also including portfolio management firms whose clients are predominantly private investors


The association has been campaigning to the Chancellor for the removal of stamp duty on share trades since 1994




The FTSE WMA Growth, Income and Balanced Indices were launched in 1997


In 1999, only 83% of APCIMS members had a website; today all WMA members have a website


In 1998, APCIMS firms employed more than 12,000 people; today WMA firms employ about 30,000 staff

APCIMS/WMA launched the online “find a broker or wealth manager” facility in 1996, which still exists today In 1998, the year online trading launched, there were 7 million online trades in the UK; in 2013 there were over 10.5 million


APCIMS/WMA has had an Annual Conference every year for the last 18 years


APCIMS/WMA merged with the European Association of Securities Dealers (EASD) in 2002, and remained a joint association until 2008


In 2003, APCIMS/WMA member firms had £240 billion of client assets under management or administration; this figure is now over £670 billion

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In 2003, APCIMS responded to 21 consultations; in 2014, WMA responded to 25 consultations


APCIMS was rebranded as Wealth Management Association (WMA) in 2013

The FTSE WMA Conser vative and Global Growth Indices were launched in 2012


Wider Share Ownership Council (WSOC) launched in 2014

PCIMS/ 17 AWMA has had 6 Chairmen in its 25 year history

PCIMS/ The longest serving 18 AWMA 19 has CEO was Angela Knight, 20 had 6 CEOs in its 25 year history

who was CEO for over 9 years (1997-2006)

APCIMS/WMA have always operated on a strong committee structure since inception in 1990



The WMA is currently supported by more than 250 committee and advisory board members

Regulation has consistently been stated as one of the biggest concerns facing APCIMS/ WMA members


WMA staff visit key influencers in Europe at least once a month, and have been working with EU regulators and policymakers since inception


APCIMS/ WMA has regularly produced a directory of its members since inception in 1990


W M A member firms operate from over 580 sites in the UK, Ireland, Isle of Man, Channel Islands and international locations Issue 4 Autumn 2015


WMA 25th Anniversary Drinks Reception WMA welcomed over 300 guests to help celebrate its 25th anniversary held at the Paternoster Chop House, just steps from the London Stock Exchange from which the embryonic WMA emerged. The event brought together prominent guests including member firms, members of parliament, MEPs, media, regulators, government officials and other key industry figures. WMA CEO Liz Field started proceedings by discussing how for the last 25 years, the WMA has been working to ensure that political business and regulatory changes are appropriate and reflective of the needs of its members firms and through them the needs of the private investor. Guests then had a look back over the quarter century with a video showing WMA’s journey so far and heard from the first Chairman of APCIMS/WMA John Cobb and also its longest standing Chief Executive, Angela Knight. Paul Killik, Senior Partner at a member firm and a WMA board member then highlighted some of the key changes and developments in the wealth management industry over the last 25 years with fascinating insights from an individual who has been involved with APCIMS/WMA since the organisation began.

WMA welcomed over 300 guests to help celebrate its 25th anniversary held at the Paternoster Chop House, just steps from the London Stock Exchange from which the embryonic WMA emerged. The event brought together prominent guests including member firms, members of parliament, MEPs, media, regulators, government officials and other key industry figures. WMA CEO Liz Field started proceedings by discussing how for the last 25 years, the WMA has been working to ensure that political business and regulatory changes are appropriate and reflective of the needs of its members firms and through them the needs of the private investor. Guests then had a look back over the quarter century with a video showing WMA’s journey so far and heard from the first Chairman of APCIMS/WMA John Cobb and also its longest standing Chief Executive, Angela Knight. Paul Killik, Senior Partner at a member firm and a WMA board member then highlighted some of the key changes and developments in the wealth management industry over the last 25 years with fascinating insights from an individual who has been involved with APCIMS/WMA since the organisation began.

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Issue 4 Autumn 2015


Report designed by Cicero No responsibility for loss to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of any material contained in this publication can be accepted by the WMA, the author, publisher or printer. The views expressed by individual contributors are not necessarily those of the Association. Company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales. No 2991400. VAT registration 675 1363 26. Published for the WMA by WordWide London. Copyright WMA 2014.

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Issue 4 Autumn 2015


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