WMA Bulletin 23rd February 2016

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WMA Bulletin 23rd February 2016

Need to Know What's happened in our industry? EU Referendum vote set for 23rd June 2016

FCA Update to CRD IV

Following negotiations led by PM David

The FCA has recently updated its webpage

Cameron the Government has confirmed

on CRD IV. We would encourage firms to

that a public vote will be held on 23rd June

review the content of the webpage and the

on the contentious issue of Brexit.

relevant links. All firms, large and small,

As shown on the BBC, the Prime

should be aware that the FCA will be

Minister addressed the

placing greater focus on the Supervisory

Commons yesterday about the recent

Review and Evaluation Process (SREP)

treaty changes.

and Pillar 2 during 2016.


The Government also published this document yesterday outlining why the UK will be 'stronger, safer and better off by remaining as a member of a reformed EU'. This document is their official analysis of the UK’s relationship with the EU – as required to be published ahead of the referendum.

Benchmarks The completion of the Level 1 EU text on Benchmarks legislation, together with ESMA discussion paper on handling the Level 2 issues, has refocused WMA attention on this area. Unfortunately, the post-Trilogue Level 1 text contained not the Parliamentary version of the definitions of

Joint Money Laundering Steering Group (JMLSG)

who and what should be regulated (which

Editorial Panel

broader Council definitions.

The JMLSG Editorial Panel met on 10th February and identified sections of the Guidance to begin redrafting in light of changes from the Level 1 language of the 4AMLD/R. The process will take some time and priority and sequencing, as well as the final substantive texts, have to be approved

were favourable to the WMA) but the much This reflected rear-guard action by the French Government who believe that even the smallest index should be included in order to prevent manipulation. The result is that we are working out action to prevent WMA from having to become an authorised entity in order to continue with

by the JMLSG Board. The Panel

the retail indices, and analysing the

expressed concern at the proposal of the

documentation more generally to ensure

Commission to bring forward the date of

member firms can continue using

implementation of the new law to the end of

benchmarks as before.

2016. Representations may be made about this.

What's happened in WMA? First Millennial Forum Debate

New Online Fraud Tool A new online fraud awareness tool is

On Monday 22nd February the WMA held

available on our website. This tool has

the first of their workshops for the Millennial

been developed by a group of firms for the

Forum. Our firms’ participants were spilt

benefit of the whole financial services

into 4 groups of 6-7 where they were given

community – share the knowledge and

topics to consider and encouraged to

download it here.

debate the issues for Millennials with the end objective of presenting their findings in

Prospectus Directive Review

front of a panel of industry experts.

John Barrass visited Brussels on 16/17th

Participants, who had an average of 12

February to speak to all the Shadow

years’ experience, demonstrated

Rapporteurs in the European Parliament

enthusiasm and a genuine interest in

dealing with the Prospectus Directive

debating the issues impacting the Millennial

Review, and to key national delegations,

generation. We look forward to facilitating

such as the Germans, about the same

the second workshop at our forum in April.

issue. The aim was to reinforce our support for the

EU Regulatory Framework for

European Commission’s proposal for the

Financial Services

abolition of the €100,000 denomination

We have submitted our response to the

threshold for corporate bonds, and to

European Commission’s call for evidence

ensure that the majority of Parliamentarians

on the EU regulatory framework for

and member state governments would back

Financial Services, it can be found on our

this position against counter lobbying by the

website in the news area. We are

wholesale markets who see it as

continuing work under the auspices of the

threatening the position they have built up

International Regulatory Strategy Group

around the prospectus exemption for large

(IRSG) to gather and submit further

denomination issues that the threshold

substantive evidence for the European


Commission’s consideration.

Our view, shared by HMT and the FCA, is that retail investors must have equal access

Bulletin Now Available Online If you missed the latest issue of Bulletin or would like to view past editions you can now find them online in the news section of our website.

to good quality corporate bonds.

Coming Up What's coming up in our industry? Transparency of Trilogues

Brussels: Green Paper and

We are working on a response to the

Cumulative Impact Assessment

European Ombudsman’s consultation on the transparency of trilogues. We've often highlighted their opaqueness, most recently during a Treasury Select Committee hearing regarding the economic and financial costs and benefits of the UK’s EU membership. The response will reiterate these concerns.

There will be a further visit to Brussels on 24th February by John Barrass to discuss with the European Commission the outcome and next steps of their assessment of the cumulative impact of regulation on the WMA financial services sector, and the state of play on the Green Paper on Retail Financial Services.


The purpose will be to ensure that our

Defaqto will be holding a Conference in

views of how the retail financial services

Birmingham on 25th February on pensions

markets in the EU should be handled

and the Wealth Management industry.

remain uppermost in the minds of the

Many WMA members will be present and

European authorities. There will be a

Sanlam Private Wealth will present a

Public Hearing on the Green Paper in

pensions paper reflecting work with the

Brussels on 2nd March. WMA will attend.

WMA on the position of our sector on how personal pensions should be handled by the Government. John Barrass will be attending and speaking for the WMA.

What's coming up in WMA? Brexit

Private Banking Working

As the date for a UK referendum on EU

Group (PBWG)

membership draws nearer, the WMA is

We have begun work with the International

working on holding a public debate on the

Capital Markets Association (ICMA), whose

Brexit issue just before with speakers for

membership includes a large number of

and against a motion and a live audience

Swiss Private Banks, on breathing life back

who will be asked to vote before and after

into the PBWG in order to bring together

the debate has taken place.

more coherently the views of institutions in

We will also hold an in-house discussion

different European countries serving the

among members to establish their different

same consumer interests. The aim is to

views on the possible consequences for

create a more powerful European lobby

WMA businesses of remaining in the EU or

base to influence the EU authorities as they

voting to leave it, and will aim to publish the

develop thinking about the European retail

anonymised summary results in a WMA

financial services markets in their Green

position paper. This will go some way

Paper on retail financial services and in

towards meeting the Treasury Select

their forthcoming review of retail financial

Committee expectation that there should be

advice and distribution across EU member

contingency planning by financial sector


associations and their members about what to do in the event of the UK leaving the EU.

WMA Insight 360: The Client Experience

WMA Investment Conference

The first WMA Insight 360 event for 2016


will take place on Thursday 10th March.

The WMA Investment Conference seeks to

This insight series will be used to discuss

tackle topics of direct interest and relevance

what we, as an industry, are doing to

to our member firms’ front office

improve the client experience for the end

professionals. Last year’s event was

investor. The panel will consist of SMEs on

attended by delegates ranging from CEOs

the topic of Client Experience who will

to CIOs, portfolio managers to investment

share their insights and debate the

strategists, relationship managers to

challenges the wealth management

graduate trainees. Book online now to

industry faces. To ensure you don’t miss

secure your place.

out, book your place now through our new online events area.

If you have forgotten or do not have your WMA log in details, please contact us at enquiries@thewma.co.uk. Wealth Management Association (WMA) 22 City Road Finsbury Square London EC1Y 2AJ

Website: www.thewma.co.uk Email: enquiries@thewma.co.uk Tel. (+ 44) 20 7448 7100

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