Marissa Kuhlewein A Queensland-based journalist, Marisa has worked for national and international media organisations. She enjoys all things art, travel and photography, and in her spare time loves to hike. In Culture Corner, Marisa speaks to Anne Crawford on why a passion for words and horses has worked so well for this Australian author and journalist.
Amanda Mac Amanda has had two lifelong love affairs: one with horses, and the other with writing. Now she happily combines both passions as the editor of HorseVibes. In this issue, she chats to champion showjumper Olivia Hamood on why there are always pluses and minuses, and then finds out what it takes to face down your fears.
Ian Lancaster Ian, a master saddler, has been crafting beautiful saddles of all descriptions for the past 40 years. He is the only saddler to have won the Overall Showcase of Excellence at the Melbourne Royal, and in this issue’s On My Tackbox shares some valuable saddle fitting tips, along with some of his pet peeves.
Geoff McLean A horse-lover since age eight, Geoff is a freelance journalist, photographer and consultant with a passion for horse sports. His great joys in life include family, his dogs, cooking, gardening and cycling. In this issue, he reports on the Remi Stud Young Rider Scholarship, awarded to Elise Payne at the recent Saddlefitter Brisbane CDN.
Victoria Ferguson A member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society and the International Institute for Complementary Therapists, Victoria is an author, an EA Level 2 dressage coach, and for 20 years has been an advocate and practitioner of herbal medicine for horses. In this issue she shares ex-racehorse Aussie Bob’s extraordinary healing journey.
N.G. Quinlan N.G. Quinlan, otherwise known as ‘Q’, is a writer, musician and poet. A resident of the Northern Rivers of NSW, he has been contributing to HorseVibes since August 2019. So, with the Spring Racing Carnival in full swing, what better subjects for his Perfect Partners article than the indomitable Winx and jockey Hugh Bowman. 6 | HORSEVIBES NOV/DEC 2020
Charlie Brister Regular columnist Charlie is an allround horseman whose expertise is in re-training problem horses, as well as coaching riders in the art of cross country, show jumping and dressage. In this issue we share the second instalment of Charlie’s three-part series, in which he explores the benefits of lunging for both horse and rider.
Alex Townsend Alex and husband Derek Pascoe are owners of well-known Wallaby Hill Farm. Alex manages the property and is the Event Director for Wallaby Hill International Horse Trials. She is also a 4* Eventer, a Level II Eventing Instructor and a Coach Educator – and yet still found the time to answer our 20 Questions!