From the Horse’s Mouth
to check out Equathon. Owned and operated by Alex and Rebecca Watson (you may remember Alex as an Olympic pentathlete), Equathon is a fabulous riding holiday destination tucked away on Queensland’s glorious Sunshine Coast. And in her Life After Racing column another of our regular contributors,
With Fiona Todd
Jo McKinnon, chats to Rebecca Farrow about her stunning OTT horse Stage Presence, aka Percy, and his
And that’s a wrap!
successful transition to the show ring.
elivering Dreams 2020 has come to a close and we have not just one, but two
November being the month of the Melbourne Cup and all things Spring Carnival, it seems fitting that the
very worthy scholarship recipients. In
amazing Winx and Hugh Bowman are
this issue we introduce you to our
N. G. Quinlan’s Perfect Partners. We
awardees and our nine amazing finalists.
also feature the majestic Thoroughbred
The HorseVibes Delivering Dreams
as this month’s breed article.
Scholarship is designed to help riders
Have you ever considered what goes
who are committed to constantly refining
into making a bespoke saddle? Master
and improving their equestrian skills, who have a heart to give back to their community, and who are prepared to do what it takes to achieve their goals. Read their stories, be inspired, and take the opportunity to put your nomination
saddler Ian Lancaster mounts his Charlie Brister has plenty of great lunging advice in the second of his three part series, as well as putting 20 carefully considered questions
forward in Round 1 of the 2021
to Wallaby Hill’s Alex Townsend.
Delivering Dreams Scholarship.
Editor Amanda Mac talks to Alex and
On the subject of scholarships, Geoff
Leigh Crabb from Burilda Park about
McLean reports on this year’s Remi Scholarship and it’s very worthy recipient. Our collective hats are off to the amazing Cheryl O’Brien for putting
their popular mindfulness training program. And heads up, we have a subscription to their online program to give away to one of our lucky
this together every year and enriching
Equestrian Hub platinum members!
the life of one lucky rider. Cheryl is one
Larissa Bilston gives us the low
of those people whom I greatly admire. Well, this issue is the last for 2020, and how fitting that after what has been a horrible year for our readers, our equestrian business
down on feeding the older horse in our regular nutrition feature, and learn how Victoria Ferguson helped badly injured ex-racehorse Aussie Bob to come back from the brink
friends, and the wider community,
and enjoy a new lease on life.
it’s the biggest and brightest issue
Regular columnist Christine Armishaw
we have ever put together! We turn the spotlight on Olivia Hamood, one of my favourite show jumpers. She’s someone who has worked hard to establish her family’s brand and to
has a few things to say about whips and spurs, and also talks Training
Tackbox to talk about his craft, while Victorian Young Rider Phoebe Roche shares the story behind her success. But there’s so much more to enjoy! Don’t miss the Saddle Review, Culture Corner, and, gracing our pages for the last time, The Horse Listener. We hope that they enjoy their new stable. Plus, if you’re a bit stuck when it comes to choosing the perfect gift for your equestrian buddy, the Equestrian Hub team are more than happy to share what’s on their Christmas wish lists this year. And finally, to all our wonderful readers, advertisers, and contributors, thank you for the part you’ve played in helping make HorseVibes the great publication it is today. I’d like to wish every one of you a fantastic Christmas and New Year (well, it has to be better than 2020, right?). So, as usual, pour your favourite tipple, relax and enjoy, and we’ll see you all on the other side.
Tips with endurance rider Rebecca Radny. Bec is the consummate professional in all things endurance!
produce horses of exceptional talent
Sonia Caerio Alvarez takes off on
who consistently perform at their peak.
another virtual adventure, this time H O R S E V I B E S . C O M . AU | 9