ESPP Senior Thesis Writers This spring, four ESPP students presented their senior thesis research, the culmination of a year’s worth of research efforts, to a room of peers, faculty and family members. Each year, the ESPP Board of Tutors chooses one student to receieve the Senior Thesis Prize—and this year, Patrick Dowling earned that honor. We wish all our graduating ESPP students much luck as they begin their future endeavors!
Jacob Bradt, “A Room with a View:” Examining Changes in the Marginal Implicit Price
of Flood Risk in Coastal Housing Markets Using the Hedonic Price Function
New Home for ESPP ESPP, administratively housed in the Harvard University Center for the Environment (HUCE), is getting a facelift. HUCE is constructing a new space on the north and western corner of the 4th floor of the Harvard Museum of Natural History, located at 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge. See the above photo for a rendering of the spacial boundaries. The new space, roughly three times larger then the current Center space, features ample room for research groups, faculty and student offices, staff offices, and larger seminar rooms for speakers and special events. Currently under construction (see below photo), the space is expected to be ready in late August. Please feel free to visit our new offices if you ever find yourself back in the Cambridge area. Photos by Alex Griswold, HUCE
Patrick Dowling, A Spatial Analysis of Global, National, and Regional Oil and Gas Methane Emission Inventories and A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Reducing Emissions from Natural Gas Production Terilyn Chen, Using Environmental Statues to Sue for Animal Welfare Benefits Harold Eyster, Invader Success and Changing Climate: Comparisons in the Native and Introduced Range of Seven Plant Species
Photos (clockwise from top left): Patrick Dowling; Terilyn Chen; Senior thesis writers pose with Professor Paul Moorcroft, second from left; Harold Eyster explains his poster to Professor James McCarthy; Jacob Bradt discusses his thesis with Professor Richard Forman.
JULY 2016
Dear Alumni: It is hard to believe that more than a year has passed since our alumni gathering in Cambridge. At that event, numerous attendees voiced their interest in holding additional follow-up events. In response, in April we hosted a talk and reception at the Harvard Club of New York for 50 alumni and students. Robert Stavins, Albert Pratt Professor of Business and Governmental at the Harvard Kennedy School, delivered a talk for attendees “The Paris Agreement: Climate Change Policy in the Post-2020 World.” More about this event can be found on page 2. We hope to host future alumni gatherings—and the best way to stay appraised of event details is by connecting with us on our social media sites. More on that in the sidebar (right). We hope you will continue to engage with our community, keep us updated on your career path and endeavors, and participate in future alumni events. In this fourth edition of the ESPP Alumni Letter, we profile two ESPP alumni, Elizabeth Lewis ’01 and Gernot Wagner ’02. Please read more about them and their careers inside. On page 4, we are also happy to feature this year’s senior thesis writers, who presented their work at an event this spring. We have included some photos from our annual commencement reception as well. We also have news on the physical space of the ESPP administrative offices, housed in the Harvard University Center for the Environment. Visit page 4 for details on our new home, currently under construction— please visit us in our new space if you are in the Cambridge area. I will be on sabbatical in 2016-17, and Professor N. Michele Holbrook (pictured right) will serve as Chair/Head Tutor in ESPP during my absence. Please welcome her in this role. I hope you enjoy the newsletter and best wishes for a productive, enjoyable summer.
Paul Moorcroft, Chair On behalf of the ESPP Board of Tutors
Connect with Our Community Via SocialGo Last year, ESPP launched a new social media website to spark connections between current students, alumni, and ESPP faculty. Open only to our community, this site allows you to create a profile, connect with other members, and view job/internship postings, photos from our events, and more. You can find the website via this URL: WWW.HARVARD-ESPP.NETWORKMAKER.COM
Via LinkedIn We have created a new LinkedIn Group for ESPP current and former students. Again, this closed group is only open to our community, and can be accessed via HTTPS://WWW.LINKEDIN.COM/ GROUPS/4925975. Once you connect with us, we will approve your request. Once a member of our group, feel free to view the profiles of other members, and connect/network with them. We will also post event and job opportunities to the conversation board on the Group’s homepage. We look forward to engaging with more alumni through these social media tools. If you have any questions, please contact Lorraine Maffeo, ESPP Coordinator, via email at