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An EXAMINER publication
KIRKLEES BUSINESS NEWS The business NEWSpaper for Kirklees
By HENRYK ZIENTEK Business Reporter henryk.zientek@examiner.co.uk
The need to bring fresh talent into the vital field of supply chain management has led some of the UK’s best-known retail companies to support an innovative Huddersfield University degree programme. Through the NOVUS scheme, students receive mentoring from leading executives, go on paid work placement and can also be guaranteed a job on graduation. And soon there will be extra opportunities for ambitious students, when a new supply chain course – with a subtly different emphasis, but offering the same career-boosting potential – is launched alongside the existing degree. Retailers now backing the scheme include Marks & Spencer, John Lewis, Sainsbury’s, Dixons, Halfords, Wickes, Argos and ASOS. They are an important addition to an already impressive roster of manufacturing and logistics companies supporting the NOVUS Trust, which aims to attract and develop new talent through specialist courses offered in partnership with Huddersfield University. The existing BSc (Hons) Logistics and Supply Chain Management degree course was launched at the start of the current academic year. The first cohort of students – who were selected for the course after successfully passing through an assessment centre conducted by industry experts – have already received mentoring and several will go on paid work placement during the summer. One student has been invited by his mentor to attend and observe board meetings at retail giant Dixons.
■■ Major names like Marks & Spencer, Argos, Halfords and Sainsbury’s are among organisations partnering Huddersfield University’s new degree programme
The new academic year will see the launch of a second Huddersfield University degree course under the aegis of the NOVUS Trust – a BA (Hons) in Business with Supply Chain Management. This will have some crossover with the existing logistics and supply chain management course, but will appeal to students will different aptitudes, according to David Leach, a senior lecturer in supply chain management at the university and programme director for the trust. He said: “If their personal leadership and team working skills are their strength, then they should go for Business with Supply Chain Management. “If they are interested in taking analytical capabilities to a high level, then the Logistics and Supply Chain Management route is a better, more technical course.” Mr Leach said students will be advised which route to take when they apply for a NOVUS Trust course.
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Once accepted, students enjoy benefits that include guaranteed work experience, paid 12-month placement, mentoring from industry professionals, industry-led seminars and the opportunity to study for additional professional qualifications. “Best of all is the job on graduation, guaranteed to students that achieve a minimum 2:1 degree classification and a satisfactory reference from their placement,” said Mr Leach. Backers of the NOVUS scheme now included grocery, fashion, consumer electronics, DIY and general merchandise retailers – with both store-based and online channels represented. “Combined with manufacturers in food, consumer goods, automotive, construction materials and a host of specialist distribution companies, industry support now spans most sectors of the economy,” said Mr Leach. “This demonstrates that supply chain
■■ David Leach, senior lecturer in supply chain management at the university
management is now at the top of the corporate agenda and the eagerness of business to attract new talent in this field. “The new support has enabled us to expand the number of places for 2014 entry – interested candidates should contact us without delay.” The NOVUS Trust scheme is open to applications from candidates with at least three B grades at A-Level. Applicants then take part in an industry-led assessment to gain a place. Contact logistics@hud.ac.uk, phone 01484 473346 or visit the NOVUS Trust website www.novus.uk.com
Agency award
An international recruitment agency has scooped one of most hotly-contested awards in the sector. Brighouse-based Transline Group was named Best Temporary Recruitment Agency at the Recruiter Awards for Excellence 2014 after a panel of independent judges decided that the company had “really struck a chord with their entry”. The group was commended for adding “outstanding value” to its business partnerships, its commitment to innovation and its own strong business performance, which put it head and shoulders above its rivals. Full Story - Page 8
Retail giants sold on uni’s new degree programme
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Let’s go ‘Poolside liverpool is hosting the International Festival of Business – and Kirklees firms are all invited to take part in the biggest event of its kind since the Festival of Britain. Full Story - Page 5