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KIRKLEES BUSINESS NEWS The business NEWSpaper for Kirklees
Gas detector wins international prize A KIRKLEES businessman has won a prestigious international award – after his firm developed a life-saving gas detection system. Simon Simpson, commercial director of Flowtech Controls, collected the innovation award at the annual Institution of Engineering and Technology Awards in London. The award was made for the c o m p a ny ’s n e w c a r b o n monoxide and combustible gas detection system for residential properties. The system – which is the first of its kind – alerts residents and automatically shuts off the gas supply in the event of a leak, an area where traditional detection systems provide insufficient protection against poisonous gas fumes and explosions. The innovation was primarily developed to focus on protecting vulnerable members of the community and those with
a duty of care over occupiers. Mr Simpson who was instrumental in the development of the system, said: “As a fairly small company with our first product, we are really proud and flattered that an industry body as prestigious as the IET has recognised our innovation over and above the other shortlisted entries and we hope this will inspire others to enter in the years to come. “We are now embarking on the next stage of our development to create a product that will cut off gas supply once smoke is detected as well as carbon monoxide.” The company’s outstanding success for its product was against a record number of international entries – offering industry innovators worldwide a unique opportunity to demonstrate their innovations and imagination as they tackle local, economic
and social challenges. Flowtech Control, which is part of the Peerless Controls Group, beat several major companies and organisations to win the award. The system uses a new range of detectors which in addition to the required visual and audible alarms, also send a wireless signal to a control panel when pre-set levels of gas are reached. This in turn closes the gas supply to prevent further build up. The IET Innovation Awards recognise the most innovative companies operating in a wide variety of engineering and technology disciplines. Fifteen categories included asset management, transport, telecommunications and product design. The awards ceremony at the Brewery, London, was hosted by TV presenter Suzi Perry.
“There is also an increase in individuals looking to set up on a part-time basis over a six to 12-month period to test the water before committing to full time.” Latest figures from the centre showed that more than 60% of all inquiries were from people thinking of starting a business. Accessing funding remains a key need for these customers while help with business plans and cash flow forecasting, sales and marketing and web creation also remain popular. There was a rise in calls from established businesses and inquiries about debt and insolvency. Business Link offers a wide range of help and support about managing cash flow and debt – including inform-
Two more join panel TWO successful Huddersfield entrepreneurs have joined the line-up for a major business conference in the new year. Ajaz Ahmed, founder of revolutionary internet provider Freeserve and James Sommerville, co-founder of creative agency ATTIK, have both agreed to join Huddersfield Town chairman Dean Hoyle on the Billion Pound Panel, which will take place at The Yorkshire Mafia Conference, which will be held in March.
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■ WINNER: Simon Simpson and TV presenter Suzi Perry
Home-based businesses are back in fashion INCREASING numbers of people in Yorkshire are looking to set up low overhead, small service sector businesses in the New Year, says a report. Factors like the unprecedented bad weather, job losses, public spending cuts and January’s VAT rise are all combining to make aspiring businesses and entrepreneurs take a cautious approach. As a result, Business Link said there had been a resurgence of interest in starting small businesses from home – such as accountants and virtual PAs. Karen Marsden, head of Business Link Yorkshire’s customer information centre, said: “We are seeing a trend in pre-starts wanting to set up service sector businesses, involving minimal overheads.
ation, advice workshops and accessing expert help from professionals such as accountants and lawyers when needed. The service also has information about setting up and running a business from home. Other trends reported by Business Link include more inquiries about putting together a business plan, followed by options for financing a new business or developing an existing one, finding training to increase skills among staff and help the business diversify into new markets, and drawing up contracts of employment. Queries about sales and marketing remain popular – particularly in terms of finding new customers. Calls about websites and online shopping carts to
enable e-commerce have also risen. Business Link Yorkshire is urging businesses to take advantage of the free help it offers, particularly through its customer information centre, which deals with a huge range of inquiries. In the New Year, businesses will continue to have access to expertise from the service after the government extended its contract into 2011. Helen West, chief executive, said: “Our staff have done fantastic work over the past two and a half years – and the quality and impact of the services delivered has increased steadily month on month – evidenced by a customer satisfaction rating of 90%.” Call Business Link Yorkshire on 08456 048048 or visit the website on
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Stars on the stage BUSINESS transformation firm Insight with Passion has got a top rating after delivering its latest seminar. Kate Hardcastle and Richard Gomersall, partners at the Barkisland-based firm, were the star speakers at the Keeping Business Local Expo, held in Oxford.
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